The meaning of Mamaev's invasion in the reference book on phraseology. Mamaev's invasion

Iron. About the unexpected appearance of numerous and unpleasant guests, visitors, etc. The heads of the districts were hastily called, received prompt suggestions and rushed to their areas to create order or disorder... What was not done at this time... Thunder, lightning... Herod's massacre of the infants and Mamaev's invasion(Kuprin. Dad). - After the name of the Tatar Khan Mamai, who committed in the 14th century. devastating invasion of Rus' and defeated by the Russians in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380).

  • - see Invasion...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - that Chaotic fight; defeat This refers to major destruction or disorder caused by a person or group of people. Spoken with disapproval. speech standard. ✦ X staged Mamaev’s massacre...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - Razg. Major quarrel, fight; disorder, destruction. DP, 582; FSRY, 325; BTS, 518; ZS 1996, 352; Mokienko 1986, 33-34; BMS 1998, 453...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - ...
  • - Etc. O...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - INVASION, -I, cf. An enemy invasion of a country, as well as a violent invasion in general. N. Napoleon. N. enemy hordes. N. locust. N. guests...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - INVASION, invasions, cf. Enemy invasion of a country. Batu's invasion of ancient Rus' in the 13th century. Invasion of the French in 1812 || trans. An unexpected appearance, an influx of someone somewhere...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - invasion I Wed. 1. Invasion of enemy masses into the country. 2. transfer decomposition An unexpected appearance, the arrival of someone. II Wed. The appearance of someone - animals, fish, insects, etc. - in any quantity...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - mom "aevo pob" oishche, mom "aeva pob"...
  • - our"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - a fierce fight, defeat Mamai - a cruel Tatar commander and destroyer, completely defeated in the battle on the Kulikovo field...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - a fierce fight and defeat. Explanation Mamai is a cruel Tatar commander and destroyer, defeated on his head in the battle on the Kulikovo field...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Iron. About the unexpected appearance of numerous and unpleasant guests, visitors, etc. The heads of the districts were hastily called, received prompt suggestions and rushed to their areas to put things in order or...
  • - Razg. Express Noisy, large fight or quarrel; mess in the house. - Well, you can imagine what started here: they don’t recognize each other, shooting, chaos - Mama’s massacre...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - It was as if Mamai was at war in their house...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - battle, disorder, fight,...

    Synonym dictionary

"Mamaev's invasion" in books


The Massacre of Mamayev on the anniversary of the October Revolution When someone tries to explain the mutual dislike of neighboring peoples, I remember the enmity of the military branches of the army of one state. The need for hatred is inherent in the nature of people, and they look for a reason for enmity in the differences between themselves and those with whom

The Massacre of Mamayevo on the anniversary of October

From the book Life and Extraordinary Adventures of the Writer Voinovich (told by himself) author Voinovich Vladimir Nikolaevich

The Massacre of Mamayevo on the anniversary of October

From the author's book

The Massacre of Mamayev on the anniversary of the October Revolution When someone tries to explain the mutual dislike of neighboring peoples, I remember the enmity of the military branches of the army of one state. The need for hatred is inherent in the nature of people, and they look for reasons for enmity in the differences between themselves and those with whom

The Massacre of Mamayevo on the anniversary of October

From the book Self-Portrait: The Novel of My Life author Voinovich Vladimir Nikolaevich

The Massacre of Mamayev on the anniversary of the October Revolution When someone tries to explain the mutual dislike of neighboring peoples, I remember the enmity of the military branches of the army of one state. The need for hatred is inherent in the nature of people, and they look for reasons for enmity in the differences between themselves and those with whom

Mamayevo massacre

From the book of the Russian Head of State. Outstanding rulers that the whole country should know about author Lubchenkov Yuri Nikolaevich

Mamai's Massacre In the wide open spaces of the Trans-Volga steppes, the Tatar army has gathered, ready for a raid, and at his headquarters Mamai gathers the Horde leaders, He keeps his proud word to them: “Moscow has forgotten Batya’s days; Its princes are daring and brave. Let them now know again how much


From the book Caesar author Gevorkyan Eduard

Invasion By this time, the functioning mechanism of the republic was a completely viable three-member structure. At the very top was the Senate of three hundred senators. First on their list was the eldest, who was called princeps. Him


From the book Falcons by Trotsky author Barmin Alexander Grigorievich

6. INVASION With the onset of winter, life became more difficult. In Russia, the Bolsheviks had already been in power for three months. Any day now we expected news of their overthrow. Trotsky conducted negotiations in Brest-Litovsk. We, the youth, discussed this situation with interest. She seemed very


From the book One Life, Two Worlds author Alekseeva Nina Ivanovna

Invasion The Germans moved without stopping and captured Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, and Bessarabia with lightning speed. Fighting has already taken place in Belarus and Ukraine. The people greeted the Germans with bread and salt. The confusion was such that it seemed that the army was not retreating, but was running in panic. They got it

The Massacre of Mamayev: a history lesson

From the author's book

The Massacre of Mamaev: a history lesson At first, things were sad. A feat is always preceded by a tragedy. In 1223, the Russians (stood up for their Cuman relatives and) gave battle to the Mongol invaders on the Kalka River. It was a tragic story (one Prince Mstislav died, another

Mamayevo massacre

From the book Bylina. Historical songs. Ballads author author unknown

Mamai's massacre Because of the sea, the blue sea, Because of the same high mountains, Because of the same dark forests, Because of the same eastern side, Not a dark cloud rose - With force Mamai fights Against the same red Kyiv - The city wants to take the red city of Kyiv. And he took strength for himself

Mamayevo massacre

From the book 10 myths of Ancient Rus'. Anti-Bushkov, anti-Zadornov, anti-Prozorov author Eliseev Mikhail Borisovich

The Massacre of Mamayev Myth tenth. “And on the Kulikovo field, the freedom of Rus' was achieved with the blessing of Sergius of Radonezh and the feat of the monk Alexander Peresvet. Where were the pagans? Surprising as it may seem, they were on the Kulikovo Field. Yes, and with Sergius of Radonezh and two

Mamaev's Massacre: school version

From the book Mysteries of the Kulikov Field author Zvyagin Yuri Yurievich

The Massacre of Mamayev: school version This is approximately how what is called the Battle of Kulikovo could have happened. But we are accustomed to a completely different story. Like this: “In 1380, Mamai began to prepare a new campaign against Rus'. He wanted to completely restore the power of the Golden Horde over


From the book Saints and Powers author Skrynnikov Ruslan Grigorievich

MAMAYEVO MASSACRE In the summer of 1379, events took place in Moscow that darkened the “golden age” of the boyars. On August 30, shortly before lunch, “Ivan Vasilyev, the son of a thousand, was killed: he was killed with a sword on the Kuchkovo field near the city near Moscow by order of the great Prince Dmitry Ivanovich.” Running to


From the book The Epoch of the Battle of Kulikovo author Bykov Alexander Vladimirovich

MAMAYEV’S MASSACRE “Here,” Dmitry handed Mikhail Brenk his pointed, gilded princely helmet. - Stand strong, don’t disgrace me. From there,” he gestured with his hand to the army being built on the field, “they will see not Mikhail Brenok, but a Moscow soldier dressed in the gilded armor

7. Invasion of the Gauls and the biblical invasion of the Philistines Bridge over the river separating the opponents Duel on the bridge

From the author's book

7. Invasion of the Gauls and the biblical invasion of the Philistines Bridge over the river separating the opponents Duel on the bridge 1) Titus Livy reports that it was the Gauls who attacked the Romans. It talks about the “GALLIC INVASION”, see above. In response to the Gaulish invasion, the Romans gather an army,

The meaning of MAMAEV INVASION in the Phraseology Directory


unexpected appearance of numerous and unpleasant guests and visitors. Mamaevo - on behalf of the Tatar Khan Mamai, who carried out a devastating invasion of Rus' in the 14th century.

Handbook of phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what MAMAEV INVASION is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • INVASION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -I, Wed. An enemy invasion of a country, as well as a violent invasion in general. N. Napoleon. N. enemy hordes. N locusts. N. ...
  • INVASION in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    our"stv, our"stv, our"stv, our"stv, our"stv, our"stv, our"stv, our"stv, our"tv, our"tv, our"tv,...
  • INVASION in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: see invasion, see...
  • INVASION in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: see invasion, see...
  • INVASION in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see war,...
  • INVASION in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: see invasion, see...
  • INVASION in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    Wed 1) Invasion of enemy masses into the country. 2) transfer decomposition An unexpected appearance, the arrival of someone. 3) transfer Appearing in large numbers...
  • INVASION in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • INVASION in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • INVASION in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    ! enemy invasion of N. Napoleon's country. N. enemy hordes. N. locust. N. guests (translated; joking). invasion and also...
  • INVASION in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    invasions, cf. Enemy invasion of the country (book). Batu's invasion of ancient Rus' in the 13th century. The French invasion in 1812...
  • INVASION in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    invasion cf. 1) Invasion of enemy masses into the country. 2) transfer decomposition An unexpected appearance, the arrival of someone. 3) transfer Appearing in a big...
  • INVASION in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    Wed 1. Invasion of enemy masses into the country. 2. transfer decomposition An unexpected appearance, the arrival of someone. 3. transfer Appearing in large numbers...
  • INVASION in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I Wed. 1. Invasion of enemy masses into the country. 2. transfer decomposition An unexpected appearance, the arrival of someone. II Wed. The appearance of someone...
  • MAMAYEVO MASSACRE in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • MAMAYEVO MASSACRE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    mam'aevo poboishcha, mam'aeva poboishcha (about a fight; about complete...
  • GOLDEN HORSES OF KHAN BATYA in the Directory of Miracles, unusual phenomena, UFOs and other things:
    legendary treasures, the exact location of which is still unknown. The history of the horses is something like this: After Batu Khan ravaged Ryazan...
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". According to the ideas that prevailed before the October Revolution of 1917, the concept of “Russians” (“triune Russian people”) united the Great Russians, ...
  • GEORGE KHOZEVIT in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". George Khozevit (+ 625), Rev. Memory January 8. Born in Cyprus in...
    Gog and Magog - in Judaism and Christianity, as well as in Islam, militant antagonists of the “people of God” who will come “in the last ...
  • GOG AND MAGOG in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    GOG AND MAGO'G in Judaism and Christianity, as well as in Islam, are militant antagonists of the “people of God” who will come “in the last times” with ...
  • GOG AND MAGOG in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    (Hebrew.gog we ma-g?g) in the eschatological myths of Judaism and Christianity, as well as Islam (see YAJUJ AND MAJUJ), warlike antagonists of the “people ...
    The Tyapkins are a noble family, descended, according to the legends of ancient genealogists, from the honest husband of Vasily Vargos, nicknamed Pogozhiy, who left with the Olgerdovichs...
  • RUSSIA, SECTION MOSCOW STATE XVI - XVII CENTURIES in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    The successes of collective activity significantly modified the political role of the Moscow princes, turning them from appanage fiefdoms into representatives of the national interests of the Great Russian people. ...
  • RUSSIA, SECTION HISTORY OF LITTLE RUSSIA in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Territory. The name Little Russia usually refers to the current Chernigov and Poltava provinces, but in the historical sense the concept of Little Russia is much broader; she …
  • POGOZHEVY in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    The Pogozhevs are a noble family, descended, according to the legends of ancient genealogists, from the Litvin Vasily Vorgos, nicknamed “Pogozhy”, who went to Dmitry Donskoy on ...
  • LEONTIEV IVAN LEONTIEVICH (SHCHEGLOV) in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Leontyev, Ivan Leontyevich - talented fiction writer and playwright (1856 - 1911), better known under the pseudonym Shcheglov. At the end of the Pavlovsk military...
  • AVERKIEV DMITRY VASILIEVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Averkiev, Dmitry Vasilievich, famous playwright (1836 - 1905). He studied at the St. Petersburg Commercial School and St. Petersburg University. Translated several books on...
  • YAROSLAVNA in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    - the heroine of the monument of ancient Russian literature “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (XII century). Ya is a real historical person, the wife of Prince Igor Svyatoslavich Novgorod-Seversky, ...
  • OPTIONS in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    [from Latin varius - different, different] - different readings of individual words, lines, stanzas, chapters of any work. Their origin is explained by a number of subjective...
  • THE USSR. LITERATURE AND ART in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    and art Literature Multinational Soviet literature represents a qualitatively new stage in the development of literature. As a definite artistic whole, united by a single socio-ideological...
    a noble family, descended, according to the legends of ancient genealogists, from the honest husband Vasily Vargos, nicknamed Pogozhiy, who went with the Olgerdovichs to Mamaevo...
  • TURKISH WARS RUSSIA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    \[From this general outline the histories of some individual wars of more important importance are further highlighted.\]. — I. Relations and wars of Russia...
  • RUSSIAN DRAMA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    The initial period in the history of romantic drama is sometimes considered to be the era when folk round dance games, accompanied by dialogue, were created in their own way. But this dialogue...
  • RUSSIA. HISTORY: CHRONOLOGY OF RUSSIAN HISTORY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    b55_509-0.jpg The years of reigns and reigns are not marked here, since it is more convenient to find them in genealogical tables (Rurikovich and the House of Romanov). ...
  • POGOZHEVY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    a noble family, descended, according to the legends of ancient genealogists, from the Litvin Vasily Vorgos, nicknamed “Pogozhy”, who went to Dmitry Donskoy at the Mamayevo Massacre...
  • MOSCOW in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I b38_940-0.jpg - the throne table. Russia. Story. — The first chronicle word about M. dates back to 1147, when the Suzdal prince ...
  • ATKINSON, TWO ENGLISH. ARTIST in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Atkinson) - 1) John Augustus A. (1775-1829), painter and engraver, lived for a long time in St. Petersburg, wrote two paintings for Paul I: ...
  • AVERKIEV DMITRY VASILIEVICH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I modern writer; R. 30 Sep. 1836 in Ekaterinodar. His ancestors are peasants of the Olonets province. Petersburg university graduate V …
  • MASSACRE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, cf. 1. Battle with a large number of casualties (old). Ice settlement (the name of the battle on the ice of Lake Peipus in 1242 ...

Russian training camps against Mamai

As the Moscow principality grew stronger, the Horde began to weaken, as unrest and civil strife often occurred in it.

The Moscow princes took advantage of these unrest and began to pay less tribute, and it happened that for three years they did not pay tribute at all. By the time of Dimitri Ioannovich, the formidable governor Mamai appeared in the Horde, who took the entire Horde into his own hands. He sent an army to Russia, demanding tribute as under the first khans; but Dimitri Ioannovich completely defeated this army. Then Mamai became so furious that he raised up the entire Horde and was going to completely ruin the Russian land. “I will take the Russian land,” he said, “I will destroy the churches and convert the Russians to my faith. Where there were churches, I will build mosques; I will put my leaders in all the cities and kill the Russian princes.”

Having learned about Mamai’s plans, Dimitri Ioannovich quickly began to prepare to fight back. He sent messengers in all directions and called upon Russian princes and people to defend the Orthodox faith and their native land. The gathering was scheduled in Kolomna. Soon all of northern Rus' was in motion: thousands of warriors marched towards Moscow and Kolomna. On the advice of the clergy, the Grand Duke sent envoys to the Horde and offered to pay tribute, but Mamai was so angry with the Russians that he refused the tribute and decided to ruin the Russian land.

Demetrius Donskoy in the monastery of St. Sergius

Before the campaign, Grand Duke Dimitri Ioannovich went to the Trinity Monastery to receive a blessing from St. Sergius for a great feat. After mass, the Monk Sergius blessed the Grand Duke and said to him:
- Almost with gifts and give honor to the wicked Mamai. Seeing your humility, the Lord God will exalt you, and his indomitable rage and pride will bring you down.
“I have already done this, father,” answered Dimitri Ioannovich, “but he is even more exalted.”

If so,” said the monk, “then final destruction awaits him, but you will receive help, mercy, and glory from the Lord God and the Most Pure Mother of God and His saints.

Among the monastic brethren, the Grand Duke noticed two monks who were distinguished by their tall stature and strong build. Their names were Peresvet and Oslyabya. Before entering the monastery, these monks were known as heroes and were distinguished by their feats of arms.

Father,” said the Grand Duke to Saint Sergius, “give me these monks from your monastic regiment!” I know that they were strong heroes and great warriors.
The Monk Sergius ordered both monks to immediately prepare for military action. Peresvet and Oslyabya willingly carried out the order and put on their weapons. Saint Sergius gave them schemata with crosses sewn on them and said:
- Peace to you, my beloved brothers in Christ! suffer as valiant soldiers of Christ; your time has come.
Dismissing the Grand Duke and his companions, Saint Sergius made the sign of the cross over them and sprinkled them with holy water.

The Lord will be your Helper,” said the monk. - He will defeat and overthrow your adversaries and glorify you.
The prophetic words of Saint Sergius delighted the Grand Duke and gave him hope for success.

The performance of the Russian army on a campaign

On August 20, 1380, the Moscow army set out on a campaign. Dimitri Ioannovich, with the princes and governors, prayed fervently in the cathedral Assumption Church, fell here at the tomb of St. Peter the Metropolitan, the first intercessor of Moscow, and asked for his help. From the Assumption Cathedral, the Grand Duke moved to the Church of the Archangel Michael and there he bowed to his ancestors; then he said goodbye to his family and went to the army.

The Russian army walked forward cheerfully. When they crossed the Oka and were approaching the Don, scouts arrived and said: “Mamai stands on the Don, and he has so much strength that it is impossible to count.” Dimitri Ioannovich gathered the princes and governors for council. It was necessary to decide whether to cross the Don or wait for the Tatars on this side. Some said: “It’s better to stay on this side of the river. The enemy is strong; just in case, you need to keep a clear path behind.” Others said: “It’s better to cross to the other side. There is no point in thinking about returning home; let everyone fight without cunning and not think about salvation! At this time, messengers from Saint Sergius arrived and brought a letter. The monk blessed the Grand Duke and promised him help from God and the Most Holy Theotokos. Dimitri Ioannovich became even more encouraged and ordered to cross the Don.

The night before the battle

On the night of September 7-8, the Russian army crossed the Don and settled down near the Nepryadva River, on the Kulikovo field. The countless Tatar army was on the other side of the field, where the mountain rose; Mamai himself stood on the mountain. The night was quiet and starry; Only on one side of the sky did darkness rise and foreshadow fog in the morning. It was a great night; Many people later told about the wonderful things that happened under her cover.
Dimitri Ioannovich could not sleep that night: he either prayed in his tent, or made various orders. Many military men and military leaders could not sleep. The Grand Duke had a boyar, Bobrok, who was known as a very smart and experienced warrior.

At midnight he came to the Grand Duke and volunteered to indicate signs about the upcoming battle. Bobrok invited the Grand Duke with him. They mounted their horses, rode out into the middle of the Kulikovo field and stopped between the Russian and Tatar army.
Turning to face the Tatar camp, they began to listen. Strong screams, knocking, and sounds of trumpets were heard from the Tatar camp; just beyond the camp, wolves howled, to the left crows screamed ominously and eagles screamed; and to the right, flocks of geese and swans splashed in the river, foreshadowing a thunderstorm.
- What did you hear, prince? - Beaver asked.
“I heard a great thunderstorm,” answered Dimitri Ioannovich.
“Now turn around to the Russian regiments,” said Bobrok. The Grand Duke turned his horse and began to listen. It was completely quiet in the Russian camp.
“I don’t hear anything,” said the Grand Duke, “I only see a glow from many lights.”

Thank God, the Most Pure Mother of God, the great wonderworker Peter and all the saints,” Bobrok said, “the lights are a good sign.” “I also have a sign,” Bobrok continued.
He got off his horse and pressed his right ear to the ground. Bobrok listened for a long time, then stood up and hung his head.
“Well, brother, what is the sign,” asked the prince.
For a long time Bobrok did not want to speak, but finally he shed tears and told the prince:

Mister Prince! I’ll tell you only one, and don’t tell anyone. One sign for your great joy, and the other for great sorrow!.. I heard how the earth cried bitterly, bitterly: on one side it was as if a woman was screaming in a Tatar voice about her children and fighting, shedding tears, and on the other side it was as if a girl was crying tenderly in a voice of great sadness. Trust in the mercy of God: you will defeat the Tatars, but many of your Christian army will fall.

Dimitri Ioannovich shed tears at these words and said: “The will of the Lord be done!” They went to their tents.
Suddenly Dimitri Ioannovich is told that three warriors have come to him. The prince ordered them to be allowed in. And one began to tell: “I stood guard against the Tatar camp, and I had a vision: from the east, I see, coming like a great army; suddenly two bright young men, in military armor and with swords, come towards this army from the midday side; and they began to cut down this army and seemed to exclaim: who ordered you to destroy our fatherland? And some were cut down, and the rest were driven away.” “And we,” said another, “we lay down; and suddenly I looked at the sky and saw that in the air, from the side of the steppe, there seemed to be a great multitude of black people on horses and chariots, and suddenly a man appeared, as if in holy vestments, with a fiery rod in his hand, and also seemed to exclaim: “Why have you come to destroy my flock? and rushed at them with his staff - and dispersed them all. I pushed my comrade, he also saw and told me: this is none other than the saint of God, Saint Peter Metropolitan.”

After listening to them, the Grand Duke crossed himself and said: “My ancestor, Saint Alexander Nevsky, was helped to defeat the Swedish army by the saints of God, Saints Boris and Gleb; weren’t they the ones who moved now to save us? And Saint Peter, Metropolitan, vigilantly prays for Rus' before the throne of the Most High. Let us also pray, brothers, that they will help us on this great day.”

Battle of Kulikovo

The morning of September 8 arrived. Fervent morning prayer strengthened the Spirit of Russian soldiers; everyone took their places. A thick fog covered the field and hid the troops. Finally the breeze picked up and cleared the fog; the bright sun illuminated the Russian regiments. Grand Duke Dimitri Ioannovich traveled around the ranks of soldiers and said: “Beloved fathers and brothers, for the sake of the Lord and the Most Pure Mother of God and for your own salvation, strive for the Orthodox faith and for our brethren.”

Then he gave his horse and outer clothing to one of the boyars, and he himself mounted another horse and put on a simple cloak; He took out from his bosom a cross with particles of the Life-Giving Cross, venerated it, tasted the prosphora from St. Sergius and, saying a prayer, rode to the vanguard. In vain did the princes and governors hold him back. “You should stand apart from the battle,” they said, “and look at the fighters, and then commend the living and create a memorial for the dead. If we lose you, sir, we will become like a flock of sheep without a shepherd: the wolves will come and scare us away.” “My dear brothers,” answered Dimitri Ioannovich, “your kind speeches are worthy of praise. But if I am your leader, then I want to start the battle ahead of you. I’ll die or I’ll live with you.”

At about eleven o'clock the Tatar army began to descend from the opposite hills. There seemed to be no end to the Tatar regiments. When both troops stopped facing each other, a huge Tatar rode forward, challenging the Russians to single combat. The monk Peresvet saw him and said to the governors: “This man is looking for someone like himself; I want to talk to him!” “Fathers and brothers,” Peresvet exclaimed, “forgive me, a sinner. Brother Oslyabe, pray to God for me! Venerable Abbot Sergius, help me with your prayer!” And with a spear in his hand he galloped towards the enemy. The Tatar hero rushed towards him. The opponents struck each other with such force that their horses fell to their knees, and they themselves fell to the ground dead.

Then both armies rushed into battle. Such a battle had never happened before in Rus'. Russians and Tatars fought in a space of ten miles; spears broke like straw; arrows fell like rain; dust covered the sun's rays, swords sparkled with lightning, and people fell like grass under a scythe; blood flowed like water and flowed in streams. The terrible massacre had already lasted for two hours. The Tatars began to prevail and already thought that the Russians would be defeated.

Suddenly a fresh detachment of Russians emerged from the ambush and attacked the Tatars. The Tatars could not withstand this onslaught, wavered and fled. Mamai saw that the Tatars were running back, he quickly mounted his horse, threw the tent and galloped away... The Russians drove the Tatars far and beat up many of them. The entire camp and property of the Tatars fell into the hands of the winners. The victory was great, but at the same time sad. Only forty thousand remained from the huge Russian army. More than two hundred thousand people fell on both sides, and the Don, as the legend says, flowed with blood for three days...

When the surviving princes and governors gathered, they noticed that the Grand Duke was not there. They searched for him for a long time throughout the Kulikovo field; Finally, one warrior found Dimitri Ioannovich barely alive. His armor was beaten, he was spattered with blood; but he was not wounded and fainted from fatigue.
For this great victory, Dimitri Ioannovich was nicknamed Donskoy. The Holy Church established for all eternity the commemoration of those killed on the Kulikovo field on Dimitrov Saturday. A monument was erected on the field itself.

Battle of Kulikovo. "Mama's Massacre"

Historical reference.

Facial chronicle of Ivan the Terrible

"M Amaevo massacre", or "Massacre on the Don" - this was the name of this battle between the all-Russian army led by the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich and the troops of the temnik Mamai and his puppet khan Tyulyak (Tulunbek). The term Battle of Kulikovo was first used by the Russian historian N.M. Karamzin. We know both a lot and a little about this battle.

P The first chronicles about the Battle of Kulikovo, created almost immediately after the battle, contain a minimum of information about the event. Literary works of the 16th-17th centuries “Zadonshchina”, “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev” are full of various, sometimes fantastic details, unreliable facts and historical errors. At the same time, not a single event

The medieval history of Russia was not so widely reflected in the chronicle, literary and pictorial traditions.

P Sources name several reasons for Mamai’s campaign against Rus'.

L etopic stories mention among them Mamai's desire to avenge the defeats in the battle on the Vozha River in 1378, where the army sent by Mamai suffered a crushing defeat. Murza Begich and 5 Horde temniks were killed.

D The other reason was economic. Mamai wanted to force Moscow to pay tribute as under Khan Dzhanibek, that is, to regularly pay “exit” in larger amounts (maybe twice as much) than was agreed upon in 1371, when the Horde issued a label to Prince Dmitry of Moscow for the great reign of Vladimir. Taking advantage of the confusion in the Horde, Moscow stopped paying Horde tribute altogether in 1374. Mamai desperately needed funds to preserve his troops and attract new supporters in the struggle for power in the Golden Horde.

P After the defeat of Begich, Mamai thoroughly prepared for a campaign against Moscow during 1379 and the first half of 1380. According to sources, Temnik attracted the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello as an ally of Moscow’s enemy, and also negotiated with Oleg Ryazansky, hoping for old contradictions between Moscow and Ryazan. All the lands of the right bank of the Volga, Crimea and the North Caucasus subject to Mamai were mobilized for the campaign. In the chronicles about the Battle of Kulikovo, mercenary detachments of the Italian colonies in the Crimea ("Fryaz"), Cherkasy (Adyghe), Yasy (Ossetians), Besermyans, Burtases and Armenians (peoples and settlers of Volga Bulgaria) are mentioned as participants in Mamai's coalition. At the beginning of the summer of 1380, the Mamaev Horde slowly moved from the nomadic headquarters of the Temnik in the lower reaches of the Don to Rus', following the upstream of this river. Mamai was in no hurry, as he expected the allies to approach in the fall for a joint movement to Rus'. At the beginning of August, Mamai’s army reached the mouth of Voronezh. Oleg Ryazansky, seeing a strong Horde army at the borders of his principality, was forced to promise Mamai the payment of tribute and the sending of military assistance, which, most likely, never came to the temnik.

ABOUT Mamai's invasion of Moscow became known at the end of July - beginning of August from intelligence officers or from the Ryazan prince. Realizing the inevitability of an open military clash with the troops of Mamai, Dmitry Ivanovich at a military council, in which nearby Moscow boyars and his cousin Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovskoy took part, decided to gather regiments and armies of the entire Moscow principality and allied princes. At the same time, it was decided to send military intelligence (“watchman”) to Tikhaya Sosnya to monitor Mamai’s horde. Probably, the trip of Prince Dmitry to the Trinity Monastery to see Sergius of Radonezh also dates back to this time. Before the harsh trials of the largest direct armed resistance to the troops of the Golden Horde in the century and a half history of Rus', Dmitry needed moral support. Considering that at that time there was no metropolitan in Rus', the fact of Dmitry’s trip to Sergius is beyond doubt.

WITH The recruitment of the entire army was appointed in Kolomna on August 15. Kolomna was an important strategic point on the southern borders of Moscow. Before sending the regiments from Moscow, Dmitry, having no information from the first watchman, sends a second one to the steppe. A review of the troops was held in Kolomna, the assembled forces were united into large military formations - “regiments”, regimental commanders were appointed, and the marching order was determined. Here a third watchman was sent into the field. Horde ambassadors came to Kolomna to the Moscow prince demanding Mamai to pay tribute, as under Khan Janibek. On August 20, Dmitry's army set off from Kolomna up the Oka, following its left bank to the mouth of Lopasnya, constantly collecting information about the enemy. From Kolomna, detachments and regiments from the cities and volosts of the great reign of Moscow, Kolomna, Zvenigorod, Mozhaisk, Serpukhov, Borovsk, Dmitrov, Pereyaslavl, Vladimir, Yuryev, Kostroma, Uglich, squads of Belozersky, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Starodubsky, Molozhsky set out on a campaign against the Don. , Kashinsky, Vyazemsky-Dorogobuzhsky, Tarussko-Obolensky, Novosilsky, Muromsky, Yeletsk, Meshchersky principalities, Pskov and Novgorod the Great, as well as the serving Moscow prince Roman Mikhailovich Bryansky. However, the regiments of the Nizhny Novgorod principality, drained of blood by the constant raids of the Horde, did not come to the Kulikovo field. The army of Mikhail Tverskoy, who was deliberately waiting for the results of Mamai’s campaign, did not appear either. We talked about the difficult position of Oleg Ryazansky above. Thus, the forces of the three great principalities of North-Eastern Rus' did not take part in the battle.

U At the mouth of the Lopasnya, the all-Russian army was joined by regiments under the command of Prince Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky and the Moscow governor Timofey Velyaminovich. On August 26-27, Russian regiments crossed the Oka and moved along the border of the Ryazan lands to the south to get closer to Mamai. The meaning of this maneuver, according to most historians, was to wedge between Mamai’s possible allies and prevent them from uniting. The last stop of the Russian troops before the rush to the Don took place in the town of Berezuy, where the squads of the Lithuanian princes Dmitry and Andrei Olgerdovich approached. On September 6, the Russians reached the Don and set up camp. According to the latest historical and archaeological research, the last part of the route, Russian soldiers moved along the land road, known in later times as Old Dankovskaya, the route of which ran along the watershed of the Don and Mokraya Tabola rivers. The camp of the Russian troops was located at the mouth of the Mokraya Tabola River. On September 7, a battle between the guard detachments of the Russian and Horde troops took place, in which victory remained with the former. Mamai was furious when he learned about the approach of Dmitry’s troops. The scouts informed the Moscow prince that the Horde were camped on Gusin Ford, one passage from the Russian camp, in the upper reaches of the Beautiful Sword River. At the military council, it was decided to give battle to Mamai beyond the Don. On the night of September 7-8, 1380, the regiments began to cross the Don. Previously, the Ambush Regiment crossed the river to cover the crossing of the entire Russian army. Recently, historians estimate the number of Russian troops on the Kulikovo Field to be no more than several tens of thousands of soldiers (V.A. Kuchkin). The numerical superiority was on Mamai's side. Such a gathering of warriors was enormous in the eyes of contemporaries. At that time, the clash of armies exceeding several thousand was considered a major battle. That is why the sources provide such fantastic information about the number of participants in the Battle of Kulikovo.

T On the bright morning of September 8 (21), Saturday, the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Russian regiments began to deploy into battle formation facing south. According to “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev,” detachments of the Watch Regiment were advanced far ahead. The first line of the Russian formation was the Advanced Regiment. Behind him stood the main line of Dmitry's troops with the Large Regiment in the center and the wings (Right and Left Hand regiments). Behind the large regiment there was probably a private reserve. Anticipating the course of the battle, the Russian governors left aside from the general line of regiments a strong general reserve - the Ambush Regiment. According to the latest scientific data, the Russian regiments lined up, with the Don and Nepryadva behind them, between the Fishy Verkh gully and the Smolka River, occupying a front of no more than one and a half kilometers. The slopes of the ravine, river and their outlets were densely forested. Thus, for the offensive, Mamai had a narrow watershed steppe corridor, which did not give the Horde the opportunity to turn around and use their favorite flanking envelopments.

D Far ahead, the Russian soldiers heard the roar of the approaching Horde army. Mamai needed some more time to rebuild his forces from marching to combat formation. The guard detachments were the first to enter the fray. Sources informed us that Prince Dmitry participated in the battle of military outposts, the so-called “first battle.” It was important for the Moscow prince to see with his own eyes the detailed formation of Mamai’s troops. Then he went to the Big Regiment to lead the battle. The battle itself lasted three hours - from the 6th to the 9th hour according to ancient Russian time, that is, from 10 hours 35 minutes to 13 hours 35 minutes. After the battles, the Horde guards attacked the Advance Regiment with all their might, which was almost completely destroyed, but weakened the offensive impulse of Mamai’s troops. Then the main forces entered the battle. For about two hours, the Russian regiments held back the continuous attacks of Mamaev’s cavalry in a narrow and cramped space “... I was suffocating from the great cramped space, as if I was too weak to fit on the Kulikovo field...”. At about half past one in the afternoon, “the trash began to overcome.” According to the "Legend...", the Horde managed to break through on the left flank of the Russian forces and reach the rear of the Big Regiment. The Moscow prince was wounded. A critical situation was created in the complete encirclement and destruction of Dmitry Ivanovich’s entire army. At this moment, the Ambush Regiment entered the battle (they write about it in "Zadonshchina" and "The Legend..."), which was located not far from the Left Hand regiment in the large forest area "Green Dubrava". The introduction of fresh Russian forces into the battle radically changed the situation on the battlefield. Panic began among the Horde. Mamai's troops fled. The persecution of the Horde was led by Vladimir Serpukhovskoy. It lasted until dark.

R The defeat of the enemy was complete, most of the Horde warriors were killed in battle or while fleeing. Mamai's camp was captured with all its property and herds. For several days, Russian soldiers buried the fallen and collected trophies. Then on September 14, the thinned Russian army moved back. During the movement, individual detachments of Dmitry's troops were attacked by the Ryazan people. In the 20th of September, the Russian army approached Kolomna. Here the army stood for several days, and then moved to Moscow. On October 1, Muscovites solemnly greeted the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo.

CM. Soloviev wrote that The Battle of Kulikovo was “a sign of the triumph of Europe over Asia,” and bore the character of their “desperate clash... which was supposed to resolve the great question in the history of mankind - which of these parts of the world should triumph over the other.” . A.E. Presnyakov noted that the battle ruined Mamai, but did not create a turning point in Russian-Horde relations. This is one of the most significant battles in the history of Moscow, symbolizing the main trend of the times. Undoubtedly, the Don Massacre marked the beginning of the end of the yoke. We can also talk about shifts in consciousness. The stereotype of the previous century was broken, about which A. Tereshchenko accurately and colorfully wrote: “We thought that it was impossible to rebel against the oppressors, that only heavenly power, and not man, could fight the enemies of faith and nationality. The loss of independence disarmed us, and we , like low admirers, did not dare to conceive of fair freedom: despotism pressed."

TO The Battle of Ulikovo showed that there were prerequisites for final liberation, that the forces were ripe to repel the enemy, that there was an organizer - the Moscow prince. The unprecedented campaign of Russian troops beyond the Don made the Principality of Moscow a recognized center of the anti-Horde struggle. The confrontation between the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Mamayev Horde ended in the collapse of the latter. Dmitry Donskoy did not allow Mamai to restore power over the Russian lands. But another involuntary result of the Kulikovo victory was the disruption of the unstable balance that had existed for almost 20 years between the two parts of the Horde. Objectively, Khan Tokhtamysh received the most concrete political benefit from the defeat of Mamai on the Kulikovo Field. The defeat of Mamai contributed to the unification of the Golden Horde under his rule. But in the people's memory, the Massacre of Mamaev, painted, however, in tragic tones due to the death of many Russian soldiers, remained a symbol of the great victory, giving a powerful impetus to national self-awareness and the creation of an all-Russian statehood centered in Moscow.

Mamaev's invasion of Iron. About the unexpected appearance of numerous and unpleasant guests, visitors, etc. The heads of the districts were hastily called, received prompt suggestions and rushed to their areas to create order or disorder... What was not done at this time... Thunder, lightning... Herod's massacre of the infants and Mamaev's invasion(Kuprin. Dad). - After the name of the Tatar Khan Mamai, who committed in the 14th century. devastating invasion of Rus' and defeated by the Russians in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Mamaev’s invasion” is in other dictionaries:

    Mamaev's invasion- unexpected appearance of numerous and unpleasant guests and visitors. Mamaevo - on behalf of the Tatar Khan Mamai, who carried out a devastating invasion of Rus' in the 14th century... Phraseology Guide

    Mamaev's invasion- Razg. The unexpected appearance of numerous and unpleasant guests and visitors. F 1, 321; BTS, 518. /i> The expression is a linguistic reminiscence of the devastating invasion of Rus' by the Tatar Khan Mamai in the 14th century. BMS 1998, 399 ...

    Mamaev's invasion- About the unexpected appearance of many unpleasant visitors, guests, etc... Dictionary of many expressions

    INVASION- Mamaev's invasion. Razg. The unexpected appearance of numerous and unpleasant guests and visitors. F 1, 321; BTS, 518. /i> The expression is a linguistic reminiscence of the devastating invasion of Rus' by the Tatar Khan Mamai in the 14th century. BMS 1998, 399.… … Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Mamayevo massacre- Battle of Kulikovo Mongol Tatar yoke miniature from a 17th century chronicle Date ... Wikipedia

    Razg. Express Noisy, large fight or quarrel; mess in the house. Well, you can imagine what started here: they don’t recognize each other, shooting, the chaos of Mamaev’s massacre (V. Rudny. Ganguttsy). After the name of the Tatar Khan Mamai, who committed in the XIV... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    invasion- I; Wed 1. Enemy invasion of someone's land. country on whose territory. N. Mongols to Rus'. N. Napoleon. Hitler's n. Mamaevo n. 2. Unwind An unexpected arrival, the appearance of someone. a lot. N. unexpected guests. N. auditors, commissions... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Mamaev's massacre- 1) About a big quarrel, a fight. 2) About complete disorder. After the name of the Tatar Khan Mamai, who committed in the 14th century. devastating invasion of Rus' and defeated by the Russians under the leadership of Dmitry Donskoy in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380... Dictionary of many expressions

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