Women's novels about time travel love. Lost in Time: the best books in the genre

Time travel is an almost inexhaustible topic for science fiction writers. And not only for them: this topic is also addressed by writers whose “strong point” is works of a different kind. We have created a selection of 10 books that are in one way or another related to traveling to the past or future.

H.G. Wells - "The Time Machine"

R H.G. Wells's novel is one of the first works on the topic of time travel. The novel was published in 1895, although the writer had the idea much earlier, back in 1887. However, then it was realized in the form of the story “The Argonauts of Time,” which Wells later turned into a novel. The plot is based on a very distant future. Instead of people, Eloi and Morlocks live on earth - humanoids, divided into two warring races. The Eloi are more intelligent, but less able to survive, so they serve as food for the more primitive Morlocks. The division into races occurs along class lines: the Eloi represent high society, while the Morlocks are workers who live in the Underworld and maintain machinery. The main character spends 8 days in the future, and during this time wonderful and terrible things happen to him. For example, the hero manages to establish friendly relations with one of the Eloi - a humanoid named Uina. The hero also meets the Morlocks when he goes in search of the lost time machine. Then the hero returns to his time and tells this story to people from the 19th century. Nobody believes him, and so the hero goes on a journey again, wanting to prove that he is right.

A. Bobovich - “Back to the Future. Stories about time travel"

Anthology “Back to the Future. Stories about time travel" (translated by A. Bobovich) includes four science fiction works from classics of world literature. The book includes such works as “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court” by Mark Twain, “The True Journey of Mr. Broucek” by Svatopluk Cech, “Rip Van Wickle” by Washington Irving and “The New Utopia” by Jerome Klapka Jerome. The novel A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court was written in 1889. The main character lives in the 19th century and trades in the weapons business. Suddenly hit in the head with an ax, the gunsmith is transported back in time. Fate (or an ax?) throws the hero into the 7th century, and not just anywhere, but straight to Camelot. Now the enlightened Yankee must learn the customs of chivalry and medieval habits, fight the ignorance of this world and admit that industrial society is no good.

In “The True Journey of Mr. Brouček,” a story by Czech writer Svatopluk Čech about the delights of the 19th century, the moon and booze are to blame. The celestial body literally lifts the tipsy gentleman from the ground, who happened to be near the Vikarka tavern, and teleports him to one of his craters. But this is only an intermediate stage - then the master will find himself in 15th-century Prague, having fallen into an underground passage near the same tavern.

Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle is also associated with alcohol. A settler from a Dutch village named Van Winkle goes hunting in the Kaatskil Mountains, where he tastes Dutch vodka and falls into a deep sleep. When he wakes up, everything around him changes. 20 years have passed, the musket is faulty, there is a stormy stream instead of a mountain valley, everyone we know has died, and the war for independence is in full swing.

The anthology concludes with Jerome Klapka's dark story "A New Utopia." A typical Londoner falls asleep for a thousand years and finds himself in a society where complete socialism reigns.

Jack London - "Strider in the Stars"

Jack London's hero - former agronomy professor Darrell Standing. The Professor suffers from a "purple rage" that periodically fills his mind. At such moments, he is capable of any destructive activity, for which he ultimately ends up in prison. Since the client turns out to be unusually violent, the jailers put the hero in a straitjacket. It would seem that this should help, but Standing still cannot be calmed down. Being immobilized for many months and experimenting with sensations, the man finds a way to move through time. When the pain reaches a critical point, the hero’s consciousness first goes to another dimension, and then begins to live his past lives one after another.

Robert Silverberg - "Letters from Atlantis"

The author of "Strangers from Outer Space", "The Vertical World", "Decadent" and other science fiction works wrote a lot about space-time movements. One of these works is “Letters from Atlantis.” This is a story about the future in which scientists study mental time travel. Two researchers are selected for the experiment. The consciousness of both moves to Atlandis - a mysterious state that, according to legend, died as a result of a terrible flood. One of the subjects becomes Prince Rama from 18861 BC. e., the other - the manager of the border outpost. They write letters to each other, thanks to which the reader learns what gods the Atlanteans prayed to, what technologies they used, and how they spent their leisure time. The letters also tell about the philosophical ideas of this people, about the reasons for the fall of other civilizations, and also a little about what the end of Atlantis itself will be like in the understanding of local residents. There are 12 letters in total in the story.

Robert Heinlein - "In My Own Footsteps"

American science fiction writer Robert Heinlein wrote the story “In My Own Footsteps” (sometimes translated “On My Heels”) in 1941, at the height of World War II. The story is dedicated to the Time Loop, and therefore has an open ending. Bob Wilson is a typical student in session who urgently needs to finish his thesis. On the night before the surrender, a suspicious guy named Joe (Wilson from the future) flies to him and talks about such a thing as the Time Gate. Then another guy arrives (alternate Wilson from the future) and explains to Wilson from the present that the Gate is the greatest evil. But Wilson still falls into them and finds himself in the three hundred and twentieth century, where he is sent back in time to find himself. This happens several times. Then Wilson gets tired of this, but he cannot escape from the loop, because the person who imprisoned him there is Wilson. In some Russian translations, the story ends already on the hero’s second journey.

Patrick O'Leary - "Door No. 3"

"Door No. 3" - this is a collective trip to a psychotherapist in the company of aliens. The main character's name is Dr. Donnelly, and due to his duty, he is forced to listen to the emotional outpourings of his patients. One day an alien appears in his office and declares that she is from another time. Her name is Laura, in the future a nuclear war is raging, and the earth is inhabited by same-sex aliens. Laura also reports that the time machine is not a fiction, and exactly one year later Donelly will go to Hollywood to burn this machine. During this year, the hero will go through a lot: he will fall in love with Laura, prevent a war, commit suicide and rise again, and also master the art of dreaming.

Alexander Khlebnikov - “A Glimpse of the Future”

"A Glimpse of the Future" is a science fiction story about the Great Patriotic War by Soviet writer Alexander Khlebnikov. The main character of the work is called Sandra, she is from the 22nd century. Sandra's primary task is to go to besieged Leningrad and prevent the death of a gifted boy named Seryozha. If the boy survives, he will make many brilliant discoveries and thereby make life much easier for people from the future. The story was first published in the collection “Less-More” for 1988. Also "A Glimpse of the Future" included in the collection “World of Adventures” (1989). Alexander Khlebnikov was among the survivors of the blockade, so the story pays special attention to the terrible situation, hunger, suffering of the wounded and shelling. In Khlebnikov, each image is a living, desperate symbol of the pain that the city on the Neva has forever absorbed.

Vladimir Gakov - “4 trips by time machine”

Publicist and literary critic Vladimir Gakov is a real ace in the field of science fiction. He has written a huge number of reviews, including criticism of Ray Bradbury’s collection “R is for Rocket.” I also translated one of his stories - “Outcasts”. "4 Travels in a Time Machine" is an analysis of science fiction works to answer the question: does science fiction really predict the future? Wells, for example, according to Gakov, predicted more than 40 phenomena, and almost all the inventions from the books of Jules Verne one way or another came to life. There are 4 sections in the book: “At the Dawn of the Space Age”, “One Earth”, “Homo ex macnina” and “The Last War”. Each section is devoted to human inventions, both existing and not yet created, and their literary analogues.

Jack Finney - "Between Two Times"

The novel by American science fiction writer Walter Braydon Finney (aka Jack Finney) was written in 1968. These are pseudo-documentary sketches and notes of traveler Simon Morley, who jumps from one time to another. The novel is stylized as Victorian, and describes New York in the 19th and 20th centuries. This is by no means a read for those in a hurry: Finney compares two eras, and he does it thoroughly and slowly, looking at every detail. The hero of the novel is involved in an experiment, which in fact represents a chain of government intrigues. In this chain, Morley gets the role of detective. Returning to 1882, Simon must find out why his girlfriend's stepfather was killed.

Robert J. Sawyer - "Remember What Will Be"

The book, which became the basis of a series of almost the same name, describes the search for the Higgs boson using the Large Hadron Collider. During the search, scientists find themselves in the future for 2 minutes. When they return, they realize that the experiment failed, and a terrible catastrophe overtook humanity: along with the scientists, the whole world fell out of reality for 2 minutes, which led to a large number of deaths. Now scientists need to prevent these events.
Sawyer's book was written in 1999 and covers the years 2009 and 2030. Sawyer was able to predict many things, including three-dimensional images and Nobel Prize winners. For this novel, the author received three awards: the Prix Aurora Awards (2000), the Seiun Award (2002), and the Portal Award (2011).
The series “Remember What Will Happen” was filmed in 2012. In it, the main characters are FBI agents.

The courageous Scottish highlander Duncan MacDougal, Lord Blackstone, is doomed to sad loneliness until the new mistress of the family castle falls in love with him.

But the charming Elizabeth Paddish has terrible manners, and it will take more than one month to turn her into a well-bred lady.

Well, Elizabeth is so pretty that Duncan would do anything for her...

Dougless Montgomery, an ordinary teacher, lives in modern America, and her life is not very happy. And it is not surprising that she dreams of a noble knight in shining armor. And a miracle happens: a real knight, Count Nicholas Stafford, appears before her at the most desperate moment of her life...

The heroine of this extraordinary novel, Jude Deveraux, is a writer of romance novels. And one day the unexpected happens to her - she falls in love with her hero. He obscures all real men for her. It seems to her that she knew him before and his image appears before her with all clarity. Wanting to understand what happened, she turns to the mystic woman Nora. Nora tells her that her present problems come from the past.

And then, with the help of hypnosis, she finds herself in the 16th century, and is embodied in her prototypes. She manages not only to understand the background to the tragedies of past lives, but also to influence the course of events in the present.

Lisa Stone knew no rest - she worked two jobs and cared for her sick mother. The car accident in which her father died turned the life of the Stone family into agony, but Lisa could not even imagine what awaited her next. In the museum, she touched an unusual vessel found during excavations, and... found herself in a medieval Scottish castle.

And then there was a battle with the British, a chamber of secrets, a fairy queen, an elixir of immortality and a happy ending.

She found herself in the world of the true South - the passionate, sensual, aristocratic world of the Creoles, in a world that both attracted and repelled her, an independent, reserved girl. However, this southern magic captured her more and more - and more and more she was captivated by the magical charm of the irresistible Fabian Fontenot, a man who, with the power of his genuine passion, managed to awaken in her a dream of happiness.

The mighty knight Gaston de Varennes was nicknamed the Black Lion by his friends, and the Black Heart by his enemies. He considered love to be a weakness and felt only contempt for women. However, by order of the king, he must marry a relative of his worst enemy, Lady Christiane Fontaine. Gaston swore in rage that he would never share a bed with his wife. He swore, not yet suspecting that a strange and beautiful girl, born for happiness, would make fulfilling the oath incredibly difficult...

What could be more depressing than life in a quiet small town, lost in the American province. Moreover, when you are a young girl, tomorrow you will turn sixteen and your heart lives with hopes for a bright, happy future. But that’s why a miracle is a miracle, to burst into a person’s life and change it in a matter of moments. However, it is unknown what consequences a miracle can lead to. On Megan Chase's sixteenth birthday, strange creatures kidnap her little brother. Going in pursuit of the kidnappers, Megan finds herself in a country where fairy-tale reality turns into far from fairy-tale problems.

For the first time in Russian!

This is a saga that has won the hearts of millions of readers around the world.

This is the saga of the great love of Claire Randall and Jamie Fraser - a love that is not afraid of space and time.

This is a saga about a woman who, finding herself in a completely incomprehensible situation, found the strength and courage to confront the circumstances.

People are disappearing. They disappear much more often than you think. Many are later found alive or dead. And usually there is an explanation for everything. Usually - but not always.

One fleeting touch to a stone from an ancient sanctuary - and Claire Randall is inexplicably transported from the 20th century to 1743, at a time when Scotland was torn apart by a bloody civil war. What happens next in this barbaric country for a man from the 20th century will not only endanger Claire’s life, but will also break her heart, because here in Scotland she will meet the man of her dreams.


Aspiring romance novelist Jane Seelly has fallen madly in love with the perfect man - a passionate, strong, dark-haired Highlander. Her happy and endlessly long romance with an impeccable, proud handsome man forced Jane’s artistic imagination to be in constant flight. Millions of women dream of such a man, and she was the lucky one. But is she really that lucky? After all, all the wonderful charm of happy love melted away as soon as reality mercilessly snatched Jane from the world of dreams and returned her to her lonely waking life.

But one day reality and dream merged together for Jane. And she knew for sure that all this - from the tapestry depicting her beloved warlike Highlander to the incredible journey to Medieval Scotland - was not just a figment of her wild imagination. She was by his side to save him from the evil spell of the Dark King. In his arms he carried her into the world of sensual paradise...

Shannon Parker, an ordinary literature teacher, has become accustomed to her life in that mysterious country where she is mistaken for the living embodiment of the goddess Epona. Here she has a beloved husband, and she is expecting a child from him. She almost forgot how she lived in the modern world.

By the will of fate, against his will, Shannon finds himself in America again. She realizes that, despite everything, she must return to her new homeland, imbued with magic. But to return there and protect her loved ones, she will have to challenge the powerful forces of nature. She understands that being a goddess by mistake is easier than becoming a goddess by heart.

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What if time travelers are among us. What if the Time Machine has already been invented, and its existence is hidden at the highest level. He lived an ordinary life, work, family... It all started

The thirst for justice led us to where it all began - to Ergastul, to the prison for keeping morts, where for the first time in the history of the existence of fighting pits, a slave's headquarters - my headquarters - will become a man

Aristocrat or toy? I was kidnapped, turned into a deadly weapon, but I know that I will be free and will take revenge. And nothing can stop this. This faith and rare dreams are all I have. And also that one

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It’s so great to get into the city that came out of your paintings, to see the people and houses that you painted all this time. Walk along the magnificent streets and meet the local people. But are they really friends?

A rather strange group of schoolchildren from St. Petersburg, namely: a basketball player-cryptographer, survivalist brothers, a “walking encyclopedia” and a self-confident book lover. What can they do together?

So many people, stories and changes have led to what will be created for the first time in the history of the entire planet, and most importantly - in the history of past humanity, because the division between robots and people is not only

The eternally unlucky Inga, having failed at her next interview, was sobbing bitterly on a bench when a gypsy woman approached her and offered help. She spoke to Inga's jacket for good luck, and from that moment on, life d

Two stories about how two different main characters manage to take part in an experiment to use a time machine to punish cruel murderous maniacs. What consequences can this lead to?

On April 10, 1912, engineer Frederick Goodwin and his family boarded the ship. The Goodwin family left Britain when the scientist was studying the properties of a moving magnetic field. The result of the work

Apparently, if your parents decided to name you Theseus, someday you will inevitably have to pay for it. Having jumped from a boat on a boat trip, Theseus finds himself in the body of the leader of the Achaeans,

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She has a chance to change everything. She has a goal to achieve. Verona will have to face those who betrayed her. She must learn to pretend and lie to survive this

There are angels in the world. There are people in the world. A make-believe apocalypse and seemingly funny gifts that end in the death of humanity. Mysticism and horror hide in the author’s stories under the guise of the ordinary, and reptilians,

Tenth-grader Joseph Kravets, disappointed by life’s failures, quits school and leaves his parents’ home. By chance he meets a man who initiates him into the secret of time travel. Having mastered this secret, the young man makes several forays, first into the past, then into the future, and returns to his era, to his class, in order to create a new society together with his peers.

Expedition to the underworld Arkady Strugatsky

Children of sunset Timofey Alekseev

In the fascinating novel by Timofey Alekseev, a member of the Russian Writers' Union, events unfold both at the beginning of the first millennium and today. Although the same person participates in them. Since the time of the prophet Zarathushtra, the Slavic magicians knew the drink of moving in time and dimension. But only a free person who never bore the name of a slave could use it, and only to save the Slavic clans from slavery and death. And as long as there are people in Rus' who meet the dawn, who preserve morality, identity and will, the people of Rus' are invincible! Good…

Expedition to the underworld S. Yaroslavtsev

Probably, this story would never have been born if not for the movie. If in the early 1970s the Strugatsky brothers had not written a cartoon script under the dashing title “Pursuit in Space.” As one of the co-authors, Boris Natanovich Strugatsky, recalled, “at first Khitruk really liked this script, after a while - Kotenochkin, but then the authorities’ resolution fell on him (in the sense that the Soviet people did not need such cartoons), and no one stopped liking him whatever it was. And then ANS took the script and turned it into a fairy tale. This is how it appeared...

KHARKOV 354-286 Minakov Gennadievich

And then, as always, comes the punishment of the innocent and rewarding of the innocent (c) What would happen if you happened to fall asleep in 2008 and wake up when it was mid-1940 outside the window? The first capital of an independent modern state traveled back in time: overnight, the Kharkov region became a tiny island of cable television, Internet and cell phones in the Soviet Union, which had already become history. How could such a time travel affect the course of history, and how would it affect the lives of ordinary people - system administrators...

Livi Michael's Angel Stone

Manhattan student Kate goes on a field trip to an abandoned medieval church. The girl has the feeling that she has already been here before, although this cannot be... And in 1604, Kit was brought up and studied at the monastery. One day, Simon, a boy from a family of clairvoyant gypsies, who hears the voices of angels, but is completely unsuited to life among people, ends up in the same monastery. Keith takes Simon under his wing. The destinies of Kate in the present and Keith and Simon in the past are connected thanks to the magical power of the Angel Stone.…

War through time Stanislav Sergeev

Zimin's adventures continue. The country's leadership, represented by Beria and Stalin, is making every effort to use the knowledge of the future for a speedy victory over Germany. But the shock of the inevitability of the collapse of the Soviet Union requires new decisions and operations. Possession of time travel technology and mutual assistance should put everything in its place, but no one knows how history will change. The battle of the special services for a place in the sun begins. Nobody wanted to die...

God from the machine Vladimir Ilyin

Saving the cultural values ​​of humanity from destruction in wars and other social upheavals of past centuries is what the heroes of the story do. Using the achievements of scientific and technological progress, including the possibility of time travel, they organize the delivery of brilliant works of art from the past to the future in order to make them the property of people of the twenty-something century. In order to strictly carry out this task, not people are used, but “superman” androids. The humanists of the future did not take into account one thing: after all, even a robot by...

If, 2011 No. 05 Paul Di Filippo

John HEMRY. WHERE IS THE LINE? The race inhabiting this planet was characterized as “dynamically developing, but not aggressive”... Andreas GRUBER. THE LAST FLIGHT OF "ENORAH TIME" The spaceship's mission was a failure. The captain is haunted by the feeling that the flight was obviously doomed. Tom PARDOM. TRUMPS IN THE TRADE An eye for an eye? Implantology of the future can work wonders. Kenneth SCHNEIER. WITNESS TO THE COMPLETE TRUTH It’s just like they conspired to bring down our hero’s legal practice! Alan WALL. FASTER THAN LIGHT It’s not for nothing that the government banned time travel!…

Return to Jude Devereux's summer house

Magic is an integral part of a summer house in Maine, where the mysterious Madame Zoe fulfills the deepest desires of guests. This time, three women came to this unique place with one common problem: a difficult past that each of them would like to change. Amy, hiding heartbreaking pain behind the façade of a seemingly perfect marriage and family; Faith, who lost her husband in her thirties and is suffering because of a man from her past; and Zoey, an artist who is avoided by everyone in her hometown for reasons unknown to her, because...

The Threshold Between Worlds Philip K. Dick

America's biggest problem is the millions of people forced into artificial sleep in government warehouses. The presidential candidate promises to solve this problem, although he does not yet know how. Meanwhile, a worker at a repair shop for vehicles with limited time travel discovers a passage to a new world...

Reflection trail Alexey Fomichev

Preface to the series The “Reflections” series is dedicated to the theme of movement in time and space. The heroes of the books, by coincidence, find themselves in other dimensions. What awaits there: trouble or happiness, grief or joy? Everything depends on their ability to withstand difficulties and dangers. From intelligence, wisdom, cunning, resourcefulness. And finally, just out of luck. To earn Fortune's smile, you need to make a lot of effort and not be afraid to risk your life. One's own and someone else's.

Meanwhile, somewhere Anatoly Aleksin

The one-volume edition of the Lenin Komsomol Prize laureate, the well-known writer Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin, includes the stories “Meanwhile Somewhere,” “My Brother Plays the Clarinet,” “Late Child,” “Characters and Performers,” “A Very Scary Story,” “ About our family”, “The day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow”, the stories “Untruth”, “Mimosa”, “For a former friend”, “Two handwritings”, etc. These works, addressed to young people and adults, tell mainly about the world of youth. Their heroes face difficulties, show courage and readiness to fight,...

Corridors of Time Paul Anderson

The volume offered to your attention includes novels by the famous American science fiction writer Poul Anderson. Their names speak for themselves - “Corridors of Time”, “Time Patrol”, “The Time Will Come”. They are all about time travel. Together with the heroes, we are constantly transported to different centuries and eras. Incredible adventures, brave people, breathtaking flights and fierce battles await you. The volume ends with a short story, closely related in plot line to the novels listed above.

Gate of Time John Jakes

The Time Gate is a top-secret department carefully guarded by Tom and Cal Linstrum. The gate was humanity's entry point into the past and future of the Earth. But in dirty, dishonest hands, this object could become the most powerful weapon ever created. And such a threat once arose - a certain madman attempted to disrupt the flow of time. Traveling through different stages of human history, Tom, Cal and their friends had to undertake a search for the enemy in order to capture him before the whole world disappeared, and maybe they themselves...

How does a time machine work? Stanislav Zigunenko

This brochure is about a time machine, and not only about it, but more about physics and its capabilities in studying such a complex concept as time. It turns out that you can look into the past today, and astronomers have successfully done this by taking, for example, the light of a distant star that has traveled billions of years to reach us. So how does physics look at the fundamental possibility of creating a time machine? How can it be arranged? The author of the issue talks about this in an interesting and very accessible form. The brochure is intended for a wide range of readers

Is it possible to create a time machine? How to see the future with a magic crystal? Is it easy to make astral travel? What is teleportation: myth or reality? For those who seek to unravel the eternal mysteries of the Earth; those who care whether ghosts, fairies and Bigfoot exist; those who believe in gnomes, brownies, werewolves and vampires; For those who want to know the truth about spiritualism and poltergeists, we offer a great journey into the world of mysteries and secrets...

Naglfar in the ocean of time Boris Khazanov

He was able to fully remember Antitime, a novel that the KGB confiscated during a search, down to the last page of the draft. He recalled in Munich, where he found shelter instead of Israel, appointed by the Andropovites: “Either to the Middle East or to the Far!” Why was he expelled? For “The Smell of Stars,” a book of short stories, she was published in Tel Aviv; for “The Hour of the King” - for the story in Tamizdat “Time and We”, and for articles in Samizdat “Jews in the USSR”. “Admit it, are you Khazanov?” - "No, not me. My last name and pseudonym are different.” He was no stranger to interrogations. At "The Smell of Stars"...

The Heady Taste of Life (Stronger Than Time) Iris Joansen

Kathleen Vasaro has two dreams in her life: to unravel the mystery of the precious figurine, known since the fall of Troy under the name “Dancing Wind,” and to save her estate from ruin. When the mysterious Alex Karazov appears in her life, offering to solve all her problems, it seems to her that nothing is impossible for him... But what does he really need from her and why did he need the “Dancing Wind”?.. The reality turns out to be more dangerous and more exciting than dreams.

1. "The Door to Summer" by Robert Heinlein
The hero of the novel “The Door to Summer,” the talented inventor Daniel Dzvis, is in trouble: he is betrayed by those closest to him—his companion and his young bride. Having lost all his money and his favorite business, Daniel, using suspended animation, is sent thirty years into the future to start all over again...

2. "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger
They met when she was six and he was thirty-six. They married when she was twenty-three and he was thirty-one. Because Henry suffers from a rare genetic disease - time travel syndrome; His disappearances from Claire's life are unpredictable, his appearances are comical, traumatic and tragic at the same time. For the first time in Russian - an incredible story of incredible love, an amazing bestseller by Audrey Niffenegger.

3. "The House That Jack Built" Robert Asprin
This is the World of Shangri-La Time Station. A world in which foolish tourists wander from era to era, striving to violate the “butterfly principle.” A world in which professional guides - “time scouts” - damn their vile work, because at least try to keep track of a gaping gourmet who is capable of falling, along with a pseudo-Roman sausage tray, to the bottom of a suddenly emerging prehistoric ocean!

4. "Somewhere in Time" Richard Matheson
A young writer, Richard Collier, accidentally sees an old photograph of Eliza McKenna, a once famous actress, and suddenly falls in love with her. In a desperate quest to connect with the object of his passion, he begins to study archival materials about Eliza and learns that in 1896 something strange happened to her in the very hotel in which he is now staying. Richard decides to use his mind to break through the time barrier and enter 1896 to meet the woman of his dreams. But how can their love fit into the undisturbed flow of time?

5. "The House on the Beach" by Daphne Du Maurier
"The House on the Beach" is perhaps the best novel by Daphne du Maurier, the author of gripping romantic thrillers, each of which guarantees a sleepless night for the reader. Here two realities collide, separated by a gap of six hundred years. On one side - medieval Cornwall, a beautiful lady and her lover. On the other hand, our contemporary, also hopelessly in love and therefore capable of reckless actions. Events rapidly develop on two planes at once, until a dramatic denouement brings them together.

6. "Between Two Times" by Jack Finney
None of us are destined to see the world of the last century with our own eyes. And Simon Morley, the hero of Finney’s novel, succeeded in this, and more than once. He had the opportunity to compare two eras, judge the positive and negative aspects of each of them based on personal experience.

7. "Door No. 3" Patrick O'Leary
“During that year, I managed to fall in love with an alien, reveal the secret of forgotten dreams, save the Earth and commit suicide...”
This statement by Dr. Donnelly sounds a little pompous, but every word is true. There are simply worlds, worlds and doors connecting them. Doors of madness, insight, magic, enlightenment. And when the doors open, the game follows completely different, unusual rules...

8. Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Cloud Atlas is like a mirror labyrinth in which six voices echo and overlap: a mid-nineteenth-century notary returning to the United States from Australia; a young composer forced to trade body and soul in Europe between the world wars; a journalist in 1970s California uncovering a corporate conspiracy; a small publisher - our contemporary, who managed to break the bank on the gangster autobiography "Knuckle Knuckle" and is fleeing from creditors; a clone servant from a fast food company in Korea - the country of victorious cyberpunk; and the Hawaiian goatherd at the end of civilization.

9. "The Time Tunnel" by Harry Harrison
What would happen if... Many have asked this question, but only Harry Harrison knows the answer. The worlds created by his imagination are always distinguished by stunning realism and indestructible internal logic, therefore, when he invites us to imagine that Atlantis existed in nature, or, for example, Columbus never discovered America, we want to believe that it really was so in fact!

10. "Time's Arrow" Michael Crichton
Michael Crichton is rightfully considered not only a master, but also one of the creators of the modern techno-thriller - a genre in which fantasy is organically combined with an intense plot, psychological authenticity and scientific thoroughness. "The Arrow of Time" is not only a novel about a rescue expedition into the distant past, not only a test of modern man's strength in the cruel world of the Middle Ages. It is also a ballad about the moral values ​​that humanity has preserved throughout its history.