Yellow. general characteristics

Yellow associated with science, observation and analysis. Stimulates mental activity. In terms of its qualities, the color yellow signifies wealth, dreams, fantasies, courage, joy, intimacy, youth, as well as envy and jealousy. Cloudy yellow color is sadness, melancholy, separation.

Yellow- the color of gold, which since ancient times was perceived as frozen sunlight. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and fading leaves, but also the color of illness, death, the other world.

Among many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often the yellow color also served as a distinctive sign of noble persons and upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothes with a red belt.

In astrology, yellow corresponds to the sign of Mercury.

Golden yellow color- a symbol of spirit, wisdom, the color of holiness. Solar yellow, as the color of divine illumination, is commonly associated with both the first Ark of the Covenant and the despised Golden Calf. And with the halo of Apollo. And with the aura of Buddha. And with the halo of Christ.
Dark yellow color usually associated with betrayal, stinginess and distrust. In Christianity, this shade is assigned to the color of Judas Iscariot.

Hinduism sees the immortal, life-giving truth in yellow, endowing it with the human seed. Spiritual beauty is characterized by the golden yellow color of Kabbalah and Freemasons.

Tantrism sees an increase in vitality and the acquisition of good health in the yellow energy center. There is also the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts.

On the other hand, among some Asian peoples, yellow is the color of mourning, grief, and sadness. According to the texts of Serbian spells, diseases are carried away by a yellow man, a yellow dog or a yellow rooster. And in Europe, a yellow or yellow-black flag meant quarantine, and a yellow cross meant plague. Usually the color yellow symbolizes jealousy and betrayal. And in Tibet, jealousy was literally called “yellow eye.”

The perception of yellow color causes a more gentle effect on the pulse and breathing compared to orange. That is, cheerful, cheerful excitement. This is probably why bright yellow is often rejected by alcoholics. Although here we should also take into account the fact that yellow is involved in the development of dizziness.

Yellow color stimulates mental activity. The English witch Dorit Valiente says that the heads of intellectuals are surrounded by a golden glow. By stimulating brain activity, it arouses in a person an intellectual interest in the objective world.

Psychology of yellow usually include both sensual liveliness in the self-disclosure of the intellect, and joyful vigor during gentle excitement. This also includes eccentric aspirations to relieve tension in learning the secrets of existence. And also - the expectation of contacts in search of happiness and meaning in life.

It is interesting to compare the love for the color yellow of pregnant women who have undergone training for “fearless” childbirth, and infants. On the one hand, yellow cures childhood anemia, and on the other hand, it calms certain types of female psychoneuroses and prevents fluctuations in health.

It is curious that unmarried pregnant women, for whom the child will be completely “unwanted,” categorically reject the color yellow.

Obviously, first of all, in case of disappointments in life, the effect of the yellow color can be useful as a pronounced aspiration for intuitive overcoming of interpersonal tension, for ease in communication.

On the other hand, yellow disturbs, stimulates the imagination and, ultimately, has a depressing effect on the psyche. If you spend a long time in a room painted bright yellow, you may experience a severe headache. Yellow color reduces the patient's fear of a medical examination. People being treated for depression perceive the yellow range perfectly well. And there is a pattern here: yellow color raises your tone. Patients with alcoholism reject yellow as the color of unfulfilled “hopes.”

Yellow color controls digestive processes, has a cleansing effect on the liver and intestines, i.e. is cleansing for the entire system, but especially for the skin. Brings harmony to life, providing balance and optimism. Used in cases of nervous exhaustion, psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases, indigestion, constipation, liver problems, diabetes.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about what the color yellow means, how it is reflected in a person’s life, on his feelings, character. Let's talk about shades of yellow. Find out its role in the interior and clothing.

General information

Yellow is considered a warm color range. It, like its shades, almost never has a negative aura. Despite the fact that the color is warm, its shades can be cold, like the color of a lemon, or warm, like an egg yolk. This color goes well with brown, red, green and orange.

Yellow is the color of gold. In ancient times, it was perceived by people as the Sun, which froze. In Asian countries it was identified with grief and death. The Slavs considered it as a manifestation of jealousy, a symbol of betrayal.

In the psychology of a woman preparing for childbirth, it determines the positive outcome of pregnancy. Schizophrenics or those who are looking for changes in existing relationships often reveal their love for this color.

Psychologists assure that it will be easier for a person to prepare and pass the exam if he is in a room with yellow walls. Yellow indicates the curiosity and intelligence of its lover.

There is information indicating that yellow flowers and products have a positive effect on the human body. Apples, lemons and bananas help with neurosis and improve your mood. But it is worth remembering that yellow flowers are considered a symbol of separation. It is worth considering that yellow things can influence the development of frustration, anger and even children's crying.

Pros and cons

The advantages include:

  • honesty;
  • dexterity;
  • confidence;
  • original mindset;
  • justice;
  • optimism;
  • becoming independent;
  • clarity of thinking;
  • activity;
  • susceptibility;
  • happiness;
  • joy;
  • tolerance;
  • Liberty.

Negative qualities include:

  • sarcasm;
  • intolerant character;
  • absentminded mood;
  • causticity;
  • extreme criticality;
  • lemon shade - cruelty;
  • perfidy.

The meaning of shades

  1. Yellow with red indicates impulsiveness, spontaneous decisions, and destruction.
  2. Lemon color defines unbridled harshness. A person who loves things of this shade has a non-standard type of thinking, is quite insightful, always controls himself, and does not like criticism from the outside. It is often preferred by impotent and frigid women.
  3. Light yellow shows a reluctance to take responsibility and a predisposition to simulation.
  4. Yellow-brown indicates a person’s need to enjoy life.
  5. A pale shade of yellow is a desire to renounce, to get rid of restrictions.
  6. A golden hue indicates imminent victory. The person who chooses him remains himself and does not demand anything from anyone. Color indicates the experience, maturity, and wisdom of the individual. However, it can also speak of his pessimism and limitations.

How does it affect

  1. Improves mood and helps cope with everyday problems.
  2. Stimulates nervous activity, activates processes in the body.
  3. Improves concentration, a person becomes more attentive, mental activity increases, memory improves.
  4. Promotes openness and ease of communication.
  5. Relieves depressive mood, melancholy, promotes the development of optimism.
  6. Has a beneficial effect on the human digestive system.

Who chooses yellow

  1. This color is preferred by curious, sociable people who can easily adapt to new circumstances, brave individuals.
  2. Such individuals feel complete satisfaction from the opportunity to attract attention to their own person.
  3. If yellow is your favorite color, a person is confident in himself, he has normal self-esteem, sometimes slightly inflated.
  4. Yellow is chosen by those who want to get away from difficulties or.
  5. Such individuals are superficial in business, fickle, and can be impatient.
  6. This color is most often preferred; it is chosen by women during pregnancy.

Some people reject this color:

  • individuals who have been disappointed in their expectations and hopes;
  • unsociable, pessimistic people;
  • individuals who feel isolated from the world;

Personalities who prefer this color are, as a rule, categorical towards stupid individuals, like to attract attention to themselves, and get into arguments.

Yellow color in clothes

  1. Such things attract with their brightness and attract people's attention. However, its bright shades are intrusive.
  2. You need to know that yellow allows you to visually expand the volume. However, with the right selection of additional colors, you can get rid of this effect.
  3. Bright yellow outfits are not suitable for every person if combined with a cold shade. That is, when a person has pale skin, blond hair, eyes, it can emphasize his shortcomings. If you dress a person with dark hair and tanned skin in clothes of this color, it will make him even more attractive and fresh.
  4. You need to know that if you come to work or study in a yellow dress, you can anger your teacher or boss with your appearance, because yellow is rejected by tired people.
  5. It is not recommended to wear yellow clothes when you have a business meeting. Firstly, because they can cause irritation, and secondly, they can indicate your lack of seriousness, and sometimes dishonesty.

There is not a single yellow item in my wardrobe. And at home, there is nothing yellow or its shades in the interior. But my neighbor always dresses up in yellow dresses and suits. She is a very cheerful, cheerful person, with a bright personality. Looking at her improves my mood.

In the interior

  1. Through research, it has been proven that walls painted yellow are not dirty by children. Therefore, in a children's room or kindergarten it is recommended to paint the walls yellow. It is believed that children who are in rooms with a similar color behave cheerfully, they are full of energy and enthusiasm.
  2. Suitable for work rooms. It is believed that it increases performance, increases intellectual activity, improves mental health, and allows for faster recovery. But it is unacceptable to use bright shades, as they can irritate the psyche.
  3. Yellow shades are also often used in outdoor and home interiors. They help improve mood and perception, and allow you to feel the Sun indoors, even if the weather outside is cloudy.
  4. Recreation centers and sanatoriums also often use yellow paint for the interior. Being in such a room means you won’t be bored. New ideas will appear in your head.
  5. The color yellow is not recommended in hospitals. It is believed that it may complicate the treatment process. Studies have shown that it is most unpleasant for girls who have decided to have an abortion and alcoholics.

Now you know what the color yellow is in psychology. It defines the need to be original, to remain in harmony with oneself and the world around us. It is believed that yellow represents intelligence and helps to concentrate on important matters.

In this article we will answer the question of what the color yellow means in psychology and what can be said about a person who prefers to wear yellow. You can also find out exactly when you should wear yellow or change the interior a little by adding this color.

Who loves yellow

Yellow is the most positive color in the entire spectrum of colors. It is the color of sun, life, joy and optimism. If a person prefers to wear yellow, then he loves attention, is quite sociable, confident and wants to attract company around him.

Agree, a yellow dress or a yellow jacket will make a person noticeable from afar. And he will definitely become the life of the party, attract new people to him, want to be in a large crowd at a concert and take an active part in any event. Such a person has a lot of mobility, and most importantly, he will charge everyone around with his energy.

There is another manifestation of this color - family. It happens that parents themselves use this color rather reservedly, but, for example, they buy a car bright yellow. This is how the family subconsciously reveals its joy in expecting or having children.

Who refuses this color

Yellow color is abandoned by those who need less movement, more withdrawal, and more concentration. Such people will go blue, brown, gray, black. This does not mean that the person is gloomy and immersed in his problems, but rather that he needs more inconspicuousness and solitude in order to hear himself.

Who needs yellow?

If you are experiencing self-doubt after a bad deal, then yellow will add optimism. It will allow you to look at the world from a different angle, and will tell you that there are still a lot of options around that are just waiting for you to take advantage of them.

It is also useful to meditate on yellow when the time has come for active actions, but you still cannot decide to take them. Add a yellow scarf or a yellow tie to your wardrobe, a little pop of color won't hurt but will add some grit.

Indecision, pessimism, uncertainty - everything is erased in the rays of the sun. This color helps you unlock your inner potential.

If you're too shy and don't think you're good enough, you need to wear more yellow.

When to avoid it

Egocentric people should avoid yellow color. Those who love to be the center of attention force others to make room, which means they do not pay attention to the fact that others also need support, approval, and care.

Overly optimistic people may lose objectivity and act too boldly when they should wait or leave others alone. It is difficult for an egocentric person to wear black, but sometimes you need to “come down to earth” and pay attention to the needs of other people.

Positive and negative characteristics

The main positive traits of this color are optimism, joy, life and light. The sun, when it appears on the horizon, illuminates the path for the walker, and the yellow color symbolically adds confidence and creates a positive mood.

But the negative manifestation of yellow is excessive optimism, which will make you lose objectivity. Sometimes you need to go through a test, carry difficult feelings through yourself in order to survive them, and not hide from them. Yellow in this sense is not at all helpful; it, of course, will give you the opportunity to easily get through difficulties, but half-awareness of the problem will not allow you to understand the full depth of the task and this is undoubtedly a big minus.

Don't overload yourself with yellow, it's too powerful and intense. Sometimes one yellow detail is enough to correct your emotional background. If you are always characterized by uncertainty and indecision, then you can even turn the whole house into sunshine, it won’t hurt you.


Like any other, yellow has its own shades, which will depend on the “intervention” of other colors, and, consequently, other characteristics.

Red-yellow speaks of impulsiveness and thoughtlessness of actions. This shade should be used with great caution.

Lemon color speaks of insight, constant control. It is a cool color because it contains a large percentage of white, which manages to restrain the ardor of yellow.

Light yellow color preferred by infantile people who are not ready for responsibility.

Pale yellow those who do not accept boundaries choose. Such impulses need to be stopped with black.

Honey color speaks of the desire for complete happiness, in which there will be both pleasure and joy. This is a color that combines the joy of the sun and the heaviness of the earth, which fully speaks of the desire to enjoy being.

Golden color- the personification of glory and victory. You have to be extremely self-confident to prefer this color everywhere. On the one hand, gold speaks of wisdom and experience, on the other – of limitations and dishonor. As always, you need to remain moderate.

We hope you now know more about what the color yellow means and when it can benefit you. Add optimism when doubts overcome, but restrain yourself if you overshadow everything around you.

The symbolism of color dates back to ancient times. Humanity has long paid special attention to the language of colors, which is reflected in fairy tales and myths. In psychology, each color is endowed with a special content that reflects the inner world of a person and explains certain patterns of behavior. Colors evoke emotions in people and push them to make certain choices. The rainbow contains seven primary colors, each of which has its own meaning. The color yellow takes its place of honor in the palette of nature, so many researchers were interested in the impact of this color in various areas of life.

Yellow color: meaning in psychology

If you ask a person what the color yellow is associated with, without a doubt, anyone will answer that it is with the sun.

In ancient times, humanity perceived this color as a frozen sun. Psychology reveals to us the secrets of this bright tone. The color yellow expresses intellectual abilities, insight and the ability to imagine. This color is a symbolic reflection of honesty, a symbol of a cheerful holiday and joyful moments, but one can also come across the opinion that it is a symbol of sadness and betrayal, sadness and separation. The importance of yellow in psychology cannot be underestimated. It is considered to be basic because it expresses the need for disclosure. Everyone knows that the realization of talents is fraught with happiness, hope, and gives moral satisfaction. Color seems to open doors to the future. The color of the sun represents the mind and helps to concentrate. It is for this reason that psychologists advise preparing for exams and important events in a room decorated in yellow tones.

Man and the psychology of color

People who prefer yellow strive to open their talents to space and fully realize themselves in all areas of activity. They know perfectly well what they want and follow a bright path towards their goal. Such people are characterized by creative thinking and extravagant behavior.

People who love yellow tones may have a critical attitude towards themselves and others, their opinion towards other people may be harsh.

What meaning does the color yellow have for people? Psychologists define the meaning in a relationship as follows: its lovers submit to their partner, while creating every opportunity for positive communication.

Owners of yellow eyes can safely be proud of themselves, as this speaks of a person’s talent. Yellow eye color, the meaning of which speaks of the unpredictability of their owner, reveals enormous talents. Also, people with yellow eyes are prone to adventure and excitement.

Contradictory nature of color

Despite its positive characteristics, the color yellow is quite contradictory in its effect on a person, since, on the other hand, it is associated with risk, jealousy, and deception. It’s not for nothing that yellow flowers are believed to be harbingers of separation.

What benefits does yellow bring? Experts denote its importance for health by its ability to effectively control weight and restore order in the human body. "Solar Magician" significantly helps people who have lost faith in themselves and increases their level of self-esteem. Yellow color carries a charge of vigor and helps to make decisions quickly.

A deficiency of this tone in the world around a person can lead to decreased immunity and depression. But you shouldn’t overdo it either, it can lead to fatigue and irritability.

Sunny colors in clothes

What does the presence of yellow in clothing indicate? That when choosing yellow, on a subconscious level a person wants to recharge himself with the energy of the sun and light. People who like to wear clothes in yellow tones are very interesting individuals who are prone to adventurism. How else can you describe the color yellow? The meaning of this color filler in clothing is as follows: it is a sign of active, mobile people, easy-going and open-minded. On the other hand, by choosing such a tone, a person radiates frivolity and a tendency to mood swings.

When should you wear yellow clothes? In addition to its energetic properties, this color helps to mobilize in difficult times. Yellow clothes will help you concentrate and avoid mental stress. Yellow color in clothes at an important event related to intellectual activity, for example, an exam, brings a huge beneficial effect.

Sun-filled interior

Yellow is the color that will immediately catch your eye, even if its use in the interior is minor. Soft shades of yellow saturate the room with high spirits and encourage cheerful communication. Bright yellow should be used in moderation, only as an accent that attracts attention, since its excess can cause eye fatigue.

What is the meaning of the color yellow? The meaning of this tone in the interior is as follows: it reflects the readiness of its inhabitants for a positive perception of life, which can cheer up even pessimists.

Cheerful and inquisitive people always prefer yellow, which gives cheerfulness and optimism. This color is best used in the kitchen interior. An excellent solution would be to use the color of the sun in a children's room, as it helps to increase productivity and stimulate mental activity. However, designers do not recommend painting entire walls this color or using it for the ceiling and floor. It is enough to use it in accessories, individual pieces of furniture, for example, towels, glasses, curtains.

Yellow color in the coat of arms

Gold is one of the heraldic metals, the traditional expression of the color yellow and its shades in heraldry. In the terminology of people who study the meaning of coats of arms, it is called golden.

When creating the coat of arms, they used gold or other yellow metal and yellow paint. If the artists who were engaged in heraldry sought to give more life to the coat of arms, then when blazoning they emphasized that yellow was the main color filling.

Heraldry experts interpreted the meaning of this tone in the coat of arms as a symbol of strength and power, which is why this color is present in many coats of arms. Its presence in the symbols of various countries represents wealth, justice, supremacy, respect, strength, loyalty, constancy, and humility.

In addition, in the coats of arms of some states, the presence of yellow symbolized justice and generosity. But others gave this color a less rosy meaning, considering it a symbol of inconstancy, envy and adultery.

As a rule, the composition of the coats of arms of many countries included the figure of the Sun, reflected in gold on the canvas and personifying prosperity and security.

The meaning of yellow in the eastern worldview

In Eastern culture, the influence of flowers was given great importance. What semantic content does the color yellow carry? The sages revealed the meaning of this tone in the East through the sun, earth, and flame.

Ancient China considered yellow a symbol of the earth (Kun) and the feminine principle (Yin). In ancient India, the color of the sun was considered the most valuable, as it was directly associated with gold. It is noted in ancient scriptures that Buddha was born with a golden body and immediately after his birth he took his first steps, leaving footprints in yellow flowers. He became the leader of the monastic disciples, who were required to dress in robes of this color. Even today, representatives of Buddhist culture wear yellow clothes.

Also in Indian culture, this color symbolized happiness and unity. A woman waiting for her husband after marriage covers her hands with a yellow cloth.

The color yellow has a divine meaning in many cultures. The meaning of this tone in Egyptian civilization is as follows: it was associated with gods, priests and sacred animals.

In Islamic culture, yellow is a symbol of the sacred cow, the first sacrifice made to Allah.

Dark Side of the Sun

At the same time, starting from the eleventh century, the yellow color has been endowed with a negative symbolic meaning and filled with a completely different content. Now it becomes a symbol of betrayal and infidelity. Japanese poetry designated it as a symbol of withering, autumn sadness, but at the same time, the yellow-sand color was considered an integral attribute of the family hearth and marriage.

In ancient China, the “yellow keys” were called the abode of the dead. But the yellow crane represented immortality.

In modern feng shui theory, the color of the Sun is considered a symbol of wisdom and accumulated knowledge. It is the Eastern tradition that associates the color yellow with carelessness, fun and a sense of celebration. Many fetish figures are made in this color scheme and are supposed to bring good luck and money to the house.

What do we know about color? You may or may not like him. It can improve mood and excite, or, conversely, depress and provoke apathy. Color can expand space and volumes, or it can reduce them. Color, even physically, can have a very noticeable effect on a person, speeding up the pulse or slowing down breathing.

Let's figure out how the color yellow affects people. What importance do we attach to it now, and what did we think about it before?

Yellow is a very cheerful color. The first association when looking at it arises with sunlight. Hence its meaning of carelessness, grace, joy.

Gold, one of the most precious metals, has the yellow color. Therefore, yellow is the color of wealth and luxury. For example, in Ancient China, only the emperor and his entourage could wear clothes of this color. For ordinary people it remained prohibited.

In Ancient Greece, a bright shade of yellow - saffron - was considered festive. Clothes of this color were elegant and were worn only on the occasion of a celebration.

In many religions, the color yellow is revered in a special way. Buddha was born with a golden body. To this day, Buddhist monks wear yellow robes.

It is believed that yellow is closely associated with the subconscious. And the female subconscious. In Ancient Egypt, this color represented a woman. This may be why it is also associated with fertility. This is the color of ripe ears and ripe fruits. It is also the color of intuition, which is often attributed to women.

But color does not always have positive meanings. There is also the other side of the coin. Yellow is associated with autumn, with the withering of nature. Hence its perception as the color of mourning, grief and sadness. This is precisely the importance that was attached to it in Japan and some Asian countries.

Among the Slavic peoples, yellow is a symbol of jealousy and betrayal. And also craziness. In the old days, homes for the mentally ill were called “yellow houses.” And the negative message is still present when perceiving this color. For example, the expression “yellow press” emphasizes that one cannot expect truthful facts from such publications.

How does yellow affect a person? It increases performance and maintains a good mood. It also promotes mental health and rapid recovery. But it’s worth considering that yellow irritates tired people. It excites an already unstable psyche.

If a person often chooses yellow, then he is cheerful and strives for a change of places and impressions. Such people want to succeed and be liked by others. At the same time, they still strive to do something that gives them pleasure and brings joy.

People who reject yellow are demanding and picky. They depend on the opinions of others. Psychologists believe that this indicates some kind of mental instability. Such people always strive to receive recognition and praise from others. They have little self-confidence.

In clothing, yellow color definitely attracts attention. Even a small detail of this bright color will catch the eye.

It should be noted that it is not suitable for everyone. For girls with a cold, pale skin tone, it will highlight all the imperfections and unevenness of the face. But it will suit a warm appearance wonderfully. The face will become even brighter and fresher in a yellow outfit. Bright yellow will look good on contrasting girls, for example, those belonging to the Winter color type.

Yellow, like any other light shade, expands volumes. This should be taken into account when choosing styles.

By wearing yellow, you may, without meaning to, irritate your teachers or superiors. The thing is that this color has a negative effect on tired people. Because of this feature, you should not wear a yellow outfit to business meetings. You may be considered frivolous, absent-minded, and perhaps even deceitful.

Men and women perceive this color differently. Women, seeing a man wearing a yellow set, will consider him gentle and caring. But men, in turn, perceive the girl in yellow as eccentric and frivolous. But, at the same time, carefree and cheerful.

When putting on a yellow outfit, you should think about what impression you will make on others. Yellow is a very bright color. And when creating an image, it is better to limit yourself to details and accessories in its shades.