Yaroslavl universities evening department. Universities of Yaroslavl

Yaroslavl State University (YarSU) is one of the youngest and at the same time oldest universities in Russia. Born twice - in 1918 and 1970, he considers the beginning of his history to be 1803, when Alexander the First, at the request and at the expense of the famous entrepreneur and philanthropist P.G. Demidov founded a school of higher sciences in a provincial town on the Volga, which was later transformed into the Demidov Legal Lyceum, and then into the Yaroslavl State University.

Today Yaroslavl State University named after. P.G. Demidov is a leading higher education institution in the Upper Volga region, with more than 7,000 students studying. This is a classic, multidisciplinary educational institution that trains students in 70 specialties and areas.

The university has ten faculties: law, mathematics, physics, economics, history, information science and computer technology, socio-political sciences, psychology, biology and ecology, philology and communications.

The educational process is provided by a professional team of teachers, most of whom have degrees of candidates and doctors of science. You can continue your education in more than 40 specialties in graduate school and doctoral studies. Defense of dissertations is carried out in candidate and doctoral councils at the university.

The structural unit of the university is the University College, which carries out educational activities in the field of secondary vocational education in 18 specialties.

The development of fundamental science has always been the university's top priority. Today it occupies a leading position both in terms of the qualifications of scientific personnel and in the volume, breadth of topics and results of scientific research. The main research topics developed by the university are financed from the federal budget, Russian state funds, and international organizations. The university has established recognized scientific schools in many specialties. University scientists are regular participants in scientific conferences, symposia and seminars at various levels. Students and graduate students take an active part in research work.

The university has achieved great success in the field of international cooperation. Long-term partnerships have been established with higher educational institutions from near and far abroad. Among them are universities in the USA (University of Vermont), Europe (University of Jyväskylä, University of Poitiers), member states of the Customs Union (Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Minsk Institute of Modern Technologies and Marketing). New cooperation agreements have expanded the list of foreign partners of YarSU, and currently there are more than thirty of them. As part of inter-university cooperation agreements, student exchanges, teacher internships, and business visits regularly take place. Within the framework of the European Commission's Erasmus Plus program, international projects for the development of academic mobility and the development of joint educational programs are being successfully implemented.