Higher education in Switzerland. List of required documents

Switzerland has the highest per capita income and the lowest crime rate in Europe. Education in Switzerland is also of the highest level. Over the centuries, teaching methods have been developed that combine the best features of the German, French and Anglo-American education systems. Despite all the benefits and advantages, higher education in Switzerland cannot be called prohibitively expensive. In many public universities, the cost of a semester does not exceed 500 Swiss francs. Sky-high tuition fees are offered only by a number of elite universities.

Higher education in Switzerland can be obtained in economics and linguistics, engineering, technology and the humanities, as well as applied and creative specialties. In addition, universities that train specialists in the hotel and restaurant business, as well as tourism, are very popular among foreign applicants - this branch of education in Switzerland has no equal in the world. Finance and banking are another area in which education in Switzerland can easily be classified as a benchmark. Higher medical education in Switzerland is no less prestigious, but it is extremely difficult for a foreigner to enter the medical faculties of local universities. Studying in Switzerland offers many opportunities to obtain a double degree. Swiss diplomas issued by universities and colleges are highly valued by employers.

Higher education in Switzerland: Features

If France is the main capital of culinary art, where every ambitious and talented chef must study in order to bear the proud title of “chef,” then Switzerland is the capital of restaurant and hotel management. Yes, not all local universities specialize in these subjects, but if you want to become a real guru in matters of management and effective personnel management, you need to get basic knowledge here. In addition, Switzerland has always been famous for its banking system and impeccable work with finance, so education in this industry is also considered a benchmark. Here, every university teacher truly loves and “burns” with his specialty, and tries by any means to engender the same love in his students.

Entry requirements

Studying in Switzerland at all universities requires the same age requirements for the applicant - you can enter the university only from 18 years of age. To enter a state university where instruction is in French, a Ukrainian applicant only needs to have a good command of the French language and successfully pass a comprehensive exam.

Studying in Switzerland in English is possible mainly in private universities; to enroll, it is enough to have a certificate of secondary education and a certificate of passing a language exam (TOEFL with scores from 500 to 550 or IELTS not lower than 5.5-6.0).

In universities with German as the language of instruction, the requirements for applicants are more stringent ─ the Ukrainian certificate of secondary education is not considered a sufficient basis for enrollment here, so before enrolling it is recommended to either complete 2 years at a domestic university or study under the Foundation program in Switzerland.

Types of programs

  • Preparatory programs. Education in Switzerland under such programs is offered mainly by those universities in which foreign certificates of secondary education are not recognized as a sufficient basis for enrollment. As a rule, they are designed for 2 semesters.
  • Bachelor's degree. Bachelor's programs in Switzerland are offered by classical universities and higher vocational schools. To obtain a bachelor's degree in college, you must complete a full course of study lasting 8 semesters. Universities with the Bologna education system offer programs that last 3 years of study and culminate in a bachelor's degree. Higher education in Switzerland presupposes the presence of universities where a two-level system for awarding academic degrees is practiced - in them, graduates of bachelor's programs do not receive diplomas and can only count on a licentiate degree, which in universities in other countries often needs to be confirmed.
  • Master's degree. Education in Switzerland provides the opportunity to obtain a master's degree at universities and higher business schools. The average duration of training is 1.5 years. It is possible to enroll in a master’s program not in “your” specialty, but for this you need to undergo preliminary training in Post Graduate courses.
  • Postgraduate programs. Doctoral studies in Switzerland are designed for at least 3 years of study and involve writing a scientific work in the specialty and then defending it. To enter, you must have an international master's degree or a Swiss diploma on completion of the first stage of university education at a local university.
  • MBA. These programs are more varied than in other European countries, and the duration of study varies. To enroll, you need not only a diploma from a reputable university, but also 3-7 years of work experience in a large company. Studying in Switzerland makes it possible to enroll in a similar program without higher education. The condition for admission is the successful passing of an international exam in the major subject and a sufficiently high level of proficiency in English or German.

A high standard of living, a stable economy, excellent ecology and a European diploma - for all this you need to go to Switzerland, the country of chocolate, watches, alpine landscapes and reliable banks.


  1. Prestigious diploma. Swiss universities, and especially programs in hotel management, are very highly regarded in the world.
  2. Internationally oriented curriculum and the opportunity to study in English, as well as simultaneously master German, French or Italian.
  3. Excellent career opportunities for graduates (especially from hospitality schools) and job placement assistance: Top hotel schools collaborate with major players in the market (airlines, hotel chains, cruise operators) and constantly organize career fairs and internships for their students.


Cost of education and living: Switzerland is an expensive country. The high standard of living here has a corresponding price tag. However, if we are not talking about private boarding schools, private higher schools of hotel management and business education, but about bachelor’s or master’s degrees from state universities, the cost of such training will be one of the lowest in Europe with a high quality and prestigious diploma.

Education system

The Swiss education system has a high global reputation, but is not homogeneous. At the level of school education, it is due to regional differences, which depend on the government structure of the country and the presence of four state languages. The twenty-six cantons of Switzerland independently determine the programs, terms, and age of schooling, although the general principles are the same for all regions.

According to the Swiss Constitution, free, public secondary education is mandatory for all Swiss. Teachers in Switzerland most consistently apply in practice the principles of progressive Montessori pedagogy, which were largely developed by the famous pedagogical theorists Pestalozzi, Piaget, and Steiner who worked in the country.

The application of the fundamental principles - the development of the child’s individuality, creative knowledge of the world - begins at the stage of preschool education. It is designed for children from the age of three. Attendance at kindergarten becomes mandatory from the age of six - the senior group of kindergarten actually becomes a preparatory class in elementary school.

Most Swiss people willingly send their children to preschool institutions, especially since they can independently choose the kindergarten and the time the child will spend there. Many parents choose the main type of kindergarten - full-time. Kindergartens receive significant assistance from the state. It is hardly possible to build sports complexes and swimming pools, which are not uncommon in Swiss kindergartens, using the income from regular payments to parents.

In addition to state kindergartens, Switzerland has a developed network of private kindergartens. These are family institutions with a dozen pupils, elite boarding-type kindergartens, for which a special selection of qualified, high-level teachers is carried out.

School education

The number of classes in primary school and the language of instruction are determined by the cantonal authorities, so there is no single system. However, the level and quality of education are standardized, and all students are given equal opportunities. Only the age of training is uniform (7 - 16 years).

Most cantons practice six years of primary education. There are no exams or entrance tests required for admission to primary school. A typical weekly curriculum takes from 23 to 32 lessons in different grades.

The multinationality of the country places high demands on language acquisition. Language learning begins in kindergarten, since upon graduation from school a young Swiss is required to speak two official languages ​​and know English. For elementary school, one of the main subjects is a foreign language.

Compulsory education includes basic secondary education "Secondaire I", which lasts 3-4 years (depending on the cantonal program). To complete the Secondaire II course, a student will need the same amount of time, that is, complete secondary education is completed by the age of 18-19.

Academic orientation occurs at the end of the Secondaire I program. An alternative to Secondaire II is vocational secondary education, which gives the right to the “Maturité professionnelle” certificate. With this diploma, it is possible to enter a polytechnic university or higher technical school. The "Maturité gymnasiale" certificate gives the right to university education.

Curricula in cantonal schools vary. They usually include 12 compulsory subjects. These always include three basic disciplines (native language, another state language, mathematics). Students (except for history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology) independently choose two major subjects.

Federal certificates “Maturité gymnasiale”, “Maturité professionnelle” are recognized in all regions of Switzerland (for enrollment in universities), recognized by European countries, American, Australian, Asian higher schools (with a language certificate).

Private boarding schools, common in Switzerland, require special attention. On the one hand, private education is highly rated in the country, outside of Switzerland. Despite the high cost of education, entrance exams - private schools are 100% full. Wealthy parents willingly send their children to study in Switzerland. Schools are distinguished by strict rules and do not recognize divisions based on class, social, or racial characteristics. The best teachers in Europe work in private schools, so the quality of education is very high.

On the other hand, there is an obvious confrontation between public and private education. To enter a Swiss university, graduates of private schools must pass a federal exam. However, the knowledge provided by private schools allows graduates, based on the school base, to enter most universities in the world without additional preparation. Diplomas from private schools are recognized by almost all higher schools in the world.

Higher education

Switzerland is one of the oldest countries in Europe in the development of university education. Higher education in the country is divided into university and technical. The federal authorities oversee higher vocational education, while the cantonal authorities oversee university education.

This division is quite arbitrary, since money for financial support is allocated by the central government. The Swiss Ministry of Education unconditionally accepted the Bologna Agreement and is consistently implementing it. Most public universities operate according to the Bologna system.

Switzerland's global leadership in watchmaking, precision engineering, precision engineering, pharmaceuticals, and petrochemicals constantly requires an influx of qualified specialists into the main sectors of the export-oriented economy. Therefore, it is natural for the federal government to pay attention to the technical industries. Government spending is high (2.6% of GDP on science, more than 5% on education).

The university system includes ten cantonal universities. Technical education is provided by two federal institutes of technology and seven universities of applied sciences. The cantonal division does not affect the educational programs. As a rule, universities offer academic studies in any of four languages ​​(German, Italian, French, English).

The largest university in Switzerland is the University of Zurich. More than 25,000 students study at the faculties of law, veterinary medicine, medicine, economics, and mathematics. About half of them study at the Faculty of Philosophy, which is respected in scientific circles around the world.

In the same Zurich is located the oldest center of technological education - the Higher Technical School (since 1855). In addition to engineering disciplines, its students study architecture, mathematics, social sciences, and management. The successes of Swiss research centers in the fields of atomic energy, space exploration, and the development of nanotechnology are due to the fact that the majority of teachers are actively engaged in scientific research, as well as the vast majority of talented students.

Foreign applicants must pass five entrance exams to be admitted to Switzerland. Three subjects are compulsory for everyone - mathematics, history, and the language of instruction. One exam is determined by the choice of a major discipline (physics, biology, chemistry, geography). At the applicant's choice, knowledge of a second foreign language is tested.

Universities in German-speaking cantons do not accept foreign school graduates; the minimum requirement is four semesters of study at a national university. The difficulties of admission do not end there. After the first and second courses, difficult exams are required, which eliminate up to 50% of students.

The cost of studying at Swiss universities is higher than the European average. But it includes more than just tuition. The tuition fee includes food costs, accommodation on campus, textbooks, and discounts for purchasing inexpensive clothing. Side earnings are not encouraged by university administrations.

For Russian applicants who have good knowledge of specialized disciplines, the best way of admission is an additional course of study at a language school, which operates at most academic and polytechnic universities.

useful links

  • www.swissworld.org Official portal about Switzerland
  • www.studyinginswitzerland.ch Education in Switzerland
  • www.edk.ch Education system in Switzerland

Question answer

Upon admission to Degree Programs, IELTS – overall score 6.5 or TOEFL(iBT) – overall score 88.

The ideal option is to submit documents a year before the start of your studies. But, being realists, we understand that this is not always possible. Therefore, we recommend doing this at least six months before the start date of your academic program in the USA.

No. In a master's program in the USA, you will study together with American students and you will not be given any concessions for the fact that you are a foreigner... Once you are accepted, you are welcome to study... Therefore, with a weak language (even if you imagine the situation that you were accepted for the course), you simply won’t do anything You will understand at lectures and seminars! If you have weak/average English, we strongly advise you to take special preparatory courses in which you will improve both the “general” and “academic” aspects of English.

If finances allow, it is better to go to study from the 1st year. During three years of studying for a bachelor's degree in Switzerland, you will acquire not only knowledge. You will have 2 paid internships, which will provide invaluable work experience, recommendations and contacts with specialists in this field. After studying in Ukraine, after the same 3 years you will only be able to start a retraining program. This path is longer, but is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to study abroad for a long time.

In order to study for a master's degree in a specialty obtained in Ukraine, it is necessary to undergo a retraining program, the so-called Post Graduate Program. This program is offered by many universities in Switzerland that specialize in hotel management. The training lasts a year and, as a rule, includes a paid internship, which allows you not only to gain invaluable practice and recommendations, but also to significantly offset the cost of training. Upon completion of such a program, students can continue their studies in a master's program or work in their acquired specialty. Many find work in large chain organizations, since Swiss education in the hotel industry is valued all over the world.

Study in Switzerland

Study in Switzerland- one of the most profitable investments in life. Swiss schools are known throughout the world for their elite education. When they say: education in Switzerland, the imagination always pictures elite people receiving elite education in elite Swiss schools. However, studying in Switzerland is not only prestigious, but also quite inexpensive.
Switzerland has a huge variety of schools and all of them are famous for their high standards of education. Private schools, public schools, Swiss business schools, universities...

We bring to your attention a brief description of a number of schools in Switzerland.

(School of Business and Hotel Management) is located in Lucerne, one of the most beautiful cities in Switzerland, and is part of the Bénédict group of Swiss schools, which is a large international network of schools, with an exclusive hotel management program. Every year the school graduates about 200 students from different countries.

At BHMS you can complete your Bachelor of Arts degree in the shortest possible time - 18 months plus 18 months of internship. Similar training at another Swiss management school will require 24 months of study plus 12 months of practice. This gives BHMS graduates the advantage of having 6 months less theoretical study while at the same time receiving 6 additional months of paid internship after studying in Switzerland.

BHMS Business School has developed a unique education system by dividing the 20-week semester into 4 mini-periods of 5 weeks each. This system allows students to focus on only 3-4 academic disciplines studied at a time, instead of the standard 8-10 subjects in other Swiss hotel business schools. As a result, BHMS students can complete 12-14 courses over a period of 6 months without being overwhelmed.

BHMS works with a variety of international recruitment agencies that specialize in the placement of graduate students in Europe, Asia and North America.

(Swiss Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism Cesar Ritz, Le Bouveret and Breguet). One of the most renowned business schools in Switzerland and has an excellent reputation going back over 30 years. It is a combination of traditional academic study, practical training and paid internship, giving your career a great start. The only university in Switzerland in the field of hotel business that has received the “tedQual” certificate from the UN World Tourism Organization.
The Institute has two campuses, one located in Le Bouveret, where diploma, bachelor's and first-semester postgraduate programs are taught, and the second in Bregues, where postgraduate programs are taught.

Cesar Ritz College Switzerland is a member of many reputable hotel school associations and has various degrees of accreditation. The institute includes several educational institutions in the USA and Australia, which provides students with the opportunity to study and practice on different continents. There are more than three dozen international hotel chains that employ students and graduates of the institute.

Upon completion of the bachelor's program, students can enroll in a one-year MBA course at the American University Washington State University. Upon completion of the training program, students undergo a paid internship for 18 months.

(European University) is one of the leading business schools in the world and has an international network of campuses, the main of which are located in Switzerland (Geneva and Montreux), Germany (Munich), Spain (Barcelona) and the UK.
All campuses have a unified education system; teaching is conducted in English, which gives students a unique opportunity to transfer between branches at the end of each semester.
The university offers bachelor's and master's degree programs in business administration with the possibility of specialization in 10 different areas, such as finance and banking, public relations, tourism and recreation management, international relations, human resources management, and sports management.
The training scheme at the European University combines the study of theory with the acquisition of practical skills. During the learning process, the method of analyzing specific situations (case study) is used, which allows students to demonstrate the application of business theory in practice. In addition, the university organizes visits to enterprises, and students undergo internships in major international companies. Experience shows that this approach to education effectively prepares students for leadership positions in business, and the international composition of teachers and students creates a unique learning environment.

(IHHTI School of Hotel Management) Neuchâtel is among the top ten international business schools in the hotel industry, with which the best international recruiting agencies want to cooperate. Specializes in training management personnel for the international hotel and tourism industry. It is part of the educational association of leading schools of hotel management and tourism in Switzerland - Swiss Education Group.
All IHHTI programs are accredited by the Swiss Association of Schools of Hotel Management (ASEN) and the American Hotel Management Association (AH&LA). The undergraduate program is accredited by the British University of Wilderness.
The success of the IHHTI educational model lies in the combination of British education with the practical orientation inherent in Swiss education. Students are trained at Eurotel's own hotel, as well as in numerous foreign hotels, restaurants and travel agencies (paid internship).
Graduates of the school have the opportunity to obtain two prestigious Western diplomas - a British diploma in international and/or hotel management and a Swiss higher diploma in hotel management.

(International School of Hotel and Business Management), Vitznau (Lucerne) will prepare you for a successful international career in hotel and restaurant management or provide training to qualify as a chef in European gourmet cuisine, pastries and chocolate. Operates in partnership with Lynn University. Together with him he represents the educational center DCT.
This business school offers a choice of accredited hospitality and culinary arts programs, including advanced degrees, professional certificates, MBAs or graduate certificates, as well as one of the leading US bachelor's degrees available in Switzerland. All programs at the school are accelerated, allowing everyone to receive an internationally recognized quality education in a shorter time and with lower financial costs compared to the traditional university system.

DCT is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), has received Exemplary Program status from the American Culinary Federation (ACF), and is a member of the Swiss Association of Schools of Hotel Management (ASEH). Lynn University is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). The DCT Center also partners with a number of leading universities in the United States and around the world to provide specialized study abroad programs ranging from a week to a year.
The DCT Center offers a unique set of modular programs that combine modern and innovative concepts with time-tested methods and traditional techniques. These programs are taught by highly qualified faculty using the most advanced and innovative methods of education in the field of hotel management.

Swiss School of Hotel Management. Studying at this Swiss school will allow you to obtain a bachelor's degree with honors from one of the best educational institutions, recognized throughout the world and meeting the requirements established by the Declaration of European Higher Education (Bologna Declaration).
It is one of the leading business schools in hotel management in Switzerland.
Offers a wide range of international academic programs for undergraduate and graduate students in the field of hotel, restaurant and spa resort management. The training is based on intensive training programs, including post-study internships in Switzerland and around the world.

SHMS has close ties with many international hospitality companies who value the quality of its students' education. SHMS has students from over 63 countries. The school is located in 2 buildings - in the French part of Switzerland (5-star hotel Caux-Palace in Caux Montreux) and the SHMS center in Leysin.

SHMS School is a member of the Swiss Educational Group SEG, which is an alliance of three leading educational institutions in Switzerland for training hotel specialists. Students of educational institutions belonging to the Swiss educational group are provided with a wide range of advantages and privileges.

Each semester, SHMS students have the opportunity to meet leading representatives of the hospitality industry from around the world at the International Career Forum, organized by the Swiss Education Group. This event is attended by representatives of large hotel chains, exclusive hotels, resorts, airlines, cruise ships and many other areas of activity. During the forum, School students attend presentations by participating companies, undergo interviews, and can even be hired full-time or for an internship.

Institute of Hotel Management HIM, Montreux.
For many years, the Hotel Institute Montreux (HIM) has remained one of the best and most respected hotel training institutions in Switzerland. The Institute is accredited by several international organizations.
The Swiss school's membership in professional associations, its active alumni community and strong connections with leading hospitality industry leaders ensure that the school's quality of education is recognized throughout the world, providing the best prospects for a successful career.
Since its founding in 1984, the HIM Institute in Switzerland has graduated several thousand professionals who now occupy important positions in the hotel industry. Many graduates of the Institute participate in the work of the Alumni Association, which currently operates in more than 80 countries around the world.

The Hotel Institute Montreux (HIM) maintains strong relationships with leading representatives of the hotel industry, ensuring that the Institute's training programs are up to date with the latest requirements and industry trends.
The Hotel Institute Montreux (HIM) combines Swiss and American training programs to provide hotel management skills with unsurpassed Swiss quality and management experience to the best American standards.

Available training programs:
- Special education: Incomplete special education (Swiss diploma), special education (Swiss diploma), complete special education (bachelor's degree in business administration).
- Postgraduate specialized education (postgraduate diploma)
- Postgraduate specialized education in the course “Hotel Management”.

Infostudy will help you understand the variety of Swiss schools and choose the best one for you. More detailed information about studying in Switzerland you can get it by calling us by phone 38 044 222-78-76 (consultations are free).

Eight Swiss universities are in the top 20 in the QS World University Rankings 2014/15. Four of them are also leaders in the share of foreign students studying there.

Higher education in Switzerland can be obtained at both universities and vocational colleges. In addition, private tourism universities and business schools should be included in a separate group. Hospitality is a major trademark of the educational market in Switzerland because it was in this country that it originated as a taught discipline. Management and Finance are also very popular among local and international students. It should be mentioned that medical universities accept only residents of Switzerland, which is explained by the high competition for these specialties.

Duration of Swiss university programs

Students of Swiss universities are offered the following educational programs: bachelor's degree lasting 3.5 years, master's degree lasting 1-2 years and postgraduate study.

Education in Switzerland in English

English-language education in this country is more common at the master's level, while German, Italian and French predominate at the bachelor's level. A certain number of first higher education programs are still taught in English, but mainly in private universities.

Admission to Swiss universities

It is quite difficult to get into a public university in Switzerland. Firstly, the country has an age limit: no younger than 18 years. Therefore, a Russian graduate will not be able to enter the first year immediately after school; you will have to study for a couple of years at a domestic university or at a Swiss boarding school in a preparatory program. Secondly, all foreign applicants must pass a single exam in five subjects, for which they will have to come to the Swiss city of Friborg.

Another way to enter a state university is through a vocational education college. This route is very popular among foreigners because of the relative ease of admission and because college tuition is much cheaper than preparatory schools and private universities. You can go here right after Russian school and without entrance exams. Colleges award graduates a bachelor's degree, but education can be interrupted at any time by receiving a certificate, with which it will be much easier to enter the university.

In private universities, the situation is simpler: you can enroll here immediately after Russian school, without passing entrance exams. Some universities may ask you to provide a portfolio or undergo an interview, but this does not require you to come to Switzerland in advance. In addition, many private universities, focused on practical training, are very loyal to the past academic success of candidates and offer preparatory language courses.

In Switzerland, there is no centralized system for accepting applications for admission, so documents must be sent to each university separately within the deadlines established by it. As a rule, admissions committees work in the spring, and the academic year begins in the fall.

Costs and scholarships to study in Switzerland

At state universities, training is equally available for both local and foreign students: 1-2.5 thousand euros per year. The price of one year of study at private universities is 20 thousand euros or more. Switzerland is an expensive country; Student expenses for accommodation, food and transport amount to 1.5-2.5 thousand euros per month. When submitting documents, you should pay attention to the scholarships available to Russian students from private foundations and universities. Several Swiss government scholarships are available for graduate students under 35 years of age.

During their studies, foreign students can work part-time up to 15 hours a week, and during the holidays - full-time. After graduation, you can extend your visa for six months in order to find a job.