Graduation at a music school, word from parents. Scenario for graduation at a music school

Prom script

at the children's music school


Compiled by: Korosteleva O.V., Paritskaya A.V.

Presenter: Cherevako E.G.

Date: 05/26/2016

The “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker” sounds. The music gradually fades away, and the presenter appears on stage:

“What an unusual day today!
We are happy and sad at the same time,
And perhaps you won’t find the words,
To express your feelings to us.

Everything is ready, everything is ready:
flowers, smiles and words!
Meet me in this bright hall
heroes of the great celebration!

(The presenter invites the graduates to come up to the stage. “Waltz” by G. Sviridov from the music for the film “Metel” sounds)

The gala evening is declared open!

The floor is given to the director of the Dorogobuzh Children's Musical school for Rezakov Mikhail Vasilievich(the order is read out and certificates are presented, certificates, letters of gratitude).”

During the presentation of certificates, the presenter reads out short characteristics in verse for each graduate (see appendix).

List of graduates:

  1. Kushlyanova Daria
  2. Svechkareva Anastasia
  3. Ismailova Elmira
  4. Grokhotov Timofey
  5. Zueva Anna
  6. Lebedeva Alexandra
  7. Ovchinnikova Daria
  8. Latosh Makar
  9. Makeeva Kristina
  10. Minnikova Anastasia
  11. Snegireva Elizaveta
  12. Solovyov Daniil
  13. Germanova Nargilya
  14. Zharkova Svetlana
  15. Malyas Ekaterina
  16. Popenkova Evgenia
  17. Stepanova Ksenia

At the end of the presentation of certificates, graduates read poems addressed to the director and teachers:

Graduate 1: /director/

How difficult it is for you sometimes

Lead the entire school

Understand everything and solve everything.

Know that he will not forget you

Our musical release!

Graduate 2: / teachers /

Even if the world is very turbulent these days,

Are you tired of evil and vanity,

But believe me, we will be worthy of you,

You taught us lessons in kindness.

Graduate 3: /to teachers/

We thank all the teachers,

For tenderness, kindness and affection,

which for many years

You gave us gifts without fail.

Graduate 4: /to teachers/

We wish you all health and happiness,

More smiles and warmth in the heart,

And so that your work is wonderful

Bringing satisfaction and joy!

Graduate 5: /to teachers/

Our worries, worries, sorrows

You certainly always noticed.

We wish you to remain like this

And never change for anything.

Graduate 6: /to teachers/

Our dear teachers!

You didn’t look for easier ways,

Mind and heart, soul and warmth

They gave it to the younger generations.

Khotkina Galina Borisovnareads a poem

“Don’t you dare forget your teachers” by Andrey Dementyev

Don't you dare forget your teachers.
They worry about us and remember us.
And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
They are waiting for our returns and news.
They miss these infrequent meetings.
And, no matter how many years have passed,
Teacher happiness happens
From our student victories.
And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
We don’t send them congratulations on New Year’s Eve.
And in the bustle or simply out of laziness
We don’t write, we don’t visit, we don’t call.
They are waiting for us. They're watching us
And they rejoice every time for those
Who passed the exam somewhere again
For courage, for honesty, for success.
Don't you dare forget your teachers.
May life be worthy of their efforts.
Russia is famous for its teachers.
The disciples bring glory to her.
Don't you dare forget your teachers!

Presenter : “Thank you, Galina Borisovna, for the wonderful poems!

Dear graduates! They came to congratulate you children , who just recently took their first steps along the road leading to the Beautiful Land of Music. First-graders have a word!”

First graders come out.

1st: With words of congratulations

And parting words in good time,

The first class arrived today,

Congratulations on your triumph!

2nd: We will follow you
Eight years of class after class.
Somehow don't forget
You then congratulate us!

3rd: We came to congratulate you all
Wish you a happy life,
And our native school
Never forget!!!

Presenter: “ What will the graduates’ response be?”

There is a piano intro.

Four girls come forward to perform musical ditties.

  1. Take care of your ears -

The violin is not easy to listen to.

But for the harm, give it better

Milk for teachers.

2. Accordionists saw, saw,

But they won’t cut it out

Without sonatina errors,

You can't play on an empty stomach.

3. Very general background

We love it so much!

There is no need to pull the fur at all

The sound is still there!

4. At solfeggio I am with Masha -

We can't live without each other!

After all, Masha writes dictations,

And I build the chords.


We know all the secrets now

Everything has been checked more than once.

We will become excellent students

Please accept us into first class!

Presenter: “This is what our graduates are like: young, beautiful, musical, and even with a sense of humor! But it’s time for us to remember that not only the students who studied and the teachers who taught attended the Children’s Art School, but also parents who both taught and studied at the same time. These words are for you, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents!”

Graduates: /Parents/

Thank you, our dear parents!

Forgive us if we offended you in any way,

For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,

For youthful pride and impatience,

For the gray hair at my father's temples.

And for the wrinkles of my own face

Let us bow to you from the waist down to the ground -

We wouldn't have gotten anywhere without you!

Graduates (CHORUS): THANK YOU!


Beautiful parental kindness
There is nothing more expensive in the world!
So that the path of children is bright and clear,

We have worked with you for many years!

Word from parents is givenOvchinnikova Svetlana Vladimirovna:

“Today I would like everyone to have smiles and joy in their eyes. On behalf of the parents, I want to say many words of gratitude to the teachers of our children.

Many guys came here as kids and before your eyes they grew and matured. You know all their pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages. You treat each of your students as a unique personality, as the only one in the world.

In our school, teachers created an atmosphere of mutual understanding, kindness and sincerity. Children are surrounded by constant attention, which is the main merit of the school director, Mikhail Vasilyevich Rezakov.

I want to express my deep gratitude and deep gratitude to you for your professionalism, generosity, attention and love, dedication to your profession and your students. Your participation and advice were always correct and appropriate. You instilled in our children the main thing - a love of art.

It is unknown what their fate will be, but their love for music will remain with them forever.

Thank you for that!"

Graduates perform a song based on

“The song doesn’t say goodbye to you”:

At night the stars
They run along blue rivers into the distance.
In the morning stars
They go out without a trace.
Only school remains with a person,
School is your faithful friend forever

Through the years, through partings
On any road, to the side of any
We won’t say “Goodbye” to the music.
The music will stay with you!

Presenter: " Our graduates have prepared a small concert! This is not just another end-of-year concert. They achieved these results gradually, step by step from year to year! We overcame difficulties and laziness. Not everything worked out the first time, or even the fifth time. But it was interesting! Together we learned the secrets of music. And now to go through life with this knowledge is our destiny!”

We invite you to the stage:

Ovchinnikova Daria

P. Tchaikovsky. "Autumn Song"

Latosh Makar

A. Pirunov. "Echo"

Lebedeva Alexandra and Solovyov Daniil

V. Tsoi. "Cuckoo"

Grokhotov Timofey

Russian folk song “Will I go, young girl?” Arranged by M. Shcherbakova

Zueva Anna

I. Dunaevsky. “Oh, the viburnum is blooming”

Accompanist – Irina Robinets

Presenter: Our gala evening has come to an end, and we, teachers, want to tell our beloved graduates that the doors of this school and our hearts remain open for them forever!


Characteristics of each graduate in verse

Grokhotov Timofey

In all classes he catches every word,

He is firm in his convictions, like a diamond.

Moreover, he is silent, but if he says a word,

It’s not just in the eyebrow, but right in the eye!

Solovyov Daniil

- Who he will be, no one knows yet

Reliable in friendship, ideal son,

He plays guitar in the ensemble,

You won't find anything like this anymore - there's only one like it!

Minnikova Anastasia

- I am never indifferent to someone else’s grief,

Easy to communicate with and knows a lot about friendship,

She is sweet, beautiful and airy

Like a young blossoming flower!

Makeeva Kristina

- She is calm, patient,

She dances and sings beautifully,

There are many advantages - you can’t count them all,

Christina has all the best!

Zueva Anna

- Eyes like the sky blue,

Smile, flaxen hair,

And so graceful and sweet,

What drives boys crazy!

Lebedeva Alexandra

- Calm and charming

Sings and plays beautifully

Dreams of a concert stage!

Latosh Makar

He is important, strict, leisurely,

Courteous to all adults,

Plays the piano great -

The path to music has been open for a long time!

Ovchinnikova Daria

- Sweet, cultured, not arrogant,

Plays great, dances beautifully,

He understands art -

We all really like it!

Svechkareva Anastasia

She is smart, hardworking,

Always beautiful and polite.

Nastasya knows her worth -

Everyone respects our Nastya!

Ismailova Elmira

She is kind and calm

She's smart and worthy

She's sweet, she's soft -

Our Elya is very nice!

Kushlyanova Daria

She is quiet, soft, principled,

And in character - well, just perfect!

And she looks very good too,

Especially gorgeous braid!

Snegireva Elizaveta

- Charming, slim,

Both diligent and smart!

Both fine art and piano

– she mastered everything!

Germanova Nargilya

Laureate, singer, activist,

She is now an artist!

Always behaves decently

Excellent studies in both schools!

Zharkova Svetlana

Your hair is beautiful

And you yourself are good!

The gaze of your eyes is always clear,

And your soul sings!

Malyas Ekaterina

There is no better color

When the apple tree blooms!

There is no better moment

When Katya enters the classroom!

Popenkova Evgenia

Always quiet, always obedient,

How bright the early morning is,

I am not indifferent to folk music,

She sings like a nightingale!

Margarita Denisova
Scenario of the final concert - graduation party at a music school

Scenario of the final concert - prom

Organizers: Galyautdinova E. R., Demyanets L. S., Denisova M. A.


Hello, dear students, parents, alumni and guests of our school!

Today, on this beautiful day, we have gathered to sum up the results of the outgoing academic year - reporting concert, as well as for the ceremonial presentation of certificates of completion schools for our graduates who for 7 years have known the joy of meeting with music, learned to listen, understand and love music. And now the time has come for them to leave these walls, but we hope that art will remain their life partner and they will fondly remember their years of study at music school!

I announce today open concert!


The sun is shining through our window

And it's spring outside,

We'll give you some

Happiness, light and warmth.

Our we're starting the concert

For guests, for dads and moms.

Look, relax,

Come visit us more often.

How elegant it is in our hall

Both cozy and warm;

To everyone who watches us today,

Very lucky.

We gnawed at the stone of science,

We worked for a whole year,

Don't forget about vocals

Sang songs for the soul.

1. "Moscow suffering" performed by Evgeniya Sergeevna Zaitseva and Polina Mazova


The child writes a song

Finger squeaking on glass.

What the he hears music

Somewhere there, inside yourself?

This song is simple

Suddenly flew off the glass

And, flying above the street,

All passers-by were captivated.

Yes, and how not to be surprised,

After all, she lurks everywhere,

In the gateway

And in the corner, -

This song that creaks

Quick finger on the glass!

Most often, parents notice their children’s ability to music and bring them to music school at the age of 5-7 years. There is an opinion that this is the most suitable age to develop what is inherent in nature.

Our the concert is continued by young musicians:

2. Speaker Pyotr Palinov, teacher Tatyana Valerievna Zhadenova

3. Nastya Lukyanova performs (R. Schumann "The Play", teacher and accompanist Rudnitsky Vadim Vyacheslavovich

4. Speaker Matvey Bogovenko, teacher Elena Andreevna Korshunova

5. Dmitry Danilov speaks (E. Siegmeister "Cowboy Song", teacher Tatyana Evgenievna Kobyakova

6. Speaker Oleg Samoilenko, teacher Anton Viktorovich Murashchenko

7. Speaker Dasha Orlova, teacher Natalya Vitalievna Kudryashova, accompanist Archugova Larisa Georgievna


Let's all sing a song together,

Will sound on school song.

Smooth, harmonious and friendly.

We need to sing together, guys.

The corridor is full of songs -

Our choir is trying so hard


8. The junior school vocal ensemble performs, teacher Lyudmila Stepanovna Demyanets, accompanist Radugina Gloria Valerievna

(music C. Banevich, lyrics by T. Kalinina "The sun will wake up")

9. The duet of guitarists Oleg Samoilenko and Andrey Agafonov performs


Today in our hall we honor graduates of 2016 who have been mastering the basics for 7 years musical creativity and all our graduates became good musicians, wonderful and kind people.

Performance graduates:

10. Katbey Kausar, Paveleva Anya

11. Vechtomova Ekaterina

12. Polyakov Roman ( "If you leave me" group "Chicago")

13. Simonov Robert

14. Volkov Artyom (Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field”, processing by A. Surkov)

15. Ensemble of wind instruments (J.B. Lully "Gavotte")

16. Duet of violinists Katbey Kausar and Anna Pavelyeva

17. Vocal ensemble Art. classes ( music B. Sinenko, lyrics by S. Urich "In the world we live music» )

Graduation Scene:

There is no more enjoyable activity than learning by heart.

To learn faster, you need to repeat more often.

And of course, get up early and play louder.

Let mom and dad and the neighbors know everything around,

That such a diligent and capable student lives,

That he’s ready to bang out scales on the keyboard at six in the morning.

He who has never sung in a choir does not know pleasure,

You just need to sing louder so that the teacher can hear you,

You just need to sing out of rhythm for him to appreciate you.

And when the choir teacher stops the movement of phrases,

Saddened and stern, he will come closer to you,

Now you shout in his ear that you have the strength.

But you don’t have to admit that there’s something wrong with your hearing.

And now, of course, you are definitely in concert main number,

You are now a famous soloist, you have both glory and honor,

And the teacher will no doubt appreciate you, if only

He will soon be out of the hospital and his hearing will return.

If a strict teacher tells you from time to time once:

“We need to study more!”, threatens you with his fists,

You lower your eyes and nod with inspiration,

That now, of course, you will definitely learn everything at once.

But coming home from schools, don’t rush to study

Maybe you'll learn, really; he doesn't expect this

And to celebrate, the teacher will immediately grab his heart,

Don't scare him like that, take care, let him live!

18. The orchestra of folk instruments performs, director Elena Andreevna Korshunova (D. Turk "Chorale", D. Samoilov "Quadrille")

Director's speech schools

Awarding certificates and letters of gratitude

Presentation certificate graduates


Dear guys, now you can proudly bear the title school graduate. You received your first certificate of completion schools.

School of Music. Our good childhood. ...And childhood is, first of all, parents who, with their son or daughter, have gone through 7 years of school art road. They were supportive and proud. Let's listen to the parting words of our parents graduates.

Speech by representatives from the parent committee...


So we have drawn a line under the achievements of the outgoing academic year! As we say goodbye, we thank you for your smiles, for your stormy ovation. I am sure that this meeting undoubtedly resonated with warmth in your hearts. We do not say goodbye, but only say... "See you again in the magical world musical art - art in which forever are thriving: kindness, understanding and love!"

All the best!

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the reporting concert for parents “Spring Palette” Presenter: Hello, dear parents and guests of our kindergarten! Today we have gathered with you in our cozy room in order to...

Scenario of the reporting concert “Rainbow of Talents” Reporting concert “Rainbow of Talents” 2016 Presenter: Good evening, dear friends. Today you are greeted by young talents from our nursery.

Prom script for 11th grade GRADUATION 2016 Ved. – What’s going on in the hall today? Why do people come here? Ved - Because it’s graduation party and host it today.

Graduation party scenario for children of the preparatory school group “Kindergarten, we won’t forget you” Goal: Creating an emotionally positive atmosphere and festive mood for graduates and guests of the event. Tasks: - Unleash creativity.

Leading. Prologue!

A student is going to class, with a backpack behind his back (To the tune of the song “What They Teach at School”)
Very cheerfully, walks very cheerfully
He doesn't know, the fool, what else awaits him
Because he's just getting started.

Leading. Act one, scene one.
Quite a bit of time has passed, about two years.
Let's listen to what songs they sing now.

We have been studying at school for several years now (To the tune of the song “Huge Sky”)
And music lives in our hearts
Forgot about the street - the TV is silent
One piano, one piano, one piano sitting in the liver.

Accordions and domras sound here and there
School goes on and on
And now there is a great longing in my heart
Why girlfriends, why girlfriends, why girlfriends did I come here?

Leading. Act one, scene two.
As time goes by, the feeling of love for school grows and intensifies.

My brains are already on fire (to the tune of the song “Young Drummer”)
And knowledge comes out of your ears.
I wish I could blow up this school,
And with her teachers.
Then extract it from the rubble
Put everyone on a pedestal.
Then say it's a joke
The laughter would have dispelled them all.

(the theme of fate of L. Beethoven “Symphony No. 5” sounds)

1. What is...What happened...

2. And it’s time for state exams. Fate, friends. Fate is knocking on the door.

Leading. Act one scene three.
The long-awaited exams have arrived. What kind of songs do they sing now?

3. What the coming day has in store for me, my gaze catches it in vain (P. Tchaikovsky, opera “Eugene Onegin,” Lensky’s aria)

4. No sleep, no rest for the tormented soul. (A. Borodin “Prince Igor” aria of Prince Igor)
One of these days we are taking a literature exam.

5. We reread everything we had covered again.
And along, and crookedly, and across.

6. Everything has perished, our honor and glory
We will become a disgrace to our own school.

7. No, of course not.
We’ll hand over everything, we’ll hand over, of course,
Stop whining, let's go ask.

8. Maybe we can persuade her.

Everyone takes turns: girls and boys sing the same phrase “Vera Anatolyevna”
(A. Dargomyzhsky opera “Rusalka” to the melody of the choir “Svatushka”)

9. Oh, give me, give us at least a three (A. Borodin “Prince Igor” aria of Prince Igor)

10.And we have four.

11.And we are at least five

All together: After all, we know the subject as we know our mother.

12. You are one dove of the fret (A. Borodin “Prince Igor” Igor’s aria middle part)
You won't be the only one to blame
With a sensitive heart you will understand everything
You will forgive us everything.

V.A. I love and melt (Rimsky-Korsakov “Snow Maiden”, Snow Maiden’s aria)
From sweet words of love
Of course I will
Fives and fours
But only you must give me answers to the question
And there are only 105 of them, only 105!!!

13. O joy! (M. Glinka “Ruslan and Lyudmila” Rondo by Farlaf)
I felt her answer in advance

V.A. The clouds will not cover the sun (M. Glinka “Ruslan and Lyudmila” Antonida’s aria)
A golden ray will appear.
Soon the heart will calm down
The exam is off for you.

All. Neither caresses, nor fairy tales (A. Dargomyzhsky “Rusalka” Melnik’s aria)
Failed to seduce
We'll have to, we'll have to
Teach, teach, teach!

Leading. Act two. Single picture.

14. What a wonderful moment (M. Glinka’s opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” Canon)
We passed - this is not a dream
Lost feelings of numbness
We love school - FORCE MAJEURE

15. How wonderful
We passed - this is not a dream
Lost feelings of numbness
And the school is my home.

Together: And the school is our home!

Leading. Epilogue.

16. You scared us with the exam
We were told we won't give up
We accepted the challenges of fate
Now it's all behind us.

17. Thank you dear, dear
For teaching us
We will never forget you
You will be in our memory forever.

All. Glory, you, glory, my school (M. Glinka “Ivan Susanin” chorus “Glory”)
We praise all of you, teachers.
May she be strong forever and ever
DSHI, DSHI, my dear.

Glory, glory to the red sun (A. Borodin opera “Prince Igor” Choir “Glory”)
We all praise Children's Art School
State exams passed, passed
And everyone came to the restaurant.

Scenario for Graduation Party - Graduation party at a music school

The song “The Road of Good” is playing


Good evening, dear guests!

Our door is open to all friends!

Throw away your sad thoughts.

Let us part, but now

We are connected by a great feeling

Forever, no matter where we have to live,

Good and eternal art

It also took root in our hearts.

Years dedicated to the three muses

Give your whole life a new taste.

After us, cherish these shoots

There will be a school and a university...

Everything that became dear to you at school,

It will always be just as expensive:

We'll surprise you with a clear field,

Spring water rings.

In life you will definitely find

There are so many colors that you can’t count them.

And, to great joy, you will understand:

There is a triumph of harmonies in the world!

Please accept our congratulations,

Dear graduates!

You all deserve respect

For the hard work.

Everybody wants to see your change

Of course, it’s better to see them.

Get up on stage together!

Song “Make friends, children of the world”


To your home school

Don't accidentally forget

Come on, everyone for questions

Answer without hesitation! The presenter asks questions - one at a time to everyone.

Who is your favorite teacher?

Which office has the fakest piano?

Why do you love solfeggio?

Who in your class encouraged others to skip class?

How many seats are there in the concert hall?

What is missing in our school?

What inscriptions did you make on the desks during your studies?

How much does the microphone weigh?

Where did you hide your cheat sheets during exams?

How many lessons does your teacher teach per day?

What were you asked when you entered 1st grade?

How many times have you forgotten a change of shoes?

Will art be your profession?

How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?

After this fun survey, the presenter continues the program.


Remember the first day of September?

How far this date is from us!

Our long lesson is over,

There was only no bell since class.

Remember, school is the beginning of everything,

There are miraculous sources of many rivers here.

The time has come for it to ring for you

The very last, farewell call!

The last bell sounds. At your discretion, it can be an ordinary electric bell, or a bell in the hands of a first-grader girl, who is carried to the stage by a graduate. Then the school principal takes the floor. He congratulates the graduates and their parents and presents them with certificates of graduation from the art school.

After this short concert, the floor is given to parents and graduates. They will thank teachers for their hard work. In their speech, you can use a poem dedicated to the school principal.

Leading: And now first-graders take the stage to congratulate the graduates.


With words of congratulations

And parting words in good time

First class arrived today

Congratulations on your triumph!

We will follow you

All seven years the class is class.

Somehow don't forget

You then congratulate us.

Children's song "Bobik" performed by Korotya Ruslan

M. Krasev “Lullaby” performed by Papkov Danil

Bel.n.p. "Oh, jigune, jigune" performs Nazimova Dilfuza

Czech.p. "Annushka" performed by Daria Kharlanova

Sladek "The Rich Groom" performed by Cousin Violetta

Leading: Let another generation

Without indifference and laziness

It bursts in here in the morning.

Like the summer sun

Song "Chimney Sweep" performed by Vika Makarova

"Gnomes" performed by Chupina Masha.

Leading: At night the stars run into the distance along blue rivers.

In the morning the stars go out without a trace.

Only school remains with a person,

School is your faithful friend forever

Through the years, through partings

On any road, to the side of any

We won’t say “Goodbye” to the music.

The music will stay with you!

Song "New Song"Performed by Aliya Nizyamova


A beautiful garden where sounds bloom

The melodies are wonderful and random.

And hands catch on the keyboard

Harmonies are unexpected secrets.

“I will sow quinoa on the shore” performed by Nikitina Louise.

Leading: Today the music is heard

Not at all what it used to be.

The soul string rings -

"A game" performed by Karimova Madina


At concerts in this hall

We play the piano

Classics, pop, jazz

Whatever you want - everything is for you!

"Frog Jazz" performed by Vdovina Ekaterina

"Orange Sky" performed by Andreeva Yulia

Leading: Being a flutist is not so easy; we blow it every time, but in a concert performance you won’t take your eyes off us

Revutsky “Song” performed by Marina Andreeva


I heard the doors slam in the corridor,

Everything starts, everything is completed on time.

What will happen after all this? And there will be a lesson.

Last lesson.

"Cancan"performed by Alena Gudkova and E.V. Safiullova.

Leading: He looks like a brother to the button accordion, Where there is fun, there he is. I won’t give any hints, everyone knows the accordion.

Ital.n.p. "Santa Lucia" performed by Sharkaeva Amalia

Host: School years! There are so few of them!

But nothing will pass without a trace.

The road to school will not be forgotten,

Friends never say goodbye.

“Both at school and at home” performed by Safiullina Liana

Olya: That's a year of study behind us

Rise and fall ahead

And this evening we wish

Walk happily through life

"Three Girlfriends" performed by the vocal group “Sunny Rain”

Anya and Elvina:

We wish you inspiration

Less failures and tears

So that you find something you like

And love music seriously

"Rio Rita" performed by Ilvina Timerbulatova and Anna Fazlaeva

Leading: The school gave you warmth

Taught me to love music

Was a carefree childhood

In this school you have.

But where did all this go?

There was and is no answer! It's already summer,

And we are losing you!

Leading: We invite parents to the stage to say words of gratitude to teachers and parting words to graduates.

The kindness of a beautiful parent There is nothing more valuable in the world

So that everything turns out great for us -

Give us parenting advice!

A word to parents

Graduate Julia:

From this stage we send thanks to you!

For being in the whirlwind of affairs

You were so wise and beautiful!

We wish you to always be busy!

All: Thank you!

Graduate Masha: Our heart will not forget about you

We will think about you often

And believe that we love you

And we will be waiting for new meetings with you

Graduate Nelya.

Our school welcomes us all as friends,

But seven years and seven winters have already flown by...

And today we sadly say goodbye to her,

And we say thank you for everything from the bottom of our hearts.

“We must trust the young” graduates and senior group sing

The music gets louder, graduates get up from their seats and go to their teachers with bouquets of flowers.

next year Kaminskaya A., Trofimova V.

1.(Music plays in a quiet backgroundChopin Prelude .)

Ved. 1

What an unusual day today!We are all happy here and at the same time sad,And perhaps you won’t find the words,To express your feelings to us.Ved.2

Friends, no cheating todaywith the prom guests,without preamble, at this very hourlet me introduce you.

(remove music)

Alright, everyone is ready, everything is ready:flowers, smiles and words!Meet me in this bright hallheroes of the great celebration!2. (celebratory music sounds, graduates rise to the stage, each person’s name is read out)

1. Baimagambetova Zhanna

2. Dolenko Maria

3.Grom Anastasia

4.Zhanat Anuar

5. Dusheba Irina

6.Garbovskaya Julia

7. Sharipova Adina

8. Nurkenova Aizhan

9.Prilutskaya Anastasia

10.Tulipbergen Ernar

11. Shamanskaya Alena

12.Podkorytova Arina

13.Baigarina Maria

14.Buchman Violetta

15.Zhasulan Almat

16.Zhasulan Nauryzbay

17. Ostrovsky Sergey

Ved.2 The floor for congratulations goes to the director of the children's art school, Esmukhanova S.Zh.

3. (presentation of St. music prelude in C major Bach)

(At the end of the director’s speech, graduates go into the auditorium)


At least believe it, at least check it,but I can’t believe it nowthat once upon a time you were met within these walls for the first time.that many people had bows like big clouds,that sometimes my hand could not reach the keys.


With words of congratulations

And parting words in good time

First class arrived today

Congratulations on your triumph!

4.(music by Paul Maria)

(on stage with congratulations 1st grade poetry and playing instruments)

1. You were an example for us, maybe even a beacon,Personally, I will be proud to know you!(Zel V.)2. I want with such a hairstyle, in such heels,to be beautiful, smart, catchy, so that everyone says - “AH”!(Dolenko V.)3. I’m not offended by you, even though I’m not great now.When I grow up, I will also be called a “graduate.”(Ioanidi P.)

4.Don’t look farewell, graduate

On kind teachers' faces

After all, school is your pure spring

More than once in your life he will give you something to drink. (Zel E.)

5. We cordially congratulate everyone, we wish everyone good luck,And may you be lucky in all matters all year round!(Sapar A.)

Ved:1 And now, our dear graduates of the piano department, remember how you came to our school 7 years ago.

1.On stage Sapar Aruzhan with the play “Chicken”


2. Zhigadlo Evgeniy will remind Irina how she played the accordion 5 years ago


3. Kabdulkalymov Bakhtiyar will remind our Anuar how the dombra sounded in his hands in 1st grade

Ved. 2 Our dear graduates! I would like to say a huge thank you to your parents for their attention, understanding and support. On behalf of the parentsThe floor is given to Dauletbekov Erlan Zhanatovich.


And they are invited to the stage... you can easily find out who we are talking about now.Unchangeable in their habits,And punctual as anyone,And their knowledge is priceless,And the conflict will be resolved easily.Hairstyled to suit the face, dressed,Do not give in to the passing of days.Yes, these are ladies and gentlemen in subjects -Teachers of specialties.

5. (music by Bizet Carmen)

(meet Dzhumabaev E.A., Serzhantova N.I., Yavorsky I.P., Lobanova S.E., Khasenov O.A., Eliseeva O.V., Kasymov M.K.)

Ved.2 The word for congratulations is given to the piano teacher S.E. Lobanova.

Ved. 1 The floor for congratulations is given to the teacher of the Fine Arts class, Natalya Ivanovna Sergeantova.

Ved.2 The floor for congratulations is given to the piano teacher O.V. Eliseeva.

6. (Meladze’s song “Actress” text redone)

Today is farewell day and goodbye to school

You say, hiding your sadness.

How unnoticed the days have passed, you are leaving school

You won't be back here until September.

But you will always remember your school years

Teachers, students, sonatas, scales, polyphonies

How strange it is that all this is behind us.

But now the exams are passed, the eyes are sad and sad,

The beginning of adult life lies ahead

And who will be who and when only the years will tell


The time has come to part,

And it’s time for us to say goodbye to you.

Will you say goodbye to childhood?

In adulthood you: “neither fluff nor feather”

We dear graduates, we wish you happiness and goodness,

May an angel protect you every hour.

Let the years not touch you, and let no trouble come to your house,

We will keep you in our memories

And a long journey awaits you in life, but childhood cannot be returned.


That's behindof the year studies,
Rise and fall ahead.

7.(lyrical music)

And this evening we wish
Walk happily through life

We wish you strength, inspiration,
Less failures and tears.
And in our difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of everyone’s dreams and dreams!

(Leading together)

Good luck, dear graduates!