Harmful compounds released into the atmosphere by industrial enterprises. Where are the stricter standards? Classification of substance release processes

Air pollution from industrial waste during disposal. The food industry is not one of the main air pollutants. However, almost all food industry enterprises emit gases and dust into the atmosphere, which worsen the condition of the atmospheric air and lead to an increase in the greenhouse effect. The flue gases emitted by boiler houses found in many food industry enterprises contain products of incomplete combustion of fuel; the flue gases also contain ash particles. Process emissions contain dust, solvent vapors, alkalis, vinegar, hydrogen, and excess heat. Ventilation emissions into the atmosphere include dust not captured by dust collection devices, as well as vapors and gases. Raw materials are delivered to many enterprises, and finished products and waste are transported by road. The intensity of its movement in a number of industries is seasonal - it increases sharply during the harvest period (meat and fat enterprises, sugar factories, processing factories, etc.); in other food production facilities, the movement of vehicles is more uniform throughout the year (bakery plants, tobacco factories, etc.) In addition, many technological installations of food industry enterprises are sources of unpleasant odors that irritate people, even if the concentration of the corresponding substance in the air does not exceed MPC (maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the atmosphere). The most harmful substances entering the atmosphere from food industry enterprises are organic dust, carbon dioxide (CO 2), gasoline and other hydrocarbons, and emissions from fuel combustion. CO concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible concentration lead to physiological changes in the human body, and very high concentrations even lead to death. This is explained by the fact that CO is an extremely aggressive gas, easily combines with hemoglobin, resulting in the formation of carboxyhemoglobin, the increased content of which in the blood is accompanied by a deterioration in visual acuity and the ability to estimate the duration of time intervals, changes in the activity of the heart and lungs, and disruption of some psychomotor functions of the brain , headaches, drowsiness, respiratory failure and mortality, the formation of carboxyhemoglobin (this is a reversible process: after the inhalation of CO stops, its gradual removal from the blood begins). In a healthy person, the CO content decreases by half every 3-4 hours. CO is a stable substance; its lifetime in the atmosphere is 2-4 months. High concentrations of CO2 cause deterioration in health, weakness, and dizziness. This gas mainly affects the state of the environment, because is a greenhouse gas. Many technological processes are accompanied by the formation and release of dust into the environment (bakery factories, sugar factories, oil and fat factories, starch factories, tobacco, tea factories, etc.).

The existing level of atmospheric air pollution is assessed taking into account the background concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air of the area where the workshop is planned to be reconstructed. Approximate values ​​of background concentrations of pollutants in atmospheric air. The average estimated values ​​of background concentrations for the main controlled substances in the atmospheric air do not exceed the established maximum one-time MPC (maximum concentrations of impurities in the atmosphere, related to a certain averaging time, which, with periodic exposure or throughout a person’s entire life, does not affect him and the environment in generally direct or indirect effects, including long-term consequences) and amount to:

a) 0.62 d. MPC for solid particles in total,

b) 0.018 d. MPC for sulfur dioxide,

c) 0.4 d. MPC for carbon oxide,

d) 0.2 d. MPC for nitrogen dioxide,

e) 0.5 d. MPC for hydrogen sulfide.

The main sources of impact on the atmospheric air on the territory of the poultry farm are:

a) Poultry houses,

b) Incubator,

c) Boiler room,

d) Feed preparation workshop,

e) Feed warehouse,

f) Meat processing shop,

g) Slaughter and meat processing workshop,

h) Grease drainage treatment station.

According to the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste, waste incineration must be carried out in earthen trenches (pits) until a non-combustible inorganic residue is formed. A violation of this legislation is burning in the open ground outside of earthen trenches and not until a non-combustible inorganic residue is formed. Due to the spread of pathogenic viruses, such as avian influenza, limiting the degree of disease in animals in areas adjacent to the outbreak of the disease involves the complete destruction of sick animals, possible carriers of the disease.

Using a cremator for animals is one of the simplest and most effective ways to ensure sanitary cleanliness - dead animals are disposed of as they accumulate, and the risk of spreading diseases is reduced to zero, since after burning there is no waste left that can attract disease carriers (rodents and insects).

A poultry farm for 400 thousand laying hens or 6 million broiler chickens annually produces up to 40 thousand tons of placenta, 500 thousand m 3 of wastewater and 600 tons of technical poultry processing products. A large amount of arable land is used for waste storage. At the same time, the storage residue is a strong source of unpleasant odors. Waste heavily pollutes surface and groundwater. The biggest problem here is that drinking water purification equipment is not equipped to remove nitrogen-containing compounds, which are present in large quantities in the liquid afterbirth. That is why finding ways to effectively dispose of placenta is one of the main problems in the development of industrial poultry farming.

Emission inventory (GOST is a systematization of information on the distribution of sources by territory, the quantity and composition of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. The main purpose of the inventory of pollutant emissions is to obtain initial data for:

  • assessing the degree of impact of pollutant emissions from the enterprise on the environment (atmospheric air);
  • establishing maximum permissible standards for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere both for the enterprise as a whole and for individual sources of air pollution;
  • organizing control over compliance with established standards for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere;
  • assessing the condition of the enterprise’s dust and gas cleaning equipment;
  • assessing the environmental characteristics of technologies used at the enterprise;
  • assessing the efficiency of using raw materials and waste disposal at the enterprise;
  • planning air protection work at the enterprise.

All poultry farms are enterprises that emit dust, harmful gases and specific odors into the environment. Substances that pollute atmospheric air are numerous and varied in terms of harmfulness. They can be in the air in different states of aggregation: in the form of solid particles, vapor, gases. The sanitary significance of these pollutants is determined by the fact that they have a widespread distribution, cause volumetric air pollution, cause obvious harm to residents of populated areas and cities, and to poultry farms themselves, since they affect the deterioration of poultry health, and therefore its productivity. When deciding on the placement of livestock complexes, the choice of systems for processing and using livestock waste, experts proceeded from the fact that the leading components of the environment - atmospheric air, soil, water bodies - are practically inexhaustible from an environmental point of view. However, the operating experience of the first built livestock complexes testified to the intense pollution of environmental objects and their unfavorable impact on the living conditions of the population. Protection of the environment from pollution, prevention of infectious, invasive and other diseases of people and animals are associated with the implementation of measures to create effective systems for the collection, removal, storage, disinfection and use of manure and manure waste, improvement and effective operation of air purification systems, proper placement of livestock complexes and manure treatment facilities in relation to populated areas, sources of domestic and drinking water supply and other objects, i.e. with a complex of measures of hygienic, technological, agricultural and architectural and construction profiles. The intense and diverse impact of agriculture on the environment is explained not only by the growing consumption of natural resources necessary for the continuous growth of agricultural production, but also by the generation of significant waste and wastewater from livestock farms, complexes, poultry farms and other agricultural facilities. Thus, in the area where large poultry farms operate, atmospheric air may be polluted by microorganisms, dust, foul-smelling organic compounds that are products of the decomposition of organic waste, as well as oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon released during the combustion of natural energy carriers.

In connection with the existing problem, it is necessary to develop measures to reduce the level of air pollution in the area of ​​influence of poultry farms. In general, measures to protect the air basin of poultry farms can be divided into general and private. General measures to combat air pollution include a high sanitary culture of the industry, uninterrupted operation of microclimate systems (primarily ventilation), removal of litter, thorough cleaning and disinfection of premises, organization of a sanitary protection zone, etc. At the same time, the allocation of sanitary protection zones is of particular importance in protecting the environment and human health from adverse effects from complexes (poultry farms). According to the standards SN 245-72, sanitary protection zones separate objects that are a source of harmful and unpleasant-smelling substances from residential buildings. The sanitary protection zone is the territory between places where harmful substances are released into the environment and residential and public buildings. Rational placement of poultry farm facilities, sanitary protective zoning and other measures make it possible to protect the atmospheric air of the residential area.

However, the amount of microorganisms and dust remains at a fairly high level, so the layout of poultry complexes cannot be considered as the only means of protecting the environment in order to create favorable conditions for places where the population lives. Along with this, private measures are also necessary (technological, sanitary and technical measures) aimed at cleaning, disinfecting and deodorizing the air and helping to reduce the flow of pollutants into the environment.

Measures to reduce air pollution with foul-smelling substances at large poultry farms include the construction of facilities for the disposal of poultry waste and heat treatment of manure. When manure is stored anaerobically (without access to air) in the same room as the bird, the air may contain ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and such volatile compounds. Thus, in the area where large poultry farms operate, atmospheric air may be polluted by microorganisms, dust, foul-smelling organic compounds that are products of the decomposition of organic waste, as well as oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon released during the combustion of natural energy resources. Based on the amount of pollutants emitted and their specificity, industrial poultry farming enterprises can be classified as sources that have a significant impact on the atmospheric air. In connection with the existing problem, it is necessary to develop measures to reduce the level of air pollution in the area of ​​influence of poultry farms. However, it should be emphasized that air purification and disinfection are economically expensive and should be used where it is practical and necessary. Often, general means of combating air pollution are sufficient to protect the air flow of poultry farms and the surrounding area. In this regard, the creation of effective programs aimed at regulating the quality of atmospheric air in the area where enterprises operate requires an adequate assessment of its observed state and a forecast of changes in this state.

Industrial waste

Industrial enterprises transform almost all components of nature (air, water, soil, flora and fauna). Solid industrial waste, hazardous wastewater, gases, and aerosols are released into the biosphere (water bodies and soil), which accelerates the destruction of building materials, rubber, metal, fabric and other products and can cause the death of plants and animals. These chemically complex substances cause the greatest damage to the health of the population.

Air purification from harmful emissions from enterprises

Dust suspended in the air adsorbs poisonous gases, forming dense, toxic fog (smog), which increases the amount of precipitation. Saturated with sulfur, nitrogen and other substances, these sediments form aggressive acids. For this reason, the rate of corrosion destruction of machinery and equipment increases many times.

Protection of the atmosphere from harmful emissions is achieved by rational placement of sources of harmful emissions in relation to populated areas; dispersing harmful substances in the atmosphere to reduce concentrations in its ground layer, removing harmful emissions from the source of formation through local or general exhaust ventilation; using air purification agents to remove harmful substances.

Rational placement provides for the maximum possible removal of industrial facilities - air pollutants from populated areas, the creation of sanitary protection zones around them; taking into account the terrain and the prevailing wind direction when placing sources of pollution and residential areas in relation to each other.

To remove harmful gas impurities, dry and wet type dust collectors are used.

To dust collectors dry types include cyclones of various types - single, group, battery (Fig. 1). Cyclones at
change at inlet dust concentrations up to 400 g/m 3, at gas temperatures up to 500°C.

Filters that provide high efficiency in collecting large and small particles are widely used in dust collection technology. Depending on the type of filter material, filters are divided into fabric, fiber and granular. Highly efficient electrostatic precipitators are used to purify large volumes of gas.

Dust collectors wet type are used for purifying high-temperature gases, capturing fire and explosive dusts, and in cases where, along with dust collection, it is necessary to capture toxic gas impurities and vapors. Wet type devices are called scrubbers(Fig. 2).

To remove harmful gas impurities from exhaust gases, absorption, chemisorption, adsorption, thermal afterburning, and catalytic neutralization are used.

Absorption - dissolution of a harmful gas impurity with a sorbent, usually water. Method chemisorption is that. that the gas to be purified is irrigated with solutions of reagents that react chemically with harmful impurities to form non-toxic, low-volatile or insoluble chemical compounds. Adsorption - trapping of molecules of harmful substances by the surface of a microporous adsorbent (activated carbon, silica gel, zeolites). Thermal afterburning - oxidation of harmful substances by air oxygen at high temperatures (900-1200°C). Catalytic neutralization is achieved by using catalysts - materials that accelerate reactions or make them possible at much lower temperatures (250-400°C).

Rice. 1. Battery cyclone

Rice. 2. Scrubber

In case of severe and multi-component contamination of exhaust gases, complex multi-stage systems are used
cleaning systems consisting of devices of various types installed in series.

Water purification from harmful emissions and discharges from enterprises

The task of cleaning the hydrosphere from harmful discharges is more complex and large-scale than cleaning the atmosphere from harmful emissions: dilution and reduction of concentrations of harmful substances in water bodies occurs worse, since the aquatic environment is more sensitive to pollution.

Protection of the hydrosphere from harmful discharges involves the use of the following methods and means: rational placement of discharge sources and organization of water intake and drainage; dilution of harmful substances in water bodies to acceptable concentrations using specially organized and dispersed releases: use of wastewater treatment products.

Methods of wastewater treatment are divided into mechanical, physico-chemical and biological.

Mechanical cleaning wastewater from suspended particles is carried out by filtering, settling, processing in the field of centrifugal forces, filtration, flotation.

Straining used to remove large and fibrous inclusions from wastewater. Advocacy based on the free settling (floating) of impurities with a density greater (less) than water. Cleaning of drains in the field of centrifugal forces is implemented in hydrocyclones, where, under the influence of the centrifugal force arising in a rotating flow, a more intensive separation of suspended particles from the water flow occurs. Filtration used to purify wastewater from fine impurities both at the initial and final stages of purification. Flotation consists of enveloping impurity particles with small bubbles of air supplied to the branch water, and raising them to the surface, where a layer of foam is formed.

Physico-chemical methods purification is used to remove soluble impurities (salts of heavy metals, cyanides, fluorides, etc.) from wastewater, and in some cases to remove suspended matter. As a rule, physical and chemical methods are preceded by a stage of purification from suspended substances. Of the physicochemical methods, the most common are electroflotation, coagulation, reagent, ion exchange, etc.

Electroflotation carried out by passing an electric current through wastewater, which occurs between pairs of electrodes. As a result of the electrolysis of water, gas bubbles are formed, primarily light hydrogen, as well as oxygen, which envelop suspended particles and contribute to their rapid ascent to the surface.

Coagulation - This is a physical and chemical process of enlargement of the smallest colloidal and dispersed particles under the influence of molecular attraction forces. As a result of coagulation, water turbidity is eliminated. Coagulation is carried out by mixing water with coagulants (substances containing aluminum, ferric chloride, ferrous sulfate, etc. are used as coagulants) in chambers, from where the water is sent to settling tanks, where the flakes are separated by settling.

Essence reagent method consists of treating wastewater with chemical reagents that, when reacting chemically with dissolved toxic impurities, form non-toxic or insoluble compounds. A variation of the reagent method is the process of neutralizing wastewater. Neutralization of acidic wastewater is carried out by adding water-soluble alkaline reagents (calcium oxide, sodium hydroxides, calcium, magnesium, etc.); neutralization of alkaline wastewater - by adding mineral acids - sulfuric, hydrochloric, etc. Reagent cleaning is carried out in containers equipped with mixing devices.

Ion exchange purification wastewater treatment involves passing wastewater through ion exchange resins. When wastewater passes through the resin, the mobile ions of the resin are replaced by ions of the corresponding sign of toxic impurities. Toxic ions are sorbed by the resin, toxic impurities are released in concentrated form as alkaline or acidic wastewater, which are mutually neutralized and subjected to reagent purification or disposal.

Biological treatment wastewater is based on the ability of microorganisms to use dissolved and colloidal organic compounds as a source of nutrition in their life processes. In this case, organic compounds are oxidized to water and carbon dioxide.

Biological treatment is carried out either in natural conditions (irrigation fields, filtration fields, biological ponds), or in special structures - aeration tanks, biofilters. Larotenki - These are open tanks with a system of corridors through which wastewater mixed with activated sludge slowly flows. The effect of biological treatment is ensured by the constant mixing of wastewater with activated sludge and the continuous supply of air through the aeration tank aeration system. The activated sludge is then separated from the water in settling tanks and sent back to the aeration tank. Biological filter is a structure filled with loading material through which wastewater is filtered and on the surface of which a biological film develops, consisting of attached forms of microorganisms.

Large industrial enterprises have various production facilities, which produce different compositions of wastewater pollution. The water treatment facilities of such enterprises are designed as follows: individual production facilities have their own local treatment facilities, the hardware of which takes into account the specifics of contaminants and completely or partially removes them, then all local wastewater is sent to the homogenizing tanks, and from them to a centralized treatment system. Other options for the water treatment system are possible, depending on specific conditions.

Air pollution in Moscow is caused by an increased content of toxic impurities in the ground layer of Moscow air. It is caused by exhaust gases, emissions from industrial enterprises, and exhaust from thermal power plants. Four times more people die annually from dirty air in Moscow than from car accidents - about 3,500 people.

It is especially dangerous to live in Moscow when there is no wind. There are about 40 such days here every year. Doctors call these days “mortality days” - after all, in one cube of Moscow air there are 7 milligrams of toxic substances. Here's another snack for you: every year 1.3 million tons of poison are released into the air of Moscow.

Why are Muscovites dying?

Each Muscovite annually inhales more than 50 kilograms of various toxic substances. In year! Anyone who lives along central streets, especially in apartments below the fifth floor, is at particular risk. On the fifteenth floor the concentration of poison is two times less, on the thirtieth floor it is ten times less.

The main air poisoners in Moscow are nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide. They provide 90% of the entire palette of poisons in the Moscow surface air. These gases lead to asthma.

The next toxic substance is sulfur dioxide. It is “supplied” by small Moscow and Moscow region boiler houses operating on liquid fuel. Sulfur dioxide leads to the deposition of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and to heart attacks. We must not forget that most often Muscovites die from cardiovascular diseases.

Next on the list of Moscow poisons are suspended substances. This is fine dust (fine particles) up to 10 microns. They are more dangerous than any car exhaust. They are formed from particles of tires, asphalt, and technological exhausts.

Suspended substances with poison particles adhering to them enter the lungs and remain there forever. When a certain critical mass accumulates in the lungs, pulmonary diseases and lung cancer begin. This is almost 100% death. Every year, 25,000 Muscovites die from cancer.

Vehicle emissions are the most dangerous environmental issue. Car exhaust is 80% of all the poison that Moscow air receives. But that’s not even the point - unlike thermal power plants and chimneys of industrial enterprises, car exhausts are produced not at the height of factory chimneys - tens of meters - but directly into our lungs.

A special risk group includes drivers who spend more than 3 hours a day on the roads of the capital. After all, in a car the maximum permissible concentrations are exceeded 10 times. Each car throws into the air as much as it weighs in a year.

That is why living somewhere in Kapotnya or Lyublino is much less dangerous than in the most prestigious areas of Moscow. After all, on Tverskaya and Ostozhenka, car traffic is many times greater than on the industrial outskirts.

Particular attention should be paid to the concentration of toxic substances. Moscow is designed in such a way that all the fumes are blown to the southeast; it is here that the enchanted wind rose of Moscow directs all the poison. Not only that, the southeast of Moscow is also the lowest and coldest place in Moscow. This means that the poisoned air from the center lingers here for a long time.

Air pollution in Moscow from thermal power plants

Last year, the situation with Moscow thermal power plants (as always) deteriorated significantly. Moscow requires more and more electricity and heat; Moscow's thermal power plant supplies the capital's air with smoke and toxic substances. In the energy system as a whole, total fuel consumption increased by 1,943 thousand tons or almost 8% compared to last year.

Basis of CHP emissions

  • Carbon monoxide (carbon dioxide). Leads to pulmonary diseases and damage to the nervous system
  • Heavy metals. Like other toxic substances, heavy metals are concentrated in soils and in the human body. They are never displayed.
  • Suspended substances. They lead to lung cancer
  • Sulfur dioxide. As already mentioned, sulfur dioxide leads to the deposition of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and to heart attacks.
Thermal power plants and district boiler houses operating on coal and fuel oil belong to the first hazard class. The distance from the thermal power plant to the person’s location must be at least a kilometer. In this regard, the location of such a large number of thermal power plants and district boiler houses close to residential buildings is unclear. Look at the Moscow smoke map.

Large thermal power plants in Moscow:

  1. CHPP-8 address Ostapovsky proezd, building 1.
  2. CHPP-9 address Avtozavodskaya, house 12, building 1.
  3. CHPP-11 address sh. Entuziastov, building 32.
  4. CHPP-12 address Berezhkovskaya embankment, building 16.
  5. CHPP-16 address st. 3rd Khoroshevskaya, building 14.
  6. CHPP-20 address st. Vavilova, house 13.
  7. CHPP-21 address st. Izhorskaya, house 9.
  8. CHPP-23 address st. Montazhnaya, house 1/4.
  9. CHPP-25 address st. Generala Dorokhov, building 16.
  10. CHPP-26 address st. Vostryakovsky proezd, house 10.
  11. CHPP-28 address st. Izhorskaya, house 13.
  12. CHPP-27 address Mytishchensky district, Chelobitevo village (beyond the Moscow Ring Road)
  13. CHPP-22 address Dzerzhinsky st. Energetikov, building 5 (outside the Moscow Ring Road)

Moscow air pollution from waste incineration plants

Look at the location of waste incineration plants in Moscow:

In such areas, depending on the distance to the pipe:

  • You cannot stay for more than half an hour (300 meters to the plant pipes)
  • You cannot stay for more than a day (five hundred meters from the plant pipes)
  • You can’t live (a kilometer from the factory pipes)
  • The life of those living in this zone will be shorter by five years (five kilometers to the plant pipes).
Specifically for Moscow, in the event of an unfavorable wind rose, there will certainly be adverse health consequences. As the Wall Street Journal wrote, an incinerator is a device that produces poisonous toxic substances from relatively harmless materials.

The most toxic substances on the planet are formed in the air - dioxins, carcinogenic compounds, heavy metals. Thus, the waste incineration plant in the Rudnevo industrial zone, which has a capacity greater than all other Moscow plants combined, is located in an area where active construction of new buildings is underway - near Lyubertsy.

This Moscow region is more unlucky than others - it is here that the Lyubertsy aeration fields are located - the place where for decades all the poison from Moscow's sewers was poured. It is here that the massive construction of new buildings for defrauded shareholders is taking place.

The products of the incinerator are much more dangerous for humans than just waste, since all the waste that arrives at the incinerator arrives in a “bound state.” After burning, all poisons are released, including mercury and heavy metals. In addition, new types of harmful compounds appear - chlorine compounds, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides - more than 400 compounds.

Moreover, traps catch only the most harmless substances - dust, ash. Whereas SO2, CO, NOx, HCl - that is, the main health destroyers, practically cannot be filtered out.

Dioxins are much more difficult. Defenders of Moscow waste incineration plants claim that at 1000 degrees of combustion, dioxins burn, but this is complete nonsense - when the temperature drops, dioxins appear again, and the higher the combustion temperature, the more nitrogen oxides.

And, finally, slag. Defenders of the MSZ claim that the slag is absolutely safe and that cinder blocks can be made from it to build houses. However, for some reason they themselves build houses from environmentally friendly materials.

It’s a pity that MSZ lobbyists don’t realize that it’s much more profitable to process the waste - half of it produces industrial methanol, which industry readily buys; additional raw materials are received by the paper industry and a number of other industries.

Mortality in waste incineration plant areas in Moscow

According to European scientists who have studied this topic, mortality rates have increased among people exposed to incinerators:

  • 3.5 times against lung cancer
  • 1.7 times - from esophageal cancer
  • 2.7 times from stomach cancer
  • Child mortality has doubled
  • The number of deformities in newborns has increased by a quarter
This has been noted in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, France, and Finland. Our statistics are silent - no research has been conducted. We think within ourselves.

Why you can’t burn garbage in Moscow:

  • There are no mercury lamps in garbage abroad - we have them
  • The collection of used batteries has been organized abroad - here everything is burned
  • In Europe and America, recycling of household appliances, paints and chemical waste is organized; at Moscow factories, all this burns with a blue flame.
Breathe deeply.

polluter can be any physical agent, chemical substance or biological species (mostly microorganisms) that enters or forms in the environment in quantities higher than natural .

Under atmospheric pollution understand the presence in the air of gases, vapors, particles, solid and liquid substances, heat, vibrations, radiation that adversely affect humans, animals, plants, climate, materials, buildings and structures.

By origin pollution is divided into natural caused by natural, often anomalous, processes in nature; anthropogenic related to human activities.

With the development of human production activities, an increasing share of atmospheric pollution comes from anthropogenic pollution.

By degree of distribution pollution is divided into local, associated with cities and industrial regions; global, affecting biosphere processes as a whole on Earth and spreading over vast distances. Since the air is in constant motion, harmful substances are transported hundreds and thousands of kilometers. Global air pollution is increasing due to the fact that harmful substances from it enter the soil, water bodies, and then enter the atmosphere again.)

By type air pollutants are divided (into chemical– dust, phosphates, lead, mercury. They are formed during the combustion of fossil fuels and during the production of building materials; physical. Physical pollution includes thermal(receipt of heated gases into the atmosphere); light(deterioration of natural illumination of the area under the influence of artificial light sources); noise(as a consequence of anthropogenic noise); electromagnetic(from power lines, radio and television, operation of industrial installations); radioactive associated with an increase in the level of radioactive substances entering the atmosphere. biological. Biological pollution is mainly a consequence of the proliferation of microorganisms and anthropogenic activities (thermal power engineering, industry, transport, actions of the armed forces); mechanical contamination associated with changes in the landscape due to various constructions, laying roads, canals, constructing reservoirs, open-pit mining, etc.

Influence C O 2 to the biosphere The combustion of more carbon-hydrogen raw materials has a significant impact on the biosphere. heat and carbon dioxide are released. Carbon dioxide has a greenhouse effect; it freely transmits the sun's rays and traps the reflected thermal radiation of the Earth. The dynamics of changes in CO 2 content in the atmosphere are shown in the figure.

There is a steady increase in CO 2 in the atmosphere, which could, especially by the end of the 21st century, lead to an increase in temperature on Earth by 3 - 5°C.

Acid rain

formed due to the release of nitrogen and sulfur oxides into the atmosphere. Falling with precipitation onto the ground, weak solutions of nitric and sulfuric acids increase the acidity level of the aquatic environment to a state where all living things die. As a result of changes in the pH environment, the solubility of heavy metals increases ( copper, cadmium, manganese, lead etc.). Toxic metals enter the body through drinking water, animal and plant foods.

Acid rain and other harmful substances cause damage to equipment, buildings and architectural monuments.

Smog: 1) a combination of dust particles and fog droplets (from the English smoke - smoke and fog - thick fog); 2) a term used to refer to visible air pollution of any nature.Ice smog (Alaskan type) a combination of gaseous pollutants, dust particles and ice crystals created when water droplets from fog and steam from heating systems freeze.

London type smog (wet) a combination of gaseous pollutants (mainly sulfur dioxide), dust particles and fog droplets.

Photochemical smog (Los Angeles type, dry)– secondary (cumulative) air pollution resulting from the decomposition of pollutants by sunlight (especially ultraviolet). The main toxic component is ozone(O z). Its additional components are carbon monoxide(CO ), nitrogen oxides(NO x) , Nitric acid(HNO 3) .

The anthropogenic impact on atmospheric ozone has a destructive effect. Ozone in the stratosphere protects all life on Earth from the harmful effects of short waves of solar radiation. A 1% decrease in ozone content in the atmosphere leads to a 2% increase in the intensity of hard ultraviolet radiation incident on the Earth’s surface, which is harmful to living cells.

28. Soil pollution. Pesticides. Waste management. Soil cover is the most important natural formation. Soil is the main source of food, providing 95–97% of the food supply for the world's population. Human economic activity is currently becoming a dominant factor in the destruction of soils, reducing and increasing their fertility. Under the influence of humans, the parameters and factors of soil formation change - reliefs, microclimate, reservoirs are created, and land reclamation is carried out.

Emissions from industrial enterprises and agricultural production facilities, dispersing over considerable distances and entering the soil, create new combinations of chemical elements. From the soil, these substances can enter the human body as a result of various migration processes. Industrial solid waste releases all kinds of metals (iron, copper, aluminum, lead, zinc) and other chemical pollutants into the soil. The soil has the ability to accumulate radioactive substances that enter it with radioactive waste and atmospheric radioactive fallout after nuclear tests. Radioactive substances enter food chains and affect living organisms.

Chemical compounds that pollute the soil also include carcinogenic substances - carcinogens that play a significant role in the occurrence of tumor diseases. The main sources of soil pollution with carcinogenic substances are exhaust gases from vehicles, emissions from industrial enterprises, thermal power plants, etc. The main danger of soil pollution is associated with global atmospheric pollution.

Main soil pollutants: 1) pesticides (toxic chemicals); 2) mineral fertilizers; 3) waste and industrial waste; 4) gas and smoke emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere; 5) oil and petroleum products.

More than a million tons of pesticides are produced annually in the world. World production of pesticides is constantly growing.

Currently, many scientists equate the impact of pesticides on public health to the impact of radioactive substances on humans. It has been reliably established that when using pesticides, along with a slight increase in yield, there is an increase in the species composition of pests, the nutritional quality and safety of products deteriorate, natural fertility is lost, etc. Pesticides cause profound changes in the entire ecosystem, affecting all living organisms, while humans use them to destroy a very limited number of species of organisms. As a result, a huge number of other biological species (beneficial insects, birds) are intoxicated to the point of their extinction. In addition, people try to use much more pesticides than necessary, and further aggravate the problem.

Oproduction and consumption waste It is customary to refer to the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, other items or products that were formed in the process of production or consumption, as well as goods (products) that have lost their consumer properties.Waste management – activities during which waste is generated, as well as the collection, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of waste. Waste disposal– storage and disposal of waste. Waste storage provides for the maintenance of waste in waste disposal facilities for the purpose of their subsequent disposal, neutralization or use. Waste disposal facilities– specially equipped structures: landfills, sludge storage facilities, rock dumps, etc. Waste disposal– isolation of waste that is not subject to further use in special storage facilities that prevent the release of harmful substances into the environment. Waste disposal– waste treatment, including combustion in specialized installations in order to prevent the harmful effects of waste on humans and the environment.

Each product manufacturer is assigned waste generation standard, i.e. the amount of waste of a particular type during the production of a unit of product, and is calculated limit for waste disposal - the maximum permissible amount of waste per year.

29. Types of damage from environmental pollution. An objective criterion used in the environmental assessment of planned activities, production, as well as in planning environmental activities is the damage caused to the national economy as a result of the impact on the environment (pollution, also meaning pollution by physical factors - acoustic, EMR, etc.).

Quantitative assessment of damage can be presented in natural, point and cost indicators. Economic damage from environmental pollution is understood as a monetary assessment of negative changes that have occurred under the influence of environmental pollution.

There are three types of damage: actual, possible, prevented.

The methodology for calculating damage involves taking into account the damage caused by increased morbidity among the population and workers, damage to agriculture, housing, public utilities, forestry, fisheries and other sectors of the economy.

When considering damage, the following types of damage are considered: direct, indirect, complete.

Direct damage as a result of an emergency situation refers to losses and damages of all structures of the national economy that fell into pollution zones, and consists of irrecoverable losses of fixed assets, assessed natural resources and losses caused by these losses, as well as costs associated with limiting development and eliminating environmental damage. pollution.

Indirect damage from an accident will be the losses, damages and additional costs that will be incurred by national economic facilities that are not in the direct impact zone and caused, first of all, by disruptions and changes in the existing structure of economic relations and infrastructure.

Direct and indirect damage together form total damage.

30. Pollution regulation: principles of regulation, the concept of maximum permissible concentrations, OBUV, MPE and VSV; PDS. Taking into account the joint action of pollutants, the principle of payment for environmental management .. Environmental quality is a possible measure of the use of resources and environmental conditions for the implementation of normal, healthy life and human activities, which does not lead to degradation of the biosphere. Standardization of environmental quality is carried out in order to establish the maximum permissible scale of impact on the environmental environment, guaranteeing human environmental safety and the preservation of the gene pool, ensuring rational environmental management and reproduction of natural resources. In addition, environmental quality standards are necessary for the implementation of the economic mechanism of environmental management, i.e. to establish payments for the use of natural resources and environmental pollution.

Standards for maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants are calculated based on their content in atmospheric air, soil, water and are established for each harmful substance (or microorganism) separately. MPC is the concentration of a pollutant that is not yet dangerous for living organisms. (g/l or mg/ml). MPC values ​​are set based on the effect of harmful substances on humans.

Standards MPE (maximum permissible emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere) and MDS (maximum permissible discharges of wastewater into a water body) are the maximum permissible masses (or volumes) of harmful substances that can be emitted (discharged) within a certain period of time (usually within 1 year). The MPC and MPC values ​​are calculated for each natural resource user based on the MPC values.

Despite the fact that the current list of MPCs is constantly being updated, in some cases it is necessary to develop MPC standards for pollutants not included in the list of MPCs. In such cases, in accordance with sanitary standards, sanitary and hygienic institutes develop a temporary indicative safe exposure level (SAEL) for the substance in question based on a comparison of the toxic effects of this substance and a chemical structure similar to it, for which MAC or SAEL values ​​have already been established. OBUVs are approved for a period of three years.

TSV – time-coordinated release

The principle of payment environmental management is the obligation of the subject of special environmental management to pay for the use of the corresponding type of natural resource. According to Art. 20 of the Law “On Environmental Protection”, payment for environmental management includes payment for natural resources, for environmental pollution and for other types of impact on nature. It is important that the legislator directly determines the targeted nature of payments in the law.

When establishing payment for the use of natural resources, the following tasks were set: 1. Increasing producer interest in the efficient use of natural resources and land.2. Increasing interest in the conservation and reproduction of material resources.3. Obtaining additional funds for the restoration and reproduction of natural resources.

31 . Sanitary protection zones of enterprises, their sizes depending on the class of enterprises according to SanPiN 2.2.1/ - 03.

A sanitary protection zone (SPZ) is a special territory with a special regime of use, which is established around objects and industries that are sources of impact on the environment and human health. The size of the sanitary protection zone ensures a reduction in the impact of pollution on the atmospheric air (chemical, biological, physical) to the values ​​​​established by hygienic standards.

According to its functional purpose, the sanitary protection zone is a protective barrier that ensures the level of safety of the population during normal operation of the facility. The approximate size of the sanitary protection zone is determined by SanPiN 2.2.1/ depending on the hazard class of the enterprise (a total of five hazard classes, from I to V).

SanPiN 2.2.1/ establishes the following approximate dimensions of sanitary protection zones:

industrial facilities and first class production - 1000 m;

industrial facilities and second class production - 500 m;

industrial facilities and third-class production facilities - 300 m;

fourth class industrial facilities and production facilities - 100 m;

industrial facilities and fifth-class production facilities - 50 m.

SanPiN 2.2.1/ classifies industrial facilities and production thermal power plants, warehouse buildings and structures and the dimensions of the approximate sanitary protection zones for them.

The dimensions and boundaries of the sanitary protection zone are determined in the design of the sanitary protection zone. The SPZ project is required to be developed by enterprises belonging to objects of I-III hazard classes, and enterprises that are sources of impact on the atmospheric air, but for which SanPiN 2.2.1/ does not establish the size of the SPZ.

In the sanitary protection zone it is not allowed to place: residential buildings, including separate residential buildings, landscape and recreational areas, recreation areas, areas of resorts, sanatoriums and holiday homes, territories of gardening partnerships and cottage developments, collective or individual dacha and garden plots, as well as other territories with standardized indicators of habitat quality; sports facilities, playgrounds, educational and children's institutions, medical, preventive and health institutions for public use.

32. Environmental monitoring. Types of monitoring. Environmental monitoring is an information system created for the purpose of monitoring and forecasting changes in the environment in order to highlight the anthropogenic component against the background of other natural processes. The diagram of the environmental monitoring system is shown in Fig. One of the important aspects of the functioning of monitoring systems is the ability to predict the state of the environment under study and warn about undesirable changes in its characteristics.

Under monitoring imply a tracking system for some objects or phenomena. The need for general monitoring of human activity is constantly growing, since over the last 10 years alone more than 4 million new chemical compounds have been synthesized, and about 30 thousand types of chemicals are produced annually. Monitoring each of the substances is unrealistic. It can only be conducted in general on the integral impact of human economic activity on the conditions of one’s own existence and on the natural environment. Based on the scale, monitoring is divided into basic (background), global, regional, and impact. on methods of observation and objects of observation: aviation, space, human environment.

Base monitoring monitors general biosphere, mainly natural, phenomena without imposing regional anthropogenic influences on them. Global monitoring monitors global processes and phenomena in the Earth's biosphere and its ecosphere, including all their environmental components (the main material and energy components of ecological systems) and warns about emerging extreme situations. Regional monitoring monitors processes and phenomena within a certain region, where these processes and phenomena may differ both in natural nature and in anthropogenic influences from the basic background characteristic of the entire biosphere. Impact monitoring is monitoring of regional and local anthropogenic impacts in particularly dangerous zones and places. Monitoring the human environment monitors the state of the natural environment around humans and prevents emerging critical situations that are harmful or dangerous to the health of people and other living organisms.

The environmental monitoring system provides solutions to the following tasks: observation of chemical, biological, physical parameters (characteristics); ensuring the organization of operational information.

Principles, put into the organization of the system: collectivity; synchronicity; regular reporting. Based on the environmental monitoring system, a nationwide system of monitoring and control over the state of the environment has been created. The assessment of the environment and public health includes the state of atmospheric air, drinking water, food, and ionizing radiation.

33. EIA procedure. Structure of the volume “Environmental Protection”. In accordance with existing rules, any pre-project and project documentation related to any business undertakings, development of new territories, location of production, design, construction and reconstruction of economic and civil facilities must contain a section “Environmental Protection” and in it - a mandatory subsection EIA – materials on environmental impact assessment planned activities. EIA is a preliminary determination of the nature and degree of danger of all potential types of impact and an assessment of the environmental, economic and social consequences of the project; a structured process of taking into account environmental requirements in the system of preparing and making decisions on economic development.

EIA provides for variant solutions, taking into account territorial characteristics and interests of the population. The EIA is organized and provided by the project customer with the involvement of competent organizations and specialists. In many cases, conducting an EIA requires special engineering and environmental surveys.

Main sections of the EIA

1. Identification of sources of impact using experimental data, expert assessments, creation of mathematical modeling installations, literature analysis, etc. As a result, sources, types and objects of impact are identified.

2. Quantitative assessment of impact types can be carried out using the balance or instrumental method. When using the balance method, the amount of emissions, discharges, and waste is determined. The instrumental method is the measurement and analysis of results.

3. Forecasting changes in the natural environment. A probabilistic forecast of environmental pollution is given taking into account climatic conditions, wind patterns, background concentrations, etc.

4. Forecasting emergency situations. A forecast of possible emergency situations, causes and likelihood of their occurrence is given. For each emergency situation, preventive measures are provided.

5. Determining ways to prevent negative consequences. Possibilities for reducing impact are determined using special technical means of protection, technologies, etc.

6. Selection of methods for monitoring the state of the environment and residual consequences. A monitoring and control system must be provided for in the designed process flow diagram.

7. Ecological and economic assessment of design options. The impact assessment is carried out for all possible options with an analysis of damages and compensation costs for protection from harmful impacts after the project is implemented.

8. Presentation of results. It is carried out in the form of a separate section of the project document, which is a mandatory appendix and contains, in addition to the materials of the EIA list, a copy of the agreement with the state supervisory authorities responsible for the use of natural resources, the conclusion of the departmental examination, the conclusion of the public examination and the main disagreements.

34. Environmental assessment. Principles of environmental assessment. Environmental assessment– establishing the compliance of the planned economic and other activities with environmental requirements and determining the admissibility of the implementation of the object of environmental assessment in order to prevent possible adverse impacts of this activity on the environment and the associated social, economic and other consequences of the implementation of the object of environmental assessment (Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Expertise” "(1995)).

Environmental expertise involves a special study of economic and technical projects, objects and processes in order to make a reasonable conclusion about their compliance with environmental requirements, standards and regulations.

Environmental assessment, therefore, performs the functions of a promising preventive control project documentation and at the same time functions supervision for the environmental compliance of project implementation results. According to Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Expertise”, these types of control and supervision are carried out by environmental authorities.

(Article 3) states principles of environmental assessment, namely:

Presumptions of potential environmental hazards of any planned economic and other activities;

Mandatory conduct of a state environmental impact assessment before making decisions on the implementation of an environmental impact assessment project;

Comprehensive assessment of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment and its consequences;

Mandatory consideration of environmental safety requirements when conducting environmental assessments;

Reliability and completeness of information submitted for environmental assessment;

Independence of environmental impact experts in the exercise of their powers in the field of environmental impact assessment;

Scientific validity, objectivity and legality of environmental assessment conclusions;

Openness, participation of public organizations (associations), taking into account public opinion;

Responsibility of participants in environmental assessment and interested parties for the organization, conduct, and quality of environmental assessment.

Types of environmental assessment

In the Russian Federation, state environmental assessment and public environmental assessment are carried out ( Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Expertise”, art. 4).

The state examination has the right to be carried out by a specially authorized body - the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies. The period for conducting an environmental assessment should not exceed 6 months.

Public environmental assessments have the right to be carried out by organizations registered in the prescribed manner, with a charter in which the main activity of these organizations is the protection of the natural environment. Public environmental examination organizations do not conduct examinations that contain state and commercial secrets.

Emissions are understood as short-term or over a certain period of time (days, years) entering the environment. The amount of emissions is standardized. The maximum permissible emission (MAE) and the emission temporarily agreed with nature conservation organizations (EME) are accepted as standardized indicators.

The maximum permissible emission is a standard established for each specific source based on the condition that the ground-level concentration of harmful substances, taking into account their dispersion and organ, does not exceed air quality standards. In addition to standardized emissions, there are emergency and salvo emissions. Emissions are characterized by the amount of pollutants, their chemical composition, concentration, and state of aggregation.

Industrial emissions are divided into organized and unorganized. The so-called organized emissions come through specially constructed flues, air ducts and pipes. Fugitive emissions enter the atmosphere in the form of non-directional flows as a result of a seal failure, a violation of production technology or equipment malfunction.

According to their state of aggregation, emissions are divided into four classes: 1-gaseous and vapor, 2-liquid, 3-solid. 4 mixed.

Gaseous emissions - sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, ammonia, etc. Liquid emissions - acids, solutions of salts, alkalis, organic compounds, synthetic materials. Solid emissions - organic and inorganic dust, compounds of lead, mercury, other heavy metals, soot, resins and other substances.

Based on mass, emissions are grouped into six groups:

1st group - emission mass less than 0.01 t/day

2nd group – from 0.01 to 01 t/day;

3rd group – from 0.1 to 1t/day;

4th group – from 1 to 10 t/day;

5th group – 10 to 100 t/day;

6th group – over 100t/day.

For the symbolic designation of emissions by composition, the following scheme is adopted: class (1 2 3 4), group (1 2 3 4 5 6), subgroup (1 2 3 4), mass emission group index (GOST 17 2 1 0.1-76).

Emissions are subject to periodic inventory, which means the systematization of information on the distribution of emission sources throughout the facility, their quantity and composition. The objectives of the inventory are:

Determination of types of harmful substances entering the atmosphere from objects;

Assessment of the impact of emissions on the environment;

Establishing the maximum permissible limit or USV;

Assessment of the condition of treatment equipment and environmental friendliness of technologies and production equipment;

Planning the sequence of air protection measures.

An inventory of emissions into the atmosphere is carried out once every 5 years in accordance with the “Instructions for Inventory of Emissions of Pollutants into the Atmosphere”. Sources of air pollution are determined based on the production process diagrams of the enterprise.

For operating enterprises, control points are taken along the perimeter of the sanitary protection zone. The rules for determining permissible emissions of harmful substances by enterprises are set out in GOST 17 2 3 02 78 and in the “Instructions for regulating emissions (discharges) of pollutants into the atmosphere and water bodies.”

The main parameters characterizing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere: type of production, source of emission of harmful substances (installation, unit, device), source of emission, number of emission sources, coordinate of the emission location, parameters of the gas-air mixture at the outlet of the emission source (speed, volume , temperature), characteristics of gas cleaning devices, types and quantities of harmful substances, etc.

If MPC values ​​cannot be achieved, then a gradual reduction in emissions of harmful substances to values ​​that ensure MPC is provided. At each stage, temporarily agreed emissions (TCE) are established

All calculations for maximum permissible limits are drawn up in the form of a special volume in accordance with the “Recommendations for the design and content of the draft standards for maximum permissible limits in the atmosphere for enterprises.” Based on the calculation of the maximum permissible value, an expert opinion from the examination department of the local nature conservation committee must be obtained.

Depending on the mass and species composition of emissions into the atmosphere, in accordance with the “Recommendations for dividing enterprises by hazard category,” the enterprise hazard category (HCC) is determined:

Where Mi is the mass of the first substance in the emission;

MPCi – average daily MPC of the first substance;

P – amount of pollutants;

Ai is an immeasurable quantity that allows one to correlate the degree of harmfulness of the first substance with the harmfulness of sulfur dioxide (The values ​​of ai depending on the hazard class are as follows: class 2-1.3; class 3-1; class 4-0.9,

Depending on the value of the COP, enterprises are divided into the following hazard classes: class 1>106, class 2-104-106; class 3-103-104; class 4-<103

Depending on the hazard class, the frequency of reporting and monitoring of harmful substances at the enterprise is established. Enterprises of hazard class 3 develop the MPE volume (VSV) according to an abbreviated scheme, and enterprises of hazard class 4 do not develop the MPE volume.

Enterprises are required to keep primary records of the types and quantities of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere in accordance with the “Rules for the Protection of Atmospheric Air.” At the end of the year, the enterprise submits a report on the protection of atmospheric air in accordance with the “Instructions on the procedure for compiling a report on the protection of atmospheric air.”