Imagination and individual creativity presentation. Dream and fantasy as a special type of imagination

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SMOLENSK REGIONAL STATE BUDGETARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Vyazma Medical College named after E.O. Mukhina" Developed by: teacher of pharmacognosy Sokolova O.P.g. Vyazma 2015 Topic: “Medicinal plant raw materials containing essential oils used in medical practice” Purpose: studying medicinal plant raw materials containing essential oils, as well as medicines and dietary supplements based on them, used in medical practice. Objectives: Study literature on the relevant topic. Study the role of essential oils in the life of plants and humans. Determine the chemical nature and classification of essential oils. Study plants containing essential oils. Study the use of essential oils in medical practice. THE ROLE OF ESSENTIAL OILS IN PLANT LIFE THE ROLE OF ESSENTIAL OILS IN HUMAN LIFE Essential oils of plants are complex mixtures of compounds: hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, phenols, aldehydes, acids, etc. The amount of essential oils in plants ranges from traces to 20%. CHEMICAL NATURE OF ESSENTIAL OILS CLASSIFICATION OF ESSENTIAL OILS DEPENDING ON CHEMICAL STRUCTURE MONOTERPENOIDS SESQUITERPENOIDS AROMATIC COMPOUNDS ESSENTIAL OILS OF ROSES Essential oil in rose petals is found in the form of glandular spots immediately under the cuticle of the epidermis .Fresh flowers contain up to 0.04–0.15% essential oil. Pharmacological action: antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. LAVENDER NARROW-LEAF Fresh inflorescences contain from 0.8 to 3.0% essential oil, while the leaves contain no more than 0.3%. The main component of lavender flower essential oil is linalyl acetate (35–50%). The essential oil also contains free linalool (20–35%). Pharmacological action: antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative. Preparations and dietary supplements with essential oil of mint PEPPERMINT Peppermint leaves contain about 3–5% essential oil. The inflorescences are the richest in essential oil (4–6%). A low content of essential oil (about 0.3%) was noted in the stems. The main components of mint oil is a monocyclic monoterpene - menthol (50–80). Pharmacological action: antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic agent, which also has sedative, expectorant, antiseptic, analgesic properties. SAGE LEAVES All parts of the plant contain essential oil, the amount of which in the leaves is 1.3 -2.5%. The fruits contain 19-25% fatty oil, represented mainly by linoleic acid glycerides. Pharmacological action: anti-inflammatory agent with bactericidal and astringent properties. Preparations and dietary supplements with sage essential oil The fruits contain 3-7% essential oil, 12-22 fatty oils, etc. In addition, protein (10-23%) and tannins are found in them. Localization of essential oils is the tubules. The main component essential oil is carvone - 50-60%. The main pharmacological properties of caraway fruit preparations are antispasmodic, choleretic, windagonal, increases the secretion of gastric juice, expectorant, lactogonic. CUMIN FRUITS The rhizome with roots contains up to 2% essential oil, the main components of which are bornyl isovalerate, free borneol and isovaleric acid (which causes a specific odor); in addition, it contains glycosides and alkaloids. They are used as sedatives for nervous excitement, insomnia, neuroses of the cardiovascular system, and spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. VALERIAN OFFICINAL Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus) The main biologically active substance in the oil contained in the leaves is eucalyptol. Eucalyptus leaves also contain tannins, healing bitters, resins and phytoncides - substances that have a detrimental effect on a wide variety of pathogenic bacteria. In terms of the content of phytoncides, eucalyptus is ahead of all deciduous trees and herbaceous essential oil plants. The main properties of eucalyptus: antiseptic properties, increasing immunity, food, construction, moisture extraction. Eucalyptus oil has an analgesic, anthelmintic, antiseptic and expectorant effect. PREPARATIONS BASED ON EUCALYPTUS CONTAINING ESSENTIAL OILS CONCLUSION 1. Essential oils play an important role in plant life (they give vital energy to a living plant and protect it). 2. Essential oils play an important role in human life (they have a very wide range of pharmacological effects). 3. Essential oils are a concentrated extract based on a medicinal plant; they contain vitamins, hormones, antibiotics, and pheromones (invisible but noticeable aromatic signals). Before using them, it is necessary to check individual sensitivity. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! LIST OF REFERENCES 1. GRINKEVICH N.I., SAFRONICH L.N. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF MEDICINAL PLANTS. M.: HIGH SCHOOL, 19842. GURINOVICH, L.K. ESSENTIAL OILS: CHEMISTRY, TECHNOLOGY, ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION / L.K. GURINOVICH, T.V. PUCHKOVA. M.: SCHOOL OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS, 2005. 3. KARPUK, V. V.K26 PHARMACOGNOSY: Textbook. MANUAL / V.V. KARPUK.-MINSK: BSU, 20114. KURKIN V.A. PHARMACOGNOSY. SAMARA: OFORT LLC, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "SAMGMU", 2004.5. MURAVYEVA D.A., SAMYLINA I.A., YAKOVLEV G.P. PHARMACOGNOSY. M.: MEDICINE, 20026. HTTP://BIO.WELLNET.ME/PAGE10.PHP

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If the imagination draws to consciousness such pictures that nothing or little corresponds in reality, then it is called fantasy.

If, in addition, the imagination is aimed at the future, it is called a dream.

A dream is a necessary condition for the implementation of human creative forces aimed at transforming reality. It acts as an incentive or motive for an activity, the final completion of which, for one reason or another, was delayed. That is why any object made by human hands, in its historical essence, is a fulfilled human dream.

In any, even the most ordinary object, you can see the objectified, embodied dream of many generations of people who felt an urgent need for precisely such things. The longer the history of a thing, the more it has changed, the greater the number of human dreams captured in it. A fulfilled dream gives rise to a new need, and a new need gives rise to a new dream.

At first, each new achievement of production activity, a new thing, seems perfect, but as it is mastered, shortcomings are discovered, and people begin to dream of better things, thereby stimulating the process of their substantive implementation.

For most people, dreams are pleasant thoughts about the future. Some also experience disturbing visions that give rise to feelings of anxiety, guilt, and aggressiveness.

When dreaming, a person always creates an image of what he wants.

It is not directly included in human activity and does not immediately produce practical results.

A dream is directed to the future, while some other forms of imagination work with the past.

The images that a person creates in his dreams are distinguished by their emotional richness, bright character, and at the same time - a lack of understanding of specific ways to realize the dream.

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Imagination is the mental process of a person creating in his mind an image of an object (object, phenomenon) that does not exist in real life. The product of imagination can be: an image of the final result of real objective activity; a picture of one’s own behavior in conditions of complete information uncertainty; an image of a situation that resolves problems that are relevant to a given person, the real overcoming of which is not possible in the near future.

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Imagination is included in any creative process associated with the design of new technology, the creation of masterpieces of art, and the development of theoretical foundations for the development of science. This inclusion gives the imagination an integrative role in relation to other areas of the human psyche. In the process of imagination, logic and thinking, emotionality and rationalism, mental “lawlessness” and reality merge together.

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Judging by the statements of people famous around the world, it can be assumed that imagination is ahead of most achievements in science, technology and technology. “Without imagination, no judgment is possible,” said Aristotle. “Imagination rules the world,” said B. Napoleon. “Imagination makes a sensitive person an artist, and a courageous person a hero,” said A. France, without exaggerating anything.

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Although imagination is closely related to perception, representation, memory and thinking, it has significant differences from them. In perception, images appear when stimuli directly affect the human senses. Moreover, the source of these stimuli is objects that actually exist at the moment. The image of an object, when perceived, repeats its original with varying accuracy. In the imagination, images appear in the absence of real objects and contain elements that may never have existed in the real world and never will. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about the accuracy of the image of the imagination.

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Representations generate images of objects that are currently absent, but these images, as in perception, must repeat (restore) their real originals. Memory helps to reproduce only what a person once remembered and saved. The images of the imagination include something that has never been reflected in memory. Finally, the images that appear during thinking are the result of a pre-set goal (otherwise why think!).

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Functions of imagination according to R.S. Nemov:

representation of reality in images and the ability to use them; regulation of emotional states; formation of an internal action plan; planning and programming activities; management of the psychophysiological state of the body.

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Types of imagination:

Types of imagination by degree of activity by degree of volitional effort intentional unintentional active passive Dreams Recreating Creative Dream Sleep, drowsy state

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Forms of manifestation of imagination

Imagination can manifest itself in different forms. These include: dreams; dreams; hallucinations; dreams.

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Dreams are desires pushed back in time. A person dreams of what attracts him, what gives him joy, what satisfies his deepest desires and needs. Sometimes a dream can express the meaning of a whole life. A dream can be real or unreal. A real dream is the beginning of a forecast for important personal and public affairs. An unrealistic dream can be considered in 2 versions. The first option: a person believes in the content, and it seems to him that the dream will come true. In this case, he overestimates his capabilities. The second option: from the very beginning, a person realizes that the dream is not real, but still surrenders to its power. It compensates for life’s failures, and sometimes becomes the main meaning of life.

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Imagination can also act as a replacement for activity, its surrogate. Then a person withdraws from reality into the realm of fantasy in order to hide from seemingly insoluble problems, from the need to act, from the hardships of life. Such fantasies are called dreams, which reflect the connection between fantasy and our needs. Dreams are fundamentally unrealizable. Dreams perform a compensatory function: a person in an illusory fictional life receives what he lacks in reality. A person can dream in a state of relaxation, in a state of transition from alertness to sleep. For some people, dreams play an exaggerated role: they are substitutes for reality, a person lives in a world he has created, and this gives him pleasure.

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Hallucinations are fantastic visions that have almost no connection with reality. If dreams can be considered a completely normal mental state, then hallucinations are usually the result of certain disorders of the psyche or the functioning of the body and accompany many painful conditions. Hallucinations are the most indicative manifestations of passive unintentional imagination, in which a person perceives a carrying object. These images are so vivid that a person is absolutely convinced of their reality.

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Dreams also fall into the category of passive, unintentional forms of imagination. Their true role in human life has not yet been established. although it is known. that in dreams many vital human needs find expression and satisfaction, which, for a number of reasons, cannot be realized in life.

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