Vologda Regional College of Arts in Computer Science. Close-up - Electronic magazine “Sphere”

Like clockwork: today and tomorrow of the Vologda College of Arts

Elena Legchanova

Of the 96-year history of the Vologda College of Arts, 26 years - more than a quarter - fall under the directorship Lev Isaevich Trainin. His entire work biography is connected precisely with this educational institution, to which he has already spent 44 years. Behind this simple arithmetic is the hard work of teachers and administrators, solving many problems and searching for new ways of development. And although he has a solid baggage behind him, in an interview with Sphere magazine, Lev Trainin chose not to talk about his achievements, but about how he sees the future of the college.

Names change, quality remains the same

Lev Isaevich, in April of this year Vologda musical the college was renamed Vologda College arts. Why did the new name arise and what prospects does it open up? Are there plans to open new educational specialties in the near future?

Several years ago, the Vologda Music College, having passed accreditation, became a music college. We began to train sound engineers and personnel for the stage and theater. There was a need to issue diplomas to our graduates according to their specialty - and therefore, there was a need to rename musical college to college arts.

In our region we have three institutions of secondary specialized education that train personnel in the field of professional art - these are us, the Cherepovets School of Arts and Crafts and the Vologda College of Culture and Tourism in Kirillov. Each of us specializes in our own area: we have musical and acting areas; in Cherepovets - artistic and choreographic, in Kirillov - librarianship, tourism, social and cultural activities.

We need to avoid duplicating specialties as much as possible. So, for example, we are developing in our own direction, music - and on its basis we opened sound engineering and pop performance. But simply opening a new specialty is not enough - this step must be taken consciously, after analyzing whether it is really in demand in the city and region. We opened the “Acting” specialty based on the fact that in Vologda there is a demand for actors with “local registration”, because it is difficult for theaters to constantly invite actors from other cities. And the leaders of our regional theaters, Zurab Nanobashvili and Boris Granatov, are gaining momentum. There are currently three courses in total; this year there was no enrollment in this specialty - again, due to the fact that we analyzed the demand and came to the conclusion that we can take a break from enrollment for now.

I would join the populists...

Which college majors are consistently popular with applicants, and which ones are having trouble recruiting, and why?

I can’t say that applicants give preference to any one specialty. For many years we have observed a fairly high demand for piano performance. Now the situation has leveled off. It all depends on where parents send their children to study music. Recently, orchestral string and wind sections have been actively developing.

At one time there were difficulties with recruitment for folk instruments, and not only here - throughout the country. In order not to lose this precious performing layer, we, together with the city administration, created a full-fledged ensemble, the basis of which was our teachers and graduates - the orchestra of Russian folk instruments “Perezvony” under the direction of our teacher Alexander Sultanshin. I believe that such an orchestra is necessary in an ancient Russian city with a solid cultural foundation. Of course, a symphonic one would be nice, but this is the next stage ( smiling). This undertaking became a good incentive for the development of the entire specialty - employment prospects, of course, make the specialty more attractive for applicants. Now we have a competition for it.

Our graduates work in various groups and orchestras of the city and region - string players and wind players, for example, in the chamber orchestra of the Vologda Philharmonic, in the concert orchestra of wind instruments of the city of Vologda "Classic-Modern Band", etc.

On the issue of employment of graduates - how sensitive is this issue for the college?

Not at all sick. Almost all of our graduates, with rare exceptions, work in their specialty. Approximately 50-70% of graduates go on to study at universities; many then return and work in our team. Some achieve success and remain to work in the capital’s orchestras and abroad - this is also quite natural.

Under the roof of your house

This year, the renovation of the college dormitory was completed - before that, the building on Oktyabrskaya, 19, was in deplorable condition for many years. What plans does the college management have for the use of the building? Do you expect an influx of applicants due to the fact that living conditions in the hostel have become more comfortable?

The hostel was taken over by the college seventeen years ago in very poor condition - it is not surprising that after some time the ceilings of one wing collapsed. Luckily, no one was hurt, but we had to mothball almost half of the building. With our own efforts, we were able to repair the roof, replace windows, restore the facade, and partially replace the heating system, but the reconstruction of the damaged part of the hostel required significant financial investments. Here I would like to say a special thank you to the regional leadership, who delved into the problem and helped in solving it - Governor Oleg Kuvshinnikov, who personally came to inspect the emergency building, the head of the Department of Culture and Tourism, Vladimir Osipovsky, and his deputy Tatyana Smirnova. Without their participation nothing would have happened. And so we were allocated funds for which we made major repairs in the residential area, organized modern showers in the attic, and created a good concert hall in the space where the ceilings had collapsed. The work was completed only this summer. Of course, now our students have become much more comfortable in the dormitory. But it is important to note that we are only at the beginning of the journey. We plan to carry out a phased reconstruction of the premises and modernize the ventilation system. An appeal has already been prepared to the governor with a request to allocate new funds.

The new concert hall is just a gift for Vologda music lovers. How are you planning to use it?

There is a very warm sound in the hall - a real classical sound, I don’t know if this exists anywhere else in our city. The hall is quite spacious - according to calculations, about 350-400 seats can be accommodated there. This is a fairly good chamber hall - even larger than our Philharmonic Hall - and it should be multifunctional. After the renovation, we are going to transfer the methodological center that exists at the college to the hostel base. Our specialists are doing a lot of work to improve their skills and hold creative competitions. After the center is located within the walls of the dormitory, competition participants and course participants will be able to live, study and perform on stage on one site - now they have to spend time traveling to and from college every day.

The hall and auditoriums in the renovated dormitory will be used not only by the college, but also by other cultural institutions that have nowhere to hold conferences and concerts. There are also plans to create a youth theater - this is a very promising direction. And most importantly, we want to create a children’s cultural and educational center here - a large complex similar to those that exist in large cities. There children will be able to learn music, drawing, and acting. We also discussed this issue with the governor.

Don't view talent

When visiting the college dormitory, the head of the region mentioned that you were hatching the idea of ​​​​locating a boarding school for gifted children within its walls. Is this project still only in plans, or is something already being done to implement the plan?

In general, in Russia there has long been a tradition of creating boarding schools for gifted children. And, paradoxically, foreigners began to adopt our experience. Specialized schools to support young talents are being created in England, Japan, and other countries of the world - while we are losing this tradition... Now there has been an awareness of this at the state level - and the tradition of creating specialized schools for gifted children has begun to be revived.

As for the ideas and plans of our college, it cannot be said that the plan for setting up a boarding school is some kind of independent project. Throughout the history of the educational institution, the search for gifted children has never stopped. Our teachers and students regularly travel around the region with concerts, perform, talk with students of local music schools, and identify those who could study with us. And I am convinced that a capable child needs to create conditions for the development of his talent. Such children must be brought up in their own special environment, and talented teachers must work with them. Of course, it is impossible to create such a boarding school in every district. But one per region, where talented guys from all over the region would come, is quite realistic. Several years ago we took the first step in this direction and opened additional educational programs (school) for children at the college. Some of its graduates later became our students and even continued their education at the country's leading conservatories.

How do art college students combine academic and concert activities?

By giving concerts, students, firstly, get practice. Secondly, they demonstrate their performing skills, get used to the stage, and this is an important part of the profession of a musician and artist. We encourage the active participation of our students in various competitions and concerts - all this benefits the students, maintains their level, reveals talent, and provides new opportunities. This also includes the popularization of certain specialties: by performing, students attract young people to receive a music education.

100 years is not an age

The Vologda College of Arts will turn 100 in four years. What has this educational institution become for Vologda and the region over its century-long history? Discover the secrets of the college's continued appeal over so many years.

Our college is valuable not only for education, not only for the Vologda region, but also for the entire North-West, and for Russia as a whole. Our graduates actively perform, study and open educational institutions throughout the Northern Territory. The foundation was laid by those who opened our school in 1919 - people with an excellent school, graduates of the country's leading conservatories. We try to preserve and enhance their legacy. Now many of our graduates who returned to Vologda after graduating from conservatories work at the college, and teachers from other cities also come. This is a real Russian performing school. The high professionalism of our teachers and their amazing dedication form that indescribable atmosphere of warmth and goodwill that reigns in the college staff. This is the key to the attractiveness and stability of our educational institution. And 100 years is not so much, we hope that for the next hundred years we will also steadily produce sought-after specialists in musical and theatrical fields.

BPOU HE "Vologda Regional College of Culture and Tourism"

Brief historical background:
The institution was created by decision of the Vologda Regional Executive Committee dated September 23, 1948 No. 70 as the Vologda Regional Cultural and Educational School.

According to the historical certificate of the district state archive dated May 22, 1987, since 1961 the school became known as the Vologda Regional Cultural and Educational School.

In accordance with Decree of the Administration of the Vologda Region dated September 2, 1992 No. 458, it was transformed into the Vologda Regional School of Culture.

Based on the order of the Department of Culture of the Vologda Region dated May 6, 2008 No. 89, the Vologda Regional School of Culture was renamed into the state educational institution of secondary vocational education “Vologda Regional School of Culture”.

Based on the order of the Department of Culture and Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Vologda Region dated March 25, 2011 No. 88, the State educational institution of secondary vocational education “Vologda Regional College of Culture” was renamed into a budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Vologda region “Vologda Regional College of Culture”.

By order of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Vologda Region dated May 13, 2015 No. 104, the institution was renamed into a budgetary professional educational institution of the Vologda Region “Vologda Regional College of Culture and Tourism”.

Current training programs:

Secondary vocational education
Training programs for mid-level specialists
Full-time education
51.02.02 Social and cultural activities (by type):

. Organization of cultural and leisure activities (with performing training in the field of choral and choreographic activities).

02/43/10 Tourism
Qualification - tourism specialist
Duration of training - 2 years 10 months (basic general education), 2 years 10 months (secondary general education).
Extramural studies
02/51/03 Library science
Qualification: librarian.

51.02.02 Social and cultural activities (by type):
. Organization and staging of cultural events and theatrical performances;
. Organization of cultural and leisure activities (with performing training in the field of choral activities).
Qualification - organizer of socio-cultural activities.
Duration of training - 2 years 10 months (secondary general education)

Additional professional education programs
Professional retraining programs
Advanced training programs

Advantages of studying in an educational organization:

Why is it worth enrolling and studying at our college?
. Because our graduates have a professional future - they were, are and will always be in demand in the labor market
. Because today the Vologda Regional College of Culture and Tourism is an educational institution in which classical teaching traditions are combined with the latest educational technologies. Because the college has broad creative connections and actively participates in the cultural and social life of the Vologda region. Our goal is to develop students’ ability to be creative on the basis of high-quality knowledge and skills, and a creative specialist is always in demand and successful
. The core of the college's development strategy is continuity of professional education. Active cooperation between the college and the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts ensures the continuity and unity of theoretical and practical training of specialists at all stages of training.
. Because the life of college students is not only academic everyday life, it is filled with communication, energy and the joy of discovery. Within the walls of the college there is an atmosphere of creativity, mutual respect, goodwill and trust. In the close collaboration of teachers and students, the “Initiation as Students” holidays, “New Year’s Skit Parties”, competitions, evenings, KVNs are held - all this makes the student years happy and unforgettable.

We are always glad to see you within the walls of our college!

In 1990, a Children’s Music School was opened on the basis of the Vologda Music School (based on the order of the Department of Culture of the Vologda Regional Executive Committee “On the creation of children’s music schools on the basis of the Vologda and Cherepovets Music Schools” No. 249 dated December 29, 1989). The idea of ​​​​creating a music school belongs to the director of the Vologda Music College L.I. Trainin. Lev Isaevich not only founded the school, but also made a lot of efforts to ensure that it developed professionally and strengthened its material base.

One of the main activities of the school is the development of students’ initial professional skills and the formation of children’s interest in the profession of musician. The successful development of the educational institution is largely due to the school leaders.

From 1990 to 1995, at the most difficult initial stage of its existence, the school was headed by T.V. Vasilyeva. From 1995 to 2000, during the formation of the teaching staff, L.A. was the school director. Red-eyed. In 2000, T.A. became the head of the school. Naumova. She headed the school for only one year, but it was a very difficult period - the school became the Regional Specialized Music School. From 2001 to 2011, the head of the school was N.N. Kochneva. The bright creative growth of the school at this time is the result of Natalia Nikolaevna’s sensitive and attentive leadership.

College majors

Acting art

  • Actor, teacher, full-time, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

Choral conducting

  • Choir conductor, teacher, full-time, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

Instrumental performance

  • Artist, teacher, accompanist, full-time, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

Musical art of the stage

  • Artist, teacher, director of a pop group, full-time, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

Solo and choral folk singing

  • Artist-vocalist, teacher, leader of a folk group, full-time, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

Vocal art

  • Artist-vocalist, teacher, full-time, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Purposeful and efficient, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak strove to bring everything to perfection, and this influenced the biography of the life of the future writer: despite his boundless love for music, he abandoned his musical career, realizing that he could not reach heights in this field.

Exercise 1 of 5





Check Next

Indicate the word in which the letter E is written in the blank space

Exercise 2 out of 5


take your leave


not annoying

Check Next

Indicate the word in which the letter I is written in place of the blank

Exercise 3 out of 5





Check Next

In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Find this word

Exercise 4 out of 5

Vologda Regional College of Arts is the oldest professional educational institution in the north of Russia. His love for music, preservation and enhancement of the traditions of the past, dedication to his profession, talent, and skill of teachers made him famous far beyond the borders of the Vologda region.

The Vologda Regional College of Arts today is a modern, actively developing educational institution that educates broad-minded musicians and provides good professional training to its graduates.

In 2016, the Vologda Regional College of Arts offers the following list of specialties offered on a budgetary basis:

53.02.03 Instrumental performance (by type of instrument):


Orchestral string instruments;

Orchestral wind instruments;

Folk orchestra instruments

Qualification: artist, teacher, accompanist (accompanist qualification is assigned during training in types of piano, folk orchestra instruments). Full-time form of education.

53.02.04 Vocal art

Qualification: artist-vocalist, teacher. Full-time form of education.

53.02.06 Choral conducting

Qualification: choir conductor, teacher. Full-time form of education.

02/53/05 Solo and choral folk singing

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 07.07.2010

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 439

Operator location address: 160014, Vologda region, Vologda, st. Gorky, 105

Start date of personal data processing: 05.12.2002

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Vologda Region

Purpose of processing personal data: ensuring the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen when processing his personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: Standard methods for delimiting access rights of operating systems (logins and passwords), storing information (databases) is organized on electronic media with a password, on paper media - in safes, restricting access to premises where personal data is stored. Processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subjects of personal data. data. A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data has been appointed, documents have been developed defining the operator’s policy regarding the processing of personal data, local acts on the processing of personal data, as well as local acts, instructions regulating the processing of personal data, operational and technical documentation for ISPD, a list of employees authorized to work with personal data has been approved. The powers and responsibilities of these persons are established by instructions. Legal, organizational and technical measures have been applied to ensure the security of personal data: threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems are identified, access to the premises where personal data is processed is regulated, user accounts are identified and verified when logging into the system and ISPDn by identifier (code) and password (with periodic password changes), licensed anti-virus software is used, information security tools certified by the FSB and FSTEC of Russia are used - encryption (cryptographic) tools are used CryptoPro, VipNet CSP, employees are periodically trained on the processing of personal information data, those that have passed the compliance assessment procedure for information security means are used, all computer storage media of personal data and key certificates of persons authorized for automated processing of personal data are subject to registration, control is exercised over the measures taken to ensure the security of personal data and the levels of security of personal information systems data, premises. in which personal data is processed, are equipped with an alarm system, and are under the protection of a specialized organization. All employees of the operator who directly process personal data are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, including requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the operator’s policy regarding the processing of personal data, local regulations on the processing of personal data, and (or) training of these employees.

Categories of personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, education, - educational document (series, number, date of issue), - information about specialty and qualifications, - gender

List of actions with personal data: Collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (providing, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction

Processing of personal data: with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet, mixed

Legal basis for processing personal data: Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Charter of the BPOU HE “Vologda Regional College of Arts”, approved by order of April 3, 2015 No. 80, Operator’s Policy regarding the processing of personal data of the BPOU HE "Vologda Regional College of Arts", approved by order dated 08/27/2019 No. 92-OD, Regulations on personal data of employees of BPOU HE "Vologda Regional College of Arts", approved by order dated 08/27/2018 No. 92-OD, Regulations on personal data of students of BPOU HE “Vologda Regional College of Arts”, approved by order dated January 24, 2017 No. 02-OD

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location information: Russia