"Military acceptance" - All issues. "Military acceptance" - All episodes Military acceptance in Syria

  1. "Military acceptance." "Scorpion". New constellation of armored vehicles
  2. “Military acceptance. Mark on history. 1941. Operation “Invisible Kremlin”

Military acceptance. Releases 2017

  1. “Military acceptance. Mark on history". "1945. Forty flags over the Reichstag"
  2. "Military acceptance. A trace in history." "Suvorov. Alps. 200 years later"
  3. “Military acceptance in Syria. Syria. Fleet. Tartus." Part five"
  4. Combat mobile air defense radar system "Sky M"

Military acceptance. Releases 2018

  1. "Battle on the Ice. Or a tale about how Rus' did not join the European Union"
  2. Military acceptance at the border. Part 4: Edge Technologies

Military acceptance. Releases 2019

Military acceptance. Releases 2014

"Tsar Boat"

In the documentary, Alexey Egorov will talk about Russia’s most secret nuclear submarine, the Vladimir Monomakh. For the first time, you will learn what a combat submarine looks like from the inside. Get into places where no one has been allowed before. You will understand why a submarine has the cleanest air on the planet, go down into the most unusual wine cellar, and experience unique rescue capsules that can lift the entire ship’s crew from incredible depths at once.

Military acceptance. Releases 2015

Electronic Wars

In the documentary you will learn what a microwave shot is and how to escape from a flying microwave. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will for the first time reveal the secret of the “Lever” electronic warfare system equipped on the Mi-8 helicopter.

History of the Russian machine gun

The film tells the story of the development of machine guns from the time of Ivan the Terrible to the 21st century.

Arctic weapons

This episode of the program is dedicated to the Arctic: combat operations in the Arctic, the latest equipment of the Russian Arctic troops and a test drive of a unique snowmobile.

Drones. Air special forces

The release of the program is dedicated to the topic of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and their amazing capabilities.

Vostochny Cosmodrome

This issue of the “Military Acceptance” program is dedicated to the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome. Only viewers of the Zvezda TV channel will see the “Martian launch”, from which the first rockets will go to the “red planet”. In addition, we will show what an emergency descent from the launch tower looks like, how space concrete is poured in permafrost, and, finally, we will visit a real station for space travelers.

T-50. Stealth plane

This issue of the program is dedicated to the newest Russian fighter T-50

Special purpose space

Specialists from the Main Center for Space Situations uncovered a group of radio reconnaissance spacecraft. The program is dedicated to the war for space: the struggle between spy satellites, GLONASS versus GPS, the secret filling of spacecraft.

Army against sanctions

This program is dedicated to the latest military developments of our design engineers. Together with Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov, we will visit defense enterprises where they are developing the world’s only Arctic helicopter, creating a promising fifth-generation fighter, and producing super engines for aviation and navy. We'll tell you what radio photonics is and why it will change the way we think about war. We will show how the weapons of the future are grown in special laboratories. And most importantly, you will find out who and when introduced sanctions against Russia and why they have always made us stronger.

Sniper wars. Start

In this issue of the program we will talk about the prototype of a modern sniper rifle - the squeaker from the times of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Especially for viewers of the Zvezda TV channel, with the help of historian-reenactors, we recreated this ancient weapon and fired the first shot from it in many centuries.

Shoot down Matthias Rust

28 years later, Zvezda TV channel correspondent Alexey Egorov checked whether he could repeat the flight of Matthias Rust and bypass the Russian air defense system. In order to check whether the Cessna could easily reach Moscow and land on Vasilyevsky Spusk, an experimental flight was organized in the Kaliningrad region.

New Russian armored cars

In this issue of the program we will talk about new Russian armored cars, which were first presented to the general public at the parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory. These are Typhoon-U, the brainchild of the Ural Automobile Plant, and Typhoon-K, created by KAMAZ designers.

"Warrior". Russian armor of the future

In this episode of the program, viewers will see “Ratnik” - the latest set of combat equipment adopted by the Russian Ministry of Defense and first demonstrated at the parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

"Raptor". Special forces racing boat

This episode of the program is dedicated to the new high-speed boat "Raptor". We will show what this boat is capable of in a severe storm and take a trip to the island of Gogland.

Test base of the Patriot complex

This issue of the “Military Acceptance” program is dedicated to the opening of the first multifunctional site in the history of the Russian Armed Forces to demonstrate military equipment produced for the Russian army.

Save a wounded private

The new issue of the “Military Acceptance” program is dedicated to the latest achievements of Russian front-line medicine. Viewers will see how our doctors save lives in any, it would seem, the most unsuitable conditions for this, both on land and at sea.

We will visit the sea hospital ship "Yenisei" - this is a real floating medical town with hospital wards, operating rooms, an X-ray room, a dispensary with 200 beds and a swimming pool.

Viewers will see an inflatable hospital, as well as a new development by domestic designers - a device for medical evacuation of seriously wounded people.

We will show a special forces medical unit capable of forced marches over vast distances, and try on a unique bracelet that can be used to monitor a soldier’s health status in real time.

Mi-28N. Born Hunter

Mi-28N “Night Hunter” is a new generation Russian attack helicopter. The name “Night Hunter” was not chosen by chance: this machine works at any time of the day and in any weather. Its task is to destroy heavy ground equipment, air targets and enemy personnel.

Airborne Forces Nobody but them

The new issue is dedicated to the Russian Airborne Forces, which celebrate their 85th anniversary on August 2, 2015. You can endlessly talk about them - “they are the first.”

"Kurganets". Combat amphibian No. 1

In the new issue we will show one of the most important and intriguing new products of Russian military equipment - the promising Kurganets tracked platform. The premiere of this car took place for the first time at the parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory and, nevertheless, it still remains a mystery to the general public.

"Armata" - "terra incognita"

The most secret and newest tank of the Russian army, the T-14 Armata, was first shown to journalists at the training ground. The presenter of the Zvezda TV channel, Alexey Egorov, got a unique opportunity to see how the new product behaves off-road, sit inside the Armata, learn about the secrets of the tank’s armor, its engine, and most importantly, to see firsthand how the T-14 fires!

One of the most sensational episodes of the “Military Acceptance” program is dedicated to “Armata” - the “terra incognita” of Russian weapons. Neither its speed, nor the rate of fire of its weapons, nor the material from which the armor is made, nor other tactical and technical characteristics are known. Viewers of the Zvezda TV channel learned for the first time about some of the secrets of the Armata.

Su-30SM. With one stroke of the wing

The ultra-maneuverable 4++ generation fighter Su-30SM is one of the most successful projects of Russian aircraft designers. According to experts, in combat it is capable of defeating even the fifth-generation F22 aircraft, the best in American aviation.

Soldiers of steel

In this issue of the program we will talk about the successes of Russian developers in the field of robotics. Viewers will see how a drone boat independently controls a drone submarine, whose task is to find and neutralize underwater mines. We will show Russia's first armored robot firefighter called Uran-14, armed with a fire hose and iron claws. Let's talk about the Uran-6 sapper robot, which destroys anti-personnel mines, and about the combat robot shooter. And finally, we will introduce the latest development - the linguistic processor. Based on neural technologies, it tries to simulate the processes that occur in the head of a living person.

The bullet is not stupid. Or six records of Russian gunsmiths

In this issue we will tell you everything about cartridges: the history of their origin, their design, purpose and practical use. We will debunk the most common myths: for example, we will prove that a bullet with an offset center is a fiction. Many are sure that they first design a weapon and only then create a cartridge for it. In fact, the opposite is true, and any pistol, machine gun, machine gun and sniper rifle is just a tool for delivering ammunition to the target.

The art of building bridges

In this film we build bridges across ditches, across rivers, through smoke and fire. And we not only direct, but also mix, as in St. Petersburg. We are building a crossing using piles and adopting the rope method of the Vietnamese army. We check who will get to the other side faster, the Russians or the Chinese, and congratulate our military engineers on their victory and world record.


The new issue of the “Military Acceptance” program is dedicated to one of the most dangerous and necessary military professions even in peacetime - sapper. We will talk about modern methods of mine clearance. For the first time, we will show the largest exercise in the country with robot sappers and tell us how human sappers work in combat conditions.

Project 636. “Black Hole”

In the new episode of the “Military Acceptance” program we will show the quietest submarine in the world. Its official name is “Project 636”. Unofficial – “Varshavyanka”. And foreigners, since it is very difficult to detect, nicknamed this submarine the “Black Hole.”

Combat quad bikes. Trials at the End of the World

In this issue of “Military Acceptance” we will test new equipment of our army in the polar latitudes - ATVs. We are talking about four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles, and their military counterparts have a very distant relationship with their civilian counterparts.

Together with the film crew, viewers will find themselves on the Kola Peninsula. Russia's northern border is not just a harsh climate. Sand, sea, stones, swamps and rocks are an ideal testing ground for rigorous testing of new military equipment. For real survival races. You will understand why our army has been waiting for this transport: with such capabilities, ATVs are ideal for the most unexpected military special operations.

"Staying Alive"

In this issue we will talk about the most extreme methods of survival that our military uses in emergency situations. You will learn how to stay alive after ejecting from an airplane and how to be a pilot of a helicopter that does not have a catapult. We will seal up holes in a sinking ship, drift through the waves in the most modern life-saving suit in our fleet, and demonstrate how effectively the PSN, an inflatable life raft, works in the event of force majeure.

You will find out what pilots and submariners cook for dinner when they find themselves on a desert island or in the middle of the ocean. Finally, we will show how military rescuers work, who have only three hours to find a person and help him.

Mines. Invisible hunters.

In this episode of the program, viewers will be shown the most modern Russian mines, which have no analogues in the world. The secret factory for their production, the mine nanobrain, will be shown. We'll show you the world's most advanced anti-personnel mine, the Medallion, for the first time, and show how scientists are working to create a munition that can automatically distinguish civilians from armed soldiers.

"Igor Belousov". Rescue from the abyss.

In the episode of “Military Acceptance”, viewers of the Zvezda TV channel will see the most modern Russian ship, specially built to rescue the crew of submarines in distress. His name is “Igor Belousov”. This vessel is ready for any surprises: on board it is the Bester deep-sea submersible, a bell for lowering divers to a depth of 450 meters, pressure chambers for decompressing divers, its own helipad, underwater robots, and, of course, unique specialists. According to experts, the Igor Belousov is in many ways superior to similar foreign-made rescue vessels. The Military Acceptance correspondent went on a sea voyage as a cabin boy on the Igor Belousov, and viewers have a rare opportunity to see the most reliable report from on board this unique ship.

"Syria. High-East Strike."

The theme of the special issue of the “Military Acceptance” program is “What are the Russian Air Forces fighting in Syria?” Only viewers of the Zvezda TV channel will visit the secret base of the Tu-160 strategic bombers and see how the legendary “White Swans” prepare for the first combat missions in their history. Also, the newest Russian fighter-bomber Su-34 received a baptism of fire in Syria, to which “Military Acceptance” managed to gain exclusive access shortly before.

"Coalition": goddess of war.

The new episode of the Military Acceptance program will feature the longest-range and fastest-firing artillery unit in the world. This technique was demonstrated only once - at the famous parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory. Neither before nor after was it ever shown to the general public. Meanwhile, this is one of the most modern self-propelled artillery guns in the world; in official documents it is called the Coalition self-propelled gun.

“Mortars. Artillery in your pocket"

In the new episode of the “Military Acceptance” program, we will talk about a Russian invention that appeared relatively recently - only about a hundred years ago, but during this time it has become one of the most popular artillery pieces. We'll talk about mortars. We will show how our designers create the most modern mortars. We will conduct tough tests on guns of different calibers at the army training ground. Let's check the accuracy of the largest caliber mortar. We will hit targets with the quietest mortar, which is not found in any army in the world. Spectators will see the “great-grandmother” of the mortar - the mortar, which appeared during the time of Peter the Great, and will witness how it fires

Strike with the main "Caliber".

In this issue of “Military Acceptance” we will talk about how missile wars are waged in Syria: how Russia attacks ISIS positions and by what means it defends itself against enemy missiles. Together with the film crew of the program, viewers will for the first time get on the small missile ships of the Buyan-M project, where the Caliber system is installed - these are the missiles that are used to fire at militant positions from the sea. We will talk about the prototypes of the most secret strategic cruise missile X-101, which is equipped with the Tu-160 aircraft.

Viewers will learn how stealth technology works to make an aircraft or ship invisible, and how you can confuse an enemy missile using electronic warfare.

"Chrysanthemum. Killer of tanks"

In this episode of the “Military Acceptance” program, viewers will see a unique anti-tank missile system, which has no analogues in the world. This formidable vehicle, which bears the romantic name "Chrysanthemum", can single-handedly withstand five tanks.

Special purpose suit.

In this episode of the “Military Acceptance” program, viewers will see a unique transforming suit, which will soon be used in combat operations by special-purpose assault detachments of the engineering troops of the Russian Army. We will put this equipment through the toughest durability tests.

“Invisible barrier”

In the new issue of “Military Acceptance” we will test the latest systems for protecting top officials of the state and objects of strategic importance.

Why do they say the border is locked? For the first time, our program will try to overcome the borders of our homeland by all available means - climbing over, making a gap, breaking through in a truck. Even the designers of engineering barriers did not allow themselves such tests.

In addition, the program will show for the first time the most modern wireless security systems for objects of special importance. Dual purpose garden lights, alarms as thick as a human hair. The best developments of Russian engineers from the country's leading research institutes.

Part 1. Khmeimim base.

The Military Acceptance program is going to Syria for the first time - where the Russian army is providing assistance to the Syrian people in the fight against the international terrorist organization ISIS, banned in Russia.

Together with the film crew, viewers will visit the Khmeimim airbase and learn how front-line bombers and fighters are prepared for dangerous missions. We will tell you how the newest armored cars "Typhoon-K", self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and gun systems "Pantsir-S" and unique unmanned reconnaissance aircraft "Orlan-10" and "Forpost" are undergoing war tests for the first time.

In addition, you will learn how our soldiers are participating in a humanitarian operation to assist civilians. One of its main coordinators is the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties. “Military Acceptance” will also tell you about the specifics of the work of this organization.

Part 2. Khmeimim base.

The Military Acceptance program continues to operate in the hottest spot on the planet - Syria. This time, viewers will learn about the modern air defense system that protects the Russian airbase and Khmeimim airfield. Its main element is the S-400 anti-aircraft missile system.

Part 3. Police in Aleppo.

The Military Acceptance program continues to operate in the hottest spot on the planet - Syria. This time the film crew goes to the front line, to Aleppo. Journalists will travel along the “road of life” in an armored capsule, where along just one kilometer of the road there are dozens of burned and blown up cars.

Viewers will see in what barbaric ways the militants destroyed the city and fired at civilians, workshops for the production of “jihad mobiles” - armored “death machines”, whose task, even under fire, is to get close to the target and detonate tens of kilograms of explosives loaded on board. And they will find out why the Syrian military is breeding... geese at forward outposts!

Part 4. Peaceful wars in Syria.

This is the fourth program in the series “Military Acceptance in Syria.” Our special film crew continues to work in the ancient Syrian city of Aleppo, which was completely destroyed by militant mortar attacks. But this time the main topic is not weapons, but people who never fired a single shot during the entire war!

At the same time, they achieved incredible results! We will tell you about a Russian officer who disarmed 100 thousand separatists. About special-purpose doctors who deploy a mobile hospital and perform operations two steps away from the enemy. About how humanitarian aid is delivered to civilians behind the front line - to territories captured by militants. And about the helicopter whose crew, risking their lives, goes every day to the positions of the terrorist organization ISIS, banned in the Russian Federation, to drop leaflets calling for them to lay down their arms.

Part 5. Syria. Fleet. Port of Tartus.

This issue of “Military Acceptance” is dedicated to Navy Day. The film crew of the program will visit the port city of Tartus, where our only foreign naval base is located. The logistics support point for our fleet appeared here back in the era of the Soviet Union in 1971. It is here that our ships serving in the Mediterranean Sea come for refueling and repairs. Including the newest frigate “Admiral Essen”. It was from here that Kalibr cruise missiles were launched at Syrian terrorist targets in May and June of this year. Our film crew visited the newest frigate and found out why it is considered not only one of the most well-armed, but also one of the most comfortable ships for the crew to live. Also, for the first time on air, we will show what a promising Russian corvette looks like, created using reduced radar reflectivity technology. This new generation ship will be difficult to detect by the radars of modern ships of a mock enemy. The armament on board will be complemented by the Kalibr-NK universal high-precision missile system. And finally, from an interview with the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Vladimir Korolev, viewers will learn exactly how many militant positions in Syria were destroyed by carrier-based aircraft of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov.

Part 6. Aviation in Syria. Helicopters.

This is a special issue of “Military Acceptance” dedicated to the helicopter squadron of the Russian Air Force aviation group in Syria. This is a unique formation that includes the latest Mi-28N Night Hunter and Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters, Mi-24 attack helicopters, and Mi-8 air assault helicopters. We will tell you not only about combat vehicles; for the first time, the work of pilots and technicians at the Khmeimim airbase will be shown to you in such detail. Real combat operations, exquisite takeoffs and landings in pitch darkness, security and escort of transport aircraft - all this is only part of the work of Russian helicopter pilots. We will also tell you about the work of the PSS - search and rescue squad. The pilots, rescuers and marines who are part of this detachment are in full readiness mode as long as there is at least one Russian aircraft in Syrian airspace. In the event of an emergency, rescuers will have to pick up crashed pilots even from enemy territory.

Part 7. Aviation in Syria. Aircraft.

In this program we will tell you about everything related to the aircraft squadron of the Khmeimim airbase.

Part 8. Syria. Science wins.

This issue of “Military Acceptance” is dedicated to the work of engineers and designers of Russian army equipment in Syria. They specially come to Khmeimim at the invitation of the Ministry of Defense and monitor the condition of the latest equipment, which is participating in real combat operations for the first time. In particular, the film crew of the program managed to film exclusive footage of the maintenance of the Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and gun complex and the unique Typhoon armored car in field conditions. Also for the first time, journalists saw the first Russian combat balloon complex in action. His task is to patrol the borders of the airbase. The balloon is equipped with a high-definition digital camera, which is controlled from the ground by an operator. But one of the most unusual technical innovations in Syria is the SVP-24 Hephaestus. This unique sighting and navigation system turns the most ordinary unguided bomb into a high-precision projectile. Now it is on all our Su-24 bombers in Syria. “Military Acceptance” personally tested the SVP-24 for accuracy. To do this, a combat aircraft with Hephaestus on board carried out a bomb attack on improvised targets. At the same time, training and then combat aerial bombs were used as projectiles.

Part 1. Khmeimim base.

The Military Acceptance program is going to Syria for the first time - where the Russian army is providing assistance to the Syrian people in the fight against the international terrorist organization ISIS, banned in Russia.

Together with the film crew, viewers will visit the Khmeimim airbase and learn how front-line bombers and fighters are prepared for dangerous missions. We will tell you how the newest armored cars "Typhoon-K", self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and gun systems "Pantsir-S" and unique unmanned reconnaissance aircraft "Orlan-10" and "Forpost" are undergoing war tests for the first time.

In addition, you will learn how our soldiers are participating in a humanitarian operation to assist civilians. One of its main coordinators is the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties. “Military Acceptance” will also tell you about the specifics of the work of this organization.

Part 2. Khmeimim base.

The Military Acceptance program continues to operate in the hottest spot on the planet - Syria. This time, viewers will learn about the modern air defense system that protects the Russian airbase and Khmeimim airfield. Its main element is the S-400 anti-aircraft missile system.

Part 3. Police in Aleppo.

The Military Acceptance program continues to operate in the hottest spot on the planet - Syria. This time the film crew goes to the front line, to Aleppo. Journalists will travel along the “road of life” in an armored capsule, where along just one kilometer of the road there are dozens of burned and blown up cars.

Viewers will see in what barbaric ways the militants destroyed the city and fired at civilians, workshops for the production of “jihad mobiles” - armored “death machines”, whose task, even under fire, is to get close to the target and detonate tens of kilograms of explosives loaded on board. And they will find out why the Syrian military is breeding... geese at forward outposts!

Part 4. Peaceful wars in Syria.

This is the fourth program in the series “Military Acceptance in Syria.” Our special film crew continues to work in the ancient Syrian city of Aleppo, which was completely destroyed by militant mortar attacks. But this time the main topic is not weapons, but people who never fired a single shot during the entire war!

At the same time, they achieved incredible results! We will tell you about a Russian officer who disarmed 100 thousand separatists. About special-purpose doctors who deploy a mobile hospital and perform operations two steps away from the enemy. About how humanitarian aid is delivered to civilians behind the front line - to territories captured by militants. And about the helicopter whose crew, risking their lives, goes every day to the positions of the terrorist organization ISIS, banned in the Russian Federation, to drop leaflets calling for them to lay down their arms.

Part 5. Syria. Fleet. Port of Tartus.

This issue of “Military Acceptance” is dedicated to Navy Day. The film crew of the program will visit the port city of Tartus, where our only foreign naval base is located. The logistics support point for our fleet appeared here back in the era of the Soviet Union in 1971. It is here that our ships serving in the Mediterranean Sea come for refueling and repairs. Including the newest frigate “Admiral Essen”. It was from here that Kalibr cruise missiles were launched at Syrian terrorist targets in May and June of this year. Our film crew visited the newest frigate and found out why it is considered not only one of the most well-armed, but also one of the most comfortable ships for the crew to live. Also, for the first time on air, we will show what a promising Russian corvette looks like, created using reduced radar reflectivity technology. This new generation ship will be difficult to detect by the radars of modern ships of a mock enemy. The armament on board will be complemented by the Kalibr-NK universal high-precision missile system. And finally, from an interview with the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Vladimir Korolev, viewers will learn exactly how many militant positions in Syria were destroyed by carrier-based aircraft of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov.

Part 6. Aviation in Syria. Helicopters.

This is a special issue of “Military Acceptance” dedicated to the helicopter squadron of the Russian Air Force aviation group in Syria. This is a unique formation that includes the latest Mi-28N Night Hunter and Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters, Mi-24 attack helicopters, and Mi-8 air assault helicopters. We will tell you not only about combat vehicles; for the first time, the work of pilots and technicians at the Khmeimim airbase will be shown to you in such detail. Real combat operations, exquisite takeoffs and landings in pitch darkness, security and escort of transport aircraft - all this is only part of the work of Russian helicopter pilots. We will also tell you about the work of the PSS - search and rescue squad. The pilots, rescuers and marines who are part of this detachment are in full readiness mode as long as there is at least one Russian aircraft in Syrian airspace. In the event of an emergency, rescuers will have to pick up crashed pilots even from enemy territory.

Part 7. Aviation in Syria. Aircraft.

In this program we will tell you about everything related to the aircraft squadron of the Khmeimim airbase.

Part 8. Syria. Science wins.

This issue of “Military Acceptance” is dedicated to the work of engineers and designers of Russian army equipment in Syria. They specially come to Khmeimim at the invitation of the Ministry of Defense and monitor the condition of the latest equipment, which is participating in real combat operations for the first time. In particular, the film crew of the program managed to film exclusive footage of the maintenance of the Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and gun complex and the unique Typhoon armored car in field conditions. Also for the first time, journalists saw the first Russian combat balloon complex in action. His task is to patrol the borders of the airbase. The balloon is equipped with a high-definition digital camera, which is controlled from the ground by an operator. But one of the most unusual technical innovations in Syria is the SVP-24 Hephaestus. This unique sighting and navigation system turns the most ordinary unguided bomb into a high-precision projectile. Now it is on all our Su-24 bombers in Syria. “Military Acceptance” personally tested the SVP-24 for accuracy. To do this, a combat aircraft with Hephaestus on board carried out a bomb attack on improvised targets. At the same time, training and then combat aerial bombs were used as projectiles.