The effect of stress on conception. How stress affects pregnancy - dangers and consequences

Many people know that the emotional state of a pregnant woman has a strong impact on the health of the unborn baby. In this case, the impact can be short-term or long-term, bringing both benefit and harm. Stress during pregnancy is normal. But you need to understand what stressors have an impact, and take into account how a woman endures it.


Stress is the body's reaction to strong anxiety. This means that the person was very scared, surprised, upset or outraged. Medical specialists view this concept a little differently. What was presented above, namely mental confusion or nervous tension, refers to neuropsychological stress.

There are several main types:

  • emotional;
  • physiological;
  • light;
  • temperature;
  • hungry;
  • neuropsychic.

That is, such a condition can be caused by a variety of factors. Carrying a baby is a very responsible task, so every mother needs to know how stress affects pregnancy.


When a woman is in an interesting position, a huge number of changes occur in her body, disturbances in metabolic processes appear, hormonal disruptions, so the organs function differently. The expectant mother is influenced by everything - not only the environment, but also other personal factors:

  • a pregnant woman experiences rapid fatigue;
  • freedom of action is limited;
  • there is constant irritation;
  • There is a constant fear for the child.


All expectant mothers should know how stress during pregnancy affects a woman in order to avoid this condition, since the fetus reacts very actively to all experiences. It should be noted that such problems can occur in several types:

1. Acute - it proceeds quite quickly and ends the same way.
2. Chronic is a severe depressive state that lasts constantly.

Because a girl is nervous, her body produces the following hormones:

  • adrenalin;
  • cortisol;
  • norepinephrine.

This increases the tone of the uterus, significantly constricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure, as a result, the pregnant woman’s heartbeat accelerates.

It is almost impossible to get a definite answer to the question of how stress affects pregnancy, since a short-term emotional outburst is also the best training for the body. But it is very important that such a condition does not develop into a chronic form. After all, if such shocks are constant, a woman may have problems breathing, her skin will begin to turn pale and red. Other symptoms include wet palms, greatly dilated pupils, and periodic pain in the chest area.

In this case, a woman cannot restrain her emotions, she becomes fussy, absent-minded, she has problems with memory, appetite, headaches and eating disorders.


It is already known whether stress affects pregnancy, so you need to know the factors that contribute to the problem:

  1. Lack of support from loved ones.
  2. Continuous problems with sleep, because a woman gets tired so quickly during pregnancy.
  3. Feeling of constant dissatisfaction with everything.
  4. Nervous and difficult work or studying at a university.

You need to know that severe stress is dangerous, as it can threaten the life of the fetus. It occurs when a woman worries about something for a long time and accumulates a huge amount of emotions. Due to such troubles, the body cannot produce the required protection, so such factors negatively affect the process of bearing a fetus.

How to relieve stress during pregnancy?

It is extremely important to get rid of nervous worries in a timely manner. Even if sometimes it is difficult to do, it is worth closing your eyes to the problems and thinking about the health of your unborn child. To overcome troubles, you need to strengthen your body:

  1. As prescribed by your doctor, you should take vitamin complexes. Vitamins C and E are especially necessary. With their support, you can not only strengthen the immune system, but also rejuvenate the entire body as a whole, and also protect the nervous system. It has been proven that with the help of vitamin C you can get rid of provocateurs that cause a feeling of panic. Thanks to vitamin B, the nervous system will be thoroughly protected; it can be easily found in seafood products.
  2. Having understood how stress affects pregnancy, and understanding that this can leave a negative impact on the health of the baby and mother, you should perform specially designed yoga complexes, which include breathing exercises, relaxation and simple physical exercises.
  3. It is advisable to do your favorite thing as often as possible, knitting, reading, that is, to calm your mind and distract yourself from various problems.
  4. Those who know how nervous stress affects pregnancy and how difficult it is sometimes to get rid of it recommend seeking help from a psychologist if you cannot get out of this state for a long time. The doctor will recommend effective methods, and the patient will feel better.
  5. Pregnant women are calmed by listening to romantic and calm music.

Danger in different trimesters

Every woman who intends to become a mother should know the impact of stress in the early stages of pregnancy, because negative experiences can result in miscarriage. If problems occur to a girl in the second or third trimester, then there is a threat to the mother herself. Vital major organs begin to tense up, subsequently the pressure rises, a large number of edema appears and it is possible to see protein in the urine. Blood flow in the placenta deteriorates and as a result the fetus will lack oxygen.

Possible consequences

What are the dangers of stress during pregnancy? Many girls ask their doctors a similar question. The presence of additional worries often leads to problems with the baby’s health. He may be absolutely healthy at birth, but troubles will begin to appear later. The most common disorders observed in children are:

  • increased distraction and activity, which subsequently affects learning;
  • problems with the speech apparatus, as well as difficulties in learning to write;
  • phobias, fears, urinary incontinence, neuroses;
  • weakness of the immune system and cardiovascular diseases, which provoke an increased susceptibility of the child to various diseases;
  • the appearance of appearance defects that require surgery to correct;
  • autism and mental development problems.

Pathologies during pregnancy

As you can see, a woman needs to know how it affects during pregnancy, as well as how it affects the mother’s condition:

  1. A common problem is hypoxia - lack of oxygen. Because of this, it is more difficult for a woman to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. In the most severe cases, suffocation and fetal death may occur.
  2. Blood circulation in the placenta is disrupted, causing problems with metabolic processes between the child and mother. Therefore, the baby is born premature and is delayed in development.
  3. Childbirth is difficult, and the woman in labor quickly loses strength.
  4. Due to the fact that a woman constantly has fears, her pregnancy is disrupted. Sometimes it even ends in miscarriage. Girls are born much earlier, and move with boys.

Another indicator of how severe stress affects pregnancy is the threat of early rupture of amniotic fluid as a result, and this is quite dangerous for the life of the child.

Stress medications

Special psychotropic components for the treatment of stress are used extremely rarely and only at a time when the body's adaptive mechanisms are not able to cope with emotional stress. In this case, the doctor will definitely weigh all the possible risks for both the baby and the mother and select the most harmless medications.

Many drugs negatively affect the fetus and lead to the formation of developmental defects and circulatory disorders. Thus, expectant mothers should understand that drops such as “Barboval”, “Corvalol”, “Valocordin”, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. Experts also do not recommend self-medication and taking combination medications based on herbs - Nottu, Novo-Passit, Persen - since their effect on the fetus has not yet been fully studied.

The safest remedy is valerian.


It is already known how stress affects pregnancy, so it is better to avoid this condition. There are several types of stress: moderate, which is standard for all women in labor, and severe, which occurs due to mental shock leading to prolonged depression.

The final stress factor can be strong anxiety or the loss of a loved one, job, or property. Lack of attention, cynicism, rudeness, as well as harsh statements from doctors about any problems of the mother in labor also lead to a similar state.

As a preventative measure, you can suggest that a pregnant woman undergo special tests from a psychologist that show her predisposition to nervous shocks. This procedure should only be carried out by a specialist. Based on the results of the survey, a conclusion is drawn up for psychologists and doctors to provide assistance to the expectant mother.

In addition to nutrition and ecology, stress is one of the main factors affecting human health. The negative impact of stress has a detrimental effect on the normal functioning of the entire body and often becomes the impetus for the occurrence of serious illnesses, which can be quite serious. This is what you need to learn - to respond adequately to stressful situations. Stress follows a person everywhere - at home, in a store, on the street, at work. A person under the influence of such a state cannot be fully happy.

If you do not actively fight this disease, the effect of stress on health will progress to a severe chronic stage. First you need to understand what was the provoking factor. When the cause disappears, then the consequences for the body can be eliminated.

Physiological state of a person

The influence of stress on the human body almost always has a bad effect on all organs and systems of the body, only worsening the patient’s well-being. Most often, a person’s physiological health suffers.

  1. Constant headaches.
  2. Chronic lack of sleep.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are getting worse. Hypertension and rapid heartbeat.
  4. The risk of cancer cell growth increases.
  5. Alcohol and drug addiction.
  6. Fatigue and decreased concentration and memory.
  7. Due to the increase in hormones, the development of osteoporosis and skin thinning is possible.
  8. Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis and ulcers.
  9. Immunity decreases and as a result - regular viral diseases.
  10. The effects of stress cannot always be cured; degeneration of cells in the brain and spinal cord often occurs.
  11. Decreased libido.
  12. Increased blood glucose.

State of mind of a person

The harmful effect of stress on the body, which arose on a mental background, does not allow a person not only to work normally, but also to live. Any action requires a lot of mental effort.

The main consequences of stressful situations:

  • Insomnia,
  • Neuroses, depression,
  • Aggressiveness, irritability, fits of anger,
  • Reluctance to live or do something.

It is very difficult to cope with stress alone; the main thing is to understand the reason and get rid of the source of such well-being. The most effective way is to learn techniques for overcoming stressful situations.

Career and stress

Stress can arise from long hours and be of a professional nature. In medicine, it is called professional stress, the effect and distribution of which is increasing every year.

Here are its main reasons:

Childhood stress

In the modern world, stress in children is quite common. Many children are in comfortable conditions and live in a certain, already formed way, and any violation leads to a stressful situation. Thus, they react as if protecting themselves.

Causes of stress in a child:

  • Family (separation from relatives, divorce of parents, quarrels, birth of another child).
  • Fears (age-related, instilled, conscious and unconscious).
  • Misfortunes (changes in children's living conditions, death of a relative).
  • Medical (fear of doctors or pain, injury).
  • Social (conflicts with other children, fear of being misunderstood, competition).
  • Telephone, computer (emotional stress on the psyche).
  • Other (change of room decor, potty training, etc.)

It is not always possible to distinguish between stress and the usual whims of a child, although often these signs are of a completely different nature. For example, a fidgety child can dramatically change his behavior and his actions become calmer and quieter. The most obvious physiological manifestations are stuttering, sleep disturbance, fear, redness of the skin, slurred speech, etc. If you can recognize your child by the description, then you need to urgently contact a specialist, that is, a psychologist.

Pregnancy and stress

Expectant mothers are the most susceptible to stressful situations, because the negative impact of stress on a person extends not only to them, but also to the fetus. During this period, the woman becomes especially susceptible to external stimuli, and the very state of pregnancy brings inconvenience: fatigue, limited movement, fear for the child, etc.

Causes of stress in a pregnant woman:

  • Tensions between spouses
  • Trouble at work or school,
  • Uncertainty about the strength of the family,
  • Dissatisfaction, need for something.

Situations in which a woman will become overly worried or nervous should be avoided. After all, the effect of stress on the body can be very dangerous and destructive, causing difficulties in bearing a child and poor health of the woman. If you do not get rid of the source of this condition in time, then sad consequences are possible.

The most common effects of stress:

  • Inability to give birth on your own
  • Suffocation of a child due to lack of oxygen,
  • Developmental abnormalities and prematurity,
  • Thick blood,
  • Premature emptying of water
  • Postpartum depression.

Now there are many different techniques to reduce the negative effects of stress on human health. To begin with, the attending physician must prescribe a course of fortification for the woman. The daily diet requires the mandatory presence of vitamins A, B and C. The best medicine to stay calm is your favorite activity, no matter if it is reading, knitting or drawing. Calm classical music promotes relaxation.

A person is accustomed to not paying attention to problems, accumulating and restraining his emotions within himself. But after a while, he can explode over any trifle. To maintain your health, you should not be negatively influenced by anyone. We must not forget that such concepts as the positive effects of stress or the benefits of stress do not exist.

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According to the laws of nature, in moments of stress we are supposed to fight or flee. Modern society does not accept such behavior. In our civilized times, we often have to resolve conflicts more peacefully. But this doesn’t make it any easier for the body! He continues to be on alert, wasting his reserves in vain. Everything would be fine if the body had time to recover. Unfortunately, the rhythm of our life does not allow this.

The effect of stress on the body most often manifests itself in urban residents. And the larger the city, the more often the state of stress occurs. More contacts and communication. Consequently, there is a greater chance of encountering rudeness. For residents of rural areas, stress is a novelty. A measured life in nature and the absence of casual contacts with strangers significantly reduce the likelihood of stressful situations. Perhaps this is why many families are trying to buy their own house in the suburbs.

So how does stress affect the body, and how can we help ourselves?

The effect of stress on the heart.

The main burden of stress falls on our heart. For comparison, at rest the heart pumps 5-6 liters of blood. In a stressful situation, these numbers increase to 15-20 liters. And this is three to four times more! In middle-aged and older people, the risk of strokes and heart attacks increases significantly.

In this situation, the heart needs to be calmed. A simple exercise is suitable for this. Inhale deeply for five seconds, then exhale on the count of five. Thus, you need to take thirty inhalations and exhalations. Never wash down stress with coffee or alcoholic beverages. They raise blood pressure, putting even more strain on the heart.

The effect of stress on muscles.

During times of danger, the brain sends a signal to the muscles, and blood flow to them increases significantly. The muscles swell, preparing for active action. If physical activity does not occur, the blood in the fibers stagnates.

The effect of stress on the brain.

Information about danger is sent through the senses to a special part of the brain called the hypothalamus. After processing the information, the hypothalamus sends signals to all parts of the body, putting them on high alert. This causes a narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain. With age, cholesterol accumulates in blood vessels, making them brittle. Therefore, their sharp narrowing can provoke a stroke.

To prevent this from happening, you need to take care of your health in advance. When blood vessels narrow, the pressure increases. Daily walks in the fresh air and healthy eight-hour sleep will help bring it back to normal.

The effect of stress on the eyes.

Stressful information enters the brain, in particular, through the organs of vision. As a result, unpleasant sensations may appear in the eyes: increased pressure, tension, pain, dry mucous membranes, and the effect of “sand in the eyes.” If you are often nervous, your vision may deteriorate from constant stress.

To relax the eye muscles, there is a simple but effective exercise. Close your eyes and make several movements with them left and right, up and down, in a circle. And so on for several minutes. Then press firmly on your eyelids, wait about five seconds until white spots appear before your eyes. Let go of your hands, you can open your eyes. It is a good idea to massage the bridge of the nose in the corners of the eyes on both sides. If possible, sit in a relaxed position for 15-20 minutes.

The effect of stress on the stomach.

During nervous overstrain, a spasm of the capillaries of the stomach occurs. This prevents the secretion of mucus, which forms a protective barrier on the walls. Gastric juice (hydrochloric acid) begins to eat away at the stomach tissue, leading to the formation of ulcers.

If you want to help your stomach, drink 200 milliliters of still mineral water every three hours. Low-fat chicken broth or warm tea with milk helps. But avoid salty and fatty foods for a while.

The effect of stress on the intestines.

The intestines are sensitive to stressful situations. He begins to work hard, spasms occur. Cramps, in turn, lead to constipation or diarrhea. In addition, substances formed during stress kill intestinal microflora. Dysbacteriosis may develop.

To prevent this from happening, drink a glass of bifidokefir at night. It normalizes intestinal function and enriches it with beneficial microorganisms.

The effect of stress on the kidneys.

During stress, the hormone adrenaline is produced in the kidneys. It enhances cardiac activity and muscle performance.

To protect your kidneys from destruction, drink unsweetened green tea.

Some general tips:

Scream your heart out. This will help throw out negative emotions.

Green color calms the nerves well. Go outside. Admire the green foliage. And in winter, just surround yourself with green objects and accessories.

When you get home, prepare yourself a few pieces of sea fish. It contains substances that promote the production of the joy hormone - serotonin.

If you are at work, be sure to take a ten-minute break. Do something to distract yourself.

Do the following exercise. Sit on a chair. Press your feet into the floor 15 times. And then forcefully clench and unclench your fists 15 times.

Stress is a social phenomenon. And it is impossible to completely protect yourself from it. Sometimes, we ourselves provoke unnecessary conflicts. We show aggression even towards people close to us. Let's be kinder to each other. Be more attentive to other people's problems. Yes, you can’t hide from stress. But we have a responsibility to reduce its harmful effects. Health, as we know, cannot be bought.

It causes serious disturbances in biochemical processes in the body and can cause serious problems with the immune system.

The influences and causes that cause stress are called stressors. Depending on the type of stressors, there are two types of stress: physical and psycho-emotional. The cause of physical stress is a situation when the body finds itself in extreme conditions, such as heat, cold, or is subjected to excessive physical activity or lack of proper rest. Psycho-emotional stress is caused by excessive stimulation of the nervous system due to danger signals, worries, the need to solve complex problems or make difficult decisions.

According to the research of the famous endocrinologist Hans Selye, during stress the human body goes through three phases.

Three stages of stress

1. Alarm stage

The body mobilizes strength in response to a stress factor. The adrenal glands, immune system and gastrointestinal tract react first. Pulse and blood pressure rise. Subjectively, everything that happens is perceived as excitement or even anxiety. During this stage, the body becomes less susceptible to many irritating factors, and the immune defense becomes stronger.

2. Resistance stage

In the second phase, signs of anxiety disappear, and the body’s ability to resist increases.

3. Exhaustion stage

The effect of stress on the human body in the third stage is most noticeable. During prolonged exposure to stress factors, the body was in a state of high alert for a long time. As a result, the reserves of adaptive energy have come to an end. From this moment on, the exhaustion phase begins. At this stage, the immune system is under attack and a person can easily get sick. If the stressor remains strong and the body's reserves are completely depleted, the third stage may result in death.

Consequences of stress

Recent research by scientists hardly allows us to doubt the enormous impact of stress on the human body. According to observational data, in the body of people with stress, there is an increased production of corticosteroid hormones, the high concentration of which negatively affects the immune system.

As a result, the body is deprived of the strength to fight infections. As a result, a person is susceptible to viral and bacterial infections.

According to the observations of American scientists, stress reduces the number of leukocytes in the blood. Moreover, during stress, the number of leukocytes rises to normal very slowly, and therefore immune defense can decrease for a long period.

A similar situation occurs with the immune system in relation to cancer cells. Stress causes cellular immune defenses to malfunction, making the body more susceptible to cancer.

How to overcome stress

Recently, research by scientists has increasingly begun to confirm the fact that the effect of a stressful situation on the body directly depends on a person’s mood and emotions. According to observations, during times of stress, the immune system of people who experienced sadness or sadness was in a much more deplorable state than those of those who were optimistic. Therefore, the best protection against stress is the right emotions and a good mood. A warm bath, a luxurious dinner or a few days of relaxation in nature away from the lights of the big city will help provide them. Try to follow a plan during stressful situations and everything will be fine.

The nature of the processes occurring in the body and leading to the appearance of acne has not yet been thoroughly studied. That is why this unpleasant disease is so difficult to treat. Among the reasons that lead to the occurrence of rashes, stress sometimes appears. But the direct relationship between the emotional state and such skin manifestations has not yet been scientifically substantiated.

Sudden acne before a first date, wedding, graduation defense, graduation photo or other event has bothered everyone at least once. But a stressful situation is not necessarily reflected in skin rashes. It is impossible to predict the body's reaction to nervous tension, but the relationship between the condition of the skin and emotions cannot be denied.

“All illnesses come from nerves!” - a cliché based on scientific justification. The body, being in a state of emotional discomfort for some time, malfunctions. Organ functions are suppressed.

  1. First of all, the organs responsible for the production of hormones suffer. In a crisis situation, adrenaline is released and cortisol production increases. These hormones trigger a chain reaction, which results in an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The skin does not have time to cope with excess sebum, becomes oily and becomes covered with acne.
  2. The effect of adrenaline on the liver is an increase in glucose levels, which affects the formation of acne. And the liver itself, in a stressful situation, cannot cope with the removal of toxins, exacerbating the problem.
  3. Nervous stress becomes the impetus for the awakening of chronic diseases (gastritis, ulcers and others). The connection of which with the appearance of acne is scientifically substantiated and is beyond doubt. The doctor reads rashes on certain areas of the face and body as a map of pathological changes in the body.
  4. Prolonged depressive conditions are treated both with hormonal medications and with traditional methods using herbs. An allergic skin reaction in the form of rashes is possible to certain components of medications.

Thus, the direct relationship between skin condition and stress has not yet found a scientific basis. But nervous tension catalyzes processes that directly affect the epidermis.

Other body reactions to stressful situations

In addition to the physiological connections described above, there is also a human factor, a problem.

  1. Trying to get out of a depressed state, men increase the number of cigarettes they smoke, women sometimes try to “eat up” stress. Buns, chocolate, alcohol and other products to which the skin reacts unambiguously - with rashes - come to the rescue.
  2. A depressed state, nerves, fear, excitement become the cause of uncontrolled nervous movements, the desire to endlessly fiddle with objects in the hands (phone, button, scarf, keys) or scratch the skin. The result is literally obvious.
  3. What are the sleepless nights spent understanding the situation that caused depression? Hours of thinking about a way out of the current situation do not give the body proper rest. This causes weakened immunity and suppression of organ functions. The skin also suffers, as it does not receive enough necessary nutrients, becomes thinner, and loses its ability to resist microorganisms.
  4. Hygiene in a stressful situation sometimes fades into the background. Two sleepless nights spent by a teenager studying for exams leave little room for skin care. Without receiving the necessary cleansing, the pores become clogged, becoming a favorable environment for the formation of comedones.
  5. Stress from acne that has already appeared makes one resort to decorative cosmetics in an attempt to hide inflammation and disguise blackheads. This is a mistake that leads to more clogged pores and worsens the situation. The vicious circle closes: depression increases, acne appears due to nervousness.

The processes occurring in the body at the cellular level during emotional disruptions create fertile ground for the appearance of acne. And a person, having lost control of the situation, aggravates the problem with spontaneous and thoughtless actions.

How to stabilize your psycho-emotional state

It is useless to fight acne that appears as a result of nervous breakdowns without eliminating the root cause. Therefore, the right decision is to make efforts to achieve emotional balance.

  1. No matter how hackneyed it may sound, it is important to look at the problem abstractly and find positive aspects in it. If it is impossible to do this on your own, then do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
  2. It makes no sense to spend all night thinking about the problem and thus reliving the stress. Talk to your doctor about choosing sedatives to help you sleep. It is not necessary to take medications; medicinal herbs are also suitable for this purpose.
  3. Replace meaningless pastime with sports. This step will have two positive effects at once: it will distract and saturate the body with oxygen, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Psychological problems cannot be left to chance. The common belief that time heals is a misconception. The problem hides, “falls asleep” in order, under favorable conditions, to remind itself of itself with redoubled force.

What to do to relieve skin symptoms caused by stress

Even after eliminating the source of the problem, you should not expect acne to disappear on its own. Comprehensive assistance to the skin in the fight against rashes, strengthens the body and improves well-being.

  • Do not squeeze inflamed pimples. This leads to the spread of infection (and acne is nothing more than an infected pimple) over the surface of the skin.
  • Increase your fluid intake. Pure water speeds up metabolism, helps remove toxins, and replenishes the disturbed water balance of the epidermis. A healthy body needs two liters of water a day. Clean, except for tea, coffee and first courses. By the way, it is better to exclude coffee from the diet.
  • To eliminate comedones (blackheads), use steam baths based on chamomile, sage, and calendula. These herbs reduce irritation and help fight bacteria. After steaming, use a gentle scrub. Complete the procedure by applying a nourishing cream.
  • Acne cannot be steamed. And not a single inflammatory process in the body should be exposed to elevated temperatures. The point of combating such rashes comes down to drying out pimples, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory targeted effects. To solve these problems, masks based on clay with the addition of aloe, calendula, and juniper are suitable.
  • To help your skin, take the time to follow a diet. Add plant-based products, exclude fried, fatty and spicy foods. Take a course of bifidobacteria, which normalize intestinal function.

Acne and blackheads resulting from psychological problems are a temporary phenomenon, but this is not a reason to ignore their formation. They signal problems in the body that are caused by stress.

How to prevent the problem of acne caused by nervousness

It is impossible to predict when and for what reason your nerves will break down. Therefore, it will not be possible to “spread straw” either. But taking steps to keep your body in shape will help prevent acne.

  • Cleanse your face and body properly. Choose skin care products that suit your skin type. Remember that it needs cleansing, toning and nutrition. Don't neglect these procedures. But don’t overuse them either, because excessive cleansing thins the top layer of skin, making it vulnerable and irritated.
  • Carry out procedures that strengthen the immune system. Take a course of vitamins and restore your intestinal microflora with lactobacilli. Walk in the fresh air more often and engage in general strengthening sports: yoga, fitness, running, swimming.
  • Increase your resistance to stress. Take specialized courses, download video tutorials or books. Take the time to invest time and patience in developing your own qualities. This will affect your general condition and will be useful in psychologically difficult life situations.
  • Rest. A night at the computer or even a smart book is stressful for the body. The body needs sleep to recuperate. A weakened body is unable to deal with stress. The number of hours of sleep required for proper rest varies from person to person. But the generally accepted norm is 7-8 hours a day. If you feel tired during the day, then find half an hour to sit with your eyes closed and relax.

Fighting fear, anxiety, and depression requires energy and fortitude. Daily care, nutrition and routine help the body to withstand a stressful situation. A prepared body endures emotional stress steadfastly and without serious consequences.

How Stress Affects Skin

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