Types of armed forces of the Russian Federation branches of the armed forces. What troops are part of the Russian army, the composition of the Russian Armed Forces

Many people ignorant of military affairs may wonder what kind of troops the Russian army has. The answer here is very simple - Russian units include elite troops, ground units, navy, and aviation. Each part performs its own function. For large units (navy, air force, ground forces), there are support departments such as air defense, artillery. Many parts are intertwined.

The regiments began to develop into their modern form after the collapse of the Russian Empire. The final division of troops, according to Wikipedia and other open sources, was established in the early 2000s, when the last reform of the Main Military Directorate took place.

General structure of the Russian Army

The strength of the RF Armed Forces as of 2017 is 798 thousand military personnel. Most of them are employed in the ground forces. The structure of the RF Armed Forces in 2017, despite the reduction in the number of employees, has not changed and remains the same since the reform was carried out in the 2000s. What troops are there in the Russian army:

  • ground troops;
  • military air fleet;
  • Navy.

Separately, it is necessary to consider elite units - the fourth point in the overall structure. This includes the space forces, whose members do not perform military functions, these are astronauts and employees who ensure the creation and dispatch of space rockets. Members of these units do not need to be armed, but they do receive military awards and badges.

The Russian military forces are commanded by the Main Directorate (GOU), which is subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This body coordinates troop units in war and peacetime and determines their tasks.

The main tasks of the units according to the latest list of goals from the Ministry of Defense:

  1. Ground units - providing anti-tank protection, foot offensive, border protection, reconnaissance operations, counter-terrorism, for example, in Syria.
  2. Aviation – ensuring air security, hitting targets at long distances, transporting military units and military cargo.
  3. Elite units - technical support for the army, space exploration (for space forces), missile support.
  4. Navy - protection of maritime borders, military maritime transport, transportation of military and important cargo, supply of weapons, resolution of military conflicts, naval security.

Ground and naval forces are also responsible for providing anti-terrorism protection. Naval personnel accompany ships in dangerous areas, while land personnel search and eliminate terrorist groups along with the police.

The composition of the Russian army changes every year. In 2016, there were about one million military personnel, and by 2017 the number of employees decreased by 100 thousand. It must be taken into account that some of them are conscripts undergoing military service.

The number of conscripts annually decreases by several tens of thousands of people, which can explain the reduction in the number of employees. They ensure an increase in the entire structure of troops in the Russian army according to the list above: conscripts replenish the composition of the ground, sea and air forces, they can be in artillery, infantry or motorized rifle units.

Each unit is controlled by its own command staff of the RF Armed Forces (officers). For the navy these are admirals, for ground units they are generals. The entire volume of troops of the Russian army is subordinated first of all to the President of the Russian Federation, then to the Ministry of Defense.

Schemes of the military structure of Russia

You can represent the structure of the RF Armed Forces 2017 with a diagram to make it more visual and understandable.

The most extensive body of the army is the ground forces.

For an even more clear explanation of the structure of the aircraft, you can download a short video on this topic. All units are divided into lower units - battalions, companies, platoons, brigades.

Due to the large ramifications of the Russian military network, the country annually spends a large sum on providing troops. Data on military spending is presented in the presentation of the overall budget schedule for 2017 in the expenditure column. 1021 billion rubles are spent on military needs (defense). A portion of security funds is spent on supporting intelligence groups.

The military structure is the most specific among other bodies. The military even has one, which is separate from the Supreme Court of Russia.

Ground units

The structure of this division includes several auxiliary departments:

  • motorized rifle units;
  • artillery;
  • tank forces;
  • air defense installations.

The main tasks are performed by motorized rifle units. They are responsible for the tasks of a forced, quick attack, reconnaissance and destruction of enemy infantry. The main goal is to capture enemy territories. Tank troops are allocated to support motorized rifle units. They strengthen offensive positions and help protect captured territories.

Tank forces are mostly used for strategic purposes to abruptly break through blockades and echelons. They attack from the flanks or attack head-on. The main advantage of these units is high damage, an armored hull, and the ability to destroy not only enemy military personnel, but also equipment and important enemy defense systems. Disadvantage: lack of maneuverability.

Artillery installations are used to destroy enemy points from a long distance. Artillery is difficult to destroy, so a small amount of equipment and personnel is enough to ensure defense. The destruction of artillery points is complicated by the fact that they are installed in hidden high locations.

Air defenses are used to provide airspace protection while other units are attacking. They prevent mortar strikes from the air, the landing of nuclear missiles, and the release of precision projectiles. Air defenses are capable of shooting down not only bombers, but also enemy cargo or military passenger aircraft.


There are several divisions in the naval units. The first is the coastal troops, which guard the Russian-Japanese, Russian-Ukrainian and other maritime borders and defend Russian national interests in the maritime sphere. The composition of military personnel in this unit is significant and almost not inferior to the “dry” unit.

Another service option is . These soldiers provide security for ships and act as defenders in maritime conflicts. And finally, the sailors themselves who serve on warships.

People who want to serve in the navy are subject to high requirements - tall height, improved health characteristics, developed muscles. The candidate must show that he is mentally stable; It is best if he began preparing for service as a child. Such a policy is associated with a high risk of injury in the maritime fleet and the presence of overload. Due to the increased danger of service, the military of these units retire from 30 years of age.

The fleet is located on all maritime sites accessible to Russian employees - the Black Sea, the Baltic, and the Pacific Ocean. Some employees collaborate or come into contact with navigators from NATO countries.

Aviation and elite troops

Aviation can be long-range, front-line and army. Long range hits targets at a great distance. The front line provides an attack, dropping mines directly above the target. Army aviation provides cargo and military personnel. Air defense installations are always used together with aviation (when defending positions).

Individual elite units include space forces, special forces, and privileged structures. They carry out the tasks of ensuring internal and external security, and the space forces are responsible for scientific activities and space exploration.

The military structure of the Russian army is dynamic and may soon undergo reforms again, this is due to modernization, new management requirements, and new opportunities in the technical field.

The army, to one degree or another, affects every citizen, so, willy-nilly, people are aware of it. But the army is too general and abstract a concept, including tanks and foot wraps, nuclear weapons and stars on shoulder straps, and much more. In order to organize troops by type, establish a certain hierarchy and divide the territory of the state into controlled areas, there is a special term - the organizational structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. With its help, today we will find out what types and branches of troops the modern Russian army consists of, how many military districts our huge country is divided into, and also get acquainted with the command system of the Russian troops.

The familiar Russian army is, first of all, a military organization, the date of its creation is officially considered to be May 7, 1992 (on this day the corresponding Decree of the President of the country was issued). The main purpose of the Russian armed forces is to repel an attack from an external military source, as well as preserve the integrity of the country’s territory, in other words, defense. Also, the list of missions of the aircraft includes the guaranteed fulfillment of tasks assigned on the basis of the international obligations of the Russian Federation.

Territorial structure

First of all, let's look at the territorial structure of the Russian Armed Forces. Its final formation occurred relatively recently, during the period of military reform, so today’s version is somewhat different from the structure, for example, 10 years ago. From a military point of view, the country's territory is divided into 5 districts, each of which has certain areas under its jurisdiction.

  1. West. This unit was formed in 2010 by merging the Moscow and Leningrad districts. All military formations located in the territory entrusted to the district, except for the Strategic Missile Forces and the Aerospace Forces, are subordinate to the commander. The Western Military District includes such regions as Kaliningrad, Kursk, Tver, Tambov, Pskov (plus several others), as well as the cities of the Moscow region and St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region (the headquarters is located in the northern capital).
  2. Southern. The district was also formed in 2010, replacing the former North Caucasus. The commander has at his disposal the troops located in the entrusted territory, except for the Strategic Missile Forces, Airborne Forces and some other units subordinate to the central high command. The Southern Military District includes such republics as Dagestan, Adygea, Ingushetia, Kalmykia, Crimea (plus a few more), as well as 2 territories, 3 regions and the city of Sevastopol. The headquarters, headed by the commander of the Southern Military District, is located in Rostov-on-Don.
  3. Central. Year of formation and formation - 2010. Previous units - Volga-Ural and Siberian (partial) districts. In terms of the territory entrusted to it, the Central Military District is the leader among the districts (within its borders there are about 40% of the territory of all Russia). The district includes such republics as Tatarstan, Khakassia, Mordovia, Mari El (and others). In addition, it includes 3 territories, 15 regions and 2 autonomous districts. The Central Military District also controls the Gatchina military base No. 201, located in Tajikistan. The headquarters is located in the city of Yekaterinburg.
  4. Oriental. A military unit was formed in 2010 from the second part of the Siberian Military District, as well as the Far Eastern. The Eastern District ranks second in terms of the area of ​​entrusted territory (about 7 million square kilometers). The Eastern Military District includes 2 republics, 4 territories, 3 regions, Jewish Autonomy, and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The headquarters, headed by the district commander, is located in Khabarovsk.
  5. Northernfleet. During the military reform in 2010, it was decided to include the Northern Fleet, together with the Baltic Fleet, into the Western Military District, but in 2014 a special strategic command “North” was created. As a result, the fleet became an independent military unit (in fact, it represents the fifth military district). The headquarters of SK Sever is located in the city of Severomorsk.

Army composition

The Russian Army includes 3 types of armed forces (SV, Air Force, Navy), as well as 3 types of troops subordinate directly to the central high command (Airborne Forces, Strategic Missile Forces, Aerospace Forces). Let's take a closer look at each of the combat units.

Ground troops

The SV is the largest type of military personnel. The main purpose of the ground forces is defensive actions (repelling an enemy attack on the territory of the country), as well as subsequent offensive (including the defeat of enemy units with the seizure of territory). The SV includes the following types of troops:

  • motorized rifle (infantry carrying out an offensive with the help of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers);
  • tank (the main goal is to break through the enemy line through the use of mobile equipment with a high degree of security);
  • missile and artillery (the task of these troops is to engage enemy targets at long distances with fire using rocket and cannon installations);
  • air defense troops (protect the remaining ground forces from attacks and bombing from the air and counter enemy aerial reconnaissance).

As a rule, all of the listed types of troops do not act separately, but are used together as a comprehensive defense or offensive. The Army also includes highly specialized troops (for example, railway or engineering).

Air Force

By analogy with the ground forces, the Air Force is divided into types of aviation, each of which performs its own specific tasks:

  • long-range aviation (carries out bombing to a strategic depth in economically important areas of the enemy);
  • frontline (performs tasks at a shallower depth);
  • army (supports ground forces through air bombing against armored and moving enemy targets);
  • military transport (transports equipment, manpower and specialized cargo).

In addition, the air force includes such a subspecies as special aviation, as well as units of anti-aircraft missile and radio-technical troops.


This type of armed forces is a special force whose purpose is to protect the economic territory of the Russian Federation located on the high seas. Also on the list of tasks assigned to the Navy in peacetime is the implementation of the search and rescue process.

The Russian Navy has submarine and surface forces, coastal troops, and naval aviation. Geographically, the Navy is divided into 5 separately existing fleets located along all maritime borders of Russia.

Airborne Forces

These troops are independent troops, subordinate to the central command. The main task of the fighters is to successfully carry out a landing force on enemy territory and subsequently conduct combat operations.

Strategic Missile Forces

It is also a type of troops subordinate to the High Command. The main task of such troops is to deter possible aggression from an external enemy through the nuclear potential of missiles, the introduction of which could have catastrophic consequences on a global scale.

Aerospace Forces

A relatively new species, which also reports to the central command. The task assigned to this type of troops is to identify the fact of a missile attack from a possible enemy, as well as the air defense of the city of Moscow.

Control system

Having learned what types and branches of the armed forces are available in the Russian Army, we now have to find out how the highest hierarchy is structured. It looks like this. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces is the President of Russia. During peacetime, he determines the direction of the vector of military policy, approves state military programs, and also personally approves the location of highly classified objects, including those containing nuclear warheads. The president also personally recruits citizens for military service.

The second most important person in the country from a military point of view is the Minister of Defense. His department includes the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense (the main bodies of the central military administration). These institutions, in turn, house the highest commands of the military branches. The heads of military districts are located at headquarters located in the corresponding cities.

In the political arena of any state there is always that type of internecine conflict that is quite difficult to resolve through diplomatic means. Due to certain circumstances of external relations, most world countries prefer to maintain their own troops, which, if necessary, can be used for the defense and defense of the state.

Military arsenal of the countries of the world

Nowadays, several states compete in the struggle for superiority in the number and power of the armed forces, including:

  • China;
  • Russia;
  • Türkiye;
  • Japan.

The United States achieved its leadership position due to the high development of the research and development industry, the maintenance of which comes from the federal budget. Unfortunately, the Russian Federation is significantly inferior to both the United States and China in terms of military equipment, but the main advantage in the Russian army is its many years of experience gained from the wars of the previous century.

In the event of a military threat, Russia has the opportunity to field an army whose size is 2 times larger than the size of the army trained by the United States. The population size plays a significant role in this balance of forces, and our country is in an advantageous position in this aspect.

Despite time-hardened and honed combat skills, Russian discipline is significantly inferior to Japanese, which somewhat undermines its global military authority. But, nevertheless, our country is still one of the most powerful powers in terms of its army, it controls the largest number of nuclear weapons, and in this aspect it is the absolute leader.

The number of staff of the Russian army

As of 2018, the total number of Russian troops consists of more than a million soldiers, which puts the country in third position in terms of expenditure in this area of ​​activity. The most numerous at the moment are the ground forces - about 400 thousand people. Aviation and navy have approximately the same number of military personnel, 150 thousand in each branch of the military. This distribution is due to the fact that armies operating on land are capable of performing a much wider range of military tasks; they have the prerogative to act more quickly than units with a specific function.

Compared to other types of troops, they have certain advantages, for example, tank divisions are sent to locations where there is a high probability of breaking through the defenses of a potential enemy, that is, their actions imply multi-stage preparation and include more opportunities and ways to achieve the goal. But at the same time, ground forces are not omnipresent; there are territories where they are practically useless.

At such locations, bombers and fighters come into play if the goal is to destroy enemy ammunition or equipment that may be located in hard-to-reach places. The navy's readiness to take advantageous positions on the water will allow it to gain advantages over the enemy for subsequent missions. In recent years, the renewal of air and naval forces in Russia has been ongoing, methods of warfare are being modernized, and their condition is being continuously monitored. As a result, high professional competence of military personnel.

The space force, consisting of just over 120 thousand people, was created in the staff of active military units with the purpose of detecting enemy missile installations. Their responsibilities include providing information to the General Staff about the likelihood of missile attacks and recognizing threats that could come from space by monitoring the behavior of space objects.

The smallest numbers are the airborne troops, their total number is 35 thousand soldiers. The military tasks of this unit are one-sided, so the percentage in the total number of Russian armies is minimal.

Reserve of mobilization troops of the Russian Federation

Along with the active army, Russia has a potential and organized reserve. In estimating how many people might be called up to serve in a martial law situation, experts put the figure at 31 million. According to statistical indicators, in Russia 2018 shows a tendency for this number to decrease by 4 times, and a further reduction in the potential reserve is expected.

Experts count 20 thousand people as an organized group. An elementary explanation for this is that there is no need for additional numbers of people, because a direct threat from other states is not expected in the near future.

Proposed changes in the Russian army

Russia's military training in the future includes a number of reforms. Compared to the data for 2017, the domestic army has increased by 250 thousand armed soldiers, so a shortage of so-called “non-combat” military specialties has arisen, and in the future the focus in subsequent recruitments will be on them. An attempt was made to reduce the number of military personnel involved in some ranks. For example, it was planned to replace warrant officers with sergeants as an alternative, but this technique was a fiasco, since most of the sergeants did not enter into a long-term contract for further service.

The size of the Russian army cannot but affect the composition of military equipment. This includes the creation of reliable and safe ammunition storage bases, optimization of military construction, and it is planned to introduce new models of tanks, aircraft, and anti-aircraft guns. However, at present, in comparison with foreign analogues, the weapons of the Russian army require additional scientific and technical developments.

Ultimately, the strength of the RF Armed Forces in recent years has reached the quantitative size with which the country is able to compete with Western and Eastern states. The total amount of money allocated to improve Russia's security has increased by 50% over the past five years, but this is still not enough for the military purchases required today. The Russian Army needs a rational distribution of the financial fund between its real needs. This constitutes one of the main shortcomings of the country's modern military training, although the corresponding issue has already been raised in the highest authorities.

In general, the military leadership of the Russian Federation is undeniable. Our state has managed to achieve a level of modification at which it has clear advantages, mainly due to the disposal of the most powerful nuclear weapons in the world. According to experts, Russia adequately ensures the security of its citizens.

The integrity of any state depends on many factors: external and internal opponents, economic situation, general standard of living. The country's leaders have to take into account all these aspects and promptly resolve emerging situations.

Accordingly, the tools for performing a particular task are provided. For example, in order to maintain sovereignty and protect its people from invaders, the Russian armed forces exist.

Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces - V.V. Putin

History of the creation of the RF Armed Forces

The Russian armed forces number about 2 million people. This number includes both professional soldiers and conscripts. Civilian specialists are also present in the Armed Forces. Billions of rubles are allocated annually for the needs of the armed forces. These funds are used for re-equipment, development of new types of weapons, and salaries for the military.

In addition to protecting state integrity and repelling foreign aggression, the Army of the Russian Federation is also involved in more subtle processes. Sometimes, to maintain peace, it is necessary to act on the territory of other countries. A striking example is the situation in Syria. Where the army of the Russian Armed Forces and its Aerospace Forces (Aerospace Forces) of Russia took part in the defeat of terrorist groups.

Historical dates when the armed forces of the RF Armed Forces were created:

Year Events
1992 The armed forces are being formed on the basis of the armed forces of the USSR. The Russian Army includes military formations located on the territory of the country, as well as forces located outside its borders: in Germany, Mongolia, etc.
1992 The concept of Mobile Forces (MF) is being developed. In total there should have been 5 groups, fully staffed. It was planned to switch from the conscription system to a contract basis
1993 It was possible to assemble only 3 mechanized MS brigades
1994 — 1996 First Chechen War. Due to unfinished personnel, the military group had to be recruited from almost the entire country. Defense Minister Grachev suggested that Yeltsin carry out a limited mobilization. The President refused
1996 I. Rodionov becomes Minister of Defense
1997 I. Sergeev is appointed Minister of Defense
1998 A new attempt is being made to reorganize the Armed Forces. The size of the Russian army is being halved. Up to 1,200 thousand
1999 — 2006 Second Chechen. Airborne brigades were added to the ground units of the Armed Forces. Funding has improved. The percentage of contract workers has increased
2001 S. Ivanov becomes Minister of Defense
2001 Processes continue to transfer military personnel to a contract basis. Service life was reduced to 1 year (WWII - 2 years)
2005 The process to improve aircraft management has begun
2006 We launched a state program for the development of the army for 2007-2015
2007 Serdyukov became the Minister of Defense
2008 Russian armed forces are taking part in the South Ossetian conflict. The result for the army was the recognition of the clumsiness and extreme unoptimization of the command system
2008 After the August conflict, we carried out global work to modernize the command and control system. More funds have been allocated from the budget for the training of recruits. The command structure of the Ground Units has been simplified
2012 Sergei Shoigu was appointed Minister of Defense by presidential decree
2013 The structure of the army began to return to regiments and divisions
2014 The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation took part in events related to the referendum on the Crimean peninsula
2015 Unification of the Air Force and Military Space Defense Forces into the Aerospace Forces
2015 Russian armed forces entered the territory of the Syrian Republic
2016 Formation of the 144th, 3rd and 150th motorized rifle divisions
2017 Russian military forces have officially withdrawn from Syria

Structure of the Russian Army

The RF Armed Forces include many different structures. All of them have a clear focus and division into areas of responsibility. The structure of the Russian Army consists of various branches of the military.

Types of troops:

  • Ground Forces (SV);
  • Aerospace Forces (VKS);
  • Navy (Navy);
  • Certain types of troops;
  • Special troops.

Ground troops

They are the most numerous. Their primary task is to conduct offensive and defensive operations. Thanks to technical equipment, the modern armed forces of the Russian Federation can carry out operations to break through the enemy’s layered defenses and capture key points and cities. The head of the ground forces is Colonel General Oleg Leonidovich Salyukov.

The SV includes the following types of troops:

Name of troops Short description

Motorized infantry capable of covering significant distances. The composition includes infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and military trucks. Divided into divisions. Consists of tanks, artillery, etc.

Main striking force. The primary purpose is to break through behind enemy lines. Capable of conducting combat operations in conditions of high radiation. It also includes missile, motorized rifle and other units.

The composition includes cannon, rocket, and mortar artillery. There are reconnaissance and supply units

Serve to protect ground forces from enemy air attacks

Special Forces Various types of troops with narrow specialization. This includes automotive units, electronic warfare troops, chemical and biological defense, and others

The main goal of this type of troops is to fight for the health of soldiers in peacetime and wartime. The MV includes mobile and stationary hospitals. In addition, in peacetime, the responsibilities of this service include providing army units with medical equipment and training personnel in first aid techniques.

In combat conditions, the value of MS increases many times over. They provide timely medical care to wounded servicemen and provide inpatient treatment for the soldier’s speedy return to duty.

Aerospace Forces

The main structure of the Russian Army is the Aerospace Forces. They were created to gain air supremacy, conduct reconnaissance operations, transport military equipment and personnel in an operational mode, and protect ground forces from enemy air raids.

It also includes long-range or strategic aviation. Its purpose is to disable industrial and economic facilities. Both cruise missiles with simple warheads and those equipped with nuclear elements can be used.

Separately, the Aerospace Forces includes the Missile Defense and Air Defense divisions. Their tasks include:

  • protection of objects on the territory of the country;
  • obstruction of aerial reconnaissance by the enemy;
  • defense against short-, medium- and long-range ballistic missiles, including components of nuclear weapons of the Russian Armed Forces.

To ensure the protection of the Russian Federation in the space sector, there are Space Forces.

Commander-in-Chief- Bondarev V.N.


It includes surface and submarine fleets, naval aviation and coastal missile and cannon artillery, as well as coastal defense forces and marines. The WWII is engaged in the defense of our country's maritime borders, but can also be used as an offensive force.

Submarines armed with nuclear missiles are an important element of deterrence.

Commander-in-Chief of the Navy- Admiral V. Korolev.

The fleet also delivers other types of troops to various parts of the world: tank, air, etc. Naval aviation includes airplanes and helicopters based on aircraft carriers.

Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN)

The nuclear shield of our state. This includes ballistic missiles of different ranges: medium, short, intercontinental. They are based both in stationary facilities and on mobile platforms, wheeled chassis and even nuclear trains. They are the main weapon of containment tactics.

Commander-in-Chief- S. Karakaev.

Airborne troops (VDV)

High mobility infantry transported by air. He is distinguished by a high level of combat training. Equipped with special military equipment, also transported by air.

Commander-in-Chief- A. Serdyukov.

Emblems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Picture Type of army Short description

Units conducting offensive and defensive operations on land. Equipped with tanks, artillery, air defense systems

Provide medical support to the army

Designed for the defense of air and space of the Russian Federation. Includes strategic aviation

Surface and submarine ships, naval aviation and infantry, defense of the country's water borders

Russian nuclear shield
Rapid reaction troops
Certain genera Logistics services


The modern Russian army uses the following weapons.


Photo Name Short description Crew Armament Add. systems
T-72 Main battle tank with a carousel loading system. Crew 3 people. 125 mm caliber gun. There is an anti-aircraft machine gun. May have dynamic and active protection. Diesel engine. 3 The caliber of the main gun is 125 mm, the secondary gun is 7.62 and 15.5 mm anti-aircraft machine guns. On later modifications, small-caliber 20-mm cannons are mounted for use against infantry and lightly armored targets. Thermal imagers, noctovisors, dynamic protection, active protection systems, devices for creating a smoke screen

T-80 Tank with a gas turbine engine. It is a high-quality reinforcement of armored units.

T-90 Shallow modernization of the T-72 tank. The main differences are in the suspension and ammunition used.

Infantry fighting vehicles:

Photo Name Short description Crew/

Infantry support vehicle. It has a fighting compartment in which soldiers are transported. Equipped with an automatic cannon and guided missiles. 3/8 73 mm gun, anti-tank guided missiles

High-quality modernization. Better armor and weapons. 3/7 30 mm autocannon, 7.62 mm machine gun, anti-tank missiles

Installed another power plant and gun. 2/9 Combat module of 30 and 100 mm cannons, 3 machine guns, ATGM

Airborne combat vehicle:

Photo Name Short description Crew Landing Armament

Specially designed for the needs of the Airborne Forces. Compared to the BMD, it has less weight and dimensions. The weapons are identical. 2 5 3 7.62 mm machine guns, 73 mm autocannon, ATGM

Improved model. Can be parachuted with troops in the fighting compartment. 30-mm automatic cannon, machine guns, ATGM “Konkurs”
The latest modification. Significantly lighter. The weapons complex has changed. Automatic grenade launcher, anti-tank missile launcher, machine guns and 30mm cannon

Armored personnel carriers:

Photo Name Description Crew Landing Weapon

Used to transport infantry. They differ in their wheel-propulsion system and armor. 2 8 14.5 mm and 7.62 mm machine guns

3 7

3 7 30 mm gun

Armored vehicles:

Photo Name Description Speed, km/h Equipment

All-terrain armored car made in Italy. Up to 130 Heavy machine gun, armored glass, protection against landmines and mines

GAZ-2975 "Tiger" Modern domestic armored car. It has good armor and anti-explosive protection. There is a modification with “Konkurs” missiles Up to 140 Installation of 30-mm autocannons, various machine guns, AGS and ATGMs

Artillery and missile forces:

Photo Name Short description Crew Equipment Fire range, km

Barrel artillery mount designed for fire support of advancing forces 6 152 mm gun, machine guns Up to 26

4 152 mm gun Up to 20

4 122 mm gun Up to 15

"Grad", "Smerch",



Multiple launch rocket systems Until 6 Missiles with a caliber of up to 300 mm Up to 120

Tactical missile systems To 10 Missiles of different ranges Up to 120

Up to several dozen Missiles, including those with nuclear warheads Up to 500
"Buk", "Tor", Pantsir-S, S-300, S-400 Air defense systems Up to several dozen Missiles, mainly with small destructive elements Coverage area up to 1000

Aviation of the Russian Armed Forces:

Picture Name Description Equipment Max. speed, km/h

Fighters Air-to-air missiles and small caliber guns Up to 2500

Up to 2500

Up to 2500
Su-24, Su-34 Frontline bombers High explosive bombs, including cluster bombs Up to 2200

Stormtrooper Guided and unguided missiles, guns, bombs Until 2000

Long-range strategic missile-carrying bombers Missiles, including those with nuclear warheads, and bombs Up to 2300

Up to 750

Up to 2200
Transport aircraft Up to 800
Il-96-300PU Radar detection aircraft Equipped with specific equipment for electronic reconnaissance Up to 800
A-50 Air command post Up to 800

Combat attack helicopters Rockets, machine guns, cannons Up to 600

Army helicopters Rockets, guns Up to 800

Navy ships:

Picture Project Type

Aircraft-carrying cruiser. Carries fighters. For defense, small-caliber guns and anti-aircraft missile launchers are provided.

1164 Missile cruiser. It is used to destroy enemy fortifications and ships using missiles of various calibers.

1155 Anti-submarine ships. Armed with cannon artillery and torpedoes.

775 A landing ship for transporting heavy armored vehicles and manpower. In addition to delivery, it provides cover for landing forces.

949 An underwater missile carrier that, in addition to missiles, also carries torpedoes. Can be launched from an underwater position. Carries nuclear weapons.

Number of members

The size of the army is a state secret. Therefore, open sources only contain information for 2011. According to these data, the RF Armed Forces number about 1,000 thousand people, which is more than two times less than at the time of the creation of our country’s armed forces.

Service in the Russian army

In 2017, the service life of a conscript soldier is 1 calendar year (in the Navy - 2). During this time, his training takes place. The course includes combat and shooting training. In addition, it all depends on the branch of the military where the recruit ends up. Depending on this, additional skills are taught.

During their service, soldiers live in barracks. They eat in common canteens. In case of illness, treatment takes place in the medical building of the military unit.

There are also higher educational institutions with a military focus. Future officers are trained there. Each military university has its own narrow specialization.

The main guarantor of the independence and inviolability of the borders of any state is its armed forces. Diplomacy and economic means are certainly important (and effective) tools of international politics, but only those countries that are able to defend themselves are viable. The entire political history of mankind is proof of this thesis.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces) are currently one of the largest in the world in terms of numbers. In rankings compiled by expert groups, the Russian army is usually in the top five, along with the armed forces of China, India, the United States and the DPRK. The size of the Russian army is determined by decrees of the country's president, who, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Currently (summer 2018) it is 1,885,371 people, including about 1 million military personnel. Today, our country’s mobilization resource is approximately 62 million people.

Russia is a nuclear state. Moreover, our country has one of the largest arsenals of nuclear weapons, as well as sophisticated and numerous means of delivering them. The Russian Federation ensures a closed cycle of nuclear weapons production.

Our country has one of the most developed military-industrial complexes in the world; the Russian military-industrial complex is capable of providing the armed forces with almost the entire range of weapons, military equipment and ammunition, from pistols to ballistic missiles. Moreover, Russia is one of the largest arms exporters in the world, with $14 billion worth of Russian weapons sold in 2017.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were created on May 7, 1992 on the basis of units of the USSR Armed Forces, but the history of the Russian army is much longer and richer. It can be called the heir not only of the armed forces of the USSR, but also of the Russian imperial army, which ceased to exist in 1917.

Nowadays, the recruitment of the Russian armed forces occurs on a mixed principle: both through conscription and on a contract basis. Modern government policy in the field of formation of the armed forces is aimed at increasing the number of professionals serving under contract. Currently, all non-commissioned officers of the RF Armed Forces are completely professional.

The annual budget of the Russian armed forces in 2018 was 3.287 trillion rubles. This is 5.4% of the country's total GDP.

Currently, conscript service in the Russian army is 12 months. Men between the ages of 18 and 27 can be drafted into the armed forces.

History of the Russian Army

On July 14, 1990, the first Russian military department appeared. It was called the “State Committee of the RSFSR for support and interaction with the Ministry of Defense and the KGB of the USSR.” After the August putsch in Moscow, the Ministry of Defense of the RSFSR was formed for a short time on the basis of a committee.

After the collapse of the USSR, the United Armed Forces of the CIS countries were formed, but this was a temporary measure: on May 7, 1992, the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree on the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Initially, the RF Armed Forces included all military units located on the territory of the country, as well as troops that were under Russian jurisdiction. Then their number was 2.88 million people. Almost immediately the question of reforming the armed forces arose.

The 90s were a difficult period for the Russian army. Chronic underfunding led to the fact that the best personnel left it, the purchase of new types of weapons practically ceased, many military factories were closed, and promising projects were stopped. Almost immediately after the creation of the Russian armed forces, plans appeared to completely transfer them to a contract basis, but lack of funding for a long time did not allow moving in this direction.

In 1995, the first Chechen campaign began, which demonstrated the catastrophic situation of the Russian army. The troops were understaffed, and the fighting showed serious shortcomings in their management.

In 2008, the Russian Armed Forces took part in the conflict in South Ossetia. He revealed a large number of shortcomings and problems of the modern Russian army. The most serious of them were low troop mobility and poor controllability. After the end of the conflict, the start of military reform was announced, which was supposed to significantly increase the mobility of the Armed Forces units and increase the coordination of their joint actions. The result of the reform was a reduction in the number of military districts (four instead of six), a simplification of the ground forces command and control system, and a significant increase in the army budget.

All this made it possible to speed up the entry of new military equipment into the troops, attract a larger number of contract professionals, and increase the intensity of combat training of units.

During the same period, regiments and divisions began to be reorganized into brigades. True, in 2013 the reverse process began: regiments and divisions began to form again.

In 2014, the Russian army played a key role in the return of Crimea. In September 2018, the operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria began, which continues to this day.

Structure of the Russian army

According to the Russian Constitution, the overall leadership of the Russian armed forces is exercised by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who is the president of the country. He heads and forms the Security Council of the Russian Federation, whose tasks include developing military doctrine and appointing senior leadership of the armed forces. The president of the country signs decrees on urgent conscription and transfer of military personnel to the reserve, approves various international documents in the field of defense and military cooperation.

Direct control of the armed forces is exercised by the Ministry of Defense. Its main task is to implement state policy in the field of defense, maintain constant readiness of the armed forces, develop the military potential of the state, resolve a wide range of social issues, and conduct events for interstate cooperation in the military sphere.

Currently (since 2012), the Russian Minister of Defense is Army General Sergei Shoigu.

The operational command of the RF Armed Forces is exercised by the country's General Staff. Its head at the moment is Army General Valery Gerasimov.

The General Staff carries out strategic planning for the use of the armed forces, as well as other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. This body is also involved in operational and mobilization training of the Russian army. If necessary, it is under the leadership of the General Staff that the mobilization deployment of the RF Armed Forces takes place.

Currently, the Russian Armed Forces include three types of troops:

Also an integral part of the RF Armed Forces are the following types of troops:

  • Special troops.

The most numerous are the Ground Forces, they include the following types of troops:

  • Tank;
  • Air Defense Forces;
  • Special troops.

Ground forces are the backbone of the modern Russian army; they carry out ground operations, seize territories and inflict the main damage on the enemy.

The Aerospace Forces are the youngest branch of the Russian army. The decree on their formation was issued on August 1, 2015. The VKS were created on the basis of the Russian Air Force.

The Aerospace Forces includes the Air Force, consisting of army, front-line, long-range and military transport aviation. In addition, anti-aircraft missile forces and radio engineering troops are an integral part of the Air Force.

Another branch of the military that is part of the Aerospace Forces is the air defense and missile defense troops. Their tasks include warning of a missile attack, managing the orbital constellation of satellites, missile defense of the Russian capital, launching spacecraft, and testing various types of missile and aircraft equipment. The structure of these particular troops includes two cosmodromes: Plesetsk and Baikonur.

Another component of the Air Force is the Space Force.

The Navy is a branch of the armed forces that can conduct operations in the sea and ocean theaters of war. It is capable of delivering nuclear and conventional strikes against enemy sea and land targets, landing troops on the coast, protecting the economic interests of the country, and conducting search and rescue operations.

The Russian Navy includes surface and submarine forces, naval aviation, coastal troops and special forces units. The submarine forces of the Russian Navy can carry out strategic missions; they are armed with submarine missile carriers with ballistic nuclear missiles.

The coastal forces include units of the marine corps and missile and artillery coastal troops.

The Russian Navy includes four fleets: the Pacific, Black Sea, Baltic and Northern, as well as the Caspian Flotilla.

A separate branch of the military is the Strategic Missile Forces - this is the main component of Russia's nuclear forces. The Strategic Missile Forces are an instrument of global deterrence; it is a guarantee of a retaliatory strike in the event of a nuclear attack on our country. The main armament of the Strategic Missile Forces are strategic intercontinental missiles with mobile and silo-based nuclear warheads.

The Strategic Missile Forces include three missile armies (with headquarters in Omsk, Vladimir and Orenburg), the Kapustin Yar test site, research and educational institutions.

The airborne troops also belong to a separate branch of the military and are the reserve of the Commander-in-Chief. The first airborne units were formed in the USSR back in the early 30s. This branch of the military has always been considered the elite of the army, and it remains so to this day.

The Airborne Forces include airborne and air assault units: divisions, brigades and individual units. The main purpose of paratroopers is to conduct combat operations behind enemy lines. Today, the Russian Airborne Forces include five divisions, five brigades and a separate communications regiment, as well as specialized educational institutions and training centers.

The RF Armed Forces also include special troops. This name refers to the set of units that ensure the normal functioning of the Ground Forces, Aerospace Forces and Navy. Special troops include railway troops, medical service, road and pipeline troops, and topographic service. This branch of troops also includes special units of the GRU.

Territorial division of the RF Armed Forces

Currently, the territory of Russia is divided into four military districts: Western (headquarters in St. Petersburg), Central (headquarters in Yekaterinburg), Southern (Rostov-on-Don) and Eastern with headquarters in Khabarovsk.

In 2014, it was announced the formation of a new military structure - the North strategic command, whose task is to protect Russian state interests in the Arctic. In fact, this is another military district created on the basis of the Northern Fleet. It has land, air and naval components.

Armament of the Russian Army

Most types of weapons and military equipment that are currently used by the Russian army were developed and manufactured during the Soviet period. Tanks T-72, T-80, BTR-80, BMP-1, BMP-2 and BMP-3, BMD-1, BMD-2 and BMD-3 - all this was inherited by the Russian army from the USSR. The situation is similar with cannon and rocket artillery (MLRS Grad, Uragan, Smerch) and aviation (MiG-29, Su-27, Su-25 and Su-24). This is not to say that this technique is catastrophically outdated; it can be used in local conflicts against not very strong opponents. In addition, the USSR produced so many weapons and military equipment (63 thousand tanks, 86 thousand infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers) that they can be used for many years to come.

However, this technology is already significantly inferior to the latest analogues adopted by the armies of the United States, China and Western Europe.

Around the middle of the last decade, new types of military equipment began to enter service with the Russian army. Today, the process of rearmament is actively underway in the RF Armed Forces. Examples include the T-90 and T-14 Armata tanks, the Kurganets infantry fighting vehicle, the BMD-3 airborne combat vehicle, the BTR-82, the Tornado-G and Tornado-S MLRS, the tactical missile system " Iskander", the latest modifications of the Buk, Tor and Pantsir air defense systems. The aircraft fleet is being actively updated (Su-35, Su-30, Su-34). The Russian fifth-generation fighter PAK FA is being tested.

Currently, significant funds are being invested in the re-equipment of Russian strategic forces. Old missile systems, created back in the USSR, are gradually being taken off duty and replaced with new ones. New missiles are being developed (such as the Sarmat). The fourth generation missile-carrying submarines of the Borei project have been put into service. A new Bulava missile system was developed for them.

The Russian Navy is also being rearmed. According to the state weapons development program (2011-2020), the Russian Navy should include ten new nuclear submarines (both missile and multi-purpose), twenty diesel submarines (Varshavyanka and Lada projects), fourteen frigates ( projects 2230 and 13356) and more than fifty corvettes of different projects.

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