Webinars for computer science teachers with a certificate. Introductory webinars on Mondays

N.M. Barinova, educational psychologist, head of the Psychological Department of the Center for Natural Development and Child Health. Children's aggression. Who is to blame and what to do? Register

March 14 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

Development of an individual educational route for preschoolers with disabilities.

February 28 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

Rainbow of Russian patterns. Master class on decorative drawing.

February 19 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

Master class: Ideas for exclusive gifts for March 8th.

February 13 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

Approaches to the development of coherent speech in preschool children. Part 2 – Dialogical speech.

February 07 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

Development of spatial imagination in preschool children.

November 29 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

N.I. Titova, Ph.D., teacher of the highest qualification category, defectologist, specialist in the field of introducing innovative methods of organizing the pedagogical process and teaching literacy and mathematics to children of preschool and primary school age. Modern techniques of educational work with preschoolers. Social and communicative development.

November 12 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

T.I. Grizik, Ph.D., editor-in-chief of the scientific and methodological journal “Preschool Education”, leading researcher at the laboratory of additional professional education and innovative activities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education”. Approaches to the development of coherent speech in preschool children. Part 1 – Monologue speech.

November 08 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

G.V. Glushkova, Ph.D., teacher-organizer, preschool department of GBOU School No. 1598, Moscow. Types of construction work in preschool educational institutions. Complication lines. Master class "Castle".

November 01 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

S.G. Rozova, additional education teacher; deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine “Child in Kindergarten”. Easy to draw! Master class on graphic drawing techniques.

October 25 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

G.V. Glushkova, Ph.D., teacher-organizer, preschool department of GBOU School No. 1598, Moscow. Modern approaches to organizing physical education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions.

October 18 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

E.V. Solovyova, Ph.D., developmental psychologist, director of the Psychological Center for Family Support “Contact”. Development of logical thinking in preschoolers.

October 15 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

T.I. Grizik, Ph.D., editor-in-chief of the scientific and methodological journal “Preschool Education”, leading researcher at the laboratory of additional professional education and innovative activities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education”. Implementation of the principle of variability in the speech development of preschool children.

October 04 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

N.I. Titova, Ph.D., teacher of the highest qualification category, defectologist, specialist in the field of introducing innovative methods of organizing the pedagogical process and teaching literacy and mathematics to children of preschool and primary school age. Modern forms of organizing children's activity: project and event. Educational potential of the children's community.

September 27 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

E.V. Solovyova, Ph.D., developmental psychologist, director of the Psychological Center for Family Support “Contact”. Formation of mathematical concepts in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

September 20 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

G.V. Glushkova, Ph.D., teacher-organizer, preschool department of GBOU School No. 1598, Moscow. Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the adaptation of children of early and primary preschool age to preschool education.

April 26 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

S.G. Rozova, additional education teacher; editor of the magazine “Child in Kindergarten”. Application. How to teach children to cut.

April 19 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

S.I. Semenaka, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Technologies of Preschool and Primary Education of the Armavir State Pedagogical University, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation. Social and communicative development of preschool children: technologies for the prevention and correction of aggressive manifestations.

April 12 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

N.V. Miklyaeva, Ph.D., Professor, Institute of Childhood, Moscow Pedagogical State University. Designer of work programs for teachers and kindergarten specialists.

April 04 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

T.I. Grizik, Ph.D., editor-in-chief of the scientific and methodological journal “Preschool Education”, leading researcher at the laboratory of additional professional education and innovative activities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education”. Strategy for the development of modern preschool education.

March 28 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

G.V. Glushkova, Ph.D., teacher-organizer, preschool department of GBOU School No. 1598, Moscow. Organization of games and activities with young children.

March 22 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

N.V. Miklyaeva, Ph.D., prof. Institute of Childhood, Moscow Pedagogical State University. Social and psychological-pedagogical aspects of interaction in an inclusive group.

March 15 13.00 - 15.00 (Moscow time)

E.V. Solovyova, Ph.D., developmental psychologist, director of the Psychological Center for Family Support “Contact”. Federal State Educational Standard. Cognitive development: what is school preparation?

Webinars are conducted by the Educational Media “Prodlenka.org”. Access to the Webinars is free and open to all registered users of the portal.

Participation in webinars is an excellent opportunity to improve your professional level and confirm your knowledge with relevant official documents. Anyone can order a Webinar Participant Certificate indicating the relevant topic. More information about receiving a document

Official organizers:

Portal website.


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Pedagogy" (License
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An example of a webinar participant certificate

We bring to your attention a webinar on the concept of a system-activity approach in elementary school, methods of its implementation and basic technologies. The Federal State Educational Standard has established new requirements for the results of mastering educational programs. Primary school should form in the student not only subject and factual knowledge, but also universal methods of action; develop the ability to self-organize in order to solve educational problems; ensure individual progress in key areas of personal development.

Webinars for teachers, parents and students

Webinars on mathematics, psychology and primary school

Webinar- a modern form of online learning. During the webinar, participants see the slides, hear the voice of the presenter, and can ask their questions via chat.

All webinars at MetaSchool are free.

Upcoming webinars

Date TimeWebinar topicWebinar presenter
22.03.2019 21:00 Modern methods of developing the thinking of younger schoolchildren
20.03.2019 21:00 We are preparing for the VPR in the Russian language. Part 2Boykina Marina Viktorovna, senior teacher of St. Petersburg APPO, St. Petersburg
18.03.2019 21:00 Training at MetaSchoolIntroductory webinar for teachers and parents
16.03.2019 19:30 CombinatoricsWebinar for mathematics teachers, Elena Vladimirovna Smykalova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of St. Petersburg APPO
15.03.2019 21:00 How to identify and solve psychological problems of adolescents. Recommendations from a psychologistNebrenchin Alexander Vladimirovich, senior lecturer at St. Petersburg APPO, St. Petersburg

Full webinar schedule

Webinars for mathematics teachers

In accordance with the work plan of the Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education of St. Petersburg (SPb APPO), webinars are held on methods of teaching mathematics in secondary schools. The webinars are conducted by Elena Vladimirovna Smykalova, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Webinar participants who successfully complete practical tasks receive SPb APPO certificates.

Webinars for primary school teachers and parents

Webinars are held for teachers and parents on the psychology of elementary school students, on the Russian language, and on the requirements that the school imposes on students.

The presenters of the webinars are senior teachers of the Department of Primary Education of St. Petersburg APPO: M. V. Boykina, I. A. Bubnova, A. V. Nebrenchin.


Webinars for students

Master's students of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen conducts mathematical webinars for students on selected topics.

Webinar leaders

Mathematics webinars

E. V. Smykalova

Elena Vladimirovna Smykalova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of St. Petersburg APPO St. Petersburg, winner of the teacher competition within the framework of the Priority National Project "Education". Work experience over 30 years.

Webinars on psychology

A. V. Nebrenchin

Alexander Vladimirovich Nebrenchin - Head of the Center for Certification of Education Workers of the St. Petersburg APPO, senior teacher of the Department of Primary Education of the St. Petersburg APPO, St. Petersburg.

Discipline taught: Psychology of educational activities. Formation of subjectivity of younger schoolchildren.

Webinars on primary school

M. V. Boykina

Marina Viktorovna Boykina is a senior lecturer at the Department of Primary Education of the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education, author of educational and methodological manuals in the field of primary education, co-author of the literary reading course at the educational educational complex “School of Russia”, “Perspective”, St. Petersburg.

Webinars on primary school

I. A. Bubnova

Inna Anatolyevna Bubnova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management of State Budgetary Educational Institution of School No. 43 of the Primorsky District, senior teacher of the Department of Primary Education of the St. Petersburg APPO, "Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation", winner of the Priority National Project "Education" competition, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation among the best teachers of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg.

Introductory webinars on Mondays

Free introductory webinars are held for parents where they can learn about studying at MetaSchool and ask their questions.

Introductory webinars are held on Mondays at 21:00 Moscow time.

You can find out about the upcoming webinar from the schedule.

Recording of an introductory webinar

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement is an official proposal (public offer) of IP Maksimenkov Alexey Andreevich (OGRNIP 315420200006514, INN 420206996759), hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, and, in accordance with Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a public offer of the Contractor addressed to individuals to provide the opportunity to participate in Competitions under the terms of the Agreement.

1.2. The agreement is considered concluded without signing in each specific case, since acceptance of the offer is equivalent to the conclusion of an agreement on the conditions specified below.

1.3. The current version of the Agreement is permanently posted on the Contractor’s website at the address: “site/oferta”, and is required for review by the Participant before acceptance.

1.4. These terms of the offer may be changed and/or supplemented by the Contractor unilaterally without any special notice. Changes to the content of the Agreement come into force from the moment of their publication at the permanent location of the Agreement in the form of an updated text of the Agreement.

2. Terms and definitions used in the Agreement.

2.1. For the purposes of this Offer, the following terms are used in the following meaning:

  • “Executor” - Individual Entrepreneur Aleksey Andreevich Maksimenkov, acting on the basis of the Charter;
  • “Offer” - this Offer Agreement for the provision of consulting and information services;
  • “Acceptance of the Offer” - full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of the Offer by performing the actions specified in clause 3 of this Offer.
  • “Customer” is the person who accepted the Offer, and is thus the Customer of the Contractor’s services under the concluded offer agreement and can take part in the events of this site;
  • “Competition” is an event to identify the best of the submitted works, which is held monthly, following which Participants receive award documents;
  • “Testing” is an event conducted online, aimed at identifying the Participants’ knowledge in a certain area of ​​professional activity;
  • “Award document” is a document confirming participation in the event, which contains information about the place taken by this Participant, about the nomination, the document also contains information about the participant, the signature and seal of the chairman of the commission.

3. Subject of the Agreement

3.1. According to the Offer Agreement, the Contractor provides the Customer with services for providing the necessary information related to events, which mean various Competitions and Testing conducted remotely (hereinafter referred to as the Services).

3.2. The Contractor provides Services to the Customer only if the Customer submits a corresponding application for Services on the website “http://site” in accordance with the approved rules, as well as payment for the Services in accordance with current tariffs.

3.3. Acceptance of the offer agreement is the fact of payment by the Customer for the selected Service.

3.4. The following services are available to the customer:

3.4.1. Contest. The timing of the Competition is determined by the Contractor and lasts from the first to the last day of each month, unless otherwise indicated on the Site “http://site”. Each competition entry is reviewed and evaluated by members of the jury. After 10 working days from the date of acceptance of applications for the Competition, Award documents are published on the website in the section “http://site/rezultatyi.html”, where they are stored for 2 years from the date of their publication.

3.4.2. Testing. Testing is carried out daily and around the clock online. After making payment, each Participant receives an email with a link to take the test. After passing the test, the Participant receives an electronic version of the Award document.

3.4. At the Customer's request, it is possible to send the Award document by registered mail by Russian Post. The cost of this service is indicated on the website. In this case, the Contractor sends a registered letter to the address of the Customer’s educational institution. If the Customer wishes the letter to be sent to a different address, this must be reported to the post office " [email protected]».

3.4.5. Postal mail is sent weekly on Saturdays.

3.5. Competition works are not edited or reviewed by the Competition Organizer and the commission.

3.6. Participants are informed about all events related to the competition on the Website “http://site”. Each participant is considered to be properly informed from the moment the information is published on the Site “http://site”.

  • violation of the rules of participation in Competitions set out in the Agreement;
  • showing disrespect for the Competition Organizers and the Competition Committee;
  • failure to submit the competition work in the manner and within the time limits specified in the Agreement and on the Website;

4. Rights and obligations of the parties.

4.1. The Contractor undertakes:

4.1.2. Provide Services to the Customer for a selected event held remotely, subject to payment for the Services by the Customer in full and compliance with all the rules for holding this event.

4.1.3. Promptly and timely inform the Customer about the list of Services provided, the conditions and cost of conducting remote events, posting this information on the Website “http://site”, as well as using e-mail.

4.1.4. In order to provide the Service, deliver information to the Customer by email or Russian Post to the addresses specified by the Customer when submitting an application for the provision of Services.

4.2. The performer has the right:

4.2.1. Refuse the Customer to provide the Service

  • in case of non-payment (incomplete payment) for the Services on time;
  • in case of untimely submission of an application for the provision of the Service;
  • in case of violation of the rules of participation in the event.

4.2.3. Change the terms of this Agreement unilaterally.

4.3. The customer undertakes:

4.3.1. Independently and timely familiarize yourself on the website “http://site” with the established Services, prices for Services, the procedure and timing of their provision.

4.3.2. Pay for the selected Contractor Services in a timely manner in accordance with the prices established at the time of payment.

4.3.4. When submitting an application, provide competition entries and indicate accurate and complete data.

4.4. The customer has the right:

4.4.1. Receive paid Services from the Contractor in accordance with the terms of this Offer Agreement.

4.4.2. Receive from the Contractor complete and reliable information related to the terms and conditions of remote events on the website “http://site”

4.5. The customer agrees:

4.5.1. For the processing of personal data in accordance with Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

5. Cost of Services.

5.1. The cost of the Services provided is determined by the Contractor unilaterally in Russian rubles and posted on the website “http://site”.

5.2. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally change prices for the Services provided.

6. Procedure and timing of settlements.

6.1. Payment for the Contractor's Services by the Customer is made in cash by bank transfer to the Contractor's bank account or in another way specified on the website “http://site”.

6.2. Services are provided to the Customer on the basis of 100% prepayment of the cost of the selected Service.

6.4. The registration fee paid by the Participant, in the event of termination of the Agreement, is not refundable.

7. Responsibility of the Parties.

7.1. The parties are responsible for improper performance of their duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of this Agreement.

7.2. The Contractor is not responsible for:

7.2.1. for failures in the operation of mail, the Internet, communication networks that arose for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor and resulted in untimely receipt or failure by the Participant to receive notifications from the Contractor;
7.2.2. in case of technical failures (outage/damage to power supply and communication networks, failures of the processing center software and technical failures in payment systems) resulting in the Contractor’s failure to comply with the terms of the Agreement;

7.2.5. for the Participant’s temporary lack of access to means of communication that ensure interaction with the Contractor under the Agreement, as well as the Participant’s associated losses;

7.2.7. for incomplete or incorrect information provided by the Customer.

7.3. The parties are released from property liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement if such violation is caused by force majeure circumstances (force majeure), including: actions of government authorities, fire, flood, earthquake, other acts of God, lack of electricity, strikes, civil unrest, riots, any other circumstances, not limited to those listed, that may affect the Contractor’s performance of the Offer agreement.

7.4. This public offer agreement has the force of an act of provision of services. Acceptance is carried out without signing the corresponding act. Services are considered to be provided properly and in full if the Customer does not file a claim within three days from the date of service provision.

8. The procedure for information interaction between the Parties.

8.1. When concluding the Agreement, the Participant is obliged to provide the Contractor with reliable information to contact the Participant and send him notifications about the progress of the Competition. The Participant is responsible for ensuring that the specified data remains accurate at all times.
8.2. By default, the proper method for informing a Participant of the transaction of his/her entry and entry is by sending a notification to the email address provided by the Participant.

8.3..html" no later than 10 working days from the closing date for accepting applications for a specific competition.

8.4. If the Participant refuses all methods proposed by the Contractor for sending notifications to the Participant about transactions with the application and competition work, the Participant is deemed to have failed to properly provide information for contacting the Participant in accordance with clause 8.1., and the Contractor is considered to have fulfilled its obligations to inform the Participant about the completed operations with the application and competitive work. In this case, the Participant has no right to present claims to the Contractor related to improper notification of the Participant about transactions.

8.5. The notification is considered received by the Participant within three hours from the moment of sending.

8.6. The Contractor is not responsible for the Participant’s lack of access to the means by which the Participant can receive notification, or untimely receipt of notification, including for failures in the Internet, communication networks that arose for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor and resulted in untimely receipt or failure by the Participant to receive notifications from the Contractor.

8.7. The Customer's claims regarding the Services provided are accepted by the Contractor for consideration by email, on an individual basis, within five days from the moment the dispute arises.

8.8. The Customer, if any questions arise, can contact the Contractor using the contact information provided at the link “http://site/kontakty”.

9. Technical support for Competition Participants and Processing of personal data.

9.1. The Organizer is ready to provide technical support to Competition Participants as long as the Competition is held. The completion date of the Competition is the date of publication of the Competition results on the Site.
9.2. User support is provided via electronic communication channels (email) and/or by posting certain information on the Site.

9.4. By concluding the Agreement and entering personal data into the application form, the Customer agrees to the provision of his personal data and their processing by the Contractor.

10. Conclusion, modification, termination of the contract.

10.1. The moment of concluding this Agreement is considered the moment payment is credited to the Contractor’s bank account for the Services chosen by the Customer, subject to receipt of an application for the Service from him in the form posted on the website “http://site”.

10.2. The Customer has the right to unilaterally refuse the Contractor’s Services at any time. In case of unilateral refusal of the Customer from the Contractor's services, the payment made is not refunded.

10.3. The Contractor reserves the right to change or supplement any of the terms of this Offer Agreement at any time by publishing all changes on the website. If the published changes are unacceptable to the Customer, then he must notify the Contractor about this within seven days from the date of publication of the changes. If no notification is received, then it is considered that the Customer continues to participate in the contractual relationship.

10.4. On all issues not regulated by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


Performer: IP Maksimenkov Alexey Andreevich
INN: 420206996759
ORGNIP 315420200006514
Name of the Bank: Siberian Branch of OJSC CB "Regional Credit"
BIC: 045003734
Checkpoint: 540243002
case No. 30101810300000000734 in the Sovetsky RCC
account 40802810221410000027