In case of implementation of additional educational programs. Requirements for the development of general education (general developmental) programs of additional education

It is compiled on the basis of certain requirements for such documents. If the invented programs do not correspond to the federal government programs of the second generation, they will not be allowed for use.

Regulatory framework

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states that in his activities a teacher is guided by educational programs, which must fully comply with the requirements of new educational standards. General education is associated with solving problems related to the formation of culture among the younger generation. education of children should contribute to their informed choice of future professional activity. Extracurricular activities should help the child adapt to the conditions of modern society.


The educational program of an institution of additional education for children can have a different focus, promoting the harmonious development of schoolchildren. In addition to specialized institutions - music and sports schools, choreographic and art studios, there are universal centers for additional education. They offer children a variety of clubs and sections; the teacher creates his own individual program for each.

Program structure

An approximate structure is proposed for it, in which the main sections should be highlighted:

  • justification of significance (explanatory note);
  • an indication of its difference from existing analogues (uniqueness);
  • educational and thematic planning;
  • description of the main sections of the program;
  • description of the requirements for schoolchildren;
  • methodological kit (for teachers, for children);
  • indicating the sources that were used in developing the program.

Let's look at each section in more detail. When justifying the relevance of the material chosen as the basis for additional education, it is necessary to indicate those distinctive points that help develop the child’s personality.

When making comparisons between a new methodology and those programs that have undergone successful adaptation, it is advisable to note the uniqueness and individuality of the new development.

In connection with the introduction of new federal educational standards into the modern education system, certain rules have been developed for the design and content of educational planning not only for classical subjects, but also for extracurricular activities. In addition to naming the topic of the lesson, the teacher should highlight the main elements that will be discussed during the lesson. The teacher also highlights the basic scientific concepts introduced in each individual lesson.

When describing sections of the program, the detailed content of the topic should be indicated, and those key points that will be considered by the teacher as fully as possible should be highlighted.

Children are focused on the following points:

  • creating favorable conditions for the self-development of the child’s personality and self-improvement;
  • formation in the student of a full-fledged understanding of the modern world;
  • education of a citizen and a person who is aimed at improving society;
  • development and reproduction of the company's personnel.

The educational program of additional education for children is carried out in accordance with the plan and schedule of the educational process.

additional education

They involve ensuring the upbringing, training, and harmonious development of children of preschool and school age. That is why the educational program of an institution of additional education for children must comply with:

  • cultural Russian and foreign traditions, national specifics of the region;
  • level of primary, preschool, school education;
  • modern educational technologies.

The educational program for additional education of children at school has a scientific, technical, physical education, sports, natural science, artistic, military and patriotic orientation.

An interesting example of additional education is a making circle. In addition to the practical activities associated with creating various souvenirs from clay with their own hands, schoolchildren receive information about the main characteristics of this material. Such skills can become for them the beginning of a conscious choice of future professional activity.

Modern technologies in additional education

An educational program for additional education of children at school is not possible without the use of innovative methods and technologies. Design and research technologies are indispensable when conducting classes in chemistry, ecology, biology, and chemistry. The game technique is used in classes in choreographic studios. Artistic clubs require an individual approach. Thanks to distance education, it has become possible to implement educational programs for additional education of children located in areas remote from large cities.

Purpose of additional education

After the introduction of the second generation federal state standards into the modern educational system, attention to extracurricular activities has increased. The general educational program of additional education for children is aimed at:

  • building optimal conditions for the formation of a child’s personality;
  • achieving a favorable emotional mood for the younger generation;
  • introducing children to universal human values;
  • implementation of the prevention of antisocial behavior;
  • increasing motivation for creativity and knowledge of the world around us.

The educational program of a teacher of additional education for children should be aimed at strengthening the physical and mental health of children. The teacher works closely with the family to provide the most favorable conditions for the self-development of their students.

Features of the content of program elements

The main educational program for additional education for children begins with the title page. It indicates the full name of the institution of additional (general) education. Next, information is written about when, by whom, where the educational program for organizing additional education for children was approved. Then its name is indicated, as well as the age of the children for whom the program was created, the period for its implementation, and the year of creation.

The explanatory note describes the focus, novelty, purpose and objectives, as well as the main differences from similar developments. The content of the educational program of additional education for children includes the form and mode of classes, expected results, and an option for determining their effectiveness.

The curriculum includes a list of topics, sections, and number of hours. The requirements for the educational program of additional education for children, imposed by the Federal State Educational Standard, also include an indication of the form for summing up the results of the activities carried out in the form of a competition, festival, exhibition, educational and research conference.

Sample program of additional education

We present to your attention an exemplary educational program for additional education for children, which has a clear research focus.

Explanatory note to the program

The modern teacher is faced with a rather difficult task - the formation of a harmoniously developed personality in modern conditions. Due to the fact that there are strict requirements for conducting school and scientific research, as well as for the rules for designing the experiment, the teacher must pay serious attention to conducting experimental activities on the basis of an educational institution. Such work involves searching for optimal opportunities for developing in students a desire for self-education and development.

To increase the effectiveness of the educational process, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each student. Due to the limited experimental activities during traditional lessons, it is not always possible to pay attention to practical activities. In this regard, teachers are developing their own programs for project and research work in order to make the process of acquiring new knowledge more interesting and comfortable for schoolchildren.

The duration of the program depends on the specifics of the discipline being studied and the complexity of the scientific theory used in the course of the study. For high school students, the course involves connections between different academic disciplines. Those guys who are fully interested in research and projects get a chance for further development. The main difference between the program and its analogues is its adaptability to any age of schoolchildren. Such versatility guarantees the development of cognitive interest in the younger generation, regardless of the initial intellectual level of schoolchildren.

The main goal of the course on research and project activities is to instill in schoolchildren a love of scientific activity. The main tools for implementing the plans are: methodological programs, innovative pedagogical technologies. Despite the variety of techniques developed for working with schoolchildren after school hours, the leading positions belong to differentiated learning, game technology, and the project method.

At the introductory lesson, schoolchildren receive an understanding of the importance of research, its varieties, focus, and the specifics of using the results obtained while working in the school laboratory. The teacher explains to his students the rules for putting forward a hypothesis, setting a goal, and identifying research objectives. In addition, special attention is paid to the rules of the experiment. For example, a teacher explains to schoolchildren the importance of conducting a series of experiments (at least three) in order to talk about the reliability of the result obtained. It is within the framework of additional education that the younger generation is introduced to mathematical processing of results and the search for measurement errors. Research conducted outside of class hours is not limited to practical classes. Children who participate in such clubs or circles learn to present the results of their own experiments, that is, they gain public defense skills. Statistics show that those students who, while studying at an educational school, paid attention to project and research activities become more successful, it is easier for them to study in higher educational institutions, and they easily adapt to life in modern society. In addition to work in the laboratory, projects and research can also be carried out on the basis of humanities disciplines. Various sociological studies related to the study of the personal qualities of adolescents are especially relevant and interesting for modern schoolchildren. Such experiments also have certain requirements, which children become familiar with as part of modern additional education programs.


Without a developed system of extracurricular education, the formation of a full-fledged personality is impossible. That is why recently they have begun to pay such serious attention to the development of centers of additional education. One of the key points regarding the modern teacher standard, which is currently being discussed, is the implementation of additional education programs, that is, working with children in addition to regular lessons. Tourism and local history activities are currently considered the most common areas of additional education. Teachers are trying to instill in the younger generation a love for their native land and develop domestic tourism. The problem of spiritual and moral education is of particular importance in modern society. Various military-patriotic studios and associations are emerging, for which such words as duty, honor, conscience are key. Tourist and environmental clubs and studios mainly operate on the basis of tourism centers and sports schools. The system of additional education in regular educational schools is gradually being modernized, aimed at developing the child’s personality.

Natalia Polednova
Writing methods and requirements for additional education programs

Federal Law "About education» Article 2.

P. 9) educational program- a set of basic characteristics education(volume, content, planned results, organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, academic calendar, work subject programs, courses, disciplines (modules, other components, as well as assessment and teaching materials;

P. 14) additional education - type of education which is aimed at comprehensive satisfaction educational needs person in the intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and (or) professional development and is not accompanied by an increase in the level education;

Continuing education program is developed by the teacher, discussed at the institution’s pedagogical council and approved by the head.

Structure programs:

1. Title page.

2. Explanatory note.

3. Educational and thematic plan.

6. List of references.

Design and content of structural elements programs

1. On the title page are indicated:

Name of the institution;

Where, when and by whom was it approved? program;

Name programs, you can also indicate the direction;

Age of children for whom it is intended program;

Implementation period programs;

Name of the city, locality in which it is sold program;

Year of development programs.


2. In the Explanatory Note (1-2 sheets, should be opened without headings, continuous text:

It is recommended to start an explanatory note with an introduction - a brief description of the subject, its significance and pedagogical rationale. In the introductory part, you can present information regarding this type of activity, art, its history, regions of distribution, and the like. It is necessary to justify the essence of the current situation, access to social reality and children's needs.

Focus programs

Additional educational programs may have the following focus: 1. Artistic and aesthetic; 2. Military-patriotic; 3. Scientific and technical; 4. Physical education and sports; 5. Ecological and biological; 6. Natural science; 7. Social and pedagogical; 8. Cultural; 9. Sports and technical; 10. Tourism and local history.

For example:

Program arts and crafts "Bead" artistic orientation, aimed at reviving folk crafts, developing children's interest in folk art and nurturing patriotism.

Novelty additional educational program involves: - new solution to problems additional education; - new teaching methods; - new pedagogical technologies in conducting classes; - innovations in the forms of diagnostics and summing up implementation results programs, etc. d.

Relevance programs- this is the answer to the question why modern children in modern conditions need specific program. Relevance may be based: - on the analysis of social problems; - based on scientific research materials; - on the analysis of teaching experience; - on the analysis of children's or parental demand for additional educational services; - on modern requirements system modernization education; - on potential educational institution; - on the social order of the municipal education and other factors. Pedagogical expediency emphasizes the pragmatic importance of the relationship between the built system of processes of training, development, education and their provision. In this part of the explanatory note, it is necessary to give a reasoned justification for pedagogical actions within the framework additional educational program, and specifically, in accordance with the goals and objectives of the selected forms, methods and means of educational activities and organizations educational process.

For example:

In creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality, developing motivation for knowledge and creativity, introducing universal human values, preventing antisocial behavior, creating conditions for social, cultural self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality, his integration into the system of world and domestic cultures, strengthening mental and physical children’s health, interaction between teacher and family)

A goal is what they strive for, what they want to achieve, to realize. A goal is specific, characterized qualitatively, and where possible, quantitatively, image of what is desired(expected) a result that can realistically be achieved by a certain point in time. To set a goal required preliminary analysis educational level and characteristics of children, characteristics of the region, environment, etc.

Goal and tasks programs(triune) Goals and objectives additional programs first, is to provide training, development and education. The goal must be set specific, feasible, and not global, which should be clarified and revealed in the tasks.

Purpose programs«….» is:

Formation (training…., development, education….

Objectives are a breakdown of a goal into stages. In tasks, like goals, you cannot use verbs teach, develop and educate, since these processes are long-term and sometimes last a lifetime, it would be correct writing verbs training, development, education.











The task is what requires fulfillment, permissions. (S. I. Ozhegov Dictionary of the Russian language.) The tasks of a circle or association are ways and means of achieving a goal step by step, i.e. tactics of pedagogical actions. - educational objectives, that is, answering the question of what he will learn, what he will understand, what ideas he will receive, what he will master, what the student will learn after mastering program; - developmental tasks, that is, related to the development of creative abilities, capabilities, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech, volitional qualities, etc. and indicate the development of key competencies that will be emphasized during training; - educational tasks, that is, answering the question of what values, relationships, and personal qualities will be formed in students. Tasks should be formulated in a single key, adhering to the same grammatical language in all formulations. forms: Verbs Nouns promote help develop development introduce familiarize educate upbringing teach training form formation provide provision support support expand expansion 7 deepen deepening introduce acquaintance provide opportunity, etc. providing opportunity, etc.

For example:

Target programs: formation of experience in mastering technologies for manufacturing arts and crafts products, development of creative abilities, education of patriotism and morality.



Acquaintance with the history of the emergence and development of different types of crafts;


Development imaginative thinking;

Development of individuality in solving creative problems;


Fostering a respectful and caring attitude towards folk art;

Cultivation of strong-willed and labor qualities of the individual;

Upbringing healthy lifestyle needs.

Distinctive features of this programs

Here such features as individualization or differentiation of training, integration with the general education, its principles and special or modern methods teaching or technology. Maybe, program is a social order of parents or an institution. Perhaps she written based on standard programs or copyrighted developments, but processed, modified or adapted, etc.


No. 1 Distinctive features programs is that that she written based on a standard program on folk crafts, but new sections on beadwork and tatting have been introduced, and a large place is devoted to the study of color science and composition.

No. 2 A distinctive feature of this programs, is that the child has the right to study, of his choice, proposed in crafts program, in accordance with your interests and needs. Mandatory sections programs What remains are composition, color science, and the history of arts and crafts.

Age of children for whom it is intended program and the deadline for its implementation

For example:

IN program Children from 4 to 7 years old participate.

Implementation period 3 year programs.

Forms and mode of classes

For example

Classes are held

1 year of training - 2 times a week for 2 hours

2nd year of study - 3 times a week for 2 hours

Forms of classes - communication of new material, consolidation of it in practice, excursions.

Expected results and ways to determine their effectiveness

To write This section needs to be returned to the tasks and analyzed. Knowledge and skills are the result of problem solving.

For example:

Target programs: training in technologies for manufacturing arts and crafts products.



Acquaintance with the history of the emergence and development of different types of crafts;

Studying the basics of color science and composition;

Studying the basics of design from various materials.

As a result of implementation programs first year students

will know:

Fundamentals of safety and fire safety;

Rules for organizing the workplace;

A brief history of arts and crafts;

Theoretical information about the studied technologies.

Be able to:

Use safety knowledge in your work;

Apply the basics of color science in practice;

Carry out simple products in the studied types of arts and crafts according to sample

As a result of implementation programs first year students

will know:

Be able to:

The effectiveness of the training will be checked…. (for example, surveys, tests, etc. that is, your diagnostics)

The forms of summing up will be (for example, holidays, exhibitions, competitions, competitions, etc.)


No. List of sections, topics Theory

hours Practice

hours Total

total total total

The educational and thematic plan should not contain specific works, only technologies and directions. This is due to the fact that programs work for several years, during this period many other songs may appear, samples, the children’s interest will change and they will not want to sing this particular song, or sew this particular toy.

For example:

Here each topic is covered in theory and practice (no hours indicated) in the nominative case through a brief description of sections and topics within sections.

Title of the topic (numbering, number and name of sections and topics must coincide with the listed sections and topics of the curriculum);

Telegraphic style lists all the questions that reveal the topic (without techniques) ;

Indicate basic theoretical concepts (no description) and practical activities of students in the classroom;

When excursions, game activities, leisure and public events are included in the additional educational program, the content indicates the topic and location of each excursion, game, event, etc.

It is important that specific works or works are not indicated here, because children should have a choice.

Methodological support of the program

Your base is written here (illustrations, game development, conversations, samples, manuals, diagnostic tests, etc.) as well as a separate list of materials and equipment.


Literature is recorded in alphabetical order with all output data.

Reference lists must contain a list of publications, including those published in the previous five years: - in general pedagogy; - By methodology this type of activity; - By education methods; 14 - in general and developmental psychology; - on the theory and history of the chosen type of activity; - published educational methodological and teaching aids. The list of specified literature should reflect the level and breadth of the teacher’s theoretical preparedness in this area.

For example:

1. Boguslavskaya Z. M., Smirnova E. O. Educational games for primary preschool children age: Book. For the teacher of children. garden -M.: Education, 1991.-207 p.

Applications to educational program

TO program Various applications can be added character:

Illustrative material on the subject of classes;

Dictionary of special terms with explanations;

Test questions and assignments;

Notes, description of classes;

Technological maps;

Finished goods, samples;

Conditions for recruiting children into the team;

Listening conditions;

Testing materials;

Memos for parents;

methodological developments for organizing individual work with children;

Scenarios for creative events;

Diagnostic materials;

Video and audio recordings, photographic materials;

Electronic resources, etc.

Educational program of additional education (recommendations for writing a program)

1. Educational program of additional education is an organizational and regulatory document that reflects the pedagogical concept in accordance with the stated goals and objectives of the activity, the conditions, methods and technologies for the implementation of goals and objectives, and the expected final result.

2. Educational program of additional education independently developed and approved by the organization implementing educational activities.

3. Educational organizations are free to determine the content of the organization, choose educational and methodological support, educational technologies according to the ones they implement educational programs.

4. Style and culture of design programs.

The style of presentation of the OPDO is formal, business-like, clear and precise.

IN program must be present:

Modernity and validity of the use of educational technology

Optimal volume programs;

Clear structure and logic of presentation.

At writing It is not allowed to use phrases that have multiple meanings, as well as spatial sentences with a complex structure.

5. Regulatory framework.

the federal law "About education In Russian federation" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012;

Ministry Order education and science of the Russian Federation from 17.10.2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational preschool standard education»;

Development concept additional education for children, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2014. No. 1726-r. ;

Ministry Order education and science of the Russian Federation from 30.08.2013 No. 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on main general education programs - educational programs of preschool education»;

Ministry Order education and science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs";

Approximate requirements for content and design (letter from the Ministry education of the Russian Federation from 11.12.2006 No. 06-1844);

“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations. SanPiN" (Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2014 No. 41);

Charter of MBDOU.

6. Design of the title page.

1) Name educational program.

2) Where, when and by whom was it approved and accepted? additional educational program.

(Accepted by the teaching council and approved by the head).

3) Title additional program.

4) Implementation period.

5) Name of the city and year of creation programs.

7. Structure educational program of additional education.

7.1. Explanatory note.


Introduction (introduction, regulatory documents, etc.)

Focus of OPDO.

Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency.

Goals and objectives of the OPDP.

Distinctive features of this programs from existing ones.

Implementation deadlines programs.

Forms and mode of classes.

Expected results and ways to check them.

Forms for summing up the implementation of the OPDO (exhibitions, events, competitions, etc.).

7.2. Syllabus.

A document defining the list, labor intensity, sequence and distribution of academic subjects over periods of study.

7.3. Calendar training schedule.

Component of OPDO. This is a set of basic characteristics education and determines the number of school weeks and the number of school days, the beginning and end of classes and the school year.

7.4. Workers programs.

Compiled in accordance with the requirements specified in the letter of the Ministry of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2006. No. 06-1844 “Approximate requirements for content and design educational programs for additional education of children»

1. Title page

2. Explanatory note

3. Educational and thematic plan

5. Methodological support additional educational program

6. References

7.5. Methodological materials.

Development of lesson plans, games, conversations, hikes, excursions, competitions, etc.;

Methodological developments and manuals;

Didactic aids (cards, handouts, workbooks, etc.);

Description of techniques and methods for organizing the educational process;

Technical equipment;

Thematic selection of materials, lyrics, poems, scripts, games, etc.

Publications on the topic:

Methodological recommendations for writing a work program for a preschool teacher The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ establishes the meaning of the teacher’s work program.

Methodological support for the program of additional education for children “The Magic World of Modeling” IV. Methodological support of the program All types of activities that develop personality are used in the work: work, cognition, teaching, communication.

Educational program for additional education for children “Colored Palms” In modern aesthetic and pedagogical literature, the essence of artistic education is understood as the formation of an aesthetic attitude.

Educational program for additional education for children “I want to know everything” The modern educational process is a search for new, more effective technologies designed to promote the development of creative abilities.

Educational program for additional education for children “Musical Theater Domisolka” Explanatory note Music guides you through life! Yes, yes, of course, music! The most beautiful music! The usual seven notes. Additional educational.

Topic: “Requirements for the development and content of additional general education programs in the context of the requirements of state educational policy.”

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” additional education is a type of education that is aimed at comprehensively satisfying a person’s educational needs in the intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and (or) professional improvement and is not accompanied by an increase in the level of education.

Additional education of children is a current direction of development of an educational organization, part of the main educational program of an educational organization.

Purpose of additional education – provisionindividual rights to development and self-realization, expanding opportunities to meet the diverse interests of children and their families,development of the motivational potential of the individual and the innovative potential of society, ensuring social solidarity.

Educational organizations implement additional general education programs – additional general developmental programs.

The content of additional general education (general developmental) programs and the terms of study for them are determined by the educational program developed by the organization and approved by the head of the organization.

The structure, scope of the additional general education program, conditions for its implementation must comply with the requirements established by the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2006 No. 06-1844 “On approximate requirements for additional education programs for children” (Appendix 1 to the instructional and methodological letter).

The timing of approval of additional general education programs is determined by the quality standards of municipal services.

Responsibility for the organization and implementation of educational activities in additional general education (general developmental) programs, employment of students and pupils in additional education lies with the head and administration of the educational organization, teaching staff carrying out activities in additional general education (general developmental) programs.

Administration of educational institution :

    organizes the development and approval of additional general education (general developmental) programs, carries outtheirreview ofrelevance, compliance of the selected forms and technologies with the age characteristics of students;

    controls the implementation of additional general education (general development) programs in full;

    controls the implementation of intermediate and final certificationstudents in additional general education programs;

    controls the employment of students in additional education, as well as the employment of students in additional education who are registered with the authorities of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency,for the purpose of organizing leisure and employment of minors, forming their law-abiding behavior in accordance with Art. 14 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.”

Additional education teachers, trainers and teachers :

    develop and implement additional general education (general development) programs;

    are responsible forimplementation in full of additional general education (general development) programs;

Class teachers of educational organizations and teachers of preschool groups:

    conduct explanatory work among parents (legal representatives) of students about the goals, objectives, and importance of additional education in the development of the child, inform the parent community about the infrastructure of municipal institutions that carry out educational activities in additional general education programs;

    carry out activities to attract students to additional education groups;

    carry out an analysis of student employment in the additional education system;

    fill out individual student employment records in additional education and extracurricular activities in accordance with orders on the formation of groups of students in an educational organization, as well as on the basis of information on student employment received in accordance with the Regulationsinformation interaction on accounting for the employment of students of general education institutions in the municipal system of additional education.

According to the approximate requirements for the structure of the additional general education program An additional general education program, as a rule, includes the following structural elements:

  • title page,

    explanatory note,

    educational and thematic plan,

    content of the course being studied,

    calendar and thematic planning,

    methodological support for the additional general education program,


Now let’s take a closer look at the design and content of the structural elements of the additional general education program

1. It is recommended to indicate on the title page:

    name of the educational organization;

    where, when and by whom the additional general education program was approved;

    name of the additional general education program;

    the age of the children for whom the additional general education program is designed;

    number of hours per year;

    implementation period of the additional general education program;

    the name of the city in which the additional general education program is implemented;

    a year of development of an additional general education program.

2. The explanatory note to the program should disclose:

    the focus of the additional general education program;

    novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency;

    the purpose and objectives of the additional general education program;

    distinctive features of this additional general education program from existing educational programs;

    the age of the children participating in the implementation of this additional general education program;

    timing of the implementation of the additional general education program (duration of the educational process, stages);

    forms and mode of classes;

    expected results of mastering the program;

    forms and timing of intermediate and final certification (tests, surveys, exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational and research conferences, etc.).

3. The educational and thematic plan of the additional general education program contains:

    list of sections, topics;

    number of hours on each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes.

4. The content of the additional general education program can be reflected through a brief description of the topics (theoretical and practical types of classes).

5. Thematic calendar planning contains information about:

    the name of the section of the additional general education program;

    the topic of the lesson conducted within a particular section;

    the number of hours required to master the topic;

    the planned date of the lesson;

    actual date of the lesson.

6. Methodological support for the additional general education program contains:

    description of specific approaches and forms of classes planned for each topic or section;

    description of techniques and methods for organizing the educational process, didactic material, technical equipment for classes;

    providing methodological types of products (game development, planning conversations, hikes, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.);

    didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, topics of experimental or research work, etc.

7. List of used literature.

This section includes:

List of literature used by the teacher to prepare classes;

List of scientific literature that expands a teacher’s horizons on:

a) general pedagogy;

b) the methodology of this type of activity and education;

c) didactics;

d) general and developmental psychology;

e) theories and history of the chosen type of activity;

g) list of audio and video recordings, etc.;

A separate list of literature for children and parents on the subject of classes (to expand the range of educational impact and help parents in teaching and raising a child).

The list of references is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

I have prepared for you a folder “For Seminar Participants”, which includes my speech, presentation, as well as regulatory documents regulating the organization of educational activities in additional general education (general development) programs in educational organizations. There are a lot of them and they don’t fit on two slides, so I’ve prepared them for you in a separate file.

According to the Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children, one of the principles for the design and implementation of additional general education programs is the multi-level nature of programs.( The relevance of the development of these methodological recommendations is due to one of the reasons for the design and implementation of additional general education programs, which is indicated in the Concept for the development of additional education for children, approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2014. No. 1726-r, as well as Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (in particular, Article 75 “Additional education of children and adults”) and the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science Russia) dated August 29, 2013 N 1008 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs”).

The basis for different levels when designing additional education programs realizes the right of every child to master competencies, knowledge and skills at an individual pace, volume and complexity. Such programs provide all children with the opportunity to study, regardless of abilities and level of general development. Multi-level understanding means adherence to principles in the development and implementation of additional education programs that make it possible to take into account different levels of development and different degrees of mastery of content by children. Such programs involve the implementation of parallel processes of mastering the content of the program at its different levels of depth, accessibility and degree of complexity based on the diagnostics and complex of starting capabilities of each of the participants in the program under consideration.

The content and material of the additional education program for children should be organized according to the principle of differentiation in accordance with the following levels of complexity:

1. The starting level of the program is for children 5-10 years old. It involves the use and implementation of publicly available and universal forms of organizing the material, and the minimum complexity of the program content proposed for mastering.

2. The basic level of the program is for children 10-15 years old. It involves the use and implementation of such forms of organization of material that allow the development of specialized knowledge and language, and are guaranteed to ensure the transmission of a general and holistic picture, within the framework of the content and thematic direction of the program.

3. Advanced level of the program - for children 12-18 years old. It involves the use of forms of organizing material that provide access to complex (possibly highly specialized) and non-trivial sections within the framework of the content and thematic area of ​​the program. It also involves an in-depth study of the content of the program and access to near-professional and professional knowledge within the framework of the content and thematic area of ​​the program.

Each program participant must have the right to initial access to any of the presented levels, which is realized through the organization of conditions and procedures for assessing the participant’s initial equipment (where one or another degree of readiness to master the content and material of the level declared by the participant is determined).

Educational material differentiated by appropriate levels can be offered in different forms and types of sources for participants in the educational program. It is proposed to provide for the placement of methodological and didactic materials on resources on the information and communication network “Internet” (hereinafter referred to as the “Internet” network) when developing and implementing an educational program; in printed form (Textbooks, workbooks, teaching aids, etc.); in machine-readable form, in a format accessible for reading on electronic devices (on personal computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. in formats *pdf, * doc, * docxetc.); in a visual form, through models, prototypes and real objects and means of activity.

Each of the three levels should assume universal accessibility to children with any type and type of psychophysiological characteristics. In turn, the program material should take into account the health characteristics of those children who may experience difficulty reading, listening or performing any manipulations with the material offered to them.

Since September 1, 2016, a center for additional education on working with gifted children has been opened in our gymnasium.

Key idea The creation of the Center for Additional Education for Gifted Children is “enriched education,” that is, CE programs are developed taking into account the perspective of continuity, when an educational chain is built from class to extracurricular activities and into additional education, from preschooler to high school student, and then to high school student. For example, in the preschool department there is a starting-level program “Robotics for Kids”, in the pro-gymnasium there is a basic level program “Modeling the World”, in the gymnasium there is an advanced level program “Modeling the World: Robotics”. The artistic creativity studio of the pro-gymnasium continues in the advanced level programs “Techno-graphics” and “Techno-park”. The radio line in the pro-gymnasium has its continuation in the gymnasium, this is the advanced level program “Event Design: TV Studio”.

2. Individual diagnostic tools

When developing a program, it is necessary to rely on six types of defined levels, which can reflect the individual characteristics of the student, namely:

1. Level of psychophysical development;

2. Level of motivation;

3. Level of intellectual development;

4. Level of awareness and erudition in relation to general knowledge and the content of the program being developed in particular;

5. The level of development of certain competencies (determined depending on the content and thematic focus of the program being developed);

6. The level of development of one or another literacy (informational, functional, linguistic, etc. Determined depending on the content and thematic focus of the program being developed).

One or another of the presented levels can be subject to diagnostic assessment, which is carried out through the following forms and methods:

1. Testing and questioning;

2. In-depth interview;

3. Complexes of psychological diagnostics;

4. Logical and problem tasks;

5. Business, simulation and modeling, role-playing, organizational and activity games;

6. Student portfolio;

7. Essay;

8. Case method;

9. Creative tasks, etc.

Diagnostic procedures must have a direct connection with the content and thematic direction of the program. The definition of the levels listed in this section should have correlations with certain levels of content and material (see section 1).

Of particular importance may be forms that require the participant to describe his own individual educational program, formulate educational and educational goals, determine the mechanisms for achieving them, etc. Such forms make it possible to assess the level of a student’s claim to master a particular level and determine the degree of their correspondence with the actual level of development through the passage of certain assessment procedures (see section 3).

When developing regulations and content of diagnostic procedures, it is advisable to use several methods and forms within one diagnostic section in order to achieve more objective results. It is important to be able to diagnose a participant through his manifestations of different types of actions - natural-active and emotional-sensory manifestations (through games and lively conversation), intellectual-mental (through setting tasks and written works), author-creative (through creative tasks). To achieve the most transparent and objective results, it is desirable to involve specialists with psychological qualifications.

Everything in our world is being modernized, improved, and education does not stand aside; today we are already talking about a “new model of the system of additional education for children”: the development of open additional education - intensive modular programs of additional education, as a new step to self-expression and self-improvement (the strategic initiative is aimed on the formation of a sustainable multi-level system of out-of-school work with children, based on public-private partnerships and the implementation of modern additional education programs in order to identify and develop talent in every child).

Today, to prepare a competent specialist at the beginningXXIcentury, it is no longer enough to transfer a certain amount of formalized knowledge to him, to form stable skills and ultimately test his ability to operationally apply them. In order for professional knowledge to be effectively mastered and appropriated, a graduate must have an image of his future profession, understand how the acquired knowledge and methods strengthen him as a future professional. To do this, it is necessary to introduce him, while still a student, to the basics of modern professions and practices, to ensure their exploration of these areas and the first attempts at their own activities in them even during their studies at school, in the mode of propaedeutics of future activities.

Today we have a new goal : updating theoretical and practical knowledge, improving the professional competencies of teachers in accordance with philosophy, principles and conceptsopen additional education , which imply a change in the conditions and principles for the implementation of the professional activities of teachers.

In this regard, we have new tasks, which are: :

Development andimplementation of a new generation of programs for additional education and child development, additional intensive modular programs of additional education aimed at creating a new system of motivation for children, a new model of the additional education system;

Formation of a pedagogical system that provides optimal conditions for the comprehensive development, self-determination and self-expression of the student’s personality;

- involving students in research and project activities, stimulating their interest in the field of innovation and high technology, working with gifted children.

In accordance with the set goal, a personnel school was organized in our city and district, which was aimed at updating theoretical and practical knowledge and improving the professional competencies of teachers. You are given a unique chance to come up with and develop your own, original program, to declare yourself, a program that will be interesting, first of all, to me, and then to the children, and through which I, as a teacher, can express myself and improve myself. Today, in the age of high technology, it is not modern and very boring when a child undergoes training according to a program listening only to the teacher, he is interested in the activity itself and in this process he studies both theory and practice at the same time.

So, we talked about the structure of standard general education (general developmental) programs, and now I will introduce you to the structure of general education (general developmental) modular open education programs. Let's start with how they differ.

(a module is a unit of a volumetric set of educational content and material for a specific thematic area of ​​an educational program. A module is characterized by the fact that it is quite easily integrated into other life and educational contexts of the student, eliminating one or another educational deficit that was recorded by the student himself. Thus Thus, it is advisable to say that the educational program should be presented as a module or a set of modules that reflect one or another topic relevant to the child).

According to the standard program, students are trained in the entire program throughout the entire academic year; they must complete training in sections of the program, and only then is it considered that the student has mastered the program. The educational program of open additional education should be presented as a module or a set of modules that reflect one or another topic relevant to the child, each of which has its own educational task and solves it from beginning to end. In this case, the student can undergo training in all modules of the program, or choose only the module that interests him. I have developed such a program and now in April I will be submitting it to a competition, I really hope that the experts will accept it and give a positive assessment.


Forms of such additional education programs should be extended with the following types:

- Intensive school - an educational event taking place in a deliberately limited period of time(can be organized for holidays) , using methodological forms that allow students to master large content units of material in academic subjects in a short time and carry out a complete practical test; can take place both in the mode of an on-site educational camp with a break from the main educational process, and in the mode of intensive classes within the educational institution, included in the general curriculum. Each intensive school is on-site. The duration of such a school is 3-5 days (in summer up to 20 days). Training in intensive schools does not take place in the traditional form (6 days a week, 5-6 lessons, etc.), but in an intensive one, when participants work in immersion mode for several days to master a problem or a set of problems. The modular educational program is a sequence of short-term intensive immersions, each of which develops its own aspect of the program’s theme. The main feature of the intensive school is the opportunity to develop a holistic educational and professional activity (research, design, creative, etc.) in group interaction mode. Each participant in the intensive school can become a graduate. Moreover, it does not really matter how many sessions (modules) of the program he attended. The level of mastery of those competencies that the program is aimed at developing is important. And students are offered to confirm this level through forms of defending their own product (analytical development, fully developed individual educational strategy, thesis, etc.), or participating in a debate with a supervisor, teachers, experts and tutors of the school.

- Elective courses. Programs built into a specialized school, providing pre-professional training and the formation of cross-subject competencies. Linking elective courses to the system of additional education makes it possible to ensure the possibility of such training regardless of the availability of the necessary resources at a particular secondary school.

- Social trainings for high school students. Modeling problematic situations of “adult” life and mastering patterns of effective action in these situations. Research of possible life scenarios and strategies.

- Individual support programs for record-breaking professional and life strategies. Aimed at increasing the starting opportunities and life chances of students with strong interests in various fields of science, art, business, politics, sports, etc. They make it possible to ensure equal starting opportunities for schoolchildren from various social groups, including those from impoverished living environments.

- Mass social and educational projects. Development of networks of clubs that involve a significant part of teenagers in productive, socially acceptable activities (various forms of play, volunteer movement, artistic and technical creativity)

- Summer rest children in the system of children's health camps should be considered as educational recreation; the priorities of its content should be determined by the general priorities of additional education programs.(Summer module - Educational recreation for children - a collective designation of forms of organizing leisure and recreation for children, involving the organization of events, activities, processes that ensure that children receive additional knowledge and deepen their knowledge of the basic school curriculum, design and develop the basic competencies of children, inclusion of children in modern practices and activities, as well as events, activities, processes that, due to their structure and content, ensure the recreational nature of the educational process aimed at children) .

- Vacation educational holiday - a collective designation of projects, programs, and educational recreational activities for children, designed to be implemented during the holidays, in most cases, understood as completely free time from study, allowing one to build simultaneously a recreational process and an integral system of educational activities, acting as an addition to the main and stationary additional education.

Participants in the module can be high school students and youth of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, who self-identify and show interest in one or another educational program presented in the Navigator of Educational Programs of the District.

To make it clearer to everyone what I'm talking about, I'm providing a link to the site: , where you can introduce your teachers and study in detail materials on open education, the author of which is Alexander Anatolyevich Popov - Russian scientist, author and developer of the competency-based approach in the education system and open education models, author and director of the Russian Competency Olympiad, head of the laboratory of competency-based education practices at the institute system projects , chief researcher at the Center for Innovation Networks and Educational Initiatives, Federal Institute for Educational Development , Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor , author of more than 100 scientific and journalistic works, including 5 books on the topic “Open Education”.

Agency for Strategic Initiatives. The initiative is aimed at creating a sustainable multi-level system of out-of-school work with children, based on public-private partnerships, giving people who care about the future of the country the opportunity to implement strategic projects in business, the social sphere, in the system of personnel and vocational education.

- On November 8, 2015, Russia’s first children’s technology parks “Quantorium Ugra” opened in Khanty-Mansiysk on the basis of the High Technologies Technopark and in Nefteyugansk on the basis of the Regional Youth Center.

The project was created within the framework of an agreement between the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra in accordance with the implementation of the initiative “New model of the system of additional education for children.” The corresponding agreement was signed at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum by the Governor of Ugra Natalya Komarova and ASI Director Andrei Nikitin.

In December 2016, the Children's Technopark "Kvantorium" in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk was transferred to the base of the "Regional Youth Center".

The main task of the Quantorium Children's Technology Park is to stimulate schoolchildren's interest in the field of innovation and high technology, support talented teenagers, involve students in scientific and technical creativity and popularize the prestige of engineering professions among young people.

In addition, schoolchildren had the opportunity to develop skills in practical solving of current engineering and technical problems and working with modern technology.

The autonomous institution "Regional Youth Center", created by the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, has been operating since 2009.

Interregional information and methodological center "Globus"

Network educational and methodological encyclopedia for all participants in the educational process

Foxford Online Learning Center

The additional general education program includes the following structural elements:

1. Title page

2. Explanatory note

3. Educational and thematic plan

5. Methodological support

6. References

Design and content of structural elements of the additional general education program

· full name of the educational organization indicating geographical location;

· where, when and by whom the additional general education program was approved;

· name of the additional general education program;

· age of children for whom the additional general education program is designed;

· term of implementation of the additional general education program;

· Full name, position of the developers (compilers) of the additional general education program;

· name of the city, locality in which the additional general education program is being implemented;

· a year of development of an additional general education program.

Additional general education program is normative document, characterizing the specifics and fixing a certain volume of educational content (belonging to a certain field of activity or educational field), intended for mastery by children and adolescents over a given period of time. And like any regulatory document, the program must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation.

Program considered accepted to work in an educational organization from the moment of its approval by order of the head, which is reflected in the program approval stamp on the title page indicating the date and number of the order. A sample title design is given in Appendix 1.

II. The explanatory note to the additional general education program should disclose:

· focus of the additional general education program;

· novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency;

· the purpose and objectives of the additional general education program;

· distinctive features of this additional general education program from existing programs;

· age of children participating in the implementation of this additional general education program;

· timing of the implementation of the additional general education program (duration of the educational process, stages);

· forms and mode of classes;

· expected results and methods for determining their effectiveness;

· forms for summing up the results of the implementation of an additional general education program (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational and research conferences, etc.).

Characterizing focus additional general education program, it is important to briefly but convincingly justify the program’s belonging to this particular focus.

It should be noted that the focus of the program is determined not by the area of ​​activity (chess club, dance studio, folklore group, etc.), but by the leading pedagogical idea expressed in the original concept, goals and objectives of the program.

So, for example, the program of a fencing club may not be of a physical culture and sports, but of a social and pedagogical orientation, if in setting the goal the teacher places emphasis, first of all, on nurturing the personality qualities necessary for the successful integration of the child into modern society (leadership qualities, will, the ability not to give in to life’s difficulties, etc.).

Novelty can be objective (a real innovation, previously not used anywhere or by anyone), corporate (an innovation for this particular institution), subjective (an innovation only for this teacher). Also, novelty can be determined in relation to the type of activity carried out in a given association.

The processes of integration of related areas or even different areas have great potential for producing something new in the educational program. For example, an integrated program of a chess club and a tourist association makes it possible to balance aspects of physical and intellectual education and development, as well as to develop the will of chess players to overcome difficulties, and the necessary concentration, observation and other personal qualities among tourists. Moreover, the introduction of a role-playing game into the program (for example, playing a chess game, the role of the pieces in which is played by the participants themselves, in the conditions of a counter march of two teams) definitely helps to achieve a strong pedagogical effect.

Novelty may also concern individual components of the educational program, for example, if the direction of activity is traditional, original techniques, methods, and pedagogical technologies may be used.

In the formulations you can use words that reflect the degree of novelty: “for the first time”, “specified”, “added”, “expanded”, “deepened”, briefly explain what significant contributions the compiler of the program made during its development in comparison with known analogues in content, methods and organizational forms of implementation of the proposed material.

Relevance is defined as a focus on solving the most significant problems for additional education. Relevance can be based on an analysis of social problems, scientific research materials; on the analysis of pedagogical experience, children's or parental demand, modern requirements for the modernization of education, the needs of society and social order, the potential of the educational organization, etc. It is important to find relevant, significant points for a specific additional general education program; it is necessary to explain why this particular program (its direction, type of activity) is important and relevant for modern children, for our time.

Relevance can and should be considered not only as a teacher’s personal interest in solving a given problem using the means of his area of ​​activity, but also as a personal interest in solving this problem on the part of other participants in the educational process (children, parents, school teachers, etc.).

Pedagogical feasibility - this is a reasoned justification of pedagogical techniques, the use of forms, means and methods of educational activities by the compiler (developer) of the program in accordance with the goals and objectives of additional education. It is important to show the teacher’s own views on the problem and determine the practical importance of the relationship between the built system of processes of learning, development, education and their support; the degree to which the program reflects conditions for social, cultural, professional self-determination and creative self-realization of the student’s personality; availability of innovative approaches.

Of fundamental importance for expressing the plan and constructing all content material in the text of the program is target, Therefore, in this block of the program it is important to clearly and clearly formulate the goal.

Target - this is a specific, qualitatively, and if possible, quantitatively characterized image of the desired (expected) result that the teacher can actually achieve by a clearly defined point in time, i.e. towards the completion of the educational program. It is necessary to realize that a goal is not just “an image of the desired result, but an image of a result with a fixed time for its receipt, correlated with the possibilities of obtaining it by the required deadline (realistic).

The description of the goal should contain an indication of the types of activities, reflect the development of personal qualities, as well as general and special abilities. To write the formulation, you can use “key” words: creation, development, provision, inclusion, prevention, strengthening, interaction, formation, formation, etc. The goal indicates the focus of the program; contains developmental, training and educational aspects. So, educational (subject) aspect of the goal answers the question of what he will learn, what ideas he will receive, what he will understand, what he will master, what the student will learn after mastering the program; developmental aspect of the goal associated with the development of creative abilities, capabilities, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech, volitional qualities, etc. and indicates the development of key competencies that will be emphasized in training and educational aspect of the goal is associated with the formation of certain personal qualities - what values, relationships, personal qualities will be formed in the student in the process of mastering the program.

The purpose of the general educational general development program of additional education for children involves the identification of long-term and intermediate goals if the program is designed for more than one year of study.

For example, a common goal: promoting the development of a socially active, creative, successful personality in the context of the editorial office of a children's publication.

The goal of the first year of study: to promote the development of the young journalist’s activity competence through immersion in the work of the children’s editorial office and familiarization with the basics of journalism.

The goal of the second year: to create conditions for the development of communicative competence in a young journalist by expanding social connections and creating a situation of success in the role of a member of the editorial board.

The goal of the third year program: to promote the development of personal competencies in students in conditions of independent work in the role of editor (shift editor) of a children's, adolescent and youth publication.

The purpose of the fourth year program is to create conditions for the development of students' social competence, their self-determination and self-realization in the cultural, social and professional journalistic environment of the city and region.

The goal of the fifth year: creating conditions for creative self-realization of students in the cultural, social and professional journalistic environment of the city, region and the Russian Federation, their professional and personal self-determination.

Tasks the program should contain as much as is needed to achieve the goal. Objectives must be logically consistent with the goal and demonstrate step-by-step its achievement. The excess of assigned tasks raises doubts about the possibility of solving them within the framework of a specific additional educational program.

To formulate a task means to indicate the direction of the teacher’s efforts to obtain an “image of result” by a fixed period of time (goal).

We recommend that you remember that the objectives of the additional education program for children cover not only and not so much training (transmission of knowledge, skills, ideals and values, study of specific subject information material, familiarization with the basics of science), but rather activities to involve them in creative, exploratory work. -research activities, active communication, the process of accumulating emotional-value and communicative experience, mastering algorithms for solving problems, methods of activity, conscious expansion of one’s knowledge base, potential abilities and needs.

When choosing the formulation of program objectives, the initial “key” words are most often used: promote, support, provide, introduce, provide an opportunity, help, develop, educate, train, form, introduce, expand, support, involve, etc.

If the program has a implementation period of more than one year, it is advisable to set tasks for each year of study.

Distinctive features. In this section, you should justify the uniqueness of the program, the principles for selecting content, key concepts, and indicate how the program differs from those already existing in this area. There may be differences in the setting of educational objectives, in the construction of the curriculum, in the content of classes, in the literature used by the developer, and in the stated basic ideas on which the program is based. Accordingly, the teacher must possess information and have a broad outlook on the available literature on this type of activity. This section of the explanatory note can be logically combined with the section “Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency.”

Age of students participating in the implementation of the program. This section provides a description of the age-psychological characteristics of students, substantiates the principles of group formation, the number of students in a group (Appendix No. 1 “Recommended composition and area of ​​premises in additional education organizations” to SanPiN The program developer needs to determine the group of children for whom the additional general education program is intended:

· age

· degree of preliminary preparation

· the expected composition of the groups is the same age or different ages)

· the level of education

· degree of formation of interests and motivation for a given subject area

· availability of abilities

· physical health of children, etc., that is, indicate the characteristic characteristics of children that will be taken into account when recruiting for training.

The feasibility of a group of different ages can be justified, indicating the characteristics of working with each age. Information may be given about the special category of children for whom the program is intended (children with disabilities, children who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, etc.), the size of the groups, the conditions for accepting children (the conditions for additional enrollment of children may be indicated). Thus, students who are not studying in the group of the first year of study, but have successfully passed an interview or other tests (for example, entrance testing, interviews, auditions, etc.) can be enrolled in associations of the second and subsequent years of study.

Timing of the program .

This section of the explanatory note indicates the duration of the educational process, duration of study and hours of study for each year. Can be stages are highlighted, the level of the program is determined. Variability in the duration of the program is allowed in any year of study. This variability of training is justified, and the need for this variability for students is indicated. For example, the duration of training in 1 year can be 72 hours, or 108 hours, or 144 hours, depending on the psychological readiness for learning, the physical level or intellectual level of students’ readiness to master the program, etc. At the same time, the level of training of students can be determined based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics both during the initial recruitment into the group and during the training process according to the program.

In order to increase the coverage of children aged 5 to 18 years studying in additional general education programs to 75%, it is recommended to implement programs at introductory, basic and advanced levels, and also provide for the implementation short-term programs(from 16 to 72 hours), including in the “intensive” format, or use when developing a program modular-block construction principle.

Realizable at an introductory level additional general education programs create conditions for intensive social adaptation of children and are aimed at increasing the child’s psychological readiness for inclusion in educational activities, diagnosing the level of his general and special abilities, creating comfortable conditions for the subsequent identification of preferences and choice of type of activity in additional education, which helps parents in establishing a constructive position in the upbringing and development of the child, taking into account his interests and abilities.

Additional general education programs basic level aimed at mastering a certain type of activity, deepening and developing their interests and skills, expanding the range of specialized classes in various disciplines; formation of sustainable motivation for the chosen type of activity; formation of special knowledge and practical skills, development of the child’s creative abilities. During the learning process, basic knowledge, skills and abilities are accumulated, which not only contributes to the success of learning, but also creates opportunities to master creative, productive, project and educational and research activities.

Advanced level includes programs that involve building an individual trajectory for further personal, creative, cultural and professional self-determination of students. Learning occurs through participation in research, creative, productive and search activities. This level is focused on the development and professional development of the individual.

Under "intensives" it should be understood as a form of implementation of an additional general education program in which the maximum formation of a certain social experience occurs in a limited time period. Organizational forms of implementing intensive courses can be temporary associations for the preparation and holding of individual events: search and scientific research, holidays, projects, promotions, multi-day hikes, sightseeing trips, expeditions, etc.

Modular-block principle building an additional general education program involves compiling a program from independent integral blocks. In this case, the educational process is divided into separate modules on any basis (according to the level of mastery, content), then a diagram map is drawn up, within which these modules are arranged depending on the purpose of the activity.

Thus, the duration of the program will depend on the level of the program, the format of implementation, the principle of constructing the program, the focus and complexity of the goal.

Form and mode of classes. This section of the explanatory note indicates the duration and number of classes per week, the number of study hours per year (with all options and justification for choosing an option), the duration of the study hour and rest time, as well as the forms of organizing the activities of students.

Forms of education for additional general education programs are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2013 No. 1008). Possible forms of organization of activities: individual, group, work in units, in microgroups, pairs, etc.

The forms of organizing students’ activities should be distinguished from the forms of conducting classes, which are recommended to be chosen taking into account the level of program implementation. Approximate forms of conducting classes: lectures and stories, entertaining games, quizzes, contests, competitions, holidays, theatrical performances, trips to the cinema, theater, concert hall, exhibition, etc., excursions, conversations, discussions, debates, collective creative activities, rallies, gatherings, role-playing and business games, research projects, tourist trips, labor landings, social projects, socially modeling games, tourism and local history, search, environmental, folklore expeditions, socially oriented labor, environmental, civil-patriotic, volunteer, etc. shares and other forms.

Expected results and ways to determine their effectiveness. The expected (predicted) result is a specific characteristic of the knowledge, skills and abilities that the student will master. The expected result must be correlated with the purpose and objectives of training, development, and education. ( If the teacher has set the task “to teach expressive reading,” then the results should include “the student will learn to read expressively”). In this section it is necessary to characterize subject, personal and meta-subject results; develop a system for assessing subject, personal and meta-subject learning outcomes and the dynamics of personal development. The results are formulated clearly and specifically: the acquired knowledge, skills and personality traits of the student are listed.

In addition, it is necessary to determine how students will demonstrate the acquired knowledge and skills in the program and their achievements.

The following can be used tracking methods effectiveness:

· pedagogical observation;

· pedagogical analysis results of questionnaires, testing, tests, mutual assessments, surveys, students completing diagnostic tasks, participating in events (concerts, quizzes, competitions, performances), defending projects, solving search problems, student activity in classes, etc.

· pedagogical monitoring, including control tasks and tests, diagnostics of personal growth and advancement, questionnaires, pedagogical feedback, keeping a logbook or pedagogical diary, maintaining an assessment system, etc.;

· monitoring of children's educational activities, including student self-assessment, maintaining grade books, keeping a student’s creative diary, preparing sheets of an individual educational route, preparing a photo report, etc.

The following performance tracking methods can be used as a means to:

· Initial or entry diagnostics. It is carried out to determine the level of development of children (as a rule, these are the first classes in September; this formulation is taken into account in the USP, recorded in the journal and is in the program as an appendix).

· Current diagnostics in order to determine the degree to which students have mastered the educational material (options: at the end of each lesson, topic or section).

· Intermediate diagnostics– for the purpose of determining learning outcomes (can be carried out at the end of each semester).

· Final diagnostics– in order to determine changes in the level of development of children, their creative abilities (at the end of the program implementation period).

Summing up forms The implementation of an additional general education program is needed to demonstrate the reliability of the results obtained from mastering the program, to conduct a timely analysis of the activities of the teacher, parents, educational authorities, etc. These documentary forms, reflecting the achievements of each student, can be presented in the form of diaries of student achievements, cards for assessing the results of mastering the program, diaries of pedagogical observations, student portfolios, etc.

To summarize the work on a topic, section, module, the following can be used: non-documentary forms(exhibition, concert, open lesson, demonstration of children's achievements (models, performances, works, etc.), game, reflection, etc.). However, when using such forms of summing up, it is recommended to reflect the result obtained in documentary form - prepare an analytical report on the results of the event, make an entry in the pedagogical observation diary, etc.

III. The educational and thematic plan of the additional general education program contains:

· List of sections, topics;

· Number of hours on each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes.

The USP reflects the content of the program and reveals the sequence of topics studied. The USP is compiled in accordance with the stated deadlines and stages for the entire period of study, and is presented in the form of a table (Appendix 2). The USP determines the number of hours on each topic, divided into theoretical and practical classes (may include forms of work and control). The program developer has the right to independently distribute hours by topic within the established time, paying attention to the fact that practical classes should prevail over theoretical ones.

The curriculum is drawn up for each year of study and reflects its features. The educational and thematic plan does not need to be turned into lesson planning, since the educational program is designed for more than one year of work of the children's association, and therefore the main sections and topics are indicated in the plan. In the program, the curriculum is consistently specified in content.

It is very important for the teacher to know how much time (classes) is allocated for each individual section or topic. Thus, the volume of material offered to students for a given number of lessons may differ between two programs by different authors in the same disciplines, even in the same educational organization.

IV. The content of the additional general education program is reflected through a brief, abstract description of topics (theoretical and practical types of classes).

In accordance with the Concept for the development of additional education for children at the present stage The content of additional educational programs is focused on:

· creating the necessary conditions for students’ personal development, positive socialization and professional self-determination;

· meeting the individual needs of students in intellectual, artistic, aesthetic, moral development, as well as in physical education and sports, scientific and technical creativity;

· formation and development of students’ creative abilities, identification, development and support of talented students;

· ensuring spiritual, moral, civic, patriotic, and labor education of students;

· creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle, strengthening the health of students;

· training of sports reserve and high-class athletes in accordance with federal standards of sports training, including students with disabilities and disabled children.

The material in this section of the explanatory note is presented in a logical order, in accordance with the curriculum. When formatting the text, you should not omit the names of sections and topics, as this significantly complicates the perception of the program text and forces you to constantly refer to the curriculum.

Contents of classes is presented as an abstract description of each topic according to the USP: in the theoretical part, the educational material is revealed in detail and represents the amount of information that the student can master; in practical - the forms of practical activity of children are listed. Depending on the direction of activity and the level of the program, it is recommended to highlight structural blocks in the content of classes that reflect the variety of educational tasks solved by means of this educational program. For example, in dance programs it is necessary to show various types of classes directly related to dance (general physical training, classes at the barre, in the center of the hall, classical movements, dance structure, etc.), as well as group classes aimed at developing relationships, mastering the stage, mass protests, etc.

V. Methodological support for the additional general education program includes:

· forms, techniques and methods of organizing the educational process,

· providing the program with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, hikes, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.);

· didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, topics of experimental or research work, etc.

· material and technical equipment of classes,

· other conditions for the implementation of the program.

In this section the programs are revealed teacher's working methods, organizational forms of classes planned for each topic or section are described features of the organization of the educational process, approaches and technologies for solving problems of developing a child’s creative potential, techniques and methods.

It is advisable to describe the structure of a typical lesson, taking into account health-saving components: organizational aspects, dynamic pauses, physical education minutes, room ventilation, short breaks. In addition, descriptions and examples of game activities, plans for competitions, tests, that is, those forms of work that allow children to master the material most effectively, can be provided here.

Methodological support also includes various diagnostic techniques, used by the teacher during classes with children.

When describing material and technical base For the implementation of the program, it is recommended to indicate all the necessary components:

· information about the premises in which classes are held (classroom, computer class, workshop, laboratory, choreography class, sports or assembly halls, etc.);

· information about the availability of utility rooms (storage rooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, etc.);

· a list of equipment for the classroom, office (blackboard, tables and chairs for students and the teacher, cabinets and racks for storing teaching aids and educational materials, mirrors, decorations, costumes, etc.);

· a list of equipment necessary for conducting classes (machines, sports equipment, sewing machines, special devices, microphones, mixing consoles, etc.).

TO other conditions implementation of the program can be attributed personnel conditions(for example, what specific subject knowledge should a teacher begin to implement this additional general education program), information and methodological conditions (electronic educational resources, information technology, use of the infrastructure of the institution and the region: libraries, museums, etc.)

VI. Bibliography. The last block of the program is a bibliography, which should be quite extensive. It should include both literature used to prepare classes and scientific literature that reflects different views on the subject of the program, regardless of the personal position of the program developer.

The list of references has 2 sections: required literature and additional literature. A separate list of literature for children can also be compiled on the subject of classes (to expand the range of educational impact and help parents in teaching and raising a child). The list of scientific literature includes literature on general pedagogy, methods of this type of activity and education, didactics, general and developmental psychology, theory and history of the chosen type of activity, published textbooks, a list of video and audio recordings, etc. The purpose of this section is to: to show the level and breadth of theoretical preparedness.

The list of references must be up-to-date and compiled for different categories of participants in the educational process. The design of the bibliography must comply with modern requirements for the design of bibliographic references.