Where do I see the beauty of the world around me? Where do I see the beauty of the world?

– Hello, hello, Lena Pena, aka Cassandra! How are you feeling in general?
- Normal, Sunday stuff...

- Yeah, that is, Monday? I’ve been reading you on Facebook for a hundred years and I remember that on Sunday you have Monday... Almost like the Strugatskys: Monday begins on Sunday...
- A-ah-ah... Well, yes... Let Erica purr a little here, she is very purring...
(Erica’s velvety purring is heard in the headphones. Now on the other end of the line you can hear two cats at once, because Elena’s own voice surprisingly resembles purring).

– So, questions... In fact, I follow your work quite closely, and I got the impression that in the artistic world of Elena Vizerskaya there are only women and there is no place for men. Are you a feminist?
– (laughs) I don’t even know what the word “feminist” stands for, so no... It just so happens that I see beauty more in women than in men. I don’t know what to do with men on camera, how to treat them. But, in principle, I have nothing against them (laughs).

- Don’t have it? But I remember your post two years ago about the fact that you don’t understand the meaning of sex, for example. Well, what do people find in this endless sticking in and out... Has your opinion changed since then?
– Yes, I know what they find in sex... (Almost a minute of purring laughter).

– You yourself act as a model in a huge number of your works, and the images are different every time: now a playful cat, now a seductive nymph, now such a half-girl, half-boy of androgenic nature... What are you really like, what is close to you? And what do you mean by sexuality?
- I see. I can’t say what I really am, because there are so many people living inside me. What kind of person comes out today, that’s what I will be... And what is sexuality... I don’t know how to express it verbally, I know how to express it visually...

– In general, you just need to look at your work, all the answers are in them.
- Yes.

– What advice would you give to those girls and boys who dream of becoming digital artists? Where should you study, where to start?
– If they are talented and really have an artistic gift, then they don’t even need to leave home - turn on the Internet, find video tutorials on Photoshop, and everything will be fine for them. Because, in my opinion, the main thing is to SEE what you want to say and how you want to do it, and Photoshop is so technical, so simple that anyone can create whatever they want in it. Therefore, I won’t even talk about some courses, some books – nothing at all. For example, I myself learned Photoshop in a stressful situation in just a few days. I came to work and didn’t even know where the computer turned on, I was presented with a fait accompli. I had to teach myself Photoshop, the layout program QuarkXPres and Illustrator - and all this in a week. But I still turned off the computer, pressing a button on the screen, I didn’t know that there was also a system unit under the table...

- Yeah, I heard that this was exactly the case for many...
- Well, yes, this is the most effective method.

– What inspires you? Sex, rock and roll, yoga, something else?
– (laughs) I can find inspiration everywhere, but I’m probably not able to trace exactly what things inspired me for this or that idea... Because these are very funny chains: I can look at a strange, completely uninspiring object and using a logical chain of thought to come to some kind of artistic idea... But it is no longer possible to connect the idea itself with the object that caused it. As for the methods, there is no such thing that I purposefully go to listen to music or take something. I try to lead a lifestyle in order to... um... be as healthy as possible and at the same time not lose the thread of inspiration...

– Are you a loner in life or do you communicate with those who work in a similar niche? Well, with other digital artists and photographers?
– I have a very narrow circle of friends with whom I communicate. In principle, there aren’t really any new people being added – it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that the interests don’t work out. Maybe I don’t go there... And my friends are mostly not artists or photographers. In general, I have only one photographer friend, with whom I have been friends for ten years. But he is a photographer, not a digital artist. As for digital artists, there is generally a problem with them in Kyiv - I am often approached with a proposal to make some kind of commercial art, and since I do not carry out commercial orders, I hear every time: “Ay-ay-ay, what should we do?” “Who can do this, please advise?” And I have no one to advise - there was once a girl to whom I sent my orders, but the girl left free swimming for a specific person and now does not take orders... Something like this.

– But you probably have favorite authors...
– I have a friend who is considered one of the coolest... I don’t even know what to call him - he takes retro photographs, is very well versed in antiques, ancient styles and simply copies the styles themselves... And he does it very well, perhaps. better than many in the world, but he is, as they say, widely known in narrow circles...

– Can you name anyone among the world’s famous names?
– I don’t have any specific idols in the fine arts that I really, really admire, there are only artists that I like.

- Which?
– Henri Rousseau, for example (Henri Julien Felix Rousseau, 1844–1910, self-taught French painter, one of the most famous representatives of primitivism. – Note by M.A.). Then the singer FKA twigs inspires me a lot - do you know the one? It's new, very cool, I really like it. You know, I am more inspired by personalities and completely unexpected things that are not on my topic... No, there are some people in Ukraine and Russia whom I follow with interest on Facebook or Instagram, but I just can’t get it out of my head... They're not very famous, to be honest. Previously, I didn’t know any photographers or artists at all and didn’t follow anyone’s work - that’s all! So as not to pollute the brain with other people's ideas and pictures, because they still remain in the head one way or another and can somehow get out, but I would like to leave my world, the one that I give out, absolutely clean.

– So, I realized that you are not interested in commercial projects. That is, if some rich man orders a design from you with his wife, for example, you won’t even talk to him?
- No, I won’t... Unless he has some incredibly beautiful wife who will inspire me...

- So, in the case of a beautiful wife, you will take on the order?
– Yes, and here the price doesn’t matter, I, frankly, prefer not to deal with money in exactly this format... I just had experience in commerce, quite a lot, five or six years, when I fulfilled all sorts of customer wishes . Well, there was simply no other income, and I had to work like that. And I know very well how it all begins: first there are praises addressed to you - oh, how wonderful this is, how talented you are, how wonderful everything is, we like everything so much... And these people offer some really interesting idea, from -for which you agree (laughs). And then everything slides into some kind of terrible bad taste. The point here is not even that someone is interfering with your work, but that everything is being done in some disgusting and vile ways...
I remember the most wonderful orders that I had in my life - they, to be honest, did not stand next to creativity at all. Usually these are orders from an advertising agency - you come to a joint meeting (or whatever it’s called, I don’t remember), everyone sits and discusses the project, down to how many drops will be on the bottle and on which side. And then no one deviates from this anymore, everyone decided that this would be the best way, and they continue to work, each completing their task exactly on time. I think this is how it should work
Or they come to the artist and say: we want work from you, and do what you want. By the way, for the last two months I have been fulfilling, one might say, a commercial order, because they paid me money for it, and not little. But I agreed only because they told me: do what you want, here is the interior of the store that we are currently doing, in 3D, and you will do two works that will fit into this interior. And that's all...

– Some digital artists tour the country with their works (Valery Barykin, for example). When will you go with exhibitions? I’m sure many would like to look at you, take your autograph...
– You see, I would love to travel with exhibitions all over the world, but I won’t do it myself. Well, I wish I was more focused on creativity, I do this all the time, every day without exaggeration, and I feel sorry for wasting time on all these organizational issues, I don’t see any feedback in this. I have a manager who takes care of me in America, but he is more focused on some kind of commercial component than on exhibitions and so on. True, with my other agent, who deals more with Europe, we are now doing such a fairly large project: a video installation from a whole thousand of my photographic works that I created over 10 years of my creativity. They are all layered in PSD...

- Wow, layers! All works! I was at Van Gogh’s “Living Canvases”, there were 20 projectors, but not in layers...
– And I will have it in layers. This was actually inspired by the fact that... Well, you know, we have a gallery in Kyiv with a very large hall, where as many as 60 projectors broadcast video onto screens and surfaces. This can be done perfectly, I can even see how. The only thing is that I won’t do it myself, I need money, so far we are only at the stage of taking money... And I want this exhibition to travel all over the world, because you don’t need to carry giant canvases with you. Even if there are not 60 projectors there, because the site that we have in Kyiv is really very cool. Europeans come to us here, and everyone else in the world, there is nowhere else on such a scale. There, the video installation runs on all the walls, and at the same time is reflected on the floor, because the floor is... well, in general, like a mirror. It is very interesting!

– Don’t you paint with oil?
– The last time I painted in oils was when I was pregnant... I probably painted ten paintings, which my husband then gave to everyone on their birthdays. This was such a use of the labor of pregnant women (laughs). Since then I haven’t painted in oils, but I periodically return to this idea. I just don’t like it when everything around is dirty, and oil, in general, gets dirty. And I have an art education, I went to a children's art school, I know how to sculpt sculptures, I know how to paint in oils and everything in general. I just chose a more convenient way for myself to express myself with my hands; I draw different graphic pictures in notebooks that I can take with me anywhere. I don’t usually do this in Kyiv; I do it when I travel.

– Return to oil, your works – those that already exist – will be in great demand in oil!
– No, of course, I will not paint my works in oils! If I were going to paint in oils, I would do something completely different...

– Regarding female beauty: the magazine “Ivolga” is directly connected with the competition “Miss Nizhny Novgorod”. Which girls do you think are beautiful? Is it true that Slavic women are the most beautiful women on the planet?
- Slavs? On the one hand, of course, yes... Although I personally also really like the mulatto women I met in Los Angeles and New York, and black women, of course. They simply take my breath away, but I don’t have the courage to run after them and shout: be my muse! I just see beauty in naturalness and naturalness. Yes, our women, of course, are very beautiful, but they are so... I don’t know how to say... They are all kind of not that complex, but they have a lot of unnecessary crap...

- Inside? Crap?
- Yes. They are unnatural... Well, it’s hard for me to formulate, this is my personal feeling. And what really attracts me about black and mulatto women is that they are filled with the energy of nature, they have no complexes. Our women begin to stare at themselves in leopard-print leggings, paint their faces and everything possible, behave cutesy, try to build their whole lives on finding a man and sitting on his neck... Well, that’s how I see it, to be honest, and I don't think it's something attractive...

- Wonderful ending, wonderful!
– (laughs). She has spoken!

- Thank you so much!

Quote: “Dear girls who starred with me and who will yet be my muses, I am not capturing your false nails or makeup, and, God forbid, not your new glamorous dress, and not the beautiful pose in which you stood, – I look deeper. Yes, I see your inner world, and yes, the camera sees it too. When you stand in the frame, he sees everything: your mood, your fears, your masks and thoughts. And yes! I see this later. And if I like it, I exaggerate it, emphasize it with colors, birds, leaves, flowers, light and shadow. But if you stand in the frame, and you have nothing to show me and you are afraid, you are right to be afraid. This is also visible. Unfortunately, I have many photo sessions, numbering hundreds of frames, that lie dead weight on the screw and will never be used, because there is a masked person who has deeply hidden his true self, or an empty person in a beautiful dress and pose who has nothing to show, or a person from whom all his shit is rushing, but he thinks that no one knows this. This is not so - everything is visible! That's why I love random shots when the model is distracted while adjusting her dress, or turns around at something, or is simply surprised by something and doesn't have time to follow her mask. Dear women! You can be beautiful a hundred times over, but as long as you are not you and as long as you don’t know anything about your femininity, I’m not interested in you, sorry for being straightforward!” (from Elena Vizerskaya’s blog).

Hello, dear readers. In this article we propose an essay on the topic ““. The following arguments will be used:

– V. Shefner, “Mig”
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “The Little Prince”

Life is filled with wonderful moments. Every day we can experience an infinite number of positive moments if we notice all the beauty that surrounds us. We see the most sincere emotions and genuine joy in young children. Everything that happens around arouses their unbridled interest: joy, admiration, surprise. With age, we lose the ability to notice beauty in little things, we become immersed in our thoughts and experiences, work and everyday life. It is not difficult to be able to see beauty; you just need to look around, and small miracles will show themselves to us.

In the poem “Moment,” Vadim Shefner urges us not to lose our ability to be surprised by the miracles that surround us. Look at the sky, look at the clouds, enjoy the cold waters of the mines. “Nothing will happen again” - we must notice and be able to admire the beauty that nature so generously presents.

Every day we miss many opportunities to see beauty. Every moment is unique, as is the beauty with which it is filled. “Everything will be like this - and everything will be wrong”; we can admire the starry sky, but a bright star has already fallen a second earlier. Sometimes one moment can surprise and inspire, but we are too busy to pay attention. We need to find time for beauty, notice it in our everyday life, so that life is filled with colors.

In Antoine de Saint-Exupery's story “The Little Prince” we meet a little man, gentle and sensitive. The little prince lives on a separate planet alone with nature. The hero notices the beauty in everything that surrounds him and enjoys it. He loves to watch the sunset, which can be seen very often on his planet. The little prince is emotional about what others consider a trifle. He gives all his attention to the beautiful rose, enjoying its aroma and admiring its beauty. The hero looks at the world differently: he sees beauty in ordinary things and finds his happiness in this.

Beauty plays an important role in human life: it is a source of inspiration and a subject of admiration. But not everyone can see the beauty around them every day. We enjoy the beautiful landscapes of artists, but this surrounds us in life, we just need to see it. Beauty is everywhere: trees covered with frost, cobwebs flying in the air, clouds at sunset, the reflection of the sky in puddles after the rain. The soul can flourish when we are happy, and the reason for this can be the beauty that surrounds us every day.

In this article we reviewed the author’s essay on the topic: “ The problem of the ability to notice beauty in the simple and ordinary: arguments from literature“. You can use this option as preparation for the Unified State Exam.

What does a person understand by the concept of “beauty”?

It seems that everything is simple, but this is not entirely true. The concept of “beauty,” “human beauty” in particular, is one of the most difficult to define precisely, as it does not have a specific formulation. After all, for each person, beauty means something different, individual, sometimes not entirely clear to others.

For example, each nationality has its own ethnic standard for beauty; in addition, every state has its own concept of “model appearance”, although in life not everyone, for example, likes long-legged beauties.

In addition, human beauty differs from the point of view of an artist, doctor, writer, official, athlete, etc. And it is almost impossible to discover the truth in this far from simple issue.

All that a person sees around him are visual images or stimuli. But he does not perceive the entire stimulus. The light reflected from a specific object enters the human eye, the pupil regulates its amount, and the lens helps to obtain a clearer image. The retina perceives the image - a kind of screen. Then the brain breaks it down into its components and examines each individual part: light, texture, chiaroscuro. And only then he combines them into one and makes a decision about what kind of image this is in front of him.

It turns out that the eyes are just optics, while the brain is responsible for the most interesting things. From the stream, the brain selects exactly those sensations that need to be paid attention to, and does this in a split second. And only after that emotions come into play.

Why do some people seem beautiful and when looking at them, brain neurons release endorphins, while others seem ordinary?

Almost all scientific theories about external beauty are based on so-called evolutionary psychology. Human behavior takes its origins from its animal past. Evolutionarily, it is inherent in the human consciousness that beauty is evidence of the high quality of its owner’s genes, which means that he or she will have healthy and strong offspring.

Beauty has no single formula. Ideas about what is beautiful and what is not change just like the world around us.

However, there are objects that most people agree that they are beautiful.

Standards of beauty change from century to century. For example, in the time of Rubens, the object of worship was women in the body. Fullness was considered a sign of health, love of life and harmony. And, quite the opposite, these days: since the sixties of the last century, a short, slender figure, expressive facial features, i.e., have become the standard of beauty. a woman as the embodiment of tenderness and fragility, and not endurance and good health.

Today mathematicians propose to measure it to determine beauty. They view their appearance as a reflection of their inner world. In these direct measurements, the quality of a person or his content is not important to mathematicians. They study the brain.

It is known that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for imaginative thinking, and the left hemisphere for analytical thinking. One of them always dominates, and this is reflected on the person’s face. The higher the degree of consistency between the two halves of the face, the more harmonious its owner is. In physics this is called coherence.

In their research, mathematicians consider each hemisphere as a generator of electromagnetic oscillations, emitting electromagnetic waves. Thanks to these waves, beauty measurement calculations are made.

Using the method of complex mathematical calculations, scientists compile a table of personal harmony, somewhat reminiscent of the periodic table, only instead of chemical elements it contains almost fifty psychotypes of people.

The arrangement of people in the table is based on the degree of dominance of any half of their face, and, accordingly, the predominance of emotion, intuition or logic and analysis. People of the balanced or self-sufficient type fall into the very top part. This means that in evaluation by other people, and in self-esteem, they will also be at the highest level.

There is an expression in English that beauty comes from the eye of the beholder. That is, it is not inherent in the object itself: beauty depends only on the observer.

This statement is obvious, although paradoxical. Especially if you consider that in the understanding of a person, what is truly beautiful seems, as a rule, to be so for the majority, moreover, if it is considered only a “product of perception” that has no relation to reality.

According to Schopenhauer's theory, the world as it appears to a person from his visible side is the subjective world of his own imagination.

One can discuss philosophical theories about beauty for many hours, but even modern philosophers are unable to substantiate ideas about it without connection with brain functions.

Today, many scientists believe that beauty is not at all a unique sign of the quality of its owner, but, on the contrary, a sign of stereotype, maximum similarity with one’s own kind. The easier it is for the brain to process the image, the more beautiful the person appears. It is based on the principle of energy saving. Psychologists called this the “lazy brain effect.” It works in everything: when choosing a partner, a car, or even a pet.

So what exactly is beauty? A stencil imposed by society by which a person evaluates others, a coded message or an algorithm for the evolution of the universe?

Nobody knows this for sure. There is still no clear definition of beauty, and it is unlikely that there will ever be one. The main thing is to learn to see it, because only the person himself decides what is beautiful.

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The opportunity to see the beautiful and amazing around them is given only to children. Growing up, people gradually lose this gift. Many of us have divided the world into good and bad, useful and harmful.
Things, events, phenomena that mean nothing to some, or even irritate them, for others can become a real inspiration, a subject of admiration.

The ability to see beauty in the alien

The talent for noticing little things helps you make new discoveries. The most attentive people are considered to be people in creative professions - artists, photographers, writers, performers, sculptors. For them, the world is open in a varied palette of colors and has more facets of beauty. People of art tend to find positive things more often than others in the most ordinary or even not very pleasant for others.
One such example is the attitude of actor Tom Cruise towards his daughter Suri. He, like a loving father, decided to capture in gold what other parents throw away with a wrinkled nose (can you guess what?). And for him it became a real work of art. I didn’t want to insert this picture. 🙂
This is, of course, an unusual case, and it is not the only one of its kind.
As you can see, different things can be beautiful. The main thing is to have the ability to see.

Be able to see the beauty in the gray and boring

The ability to see something more than what is close to a person’s gaze is not given to everyone. Alas, many, as they say, do not see beyond the tip of their nose.

“Here it is, a gray and terrible aluminum fence, cross-shaped... no imagination!” - grumbles a fellow traveler on the bus.

Indeed, gray color evokes boredom. What should the barriers be like for the hundred-kilometer roads of a huge city? Build chased or cast iron fences, like during Tsarist Russia? Would these fences be a real decoration? After all, behind their beauty, no one would have seen the dandelions blooming in the clearing. And also, along the entire length of the road, on such a nondescript and gray fence, there are real city beauties - petunias.

Why do some see gray, while others see its shades and what lies beyond it?

See and understand the beauty in simple things

This is the most wonderful way to cheer yourself up. There is no need to expect that someone will take care of you, entertain you, and console you in moments of grief. We can handle it ourselves if we want.

How to do this if everything around you is wrong? We won’t list the reasons why you might be upset. There really are too many of them, but that’s not what we’re talking about today.

One of the options for raising your mood is. But your loved one can’t guess this? Or does his path home not pass by a flower stall?

Create your own mood! There is absolutely no point in going out and buying a bouquet for yourself. This can become a reason for jealousy. Although, weeds (that’s how my bouquet was dubbed) can also become a reason for jealousy.

Go outside to the nearest park, where you haven’t had time to mow the lawn yet, and pick yourself some flowers. Simple blades of grass, daisies, blooming clover, thistles. Everything you come across. Why not a bouquet?

To live well for those who are just steps away from wildlife. But a city dweller needs to go somewhere. How much effort does it take to pick forget-me-nots and bells for the girl you love? Such a bouquet, perhaps, in terms of spiritual value will be more expensive than a purchased one.

And how many positive emotions - fresh air, birdsong and a complete feeling of freedom!

When a person begins to see beauty in simple things, he becomes happier.

If we could clearly see the miracle of one flower, our whole life would change... Buddha

This bouquet turned out to be not just cute and funny, but also useful. The cat Musya appreciated it and enjoyed it with pleasure.

In the middle of summer it is much easier to become the owner of a bouquet. But for the winter season, a bouquet is a real gift. Is it worth waiting for such a miracle? Create it yourself - plant a real one at home and enjoy your garden every day.

How can we see the world as beautiful and unusual if we walk with our heads down?

As if they had lost something... Yes, many have really lost their sense of reality, good mood, optimism, desire to be kind, sympathetic...
And then there’s rain, dampness, and puddles. If we walk looking down at our feet, then let's admire the world in the reflections of puddles. Look at the world through the eyes of children, photographers and artists, or lovers.

There are many examples when you can see the unusual in simple things.

Whether you notice a miracle or not depends on your own desire - to focus on the bad, or try to see and appreciate the little things, without which the world would be incomplete.

The desire to see beauty does not mean at all that it is necessary to turn a blind eye to things, actions and events that require intervention and correction.

People who tend to feel more deeply are distinguished from others by their special responsibility for maintaining peace and harmony in it. I would like to hope that the majority are like this.

How to regain the ability to see the world as beautiful and amazing?

  • Flexibility of mind can be developed, which sharpen all senses
  • Can . They can help you get away from the hustle and bustle
  • Walk (travel) and observe more.
  • Read classics, listen to beautiful music.
  • Get creative: or take photographs.
  • Get involved in charity.

Sometimes, the discovery of love for an unusual environment (objects and even people) occurs very slowly.

The beauty that a person discovers for himself makes the deepest impressions.

Unfortunately, many people begin to appreciate simple things and little things only when they find themselves in extreme situations, dramatically changing their living conditions.

Don't be afraid to be strange, move away from imposed beauty templates, learn to see the beautiful in the ordinary, the unusual in the simple. And be sure to be happy! Life is good, isn't it?

Lantukhov Mikhail 7B

The beauty of the world…

As you know, each person is unique, each has his own character, his own tastes, his own interests, outlook on life, and each person also has his own view of the beauty of the world, everyone has their own (beauty), that is, everyone sees it in different things . But I see it in people.

As I said, all people have different characters, but they are united by the actions they perform. I see beauty in those people who are calm, patient, cheerful. But usually these people are oppressed by those who want to be in charge, those who fight, hurt others, humiliate them, and so on. I feel disgusted by these people. But I hope that there is a little creativity in them too.

I dream that soon all people will be equal, there will be no violence, no one will humiliate anyone in order to become the boss. I want everyone to live their lives without problems, so that all people are happy with each other. That is, so that there is harmony in everything (in my understanding).

Sasha Avilova, 7B.

Independent beauty.

I fundamentally disagree with many of Yuri Bondarev’s statements. What struck me most in his story “Beauty” was the phrase: “No man, no beauty.” In my opinion, this is completely wrong. People are only a small component of the planet. In addition to people, there are also mountains, sea, animals, flowers, lakes, forests and steppes. It’s impossible to even list everything. Nature was not created by man, and if all people disappear, the world around, on the contrary, will become even more beautiful. After all, no one will cut down forests, build fields with houses, kill animals, or pollute water. The earth will be much cleaner and calmer! Of course, this does not mean that I am against people, I am a human being myself, but the main thing I think is that none of us should forget that we do not live on this planet alone.

The second question gave me pause when I saw how many times the word beauty was used in the text. After all, what is beauty? This is something special for everyone. It seems to me that one cannot use one word (especially such an ambiguous one) to describe so many things! Beauty is a voluminous concept. A person’s appearance may be beautiful, but his inner world may be beautiful. Works of art can be beautiful, but everyone has different tastes, and such statements can cause a lot of controversy. In general, if you consider my opinion, then several statements from this text are simply ridiculous.

In no way do I want to offend anyone’s point of view, but I really don’t understand this story, since my views on beauty are very different from the views of the author.

Lukanin Dima. Where do I see the beauty of the world?

During the lesson we got acquainted with the text by Yuri Bondarev. He wrote a rather philosophical text, where he expressed his point of view about the beauty of the world. He believes that without a person there can be no beauty; without a person, beauty cannot be reflected in him. “Beauty is connected with life, life with love, love with man.” Yu. Bondarev claims that if this connection is interrupted, then beauty in the world will perish.

I think completely differently. Nature, and the whole world as a whole, used to be much more beautiful before the advent of man, without pollution from cars, factories, and industrial waste. Without deforestation, no one threw pieces of paper on the street. And now, when you look at all this disgrace, it becomes scary. Is this beautiful?

My opinion about the beauty of the world is this: our planet is the most favorable planet known to people for life, it was she who gave us the opportunity to walk, breathe, think, love. But most people do not appreciate it and do not pay attention to it. It seems to me that the beauty of the world lies in those corners of the planet that nature has given us or man has built. It doesn't matter. In those places where you take your breath away. For example, at the highest point of a skyscraper or cliff, or in the depths of the sea. Or in a reserve with rare animals.

I would like the world to have more people who appreciate our nature.

Monisov Philip, 7B

Where do I see the beauty of the world?

Where do I see the beauty of the world? I see beauty in art: in paintings, music, photographs, poetry.

Let’s say you’re in a stuffy room, and in front of you is a picture of a seascape. And you are there - on the seashore, and you feel it, hear the sounds of the surf, see how high blue waves beat against the sandy shore. We can say that this is a kind of teleport. Ours is a kind of machine for moving, only it is not our body that moves, but only our consciousness. We can travel limitlessly

only through paintings, as well as through poems, photographs, music.

That’s why I believe that the beauty of the world lies in art, and we can easily touch it wherever we are!

Khodanovich Arseniy, 7B.

Beauty and Man.

I recently became acquainted with Yuri Bondarev’s discussion of beauty. The writer claims that if a person dies, then beauty will die too.

I do not agree that if there is no person, then there is no beauty. A beautiful landscape and a beautiful picture do not cease to be beautiful if a person does not admire them. And beautiful music does not cease to be beautiful if a person does not listen to it.

Beauty will still remain beauty. But admiring a beautiful landscape or painting, enjoying wonderful music, a person himself becomes better. This is the meaning of beauty. Therefore, beauty and man must be close.

Berezovskaya Anya, 7B

Where do I see the beauty of the world?

Where do I see the beauty of the world? I think beauty has many faces, it’s nice to look at beautiful cities, buildings, cars, people. Beauty is something different for everyone. I see beauty in the world in nature. For example, when the sun is shining and its rays warm us, when you look at the clouds floating in the sky.. How beautiful it is! It seems to me that nature should remain the way it was created. I agree with Yuri Bondarev that beauty is connected with life. If this connection is interrupted, the beauty of nature will perish. Beauty will save the world, but you don’t have to destroy it to do this!

Bydtaeva Milana, 7B

Where do I see the beauty of the world?

It seems to me that the beauty of the world is in nature, animals. For some, beauty is in cars, clothes, huge houses, but for me this is not the main thing. It seems to me that you can live in bungalows and enjoy life, watch the sunrise in the morning, and watch the sunset in the evening. For example, in remote countries of the world, some live like this and enjoy life.

I don’t know about everyone, but of all the beauties of nature, I like the underwater world the most, for me it is simply magnificent! I am amazed at how many corals, fish, algae and various sea creatures inhabit this world.

Nature provides food for inspiration to artists who paint beautiful landscapes. Nature is amazingly diverse, it is never the same, you need to enjoy every day, minute, moment you live!!!

Valuev Ivan, 7B.

Summer and winter.

I really like nature, especially in winter and summer. The cold wind blows, the snow crunches under your feet - it feels as if nature has fallen asleep. In summer, on the contrary, everything is alive, bright, and cheerful.

In winter, kids love to go outside, make snowballs and have a real war. Others can make a snowman, make an angel, lying on the snow. Winter opens up differently for everyone. I love her for her festive mood.

In summer there is babble... All nature comes to life! Butterflies fly, bees pollinate flowers. There are a lot of colors in summer. The sun is warming up, the birds are singing their songs, you want to listen to them for hours. The grass is greener after a long sleep, and you can play football in the sun and sunbathe.

I love winter and summer!

Vovk Angelina, 7 B

Where do I see the beauty of the world...

Everyone sees the beauty of the world differently: for some it is in a person’s face, for others it is in actions and actions, but for me beauty lives in nature!

Most often, I feel the beauty of the world in winter... This pleasant frost on my cheeks, white snowflakes falling on my eyelashes, soft fluffy snowdrifts in which you fall, as if on a bed!

Every day I want to wake up and see this wonderful picture outside the window... It’s as if on a white sheet of paper you can see the light contours of trees and snowflakes, invisible from afar, but so beautiful close up! How many works of art were dedicated to the great winter!

It’s like I get a second wind when the bright sun shines, and from this all the fields begin to shimmer from starry yellow to sky blue!

It is thanks to winter that I understand that our world is amazing! How many miracles our Little Big Earth was able to do after its birth!

The world is beautiful! And I will never get tired of repeating this...

Golubev Nikolay

Our world.

Our world has changed a lot over the past few centuries. Many say that such changes are for the better, while others say that our world is going to hell, and in the end it will completely plunge into darkness due to modern technology.

There are people who do not take care of the nature around them.

They throw candy wrappers, play football with cans, and after the next match they leave them on the road or on the grass. Just imagine, they are too lazy to go to the trash can.

People are so passionate about new smartphones, computers, televisions and many other modern inventions that they do not notice how nature outside the window is suffocating and dying. People can break, but they can also build. By killing forests, they build luxurious villages, houses, factories, and shopping centers.

Imagine the year 3000. People live in beautiful houses and drive increasingly modern cars. But if you look out the window. What, what do we see? A world plunged into darkness, frozen in time. No, I don't want to live in such a world.

Take care of the world around you and help it even in the smallest way: just go to the trash can.

Sklyarov Peter, 7A.

Where do I see the beauty of the world?

Where do I see the beauty of the world? For me these are forests, fields, mountains, rivers, lakes.

When you walk through the forest in the fall, you forget about all your problems, you feel a surge of strength, then you come home and, after eating a bowl of soup, you become happy.

In winter, you go skiing and snowboarding and feel a surge of adrenaline, then you drink a cup of hot tea, and you want to ski many, many more times. And then you will climb to the snow-capped mountain top, and you will have a view of the forests and the city.

I think beauty is in nature. After all, if not in nature, then where?

Karpenko Zhora, 7A.

Beauty and art.

Contemporary art is not what it used to be. Until the 20th century, beautiful cities were built in the world, but now skyscrapers began to grow in them like mushrooms. I do not like them. They spoil the historical center of the city and its very beauty.

Painting has also changed. I remember the words of Salvador Dali: “I wouldn’t get rich from my paintings if there weren’t rich idiots in the world who buy them.” That is, artists began to paint not those pictures that please the eyes and heart, but complete rubbish. Have you seen the paintings of the same Salvador Dali? This is just terrible! This is some kind of COMPLETE nonsense! Or I just don't understand them.

I recently became acquainted with the text by Yuri Bondarev. I don't agree with his opinion about beauty.

It seems to me that Yuri Bondarev, who talked about beauty, is wrong in that if people disappear from the face of the earth, then beauty will disappear along with them. I think if people disappear, then beauty will remain on earth. Only human beauty will give way to natural beauty.

Kuleshov Nikita, 7A.

How I see beauty.

Many people say that the beauty of the world is nature. And I completely agree with this. Let's take, for example, mountains or the starry sky.

I really like mountains. I visited them very often. Both those covered with snow and rocky ones. You should try to climb a snowy peak. Especially when the clouds are low. There is a beautiful view before you. You see other mountain peaks peeking out from under the clouds. Below you see green grass, and when you raise your head up, you see the same mountains covered with snow. And from above, a bright sun and a blue, blue sky shine on all this. And a smile involuntarily appears on your face. Especially when you know that a crazy ride down the mountain awaits you. And when you are already downstairs, you can sit in a cafe and drink something delicious. For example, coffee or hot chocolate.

Can you imagine this feeling? So I think that the beauty of the world is precisely nature. Yes, of course, what people create is also very beautiful, different houses, temples. cathedrals and monasteries. Great architects and designers worked hard on this, and they did it very well. But in order to build all this, you need to see natural beauty somewhere. So beauty comes from nature.

Pasynkov Alyosha, 7A.

Is man the only intelligent creature on Earth?

Most of humanity believes that man is the main and only living intelligent being on our planet. But I believe that besides humans, there is another type of intelligent being on Earth - animals. On our planet, besides us, there are thousands of other species of animals that, like us, communicate with each other in their own language, which we do not understand; animals, like us, build homes for themselves and take care of their food.

But there are people who say that animals are stupid humanoid inhabitants of the Earth who could not develop their minds like humans. But I have a different opinion about animals. To begin with, let’s remember “man’s best friend”, as you probably already guessed - this is, of course, a dog. Dogs are very smart and kind animals, and people love them very much. I have a dog of a very interesting breed, “Vel Shkorgi”. This is a very short red-and-white dog, and its muzzle looks like a fox. So, if you call a dog by name, it will turn to you, and if you call or ask it to do something (lie down, sit, raise its voice, and much more), then it will do what you ask it to do. There are also dogs that help people in life. I mean dogs that help blind people. Dogs help cross pedestrian crossings and navigate public places. There are also dogs that search in the mountains for missing people or people caught in an avalanche, risking their lives. And after that someone says that dogs are stupid.

There are many such animals, and I believe that we are not the only intelligent creatures on Earth.

Rusanova Katya 7a

Where do I see the beauty of the world?!

Sometimes I am troubled by the question: “How do people see beauty and what do they mean when they talk about beauty?!”

The new generation sees beauty in new phones, huge glass buildings, and some only see beauty in computer games. In May of this year, my dad invited me to go to Greece with him. After the first day of rest from the bustle of the city, we went to the mountains, to the beach, and wherever we visited! I noticed that the sky is blue, there is a lot of greenery, the air is rich and light, and most importantly, people do not pollute the environment!

Pushing aside the ancient sights, I plunged as if into another world! “Hmm... This is not Moscow for you!” - Dad said mockingly. Even though I agreed with him, I still didn’t notice his words, I saw how a man didn’t put the piece of paper in the trash can, and a boy about 14-15 years old stopped him and pointed to his candy wrapper. Ultimately, the man took the hint and threw the candy wrapper into the container.

Dad finished his fish and sometimes asked me: “Where am I looking?!” or “What am I doing!?” I didn’t know what to answer to my dad’s question... my thoughts were confused... I couldn’t tell him that I was looking at people, how they clean up the trash after themselves! NO!!! I couldn’t answer that way. I thought carefully for a few seconds and put it this way: “Dad, I look at the sky, at the sea and am glad that you took me with you!” To which dad smiled and explained: “Well, look, look!”

We must protect, understand, feel the world around us, then, thanks to it, we will all understand what beauty is!!!

Sasha Kuzmina, 7a

Where do I see the beauty of the world?

Keyword - I... I see...

Beauty is different for everyone: some like paintings, some like sculptures, some are ready to look at the starry sky for the thousandth time and admire its grandeur, some are fascinated by the pink-red shades of sunset, mountain ranges, their pointed snow-capped peaks. Here you are sitting, admiring the sea, the sun has already set, and it is illuminated by the muddy light of the moon, but the beauty of this sea is not just a picture, it is complemented by the smell of salt water, the chirping of crickets in the bushes, the sound of waves beating on the shore... That’s what beauty is for me !...

Maybe if there are no people, then there will be no one to appreciate this beauty, but most often it is because of people that it disappears...

A forest filled with beauty, a fluffy squirrel burying its nut under a bush, a bug crawling along a blade of grass - all this is accompanied by the murmur of a stream and the simple song of a cuckoo, may soon die due to the fault of man...

There is no beauty without a person, but soon there will be no beauty with him either...

Chernomys Nastya, 7A.

Where do I see the beauty of the world?

When I hear the word “beauty,” I remember the camp in the Tver region where I was this summer.

The reserve is 90 years old, it is very beautiful and incredibly quiet. There are amazing relict swamps with amazingly clean air. We saw one of them. Wonderful lilies and rare species of mosses grew on it. The swamp was covered with mud. In this reserve there was an area untouched by anyone. Nature itself disposed of it. Even in the reserve I saw many unusual white butterflies. They looked like the white train of a wedding dress; they swirled silently as they took us home. At the camp, our counselors gave us a night of “horror stories.” They dressed up as witches, zombies, ghosts. Everyone walked along the same ladder of the forest, and it was dark. We were all afraid to walk along this path. All around us we could hear only the sounds of nature.

For me, this camp was the best in the world!