Double consonants with the letter m. II

Double consonants at the root or after a prefix are a simple topic. But some words in oral speech include a voiced sound, which displays not one, but two letters in writing. Examples in which doubled consonants occur are presented in the article.

To justify those who do not have one hundred percent literacy (and they are the majority), it is worth saying that the speech that Pushkin used is one of the most difficult in the world. Therefore, spelling rules need to be repeated from time to time. Let's look at the most common spelling mistakes

Double "w"

There are many words in the Russian language whose spelling does not correspond to any rule. So, double “w” is written in the following words:

  • burning;
  • yeast;
  • rein;
  • buzz;
  • juniper.

But in the case of alternating sounds “zh” and “z” it is written differently. For example, the verb "squeal" comes from the noun "squeal." Therefore, despite the fact that double consonants are heard in oral speech, it is still written “zzh”.

Difficult words

Units of language called compound abbreviations often give rise to doubts when written. If the first part of a word ends with the letter with which the second begins, double consonants occur.

  • maternity hospital;
  • head physician

These cases should not be confused with words formed from two parts, one of which includes double consonants:

  • gramophone record (gramophone record);
  • konarmiya (cavalry army).

But if the adjective is formed from a stem in which there are doubled consonants, the above rule is observed. It must be followed when writing other parts of speech. The main condition is that the double consonant precedes the suffix. Below are examples of sentences that contain words with double consonants.

  1. Gauls- these are tribes that existed in the so-called Gallic period.
  2. His work was rated five points By five-point system.
  3. Hunnic bow is a weapon created by nomads who are known in history as Huns.
  4. After nine participants left the project, it was no longer group, but small group.
  5. The postman used to use diminutive forms in his speech: letter, telegram, parcel.


But there are lexical units formed from words with double consonants, but which do not fall under the rules given above. These exceptions need to be remembered.

  • crystal, but crystalline;
  • Finnish, but Finnish;
  • column, but column;
  • a ton, but five ton.

Exceptions include derivatives from proper names.

  • In those distant times she was not yet Alloy Petrovna is a formidable and powerful woman, but stupid and naive Alcoy.
  • One of the characters in Furmanov's work was a girl named Anna, better known as " Anka-machine gunner."
  • His name was Philip. And of all the works of classical literature, he most disliked Tolstoy’s story “ Filipok».

At the junction of prefix and root

In such cases, words with double consonants are written. But this rule also has exceptions. In words such as appeal or fake, the prefix ends with the letter with which the root begins.

You should not confuse the spelling of the verbs “give in” and “give in.” In the first case we are talking about an action that can be expressed as follows: “to be influenced, to agree”, in the second - “to go”.

Words of foreign origin

The spelling of borrowings must be checked using a spelling dictionary. Or study foreign languages. After all, words such as abbreviation, accommodation and application are of Latin origin. No need to study. Derivations from many Latin words are found in modern English, German and French.

Those who do not want to spend time on the grammar and phonetics of a foreign language need to memorize the spelling of foreign words. Below are sentences that contain borrowings with double consonants.

  1. Aggression often becomes a consequence of alcohol poisoning.
  2. Symptoms acclimatization manifest themselves differently in each person.
  3. In this store you can buy not only clothes, but also various accessories.
  4. Ammonia has a high level of toxicity.
  5. Finishing is a complex and time-consuming process.
  6. A method that involves replacing some objects with others is called approximation.
  7. Collegiateassessor, who lived next door, was a mysterious, secretive person.
  8. The witch brewed fragrant potions and prepared strange essences.
  9. There were many in the city waste heaps, to which visitors often mistook for real mountains.
  10. Representatives of the Russian intelligentsia in search of salvation they were forced to leave their homes.

Borrowings with one consonant

There are also a number of words of foreign origin that do not have double consonants, but for some reason it is in their spelling that mistakes are often made:

  • attribute;
  • balustrade;
  • dealer;
  • amateur;
  • impresario;
  • wolverine.

And finally, a well-known word that contains double consonants in the root: quarrel. Of course, in the verb derived from it there is no need to write three letters “s” (to quarrel). Words formed according to this scheme can contain only two consonants.

Russian language is a basic subject at school. But over the years, the skills acquired in childhood and adolescence are lost. In writing texts, seemingly educated people often make serious mistakes. Not everyone can answer the question of in what cases it is necessary to write double consonants. And only a select few are gifted with the so-called innate sense of language. Therefore, the rules of the Russian language must be repeated throughout your life.

1. The doubled word is used in the roots of native Russian words (reins, yeast, burning, buzzing, juniper) and some of the same roots (burnt, buzzing, juniper, etc.).

2. Doubling other consonants in native Russian words is possible only at the junction of morphemes and components of compound words.

For example, at the junction of prefix and root: introduction, uprising, pull away, pry; root and suffix: Russian, cast iron, rushed.

Contains complex abbreviated words: maternity hospital, Obllegprom, Mosselmash.


1. It is necessary to pay attention to the spelling of words like squeal, arrive, in which the combination zzh is written, and not double zh (the sound zh in combination is the result of alternations g - zh, d - zh, cf.: squeal - squeal, arrival - come) .

2. In the words mesentery (fold of peritoneum), mesentery (collar) one word is written.

3. In the word quarrel and in words derived from it, a double s is written.

4. When three identical consonants collide, only two are written: five-ton (from ton + ny), Odessky (from Odessa + ski), quarrel (from races + quarrel), etc.

Exercise 60. Write down words with the same root, choosing the ones related to the following in the spelling dictionary: reins, yeast, burning, buzzing, juniper.

Exercise 61 Write into separate groups words with double consonants at the junction of a) prefix and root, b) root and suffix, c) parts of compound words. Mark the boundaries between the indicated parts of words.

Arzamas, heartless, dishonest, Belarusian, ascended, restore, divrach, Kotlas, thaw, transferred, support, pommaster, consider, upset, count, calculation, ancient, through the grain, cheresedelnik, Circassian, Yunnat.

Exercise 62. Orally explain the spelling of doubled consonants in the highlighted words. Write these words down.

1. And my mother is alive and well. Lately I've been writing letters from Frunze, asking how her precious junk is. (Sim.) 2. The skis slid forward by themselves. Climb? Give it up, Valya! Descent into decay? Eh, pine trees! Make way, I'll hurt you! (Mite.) 3. The path along which the train with the diplomatic post was supposed to pass, this path was mined at night in two places. (Chaik.) 4. And Pavlo did not know and did not think that his fate would be so bitterly intertwined with the fate of Lieutenant Zvantsev there, at the Kherson lighthouse. (Kuch.) 5. The sun burns mercilessly, and the light white uniform number one was forbidden to wear. (Kuch.) 6. The coachman knew where his master could go at this late time; he whistled for the horses, pulled the reins, and the phaeton rushed first along Koblevskaya, then along Preobrazhenskaya. (Mikhail.) 7. All this was written on their pale, hungry faces, and Vera Nikolaevna immediately caressed them, canned food “Cod in Oil” immediately appeared on the table - still from the polar supplement, cookies, tea, butter, bread - plenty of everything. (Germ.) 8. On the slope outside the window, it seemed at arm’s length, pale lilac immortelle flowers fluttered disembodiedly. (Pan.)

Exercise 63. Match the use and spelling of the highlighted words in the examples given. Make up and write down your own examples using these words.

a) 1. Breathing heavily, like driven horses, they wiped the sweat pouring from their faces with their wide palms. (Field.) 2. The newcomer took off his sheepskin coat and began to scrub his young, very boyish face with eyelashes stuck together from the snow. (Lead.)

b) 1. Shmelkov immediately turned the car around and began to back it up, as if to refuel. (A.N.T.) 2. The brown horse walked briskly and fervently. (Hide.)

Exercise 64. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

I.1. Tired people entered the ferry one by one, two by two, and rejoiced right on the floor. (Ivan.) 2. A soldier jumped out of the cab of the ambulance, walked around the car and began, together with the driver Serpilin, to nod it from behind. But the car continued to slip. Then the rear doors of the ambulance opened, and a woman jumped out onto the road and began pushing the car along with the men. (Sim.) 3. Under the sultry sun, a... stale tree, softened, and... gave off a faint smell of either resin or paint. (Pan.) 4. A cart drove along the street, and for a long time the rattling of a bucket tied to the back could be heard. (Yamp.) 5. Bakhor is not afraid of anything, looks at the world with bold, wide-open eyes. What sparkling eyes the Nega has - it sparkles with anger, sympathy, and commerce! (Rush.) 6. “I see,” said Krainyuk. He should have gone, but he still stood among the stones and ruins. (Heap.) 7. The sailors took out a light ladder and, holding the women, put everyone in an open truck. (Kuch.) 8. Saying goodbye, the geophysicist passionately squeezed Victor’s palm. (Mite.)

II. 1. Riga was tall, long, designed to receive a whole load of bread at once. (Mark.) 2. And despite the fact that the whole tone of the letter, as always everything that came from Zhenya, was unpleasant to Volodya, he thought for a long time...I thought about the offer for...the position of the head...of the head. (German) 3. Vasya found both the medical platoon and the reserve...I was there in individual packages

. (Lev.) 4. The ceremonial meeting of the Moscow Council was not for him, as for Kuprin, the first in his life. (Lev.) 5. The sailor went to bed, and the sailor seemed to be deliberately taking a long time to clean up the dishes. (Stan.) 6. A sailor battalion was lined up at the exit, leaving with an armored train for the front. (Translated) 7. A fifth truck was actually walking along the alley towards the workshop, its wheels crashing deeply into the muddy road. (Ivan.)

Double n in adjectives formed from nouns is written in the following cases:

a) if adjectives are formed from nouns with a stem in n using the suffix -n- (including from words in -mya: time - time-): long, window, ancient, temporary, nominal, etc.;

b) if adjectives are formed from nouns using the suffixes -enn-, -onn-: straw, revolutionary, etc.

Adjectives formed from nouns using the suffixes -an- (-yan-), -in-, are written with one n: leather, hemp, chicken, etc.

Exceptions: wooden, tin, glass.


1. The adjectives mutton, crimson, black, green, spicy, red, ruddy, pork, blue, young are written with one n. They are formed without the suffix -n-.

The word windy is also written with one n, however, formations derived from it with prefixes have two ns in writing: windless, windward, leeward.

2. You should also pay attention to the spelling of the double consonant in the suffix in the word green (green shop, cf. green shop).

Exercise 65. Rewrite, emphasizing the suffixes of the adjectives; write down the non-suffix formations separately. Explain the spelling of adjective suffixes.

Epic, majestic, enthusiastic, passerine, windy, windy, windy, clay, wooden, firewood, natural, legal, artificial, mosquito, indigenous, red banner, commission, linen, windy, oil, public, fiery, sandy, clothes, ruddy, craft, pork, seed, session, sleepy, essential, young, barley.

Exercise 66. From the given nouns, form adjectives with the suffixes -n-, -enn-, -onn-, -an- (-yan-), -in-. Write down the adjectives, explaining their spelling orally.

Agitation, ram, disease, razor, goose, length, wonder, boldness, tin, life, greens, snake, name, root, bone, ice, lemon, oil, mobilization, oil, defense, autumn, fatherland, opposition, song, letter, canvas, revision, craft, silver, glass, cloth, falcon, tradition, telephone, grass, celebration, price, hawk.

Exercise 67. Match the usage and spelling of the highlighted words. Make up and write down your own examples using these words.

a) 1. The smell of rust, oil paint and dampness filled the room. (Gorky) 2. Kyiv. A wonderful city, all like a rich, glorious butt with buttery eyes. (Cupr.)

b) 1. The day broke out into a sultry, windless day, and there was a drowsy silence in the air. (Pav.) 2. In the pre-dawn darkness, a windmill loomed, looking like a sleeping raven with a broken wing. (Tyutyun.) 3. On the gloomy, windy days of late autumn, Pastukhov rarely went out. (Fed.)

Exercise 68 Explain the spelling of -н- and -нн- in adjective suffixes. Write down these adjectives, highlighting their suffixes with vertical lines.

1. After shaving, he, as usual, got up under the shower in the bathroom: the steady sound of cool water, warm needles all over his body, a terry towel - and he felt in an excellent mood, when it seemed that everything beautiful in himself and in life was only that I understand and it should not disappear. He knew that this feeling was before dusk. In the evening or especially in the foggy December twilight, when the lanterns burned in foggy circles, this feeling of fullness of life disappeared, and pain, strange, almost physical pain and melancholy overwhelmed Sergei. (Bond.) 2. In front of the portrait, a table covered with green cloth stretched out across almost the entire width of the hall; to the right, against the wall, there were two wooden benches behind bars; to the left, there were two rows of crimson armchairs. (Gork.) 3. The hillock was not captured: first they ran into a minefield, then they were covered with mortar and machine-gun fire. (Sim.) 4. Tall, skinny, with a long horse face, he stood surrounded by his soldiers and told them something. (Pav.) 5. Precisely intercepting my thoughts, Vallon asked the neighbors who remembered the attack on the prisoner of war camp. (Kram.)

The roots of Russian words use only double consonants ss And LJ . There are few such words.

Letters ss written in a word argument and related words derived from it, for example: By ss yell at ss yell; and also in words Ro ss and I(from obsolete Ross), ro ss Iisky, Belor ss and I(But Rus', Belarusian).

Letters LJ are written in words in LJ and, dro LJ and, zhu LJ ah, mo LJ evelnik and related words formed from them, for example: zhu LJ aniye, mo LJ evel. Letters LJ are also written in words and forms derived from the verb burn (tourniquet), For example: LJ meaning, connection LJ tion, LJ eat, LJ yes, with LJ no.

Double consonants at the junction of prefix and root

Double consonants in Russian words are written at the junction of a prefix and a root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: be ss porno, in ss tanning, in zz thinking, according to dd hold on, oh tt imagine.


1. With letters ss words formed from the root are written -counts- using the attachment races -, For example: ra ss read, ra ss read. Words with the same prefix and root -even- are written with one With , For example: calculation, prudent(But countless, from no account).

2. Double consonants can occur in suffixes and at the junction of a root and a suffix, for example: traditional nn oh, unity nn oh, sailor ss cue. We will consider these cases later.

Double consonants in foreign words

Most double consonants are found in foreign words, for example: appeal, intellectual, occupant. These words, like words with unverifiable spellings, need to be memorized. Below is a list of the most common words with double consonants.

Words with double consonants

  • aggressor
  • apparatus
  • association
  • allegory
  • appetite
  • attache
  • annotation
  • artillery
  • certificate
  • cancel
  • assistant
  • attraction
  • appeal
  • ballad
  • barricade
  • fiction
  • vote
  • pool
  • newsletter
  • group
  • discussion
  • thesis
  • differentiation
  • illusion
  • illuminations
  • illustration
  • classic
  • a comment
  • concession
  • team
  • communism
  • correspondent
  • colloquium
  • communique
  • crystal
  • column, colonnade
  • compromise
  • crystalline, but crystalline
  • colossus
  • congress
  • cross
  • commission
  • weight
  • metal
  • mission
  • an occupation
  • opposition
  • opponent
  • parallel
  • pessimism
  • progress
  • passive
  • press
  • profession
  • platform
  • program
  • director
  • spring
  • repression
  • symmetry
  • surrogate
  • telegram
  • territory
  • track
  • tennis
  • terror
  • troupe
  • terrace
  • a ton, but five ton
  • tunnel and tunnel
  • hockey
  • celluloid
  • cellulose
  • chassis
  • highway
  • expression
  • Effect

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In the Russian language there is a tendency to lose the length of the consonant (or extend the duration) at the end of the word. Double plosive consonants at the end of a word are not pronounced: watt [t], coccus [k], staphylococcus [k], streptococcus [k] (in the absence of double [k] and between vowels: staphylococcus [k], streptococci [k')) , groups [p], troupes [p] (gen.

Pad. mi. h. from the words group, troupe, which in the position between vowels can retain a double consonant [p]). Double noisy fricative consonants are usually not pronounced at the end of a word: cf. cross [s], class [s], congress [s], compromise [s], progress [s], process [s], miss [s]. However, when these words change between vowels, [s] is also pronounced: cf. cross [s], class [s], extra. [s:], progress [s], add. [s:] Etc. In the form of gender. span pl. h. kass, mass (from cash, mass) double consonant, at least

least in careful speech, is preserved, which is explained by the influence of other case forms, where in the position between vowels it is pronounced [s:]: cf. cash desk [s:] at cash desk [s:], cash desk [s:]; mass [s:] with mass [s:], mass [s:].

Double sonorant consonants [m], [n], [l] at the end of a word can generally be pronounced. However, they are not pronounced in all cases. So, the word gram is pronounced without a double consonant at the end of the word, as before a vowel: gram [m], gram [m], kilogram [m], kilogram [m]. The word program can be pronounced with a double [m], but at the end of the word it is in the gender form. pad. pl. h. is pronounced without a double consonant: cf. program [m:] and programs [m] and [m:]. Genus form pad. pl. h. sums can hold a double consonant under the influence of other forms, where the double consonant is pronounced between vowels: cf. sum [m:] and sum [m:]. The double consonant [n] is usually not pronounced at the end of a word while maintaining it in the position between vowels: five tons [i], but ton [n:]. In forms gen. pad. pl. h. Bonn, Vann double consonant [n] can be preserved: Bonn [n:], Vann [n:]. The double consonant [l] at the end of a word is not pronounced: gal [l] with galla [l:]. In the form of the birth. pad. pl. h. villas, the double consonant can be preserved under the influence of other case forms: villas [l:] to villa [l:], villa [l:]. However, there is no fixed norm for the pronunciation of double consonants [m], [n], [l] at the end of a word. Unlike plosive consonants, sonorant consonants can be pronounced as double consonants at the end. But the general tendency towards the loss of double consonants is also valid for sonorants. The latter, in clear, articulate speech, can retain the double character of consonants under the influence of other forms of the same words, where the double consonant is located before the vowel.

Spelling consonants is one of the key topics in the school curriculum. Children begin to master it from the first grade and continue to study it until the end of their schooling. Teachers do not consider the spelling “double consonants” to be difficult, but difficulties in writing still occur, both among junior schoolchildren and high school students.

What is a double consonant, its place in a word

By observing pronunciation and writing, students notice that there is a group of words where a long consonant sound is sounded, and in writing it is indicated by the same letters standing next to each other. Since there are usually two such letters, this combination of consonants began to be called doubled.

The next task is to develop the ability to determine the place of a doubled consonant in a word. Later, children learn that it can be located not only in the root, but also in other parts of it.

In words group, chord, alley, burns, ton There is a spelling "double consonants at the root of the word." Examples of such words can be continued. It is worth noting that the doubled -zhzh- is found in the roots of words of Russian origin - yeast, reins, juniper, zhuzhzhat - and all forms derived from them.

Consonant at the border between prefix and root

For example, in words lawlessness, consider, get angry, fake, story, introduction the double consonant is written at the border of the prefix and the root. Having analyzed them by composition, the student will easily notice this feature.

To avoid mistakes in writing words of a similar structure, the child must be very good at parsing by composition and correctly identifying the prefix and root. In addition, it is necessary to remember the peculiarities of writing prefixes ending in a consonant in the case when the root also begins with it.

and their writing

Root words are written when they are part of a compound. They lack a connecting vowel, for example, head physician. The first part of it ends with a consonant, and the second begins with the same letter. Let's say words like maternity hospital, Mosselmash have a similar way of education.
Their correct writing again depends on the student’s ability to see the roots and understand their lexical meaning.

at the junction of root and suffix

Double consonants -nn- And -ss- most often occur in cases where the first letter when parsing a word by composition belongs to the root, and the second to the suffix. This is usually observed where there are suffixes -stv-, -n-, -sk-, For example: lemon, moon, cast iron, Russian.

Double consonants in the root of a word at the junction of a root and a suffix are written in past tense verbs with a reflexive particle -xia-, For example: grazed, rushed.

Double consonants in a suffix

Errors in the spelling of doubled consonants in a suffix can be caused by the fact that there are many variants of their spelling, e.g. -enn-, -en-, -ann-, -an- and so on. The child needs not only to memorize the rule that regulates the process of competent writing, but also to clearly understand all the actions that he needs to perform.
Adjectives formed from nouns are written with double -nn- ( cranberry, lunchtime, sickly, windless but windy). Tin, wood, glass- these are exception words, and they are also written with a double consonant.

General rules

Double consonants in the root of a word, prefix and suffix are subject to the general rules of their spelling. For example, three or more identical letters are never written side by side, although the generally accepted rule requires this. We are talking about words like quarrel, three-ton, Odessa and others.

Words containing double consonants retain them during the process of word formation. For example: group - group - group, class - cool. But there is an exception to the rule: Anka, column, condensed milk.

Double consonants in the primary school curriculum

After children become familiar with the topic “Double consonants in the root of a word” (examples of these are given below), primary school students should be taught to use a spelling dictionary. The reference book is an example of the correct spelling of words with various spellings, including those with double consonants.

Schoolchildren can be offered exercises where it is necessary for given words, for example, such as quarrel, platform, gram, select related ones from the dictionary, writing them into one group.

In russian language -ss-, -dd-, -ll-, -rr-, -zh-, -pp-, -mm-, -bb- are used most often as double consonants at the root of a word. Grade 3 is studying a list of words for memorization, where all the listed letters are presented as double ones. There are more than a dozen such examples on the list.

A large number of words with double consonants appeared in the Russian language due to the process of borrowing. Sometimes it is useful to compare what their style looks like in Russian and foreign versions. But this method must be treated very carefully, since foreign words, once in the Russian language, can undergo certain changes. For example, classe - "class", profession - "profession", But adresse - "address". This technique only in some cases helps to better remember how double consonants are written at the root of a word.

The transfer rule has its own characteristics, and it is also included in the elementary school program material for learning the rules of the Russian language. The result of working on the entire topic is the formation of the following skills in younger schoolchildren:

  • choose the correct spelling;
  • transfer words with letters of double consonants;
  • justify your choice using the learned rules and spelling dictionary.

To check the level of skill development, tasks are offered where you need to insert missing letters into words. The selection of material is such that not in all cases it is necessary to write a double consonant. Children must notice this and complete the task correctly.

When testing the ability to transfer words with a double consonant, it is necessary to offer different structures in terms of the presence of parts and the number of syllables. These could be words like burns, cash register, alley, I'll tell you and others.

Expanding the topic of spelling double consonants

As the child progresses in mastering the laws of Russian spelling, the number of orthograms that use double consonants at the root of a word increases. also becomes diversified. In addition, the lexical material becomes more complex, using the example of which double consonants at the root of a word are studied. The 5th grade of the school curriculum can serve as proof of this.

In addition to adjectives, nouns, and verbs, students are offered adverbs, participles, and gerunds to observe the spelling of double consonants. The material for analyzing the spelling of words are excerpts from classical literature and oral folk art. Children become familiar with these works in class.

In addition, schoolchildren should be able to freely determine the place of a doubled consonant in a word. To develop this skill, they are regularly asked to perform exercises where they need to divide words into groups depending on the location of the doubled consonant.

Children must be able to justify their choice, which is helped by the students’ oral responses by formulating rules and giving their own examples.