Creations kolasa. Brief biography of Kolas

Yakub Kolas is a classic of Belarusian literature. With his creativity he glorified his native land, his native history, his beloved people.

The biography of Yakub Kolas is filled with bright, unusual creative impulses and creations. He wrote a lot, experienced a lot, thought a lot...

So, meet Yakub Kolas (photo, family, works and interesting facts).


The future great writer was born in 1882, in the fall, in the small village of Akinchitsy (Minsk region, Belarus). At that time, little Jakub’s father, Mikhail Mitskevich, held the position of forester for a Polish magnate.

When the child was one year old, the parents moved to Lastok.

There the children learned to read and write from the traveling teacher Fursevich. At the age of ten, little Yakub entered the Nikolaevshchina elementary school. There he becomes acquainted with the first literary works that touch his heart and delight his mind. These were topical fables by Krylov, lyrical poems by Pushkin, instructive stories by Gogol, life novels by Tolstoy, as well as beautiful, lively and original fiction works of Belarusian writers and poets. Thanks to this education, the creative biography of Yakub Kolas is formed under the influence of bright, talented works.

First creative efforts

At the age of twelve, the gifted boy wrote his first literary creations in the genre of fables and poetry. The son's writings were greatly approved and rewarded by his father.

Having received secondary education, young Mitskevich entered a teachers' seminary (the city of Nesvizh), after which he worked as a teacher in the Pinsk region for four years. However, due to participation in an illegal teachers' congress, young Yakub was fired and continued teaching at a private school.

Around this period, the poet’s first works were published in a local newspaper, dedicated to the nature of his native land and the struggle for freedom.

Two years later, Mitskevich again attends an illegal congress, for which he is sentenced to three years in prison, which he serves in one of the prisons in Minsk.

While in captivity, Yakub Mickiewicz (who took the creative pseudonym Yakub Kolas) published his poetry collections: in 1908 - “Songs of Captivity”, in 1910 - “Songs of Sorrow”.

War years

At the age of thirty, the Belarusian poet was released from prison and moved to Pinsk, where he taught at a parish school.

During the First World War, Kolas and his family were evacuated to the Moscow region, where he continued his teaching career. However, within a few months he was called up to the front, trained at the Alexander Military School and was sent to Romania with the rank of second lieutenant. After a serious illness, he was demobilized to the city of Oboyan to continue teaching.

During this period, other works of the writer were published, already prosaic: “Stories” and “Native Images”, as well as stories in verse: “The Obedient Wife”, “The Farmhand”.

The formation of creativity

At the age of forty, Jakub Mickiewicz was called by the Belarusian SSR to work in the capital. He taught at a pedagogical college and a state university, conducted courses for teachers, and studied science. In 1926 he published the work “Native Language Methodology”. Three years later, when the Academy of Sciences was formed, he became its permanent vice-president. The creative biography of Yakub Kolas of the 1920s - 1930s amazes with its vivid individual manifestation, as well as the variety of styles and genres.

He pub- events of the Civil War), cycles of poems: “Collective Farm” and “Autumn”.

During these years, the gifted Belarusian writer writes not only for adults, but also for children: “The Adventures of Mikhashi”, “Barbel Crayfish”, “On the River in Winter”, “In the Old Oaks”... His instructive, witty works help young readers pass the time with interest and benefit, enrich their inner world and help them fall in love with the nature of their native land.

An important part of Kolas’s literary work of that time is his deep dramatic works: the plays “Antos Lata”, “On the Road of Life”, “Strikers”, “War to War”, “In the Forests of Polesie”.

Yakub Kolas, whose personal life and work were inseparable, writes beautiful, sensitive works filled with inner music, harmony and light.

He has a keen sense of beauty, passionately admires nature and gracefully conveys its weightlessness and picturesqueness. Also, the writer, as a native of the common people, clearly knows the soul of the Belarusian peasant. In his works, he expressively and correctly depicts what an ordinary person who has devoted his entire life to the land and work thinks, feels and understands.

The Great Patriotic War

The writer spent the years of World War II in evacuation (Moscow, Tashkent), where he continued to work fruitfully and actively.

The creative biography of Yakub Kolas this time changes its direction a little: he devotes his works to the struggle of the Belarusian people against the fascist invaders. Praising the courage and resilience of ordinary people, partisans and officers, the writer inspires and encourages, inspires new exploits and instills confidence in one’s own abilities.

Vivid examples of such works are “Take Revenge”, “Voice of the Earth”, “Judgment in the Forest”, “Retribution”.

Other types of creativity

In addition to literary works, Yakub Kolas published a number of journalistic works, and also translated Russian classics into his native language. This is “Poltava” by Pushkin, as well as the works of some other poets - Nekrasov, Shevchenko, Tychyna.

An important research work of Kolas is the “Russian-Belarusian Dictionary”, of which he was a member of the editorial staff.


Yakub Kolas, whose personal life is of interest to many literary scholars, was married to Maria Kamenskaya - a woman of strict rules, respectful and gentle, ready to support her husband in any difficulties and problems. It was thanks to her thoughtful care and attention that Kolas was able to achieve such growth and greatness in his work.

The couple had wonderful children. Yakub Kolas, whose photo is given in our article, had three sons.

The eldest son, Daniil, became a chemist, the middle one, Georgiy, went missing during the Great Patriotic War, the youngest one, Mikhail, is a famous doctor of technical sciences.

Both sons are proud of their father and dedicated their lives to telling their contemporaries about his important contribution to Belarusian literature.

Yakub Kolas died at the age of seventy-three.

This is a story of life and creativity that definitely deserves attention. This is not another dry set of facts and dates, but a touch on the life of a person who managed to influence several generations and made a more than tangible contribution to the history of Belarusian literature.

First years of life

Initially, it is worth noting that the real name of the poet is Konstantin Mikhailovich Mitskevich. And he came into this world on the Okinchitsy farm on November 3, 1882. This place is located near the village of Nikolayevshchina, which is part of the Minsk region.

Konstantin Mickiewicz's father was a forester and worked within the territory that belonged to the magnate Radzivll.

The biography of Yakub Kolas cannot do without a description of the places where the future writer spent his childhood, since it was they who awakened the creative spark in his soul. These regions were very beautiful - one of the most picturesque in Belarus. We are talking about dense forests and the Neman River.

Later, in the poet’s work, emotions associated with childhood impressions received in this village will be repeatedly expressed. If we talk about the places where young Konstantin visited most often, it is worth remembering such farms as Lastok, Albut and Okinchitsy.


The biography of Yakub Kolas inevitably includes this period of the writer’s life. For the first time, Konstantin was able to touch knowledge during the lessons of his home teacher. The next stage was the Nikolaev Public School. Yakub Kolas wrote his first poems within its walls.

The literary experience of the talented young man began with the fable “The Crow and the Fox”, as well as the poem “Spring”. Such creativity was due to Konstantin Mikhailovich’s craving for the works of such writers as Pushkin, Krylov, Zhukovsky, Lermontov and others.

Yakub graduated from primary school at the age of 12. At the same time, the boy’s father really wanted his son to remain in the bosom of science and realize his potential. The result of this initiative was the admission of Konstantin Mitskevich to the Nesvizh Teachers' Seminary. It was 1898, and a bright, creative future awaited the writer.

Key influence

Student years are an important stage that the biography of Yakub Kolas must contain. A brief assessment of this period makes it possible to understand that Konstantin’s creative component was significantly influenced by his literature teacher Fedot Kudrinsky. It was he who inspired Yakub to begin collecting and recording oral folk art, as well as materials within the framework of such a topic as ethnography. Later, these notes will become the basis of the famous author’s first novel, “On Rostanakh.”

As for the pseudonym, this choice was influenced by Konstantin’s passion for the work of Yakubovich-Melshin.

After graduating from the seminary in 1902, Yakub got a job as a teacher in Polesie, which included the villages of Pinkovichi and Lyusino. At this time, Konstantin showed a revolutionary spark, which found expression in the convening of an illegal teachers' congress. It was 1906, and Yakub was determined to influence the overthrow of the Tsarist regime. But nothing came of the police's efforts, and the talented teacher lost his job.

Formation in creativity

The biography of Yakub Kolas in Russian includes such a stage of life as work in the newspaper “Our Share” (1906). It was here that he officially published his poem “Our Native Land” for the first time.

But Konstantin also had to go to prison because of his revolutionary ideas. This was the period from 1908 to 1911. Nevertheless, his ties did not prevent him from writing his first collection, Songs of Complaint. At the same time, ideas for other wonderful works are born.

When the prison days were over, Yakub, with the help of friends, obtained a certificate confirming his political reliability, and then again began working as a teacher in the city of Pinsk. At the school where he taught, Yakub met his love - teacher Maria Kamenskaya. In June 1913, Konstantin Mitskevich became a family man.

It was in Pinsk that the writer experienced the final formation of the facets of his work, which attracted the attention of well-known Belarusian and Russian critics at that time. Other writers also showed interest in Yaqub's work.

War and subsequent activities

The year 1915 was marked by the beginning of the imperial war, as a result of which Constantine was mobilized. Before 1917, the writer managed to receive the rank of second lieutenant, fought on the Romanian front, but was demobilized in September for health reasons.

After that, until 1921, Yakub Kolas served as an inspector of public schools in the villages of the Kursk region and the city of Oboyan (we are talking about Russia).

The next fact that the biography of Yakub Kolas contains is a call to Minsk at the initiative of the government. In the capital of the BSSR, Konstantin becomes a member of the commission at the Institute. In parallel with this, he is teaching his native language at the Belarusian State University.

During the Great Patriotic War, the writer was evacuated, and he was able to return to his native Minsk only in 1944. Before leaving this world on August 13, 1956, Yakub Kolas managed to become a deputy, a member of the USSR Writers' Union and an Honored Scientist.

This is what the biography of Yakub Kolas looks like, a brief summary of which, even without diving into details, conveys the fact that he was an infinitely creative person who had a significant influence on his people.

In 1883, the Mickiewicz family moved from Akinczycy to Lastok, where they lived until 1890. Together with his older brothers, Yakub Kolas studied with a traveling teacher, Ales Fursevich, and from 1892 - at the Nikolaevshchina elementary school, where he admired Krylov’s fables and Pushkin’s poems , stories by Gogol, gets acquainted with the poems of Lermontov, Zhukovsky, Nekrasov, fairy tales and stories by L. Tolstoy, with works in the Belarusian language, among which were poems by Yanka Luchina.

In 1894, the first literary experiments appeared - the fable “The Fox and the Crow” and the poem “Spring”. Yakub Kolas recalls: “In Albuti, when I was 12 years old, I began to try my literary powers. I remember reading my poem “Spring” to my father. He listened carefully, then asked if it was true that I wrote it, and gave me a ruble ".

After graduating from public school, Yakub Kolas lives in Albuti, helps his parents with housework and prepares to enter the teachers' seminary: he reads Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Koltsov... In August 1898 he entered the Nesvizh teachers' seminary. After graduating in 1902, he worked as a teacher in Polesie and the Minsk region until 1906.
For participation in an illegal teachers' congress, Y. Kolas was fired in the winter of 1906-1907. lived in the Smolnya tract, taught a private school. In 1907 he worked at the newspaper "Nasha Niva" in Vilno, in 1908 - at a private school in the village of Sani, Tolochinsky district. On September 15, 1908, for participation in a teachers' congress and illegal work, he was sentenced to three years and served his sentence in the Minsk prison.

In 1912-1914. Y. Kolas worked as a teacher at the 3rd parish school in Pinsk. During the first imperialist war, he and his family were evacuated to Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow province, and taught in the village of Starikovo. He was mobilized into the army (September 1915), graduated from the Alexander Military School in Moscow in 1916 and served in the reserve regiment in Perm. In the summer of 1917 he was sent to the Romanian Front, but became seriously ill and was evacuated to the city of Oboyan. By decree of the Soviet government at the beginning of 1918, he was dismissed from the army as a teacher.

At the call of the government of the BSSR, in May 1921 he moved to Minsk. He taught at the Minsk Belarusian Pedagogical College, at the Belarusian State University, lectured at teacher courses, and was engaged in scientific work at the Institute of Belarusian Culture.

Since the formation of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (January 1, 1929), he has been its constant vice-president. In 1935 he participated in the Congress for the Defense of Culture in Paris.
During the Great Patriotic War, Y. Kolas lived in Klyazma near Moscow, Tashkent (August 1941 - November 1943), Moscow and continued to be engaged in creative, scientific and social activities. In December 1944 he returned to Minsk.

Y. Kolas was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1946-1956) and the BSSR (1938-1956), chairman of the Belarusian Republican Committee for the Defense of Peace; was awarded five Orders of Lenin, Orders of the Red Banner, Red Banner of Labor and medals, awarded the title of People's Poet of the BSSR (1926), Honored Scientist of the Belarusian SSR (1944).

The earliest poems are written in Russian and date back to 1898. The first published poem is “Our Native Land” (1906, newspaper “Our Share”). In 1910, the first collection of poems, “Songs of Complaints” (facsimile edition in 1982), was published in Vilna, then the books of prose “Apavyadanni” (1912), “Family from the Java” (1914). In St. Petersburg in 1913 The stories “Toustae Palena” and “Nemanov’s Gift”, stories in verse “Prapau Chalavek” were published in separate editions. Sweet lady. "Sapyazhanka Pears" and "Personnel Worker. Yak Yurka is rich."

In Soviet times, a book of stories "Kazki Zhytstya" (1926, 1st edition - Kovno, 1921), a collection of poems "Vodgulle" (1922), a poem "New Land" (1923), a story "U Paleskai" were published Wilderness" (1923), collections of stories "Krok by Krokam", "On Rubyazhy", "First Croki", "U Tsikhai Vadze", the poem "Symon Music" (1925), the story "On the ancestral lands" (1926, filmed in 1929; including short stories, 2nd updated edition in 1928), stories “At the Block of Palessya” (1927), “Adshchapenets” (1932), “Drygva” (1934), collections of poems “Our Days” (1937), "Adpomscim" (1942), "Voice of the Earth" (1943), poems "Court in the Forest" (Moscow, 1943), "Adplata" (1946), collection of poems "My Home" ( 1946), the poem "Fisherman's Hut" (1947), the trilogy "On Rostanakh" (1955, staged under the title "Navalnitsa Budze" in 1958; filmed in 1960-1961), collection of poems "Long Live the Genius Among Us" " (1952), etc.

Many of Y. Kolos's poems are set to music.

Y. Kolas is the author of works for children: the poem "Mikhasev's jumps" (1935), the poetic fairy tale "Rak-Vusach" (1938), collections of poems "On the rivers in winter" (1941), "Tops for jumps" (1945 .), collections of stories “At the Old Oaks” (1941), “Runitsa Zhytstya” (1950). Processed a number of Belarusian folk tales.

An integral part of the literary heritage of Yakub Kolas are dramatic works, such as the play "Antos Lata" (1917, staged in the 20s), "Zabastoushchyki" (1925), "Vaina Vaine" (1927, final edition in 1938. , staged in 1937), “At Pushchah Palessya” (1938, staged in 1937), one-act plays “On the Daroz of Life” (1917).

Y. Kolas also spoke with journalism and literary criticism: in 1957, the collection “Public and Covered Articles” was published, his textbooks “Another Reading for Belarusians” (St. Petersburg, 1909) and “Methods of Native Languages” (1926) were published. .Translated into Belarusian the poem “Poltava” by A. Pushkin, individual works by T. Shevchenko, P. Tychyna, A. Mitskevich, R. Tagore, etc. He was one of the editors of the “Russian-Belarusian Dictionary” (1953).

Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1946) for wartime poems, USSR State Prize (1949). for the poem "Fisherman's Hut".
Yakub Kolas was a poet, prose writer, playwright, children's writer and teacher, publicist, critic, and translator.

Yakub Kolas, who received the title of People's Poet in 1926, is rightfully on the same line with Yanka Kupala. These are two talented people who were born in the same year, lived and worked at the same time, who experienced both ups and moments of humiliation from the Soviet regime. And both created real masterpieces of Belarusian literature. But, unfortunately, for some reason many people put Yakub Kolas in second place in importance, pushing Kupala into the shadow. Let's see if this is fair.

Biography. Yakub Kolas (real name - Konstantin Mitskevich) was born in 1882 in the village of Okinchitsy (today the territory of the city of Stolbtsy) in the family of a forester. Both parents of the future writer were from the village of Nikolaevshchina.

Konstantin had 12 more brothers and sisters. But due to malnutrition and frequent illnesses, only 9 survived to adulthood.

The Mitskevich family, due to their father’s profession, quite often changed their place of registration. Therefore, the boy received his education first at home, and only then at school. The future poet was greatly influenced by his uncle Anton, who instilled in his nephew a love of reading from an early age. At the age of 12, I first became acquainted with Belarusian literature. She made a great impression on him and it remained with him until the end of his life.

Konstantin graduated first from a public school, and then, in 1902, from the Nesvizh Teachers' Seminary. During his studies, he is interested in fiction: he reads both Russian classics and Belarusian and foreign writers. He also wrote his own poems in Russian. He also showed himself as an ethnographer - he wrote down folklore in notebooks.

In 1902-1906 he worked as a teacher in the Pinsk region in the villages of Lyusino and Pinkovichi. He continued to collect folklore.

He was one of the organizers and also a participant in the illegal teachers' congress of 1906. The congress was dispersed by the police. And Mitskevich was banned from teaching. But contrary to the decree, he worked illegally until 1912. Later, the events of these years formed the basis of the novel “On Rostan”.

In 1906-1907, he opened a private school in the village of Smolyarnya. In 1907 he moved to Vilnia, where he worked as head of the literature department in “Nasha Nive”, but on the instructions of the police, he resigned from there and left the city. At the beginning of 1908, he worked for some time as a teacher in the village of Sani, after which he was arrested on charges of revolutionary activities aimed at eliminating the current political system.

Mitskevich was sentenced to 3 years; he spent the entire period of imprisonment (1908-1911) in Minsk prison. Throughout his term he continued to create works.

After his release, he returned to the Pinsk region, where he continued to work as a teacher until 1914. In 1915, he and his family were evacuated to the Moscow region, where he worked briefly as a teacher, but soon he was awaiting mobilization into the army.

In 1916, he graduated from the Alexander Military School under the express program and was sent to serve in a reserve regiment in the city of Perm. In 1917, with the rank of second lieutenant, he was sent to the Romanian Front. But due to illness, he soon left the front, and later was demobilized as a teacher.

From 1918 to 1921 he worked as a teacher in the city of Oboyan (Kursk region). In 1921 he returned to Minsk.

The 20s were a time of creative success for Yakub Kolas. He becomes a famous writer, he is read and known. He leads an active social life. Since 1929 he has held the position of vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR. Takes part in writers' congresses.

At the same time, already from the mid-20s, repressive authorities became interested in him. In 1925, his apartment was searched and some of the documents were confiscated. The writer is subjected to hours-long interrogation. In the 1930s the situation changed for the worse. He is constantly criticized and accused of national democracy. They find that in his works he idealizes the kulaks and private property, as well as the classlessness of the Belarusian people. At this time, the writer’s close relatives, Yazep Lyosik and Alexander Kamensky, were arrested and repressed. Kolas himself was forced to repent in the press of all the sins attributed to him and promise in the future to write only correct, ideologically verified literature. However, this did not stop the constant pressure on him.

In 1938, a new search was carried out in his apartment. The writer is treated humiliatingly - they put him up against the wall as a criminal. They were looking for a weapon that was not found. Kolas was threatened with arrest. But it is believed that wide fame prevented the Soviet authorities from repressing him as well as many of his compatriots.

During the war, the writer lives in Moscow and Tashkent. But after the liberation of Minsk, in 1944 he returned to his homeland. He continues to work at the Academy of Sciences and leads an active social and political life: he was a deputy of the Supreme Council of the BSSR (1938-1956) and the Supreme Council of the USSR (1946-1956). He was the chairman of the Belarusian Republican Peace Committee.

In recent years, Yakub Kolas has been sick a lot. Over the course of 10 years, he suffered from pneumonia 26 times. But he still continued to create new works and died at his desk on August 13, 1956 from cardiovascular failure. He was buried at the Military Cemetery in Minsk, not far from the grave of his close friend Yanka Kupala.

By the way, on the day of his death, Yakub Kolas wrote a letter to the highest bodies of the party, in which he expressed his concern about the state of the Belarusian language. He predicted its demise if action was not taken. He proposed measures to protect the native language. This happened just a few hours before his heart stopped.

Creation. Already at the age of 10, Kolas, influenced by Krylov’s fables, wrote his first work, “The Crow and the Fox.” At the age of 12 he wrote his first poem "Spring".

For the first time he tries to write in the Belarusian language while studying at a teachers' seminary. Poems were written in their native language "Kalya Kastra" And "Fear", as well as a prose work “Our village, the people and the people who work in the village”. Unfortunately, these texts have not survived to this day.

At the seminary, one of the teachers drew attention to Mickiewicz’s talent - F. Kudrinsky. He read Kolas’s works and noticed to him that his Belarusian-language works were much better than his Russian-language ones.

First published poem “The edge of radzima” appeared on September 1, 1906 in the newspaper “Our share”. Here the poet first used his future pseudonym - Yakub Kolas. And already on September 15, in the same newspaper, but under a different pseudonym, Dziadzka Karus, a prose work was published “Weakness”. The writer also collaborates with another famous Belarusian publication - “Our New”.

The active stage of creativity for Yakub Kolas begins in prison, when he is cut off from his teaching work. First collection of poems - “Songs of Pity” published in 1910. In 1912 he published a collection of prose “Apavyadanni”. Kolas's early poems were highly appreciated Maksim Gorky.

In 1910, Kolas, while still in prison, began to create poems “Simon-music” And “New Land”.

Also in 1909, a textbook by him was published in St. Petersburg “Another read for the Belarusians”.

In 1912, on the Smolnya farmstead, he first encountered Yanka Kupala. This meeting marked the beginning of their long friendship. But many researchers agree that the spirit of competition was more prevalent in their communication.

In 1913, three books by the writer were published in St. Petersburg: "Nemana's gift", “Toustae burnt” and a collection of poetic stories "Prapau chalavek". In 1914, a collection of prose was published in Vilna “Natives”.

And in 1916, in St. Petersburg, the first dramatic work of Yakub Kolas was published by the publishing house “Looking at the Sun and Our End” - “Charka is still working”.

After the revolution in 1922, a new collection of poems by the poet was published in Minsk "Wodgulle". He is imbued with anti-war sentiments, as well as poems about working for the benefit of his native land. In 1923, one of the main works in Kolas’s life, the poem “New Land,” was published. And in 1925 in the magazine "Fire" another iconic poem is being published - "Simon-music".

During these same years, the writer created two great stories - "In the pale wilderness"(1923) and “At the boulder of Palessya”(1927). In the future they will be included in the novel “On Rostanakh”. This is the writer's largest and most significant prose text. It is based on biographical memories.

By the way, at this time the writer creates quite a lot of works based on memories. For example, a play "Zabastoushchyki"(1925) (about an illegal teachers' congress), story “Live on the ancestors”(1926) (about the problems of education and creative development of youth).

It is believed that already at the end of the 20s, due to strong censorship, as well as constant pressure on the writer, his work underwent serious changes. He is forced to create exclusively those works that will benefit the Soviet regime. Works aimed at supporting collectivization appear. For example, a story "Adshchapenets"(1932). In it, contrary to his views described in the poem “The New Hammer,” the author shows that collectivization is a good thing for the peasant.

In 1933 the story was published "Drygva"(1933), dedicated to the Civil War. There is a legend that the main character of the work, Grandfather Talash, being a real character, later tried to demand a considerable amount of money from Kolas for using his biography when writing the work.

During the war, the writer’s poems, his journalistic notes, and poems were devoted to the glorification of Soviet heroism and the exposure of fascists.

In 1953 he took an active part in the creation “Russian-Belarusian elephant”. In 1954 he finished work on the story “On Rostanakh”. Together with the stories “At the Palesk Wilderness” (1923) and “At the Palessya Block” (1927), they will create the novel “On Rostanakh,” which tells about events from the life of the writer in 1906-1911.

The writer was also involved in translation activities. Worked with texts in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish. Kolas’s works have been translated into more than 40 languages ​​of the world. Most often, the poet was translated into Russian (more than 80 books) and Ukrainian (10 books).

In 1972-1978, a collection of the writer’s works was published in 14 volumes.

The poet's works have been filmed more than once. In 1929 - "Song of Spring"(based on the story “On the ancestral lands”), in 1960 - "First tests"(based on the trilogy “On Rostanakh”), in 1976 – a teleplay "Simon-music", in 1982 - a two-part film "New Land", 2012 – four-part film "Talash"(based on the story “Drygva”).

What to read. As in the case of Kupala, it is worth paying attention to the early works of Kolas. And if you still haven’t read his poems “Symon Music” and “New Khyamlya” - be sure to do so. Don’t miss his novel “On Rostanakh”.

Yaub Kolas Square, Minsk

Awards and memory. In 1946 he was awarded the Stalin Prize of the first degree for the poems “Salar”, “Voice of the Earth”, “On the Sunset”, “Maimu Syabru”, “Rodny Shlyakh” and others. And in 1949 he was awarded the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the poem “The Fisherman’s Hut”.

Awarded five Orders of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In Minsk, on Akademicheskaya Street, 5, there is the State Literary and Memorial Museum of Yakub Kolas. In the poet’s homeland, a branch of the Mikalayevshchyna Museum has been opened, which unites four memorial estates - Smolnya, Okinchitsy, Albut and Lastok.

For works of prose, work in the field of literary criticism and criticism in Belarus, the State Prize named after Yakub Kolas is awarded.

In 1957, a USSR postage stamp was issued with the image of Yakub Kolas. In 1992, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a commemorative coin in memory of the poet. In 2002, a coin and a stamp were issued in Belarus dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Y. Kolas.

There are monuments to the poet in different cities of Belarus, and streets, squares, educational and cultural institutions bear his name. In Minsk, on Yakub Kolas Square, a whole architectural composition has been created, in the center of which there is a monument to the poet, to the left of it is a monument dedicated to the poem “Symon the Music”, and to the right - the story “Drygva”.

Monuments to the poet, in addition to Minsk, were also installed in the village of Nikolaevshchina, Novogrudok, Nesvizh, and other settlements.

The National Academic Drama Theater in Vitebsk is named after the poet. The Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences also bears the name of Yakub Kolas.

Worthy? Yakub Kolas, along with Yanka Kupala, is one of the most famous poets of Belarus. And it is very difficult to find a more worthy candidate for the title of “people's person.”

Literary legends and stories. 1. At the Nesvizh Teachers’ Seminary, where Yakub Kolas studied, he received the nickname “Bogatyr” due to his great physical strength.

2. Shooting occupied an important place in Kolas’ life. While still in the army, he was the most accurate in his company in shooting with a revolver and a small-caliber rifle. But even after service, the writer continued to participate in various shooting competitions. And he even received the title “Master of Sports in Skeet Shooting.”

3. This legend is common to Kupala and Kolas. It is known that although they were friends in life, in professional life they were considered bitter competitors. They were the same competitors at the chessboard. Yanka Kupala played better chess, and therefore was very upset if Kolas managed to win. And so, during one of the games, when Kupala was clearly losing, after another successful move by his opponent, he exclaimed: “Oh, you’re a man!” Kolas did not remain in debt and replied: “And you are a nobleman!” A brawl ensued, during which all the pieces were swept off the chessboard. This is how Yanka Kupala was able to escape defeat.

Yakub Kolas(Sap. Kanstancin Mikhailavich Mitskevich) is happy November 3, 1882(in a new style) skit Akinchytsy Menskaya pavet of Menskaya province (tsyaper near the borders of the city of Stoubtsy of the Minsk region), akhryshchans in the right-hand church. Fathers - Michal Mickiewicz and Hanna Lesik pakhodzili from the villages of Mikalaevushchyna (12 km from Stobtsa). From the 13th day, which was gratifying to all of them, and even the 9th bastards, my father served as a forester for Prince Radzivil, and she was building a farmstead. name at home) here I moved to Urochyshcha Swallow (another name is Sukhoshchyna). In 1890-1904 here I lived with the Foresters Albutz Mikalayevshchyna's hell is not far away.

Life in Albuci, small nakolny edges, the fruits of the rose season, which, as a reminder of the diseases of the penile, revealed a hole of new light of understanding and knowledge, packed the meaning We have a trace on the soul of young man Kostus. I heard Belarusian songs that the mothers sang. Vyalik autarytet me u pallet dziadzka na patko - Antos, yaki prishy abudzii tsikavastsi i literatury. I'm learning Russian grammar myself. For two winters, he studied with his oldest brothers at home, the so-called “darektara” (a flimsy student who graduated from public school), then passed away from folk school in Mikalayevshchyna (1892-1894). In 1895-1897 Station Mickiewicz lives near Albuca, to the fathers of the Gaspadars, and the hourly rummaging and progress to the Nastaunitsky seminary, the format is being read. Illustration of the 10-year-old sailings of the work of Ivan Krylov Kosty put together the story “Varona and the Fox”. 12 bastards wrote their own pershy versh "Viasna" , for which they saved the ruble. At the same time, young Mickiewicz became increasingly familiar with Belarusian literary creativity (top Yanka Luchyna’s “The Old Forester”), and she made a living in this country.

In 1898, pastures "on state funds"Nyasvizh Nastaunitsky Seminary , who passed away in 1902. At the hour of school, master’s literature was consumed: reading the works of A. Pushkin, M. Lermantav, M. Gogal, A. Kaltsov, M. Nyakrasava, L. Talstog, I. Khemnitsara, T. Shauchenki, I. Franko, A. Mitskevich. We store stories and tales in Russian language, collect materials from Belarusian ethnography, and record famous folk art. It’s time to start creating top and creative creations in the Belarusian language. Warehouses of the most aboriginal, not easy-to-learn peasants, wrote the poems “Kalya Kastra” and “Fear”, the texts of which were not stolen, and the very first prasaic creations -ethnographic narys "Our village, people and what work in the village" .

Velmi PAPPPAPENA for the PAETA PAETASHK Seminaryi Fyadot Kudrynski, Yaki “Vos dze Vash spraudnaya proizvanne” — the final publication. Geta took full measures to pay attention to the monuments of the autara himself. Yong means more pain:

“Russian language cannot be spoken in such a new way, as I write, you are accepted, you suffer and the same kalarytnasts, like the authorities of the Belarusian language, to the Belarusian little ones, who have the Belarusian language mov, that with malak matsi ўvayshla ў my nature."

On the first day of the 20th century. The ancestral zeinasts and the first right-wing grammatical acts of K. Mickiewicz disappear, the genre range of yogic literary works is growing, they are timidly more detailed, and then the first publications.
Lastly, the seminar ended in 1902-1905. In their youth, the monasteries lived in Palessia and the villages of Lyusin (principal of the Hantsavitsky districts), Pinkavichy (principal of the Pinsk districts). Working ethnographic records, collecting Belarusian folklore. At the same time, we recognize the illegal revaluation literature, and the right-wing dissatisfied voices with the peasants. Yakub Kolas pazne pіsaў:

“In 1905, I couldn’t have done any better in the party, otherwise I would have given up my work to my inveterate enemies.”

Thus, in Listapadze in 1905, he clаў petytsyyu zhikharoў Pіnkavich аd pаmeсh chіk Sіrmunt with а patrabаvanny to ensure the rights of the peasants on the Karistan azerami and ўplots of land for the pasha. The Governor of Mensk is pleased to announce that "the Uzbek elders of the village of Pinkavichy Mitskevich of the people...". At the student's office in 1906, K. Mickiewicz was awarded the Paradka for the Gramada Dzejnasts by the Verkhmenskaya People's School (part of the Smalavitsky District). 9-10 years of 1906, the acts of the illegal nastіtskiy z"ezdze, as it happened in the city of Mikalayevshchyna, came into force. At this point, an attempt was made to reorganize the people and light on the basis of democracy and decentralization. The movement was dispersed by the fingers, K. Mickiewicz Others would have the rights to act as mentors.
Verasny 1, 1906 the Vilensk Belarusian municipal newspaper “Our Share” has reached its peak— "Our native land", some people call their native land “poor old land,” “a land forgotten by the Gods.” Geta pershy oversleeves tvor paeta. Here the pseudonyms Yakub Kolas were the most successful (above all the pseudonyms Taras Gushcha, Karus Lapats, K. Adzinoki, K. Albutski, Andrey “Satsyalist”, Tamash Bulava, Hanna Grud, Mikalaevets, Lesavik and nshiya).
On the 15th of April 1906, at “Our Share”, the pseudanim Dziadzka Karus zmeshchana apavyadanna “Weakness” of the Tsar’s Majesty’s right to self-will - the first hands were overlaid with the prasaic creation of the writer. At the same time, new actions began to supratsoўnіchatsya at the same time from the Vilensk Belarusian newspaper "Nasha Niva". The work of Yakub Kolas has been evolving into new forms. It reaches a very high level of literary excellence - the most recent writings of the allegory "Kazki zhytstya", dze pa-philosophical asensova e rachaisnasts.

Winter 1906-1907 Kolas lives with relatives at the forester's Smalyarnya, and without an official permission to open a private school. The training manual “Another Reading for Belarusian Children” will begin. In 1907, we arrived at Vilnius, and for several thousand days we worked on the riddles of the literary Addzel's "Nasha Niva", but after the riddle, the fingers of the city would be wiped out. In the beginning of 1908, some people laid out an hour at the private school in the village of Sani (chief of the Talachyn district). On the 15th of April, 1908, Yakub Kolas was sentenced to 3 years of prison sentence after abduction in the current proceedings, which were drawn up on the basis of the program of the Userasian Union of the Instructors, as stated at the trial, ў on the basis of liquidation of the main point ў Russian imperial gramadskaya harmony (at the back of ў folded admonitions and instructions, although they write to other people, as Kolas did not name in court). The whole terminology of Yakub Kolas adbyva in Mensky astroza.

For turem kratami it was possible to kill the top and move to freedom. In many of Kolas’s works, the loud swearing of the hell of the satsial and the national will jump is expressed.
In the 1910s He has a great creativity and exuberant literary forms with a philosophical assent to the science of science - advanced work on the literary-epic poems "New Land" and "Simon-Music".
Top stories written and published in the newspaper “Nasha Niva”. In 1909, St. Petersburg published “The Look of the Sun and Our End”, the first book “Another Reading for Belarusians” was published, which included accomplished and practical creations from nature, tales kazki lived in the past, peaks and devoted to moral and ethical themes, and the most illuminated light shares of the peasants in Vilna in 1910. first collection of songs "Songs of Sorry"(written in 1906-1909), which depicts the image of a Belarusian peasant, who cares about the common people, who believe in the land of their native land, and who have lost their rights to the forest, but this May What a great year, show your compassion and kindness .

Paslya left the tour from the spring of 1911 to 1914. Yakub Kolas took up the teaching practice: for several months without official permission, he learned the art of chygunachnik at the myastechka Luninets, in 1912-1914. pasla atrymannya pasvedchannya ab dabranadzeynastsi pracavau nastavnikam pachatku ў vessy Kupyatsіchy not far from Pinsk, then at the Pinsk 3rd entrance school. Gets hour velma admetny for asabistag zhytsya Yakub Kolas. In the year 1912, in the villages of Smolnya, kala veski Mikalayevshchyna, there was the first liaison with Yanka Kupala, which brought a parcel to their family. Chervenya 1913 Kanstancin Mitskevich has a relationship with the teacher of the Pinsk gypsy schoolMaryai Kamenskaya , since some years ago, more than 30 years ago, I had three sons ( Danila , Yurka і Mikhas ).

At that time, the newspaper “Nasha Niva” regularly fought the tops of Yakub Kolas, highlighting the different aspects of the life of the Belarusian kingdom. In 1912, the Vilniy exit published the collection “Apocalypse”, in 1913, St. Petersburg issued special apocalypse “Nemanau Dar”, “Toustae Palena”, a collection of completed apocalypse “Prapa” ". The main theme of these works is the life of the Belarusian populace, and the main hero is the life of the bugs, the common, the norms, they have a hell of a life of transition and the creation of different people deep images of the Salyans. In Vilna in 1914, the Belarusian Trade Unions were issued a collection of works on a wide range of themes "Natives of the" Java. Iranasci, shaped structures were close to those of poetry in 1916 from Petragradze. "Look at the Sun and Our End" are overwrought and dramatic creations of the writer - a soft song "The Charka is all in the world", a kind of mela padzagalovak "The tragedies of the recent years (from the Viascovaga)."

During the First World War in 1915, in connection with the nearby front, Yakub Kolas was immediately evacuated to the Mask province, where he was mobilized for military service. (Maskva, 1916) serving as a spare stick Perm. In the summer of 1917, the called commander was sent to the Romanian front, and in desperate times, in connection with the outbreak of the war, we moved to the city of Abayan (the Kursk region of Russia). ). As the mentors, they called the hell of the military service and the workers of the calculations, school instructors in the city of Abayan and Iago navakoll.

At the top of the government, there were heavy battles for the forests of Belarus in the new historical akalicities, which arose as a result of the war and the Kastrychnitsa revolution of 1917, and click and make money on the Karyst native land (collection of works "Vodgulla", issued in Minsk ў 1922).

Taksama Yakub Kolas works on the texts of the poems “New Land” and “Symon Music”, exercising his strength in the galina of drama. Adzin from the creative genre - the song "Antos Lata" (1917, masterpiece of pastaulen in 1918 in Minsk), which shows the tragic forests of the villagers, which have their own gaspadarka, aka, Our land and every period of recovery, changes in the “bottom” of the century. Disruptive historical periods - the hell of the Luta Revolution and Kastrychnitskaya of 1917, Yakub Kolas’s thoughts on the further forests of Belarus are adlustrated in the section “In the Darkness of Life” (1917, pasta). and ў Minsk ў 1921) .

In 1921, Koune graduated collection of stories "Kazki zhitsya" (Most of “Cossack Life” was created in 1917, but we will continue to work on the cycles of the future). In these works, in an allegorical form, views are laid out on the historical and cultural philosophy of Belarus as a nation, their neighboring people, important social-palitical and moral-ethical problems are shown Nene Chalavek and the knowledge of the secrets of nature and life.
In the Pershai Palove of the 1920s. Yakub Kolas completed his works, conceived over tens of years ago, which depict the broad carcinoma of life in Belarus in the late 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century, highlighting his own path development of the nation.
In 1923, Minsk issued a special issue paema "New Land" . The works of the Belarusian people have created a whole epoch in the life of the Belarusian people. Maral great ancestor of the Chalavek, I will be the ruler of the Great Land of God. The everyday life of the people is described, the typical Belarusian characters are drawn out. The small details of the Belarusian nature are characterized by Yakub Kolas as a master of the landscape.
In 1925, the third edition of the poem "Polymya" was published "Simon-music" . In this work, the role of the master and the mastery of the life of the people is sanctified, here the aesthetic views of Yakub Kolas are most clearly revealed. Geta creative work on the folk outflows of art, forest talent from the people, spiritual adradzhenni natsyi. Tragic and dramatic mats are intertwined with the brutal and the apologetic. Aўtar creates the image of a young Belarusian - a sweet magician, the creators of his forest, who are imknets and spiritual adradzhennya native to the land. We sanctify our independence of the national path of Belarus, showing our concern for the activities of the spiritual-creative forces of the people.

U geta periyad pashyraetstsa tematyka tvoraў Yakub Kolas. It is a passage and description of the brutal ways of the Belarusian intelligentsia of the 20th century, and spiritual intuitions. The writer is so calledpaleskaya apovestsi : two beautiful prasaic works “At the Palestine Wilderness” (issued in Vilnius in 1923) and “At the Palessian Rock” (issued in Mensk in 1927). The most important works of Yakub Kolas are the most beautiful works of Yakub Kolas. In 1925, the song “Zabastoushchyki” was published, just as the Belarusian teaching included the palatine barats. The basis of the plot is that the first ones were illegally visiting the mentor of Mikalayevshchyna. These works are not at the same time as scenic entertainment. In 1925, the apovest “On the ancestral lands of life” was written (issued in 1926), illuminated by the youth of the 1920s, the problems of spiritual formation, education, culture, culture and culture I.

Another palova of the 1920s - 1930s. This hour of the current civil society of Yakub Kolas, the acknowledgment of his merits and with this greatness, a series of lives were formed, which fell into a psychological state, and negative influences floated on all subsequent writings Nika. Yashche from syaredzins of the 1920s. Yakub Kolas traps in the field of the Savetsky rap press organs. In 1925, I had a righteous investigation, and then an investigation in connection with the so-called “Leaf of the Right”, which was the date of the “counter-revaluation organization” in Slutchyna. In the 1930s cisk on Yakub Kolas yashche more uzmatsniўsya. Rasei kamunists are open to the abvination of the so-called “national democracy”, in the propaganda of the ideas of the unclassified Belarusian nation, known in the creation of the idealization of “kulatstva”, Khutar gaspadarka, The major role of the intelligentsia and etc. In 1930, Yakub Kolas was agitated by the public “kayastsa” and the “paintings” of the palette. There were arrogations and reprisals from close relatives of Paet - Dziadzka on the match line of Gramada and Palitychny dzeyach, Movaznavet Yazep Lesik, the brother of Kolas’s wife Alexander Kamenski. Yakub Kolas was attacked by arisht, but the sanctions on him from the highest level of government were not dzen. Magchyma, because of the wide variety and popular song.

In 1926, Yakub Kolas wrote the poem "On the Ways of Freedom" in the popular minds of the First World War, their floating on the farmed ancestral moods of the people and the capital Revolutionary period 1917 ў 1930s ў ў 1950s, but not yet completed. The works of Kolas in the 1930s. daily and the theme "kalektyvyzatsy". The hero of the story "Adventurer" (1930-1931, published in 1932) after a long period of time and effort in the first place. Akramya tago, at geta peryyad Yakub Kolas savagery and dramatic padzes Pershai Susvetna Vaina to the galoin chyns the right show of “Saldatskaya prauda” - at p"ese "Vaina Vaine" (1927-1931, the latest edition 1938) and Gramadzian Vine s - y the apovest "Drygva" (1933) and based on the poem "U Pushchakh Palessya" (1937). In 1940, the poem "Fisherman's Hut" began to be written by the great Christians of Western Belarus and the warehouse of the Polish Dziarzhava, their fight for their rights. In this period, Kolas captivated Galina with a translation from Russian, Ukrainian, Polish languages ​​("Paltava" by A. Pushkin, some works by M. Lermantav, A. Mitskevich, T. Shauchenko, P. Tychyny, R. Tagore, etc. sh.).
At the hour of the Nyametska-Savetska war, we are going to die at Maskvoy near Klyazma, Tashkents, Maskva. At the top (collections "Adpomscim", 1942; "Voice of the Earth", 1943), poems "Judgment in the Forest" (1942), "Adplata" (1943-1944), publicity articles during the war period It enhances the patriarchy, the heroism of people, revealing the central essence of fascism. At the end of 1944, Vernuўsya ў Mensk.

In 1954, the apovest “On Rostanakh” was completed, which is the apovest of 1906-1911. Yana became the 3rd, aposhny (times with two titles - “At the pale wilderness”, “At the boulder of Palessya”), the frequent namny of the trilogy. Trilogy - adzin from the first Belarusian ramans. This is a broad history of the social and cultural situation in Belarus, the epic life of the Belarusian people during the Revolutionary period of 1905-1907. And paslyarevalyutsyynnyh bastards. The works were written on autographic material, they created a gallery of portraits of national intelligentsia, people from the people, adragants, depicting the life of the nobility and other social classes. And then he revealed the deep mastery of psychological analysis in the descriptions of his heroes. In this series, the mastery of Kolas the landscape artist has been revealed: the beautiful little creatures of the Belarusian nature have been created.

13 June 1956 Yakub Kolas died at his work place. Plowed in Minsk on Vaiskovye Mogilki.

The paths, like the former Yakub Kolas, are admirable. Fundamental socialism and zeinasts - confusion, high-mindedness, insanity, imminent dangers in civil law, ground truth in all civil rights, to our princes, admirable to the most glamorous looks of happy eyes, to all the Fatherland and the people, to the treasured national identity Belarusa, ab Belarusian language, pratest suprac roznaga kshtaltu prygnechannya chalavek. These statements are a new measure of influence on the creativity of the writer, which has a significant impact on national and everyday literature. A number of creative works that are most important today represent a wide range of genres of magical Belarusian literature, the most extensive and relevant topics in poetic and practical works, and rich poetry. and philosophical and landscape literature, peaceful poetry and epic literature, laid the foundations of the Belarusian frame and Belarusian literature, philosophical assent to the Russian Federation. alegary apologia, which has become the norm of Belarusian literary language.
UNIVEL, 1920, at the VILNII of VILNI "Gistory Belaruskai Litarati", Yaku Napisa, Vyadoma Belaruski Pіsenіk і Litaraturanvets M. Gartsky, Yakub Kolas are called the classic Belaruskai Litarati.
Paetka and translation with Vyalikabrataniya V. The Velma’s Rych highly appreciated Yakub Kolas’s poem “New Land”. I have shared these works with ancient Roman tragedies, with the dramas and tragedies of William Shakespeare. “Without such works as the “New Land,” the poet lamented, “everyday literature would be the poorest.”
The work of Yakub Kolas, his role and significance among the national spiritual leaders of Belarus, is highly valued.
The Institute of Science and the Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the National Academic Drama Theater in Vitsebsk, squares and streets, schools and libraries are named after Kolas many populated areas of Belarus, wildly creative printing industry in Minsk.
The works of Yakub Kolas are distinguished by theatrical, musical, and cinematic art. The theaters staged songs based on the poem “New Land”, Y. Bagatyrov created the opera “At the Guns of Palessia” based on the poem “Drygva”. A number of musical works were written to the words of Yakub Kolas create . Kolasa paesia for writing songs and ramances was chosen by the campers M. Churkin (songs “Paint”, “Vyasna”, ramances “May Kakhantsy”, “Geese ...”), A. Turankov (ramances “Departure of the Sun”, “Dudka” , the song "Radas"), Ya. Tsikotski (Kamanina, Malakov, Slyapnev "," Perfect May ") і іnsh. "On the primordial lands." In 1960-1961, the trilogy "On the Rastanakh" was filmed (the film "The First Eradicated", directed by Ul. Korsh-Sablin).
Between Belarus and the work of Yakub Kolas, zhikhars from many parts of the world are known. Yago's creations (the most important thing) are translated into 40 neighboring countries, with the largest spread - English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese. The creativity of writing and its role in literature was discerned among their forefathers by the slavists of Vyalikabratany, Austria, Nyamechchyny, Italy. During special months, people translate the works in Slavic languages ​​- Russian, Polish, Ukrainian. In Russian language there are different hours of the election of Yakub Kolas.
Regularly highlighted creative works of the International Scientific Conferences, which produce collections of material "Kalasaviny".
The 100th anniversary of the Belarusian song is celebrated by UNESCA on an international scale. In 1996, the International Yakub Kolas Foundation was created. In 2007, Belarus had the 125th birthday of Yakub Kolas.