Interpretation of transits in astrology. Planetary transits - basic principles of predictions

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Transits are the easiest, simplest and most visual way to predict the future. The convenience of this method is that it is possible to predict an event down to the day. Transits themselves are divided into two types:

1. Transit planet in aspect to the natal planet.

2. Transit planet in transit through the natal house.

The most powerful, strong transits are the transits of the higher planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. However, each of these planets has its own characteristics when interpreted. For example, Uranus aspecting any personal planet gives unexpected, fast, unpredictable situations. Transit Uranus in aspect to Venus - love at first sight. That is, in the morning you went out and went to work, not at all expecting that after 25 minutes on the subway you would meet a person who could instantly ignite a spark of love in you. Uranus on Mars is a typical aspect of trauma. Injuries, in and of themselves, can never be planned. Another notable feature of Uranus is that it loves precise aspects!

Neptune, in turn, acts more softly and envelopingly. Sometimes the native does not understand what is happening, it seems to him that everything is normal, while this may be completely wrong. Again, I’ll give an example: transit Neptune in aspect with Venus increases receptivity, romance, and sensuality. But if the aspect itself is tense, then the native, at this time, is capable of lies, betrayal, and some kind of betrayal. Or, on the contrary, the native is deceived, led by the nose, but he does not even suspect it, he lives in his illusions. Sometimes Neptune in transits can give an event when the aspect itself is already diverging, so it can be difficult to determine exactly when a given transit will trigger an event.

Pluto is a different story. Its transits are felt by everyone, and periods of life when Pluto “lobed” some important personal planet remain in memory forever. This planet radically changes a person’s life, and change is always very difficult for everyone. At one time, I read a lot of literature regarding the transits of this planet, and often came across all sorts of intimidating phrases in interpretations of the intense aspects of Pluto, that nothing can be started on such a transit, a person only suffers wrecks, and so on. In fact, the situation is different. Pluto, indeed aspecting the natal planet, can take away the health or money or life of a partner (after all, Pluto is the god of the underworld), but he always gives something in return. It could be love, success or financial well-being. Therefore, it is not necessary to “sin” this planet, saying that Pluto only causes troubles. For businessmen, entrepreneurs, and politicians, the transits of this particular planet are extremely important, and they achieve the greatest achievements on them.

Now let's talk about some of the nuances that you may encounter when interpreting transits. All planets in transit, with the exception of the Sun and Moon, “loop.” As a rule, during a transit a planet can have 2-3 or even more loops. The most powerful loop is always the last, that is, the last passage of a transit planet through the natal house or sign always brings some kind of event. When the planet has just entered the house, it, like any person, looks around the new territory, gets used to it, so it can manifest itself quietly and unnoticeably. By the last loop, the transit planet has already become comfortable in the house, feels like a mistress, and therefore acts powerfully and openly. The only exception here is Uranus. When this planet enters a house, especially an angular one, an event happens immediately. Uranus seems to declare “here I am!”

There is another very interesting nuance. A transit planet almost always brings into our lives a specific person, who is the physical embodiment of this transit and this planet. In the natal chart of such a person, the sign ruled by the transit planet or house may be strongly manifested.

When I had transiting Pluto aspecting the Moon and Mars, 50-60 percent of my new acquaintances had either a Scorpio Ascendant, a highlighted Eighth House, or a Libra Ascendant, but Pluto was still in the First House. Then I began to analyze my friends who also had a Pluto transit, their situation was the same. A lot of Plutonians came into their lives. If Neptune aspects, then many musicians, people of a romantic and sensitive nature, or simply people with Neptune in the First House or the Sun in the sign of Pisces or in close aspect with Neptune come into life. The same situation will happen with Uranus, Saturn and other planets.

Potentially, if the transit aspect itself is tense, it is better not only not to let such people close to you, but to try to keep them at arm’s length, as they may pose a danger to you. I’ll explain with an example: imagine that the transiting planet is a director. In order to organize a performance in your life, the director will need actors. They will be people who carry the principle of a transit planet in their natal chart. The director gives them a script and the actors play. The transit will end and the performance itself will end. In any case, these people will have a very strong influence on you, but whether this influence will be harmonious or not, the synastry will tell you.

With love,

Just like a natal chart shows the position of the planets at the time of your birth, there are other charts that reflect a particular situation at a particular time. Astrologers call the real position of the planets at a certain point in time such a concept as planetary transits. As planets move through the zodiac signs, they interact with each other, forming aspects of the planets.

Transits of planets

Our natal chart is very much like a snapshot of the sky at the moment we took our first breath. We carry our natal chart with us throughout our lives, despite the fact that the planets and luminaries continue their movement and cycles.

However, when planets and points move forward, they form special combinations with planets and points in our personal natal chart.

So, for example, if my Sun is at 25 degrees Virgo in my natal chart and Saturn is moving towards the same degree of Gemini (25 degrees Gemini), Saturn is said to be forming a transit called a “square” to the Sun in my natal chart . By the same token, if Saturn is at 25 degrees Gemini, I can look at my natal chart and determine where Saturn falls relative to the placement of the houses. If this position is in my 3rd house, I will know that Saturn is transiting my 3rd house.

Transits activate what is already there! In other words, they accentuate certain qualities of our nature and give impetus to the manifestation of certain character traits.

In general, it is best to look at the transits and cycles of the outer planets (the slow ones) first to get an overview and set the context, and then refine the predictions based on the cycles and transits of the inner planets. Here are some general principles:

  • Determine “where the person is” in terms of overall achievements, to do this, determine in which house transit Saturn is located. Find out more about Transiting Saturn in the houses.
  • Pay attention to whether transiting Uranus, Neptune or Pluto form major aspects with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ascendant or MC (Medium Coeli, zenith) in the person's natal chart.
  • Determine the transits of Saturn to the natal planets.
  • Look at the cycle of Jupiter - in which house is Jupiter transiting, what aspects does it form with the natal planets?

It is better to work "from the outside to the inside" because this way you get a more complete picture of long-term transits and conditions. This provides a better understanding of the context needed for the clarifications that inner planet transits offer.

The outer planets influence us over a long period of time - they may become active before the transit makes an exact aspect, but we see the following: Many times an outer planet passes through a point in our natal chart, first in direct motion, then (through the same point ) during retrograde movement - only to turn around again and pass through the same point again, for the last time during this cycle.

As a rule, the “seeds” of a transit are “planted” in the first part of this cycle (when the transiting planet reaches the point in the natal for the first time), and the peaks of the “problem” or crisis occur in the middle of the cycle (when the transiting planet in retrograde movement again passes through the point ). Finally, the situation is resolved around the time the transiting planet passes the natal point for the last time in the cycle.

Note that we often “see” or “feel” the imminence of resolution when a transiting planet turns direct after retrograde, even before it passes the transit point again. If we were experiencing a crisis during this transit, we feel noticeable relief at this moment. This is likely since the return of a planet to direct motion after a period of retrograde generally symbolizes a decision.

Transits of the inner planets

Here are some interesting and important points to consider:

  • When the transiting Moon conjuncts the natal Sun (monthly): Such days are considered “days of strength.”
  • The 2-year cycle of Mars is the Energy/Boredom cycle. When transiting Mars approaches the natal sign of Mars, your personal energy increases. Energy decreases when Mars moves away from the sign of natal Mars, it is least when transiting Mars passes the opposite sign. For example, if your Mars is in Sagittarius, when transiting Mars moves from Gemini to Sagittarius, your personal energy increases until it peaks in Sagittarius. When Mars transits through the signs following Sagittarius, personal energy decreases until it reaches a minimum with Mars in Gemini.
  • When the New Moon falls on a natal planet or point: This suggests a need to refocus on a particular area of ​​life for about a month. If, for example, the New Moon conjuncts natal Venus, we experience a “fresh start”, with new perspectives appearing in areas influenced by Venus (such as love and money).

Transit aspects

Although there are many more recognized aspects, here we will discuss the overall significance of the main aspects.

Transit connection(0 degrees) has intense, directed energy. It can be active or quiet, depending on the nature of the planets involved, as well as the compatibility of the planets forming the aspect.

Transit sextile(60 degrees) usually produces easy changes - changes that neither you nor external forces resist. Opportunities arise that you can take advantage of.

Transit square(90 degrees) challenges. The very way of life of a person is tested and verified. There is internal resistance and/or obstacles in the form of external influences or circumstances. Action is needed.

Transit trine(120 degrees) gives smooth dynamics, with this aspect creative possibilities grow and develop. In the absence of challenge or opposition, the trine may pass almost unnoticed (or be underestimated).

Transit opposition(180 degrees) gives conflict between a person and his environment, and/or between the inner world and the outer world.

Transits of the outer planets

It is believed that transits of the outer planets determine the main events in the natal chart. Let's try to look at them in more detail.

Transiting Jupiter

The transit of Jupiter expands and enriches the human world, including the inner world. Transits of Jupiter stimulate growth and expansion of consciousness, engaging the nature of the houses and planets involved. Confidence and joy in these areas of life grows, a person feels a desire to achieve success and improve something in those areas for which the planets and houses involved are responsible. These are moments in life when we feel a little freer and more secure, and not so worried about restrictions.

Problems arise when we overdo it and feel so secure that we begin to ignore reality and stop thinking about the consequences of our actions. We need Saturn to remind us to get down to business, but we also need Jupiter to remind us that we won't get far without believing in ourselves.

Transit Saturn

Transit Saturn teaches us to take responsibility for ourselves. The influence of Saturn is crystallizing, grounding, “freezing”. Saturn makes us responsible for ourselves, no matter what it concerns. Each house and planet governs specific areas of our lives and facets of personality, and Saturn transits mean "testing", reorganizing and restructuring these areas of activity or qualities.

At the beginning of the Saturn transit, we may feel the loneliness and unkindness of the world. At some point, an adult will come to the realization that you cannot constantly shift the blame for your life onto someone else. We must find and realize our own inner strength to be able to rely on ourselves.

Saturn requires us to work hard, channel our energy into practical, useful and meaningful projects, and live in the here and now. This period in life is the time to build a strong foundation. Moderation at this moment is necessary for spiritual growth, as well as for the physical body. Saturn transits are a time to explore your own limits and internal reserves.

Transit Uranus

Transit Uranus destroys, changes and remakes everything it touches. Transit Uranus frees us from stereotyped thinking, offers opportunities for achievement, the opportunity to try something completely new. While Saturn slows us down, Uranus speeds us up, giving us the chance to take risks and experiment with new ways of living, interacting with others and our environment.

Uranus is progressive and intolerant of lifestyles and relationships that are tied to the past or traditions. Transit Uranus shakes us up and gives us a chance to learn more about our individuality. Uranus does not accept stagnation and restrictions. Personal freedom comes to the fore. Transit Uranus awakens and makes us aware of our own feelings that we have suppressed or repressed.

Transit Neptune

Transit Neptune erases boundaries, increases sensitivity, spiritualizes, and ennobles everything it touches. It makes us more aware, although it is important to note that Neptune's "awareness" is different from Uranus' "awareness." Neptune increases our sensitivity to our surroundings and people, but this sensitivity can also make us more vulnerable. Our personal boundaries begin to dissolve, and confusion can be a side effect of this.

Neptune can make us aware of inner dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with personal qualities or areas of life with which the transit interacts, it leaves us with a thirst for more (spiritually). We can open ourselves up to new experiences, but we can succumb to delusions and begin to avoid reality. While Saturn shows us harsh reality, Neptune has little to do with reality and boundaries.

Transiting Pluto

Transit Pluto gives a chance for development and rebirth. Pluto erases everything unnecessary and superficial that is in our lives. Pluto requires deep experience, transformation. What does not suit us, be it a way of thinking or a lifestyle, undergoes transformation. The transit of Pluto leads to rebirth in those areas that are affected by the aspect.


Another important part of the horoscope is progression. Thus, the most frequently used progressions with the key “day for a year” determine the main trends of the Nth year of a person’s life by the location of the planets on the Nth day after his birth. Progressions show how you react to a larger cycle of events, and progressed aspects actually take much longer than transits.

To predict the direction of actions of certain people and indicate the time when this or that event will occur, astrologers combine three horoscopes. Progressions and transits of planets are used to determine the timing of certain events based on the potential in your natal chart (see). The house in which a transiting planet is found determines how easily its powers can be realized; in the natal chart, the house indicates the area of ​​​​life where special influences can be found.

It is important to note that it is the innate potential of each person that determines the degree of probability of a particular event in his life. The planets move continuously, and during the day there are a lot of simple and complex transits of planets, but they affect a person only if there is any connection with the natal chart. And even if the planets foretell failures for you on one day or another, they will not happen to you if they are not displayed in your natal chart. It's the same with winning the lottery - the luck must be "confirmed" in your natal chart.

Each planet actualizes in yours. life is a certain type of energy, and the aspects formed by the planets indicate the implementation of this energy. By studying the features of the interaction of planets, you can learn about the influence of certain planets on your life.

Transits of planets are perhaps the most important part of astrology. It is with the help of transits that we make important astrological forecasts. Horoscopes for the day, for the month, for the year- they are all done based on study planetary influences at this point in life. What is it transits?

When working with transits, you need to remember two main things. Firstly, transit cannot give birth to something that is not shown in natal chart. To determine what to expect, look at your natal chart. Secondly, the slower the transit, the stronger its influence will be felt, the greater changes it will make in your life. Consequently, the transit of Pluto has the greatest influence, and the transit of the Moon has the least influence.

The most effective transits are conjunction and opposition, followed by squares and trines. Each connection will have its own individual effect on you. The opposition will affect your relationship with some other person or people. Squares can bring you trials, erect obstacles and obstacles in your path. Trines and sextiles are something we look forward to because they herald the beginning of glorious times, new opportunities and good things.

When assessing any transit it is necessary to evaluate the nature of the planet in transit. Jupiter increases in scale. Saturn makes us realistic. Uranus is associated with the love of freedom. Neptune dissolves, and Pluto destroys and builds again. It is important not only not to forget about this, but also to remember that a planet in transit will bring with it influence Houses and the sign in which it is located, and the house over which it rules on the natal chart.

The passage of planets through hemispheres- Eastern, Western, Southern and Northern.

Should be taken into account retrograde periods of planets . Retrograde planets means repeating the same lesson several times, usually three. During the first contact - aspect- The situation is in its infancy. Second contact, usually retrograde, indicates strength and momentum that may increase. Well, in the third contact the situation or event usually ends, and you need to finally make a decision.

Other predictive methods, such as progression, are also important. When progressions are positive and transits are unfavorable, events can unfold favorably. However, the situation is often different if the progressions are complex and the transits are easy. In this case, a previously non-existent or undetected problem may arise.

There is another method of predictions that is not related to the real movement of the planets - symbolic directorates. This method is based on the rotation of any point of the horoscope (MC, Asc, tops of houses, planets, “Arabic” parts, etc.) at a rate of a degree per year. In this case, the point that we move (the promissor) moves by 1° every year. A full revolution of the zodiac is completed in 360 years, which means that all the events of this cycle are unique, since an ordinary human life fits into a quarter of this cycle. From point of view astrology, slowly moving points control deep processes. The slower the promissor moves, the deeper the layer of life it describes. Therefore, symbolic directions are associated with deep processes in a person.

Sun controls our ego and will. Transits of the Sun are often triggers for unfavorable transits and progressions. On a day when the Sun in transit makes an aspect with our Venus or Jupiter, we can feel confident, optimistic and attractive to others.

Mercury- planet of communication. For a writer or speaker, Mercury transits will be a favorable period. You can identify days when you will be particularly successful in literary work, or days when you will receive important news or letters.

Venus - planet love and beauty. At favorable transits of Venus we feel loved, we feel confident, we consider ourselves attractive. On such days, our hair is easy to style, our makeup fits perfectly, we come across beautiful things in stores, and communicating with people is pleasant.

Mars controls our energy. He is often called the zodiac guardian of time. Mars is a planet that we can use to refine the map. When Mars crosses Ascendant, a person feels its energy and, as a rule, a certain event occurs.

Planet Jupiter known as the "great benefactor". We are all looking forward to her transit. It promotes consolidation and growth, it is the planet of luck, happy opportunities and happy destiny. The planet Jupiter has a strong influence, stimulates, gives vitality and optimism.

Saturn known as a teacher, mentor. During unfavorable transits, it can hinder, limit, cause a feeling of fear and mistrust, and act as a homewrecker. Favorable aspects can improve your ability to concentrate, stabilize your mood, and can also be factors that influence self-discipline and create solid foundations where Saturn transits.

Uranus, Neptune And Pluto make long-term transits that have far-reaching consequences. The influences of the transits of these planets are similar to the influences of progressions. Their effects manifest themselves both at the level of our subconscious and at the level of specific events. We often perceive the aspects formed by these planets as fateful.

Pluto destroys in order to transform and recreate. Your attitude towards problems related to the house in which this planet is in transit will radically change. Uranus develops in us the desire to break free and become free; we want everything to happen the way we want it to. Transits of Neptune rather associated with vagueness, deception, disappointment or idealization. When planets cross the angles of the chart, the Ascendant (first house), Nadir (fourth house), Descendant (seventh house) or Midheaven (tenth house), we begin new vibrant life cycles and perceive life in a new way.

Here are the smallest, but most key points from the information on transits of planets. You can ask a question or order a horoscope for the year by filling out the form on the page