Top 10 best cities to live. -4

When choosing a locality for further residence, we advise you to look at the rating of Russian cities.

10 Orenburg

The population living in the city of Orenburg is more than five hundred and sixty thousand people. It is among the top 10 best cities to live in Russia, completing the top ten. The city took 4th place in the “quality housing services” category. Having entered the top 10 in the field of healthcare and security, it was ranked 8th. The city also took 10th place in terms of the state of the road industry. And only in the field of education Orenburg occupies 32nd place in the ranking.

9 Novosibirsk

In ninth position is Novosibirsk with a population of over 1.5 million people. Novosibirsk ranks eighth out of the top ten for the quality of its education sector. 12th place in the ranking was given to the condition and quality of service of the housing stock. 17th position – for the state of the road industry. The quality of healthcare and security occupies only 27th place.

8 Krasnoyarsk

The city's population, ranked 8th for living, has exceeded the million mark. It is not included in the top ten in terms of the state of the road industry, but it occupies a strong 22nd place. It is not far behind in the area of ​​housing maintenance – 28th position. 30th place was given for the quality of the education sector and 32nd for merits in the field of health care and security.

7 Yekaterinburg

The city with a population of one and a half million took 7th position. It is also among the top ten for the quality of education – it ranks 6th. 13th place was rightfully given for the good condition and quality of maintenance of the housing stock, 15th for the condition of the road infrastructure. And, not so bad, at 24th position the city provides security and health services.

6 Chelyabinsk

Of the ten largest cities, the city of Chelyabinsk ranks 6th in the ranking of the best cities. It is in the Top 10 in almost all “nominations”. So, for example: silver (2nd place) – education, bronze (3rd place) – road services, top ten (10th place) – housing services. And only in the field of healthcare and security it ranks 20th.

5 St. Petersburg

The top five best cities in Russia for living opens with a city of more than five million people (skipping ahead of Moscow and London) - St. Petersburg. 4th place is shared by the spheres of education, health care and security. 6th place out of ten was given to the condition and quality of work of the housing stock; a close thirteenth place was awarded to the road industry.

4 Krasnodar

The city, bordering the Kuban River, firmly holds fourth position in the ranking of the best, being, by definition, in the top five. It is included in the top ten ratings for the healthcare and security sector, ranking third, and the housing sector, ranking fifth. Next, almost a dozen of the best - 11th position - for the state of the road infrastructure and 13th place the city went to the niche of quality education.

3 Kazan

The prize - bronze - was awarded to the city of Kazan with a population of approximately 1.2 million people. So, the city on the Volga takes an honorable third position in the ranking of the best places to live in great Russia. If not for the healthcare niche, which ranked 16th, the city would have been in the Top 10 for all indicators. The state of the road industry is rated in 6th place, 7th place was awarded for merits in the education niche, and the estimated merits of the condition and quality of housing services are in eighth place.

2 Moscow

The capital's “silver” life in Russia is in second place, but gold rightfully belongs to the capital in terms of population. Going around all the cities not only in Russia, but also in Europe, the number varies around the figure of 12 million people. Although, independent sociological surveys of citizens give first place in the ranking of the best cities to live in Moscow, considering it the most convenient city to live. Third place in Moscow is deserved by the condition and quality of service of the housing stock, leaving Naberezhnye Chelny and Tyumen ahead. The state of the road industry is ranked 8th; the health and safety sector is ranked 14th. A less joyful situation affected the education sector, occupying the last position in the ranking. Perhaps due to fierce competition for places in prestigious educational institutions, public education is not valued so highly.

1 Tyumen

In the ranking of the best city to live in Russia, the city of Tyumen wins gold. Also, the city’s education niche deserves first place. Second place was shared by two areas - the housing services sector (Naberezhnye Chelny took first) and the road industry (Kemerovo took first place). And only 25th place was assigned to the healthcare niche.

The Economist Intelligence Unit has published its annual Global Liveability Report 2017, which ranks the world's cities by quality of life. Here you need to understand that many parameters were taken into account: the level of crime, the threat of terrorism and military conflicts, accessibility to healthcare, education, infrastructure, the existing cultural environment, ecology, etc.

I hasten to disappoint you, Moscow was only in 80th place. Our Ukrainian neighbors are also in for an unpleasant surprise.

It also turned out that I was in more places from the last ten of the ranking than from the first. So enjoy photos and posts from cities you probably never want to visit! ;)

A wonderful city, I celebrated New Year here! Melbourne has a cool tram, great wine, delicious steaks and koalas. What else is needed for happiness?

3. Vancouver (Canada) But I never made it to Vancouver (I only saw it from the airplane window.

I’ve been, seen, walked, and I can confirm: everything is great here!

5. Calgary (Canada) I didn’t make it, I need to fix it!

6. Adelaide (Australia). I haven’t been either (Shame! I’ll definitely visit in December!

7. Perth (Australia) It’s in the plans for December! By the way, Perth is a city of miners with all the ensuing consequences: miners love to have fun;) And a city of ordinary Australian men, bogans! We’ll sit on the courts, beat someone and drink beer.

Many people like Auckland, but I find it a bit boring. Yes, safe, clean, but BORING!

Oh, I wrote a lot about this recently;) Did you like it?))))

Hamburg is not only the protests I recently covered, but also a livable city!

Oh) We are in the middle.

Oh, and Kyiv is in trouble. Literally, in the top ten worst cities. It's all because of the Maidan and its consequences. Or maybe the environment has worsened due to tires?

I don't particularly remember the city...

133. Harare I haven’t been here, but I’ve been to Zimbabwe and I can say that it’s an ASS!

134-135. But they shouldn’t have included Karachi. Cool city! I like it. Islamabad and Lahore are a much bigger dump.

This is where I don’t understand at all: a cool, safe and green city! I enjoyed spending 3 days there at the time.

136. Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) Plans for next year.

ABOUT! This is truly hell on earth.

The city is a traffic jam, and quite dangerous.

For obvious reasons.

Here, by the way, are the five most successful and five most failed cities over the past 5 years. Moscow is in the same company here with Kiev, Tripoli, Damascus and Detroit. And Tehran, for example, is gradually climbing up. Maybe because sanctions on Iran were lifted?)

So, where is Mogadishu? Where is Kabul? Where is Omsk? Looks like foreign researchers just got tired of studying some cities!

What do you think? Where were you?

Every year, the well-known consulting company Mercer calculates an index that shows the level of quality of life in different cities. This index allows multinational companies to properly allocate labor resources. The indicator depends on many factors, including living conditions, political, economic and social environment, media, medicine, level of education, recreational facilities, environment, etc. Below are the best cities, that is, those in which the lives of citizens are at a high level. However, such giants as London and New York were not included in this list.

23. Montreal

One of five Canadian cities that are included in this ranking. It is a major economic, financial and technological center.

22. Perth

Australia has one of the highest standard of living markers in the world. This city has excellent places to study and relax, as well as a very low unemployment rate.

21. Brussels

The political center of Europe is one of the safest and cleanest places in the world. There are many museums, national parks and high-end restaurants here.

20. Stockholm

The capital is considered one of the best places to live in the world due to the optimal balance of employment, living standards, safety and environmental conditions.

19. Luxembourg

This small European country is one of the richest and safest in the world.

18. Hamburg, Germany

The main port of northern Germany. Now it is also a large industrial and telecommunications center.

17. Ottawa

Ottawa is considered the most cultural city in the country. There are many educational institutions, cultural organizations, and also a very low unemployment rate.

16. Melbourne, Australia

One of the world's best places for education, research and development. A bonus is the vibrant tourism and excellent entertainment industry.

15. Toronto, Canada

The financial capital of Canada and home to five of Canada's largest banks.

14. Bern, Switzerland

The second safest city in the world. It has well-developed traditional industry and agriculture, as well as a low unemployment rate.

13. Berlin

The German capital offers many opportunities for a high standard of living, including safety, employment and a variety of leisure and entertainment options.

12. Wellington

The capital of the country with excellent weather conditions. It is also the political and economic center of New Zealand.

11. Amsterdam

One of the largest European financial centers with a high standard of living. This is where modern life and traditional options for recreation and entertainment intersect.

10. Sydney

The economic and financial center of the entire continent. The bonus is the wonderful environment, pleasant climate and high level of culture.

9. Copenhagen

Copenhagen was recently named one of the most livable cities in the world. The site was originally a Danish fishing village that grew into a city with a high level of cultural development.

8. Geneva, Switzerland

A global diplomatic hub and home to the world's richest people. The place is extremely safe and its population is highly educated.

7. Frankfurt

A place where numerous world-class fairs and exhibitions are held.

6. Dusseldorf

This German city in the western part of the country is known for its fashion industry and various arts events.

5. Vancouver

One of Canada's most populous and ethnically diverse cities. Half of the population does not speak English as their first language.

4. Munich, Germany

One of the best places to live in the world with high safety and quality of life.

3. Auckland

The city is located on two of New Zealand's large harbors and is at the top of the list for its balanced economy, excellent environment and high level of personal safety.

2. Zurich, Switzerland

The city is known as the economic and cultural center of the country; it is present in many international rankings.

1. Vienna, Austria

The reputable analytical company Economist Intelligence Unit has published a rating best cities in the world to live for 2017. The company's experts assessed them on 30 parameters - crime, education, military conflicts, healthcare, infrastructure, education, ecology, diversity of cultural life...

According to tradition, we will start from the last, 10th place. So…

10th place. Hamburg, Germany, 95 points

It is the second largest city in Germany (after Berlin), the seventh largest in the European Union and the most populous non-capital city in the European Union. It is the largest port in Germany, the second largest in Europe, and ranks ninth in the world.

The remains of the first buildings on the territory of modern Hamburg are dated by archaeologists to the 5th-6th centuries AD and belong to the era of the Great Migration.

The city has retained certain features of medieval buildings. Hamburg is home to 60 museums and 17 universities.

Central Town Hall:

Hamburg also ranks first among European cities in terms of the number of bridges (according to various sources, from 2300 to more than 2500). The city has more bridges than Venice (400), Amsterdam (1200) and London combined.

9th place. Helsinki, Finland, 95.6 points

It is the capital and largest city of Finland, the administrative center of the province of Uusimaa. Located in the south of the country, on the shores of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea.

The city was founded on June 12, 1550 by the Swedish king Gustav Vasa. The city's elevation changes are significant and rocks are a common part of the landscape. There are waterfalls on the rivers within the city.

Helsinki is home to 8 universities and 6 technology parks. Bicycle lovers are also welcome here - the total length of bike paths in Helsinki is more than 1000 km. By the way, the Helsinki tram system is one of the oldest electrified tram networks in the world.

8th place. Auckland, New Zealand, 95.7 points

It is New Zealand's largest city with a population of approximately 1.3 million people, accounting for a quarter of the country's total population. The city is located within the Auckland Volcanic Region. Within its boundaries are the craters of 49 extinct monogenic volcanoes.

Today Auckland is the economic and cultural center of New Zealand. The city is not rich in historical sights, but with its picturesque beauty Auckland strikes many hearts of those who come here for the first time. Although, some say that it is good, safe, clean, but boring.

One of the attractions is the Sky Tower with a height of 328 meters - the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere:

Panorama of Auckland from the Sky Tower (clickable 2500 x 651 px):

7th place. Perth, Australia, 95.9 points

It is the largest city and capital of the state of Western Australia with a population of approximately 1,200,000 people, located on the shores of the Indian Ocean. It was founded on June 12, 1829 by Captain James Stirling shortly after the formation of the port settlement.

The city is considered one of the main economic centers of Australia. Gold, diamonds and nickel are mined here. It is here that the world's largest open deposits of gold and nickel are located in the Kalgoorlie region, as well as the world's largest diamond-bearing area, the Kimberley, which is the main competitor of the South African and Yakut diamond deposits.

Modern skyscrapers are a characteristic feature of the Perth cityscape:

Perth is called "The Pearl of Australia". Ancient buildings, a convenient pedestrian area in the center of Perth, and beautiful views of the river make Perth attractive to tourists.

One of the attractions is:

6th place. Adelaide, Australia, 96.6 points

The capital and largest city of the state of South Australia, the fifth largest city in the country with a population of more than 1.1 million people is the city of Adelaide. It is named after the queen - the wife of the King of Great Britain and Hanover, William IV, who sat on the throne from 1830 to 1837.

The city is located on the ocean. The central part of Adelaide is multi-storey, with several modern skyscrapers, and is small, while the rest of the city is one or two storey in nature. Perfect cleanliness, neatness and impeccable finishing of buildings are the hallmark of Adelaide.

King William Street is the widest street in the city:

Tourists are attracted here to Adelaide by Australia's third largest Kangaroo Island, a wildlife sanctuary with a colony of sea lions and a beautiful coastline for fishing.

5th place. Calgary, Canada, 96.6 points

In the foothills and prairies region, approximately 80 km east of the Canadian Rockies watershed.

The city is one of the sunniest in Canada - the sun shines there on average 2,400 hours a year.

Calgary is located in the transition zone between the foothills of the Canadian Rockies and the Canadian Prairies, so its topography is quite hilly. The elevation of downtown Calgary is approximately 1048 m above sea level.

Life in Calgary, one way or another, revolves around oil production. Its deposits were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. Despite this, this city is considered by many organizations one of the cleanest in the world. For example, driving just 200 kilometers from the city you find yourself at the glacial Moraine Lake in Banff National Park:

Olympic Plaza. In the distance you can see a famous landmark - the Calgary Tower, 91 m high. It is designed in such a way that, swaying slightly in the wind, even with very strong gusts it maintains its stability:

Downtown Calgary, 2010 (clickable 2000 x 561 px):

4th place. Toronto, Canada, 97.2 points

And the administrative center of the province of Ontario. The city received its current name in 1834.

Toronto is Canada's most diverse city, with about 49% of its residents being immigrants.

3rd place. Vancouver, Canada, 97.3 points

Vancouver is located on the west coast of Canada, on the shores of a picturesque bay, at the foot of the Pacific coastline of the North American Cordillera.

It is the 3rd largest city in Canada with a population of 2,433,000 people and the largest population center in the province of British Columbia.

And the climate here is good, because it is part of a unique ecosystem - a temperate tropical forest, so the summers here are mild and not hot, and in winter it rarely snows.

One of the most picturesque cities in the country is surrounded by dense pine forest, snow-capped mountains and fjords. Clickable:

Stanley Park is a city park located in Vancouver, the largest city in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The park is an evergreen oasis on the border with the business center of the city. By the way, it is 10% larger than the area.

The international human resources consulting company Mercer annually ranks the world's cities by quality of life. To do this, the organization’s analysts rate large populated areas based on 39 criteria: economic indicators, social environment, degree of freedom (lack of censorship and other restrictions), personal safety, development of healthcare, transport system, and so on.

Rating 2018 2018 City Ranking year looks like this:

1. Vienna, Austria

Advantages: infrastructure, public transport, banks and finance, security, culture and free time.

Vienna has been the undisputed leader in the Mercer rankings for recent years. The city is located at the foot of the Alps near the borders with Slovakia and Hungary. A strong economy, OPEC and OSCE headquarters, the seat of the UN, and many universities make Vienna attractive in terms of work and study. The recreational opportunities are also extensive: the Vienna Opera, the world's oldest zoo, museums, galleries, squares and palaces for years to come.

2. Zurich, Switzerland

Advantages: security, banking and finance, infrastructure, education.

Zurich is one of the most important European financial centers. This industry provides a quarter of the jobs in the city. Together with innovative, industrial and IT enterprises, this provides many employment opportunities.

Zurich is considered a safe city with a good environment. It is relatively small: the population is only 400 thousand people. However, everything that is usually expected from a metropolis is available here: universities, cultural sites. The headquarters of the International Federation of Association Football and the International Ice Hockey Federation are located in Zurich.

3–4. Auckland, New Zealand

Advantages: high human development index, life expectancy, gross income per capita.

Auckland is New Zealand's largest city, home to a third of the country's population. There is a labor migration system here, within which you can find work even before leaving your country. Auckland has developed agriculture, manufacturing and food industries, and tourism.

This city is the warmest and sunniest in New Zealand, and issues are a priority for the country as a whole.

3-4. Munich, Germany

Advantages: infrastructure, public transport, culture.

Munich is a major industrial and research center. The city is clean and green, with well-developed public transport, rich historical and cultural heritage. It also has qualities typical of German cities, such as a developed healthcare and social security system, mostly free education and a low crime rate.

5. Vancouver, Canada

Advantages: economics, transport system, ecology.

Vancouver consistently ranks among the top livable settlements. For example, he occupies high positions in the ranking Vancouver is the third most livable city in the world: the Economist best cities on Earth from the British The Economist. This is the industrial center of the country with a port, logging, mining enterprises, and IT companies.

In Vancouver, both trees native to the area and those brought from different parts of the continent grow. The transport system includes not only traditional land transport methods, but also ferries. Separately, it is worth noting the bike paths that run through the city.

6. Dusseldorf, Germany

Advantages: economics, transport, culture, education.

Many large companies have their headquarters in Düsseldorf. For example, Henkel, Vodafone, Degussa, Metro AG, WestLB, which are quite willing to hire qualified specialists from other countries. The presence of a large international airport and exhibition center makes a significant contribution to economic development.

Other advantages include a developed infrastructure, many museums, theaters and galleries, as well as a mild climate.

7. Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Advantages: infrastructure, economy, transport.

In terms of quality of life, Frankfurt am Main differs little from other large cities. It is clean, the infrastructure, healthcare and social support systems are developed. It is a center of commerce, culture, education and tourism. And an overwhelming number of international companies make it possible for a qualified specialist to find a highly paid job.

Frankfurt was the richest city in 2001 European cities outperform their English counterparts European city in terms of GDP per capita. According to a 2016 survey, 65% Bindungen an die Stadt und Zufriedenheit mit Lebensbereichen residents are happy with it.

8. Geneva, Switzerland

Advantages: economics, climate, ecology, transport.

In 2014, Geneva was named in the Global Liveable Cities Index Geneva ranked as best city in the world the best city to live, ahead of Singapore, German and Scandinavian cities in the ranking. It has a temperate maritime climate, ski resorts are nearby, and land and water passenger transport is developed.

The city has a positive attitude towards foreigners. They are the ones who buy 44% of real estate in Geneva. This is also explained by the fact that there are many headquarters of international organizations here.

9. Copenhagen, Denmark

Advantages: security, economy, social support, infrastructure.

In 2016, Copenhagen became the second most populous city in the world. 67% of respondents were very satisfied with life, and only 5% were completely dissatisfied. This is due to the moderate maritime climate, developed economy, high incomes, clean streets, good ecology, and extensive recreational infrastructure.

10–11. Basel, Switzerland

Advantages: ecology, transport, industry, culture.

The small city in the north-west of the country is a center of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries with the headquarters of Novartis and Hoffmann-La Roche. Local trams are international and can take passengers to France or Germany. Basel is a green city in the literal and figurative sense: there is a lot of vegetation and much attention is paid to the environment.

10–11. Sydney, Australia

Advantages: economy, infrastructure, climate.

Australia's largest city is famous primarily for its local opera house. But cultural sites are not the only thing that makes life here comfortable. The city is home to more than 90 bank headquarters and more than 500 regional offices of international companies. Every year, Sydney's population increases due to its population, so it is a multicultural city with a high level of tolerance.