Togirro distance learning. Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education (togirro.)

On January 13, 1945, the Tyumen executive committee of the regional Council of Workers' Deputies made a request to the People's Commissariat for Education to open a regional IUU at the Tyumen oblast.

In September, teacher Pyotr Khainovsky was sent to a seminar for IUU directors in the city of Sverdlovsk. In October 1945, by order of the head of the oblon, N. Dokshina was appointed head of the educational department of the IUU. Since that time, the staff, consisting of two employees, has been involved in working with the teaching staff of the region.

From September 1945 to January 1947, forty-five teachers completed courses at the Central Institute for Advanced Studies. Through seminars conducted by the regional educational institutions, 40 heads of district departments of public education and the same number of inspectors, 167 directors, head teachers and teachers of secondary schools for working and rural youth were trained.

Since the 1948-1949 academic year, this system began to operate in our region, becoming the most important area of ​​​​work of the institute staff. Over the course of the year, 649 people passed through the system of full-time and correspondence education, of which 506 were teachers of the first to fourth grades.

TOIUU becomes a kind of workshop of innovative thought. Beginning in 1953, over a number of years, the institute carried out experimental work on the creation and implementation of programmed printed manuals on the main subjects of the curriculum into school practice. The idea of ​​creating them belonged to the head of the institute’s methodological aids room, N. Tilyupo. In April 1953, in the regional center for the first time, an All-Russian seminar was held for methodologists of IUU institutes to familiarize themselves with the methods of teaching the Russian language using new printed manuals. Since 1963, similar notebooks have been developed in mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages ​​and geography.

In the sixties, many schools in the Russian Federation successfully established a tape-recorded German language course for fifth- to eighth-grade students, developed by an institute employee, F. Emich.

In the early 90s, there were 37 thousand teachers and more than 27 thousand preschool workers in the region. In September 1991, by decision of the executive committee of the Tyumen Regional Council of People's Deputies, an institute for advanced training of teaching staff was opened on the basis of the regional institute for advanced training of teachers, which received the status of a higher educational institution. A.B. was appointed rector. Kitaigorodskaya is an honored school teacher of the Russian Federation.

Considering the acute shortage of social educators and school psychologists in educational institutions, the institute is beginning to retrain personnel for these specialties.

In 1995, the IPK already had eight departments. The first was the Department of Psychology and Defectology.

At the moment, TOGIRRO has 9 departments and 2 laboratories.

In February 2009, the Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education was included in the official register "Reliable Reputation", which is a standard for certification of financial stability, quality of products and services. The Institute received a medal and a certificate for the right to use the logo of the "Reliable Reputation" registry.

The institute is currently preparing for certification of the quality management system according to ISO and ENQA standards.

Courses and seminars conducted by the institute

Courses advanced training (72 hours):

  • "Development and use of electronic educational and methodological complexes for educational purposes."
  • "Creation of electronic courses in the module-oriented software environment MOODLE."
  • "Development of electronic educational simulators for memory training and memorization of complex educational material."
  • "Design of electronic courses for distance learning."
  • "Multimedia in Education" - creating PowerPoint presentations in accordance with the rules, ergonomics and design requirements, with hyperlinks, sound and video; use of multimedia technologies in project activities of teachers and students.

Seminars from 4 to 24 hours on topics:

  • "Informatization of education";
  • "Creation of a unified information space of the educational institution";
  • "Modern technologies in education for NGO and SVE institutions";
  • “Use of ICT technologies and Internet resources to prepare for lessons”;
  • Master class on the topics: "Imaginal-game programs" and "Use of information and communication technologies in working with preschoolers."

We are ready to organize courses and seminars both at the TOGIRRO base and to travel to educational institutions to organize and conduct courses at your base during school and student holidays.

Please complete preliminary applications for courses and seminars in advance.

For teachers

You are an educator. You need to improve your skills. Today, 9 departments and 2 laboratories of TOGIRRO provide advanced training for education workers through course training:

  • heads of educational institutions,
  • deputy heads of educational institutions,
  • directors and educators of preschool educational institutions,
  • primary school teachers,
  • subject teachers,
  • teachers of secondary vocational education, non-governmental organizations,
  • teacher-organizers,
  • psychologists, speech therapists,
  • teachers of additional education for children,
  • foster carers, class teachers, social teachers,
  • teachers of correctional educational institutions,
  • teachers-educators of boarding institutions,
  • teachers of extended day groups, full-day schools,
  • social educators,
  • school inspectors, KDN inspectors,
  • specialists from support base rooms for the prevention of addiction to psychoactive substances.

You are an educator. Perhaps with experience. Perhaps with more experience. But... Your educational institution requires specialists of a different profile, or you simply decided to change specialty.

The Institute offers retraining of teaching staffby specialty:

  • psychology and pedagogy,
  • speech therapy,
  • psychology,
  • management of an organization in the field of education,
  • foreign language,
  • social pedagogy.

TOGIRRO continues to work on a new form of educationcumulative system of advanced training, which allows teachers:

  • on one's own design educational route taking into account your professional needs;
  • choose the most suitable terms of study for yourself;
  • receive education is continuous.

For heads of educational institutions

You are the head of an educational institution. You want to put your educational institution into development mode, raise it organizationally and methodologically to a high modern level, and achieve high educational results. Or your educational institution plans to take part in a competition for a national project.

TOGIRRO has extensive experience in:

  • development of school educational programs;
  • development of concepts and development programs;
  • management of experimental sites in educational institutions;
  • examination of teaching activities and educational programs;
  • development of teaching aids;
  • organizing and conducting thematic seminars, consultations, trainings, master classes, training modules, including on organizing educational work with students.

TOGIRRO offers consultations on:

  • preparing institutions for licensing and certification;
  • organization of specialized training and pre-vocational training;
  • working with the net-school program.

TOGIRRO trains tutor teams(at the level of educational institution, district, city) on the following issues:

  • organization of innovative activities;
  • OS management in the new modernization conditions;
  • educational aspects of the activities of educational institutions;
  • management of education development at the municipal level.

For students and parents

You are a student in grades 9-11. Ahead are final certification and entrance exams, university studies.

Close connections with the school, focus on modern methods, awareness in the legal and regulatory sphere, and tracking of best pedagogical experience allow TOGIRRO today to expand its scope of activities and offer its services to high school students:

  • Preparatory courses for the Unified State Exam.
  • Training testing for grades 4-11 - Unified State Examination, State Examination (GIA) (from 120 rubles per test).
  • Elective courses(classes on choosing a study profile in grades 9-10).
  • Consultations and preparation for the Olympiads, competitions.
  • Conducting psychological monitoring(individual and group) cognitive activity, as well as the personal sphere.
  • Consultations with psychologists.
  • Diagnostics of children 6-7 years to be ready for school. Help in choosing a training program.

Psychological Center TOGIRROinvites you to take part in trainings and seminars:

  • "Leadership School. How to be successful in life", "How to successfully pass an exam without anxiety."
  • Parent school: “How to communicate with a teenager”, “Teaching and raising a disabled child”, “Family parenting style for your child”.
  • Career guidance classes.
  • Psychological and pedagogical consultation on learning difficulties and their prevention, corrective work to overcome them.
  • Training seminars for beginning entrepreneurs: “Working with clients, laws of communication, negotiation skills, working with objections.”
  • Training seminar for teachers of pre-school educational institutions, educational institutions, non-profit organizations (SPO), employees of commercial organizations on the topic: “Team building”.

For everyone who wants TOGIRRO pIt also offers such types of services as:

  • Corporate English language training, language internships.
  • Courses "Fundamentals of computer literacy and computer technology."
  • Postgraduate studies in TOGIRRO, specialty 13.00.01 - “General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.”
  • Courses "Occupational safety and fire-technical minimum".
  • Printing and editorial services.
  • Information and bibliographic center services.
  • Publication of works in the annual collection of scientific and practical materials.
  • Publication of works in a quarterly scientific and practical journal.

LOGINS - FOR SPECIALISTS 1. Methodologists: To receive a login/password and instructions, you must send your full name, position, work (personal) email address and telephone number. Only after registering in the system does the methodologist have the opportunity to fill out lists of students for the remote module and see the completion of tasks by students in his district (city).

ADDING A LISTENER TO A MODULE 1. Adding (f) a listener to remote modules consists of three stages: The first “SYSTEM” – registration of the listener in the system itself (done once, in the future it can only be edited). The second “COURSE” is registration of the student for the course (philologist, mathematician, educator, physicist, etc., according to the Civil Law). The third “GROUP” is adding a listener to a group studying during a specified period.

“SYSTEM” Step 5. Fill out the user profile. For now, only 5 required fields, marked with asterisks, are filled in: 1. Login (the listener’s e-mail is used) 2. It is necessary to put a “tick” in the “Create a password and notify the user” field, otherwise the system will not send the user a login and password. 3. First name 4. Last name 5. Email address (the listener’s email is used).

“SYSTEM” Step 5. After filling in all the required fields, click on the “Create user” button. IMPORTANT: The listener must have a personal (not a collective or someone else's) email address. If the address is not yet open, due to the ease of creation, suggest creating a mail on

“COURSE” IMPORTANT: Some users have already been entered into the system (those who have already started learning) and are enrolled in the course and groups. Check if these listeners are in your list of recorded listeners. The added listener can also “appear” if, when entering data, the line “A similar email is already in use” appears.

“GROUPS” We enter the name of the group according to a certain principle: abbreviated name (physicist, biologist, philologist) – date of the intramural stage – surname of the group leader. Click on the “Save” button. The group is ready to include listeners from all municipalities.


SCHEDULE OF CONSULTATIONS IN VKS MODE Consultations in VKS mode will be conducted upon requests from methodologists. The nearest VKS is February 9, from to For those wishing to familiarize themselves with the system face-to-face, we invite you to individual consultations.

CONTACTS OF DEPARTMENTS AND DEPARTMENTS Department of Foreign Languages ​​Samusenko Elena Anatolyevna Usminskaya Ksenia Olgerdovna

CONTACTS OF DEPARTMENTS AND DEPARTMENTS Department of Social Disciplines Fominykh Elena Vasilievna Gadiev Rafael Galimzyanovich Teplova Zoya Ilyinichna Belyavskaya Yulia Evgenievna

CONTACTS OF DEPARTMENTS AND DEPARTMENTS Department of Preschool and Primary Education Menchinskaya Elena Anatolyevna Kvitova Larisa Fedorovna Gololobova Nadezhda Leonidovna Kildysheva Irina Afrikovna Belkovich Victoria Yuryevna Dren Olesya Evgenievna

CONTACTS OF DEPARTMENTS AND DEPARTMENTS department of natural and mathematical education Katkova Olga Anatolyevna Mozhaev Georgy Mikhailovich Ionina Natalya Gennadievna department of natural and mathematical education

CONTACTS OF DEPARTMENTS AND DEPARTMENTS educational and organizational department Chudakova Larisa Viktorovna Latysheva Irina Aleksandrovna Reshetnikova Svetlana Vladimirovna
43 CONTACTS OF DEPARTMENTS AND DEPARTMENTS Department of Philology Volodina Elena Nikolaevna Oblasova Tatyana Vladimirovna Medvedeva Elena Georgievna Aksarina Natalya Aleksandrovna Tretyakova Victoria Yuryevna

Department of Strategic Management in Education Kuchinskaya Galina Konstantinovna Marchukova Olga Grigorievna Koryakin Vladimir Grigorievich Petruchenko Tatyana Valerievna

Department of Andragogy and Pedagogy, Postgraduate School TOGIRRO Fayzullina Alsu Rafaelovna Muratova Albina Baymuratovna

Department of Informatics and Distance Learning Seledkov Vladimir Ilyich

Center for Informatization of Education, video conferencing specialist Yakovlev Oleg Vyacheslavovich Sazontov Vyacheslav Sergeevich Bulygin Sergey Gennadievich

Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Technologies for Health Protection and Promotion Psychological Center Faizova Natalya Vladimirovna Serikov Mikhail Vasilievich Reshetnikov Vyacheslav Gennadievich Yakovleva Irina Viktorovna Ryabkova Irina Valerianovna Maltseva Natalya Alekseevna Novoselova Elena Mikhailovna Mikhailova Elena Leonidovna

TYUMEN REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL EDUCATION (TOGIRRO), created in October 1945 as the Tyumen Regional Institute was improved! s teachers. The first director is P. Yu. Khainovsky. With the introduction of a unified state in 1947-48. In the system of advanced training for teachers and teachers, the role of teacher training institutes (ITU) has sharply increased. Based on ped. educational institutions, 5 centers were created. In the 1960s, programmed printing became widely known. manuals on basic subjects of study, plan. This work was headed by N.I. Tilyupa. On August 1, 1991, on the basis of IUU, the Institute for Advanced Training (IPK) for teachers was created. frames. During this period, the institute created, along with method, offices of the department of pedagogy and psychology, general. sciences and content of general education. The areas of advanced training have expanded, and a retraining faculty has been created. Since 1991, courses have been held by Prof. retraining as a teacher-psychologist. In 1994, the IPK received a license from the Ministry of Education to improve the qualifications of teachers of all types of studies. institutions and all directions and the implementation of prof. retraining in 4 specialties: psychology, ecology, speech therapy, management at the Tyumen Research Institute of Regional Pathology Tyumen Obesity Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
education. The areas of research work and assistance to education have expanded. institutions, creating innovative platforms. On Nov. 1996 IPC was reorganized into TOGIRRO. Not only the structure of the institute has changed (there were already 15 departments), but also the areas of activity. The scientific method became a priority. support for the implementation of the “Program for the Development of Education in the Tyumen Region” and the “Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period until 2012.” The Institute is actively engaged with educational leaders. institutions project, activities, provides assistance in creating programs for their development. As part of the research work, a laboratory was created. updating the content of education. The areas for teacher retraining have been expanded. personnel: department of foreign affairs. languages ​​gives a new qualification - a teacher of German and English, a branch of the Moscow Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology has been opened, the students of which receive a bachelor's degree in psychology. In 2002, a postgraduate course was opened at TOGIRRO. A. B. Kitaygorodskaya

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  • RIGHT TO EDUCATION - THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION is one of the most essential constitutional social rights of a person, creating a prerequisite for the development of both his individual and the entire society. Fixed in almost all...
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On January 13, 1945, the Tyumen executive committee of the regional Council of Workers' Deputies made a request to the People's Commissariat for Education to open a regional IUU at the Tyumen oblast.

In September, teacher Pyotr Khainovsky was sent to a seminar for IUU directors in the city of Sverdlovsk. In October 1945, by order of the head of the oblon, N. Dokshina was appointed head of the educational department of the IUU. Since that time, the staff, consisting of two employees, has been involved in working with the teaching staff of the region.

From September 1945 to January 1947, forty-five teachers completed courses at the Central Institute for Advanced Studies. Through seminars conducted by the regional educational institutions, 40 heads of district departments of public education and the same number of inspectors, 167 directors, head teachers and teachers of secondary schools for working and rural youth were trained.

Since the 1948-1949 academic year, this system began to operate in our region, becoming the most important area of ​​​​work of the institute staff. Over the course of the year, 649 people passed through the system of full-time and correspondence education, of which 506 were teachers of the first to fourth grades.

TOIUU becomes a kind of workshop of innovative thought. Beginning in 1953, over a number of years, the institute carried out experimental work on the creation and implementation of programmed printed manuals on the main subjects of the curriculum into school practice. The idea of ​​creating them belonged to the head of the institute’s methodological aids room, N. Tilyupo. In April 1953, in the regional center for the first time, an All-Russian seminar was held for methodologists of IUU institutes to familiarize themselves with the methods of teaching the Russian language using new printed manuals. Since 1963, similar notebooks have been developed in mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages ​​and geography.

In the sixties, many schools in the Russian Federation successfully established a tape-recorded German language course for fifth- to eighth-grade students, developed by an institute employee, F. Emich.

In the early 90s, there were 37 thousand teachers and more than 27 thousand preschool workers in the region. In September 1991, by decision of the executive committee of the Tyumen Regional Council of People's Deputies, an institute for advanced training of teaching staff was opened on the basis of the regional institute for advanced training of teachers, which received the status of a higher educational institution. A.B. was appointed rector. Kitaigorodskaya is an honored school teacher of the Russian Federation.

Considering the acute shortage of social educators and school psychologists in educational institutions, the institute is beginning to retrain personnel for these specialties.

In 1995, the IPK already had eight departments. The first was the Department of Psychology and Defectology.

At the moment, TOGIRRO has 9 departments and 2 laboratories.

In February 2009, the Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education was included in the official register "Reliable Reputation", which is a standard for certification of financial stability, quality of products and services. The Institute received a medal and a certificate for the right to use the logo of the "Reliable Reputation" registry.

The institute is currently preparing for certification of the quality management system according to ISO and ENQA standards.

Courses and seminars conducted by the institute

Courses advanced training (72 hours):

  • "Development and use of electronic educational and methodological complexes for educational purposes."
  • "Creation of electronic courses in the module-oriented software environment MOODLE."
  • "Development of electronic educational simulators for memory training and memorization of complex educational material."
  • "Design of electronic courses for distance learning."
  • "Multimedia in Education" - creating PowerPoint presentations in accordance with the rules, ergonomics and design requirements, with hyperlinks, sound and video; use of multimedia technologies in project activities of teachers and students.

Seminars from 4 to 24 hours on topics:

  • "Informatization of education";
  • "Creation of a unified information space of the educational institution";
  • "Modern technologies in education for NGO and SVE institutions";
  • “Use of ICT technologies and Internet resources to prepare for lessons”;
  • Master class on the topics: "Imaginal-game programs" and "Use of information and communication technologies in working with preschoolers."

We are ready to organize courses and seminars both at the TOGIRRO base and to travel to educational institutions to organize and conduct courses at your base during school and student holidays.

Please complete preliminary applications for courses and seminars in advance.

For teachers

You are an educator. You need to improve your skills. Today, 9 departments and 2 laboratories of TOGIRRO provide advanced training for education workers through course training:

  • heads of educational institutions,
  • deputy heads of educational institutions,
  • directors and educators of preschool educational institutions,
  • primary school teachers,
  • subject teachers,
  • teachers of secondary vocational education, non-governmental organizations,
  • teacher-organizers,
  • psychologists, speech therapists,
  • teachers of additional education for children,
  • foster carers, class teachers, social teachers,
  • teachers of correctional educational institutions,
  • teachers-educators of boarding institutions,
  • teachers of extended day groups, full-day schools,
  • social educators,
  • school inspectors, KDN inspectors,
  • specialists from support base rooms for the prevention of addiction to psychoactive substances.

You are an educator. Perhaps with experience. Perhaps with more experience. But... Your educational institution requires specialists of a different profile, or you simply decided to change specialty.

The Institute offers retraining of teaching staffby specialty:

  • psychology and pedagogy,
  • speech therapy,
  • psychology,
  • management of an organization in the field of education,
  • foreign language,
  • social pedagogy.

TOGIRRO continues to work on a new form of educationcumulative system of advanced training, which allows teachers:

  • on one's own design educational route taking into account your professional needs;
  • choose the most suitable terms of study for yourself;
  • receive education is continuous.

For heads of educational institutions

You are the head of an educational institution. You want to put your educational institution into development mode, raise it organizationally and methodologically to a high modern level, and achieve high educational results. Or your educational institution plans to take part in a competition for a national project.

TOGIRRO has extensive experience in:

  • development of school educational programs;
  • development of concepts and development programs;
  • management of experimental sites in educational institutions;
  • examination of teaching activities and educational programs;
  • development of teaching aids;
  • organizing and conducting thematic seminars, consultations, trainings, master classes, training modules, including on organizing educational work with students.

TOGIRRO offers consultations on:

  • preparing institutions for licensing and certification;
  • organization of specialized training and pre-vocational training;
  • working with the net-school program.

TOGIRRO trains tutor teams(at the level of educational institution, district, city) on the following issues:

  • organization of innovative activities;
  • OS management in the new modernization conditions;
  • educational aspects of the activities of educational institutions;
  • management of education development at the municipal level.

For students and parents

You are a student in grades 9-11. Ahead are final certification and entrance exams, university studies.

Close connections with the school, focus on modern methods, awareness in the legal and regulatory sphere, and tracking of best pedagogical experience allow TOGIRRO today to expand its scope of activities and offer its services to high school students:

  • Preparatory courses for the Unified State Exam.
  • Training testing for grades 4-11 - Unified State Examination, State Examination (GIA) (from 120 rubles per test).
  • Elective courses(classes on choosing a study profile in grades 9-10).
  • Consultations and preparation for the Olympiads, competitions.
  • Conducting psychological monitoring(individual and group) cognitive activity, as well as the personal sphere.
  • Consultations with psychologists.
  • Diagnostics of children 6-7 years to be ready for school. Help in choosing a training program.

Psychological Center TOGIRROinvites you to take part in trainings and seminars:

  • "Leadership School. How to be successful in life", "How to successfully pass an exam without anxiety."
  • Parent school: “How to communicate with a teenager”, “Teaching and raising a disabled child”, “Family parenting style for your child”.
  • Career guidance classes.
  • Psychological and pedagogical consultation on learning difficulties and their prevention, corrective work to overcome them.
  • Training seminars for beginning entrepreneurs: “Working with clients, laws of communication, negotiation skills, working with objections.”
  • Training seminar for teachers of pre-school educational institutions, educational institutions, non-profit organizations (SPO), employees of commercial organizations on the topic: “Team building”.

For everyone who wants TOGIRRO pIt also offers such types of services as:

  • Corporate English language training, language internships.
  • Courses "Fundamentals of computer literacy and computer technology."
  • Postgraduate studies in TOGIRRO, specialty 13.00.01 - “General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.”
  • Courses "Occupational safety and fire-technical minimum".
  • Printing and editorial services.
  • Information and bibliographic center services.
  • Publication of works in the annual collection of scientific and practical materials.
  • Publication of works in a quarterly scientific and practical journal.