Social studies tests, spiritual culture. Test “Spiritual sphere of social life”

1 option


One of the obligatory elements of religion is

1) diversity of faiths

2) separation of school and church

3) belief in the existence of the supernatural

4) legislation on freedom of conscience

2. Choose one correct answer.

Tenth-grader Sergei is interested in social sciences. As an elective course, he chose classes on the topic “Mass culture in modern society.” What level of education is Sergei at?

1) secondary vocational

2) additional

3) average (full) general

4) basic general

3. Choose one correct answer.

Alina studies in the 8th grade of the gymnasium and plays volleyball in the sports section. What level of education is Alina at?

1) basic general

2) full (average) general

3) initial professional

4) secondary vocational

4. Choose one correct answer.

A. Science helps a person systematize knowledge about the world around him.

B. Science strives for the reliability of the results obtained.

5. Choose one correct answer.

Are the following statements about the goals of science correct?

A. The goal of science is a theoretical reflection of reality in the form of theoretical knowledge.

B. The purpose of science is to describe, explain and predict processes and phenomena.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

6. Choose one correct answer.

Are the following statements about education in the Russian Federation true?

A. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees citizens free basic general education.

B. The Russian Federation provides for the possibility of free higher education on a competitive basis.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

7. The following list shows the similarities between science and religion and their differences. Select and write down in the table first the serial numbers of the similarities, and then the differences.

1) is the basis for a worldview

2) based on unconditional faith

3) questions everything

4) is an element of the spiritual life of society


Traits of difference

(A) Sociological surveys show that people are reading books less and less often. (B) This negatively affects a person’s general outlook and intellectual development. (B) In the future, the share of educated people may decrease significantly.

Write your answer in the table

(A) Maria graduated from college and works as an accountant. (B) She reads professional literature and monitors changes in legislation. (B) Maria does the right thing: an employee needs to educate himself in order to be competitive in the professional field.

Determine which text provisions

1) reflect facts 2) express opinions

Write your answer in the table

10. Choose one correct answer.

The Russian Federation has created a unified system of continuous education, which includes primary and secondary education (11 grades). What principle of educational policy is observed here?

1) humanitarian orientation

2) freedom of learning

3) general accessibility and continuity

4) secular character

Test work “Sphere of spiritual life”

Option 2

1. Choose one correct answer.

Which of the following religions is a world religion?

1) Taoism 2) Zoroastrianism

3) Islam 4) Hinduism

2. Choose one correct answer.

Vitaly studies in the 8th grade of the gymnasium. Additionally, he attends the figure skating section. What educational level is Vitaly at?

1) secondary vocational education

2) basic general education

3) secondary general education

4) primary general education

3. Choose one correct answer.

Fourth grader Ira enjoys drawing. She visits the art studio in the House of Children's Creativity. What level of education is Ira at?

1) general secondary education

2) secondary specialized education

3) general primary education

4) general basic education

4. Choose one correct answer.

Are the following statements about science true?

A. Science is the most important source of objective knowledge about the modern world.

B. As at its inception, science remains the work of talented individuals.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

5. Choose one correct answer.

Are the following judgments about the role of science in the modern world true?

A. Science is part of the spiritual sphere; it can do without interaction with other spheres.

B. Science does not need the support of public opinion.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

6. Choose one correct answer.

Are the following judgments about the role of science in the modern world true?

A. Thanks to science, society acquires specially verified and substantiated knowledge.

B. Science participates in the formation of people’s culture and worldview.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

7. In his essay, the student conducted a comparative analysis of religion and art. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) can have a strong emotional impact

2) is based on belief in the supernatural

3) is a type of spiritual culture

4) the main means of expression is an artistic image


Traits of difference

8. Read the given text, each position of which is marked with a letter.

(A) The discussion of reforming the education system in Russia caused a strong reaction among the public. (B) More than 20 thousand people signed an appeal to government authorities asking them to reconsider the proposed education reform. (B) At the same time, 66% of respondents believe that parents should be directly involved in the choice of disciplines for students to study in high school. (D) The problem of obtaining quality education in our country is becoming increasingly urgent.

Determine which text provisions

1) reflect the facts

2) express opinions

Write your answer in the table

9. Read the given text, each position of which is marked with a letter.

(A) Every modern schoolchild studies a large number of academic subjects. (B) Such diversity, in our opinion, is useful, as it broadens his horizons, introduces him to the basics of science, helps him choose the right future profession, and prepares him for adult and independent life. (B) However, further increasing the student's workload may have a negative impact on his health.

10. Choose one correct answer.

Are the following statements about atheism true?

A. Atheism is a system of views and beliefs that denies the existence of God, any supernatural forces, creatures, or religion in general.

B. Atheism arose in response to the inability of religion to solve the problems facing man.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


1 Option





Option 2




Grade 10

1 – option.

Part I .

1. The performance of classical music at a symphony orchestra concert is an example of culture:

1) folk 2) mass 3) elite 4) traditional

2. The totality of everything created by humanity is covered by the concept:

1) technology 2) society 3) economy 4) culture

3. Russian scientist A.I. Kravchenko emphasizes: “No culture can be self-sufficient. The creative development of culture is possible only through interaction with other cultures, with every possible enrichment of one’s own experience.”

What phenomenon is being referred to in the statement?

1) traditions in culture 2) cultural search 3) dialogue of cultures 4) cultural isolation

4. Elite culture as opposed to mass culture:

1) focused on obtaining commercial benefits

2) characterized by the complexity of forms of artistic exploration of the world

3) is entertaining

4) created by qualified craftsmen

5. Are the following judgments about the role of science in modern society true?

A. The problem of a scientist's social responsibility for the consequences of his scientific discoveries was recognized many years ago.

B. In modern society, issues of social responsibility of a scientist have lost their relevance.

6. Are the following judgments about trends in the development of education correct?

A. The humanization of education is manifested in the introduction of information technology.

B. The internationalization of education is manifested in the recognition of educational documents obtained in one country by other countries.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

7 . World religions include:

1) Christianity 2) Shintoism 3) Hinduism 4) Confucianism

8 . Which of the following characterizes art as opposed to science?

1) identification of patterns of development of nature and society

2) theoretical solution to ideological problems

3) reflection of the world in artistic images

4) use of concepts and theoretical positions


A. Art, unlike religion, has an emotional impact on people.

B. Art reflects the world around us and people in artistic images.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

10. The statement: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is a formulation:

1) the right to personal integrity 2) the principle of the rule of law

3) the “golden rule of morality” 4) the right to freedom of conscience

11 . Find the main characteristics of moral standards in the list below. Write it downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) established by the state

2) are expressed in public opinion

3) mandatory

4) regulate social relations from the standpoint of good and evil

5) give a lot of room for interpretation

6) supported by the power of state coercion





Allows you to accumulate and transfer social experience from generation to generation


Allows people to communicate with each other


13 figure , under which it is indicated.

1) education system; 2) educational institutions; 3) goals of education;

4) functions of education in society; 5) educational programs.


14. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept"the science".

1) hypothesis; 2) experiment; 3) evidence; 4) rationality;

5) sensuality; 6) theory; 7) concepts; 8) subjectivity.


15. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and functions of education: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) formation of the intellectual and moral potential of society and the state

B) reproduction of professional personnel

B) development of skills, abilities, interests

D) mastering scientific knowledge, acquiring experience and skills

D) transmission and dissemination of culture in society

1) social

2) personal







(A) Higher education is the upper level of professional education, which includes a set of systematized knowledge and practical skills that allow you to solve theoretical and practical problems in a professional profile (B) RIA Novosti and the Higher School of Economics compiled a rating of higher educational institutions in Russia. (B) 507 universities in the country participated in the survey. (D) According to some experts, the rating reflects the real picture of the quality of higher education in Russia. (D) Others are in no hurry to unequivocally comment on the results of the work done, emphasizing that ratings do not always reflect the real picture of higher professional education in modern Russia.

1) factual nature








“Scientists have created several classifications of religions. The simplest of them unites religions into three groups. Primitive tribal beliefs. They arose in ___________ (A), but over time they did not disappear from people’s consciousness, but survived and live to this day along with more complex religions. Numerous ___________ (B) come from them. National-state religions, which form the basis of the life of entire peoples and nations. World religions, that is, those that have gone beyond national-state boundaries and have a huge number of followers all over the world. There are three world religions: Christianity, ___________ (B), ___________ (D). All religions can also be combined into two large groups ___________ (D), i.e., those recognizing the existence of one God and ___________ (E), recognizing many gods.”

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) monotheism

2) polytheism

3) antiquity

4) Islam

5) cult

6) Buddhism

7) Hinduism

8) superstition

9) Confucianism

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.








18. Science is:

1) the only form of knowledge 2) social stratum

3) a set of life values ​​4) a special system of knowledge

19. Subculture is usually called:

1) traditional cultural values

2) denial of the most important cultural values

3) the culture of any social or demographic group

4) innovation in the field of artistic creativity

20. What science studies the origin and content of moral norms?

1) ethics 2) linguistics 3) literary criticism 4) aesthetics

Part II .

21. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “morality”? Using knowledge from a social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about any of the functions of morality in society, and one sentence revealing any category of morality.

22 . All forms and directions of culture are closely related to each other. Products of elite culture may well become part of mass culture. Mass and folk cultures are also interconnected.

Illustrate with any three examples the relationship and interaction between different forms of culture. (Write the relationship illustrated first, then the specific example.)

23. One of the lessons in the 10th grade was held at an exhibition in the historical museum. The schoolchildren were shown lace, fabrics, and clothes made by peasant women for holidays, everyday life, and special events, as well as clay animal figurines in the form of whistles made at home. Guess what form of culture the exhibited works belong to, and indicate by what criteria this can be determined. Name any two characteristics of this form of culture that are not reflected in the condition.

Test on the topic: “Spiritual life of society.”

Grade 10

Option 2.

Part I .

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a number or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

1. The traveling circus tours are an example of culture:

1) folk 2) mass 3) elite 4) pop

2. Which of the meanings of the concept “culture” is the narrowest?

1) level of technical development of society

2) the totality of all achievements of mankind

3) the degree of education of a person

4) all genres of art

3. Elite culture, as opposed to mass culture:

1) uses a system of artistic images

2) has genre diversity

3) created by professionals

4) assumes a high level of aesthetic culture of consumers

4. Folk culture products are distinguished by the fact that:

1) they satisfy the needs of a specially trained consumer, a connoisseur

2) their production has a pronounced commercial orientation

3) their creators and creators are usually anonymous

4) they are created to satisfy the spiritual needs of people

5. Are the following statements about modern culture true?

A. Modern culture presents numerous forms and varieties of culture: mass, elite, folk, screen and others.

B. Works of modern culture are accessible only to a narrow circle of art connoisseurs and highly educated intellectuals.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

6. Are the following judgments about the role of education in modern society true?

A. Education remains one of the most important channels of individual socialization.

B. In the system of modern education, the tendency towards its humanization and towards taking into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren is becoming increasingly important.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

7 . National religions include:

1) Buddhism 2) Christianity 3) Confucianism 4) Islam

8 . Which of the following features directly characterizes art?

1) adapting the world to human needs

2) establishing the essence of natural and social phenomena

3) aesthetic development of the surrounding world

4) clarifying the patterns of development of society

9 . Are the following statements about art true?

A. Works of art are intended, first of all, to bring practical benefits to people.

B. In modern society, synthetic arts are widespread, combining various genres and types of art in their products.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

10. What distinguishes religion from other forms (areas) of spiritual culture?

1) expression of a subjective attitude towards the world

2) reflection of reality in artistic images and symbols

3) theoretical understanding of the essence of social and natural phenomena

4) the idea of ​​supernatural intervention in people's lives

11 . Find in the list given the features characteristic of folk culture. Write it downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

2) is predominantly commercial in nature

3) does not require special training for its perception

4) appeared earlier than other forms of culture

5) designed for a narrow circle of connoisseurs

12 . Write down the word missing in the table.





Provides mutual understanding and communication between people in society


Forms the ability to independently navigate moral values


13 . Find a concept that generalizes all other concepts in the series below, and write downfigure , under which it is indicated.

1) heroic epic; 2) anonymity of works; 3) collectivity of the creative process;

4) folk culture; 5) folklore group.


14. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, aretrends in the development of modern education.

1) humanitarization; 2) dogmatization; 3) humanization

4) internationalization; 5) informatization; 6) ideologization

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.


15. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic features and types of culture: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) anonymity of works

B) focus on the needs of a wide range of consumers

B) commercialization of spiritual activities

D) priority development of entertainment genres

D) complexity of content

1) folk

2) massive

3) elitist

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:






16. Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) Culture is a complex phenomenon, which is reflected in the hundreds of definitions and interpretations that exist today. (B) In the broad sense of the word, culture includes everything created by people, the entire set of products of human activity, social forms of organization, processes, institutions, everything that has already been done by humanity. (B) In connection with the existence of two types of activity - material and spiritual - we can distinguish two main spheres of existence and development of culture: spiritual and material. (D) This division seems to be conditional, because they simply do not exist in their “pure” form. (D) Speaking about the diversity of classifications of cultures, three of its forms are most often distinguished: elite, folk, and mass, and its two varieties: subculture and counterculture.

Determine which text provisions have

1) factual nature

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

Write down in the table under the letter indicating the position a number expressing its character.







17. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“The main function of morality is regulatory. Morality acts as a way of regulating __________(A) in society and self-regulation of individual behavior. Moreover, the method is specifically social: it appears when __________(B) can no longer cope with the increasingly complex organization of social life (clan, work, family life, etc.). At the same time, the emerging morality is initially based on at least minimal __________(B) from the natural conditions of existence. Moral regulation makes sense and is needed where there is at least some choice of behavior, an elementary opportunity to prefer one action to another.

Of course, as society developed, it invented many other ways of regulating __________(G): legal, administrative, technical, etc. However, the moral method of regulation continues to remain unique. Firstly, because it does not require any organizational support in the form of various institutions, __________(D), etc. And secondly, because moral regulation is carried out mainly through the assimilation of __________(E) relevant norms and principles of one’s behavior in society.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Select one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

1) punitive authorities

2) public relations

3) human freedom

4) people's behavior

5) individual

6) social norms

7) ideas about good

8) natural regulators

9) aesthetics

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.








18. What function of science is illustrated by the desire to test and critically understand all incoming scientific information?

1) social 2) cognitive-explanatory

3) ideological 4) prognostic

19. Having entered the tenth grade, student T. chose several specialized elective courses in various subjects. He is most interested in the social and human sciences, so he will take some additional courses in philosophy, sociology, law, and history. At what level of education is student T.?

1) primary vocational education 2) basic general education

3) complete (secondary) general education 4) secondary vocational education

20. What sciences belong to the field of knowledge, including theoretical and experimental scientific research with the aim of studying the patterns of interaction between nature, society, and thinking?

1) fundamental 2) applied

3) humanitarian 4) technical

Part II .

When completing tasks 21-23, give a detailed answer

21. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “education”? Using knowledge from a social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the structure of general education in the Russian Federation, and one sentence revealing any function of education as a social institution.

22 . Art is a significant part of spiritual culture for society and its development and influences all spheres of public life. List any three functions performed by art and illustrate each with a specific example.

23. What form of culture can ballet be classified as? Name any three distinctive features of ballet by which you determined this.



This version of the test tasks is compiled in the Unified State Exam format. The test presents those tasks, which may contain questions on this topic.

The answers to tasks 1–20 are a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers. Write your answers in the answer fields in the text without spaces, commas or other additional characters.


Write down the word missing in the table.

Characteristics of forms of spiritual culture


Correct answer


In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write this word down.

Humanization, computerization, principles of education, internationalization, humanitarization.


Correct answer

principles of education


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two,

denote theoretical methods of scientific knowledge.

1) induction; 2) abstraction; 3) analysis;

4) experiment); 5)modeling; 6)observation

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.


Correct answer


Choose the correct judgments about popular culture and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) is of an entertaining nature;

2) commercial orientation;

3) easy to understand and does not require special preparation;

4) complex in content and form;

5) reflects folk traditions;


Correct answer


Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features of science and education: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. Write the answer in numbers.


Correct answer


Country Z is undergoing education reform. What facts indicate that the reform is aimed at internationalizing education? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) training of students from countries cooperating with each other

2)increasing the number of hours in humanitarian subjects

3) focus on the interests and inclinations of the student

4) exchange of teaching experience between teachers from different countries

5)conducting joint pedagogical research

6) computerization of the educational process


Correct answer


Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“_________(A) is everything created by humanity and of value to it. In the ______(B) sphere it is expressed in three forms. The most common _____(B) form is characterized by the fact that it is designed for consumers with different levels of training, it is light and easy to understand. _____(D) is characterized by complexity of forms and content; special training is needed to perceive it. Culture is of great educational importance, since it is based on the best traditions and moral values ​​of the people. The main feature of ______(E) is the level of development of the spiritual sphere of society, culture in the broadest sense of the word.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:


2) civilization


4) folk

5) entertaining



8) social

9) elite

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.







Correct answer

To record answers to tasks in this part (21–29), use ANSWER FORM No. 2. First write down the task number (21, 22, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 21–24.

Mass culture is a set of cultural phenomena of the twentieth century, characteristic of economics, management, leisure, communication, and especially for the sphere of artistic culture.

The intensive development of mass media and the era of electronic information have radically changed both the human environment in industrial and post-industrial society, and man himself. The entire population, regardless of national, class, or age characteristics, becomes familiar with the same information, and culture becomes mass. The characteristic features of mass culture are:

- accessibility, simplicity, ease of perception;

— sentimentality, dominance of the sensual principle;

- primitivization of human relations, playing on the basest feelings and impulses (even biological instincts);

- naturalistic relish of sex, violence, cruelty;

- cult of a strong personality, cult of success;

The world of mass culture has many faces. Its main genres are detective stories, comics, melodramas, musicals, horror films (thrillers) with fights, vampires, murders, erotica, sex, fantasy, pop music, sensational news, essays about witchcraft, fortune telling, miracles, mass entertainment performances - shows etc.

Despite its apparent vacuity, mass culture has a very clear ideological program and performs a number of social functions:

1) socialization and adaptation of a person to the conditions of a market economy.

2) relaxation (compensatory), which should ensure the psychological stability of the population in a difficult social situation;

3) dissemination and implementation of “modernization” patterns of behavior, norms, stereotypes;

4) dissemination and popularization of the classical heritage;

The fulfillment of its functions by mass culture suggests that this culture cannot be assessed unambiguously negatively.

“Mass culture” is a natural consequence of scientific and technological revolution, transforming culture into “planetary”. It not only does not reject the cultural heritage of the past, but makes its best examples by replicating and transferring it to the everyday level into the property of the broad masses.

(Based on the book by S.M. Boguslavskaya “The Theory of Culture in Questions and Answers”, Orenburg, 2007)


What definition of mass culture is given by the author? How is its manifestation in society noted in the text?


Correct answer

The text states the following definition of popular culture: “Mass culture is a set of cultural phenomena of the twentieth century, characteristic of economics, management, leisure, communication, and especially for the sphere of artistic culture.”

Manifestation of mass culture in society: “Its main genres are detective stories, comics, melodramas, musicals, horror films (thrillers) with fights, vampires, murders, erotica, sex, fantasy, pop music, sensational news, essays about witchcraft, fortune-telling, miracles, mass spectacular performances - shows, etc.


Name three characteristic features of mass culture that the author names. Using social science knowledge and facts of social life, name another feature not mentioned in the text.


General accessibility, simplicity, ease of perception;

- entertainment, fun;

- the cult of a strong personality, the cult of success.

The text does not mention the following feature of mass culture: it meets the most varied demands and needs of people (of different ages, levels of preparedness, interests). Everyone can find something interesting for themselves in it.

23 What three social functions of mass culture are named in the text? Using facts of social life and personal social experience, give an example of how one of these functions is carried out in practice.


Correct answer

The text names the following three social functions of mass culture:

1) socialization and adaptation of a person to the conditions of a market economy.

2) dissemination and introduction of “modernization” patterns of behavior, norms, stereotypes;

3) dissemination and popularization of the classical heritage.

The “Culture” TV channel introduces viewers to classical works of all genres of art, holds competitions for the performance of classical works, and broadcasts productions of the best plays and operas. In this way he introduces the audience to the world achievements of the classical heritage.

24 Using the text and social science knowledge, give three explanations for the idea expressed in the text that “ mass culture" is a natural consequence of scientific and technological revolution"


Correct answer

The text suggests that “ mass culture is a natural consequence of scientific and technological revolution.”

Explanation of this thesis:

  • Thanks to such a scientific discovery in the 19th century as radio, the intensive development of mass culture began.
  • Television was the next step in increasing the role of mass culture in society.
  • In a post-industrial society, characterized by informatization, the emergence of new technologies, the Internet, mass culture has become one of the leading ones in the cultural life of society.

The further development of scientific and technological revolution will lead to an even greater influence of mass culture in people's lives.


What meaning do social scientists put into the concept of “spiritual sphere of society”? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the components of the spiritual sphere, and one sentence revealing the features of one of the components.


Correct answer

The spiritual sphere of society is the sphere of people’s relations regarding spiritual values, their creation, distribution and consumption.

Elements of the spiritual sphere of society:

  • spiritual needs
  • spiritual values
  • spiritual activity
  • spiritual consumption

Spiritual values ​​are ideas, views, theories, works of culture and much more. For example, the spiritual value of the people of Russia is the work of A.S. Pushkin - his poetry, prose, drama.


Name and illustrate with examples any three functions of science in society.


Correct answer

Three functions of science:

  • ideological
  • production
  • educational

The cognitive function of science is manifested in the fact that people, using scientific methods and techniques, understand the world, society and man. This is how people discover new planets, penetrate into the depths of the ocean, learning the features of underwater life, study the features of the development of the human body, and much more.


“No matter how long you live, you should study all your life.” (Seneca)

What area of ​​public life is reflected in this statement?

What social institutions fulfill the task of society reflected in the quote?

Using social science knowledge, indicate any three functions of education in modern society.


Correct answer

1. Social sphere.

  1. Social institutions: kindergartens, schools, higher and secondary educational institutions.

3.Functions of education:

  • educational
  • educational
  • socializing
  • educational
  • ideological
  • culturally transmitting
  • personnel, etc.
28 You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Modernization of education in modern Russia.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


Correct answer

Modernization of education in modern Russia


1 .The concept of modernization.

  1. Modernization of education is one of the main directions of the state’s social policy.
  2. Reasons for the need to modernize education:
  • Increasing requirements for the level of education and professional training in the changing conditions of social development.
  • Development of the information society, the need to use the achievements of science and technology in the learning process.

3.Ways to modernize education:

  • Improving educational programs and education standards
  • Improving the quality of teacher training
  • Increasing requirements for textbooks and teaching aids
  • Computerization and informatization of the learning process.

4. Features of the process of modernization of education in modern Russia.

By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. To this end, choose only ONE of the statements below (29.1–29.5).


“It’s the reader who should reach the masses, not art.”
(Jerzy Lec, 20th century Polish philosopher and poet)


Correct answer

The main idea of ​​the quote.

The author expresses an idea about the main requirement for mass culture - to attract the mass reader to it, to meet the needs of people with different levels of training. By saying that culture should not be “mass”, he meant that it should not adapt to the tastes of the crowd, the masses, but should be highly artistic in order to be necessary, interesting and useful to society.


Mass culture, features of mass culture, the spiritual sphere of society, functions of culture, moral principles, types of mass culture (TV series, bestsellers, shows, etc.)


1. A. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin”, its significance for soldiers during the Great Patriotic War (it instilled confidence in victory, helped withstand the most difficult tests, united people).

2. Encyclopedia for children “Avanta +”, volume “Culture”. An article about the features of mass culture, its positive and negative influence. It must be emphasized that mass culture should strive to raise the level of culture of the masses, and not adapt to them.


“No matter how long you live, you should study all your life.”
(Seneca, ancient Roman philosopher)


Correct answer

The main idea of ​​the quote.

The quote from the ancient Greek philosopher Seneca contains the idea of ​​the need for continuous education. These words are very relevant in our age, the age of information technology, since only a constant increase in the level of knowledge, the desire to keep up with the times, especially in the area to which a person has devoted his work, will create conditions for complete self-realization of the individual.


Culture, spiritual sphere, education, functions of education, levels of education in the Russian Federation, post-industrial society, modernization, innovation.


1. Textbook “Social Studies” edited by A.I. Kravchenko for high school. The paragraph on education not only notes its role in the life of society and lists its functions, but also pays special attention to the need for continuous education in the modern world. A feature of post-industrial society is precisely the need to constantly increase the level of education and knowledge in a particular area (Next you can give an example of any profession, for example, a doctor, to show how important it is to constantly study everything new in this area).

2. Encyclopedia for children “Avanta +”, volume “Technology”. The authors in the articles tell children of middle and high school age about the greatest achievements that have been made by man, emphasizing the idea that it is necessary to be an educated person, prepared for the changing conditions that occur in all spheres of society. And for this you need to constantly study.


“The role of the sciences is service; they constitute a means to achieve the good.”

(D.I. Mendeleev, Russian scientist.)


Correct answer

The main idea of ​​the quote.

The quote from the greatest Russian chemist D.I. Mendeleev contains an idea about one of the functions of sciences - their practical orientation. The author notes the “service” role of the sciences, because they are called upon to serve society, to satisfy its needs in all spheres of life


Spiritual sphere, culture, applied and fundamental sciences, functions of science.


1. A book about K.E. Tsiolkovsky by M.S. Arlazorov from the series “The Life of Remarkable People.” The author, describing the scientific activities of this prominent scientist, the founder of theoretical cosmonautics, notes that K. Tsiolkovsky always strived to ensure that space exploration would benefit people. The scientist was called a science fiction writer by his contemporaries, so far were his plans. He dreamed of spreading life throughout the Universe. Activities of K.E. Tsiolkovsky is a vivid example of the fact that science should not only discover new, unknown things, but also serve people.

2.M. Bulgakov’s story “Heart of a Dog.” Describing the scientific and practical activities of the scientist Preobrazhensky, the author emphasizes the uselessness of his experiments, noting that there is no need to turn a dog into a person, that this will not be useful to society. Using the example of Sharikov, we see that the professor’s “discovery” only brought harm. To “serve” society, and not engage in useless experiments, is what people of science should do.

Social studies tests. Spiritual sphere. Grade 10

Option 1

A1. Emphasizing the diversity, complexity and heterogeneity of society, scientists characterize it as;

1) system;

2) part of nature; -

3) material world;

4) civilization.

A2. Are the judgments correct?

A. In an industrial society, individual personality traits are highly valued, initiative and enterprise are encouraged.

B. In an industrial society, collective principles prevail over private interests,

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

A3. Science is devoted to the study of the inner spiritual world of man:

2) psychology;

3) philosophy;

4) aesthetics.

A4. Everything that has been created by man throughout his history is called:

1) society;

2) culture;

3) art;

4) civilization.

A5. Art as an element of the spiritual sphere of human society is characterized by the following feature:

1) reflection of reality in figurative and symbolic form;

2) performing the function of social management;

3) reliance on belief in the supernatural;

4) a comprehensive explanation of events and phenomena.

A6. Are the judgments correct?

A. The achievements of elite culture and mass culture do not interact with each other.

B. Consumers of elite culture may show interest in the achievements of mass culture.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

A7. Instructions to take off your coat and hat when visiting the theater and not to make noise during a performance illustrate social norms:

1) etiquette;

2) morality;

4) traditions and customs.

A8. The statement “If the spring was full, then the summer will be fruitful” is an example:

1) scientific observation;

2) folk sign;

3) logical inference;

4) scientific law.

A9. An elite culture is characterized by:

1) focus on making a profit;

2) imposition of simplified “versions of life”;

3) focus on social struggle;

4) accessibility to a narrow circle of experts.

A10. The area of ​​human spiritual activity aimed at understanding the laws of development of nature, society and thinking is called:

1) art; 2) science; 3) religion; 4) parascience.

All. All types of transformative activity of man and society, as well as its results, are:

1) culture;

2) civilization;

3) spiritual culture;

AI2. The original meaning of the word “culture” is:

2) methods of cultivating the land;

3) rules of behavior in society;

4) the spiritual world of the individual.

A13. The main functions of culture are:

1) regulatory function (regulation of human behavior, patterns of behavior and values);

2) educational function (the level of personal culture is determined by familiarization with the cultural heritage);

3) integrative function (culture unites people, ensures the integrity of society);

4) all of the above.

AI4. Innovation in culture is:

1) preserving the best elements of the old in culture, increasing cultural wealth in the process of creativity, creating something new in culture, which acquires social significance;

2) transfer of cultural values ​​from generation to generation;

3) accumulation and transmission of unique works of art, scientific discoveries, ideas;

4) the elevation of art over politics, science, morality.

A15. The world religion is:

4) design of a television tower.

A10. Only art as a type of spiritual activity is characterized by:

1) establish patterns of development of nature and society;

2) create fundamentally new industries;

3) reflect reality in concepts;

4) affirm the value of personal figurative perception of the world.

A11. Are the judgments correct?

A. The high complexity of content and form distinguishes works of folk culture.

B. Ideas of social protest are often present in works of folk culture.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

A12. According to Russian laws, religious instruction is prohibited from:

1) optionally in any educational institution;

2) privately at home;

3) in some non-state educational institutions;

4) in compulsory lessons in a comprehensive school.

A13. Are the judgments correct?

A. The media in modern society introduce the country's population to the achievements of culture and art.

B. The media in modern society influence the formation of public opinion.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

A14. National religions include:

1) Catholicism;

2) Orthodoxy;

3) Judaism;

A15. A form of culture is manifested in the activities of folk music groups:

1) mass; 2) folk; 3) screen; 4) elitist.

A16. Critics regard the films of this Russian director as a phenomenon of elite culture:

1) N. Mikhalkov; 2) E. Ryazanov; 3) A. Tarkovsky; 4) V. Naumov.

A17. The term "culture" originally meant:

1) creation of artificial materials;

2) rules of behavior in society;

3) natural habitat;

4) methods of cultivating the land.

AI8. What situation characterizes the phenomenon of innovation in culture:

1) transfer of cultural values ​​from generation to generation;

2) accumulation and transmission of unique works of art, scientific discoveries, ideas;

3) preserving the best elements of the old in culture, increasing cultural wealth in the process of creativity, creating something new in culture, which acquires social significance;

4) there is no correct answer.

A19. The culture created by anonymous authors, often without professional training, is called:

1) elitist; 2) spiritual; 3) mass; 4) folk.

A20. What ethical standards and principles are universal for scientists?

1) scientific honesty and correctness in the collection of experimental data;

2) refusal to appropriate other people’s ideas and research results;

3) defending your scientific data in any scientific environment;

4) all of the above.

A21. The right to freedom of conscience presupposes:

1) starting your own business;

2) the school graduate’s choice of a working specialty;

3) choice of religious or atheistic beliefs;

IN 1. Write down the word missing in the diagram:


Orthodoxy Catholicism Protestantism

AT 2. Find the media in the list below and write down the numbers in ascending order.

1) analytical collection of articles;

2) telegraph station;

3) television channel;

4) holding a theater festival;

5) pop music concert;

6) daily radio broadcast.

AT 3. Give three examples of manifestations of cultural integration in the modern world.

AT 4. The participation of the radio station in information support of the festival “Old Songs about the Main Thing” is a manifestation...”