Topic: “We speak correctly and beautifully” - Class hour. Summary of the quiz “Speak correctly”

Teacher-psychologist MBOUSOSH No. 5 Dolinskaya L.R.

Presenter: Andrey Ilnitsky
We'll tell you about a beautiful speech,
Let's teach you how to speak correctly!
We'll show you an interesting fairy tale,
How the speaker learned to speak!!!
Student 1. Tsizov Vlad
So, let's see what the topic of today's lesson is.
Oh, Ancient Greece again, how to develop your speech.”
Homework: Learn the poem by heart.” Well, why, I need this, I speak normally anyway, I’d better sleep a little.
The student falls asleep and has a dream.
Student 2 neighbor at desk
Meet Petya. My neighbour.

He is already twelve years old.

But he still talks.

Not a "corridor"
Petya shouting: “Kolidor.”

“The director enters the office...”

“Close the store for lunch...” “The housewife is washing the glasses...”

“Slash the beets...”

"Bake pancakes..."
And it was my turn:

He calls the briefcase a “briefcase.”

But it’s not for nothing that I have “Native Speech”

Fate entrusted to protect.

And I came up with this in earnest:

Let his name be Petya too,

Student: - Petya! - rushing from the yard, -

It's time for you to go home!

Don't touch the baby, Petya,

After all, you are big, and he is a child!

: “Petya” is offended by the guys:

Petya: Tell me, what is my fault?

I didn't swear, I wasn't rude

And I didn't offend anyone

Why in broad daylight?

Took my name away?
Three speakers come out: Plato, Socrates and Cicero.
Plato: Yes, it won’t work that way!
Socrates: “My young friend, it pains me to hear this! How can you not develop your speech?
Plato takes the phone on the student’s desk, where student Petya is sleeping: And what kind of instrument is this...
Yes, there are terrible words in it: Comp, Smack,…..
Cicero: No, this must not continue!
The theory of eloquence, why did we write it?
To you who came here,
I say my words
I wish you people to work honestly,
So that the speech is sensible
Study literature
Master grammar
Learn the exact sciences
Don't forget your parents
Surprise with beautiful speech!

Socrates: Speech must be developed from childhood!
Train with exercises!
And most importantly, the following rules must be followed!
Presentation on the rules of speech development.
Plato: But you just have to learn!
Use words wisely
And don’t be lazy, but work,
Pronouncing words correctly.
Let the words run forward playfully.
Rejoicing, caressing slowly
How nice it is to speak beautifully!
Using words wisely!
Host: I hope that what was said in your dream will not be in vain.
Remember: A person who knows how to speak correctly and clearly will always be heard by his interlocutors and will be able to speak in front of an audience of thousands.
Student waking up: That’s it, I’ll develop my speech.
And remember the art of oratory,
Where are these rules? I want to actively apply them.

Beautiful, literate speech is an indicator of education, a guarantee that you will be understood correctly. Therefore, the phrase “who owns the word, owns the world” is still relevant in our time. After all, literacy and figurative speech are a characteristic feature of world leaders, diplomats and other personalities. Therefore, if you can correctly and clearly convey thoughts and ideas to others, then professional career growth is guaranteed to you.

Competent, beautiful speech helps us establish full communication with our interlocutor. And incorrect delivery of speech with a large number of stylistic errors will negate all efforts, for example, when communicating with a boss or in a conflict situation in the family.

In addition, literacy is incompatible with swear words; even a good-looking person uses open swear words in his speech, but he still will not become a cultural intellectual. Therefore, good speech and verbal abuse and swearing are incompatible.

Moreover, literacy is not only the ability to accurately and clearly express thoughts, but also to speak to the point so that everyone can understand everything.

Trying to make your conversation literate, pay attention not only to your vocabulary, but also to culture. To do this, speak taking into account the rules and norms of punctuation, as well as the style of the Russian language.

Literacy is compliance with the rules of stress placement, the ability to raise or lower the tone at the right moment, maintain intonation, and the ability to withstand pauses.

Criteria that determine speech literacy

Speech culture:

  • relevance;
  • literacy of voiced information;
  • accessibility of expression;
  • use of epithets, metaphors and phraseological units;
  • variety of speech without tautology;
  • aesthetics.

The paucity of vocabulary and illiteracy repels the interlocutor and irritates. Even if you allow yourself to be tongue-tied at home, it is unlikely that you will conduct a business conversation correctly and will be able to express yourself competently when talking with your boss. And over time, when you have children, they will pick up illiterate words from you.

How to improve your speech

During the conversation, maintain a friendly tone and change your intonation depending on the situation. To make your tone and intonation richer, learn to read with expression.

How to develop speech correctly

Those who require literacy for professional growth will not be able to cope without specialized literature. In this case, use the works of Radislav Gandapas and the manual by I. Golub and D. Rosenthal “Secrets of Stylistics”.

Help from professionals

If you need a teacher, then a highly qualified teacher will give you a competent speech. But where can you find it? Contact your school teacher or a philologist you know, and if the opportunity allows you to take lessons from a teacher specializing in rhetoric, then you should take advantage of it.

Making your speech literate is no more difficult than losing weight, but to achieve this you just need to want it.

When talking about the qualities of good speech, they note its correctness, purity, richness, accuracy, logic, expressiveness and appropriateness. Already in this classification, shared by all linguists, one can see that speaking correctly and speaking beautifully are not the same thing.

To speak correctly means to construct speech so that it meets the requirement of correctness. In other words, comply with the norms of literary language at different levels. Orthoepic norms, for example, imply the correct placement of stress. So, you need to say: it’s calling, sorrel, contract. Grammar rules imply the correct agreement of words. You cannot say: black coffee or delicious cocoa, since the first noun is masculine, and the second is neuter. Lexical norms imply the use of words in accordance with their meaning and compatibility.

For example, people often allow pleonasm in their speech, using phrases such as a memorable souvenir or in the month of May.

What does it mean to speak beautifully? This is probably primarily related to two qualities of speech: expressiveness and richness. To speak beautifully means to use means of expressiveness in speech, to use the lexical, grammatical, phonetic richness of the language. For example, how much beauty and sadness there is in these lines of Yesenin’s poem:

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,

Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.

Withered in gold,

I won't be young anymore.

One might think that beauty and correctness of speech are, although not identical, complementary concepts. Meanwhile, sometimes what is beautiful does not meet the norms, and vice versa.

Here is an excerpt from a fairy tale by S.G. Pisakhova “Northern Lights”: “In the summer it’s light all day long, we don’t even sleep. The day is spent working, and the night is spent walking and racing with deer. And since autumn we have been preparing for winter. We are drying the Northern Lights." Although the author here uses dialectal forms of words that are outside the boundaries of the literary language, we are fascinated by the music of folk speech.

Thus, we are convinced that correct speech and beautiful speech are not at all the same thing.

We live in strange times. On the one hand, we are told that in various fields professionalism is valued above all, and not how you dress, how you speak and how you present yourself. On the other hand, everywhere we have to deal with the opposite: a person is judged not by what he is, but by what he appears to be. Therefore, when hiring, a well-spoken candidate with dubious professional credentials has a better chance than a true master of his craft who cannot speak. So it is very useful for any person, regardless of his type of activity. Even if his profession is not related to public speaking.

Ability to persuade

As for public activities, correct and beautiful speech is a guarantee of an effective performance. Speech errors reveal either a not very educated and incompetent person, or an insecure speaker; You hardly want to trust such a would-be speaker. It turns out that knowledge of spelling is not just an indicator of “general literacy”, but also a beneficial thing - with its help you can convince the public of anything.

Political strategists who prepare politicians for speeches and candidates for election campaigns pay a lot of attention to the speech of their “protégés.” Largely thanks to good speech, our current “political elite” came to power and reliably retains it, despite dubious professional and moral qualities and education.

It is possible that the overthrow of Yanukovych took place thanks to his illiterate speech. In fact, the total illiteracy of the Ukrainian “president in law” in both Russian and Ukrainian was known throughout the country and beyond. Jokes were written about her; and it seemed like a glaring misunderstanding that Yanukovych was officially recognized as the most prolific and highly paid Ukrainian writer, his “works” were published in large editions. Yanukovych’s ability to speak is not high, because from childhood his school and university were the famous organized crime group “Pivnovka”, in which he “improved as a person.” If he had mastered (at worst, worked on spelling and spelling), he would certainly have had a better chance of remaining in power. The illiterate leader of the country did not suit even those who were loyal to the regime and benefited from it: Yanukovych spoiled the image of his country and party, with his speech he exposed the entire essence of the Ukrainian (as, in general, the Russian) political system, therefore, in his own way the post looked unconvincing.

We see the consequences of illiterate speech. All the more important is skill in areas far from “state affairs.”

Correct speech and unity of the people

Language is part of the mentality of a particular people; it stores thoughts and images with which the people have lived for centuries. Demonstrating the ability to speak his own language ensures that he does not distance himself from his listeners and from his fellow citizens in general. Correct speech eliminates social, professional and other barriers that divide society. In fact, the general public will not understand a specialist speaking in professional jargon, and may even be confused - after all, the interlocutor made the listeners look like idiots, unable to understand “simple things.”

Thus, the literary language is the universal language of the country, which is used (in any case, should be used) by citizens of all ages, professions, social groups and other categories for mutual understanding.

Does jargon spoil speech?

Conservative researchers disapprove of slang words, believing that they only spoil the speaker’s speech. However, the concept of “beauty” in this case is purely subjective; Moreover, the “literary” language can often be insufficiently expressive, have outdated or irrelevant units and constructions for a given situation. So such formally correct speech will in fact turn out to be ugly, inept and ugly. Such pedantry in speech is typical for people who are hypocritical or have inflated self-esteem.

Some types of jargon in our time are fully or partially understandable to the bulk of Russian citizens. This is youth slang, criminal “Fenya”, a number of professional words from the speech of programmers, etc. This became possible thanks to modern culture, which is characterized by the availability of high technologies, the “camp” mentality that developed in Soviet times and the rapid development of pop culture. Of course, you should not oversaturate your speech with elements of these jargons, but you won’t be able to completely abandon them - without them it is impossible to clearly and intelligibly express a thought, in addition, they allow you to make your speech more vivid.

Who makes the rules?

Not long ago, society was vigorously discussing the resolution of our politicians to legalize the neuter gender of the word “coffee” in parallel with the masculine gender. Some took this government decree with hostility, others approved it - they say, it’s high time; There are those who would approve of the decree if it came from venerable Russian scholars, and not from cynical and illiterate politicians.

And here a reasonable question arises: who actually makes up all these rules? Why is it correct to say “a kilogram of tomatoes”, but “a kilogram of tomatoes” is incorrect? The answer: “Because that’s what they teach in school” is incorrect: standards and spellings change over time, which is easy to observe by opening a book from, say, the 50s. In the famous “Book of Tasty and Healthy Food” from 1953, the refrigerator says that it is a household appliance that “works with electricity”; in our time, such a turn of phrase is considered a gross mistake, and is perceived by native speakers as wild ignorance. The modern reader winces at the words “diet”, “dietary products”. If you dig around, you can find many more outdated spellings and speech patterns in this book.

Of course, scientists do not invent any rules. Science, as always, acts only as an outside observer of the processes occurring in society. Language changes constantly and endlessly, and the “author” of new rules is the people themselves. To be more precise, the speech of the “model” part of the population is taken as the basis for correct pronunciation; new rules are enshrined in the works of “great” literature and journalism, the authors of which serve this part of the population. The rest of the population adapts to this group in order to gain a profession, income, join in scientific and cultural achievements, etc. Before the revolution, the “model” social group was the nobility, and it was they who established linguistic norms. In Soviet times, this position was supposed to be occupied by skilled workers, peasants and free intelligentsia, but the de facto shaper of the language code was the party nomenklatura. The post-Soviet years are a very difficult period for the Russian language, since the social structure of society is changing dramatically, and the language itself is experiencing another wave of foreign and internal (from jargons, vernacular, etc.) borrowings. The attention of society, including the new criminal and political “elite,” to its own language is very low; but on the other hand, the need for mutual understanding and developed language remains, as a result of which changes occur in vocabulary, pronunciation, and sometimes in the most stable layers of the language. Society creates new, more convenient forms of oral communication, and science can only record them. Of course, constant revision of the rules would not make sense; in this case, the language as a system would cease to exist.

We can say that in recent years the media have been the shapers of new rules and norms. Literature, even modern and commercial literature, is still in limited demand, but television, newspapers and especially Internet sites are viewed by almost all citizens of the country.

Returning to the legalized neuter gender of the word “coffee,” it should be noted that this is probably not the only innovation in. By studying the RuNet space, we can guess what new regulations await us in the future. For example, the erroneous but incredibly popular phrase “kilogram of tomato” may be one of the first to be legalized, because a significant proportion of the population, including the economically active, does not know the correct variant – “tomatoes”.

Is it ringing or ringing?

The examples below illustrate how the rules of the Russian language (in this case, the placement of stress in verbs) are unstable and flexible.

Nowadays, the most common option you hear is “ringing.” However, all dictionaries and textbooks insistently call for saying “ringing.” Where did the erroneous form come from? The tradition of placing stress on the first syllable has lived in spoken language for about a hundred years; and according to the rules of the early twentieth century, the emphasis in this word was exactly that.

The situation is similar with the word “include/include.” The main dictionaries consider the second option to be normative, but about a year ago the Great Orthoepic Dictionary introduced the first option as acceptable, which caused a storm of disapproving emotions among the educated public. The compilers of the dictionary made excuses: “What to do? If people say that, then it needs to be recorded.” An absolutely correct point of view for scientists: not to establish rules based on some “tradition,” but to record the phenomenon of a living language.

In general, since the time of A.S. Pushkin, there has been a slow tendency to shift the emphasis in such verbs from the ending to the stem. Simply put, there was a time when they said “smoking”, “cooking”, “drinking”; many examples of this can be found in the works of Russian poets. The shift of emphasis occurred gradually, and dictionaries recorded and legitimized more and more new forms - first with the mark “colloquial”, and then without it.

A witness to the “transitional” stage is the cartoon “Plasticine Crow,” in which the characters could not understand whether “The gift will be immediately handed over” or “handed over.” There is still confusion about this word in our time, since different dictionaries consider either the first option or the second to be correct.

For the word “rust,” M. A. Studiner’s “Dictionary of Exemplary Russian Stress” considers only the stress on the second syllable to be correct, but the already mentioned Large Orthoepic Dictionary allows stress on both the first and second syllables.

Carlson in the Soviet cartoon makes a mistake when he says: “And here we are playing with buns.” However, the Great Orthoepic Dictionary in our time considers this option acceptable, but still declares “to dabble” as a priority.

“We waited”, “we gathered” and other similar options are considered by the main dictionaries to be a gross mistake: only “we waited”, etc. But quite recently, the Large Orthoepic Dictionary legalized this option as acceptable.

“Lighten”, “deepen”: the incorrect emphasis in these words became popular thanks to the speeches of Mikhail Gorbachev. Some even use them, but most often these options appear in an ironic context (for example, in jokes); dictionaries still do not want to record Gorbachev’s “innovation” as an allowed option.

“Dancer”, “dancer”: Ushakov’s dictionary considers such an emphasis acceptable in colloquial speech, but in literary speech the correct option is still on the second syllable. Other dictionaries consider only the second syllable correct. The "wrong" accent can be heard in Rosenbaum's song "Boston Waltz".

How to say it correctly?

However, many pronunciation rules are strict and unambiguous. “CAKES” - that’s it and that’s the only way. And when declined, this word also has stress on the first syllable. The same applies to the words “bow”, “port” and others. But “bridges”, “bridges” - here the rule is different. Perhaps the incorrect emphasis in the above words in colloquial speech appeared as a result of the analogy with “bridges”.

"More beautiful"- another word that cannot bear any other stress. However, many people are accustomed to saying “beautiful”.

"Beet"- stress on the first syllable. The colloquial version of “beet” may have come from the South Russian dialect.

"Catalog", "obituary". The incorrect variant “catalogue” may have appeared under the influence of “analog”. And the “obituary” is the result of a rapprochement with the “biologist”.

"Agreement"- the only way. Employees of the “authorities” have long been accustomed to saying “agreement”, but all dictionaries consider this option to be incorrect. It’s the same with “means” - dictionaries insistently require only “means”.

"Blinds". The word is French in origin and inflexible, translated means “jealousy” (their inventor made them so that passing men could not admire the beauty of his wife while he was at work). It’s unclear where the clumsy version of “Jalousie” came from.

"StolYar". However, even in Soviet poetry, “joiner” was often encountered.

"Shoe". The famous line from the film: “Whose shoe? - My!" - ironically shows illiterate speech.

"Quarter". The popular “kvartal” is considered incorrect by dictionaries.

Option "marketing" today it is considered by many to be commonly used. But most dictionaries only prescribe “marketing”, as in the source language - English.

"College"- a word that comes from English, in which the first syllable is stressed in most words. Its French equivalent is “college”; In French, the stress always falls on the last syllable, and not on words, but on phrases.

"SOUPS, SAUCE." Cooks and salespeople in grocery stores often say “soup”, “sauce”; some even justify themselves by calling it professional jargon (as well as the “agreement” of the police). However, literary speech requires only the first option.

How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully?

Here are some tips for anyone who wants to improve their speech.


  • teach children to express their thoughts coherently;
  • develop speech etiquette skills, enrich the child’s speech with such words and phrases that are necessary in everyday communication between people (greeting, gratitude, etc.);
  • cultivate an attentive, thoughtful attitude to the use of forms of speech, the ability to choose linguistic means that are more appropriate in a specific speech situation.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

From the first days of his life, a person hears the speech of people close to him - mom, dad, grandmother and, as it were, absorbs the intonations of their voices. Even without knowing the words, the child recognizes people close and dear to him by the sounds of voices. Gradually, the baby begins to master speech. And by the age of seven, as scientists have calculated, a child remembers more words than in the rest of his life.

Our native Russian language is powerful and beautiful. Read what outstanding Russian writers and public figures said about him.

(Children read statements about the Russian language.)


  • “Language is the history of the people. Language is the path to the civilization of culture: that is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but an urgent necessity.” A.I. Kuprin.
  • “To write well, you need to know your native language well.” M. Gorky.
  • "The Russian people created the Russian language - bright, like a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate, like arrows, melodious and rich, sincere, like a song over a cradle: What is the Motherland? This is the whole people. This is its culture, its language. A.N. Tolstoy.
  • ": Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this state passed on to us by our predecessors. Treat this powerful weapon with respect: in the hands of skilled people it is capable of performing miracles!" I. S. Turgenev.

Today we have gathered with you in order to solve the question: how does the speech of a cultured person differ from the speech of a person suffering from poor upbringing and lack of education. What is the most pleasant speech to listen to?

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

A. Three prepared students read the poem by Yu. Timyansky “The Story of the School Bag.”

Think about why the boy Petya was offended by the guys?

Meet Petya. My neighbour.
He is already twelve years old.
But he still talks
Not a "corridor", but

"The director enters the office:"
"The store is closed for lunch:"
"The hostess washes glasses:"
"Whips beets:"
"Bakes pancakes:"

And it was my turn:
He calls the briefcase a “briefcase.”
But it’s not for nothing that I speak my native language
Fate entrusted to protect.
And I came up with this in earnest:
Let his name be Petya too.

Peter! - rushing from the yard, -
It's time for you to go home!
- Don’t touch the baby, Petya,
After all, you are big, and he is a child.

“Petya” is offended by the guys.

Tell me, what is my fault?
I didn't swear or be rude.
And I didn't offend anyone
Why in broad daylight?
Took my name away?

Children answer the previously asked question. There is a discussion of the poem read.

It is very common to hear someone mispronounce words or use them inappropriately. Is it pleasant to listen to such speech?

B. What proverbs do you know on this topic?

A competition is announced. The winner is the one who remembers more proverbs on the topic “Speech. Word”.


  • Think first - then speak.
  • Don't be brave in word, but show it in deed.
  • Talk less, do more.
  • A kind word to a man like rain in a drought.
  • The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
  • Be strong until you give your word, and once you give your word, hold on.
  • And I would give dearly for a word, but you can’t buy it back.
  • My tongue is my enemy, it speaks before my mind.
  • Talk without thinking, shoot without aiming.
  • Once you shoot, you won’t catch the bullet, and when you say a word, you won’t catch it.
  • Briefly and clearly.
  • You can't tell it with your tongue, you can't spread it with your finger.
  • It’s good to listen to a short speech, but it’s good to think while listening to a long one.

Q. The first words with which we start the day are Hello, good morning. By pronouncing them, we wish our loved ones and acquaintances good health, we want their whole day to be bright and joyful.

A student reads the poem “Me and the Sun” by the poet V. Korkin.

The sun has risen clear,
- Good morning! -
- Good morning! -
I shout to passers-by
Cheerful passers-by,
Similar to this in the morning:
But if you wake up -
And the rain on the window
Knocks and knocks
Is it dark without the sun?
- Good morning,
Friends, it doesn’t matter:
Cleverly thought out:
- Good morning!

How else do we greet each other? (Good afternoon, good evening.) How should you say these “magic” words? (In a calm, even voice.)

G. But the boy Petrus wanted to be polite, but did not know how to use “polite” words. Listen to what he did.

The student reads.

Petrus promised his father:
- I will take care of politeness:
I will thank everyone
Say “hello” first.
Here is a boy with diligence
Keeps its promise.
He sees - in the morning at the gatehouse
The watchman on the threshold is dozing.
He didn't sleep at night on duty,
Just dozed off.
And Petrus will scream:
- Good morning, grandfather Fedot!
His grandfather scolded him in his sleep:
- Get out, shooter!
Petrus caught up with Yarinka
Yes, as he pulls the scarf:
- Where are you going, Yarinka, stop,
I say hello to you.
She pulled aside -
What an impolite girl:
The counselor was carrying a stack of books,
And Petrus jumps off the fence!
Almost on his shoulders:
- Sorry, good evening!
“You,” the counselor shouted, “
Both ignorant and impudent!
Petya is very surprised:
Was he impolite?
Was Petya polite? Why?

D. Now listen to how the “magic” word once helped dad.

A student is reading.

Dad broke
A precious vase.
Grandmother and mother
They frowned immediately.
But dad was found
Looked them in the eyes
And timidly and quietly
“Sorry,” he said.
And mom is silent, she even smiles.
- We'll buy another one,
There are better ones on sale.
"Sorry" -
It would seem that,
What's so special about it?
But what a
Wonderful word!
N. Yusupov.

What word helped dad? Do you always remember “polite” words? (Children give examples.)

E. Children are offered a practical task - to assess the situation.

Role-playing game "I didn't notice"

Two girls are walking, they are talking. A boy runs towards them. He “accidentally” pushes the girls and says: “Sorry, please, I didn’t notice you.” (Children evaluate the boy’s behavior.)

G. Mysteries of stress.

Find the extra word among the names of the characters in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale about the adventures of Pinocchio.

Malvina, Alice, Shushera, Tortila. (Shushera, since in all words the stress falls on the second syllable, and in this word - on the first.)

Harlequin, Karabas, Duremar, Giuseppe. (Giuseppe, since in all words the stress falls on the third syllable, and in this word - on the second.)

Children are given a task: place emphasis in words.

Shop, briefcase, diary, quarter, gate, alphabet, put, driver, kilometer, centimeter.

Two students enter the class.

Where are we?

On the holiday of the Russian language.

We know Russian well.

But we will check this now. I offer you words, and you will have to compose a story from them, interesting and definitely funny. Words: metro, coat. Cinema, muffler, kangaroo, highway, chimpanzee, domino, piano, pince-nez, cafe. Do you remember?

1st student:

There is nothing to remember here!

2nd student:

And now from these words we will not only write a story, we will write a poem in verse! And we will not only compose poems, but also music for them.

1st student:

Right! Music!

One early morning
My friend and I sat a meter away!

Listen, why is everyone laughing? Did I say something wrong? Okay, I’ll correct myself, listen further.

And we went on the meter
To make a film about a kangaroo.
Here we are sitting in the cinema again
Without a coat and without a muffler.

Why is everyone laughing again? Now you speak.

2nd student:

Or rather: me and you
Without a coat and without a muffler.

1st student:

Kids love kin,
If there are kangaroos in the movies.
Walks and wanders along the highway,
He carries a chimpanzee in his bag.

A kangaroo entered a cafe
I took a free table there.

And sits behind the domino
With a chimpanzee and a cockatoo.

Suddenly a huge monkey
He began to play the piano.
And then with the mouse,
Poor gray baby.

Here is an adult, having taken off his pince-nez,
I laughed my ass off.
Interesting movie!

It's a shame it ended.

It's time to run to the wardrobe -
They will issue polta.

Well then, friends. You've created a song about how not to talk.

Students 1 and 2 together: Why?

Yes, because all these nouns are not declined, i.e. don't change at all. Do you remember?

So these words never change?

Never! And all the guys should know these words.

Now everything is clear, I understand why the guys laughed.

I invite you to stay for our fun lesson.

Listen to couplets about the correct use of words and stress placement.

To be flat
We'll put the board down.

There is a case on the table,
A carpenter held a saw in it.

He's been spying on her all day
Again I didn’t understand anything.

The animals came running
They leaned against the door.

My ears are ringing.
The phone rings all day.

It's not easy to cross here -
There's water here and it's deep!

The cat found peace
In our new pantry.

What role does stress play in our speech? (Children express their assumptions and draw conclusions.)

Z. I would like to draw attention to words that even adults call incorrectly. These are the words put and put. How is the word put used? (Without a prefix.) And when should I put it down? (With a prefix.) (Children give various examples of the use of these words.)

4. Summing up.

Try not to confuse the words, guys. When you speak, do not rush, do not “swallow” your words.

Our holiday is coming to an end. You were able to complete all the tasks you completed because the grammar you studied at school helped you.

  • People's speech is red, like satin fabric,
  • The word is embroidered with gold and covered with pearls.
  • The people put an interesting foundation into the speech,
  • And from a small word a big buzz comes.
  • Speech has been preserved for centuries, it has been cut by the mind,
  • Kilometers of expanse have been washed and ventilated,
  • By a reliable judge - time - carefully checked,
  • Our rejuvenating speech is rich in thoughts:

: Among the people, speech is an ally,
He poured his whole soul into her,
In the very heart, like in a forge,
He tempered all his words.