Stephen Hawking A Brief History of the Universe. A Brief History of Time

Stephen Hawking is a famous physicist who made enormous contributions to science and educated many people, despite the fact that he spends his life in a wheelchair. He is widely known not only in scientific circles. His book “A Brief History of Time” aroused great interest among readers and became popular.

Hawking studied all the theories of the origin of the Universe and conducted research. In his work, he gives answers to questions that have tormented many people since the very beginning of the creation of the world. The author describes how the Universe came into being, what the Big Bang was, and what happened after it. What is the Universe anyway? And how do we see her, and do we see her as she is?

The book A Brief History of Time also examines the relationship between space and time. The scientist talks about how time flows, and whether it has always been the way it is now; Are there places where time flows faster or slower?

Readers will be able to find answers to the questions: what is a Black Hole? How does she look? Or maybe she's not so black?..

With the development of civilization, more and more people and scientists are wondering where space came from, why the Sun shines, what stars are. Many people want to know the truth about how the world was created. Some people prefer to think that God created it, others are sure that all this is the result of the Big Bang. There are a lot of theories that are not 100% proven. And of course, the interesting question is whether the Universe can exist forever, whether it is infinite or whether it has some kind of temporal and spatial boundaries.

The book is written in simple, understandable language; it will not contain complex interconnected formulas; in general, you can find only one formula there. However, it is recommended to have a basic knowledge of physics to make it easier to perceive the information offered. The book will be of interest to all those who want to learn about the creation of the Universe and its laws.

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The book is dedicated to Jane

I decided to try to write a popular book about space and time after I gave the Loeb Lectures at Harvard in 1982. At that time there were already quite a few books devoted to the early Universe and black holes, both very good, for example Steven Weinberg’s book “The First Three Minutes,” and very bad, which there is no need to name here. But it seemed to me that none of them actually addressed the questions that prompted me to study cosmology and quantum theory: where did the universe come from? how and why did it arise? will it end, and if it does, how? These questions interest us all. But modern science is very rich in mathematics, and only a few specialists have sufficient knowledge of the latter to understand this. However, the basic ideas about the birth and further fate of the Universe can be presented without the help of mathematics in such a way that they will become understandable even to people who have not received a scientific education. This is what I tried to do in my book. It is up to the reader to judge how successful I am.
I was told that every formula included in the book would cut the number of buyers in half. Then I decided to do without formulas altogether. True, in the end I still wrote one equation - the famous Einstein equation E=mc^2. I hope it doesn't scare off half of my potential readers.
Apart from the fact that I fell ill with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, then in almost everything else I was lucky. The help and support provided by my wife Jane and children Robert, Lucy and Timothy enabled me to lead a fairly normal life and achieve success at work. I was also lucky in that I chose theoretical physics, because it all fits in my head. Therefore, my physical weakness did not become a serious disadvantage. My scientific colleagues, without exception, always provided me with maximum assistance.
During the first, “classic” stage of my work, my closest assistants and collaborators were Roger Penrose, Robert Gerok, Brandon Carter and George Ellis. I am grateful to them for their help and for their collaboration. This stage ended with the publication of the book “Large-scale structure of space-time,” which Ellis and I wrote in 1973 (S. Hawking, J. Ellis. Large-scale structure of space-time. M.: Mir, 1976).
I would not advise anyone reading the following pages to consult it for additional information: it is overloaded with mathematics and difficult to read. I hope that since then I have learned to write more accessiblely.
During the second, "quantum" phase of my work, which began in 1974, I worked primarily with Gary Gibbons, Don Page, and Jim Hartle. I owe a lot to them, as well as to my graduate students, who provided me with enormous help both in the “physical” and in the “theoretical” sense of the word. The need to keep up with graduate students was an extremely important motivator and, I think, kept me from getting stuck in a mire.
Brian Witt, one of my students, helped me a lot while working on the book. In 1985, after sketching out the first rough outline of the book, I fell ill with pneumonia. I had to undergo surgery, and after the tracheotomy I stopped speaking, and thus almost lost the ability to communicate. I thought I wouldn't be able to finish the book. But Brian not only helped me revise it, but also taught me how to use the Living Center computer communication program, which was given to me by Walt Waltosh, an employee of Words Plus, Inc., Sunnyvale, California. With its help, I can write books and articles, and also talk to people through a speech synthesizer given to me by another Sunnyvale company, Speech Plus. David Mason installed this synthesizer and a small personal computer on my wheelchair. This system changed everything: it became even easier for me to communicate than before I lost my voice.
I am grateful to many who have read early versions of the book for suggestions on how it could be improved. Thus, Peter Gazzardi, my editor at Bantam Books, sent me letter after letter with comments and questions on passages that he felt were poorly explained. Admittedly, I was quite annoyed when I received a huge list of recommended fixes, but Gazzardi was absolutely right. I'm sure the book was made better by Gazzardi rubbing my nose in the mistakes.
I express my deep gratitude to my assistants Colin Williams, David Thomas and Raymond Laflamme, my secretaries Judy Fella, Ann Ralph, Cheryl Billington and Sue Macy and my nurses. I could not have achieved anything if all the costs of scientific research and necessary medical care had not been borne by Gonville and Caius College, the Science and Technology Research Council and the Leverhulme, MacArthur, Nuffield and Ralph Smith Foundations. I am very grateful to all of them.


We live, understanding almost nothing about the structure of the world. We don’t think about what mechanism generates the sunlight that ensures our existence, we don’t think about gravity, which keeps us on Earth, preventing it from throwing us into space. We are not interested in the atoms from which we are composed and on the stability of which we ourselves essentially depend. With the exception of children (who still know too little not to ask such serious questions), few people puzzle over why nature is the way it is, where the cosmos came from, and whether it has always existed? Couldn't time one day be turned back so that the effect precedes the cause? Is there an insurmountable limit to human knowledge? There are even children (I have met them) who want to know what a black hole looks like, what is the smallest particle of matter? why do we remember the past and not the future? If there really was chaos before, then how is it that apparent order has now been established? and why does the Universe exist at all?
In our society, it is common for parents and teachers to respond to these questions by mostly shrugging their shoulders or calling for help from vaguely remembered references to religious legends. Some people do not like such topics because they vividly reveal the narrowness of human understanding.
But the development of philosophy and the natural sciences moved forward mainly thanks to questions like these. More and more adults are showing interest in them, and the answers are sometimes completely unexpected for them. Differing in scale from both atoms and stars, we are pushing the horizons of exploration to cover both the very small and the very large.
In the spring of 1974, about two years before the Viking spacecraft reached the surface of Mars, I was in England at a conference organized by the Royal Society of London on the possibilities of searching for extraterrestrial civilizations. During a coffee break, I noticed a much larger meeting taking place in the next room and, out of curiosity, entered it. So I witnessed a long-standing ritual - the admission of new members to the Royal Society, which is one of the oldest associations of scientists on the planet. Ahead, a young man sitting in a wheelchair was very slowly writing his name in a book, the previous pages of which bore the signature of Isaac Newton. When he finally finished signing, the audience burst into applause. Stephen Hawking was already a legend then.

Hawking now occupies the chair of mathematics at the University of Cambridge, which was once occupied by Newton and later by P. A. M. Dirac - two famous researchers who studied one - the largest, and the other - the smallest. Hawking is their worthy successor. This first popular book by Hokippa contains a lot of useful things for a wide audience. The book is interesting not only for the breadth of its content, it allows you to see how the author’s thought works. You will find in it clear revelations about the limits of physics, astronomy, cosmology and courage.
But this is also a book about God... or maybe about the absence of God. The word "God" appears frequently in its pages. Hawking sets out to find the answer to Einstein's famous question about whether God had any choice when he created the Universe. Hawking is trying, as he himself writes, to unravel God's plan. All the more unexpected is the conclusion (at least temporary) to which these searches lead: a Universe without an edge in space, without beginning and end in time, without any work for the Creator.
Carl Sagan, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY NY.

1. Our idea of ​​the Universe

Once a famous scientist (they say it was Bertrand Russell) gave a public lecture on astronomy. He told how the Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Sun, in turn, revolves around the center of a huge cluster of stars called our Galaxy. As the lecture came to an end, a small old lady stood up from the back rows of the hall and said: “Everything you told us is nonsense. In fact, our world is a flat plate that stands on the back of a giant turtle.” Smiling indulgently, the scientist asked: “What does the turtle support?” “You are very smart, young man,” replied the old lady. “A turtle is on another turtle, that one is also on a turtle, and so on lower and lower.”
This idea of ​​the Universe as an endless tower of turtles will seem funny to most of us, but why do we think that we ourselves know better? What do we know about the Universe, and how did we know it? Where did the Universe come from, and what will happen to it? Did the Universe have a beginning, and if so, what happened before the beginning? What is the essence of time? Will it ever end? The achievements of physics in recent years, which we partially owe to fantastic new technology, make it possible to finally obtain answers to at least some of these long-standing questions. As time passes, these answers may become as obvious as the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and perhaps as ridiculous as a tower of turtles. Only time (whatever that is) will decide.
Back in 340 BC. e. The Greek philosopher Aristotle, in his book On the Heavens, gave two compelling arguments in favor of the fact that the Earth is not a flat plate, but a round ball. First, Aristotle guessed that lunar eclipses occur when the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. The Earth always casts a round shadow on the Moon, and this can only happen if the Earth is spherical. If the Earth were a flat disk, its shadow would have the shape of an elongated ellipse, unless an eclipse always occurs precisely at the moment when the Sun is exactly on the axis of the disk. Secondly, from the experience of their travels, the Greeks knew that in the southern regions the North Star is located lower in the sky than in the northern ones. (Because Polaris is above the North Pole, it will be directly above the head of an observer standing at the North Pole, but to someone at the equator it will appear to be on the horizon.) Knowing the difference in the apparent position of the North Star in Egypt and Greece, Aristotle was even able to calculate that the length of the equator is 400,000 stadia. What a stade is is not known exactly, but it is close to 200 meters, and therefore Aristotle’s estimate is about 2 times the value now accepted. The Greeks also had a third argument in favor of the spherical shape of the Earth: if the Earth is not round, then why do we first see the sails of a ship rising above the horizon, and only then the ship itself?
Aristotle thought that the Earth was motionless, and the Sun, Moon, planets and stars revolved around it in circular orbits. He believed so, because, in accordance with his mystical views, he considered the Earth to be the center of the Universe, and circular motion to be the most perfect. Ptolemy developed Aristotle's idea into a complete cosmological model in the 2nd century. The Earth stands in the center, surrounded by eight spheres bearing the Moon, the Sun and the five then known planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn (Fig. 1.1). The planets themselves, Ptolemy believed, moved in smaller circles connected to corresponding spheres. This explained the very complex path that we see the planets take. On the very last sphere are the fixed stars, which, remaining in the same position relative to each other, move across the sky all together as a single whole. What lay beyond the last sphere was not explained, but in any case it was no longer part of the Universe that humanity observes.

Ptolemy’s model made it possible to predict quite well the position of celestial bodies in the sky, but for an accurate prediction he had to accept that the trajectory of the Moon in some places comes 2 times closer to the Earth than in others! This means that in one position the Moon should appear 2 times larger than in another! Ptolemy was aware of this shortcoming, but nevertheless his theory was recognized, although not everywhere. The Christian Church accepted the Ptolemaic model of the Universe as not contradicting the Bible, for this model was very good in that it left a lot of space for hell and heaven outside the sphere of the fixed stars. However, in 1514, the Polish priest Nicolaus Copernicus proposed an even simpler model. (At first, probably fearing that the Church would declare him a heretic, Copernicus promoted his model anonymously). His idea was that the Sun stood motionless in the center, and the Earth and other planets revolved around it in circular orbits. Almost a century passed before Copernicus' idea was taken seriously. Two astronomers, the German Johannes Kepler and the Italian Galileo Galilei, publicly supported Copernicus' theory, even though the orbits Copernicus predicted did not exactly match those observed. The Aristotle-Ptolemy theory came to an end in 1609, when Galileo began observing the night sky using a newly invented telescope. By pointing his telescope at the planet Jupiter, Galileo discovered several small satellites, or moons, that orbit Jupiter. This meant that not all celestial bodies must necessarily revolve directly around the Earth, as Aristotle and Ptolemy believed. (Of course, one could still assume that the Earth rests at the center of the Universe, and the moons of Jupiter move along a very complex path around the Earth, so that they only appear to orbit Jupiter. However, Copernicus’ theory was much simpler.) At the same time At the time, Johannes Kepler modified Copernicus' theory based on the assumption that planets move not in circles, but in ellipses (an ellipse is an elongated circle). Finally, now the predictions coincided with the results of observations.
As for Kepler, his elliptical orbits were an artificial (ad hoc) hypothesis, and, moreover, an “ungraceful” one, since an ellipse is a much less perfect figure than a circle. Having discovered almost by accident that elliptical orbits were in good agreement with observations, Kepler was never able to reconcile this fact with his idea that the planets revolve around the Sun under the influence of magnetic forces. The explanation came only much later, in 1687, when Isaac Newton published his book “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.” In it, Newton not only put forward the theory of the movement of material bodies in time and space, but also developed complex mathematical methods necessary for analyzing the movement of celestial bodies. In addition, Newton postulated the law of universal gravitation, according to which every body in the Universe is attracted to any other body with the greater force, the greater the mass of these bodies and the smaller the distance between them. This is the same force that makes bodies fall to the ground. (The story that Newton was inspired by an apple falling on his head is almost certainly unreliable. Newton himself said only that the idea of ​​gravity came while he was sitting in a “contemplative mood” and “the occasion was the fall of an apple”) . Newton further showed that, according to his law, the Moon, under the influence of gravitational forces, moves in an elliptical orbit around the Earth, and the Earth and the planets rotate in elliptical orbits around the Sun.
The Copernican model helped get rid of the Ptolemaic celestial spheres, and at the same time the idea that the Universe had some kind of natural boundary. Since the “fixed stars” do not change their position in the sky, except for their circular motion associated with the rotation of the Earth around its axis, it was natural to assume that the fixed stars are objects similar to our Sun, only much more distant.
Newton understood that, according to his theory of gravity, stars should be attracted to each other and therefore, it would seem, cannot remain completely motionless. Shouldn't they fall on top of each other, getting closer at some point? In 1691, in a letter to Richard Bentley, another prominent thinker of the time, Newton said that this would indeed happen if we had only a finite number of stars in a finite region of space. But, Newton reasoned, if the number of stars is infinite and they are more or less evenly distributed over infinite space, then this will never happen, since there is no central point where they would need to fall.
These arguments are an example of how easy it is to get into trouble when talking about infinity. In an infinite Universe, any point can be considered the center, since on both sides of it the number of stars is infinite. It was only much later that they realized that a more correct approach was to take a finite system in which all the stars fall on each other, tending to the center, and see what changes would happen if we added more and more stars, distributed approximately evenly outside the region under consideration. According to Newton's law, additional stars, on average, will not affect the original ones in any way, that is, the stars will fall at the same speed into the center of the selected area. No matter how many stars we add, they will always tend to the center. Nowadays, it is known that an infinite static model of the Universe is impossible if gravitational forces always remain forces of mutual attraction.
It’s interesting what the general state of scientific thought was like before the beginning of the 20th century: it never occurred to anyone that the Universe could expand or contract. Everyone believed that the Universe either always existed in an unchanged state, or was created at some point in time in the past approximately as it is now. This may be partly explained by the tendency of people to believe in eternal truths, and also by the special attraction of the idea that, even if they themselves grow old and die, the Universe will remain eternal and unchanged.
Even those scientists who realized that Newton's theory of gravity made a static Universe impossible did not think of the expanding Universe hypothesis. They tried to modify the theory by making the gravitational force repulsive over very large distances. This practically did not change the predicted motion of the planets, but it allowed the infinite distribution of stars to remain in equilibrium, since the attraction of nearby stars was compensated by repulsion from distant ones. But now we believe that such an equilibrium would be unstable. In fact, if in some area the stars get a little closer, then the attractive forces between them will increase and become greater than the repulsive forces, so that the stars will continue to come closer. If the distance between the stars increases slightly, then the repulsive forces will outweigh and the distance will increase.
Another objection to the model of an infinite static universe is usually attributed to the German philosopher Heinrich Olbers, who published a work on this model in 1823. In fact, many of Newton's contemporaries were working on the same problem, and Albers's paper was not even the first to raise serious objections. She was the first to be widely quoted. The objection is this: in an infinite static Universe, any ray of vision must rest on some star. But then the sky, even at night, should glow brightly, like the Sun. Olbers's counter-argument was that light coming to us from distant stars should be attenuated by absorption in matter in its path.
But in this case, this substance itself should heat up and glow brightly, like stars. The only way to avoid the conclusion that the night sky glows brightly, like the Sun, is to assume that the stars did not always shine, but lit up at some specific point in time in the past. Then the absorbing substance may not have had time to warm up yet, or the light of distant stars has not yet reached us. But the question arises: why did the stars light up?
Of course, the problem of the origin of the Universe has occupied the minds of people for a very long time. According to a number of early cosmogonies and Judeo-Christian-Muslim myths, our Universe arose at some specific and not very distant point in time in the past. One of the reasons for such beliefs was the need to find the “first cause” of the existence of the Universe. Any event in the Universe is explained by indicating its cause, that is, another event that happened earlier; such an explanation of the existence of the Universe itself is possible only if it had a beginning. Another basis was put forward by Blessed Augustine (the Orthodox Church considers Augustine blessed, and the Catholic Church considers him a saint. - Ed.). in the book "City of God". He pointed out that civilization is progressing, and we remember who committed this or that act and who invented what. Therefore, humanity, and therefore probably the Universe, is unlikely to exist for very long. St. Augustine considered the acceptable date for the creation of the Universe, corresponding to the book of Genesis: approximately 5000 BC. (Interestingly, this date is not too far from the end of the last ice age - 10,000 BC, which archaeologists consider the beginning of civilization).
Aristotle and most other Greek philosophers did not like the idea of ​​the creation of the Universe, since it was associated with divine intervention. Therefore, they believed that people and the world around them existed and would exist forever. Scientists of antiquity considered the argument regarding the progress of civilization and decided that floods and other cataclysms periodically occurred in the world, which all the time returned humanity to the starting point of civilization.
The questions of whether the Universe arose at some initial point in time and whether it is limited in space were later examined very closely by the philosopher Immanuel Kant in his monumental (and very dark) work “Critique of Pure Reason,” which was published in 1781. He called these questions antinomies (i.e., contradictions) of pure reason, since he saw that it is equally impossible to prove or disprove either the thesis about the necessity of the beginning of the Universe or the antithesis about its eternal existence. Kant's thesis was argued by the fact that if the Universe had no beginning, then every event would be preceded by an infinite period of time, and Kant considered this absurd. In support of the antithesis, Kant said that if the Universe had a beginning, then it would have been preceded by an infinite period of time, and then the question is, why did the Universe suddenly arise at one point in time and not at another? In fact, Kant's arguments are virtually the same for both thesis and antithesis. It proceeds from the tacit assumption that time is infinite in the past, regardless of whether the universe existed or did not exist forever. As we will see below, before the emergence of the Universe, the concept of time is meaningless. This was first pointed out by St. Augustine. When asked what God was doing before he created the universe, Augustine never answered that God was preparing hell for those who asked such questions. No, he said that time is an integral property of the Universe created by God and therefore there was no time before the emergence of the Universe.
When most people believed in a static and unchanging universe, the question of whether it had a beginning or not was essentially a matter of metaphysics and theology. All observable phenomena could be explained either by a theory in which the universe existed forever, or by a theory in which the universe was created at some point in time in such a way that everything looked as if it had existed forever. But in 1929, Edwin Hubble made an epochal discovery: it turned out that no matter what part of the sky one observes, all distant galaxies are rapidly moving away from us. In other words, the Universe is expanding. This means that in earlier times all objects were closer to each other than they are now. This means that there was apparently a time, about ten or twenty thousand million years ago, when they were all in one place, so that the density of the Universe was infinitely large. Hubble's discovery brought the question of how the Universe began into the realm of science.
Hubble's observations suggested that there was a time, the so-called Big Bang, when the Universe was infinitely small and infinitely dense. Under such conditions, all the laws of science become meaningless and do not allow us to predict the future. If in even earlier times any events took place, they still could not in any way influence what is happening now. Due to the lack of observable consequences, they can simply be neglected. The Big Bang can be considered the beginning of time in the sense that earlier times would simply not have been determined. Let us emphasize that such a starting point for time is very different from everything that was proposed before Hubble. The beginning of time in an unchanging Universe is something that must be determined by something existing outside the Universe; There is no physical necessity for the beginning of the Universe. The creation of the Universe by God can be attributed to any point in time in the past. If the Universe is expanding, then there may be physical reasons for it to have a beginning. You can still imagine that it was God who created the universe - at the moment of the big bang or even later (but as if the big bang had happened). However, it would be absurd to say that the Universe came into existence before the Big Bang. The idea of ​​an expanding Universe does not exclude the creator, but it does impose restrictions on the possible date of his work!

Stephen Hawking


From the big bang to black holes


The book is dedicated to Jane

I decided to try to write a popular book about space and time after I gave the Loeb Lectures at Harvard in 1982. At that time there were already quite a few books devoted to the early Universe and black holes, both very good, for example Steven Weinberg’s book “The First Three Minutes,” and very bad, which there is no need to name here. But it seemed to me that none of them actually addressed the questions that prompted me to study cosmology and quantum theory: where did the universe come from? how and why did it arise? will it end, and if it does, how? These questions interest us all. But modern science is very rich in mathematics, and only a few specialists have sufficient knowledge of the latter to understand this. However, the basic ideas about the birth and further fate of the Universe can be presented without the help of mathematics in such a way that they will become understandable even to people who have not received a scientific education. This is what I tried to do in my book. It is up to the reader to judge how successful I am.

I was told that every formula included in the book would cut the number of buyers in half. Then I decided to do without formulas altogether. True, in the end I still wrote one equation - the famous Einstein equation E=mc^2. I hope it doesn't scare off half of my potential readers.

Apart from the fact that I fell ill with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, then in almost everything else I was lucky. The help and support provided by my wife Jane and children Robert, Lucy and Timothy enabled me to lead a fairly normal life and achieve success at work. I was also lucky in that I chose theoretical physics, because it all fits in my head. Therefore, my physical weakness did not become a serious disadvantage. My scientific colleagues, without exception, always provided me with maximum assistance.

During the first, “classic” stage of my work, my closest assistants and collaborators were Roger Penrose, Robert Gerok, Brandon Carter and George Ellis. I am grateful to them for their help and for their collaboration. This stage ended with the publication of the book “Large-scale structure of space-time,” which Ellis and I wrote in 1973 (Hawking S., Ellis J. Large-scale structure of space-time. M.: Mir, 1976).

During the second, "quantum" phase of my work, which began in 1974, I worked primarily with Gary Gibbons, Don Page, and Jim Hartle. I owe a lot to them, as well as to my graduate students, who provided me with enormous help both in the “physical” and in the “theoretical” sense of the word. The need to keep up with graduate students was an extremely important motivator and, I think, kept me from getting stuck in a mire.

Brian Witt, one of my students, helped me a lot while working on the book. In 1985, after sketching out the first rough outline of the book, I fell ill with pneumonia. I had to undergo surgery, and after the tracheotomy I stopped speaking, and thus almost lost the ability to communicate. I thought I wouldn't be able to finish the book. But Brian not only helped me revise it, but also taught me how to use the Living Center computer communication program, which was given to me by Walt Waltosh, an employee of Words Plus, Inc., Sunnyvale, California. With its help, I can write books and articles, and also talk to people through a speech synthesizer given to me by another Sunnyvale company, Speech Plus. David Mason installed this synthesizer and a small personal computer on my wheelchair. This system changed everything: it became even easier for me to communicate than before I lost my voice.

I am grateful to many who have read early versions of the book for suggestions on how it could be improved. Thus, Peter Gazzardi, my editor at Bantam Books, sent me letter after letter with comments and questions on passages that he felt were poorly explained. Admittedly, I was quite annoyed when I received a huge list of recommended fixes, but Gazzardi was absolutely right. I'm sure the book was made better by Gazzardi rubbing my nose in the mistakes.

I express my deep gratitude to my assistants Colin Williams, David Thomas and Raymond Laflamme, my secretaries Judy Fella, Ann Ralph, Cheryl Billington and Sue Macy and my nurses. I could not have achieved anything if all the costs of scientific research and necessary medical care had not been borne by Gonville and Caius College, the Science and Technology Research Council and the Leverhulme, MacArthur, Nuffield and Ralph Smith Foundations. I am very grateful to all of them.


We live, understanding almost nothing about the structure of the world. We don’t think about what mechanism generates the sunlight that ensures our existence, we don’t think about gravity, which keeps us on Earth, preventing it from throwing us into space. We are not interested in the atoms from which we are composed and on the stability of which we ourselves essentially depend. With the exception of children (who still know too little not to ask such serious questions), few people puzzle over why nature is the way it is, where the cosmos came from, and whether it has always existed? Couldn't time one day be turned back so that the effect precedes the cause? Is there an insurmountable limit to human knowledge? There are even children (I have met them) who want to know what a black hole looks like, what is the smallest particle of matter? why do we remember the past and not the future? If there really was chaos before, then how is it that apparent order has now been established? and why does the Universe exist at all?

In our society, it is common for parents and teachers to respond to these questions by mostly shrugging their shoulders or calling for help from vaguely remembered references to religious legends. Some people do not like such topics because they vividly reveal the narrowness of human understanding.

But the development of philosophy and the natural sciences moved forward mainly thanks to questions like these. More and more adults are showing interest in them, and the answers are sometimes completely unexpected for them. Differing in scale from both atoms and stars, we are pushing the horizons of exploration to cover both the very small and the very large.

In the spring of 1974, about two years before the Viking spacecraft reached the surface of Mars, I was in England at a conference organized by the Royal Society of London on the possibilities of searching for extraterrestrial civilizations. During a coffee break, I noticed a much larger meeting taking place in the next room and, out of curiosity, entered it. So I witnessed a long-standing ritual - the admission of new members to the Royal Society, which is one of the oldest associations of scientists on the planet. Ahead, a young man sitting in a wheelchair was very slowly writing his name in a book, the previous pages of which bore the signature of Isaac Newton. When he finally finished signing, the audience burst into applause. Stephen Hawking was already a legend then.

Hawking now occupies the chair of mathematics at the University of Cambridge, which was once occupied by Newton and later by P. A. M. Dirac - two famous researchers who studied one - the largest, and the other - the smallest. Hawking is their worthy successor. This first popular book by Hokippa contains a lot of useful things for a wide audience. The book is interesting not only for the breadth of its content, it allows you to see how the author’s thought works. You will find in it clear revelations about the limits of physics, astronomy, cosmology and courage.

But this is also a book about God... or maybe about the absence of God. The word "God" appears frequently in its pages. Hawking sets out to find the answer to Einstein's famous question about whether God had any choice when he created the Universe. Hawking is trying, as he himself writes, to unravel God's plan. All the more unexpected is the conclusion (at least temporary) to which these

10. A Brief History of Time

The idea of ​​writing a popular science book about the Universe first came to me in 1982. Part of my goal was to earn money to pay school fees for my daughter. (In fact, by the time the book came out, she was already in her senior year.) But the main reason for writing the book was that I wanted to explain how far I think we have come in understanding the Universe: how close we may already be to creating a complete theory describing the Universe and everything in it.

Since I was going to put the time and effort into writing a book like this, I wanted as many people as possible to read it. Before that, my purely scientific books were published by Cambridge University Press. The publisher did a good job, but I felt that it would not be able to reach as wide an audience as I would like. So I contacted literary agent Al Zuckerman, who was introduced to me as the son-in-law of one of my colleagues. I gave him a draft of the first chapter and explained my desire to make a book like those sold in airport kiosks. He told me there was no chance of that. Scientists and students, of course, will buy it, but such a book will not break into the territory of Jeffrey Archer.

I gave the first version of the book to Zuckerman in 1984. He sent it to several publishers and recommended that they accept the offer from Norton, an elite American book company. But contrary to his recommendations, I accepted the offer of Bantam Books, a publishing house aimed at the general reader. Although Bantam did not specialize in publishing non-fiction books, its books were widely available in airport bookstores.

Perhaps Bantam became interested in this book because of one of its editors, Peter Guzzardi. He took his work very seriously and forced me to rewrite the book so that it could be understood by non-experts like himself. Every time I sent him a revised chapter, he responded with a long list of shortcomings and issues that he felt needed to be clarified. At times I thought this process would never end. But he was right: the book turned out much better as a result.

My work on the book was interrupted by pneumonia, which I contracted at CERN. It would have been completely impossible to finish the book if it were not for the computer program provided to me. It was quite slow, but I was thinking leisurely at the time, so it was quite suitable. With her help, prompted by Guzzardi, I almost completely rewrote the original text. One of my students, Brian Witt, helped me with this revision.

Cover of the first edition of A Brief History of Time

I was very impressed by Jacob Bronowski's television series The Ascent of Man. (Such a sexist name would not be allowed to be used today.) It gave a sense of the achievements of the human race and its development from the primitive savages that it was only fifteen thousand years ago to our modern state. I wanted to evoke similar feelings regarding our movement toward a full understanding of the laws that govern the Universe. I was sure that almost everyone is interested in how the universe works, but most people cannot understand mathematical equations. I don't really like them myself. Partly because it’s difficult for me to write them, but the main thing is that I don’t have an intuitive sense of formulas. Instead, I think in visual images, and in my book I tried to express these images in words, using familiar analogies and a small number of diagrams. By choosing this path, I hoped that most people would be able to share with me the admiration for the successes that physics has achieved as a result of its amazing progress over the past fifty years.

And yet some things are difficult to understand, even if you avoid mathematical calculations. The problem I was faced with was: should I try to explain them at the risk of misleading people, or should I just sweep the garbage under the rug, so to speak? Some unusual concepts, such as the fact that observers moving at different speeds measure different lengths of time for the same pair of events, were irrelevant to the picture I wanted to paint. So I felt I could just mention them without going into detail. But there were also complex ideas that were essential to what I was trying to convey.

There were two concepts that I thought were particularly important to include in the book. One of them is the so-called summation by history. This is the idea that the universe has more than one history. Instead, there is the totality of all possible histories of the universe, and all of these histories are equally real (whatever that means). Another idea needed to make mathematical sense of summation over histories is imaginary time. I now realize that I should have put more effort into explaining these two concepts because they were the parts of the book that people had the most difficulty with. However, it is not at all necessary to understand exactly what imaginary time is; it is quite enough to know that it differs from what we call real time.

When the book was about to be published, the scientist who was sent an advance copy to prepare a review for the magazine Nature, was horrified to discover a huge number of errors in it - incorrectly placed photographs and diagrams with incorrect signatures. He called Bantam, they were also horrified and on the same day they recalled and destroyed the entire circulation. (Surviving copies of this actual first edition are now likely to be highly prized.) The publisher spent three weeks of hard work revising and correcting the entire book, and it was ready in time to hit stores in time for its announced April Fool's release date. April Fool's Day. Then the magazine Time published a biographical note about me with it on the cover.

Despite all this, Bantam was surprised by the demand for my book. It remained on the bestseller list The New York Times for 147 weeks, and on the London bestseller list Times - in a record 237 weeks, was translated into 40 languages ​​and sold over 10 million copies worldwide.

I originally titled the book From the Big Bang to Black Holes: A Short History of Time, but Guzzardi swapped the title and subtitle and replaced it with “short.” to "brief" This was brilliant and must have contributed greatly to the success of the book. Since then, many “brief histories” of this or that and even “A Brief History of Thyme” have appeared. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Why did people buy this book so much? It is difficult for me to be confident in my objectivity, and I would rather quote what others have said. It turned out that the majority of reviews, even if approving, did not clarify much. Basically they are built according to the same scheme: Stephen Hawking suffers from Lou Gehrig's disease(term used in American reviews), or motor neuron disease(British reviews). He is confined to a wheelchair, cannot speak and only moves N fingers(Where N ranged from one to three, depending on how inaccurate the article about me that the reviewer had read). And yet he wrote this book about the greatest question of all: where did we come from and where are we going? The answer Hawking proposes is that the universe was not created and will never be destroyed - it simply is. To express this idea, Hawking introduces the concept of imaginary time, which I(i.e. reviewer) I find it somewhat difficult to understand. However, if Hawking is right and we do find a complete unified theory, then we will truly understand God's design.(During the proofreading stage, I almost removed the last phrase from the book about us understanding God's plan. If I had done that, sales would have dropped by half.)

I think the article in the London newspaper is much more insightful The Independent, where it is said that even such a serious scientific book as “A Brief History of Time” can become a cult. I was very flattered by its comparison with the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.” I hope that, like it, my book gives people a sense that they should not dismiss great intellectual and philosophical questions.

Undoubtedly, human interest in the story of how I managed to become a theoretical physicist, despite my disability, also played a role. But those who bought the book just for this were disappointed, since my condition was mentioned only a couple of times. The book was intended to be a history of the universe, and not at all my story. This did not protect the Bantam publisher from accusations that they were shamelessly exploiting my disease and that I was indulging them by allowing my photograph to be placed on the cover. In fact, according to the contract, I had no right to influence the design of the cover. I did, however, manage to convince the publisher to use a better photo for the British edition than the crappy, outdated photo that was in the American version. However, on the American cover the photo remained the same because, as I was told, the American public identified this photo with the book itself.

It was also suggested that many people bought this book to display it on their bookshelf or coffee table without actually reading it. I'm sure this was the case, although I don't think it was any more so than with numerous other serious books. And yet I know that at least some readers must have made it through, because every day I receive a stack of letters about this book, many of them containing questions or detailed comments, which indicates that people are reading this book. read it, even if they didn’t fully understand it. People also stop me on the street and tell me how much they liked it. The frequency with which I receive such expressions of public recognition (even though I am, of course, a very different, if not the most excellent, author) seems to me to reassure that a certain proportion of the people who bought the book actually read it.

After A Brief History of Time, I wrote several more books to bring scientific knowledge to a wider audience. These are “Black Holes and Young Universes”, “The World in a Nutshell” and “The Grander Design”. I think it is very important that people have a basic understanding of science that will enable them to make informed decisions in a world where science and technology play more and more roles. In addition, my daughter Lucy and I wrote a series of books for children - tomorrow's adults. These are adventure stories based on scientific concepts.

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Stephen Hawking
A Brief History of Time. From the Big Bang to black holes


The publishing house expresses gratitude to the literary agencies Writers House LLC (USA) and Synopsis Literary Agency (Russia) for their assistance in acquiring rights.

© Stephen Hawking 1988.

© N.Ya. Smorodinskaya, per. from English, 2017

© Y.A. Smorodinsky, afterword, 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

* * *

Dedicated to Jane


I decided to try to write a popular book about space and time after giving the Loeb Lectures at Harvard in 1982. At that time there were already quite a few books devoted to the early Universe and black holes, both very good, for example Steven Weinberg’s book “The First Three Minutes,” and very bad, which there is no need to name here. But it seemed to me that none of them actually addressed the questions that prompted me to study cosmology and quantum theory: where did the universe come from? How and why did it arise? Will it come to an end, and if it does, how? These questions interest us all. But modern science is full of mathematics, and only a few specialists know it enough to understand all this. However, the basic ideas about the birth and further fate of the Universe can be presented without the help of mathematics in such a way that they will become understandable even to people who have not received special education. This is what I tried to do in my book. How much I succeeded in this is for the reader to judge.

I was told that every formula included in the book would cut the number of buyers in half. Then I decided to do without formulas altogether. True, in the end I still wrote one equation - the famous Einstein equation E=mc². I hope it doesn't scare off half of my potential readers.

Apart from my illness - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - then in almost everything else I was lucky. The help and support provided by my wife Jane and children Robert, Lucy and Timothy enabled me to lead a relatively normal life and achieve success at work. I was also lucky that I chose theoretical physics, because it all fits in my head. Therefore, my physical weakness did not become a serious obstacle. My colleagues, without exception, have always provided me with maximum assistance.

At the first, “classic” stage of work, my closest colleagues and assistants were Roger Penrose, Robert Gerok, Brandon Carter and George Ellis. I am grateful to them for their help and cooperation. This phase culminated in the publication of the book The Large-Scale Structure of Spacetime, which Ellis and I wrote in 1973. 1
Hawking S, Ellis J. Large-scale structure of space-time. M.: Mir, 1977.

I would not advise readers to consult it for additional information: it is overloaded with formulas and difficult to read. I hope that since then I have learned to write more accessiblely.

During the second, "quantum" phase of my work, which began in 1974, I worked primarily with Gary Gibbons, Don Page, and Jim Hartle. I owe a lot to them, as well as to my graduate students, who provided me with enormous help in both the “physical” and “theoretical” sense of the word. The need to keep up with graduate students was an extremely important motivator and, I think, kept me from getting stuck in a mire.

Brian Witt, one of my students, helped me a lot in writing this book. In 1985, after sketching out the first rough outline of the book, I fell ill with pneumonia. And then the operation, and after the tracheotomy I stopped speaking, essentially losing the ability to communicate. I thought I wouldn't be able to finish the book. But Brian not only helped me revise it, he also taught me how to use the Living Center communication computer program, which was given to me by Walt Waltosh of Words Plus, Inc., Sunnyvale, California. With its help, I can write books and articles, and also talk to people through a speech synthesizer given to me by another Sunnyvale company, Speech Plus. David Mason installed this synthesizer and a small personal computer on my wheelchair. This system changed everything: it became even easier for me to communicate than before I lost my voice.

I am grateful to many who have read early versions of the book for suggestions on how it could be improved. Thus, Peter Gazzardi, editor of Bantam Books, sent me letter after letter with comments and questions regarding points that, in his opinion, were poorly explained. Admittedly, I was quite annoyed when I received a huge list of recommended fixes, but Gazzardi was absolutely right. I'm sure the book was made much better by Gazzardi rubbing my nose in the mistakes.

My deepest gratitude goes to my assistants Colin Williams, David Thomas and Raymond Laflamme, my secretaries Judy Fella, Ann Ralph, Cheryl Billington and Sue Macy, and my nurses.

I could not have achieved anything if all the costs of scientific research and necessary medical care had not been borne by Gonville and Caius College, the Science and Technology Research Council and the Leverhulme, MacArthur, Nuffield and Ralph Smith Foundations. I am very grateful to all of them.

Stephen Hawking

Chapter first
Our idea of ​​the Universe

Once a famous scientist (they say it was Bertrand Russell) gave a public lecture on astronomy. He told how the Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Sun, in turn, revolves around the center of a huge cluster of stars called our Galaxy. As the lecture came to an end, a little old lady stood up from the last row and said, “Everything you told us is nonsense. In fact, our world is a flat plate that sits on the back of a giant turtle.” Smiling indulgently, the scientist asked: “What does the turtle support?” “You are very smart, young man,” replied the old lady. “A turtle is on another turtle, that one is also on a turtle, and so on, and so on.”

The idea of ​​the Universe as an endless tower of turtles will seem funny to most of us, but why do we think we know better? What do we know about the Universe and how did we know it? Where did the Universe come from and what will happen to it? Did the Universe have a beginning, and if so, what happened? before the beginning? What is the essence of time? Will it ever end? The achievements of physics in recent years, which we owe to some extent to fantastic new technology, make it possible to finally obtain answers to at least some of these questions that have long been facing us. As time passes, these answers may be as certain as the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and perhaps as ridiculous as a tower of turtles. Only time (whatever that is) will decide.

Back in 340 BC. e. The Greek philosopher Aristotle, in his book “On the Heavens,” gave two compelling arguments in favor of the fact that the Earth is not flat, like a plate, but round, like a ball. First, Aristotle guessed that lunar eclipses occur when the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. The Earth always casts a round shadow on the Moon, and this can only happen if the Earth is spherical. If the Earth were a flat disk, its shadow would have the shape of an elongated ellipse - unless an eclipse always occurs at the exact moment when the Sun is exactly on the axis of the disk. Secondly, from the experience of their sea voyages, the Greeks knew that in the southern regions the North Star is lower in the sky than in the northern ones. (Since the North Star is above the North Pole, it will be directly above the head of an observer standing at the North Pole, and to a person at the equator it will seem that it is on the horizon.) Knowing the difference in the apparent position of the North Star in Egypt and Greece, Aristotle was even able to calculate that the length of the equator is 400,000 stadia. What the stade was equal to is not known exactly, but it was approximately 200 meters, and therefore Aristotle’s estimate is about 2 times the value now accepted. The Greeks also had a third argument in favor of the spherical shape of the Earth: if the Earth is not round, then why do we first see the sails of a ship rising above the horizon, and only then the ship itself?

Aristotle believed that the Earth is motionless, and the Sun, Moon, planets and stars revolve around it in circular orbits. In accordance with his mystical views, he considered the Earth to be the center of the Universe, and circular motion to be the most perfect. In the 2nd century, Ptolemy developed Aristotle's idea into a complete cosmological model. The Earth stands in the center, surrounded by eight spheres bearing the Moon, the Sun and the five then known planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn (Fig. 1.1). The planets themselves, Ptolemy believed, moved in smaller circles connected to corresponding spheres. This explained the very complex path that we see the planets take. On the very last sphere are the fixed stars, which, remaining in the same position relative to each other, move across the sky all together as a single whole. What lay beyond the last sphere was not explained, but in any case it was no longer part of the Universe that humanity observes.

Rice. 1.1

Ptolemy's model made it possible to predict quite well the position of celestial bodies in the sky, but for an accurate prediction he had to accept that in some places the Moon's trajectory passes 2 times closer to the Earth than in others. This means that in one position the Moon should appear 2 times larger than in another! Ptolemy was aware of this shortcoming, but nevertheless his theory was recognized, although not everywhere. The Christian Church accepted the Ptolemaic model of the Universe as not contradicting the Bible: this model was good because it left a lot of space for hell and heaven outside the sphere of the fixed stars. However, in 1514, the Polish priest Nicolaus Copernicus proposed an even simpler model. (At first, perhaps fearing that the Church would declare him a heretic, Copernicus promoted his model anonymously.) His idea was that the Sun stood motionless in the center, and the Earth and other planets revolved around it in circular orbits. Almost a century passed before Copernicus' idea was taken seriously. Two astronomers - the German Johannes Kepler and the Italian Galileo Galilei - came out in support of Copernicus' theory, despite the fact that the orbits predicted by Copernicus did not exactly match those observed. The Aristotle-Ptolemy theory was found untenable in 1609, when Galileo began observing the night sky using a newly invented telescope. By pointing his telescope at the planet Jupiter, Galileo discovered several small satellites, or moons, that orbit Jupiter. This meant that not all celestial bodies must necessarily revolve directly around the Earth, as Aristotle and Ptolemy believed. (Of course, one could still assume that the Earth rests at the center of the Universe, and the moons of Jupiter move along a very complex path around the Earth, so that they only appear to orbit Jupiter. However, Copernicus’ theory was much simpler.) At the same time At the time, Johannes Kepler modified Copernicus' theory based on the assumption that planets move not in circles, but in ellipses (an ellipse is an elongated circle). Finally, now the predictions coincided with the results of observations.

As for Kepler, his elliptical orbits were an artificial (ad hoc) hypothesis, and, moreover, an “ungraceful” one, since an ellipse is a much less perfect figure than a circle. Having discovered almost by accident that elliptical orbits were in good agreement with observations, Kepler was never able to reconcile this fact with his idea that the planets revolve around the Sun under the influence of magnetic forces. The explanation came much later, in 1687, when Isaac Newton published his book “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.” In it, Newton not only put forward a theory of the movement of material bodies in time and space, but also developed complex mathematical methods necessary for analyzing the movement of celestial bodies. In addition, Newton postulated the law of universal gravitation, according to which every body in the Universe is attracted to any other body with the greater force, the greater the mass of these bodies and the smaller the distance between them. This is the same force that makes bodies fall to the ground. (The story that Newton was inspired by an apple falling on his head is almost certainly unreliable. Newton himself said only that the idea of ​​gravity occurred to him while he was sitting in a “contemplative mood” and “the occasion was the fall of an apple ".) Newton further showed that, according to his law, the Moon, under the influence of gravitational forces, moves in an elliptical orbit around the Earth, and the Earth and the planets rotate in elliptical orbits around the Sun.

The Copernican model helped get rid of the Ptolemaic celestial spheres, and at the same time the idea that the Universe had some kind of natural boundary. Since the “fixed stars” do not change their position in the sky, except for their circular motion associated with the rotation of the Earth around its axis, it was natural to assume that the fixed stars are objects similar to our Sun, only much more distant.

Newton understood that, according to his theory of gravity, stars should be attracted to each other and therefore, it would seem, cannot remain completely motionless. Shouldn't they fall on top of each other, getting closer at some point? In 1691, in a letter to Richard Bentley, a leading thinker of the time, Newton said that this would indeed happen if we had only a finite number of stars in a finite region of space. But, Newton reasoned, if the number of stars is infinite and they are more or less evenly distributed over infinite space, then this will never happen, since there is no central point where they would need to fall.

These arguments are an example of how easy it is to get into trouble when talking about infinity. In an infinite Universe, any point can be considered the center, since on both sides of it the number of stars is infinite. It was only much later that they realized that a more correct approach was to take a finite system in which all the stars fall on each other, tending to the center, and see what changes would happen if we added more and more stars, distributed approximately evenly outside the region under consideration. According to Newton's law, additional stars, on average, will not affect the original ones in any way, that is, the stars will fall at the same speed into the center of the selected area. No matter how many stars we add, they will always tend to the center. Nowadays, it is known that an infinite static model of the Universe is impossible if gravitational forces always remain forces of mutual attraction.

It’s interesting what the general state of scientific thought was like before the beginning of the twentieth century: it never occurred to anyone that the Universe could expand or contract. Everyone believed that the Universe either always existed in an unchanged state, or was created at some point in time in the past approximately as it is now. This may be partly explained by the tendency of people to believe in eternal truths, and also by the special attraction of the idea that, although they themselves grow old and die, the Universe will remain eternal and unchanging.

Even those scientists who realized that Newton's theory of gravity made a static Universe impossible did not think of the expanding Universe hypothesis. They tried to modify the theory by making the gravitational force repulsive over very large distances. This practically did not change the predicted motion of the planets, but it allowed the infinite distribution of stars to remain in equilibrium, since the attraction of nearby stars was compensated by repulsion from distant ones. But now we believe that such an equilibrium would be unstable. In fact, if in some area the stars get a little closer, then the attractive forces between them will increase and become greater than the repulsive forces, so that the stars will continue to come closer. If the distance between the stars increases slightly, then the repulsive forces will outweigh and the distance will increase.

Another objection to the model of an infinite static universe is usually attributed to the German philosopher Heinrich Olbers, who published a work on this model in 1823. In fact, many of Newton's contemporaries were working on the same problem, and Albers's paper was not even the first to raise serious objections. She was the first to be widely quoted. The objection is this: in an infinite static Universe, any ray of vision must rest on some star. But then the sky, even at night, should glow brightly, like the Sun. Olbers's counter-argument was that light coming to us from distant stars should be attenuated by absorption in matter in its path. But in this case, this substance itself should heat up and glow brightly, like stars. The only way to avoid the conclusion that the night sky glows brightly, like the Sun, is to assume that the stars did not always shine, but lit up at some specific point in time in the past. Then the absorbing substance may not have had time to warm up yet, or the light of distant stars has not yet reached us. But the question arises: why did the stars light up?

Of course, the problem of the origin of the Universe has occupied the minds of people for a very long time. According to a number of early cosmogonies and Judeo-Christian-Muslim myths, our Universe arose at some specific and not very distant point in time in the past. One of the reasons for such beliefs was the need to find the “first cause” of the existence of the Universe. Any event in the Universe is explained by indicating its cause, that is, another event that happened earlier; such an explanation of the existence of the Universe itself is possible only if it had a beginning. Another reason was put forward by St. Augustine 2
Augustine the Blessed(354–430) – theologian, Father of the Church, founder of Christian philosophy of history. – Note ed.

In his essay “On the City of God.” He pointed out that civilization is progressing, and we remember who committed this or that act and who invented what. Therefore, humanity, and therefore probably the Universe, is unlikely to exist for very long. Augustine the Blessed considered the acceptable date for the creation of the Universe, corresponding to the book of Genesis: approximately 5000 BC. e. (Interestingly, this date is not too far from the end of the last ice age - 10,000 BC, which archaeologists consider the beginning of civilization.)

Aristotle and most other Greek philosophers did not like the idea of ​​the creation of the Universe, since it was associated with divine intervention. Therefore, they believed that people and the world around them existed and would exist forever. Scientists of antiquity considered the argument regarding the progress of civilization and decided that floods and other cataclysms periodically occurred in the world, which all the time returned humanity to the starting point of civilization.

The questions of whether the Universe arose at some initial point in time and whether it is limited in space were later examined very closely by the philosopher Immanuel Kant in his monumental (and very obscure) work “Critique of Pure Reason,” which was published in 1781. He called these questions antinomies (i.e., contradictions) of pure reason, because he saw that it was equally impossible to prove or disprove both the thesis about the necessity of the beginning of the Universe and the antithesis about its eternal existence. Kant's thesis was argued by the fact that if the Universe had no beginning, then every event would be preceded by an infinite period of time, and Kant considered this absurd. In support of the antithesis, Kant said that if the Universe had a beginning, then it would have been preceded by an infinite period of time, and then the question is, why did the Universe suddenly arise at one point in time and not at another? In fact, Kant's arguments are virtually the same for both thesis and antithesis. It proceeds from the tacit assumption that time is infinite in the past, regardless of whether the universe existed or did not exist forever. As we will see below, before the emergence of the Universe, the concept of time is meaningless. This was first pointed out by St. Augustine. When asked what God was doing before he created the universe, Augustine never answered that God was preparing hell for those who asked such questions. No, he said that time is an integral property of the Universe created by God and therefore there was no time before the emergence of the Universe.

When most people believed in a static and unchanging universe, the question of whether it had a beginning or not was essentially a matter of metaphysics and theology. All observable phenomena could be explained either by a theory in which the universe existed forever, or by a theory in which the universe was created at some point in time in such a way that everything looked as if it had existed forever. But in 1929, Edwin Hubble made an epochal discovery: it turned out that no matter what part of the sky one observes, all distant galaxies are rapidly moving away from us. In other words, the Universe is expanding. This means that in earlier times all objects were closer to each other than they are now. This means that there was apparently a time, about ten or twenty thousand million years ago, when they were all in one place, so that the density of the Universe was infinitely large. Hubble's discovery brought the question of how the Universe began into the realm of science.

Hubble's observations suggested that there was a time, the so-called Big Bang, when the Universe was infinitely small and infinitely dense. Under such conditions, all the laws of science become meaningless and do not allow us to predict the future. If in even earlier times any events took place, they still could not in any way influence what is happening now. Due to the lack of observable consequences, they can simply be neglected. The Big Bang can be considered the beginning of time in the sense that earlier times would simply not be defined. Let us emphasize that such a starting point for time is very different from everything that was proposed before Hubble. The beginning of time in an unchanging Universe is something that must be determined by something existing outside the Universe; There is no physical necessity for the beginning of the Universe. The creation of the Universe by God can be attributed to any point in time in the past. If the Universe is expanding, then there may be physical reasons for it to have a beginning. You can still imagine that it was God who created the Universe - at the moment of the Big Bang or even later (but as if the Big Bang had happened). However, it would be absurd to say that the Universe came into existence before the Big Bang. The idea of ​​an expanding Universe does not exclude the creator, but it does impose restrictions on the possible date of his work!

In order to be able to talk about the essence of the Universe and whether it had a beginning and whether there will be an end, you need to have a good understanding of what a scientific theory is in general. I will adhere to the simplest point of view: a theory is a theoretical model of the Universe or some part of it, supplemented by a set of rules connecting theoretical quantities with our observations. This model exists only in our heads and has no other reality (no matter what meaning we put into this word). A theory is considered good if it satisfies two requirements: first, it must accurately describe a wide class of observations within a model containing only a few arbitrary elements, and second, the theory must make well-defined predictions about the results of future observations. For example, Aristotle's theory that everything was made up of four elements—earth, air, fire, and water—was simple enough to be called a theory, but it did not make any definite predictions. Newton's theory of gravitation proceeded from an even simpler model, in which bodies are attracted to each other with a force proportional to a certain quantity called their mass, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. But Newton's theory very accurately predicts the movement of the Sun, Moon and planets.

Any physical theory is always temporary in the sense that it is just a hypothesis that cannot be proven. No matter how many times the theory agrees with experimental data, one cannot be sure that the next time the experiment will not contradict the theory. At the same time, any theory can be refuted by referring to a single observation that does not agree with its predictions. As the philosopher Karl Popper, a specialist in the field of philosophy of science, pointed out, a necessary feature of a good theory is that it makes predictions that can, in principle, be experimentally falsified. Whenever new experiments confirm the predictions of a theory, the theory demonstrates its vitality and our faith in it grows stronger. But if even one new observation does not agree with the theory, we have to either abandon it or redo it. This is at least the logic, although, of course, you always have the right to doubt the competence of the one who carried out the observations.

In practice, it often turns out that a new theory is actually an extension of the previous one. For example, extremely precise observations of the planet Mercury have revealed small discrepancies between its motion and the predictions of Newton's theory of gravity. According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, Mercury should move slightly differently than Newton's theory. The fact that Einstein's predictions coincided with observational results, but Newton's predictions did not coincide, became one of the decisive confirmations of the new theory. True, in practice we still use Newton's theory, since in the cases we usually encounter, its predictions differ very little from the predictions of general relativity. (Newton's theory also has the great advantage that it is much easier to work with than Einstein's theory.)

The ultimate goal of science is to create a unified theory that would describe the entire Universe. When solving this problem, most scientists divide it into two parts. The first part is the laws that give us the opportunity to know how the Universe changes over time. (Knowing what the Universe looks like at one point in time, we can use these laws to find out what will happen to it at any later point in time.) The second part is the problem of the initial state of the Universe. Some believe that science should deal only with the first part, and consider the question of what was in the beginning to be a matter of metaphysics and religion. Proponents of this view say that since God is omnipotent, it was his will to “run” the universe as he pleased. If they are right, then God had the opportunity to make the universe develop completely randomly. God, apparently, preferred that it develop very regularly, according to certain laws. But then it is just as logical to assume that there are also laws governing the initial state of the Universe.

It turns out that it is very difficult to immediately create a theory that would describe the entire Universe. Instead, we divide the problem into parts and build partial theories. Each of them describes one limited class of observations and makes predictions about it, neglecting the influence of all other quantities or representing the latter as simple sets of numbers. It is possible that this approach is completely wrong. If everything in the universe fundamentally depends on everything else, then it is possible that by studying parts of a problem in isolation, one cannot get closer to a complete solution. Nevertheless, in the past our progress has been this way. A classic example is again Newton's theory of gravity, according to which the gravitational force acting between two bodies depends only on one characteristic of each body, namely its mass, but does not depend on what substance the bodies are made of. Consequently, to calculate the orbits in which the Sun and planets move, a theory of their structure and composition is not needed.

Now there are two main partial theories to describe the Universe: general relativity and quantum mechanics. Both of them are the result of enormous intellectual efforts of scientists in the first half of the 20th century. General relativity describes the gravitational interaction and large-scale structure of the Universe, that is, structure on a scale from a few kilometers to a million million million million (one followed by twenty-four zeros) kilometers, or up to the size of the observable part of the Universe. Quantum mechanics deals with phenomena on extremely small scales, such as one millionth of one millionth of a centimeter. And these two theories, unfortunately, are incompatible - they cannot be correct at the same time. One of the main areas of research in modern physics and the main theme of this book is the search for a new theory that would combine the two previous ones into one - the quantum theory of gravity. There is no such theory yet, and it may still have to wait a long time, but we already know many of the properties that it should have. In the following chapters you will see that we already know a lot about what predictions should follow from the quantum theory of gravity.

If you believe that the Universe does not develop in an arbitrary manner, but obeys certain laws, then in the end you will have to combine all the partial theories into a single complete one that will describe everything in the Universe. True, there is one fundamental paradox in the search for such a unified theory. Everything said above about scientific theories assumes that we are intelligent beings, we can make any observations in the Universe and draw logical conclusions based on these observations. In such a scheme, it is natural to assume that, in principle, we could come even closer to understanding the laws that govern our Universe. But if a unified theory really exists, then it should probably also somehow influence our actions. And then the theory itself should determine the result of our search for it! Why should she predetermine in advance that we will draw the correct conclusions from observations? Why shouldn't she just as easily lead us to the wrong conclusions? Or none at all?

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