Stylistically colored phraseological units. Modern problems of science and education

Phraseological means of language, like vocabulary, are used in various functional styles and, accordingly, have one or another stylistic coloring.

The largest stylistic layer is colloquialPhraseologyPhraseology (a week without a year, in all Ivanovo, cannot be spilled with water), it is used mainly in oral communication and in artistic speech.

Colloquial phraseology is close to colloquial, more reduced (set your brains, scratch your tongue, in the middle of nowhere, tear your throat, turn up your nose).

Another stylistic layer is formed by book phraseology, which is used in book styles, mainly in written speech. As part of book phraseology, one can distinguish scientific (center of gravity, thyroid gland, periodic system), journalistic (shock therapy, live broadcast, Black Tuesday, law of the jungle), official business (minimum wage, consumer basket, testify, confiscation of property).

We can also highlight a layer of commonly used phraseology, which is used both in book and colloquial speech (from time to time, each other, have meaning, keep in mind, keep your word. New Year). There are few such phraseological units. In emotionally expressive terms, all phraseological units can be divided into two groups. A large stylistic layer consists of phraseological units with a bright emotional and expressive coloring, which is due to their imagery and the use of expressive linguistic means in them. Thus, phraseological units of a colloquial nature are colored in familiar, playful, ironic, contemptuous tones (neither fish nor fowl, sit in a puddle, only your heels sparkle like out of the blue, out of the frying pan and into the fire); books have a sublime, solemn sound (to stain one’s hands in blood, to pass away from life, to elevate creatures to pearls).

Another stylistic layer consists of phraseological units that are devoid of emotional and expressive coloring and are used in a strictly nominative function (punch a ticket, railway, military-industrial complex, explosive device, agenda). Such phraseological units are not characterized by imagery, they do not contain evaluation. Among phraseological units of this type there are many compound terms (securities, currency transactions, specific gravity, magnetic needle, punctuation marks, viral flu). Like all terms, they are characterized by unambiguity; the words that form them have direct meanings.

Lexical stylist. Lexical deficiency.

Speech failure

A careless attitude towards language can cause speech insufficiency - accidental omission of words necessary for the precise expression of thoughts: The management must strive to get rid of this indifference (missed to get rid of); Oil paintings are placed in frames (missing written). Speech impairment often occurs in oral speech when the speaker is in a hurry and does not monitor the correctness of the statement. Comic situations arise if the “speaker” addresses those present using a microphone. So, at a dog show you can hear appeals to the owners of purebred dogs:

Dear participants, sort out the breeds and get ready for the parade!

Comrade participants, carefully wipe off saliva from your muzzles to facilitate examination of the dental system!

Prizewinners, please come urgently for the award ceremony. Owners without muzzles will not be awarded.

From such calls from the administrator it follows that all these tests await not the dogs, but their owners, because it is to them that the speech is addressed. With speech insufficiency, ambiguity often arises; here are examples of such errors included in protocols and other business documents: Gr. Kalinovsky L.L. was following along the street without a license plate; Set the day for the submission of insurance agents to the accounting department before the 10th day of each month; We will send the persons you are interested in by mail; Class teachers ensure the attendance of their parents.

Due to speech insufficiency, the grammatical and logical connections of words in a sentence are disrupted, its meaning is obscured. Omitting words can completely distort the author’s thought: To improve production indicators, it is necessary to unite all workers involved in economic issues (it is necessary: ​​to unite the efforts of all workers); Due to the cold in the room, we only do urgent fractures - a notice on the X-ray room door (this refers to urgent X-ray images of fractures).

Omitting a word can cause various logical errors. Thus, the absence of the necessary link in the expression of thought leads to Alogism Alogism: The language of Sholokhov’s heroes differs sharply from the heroes of other writers (one can compare the language of Sholokhov’s heroes only with the language of the heroes of other writers); The conditions of the city are different from those of the village (it is permissible to compare the living conditions in the city only with the living conditions in the village).

Often, as a result of missing a word, a substitution of a concept occurs. For example: Patients who have not visited the outpatient clinic for three years are placed in the archive - we are talking about patient cards, and from the text it follows that “patients are submitted to the archive.” Such speech insufficiency speech insufficiency gives rise to comedy and absurdity of utterancesabsurdity of utterances [Kuibyshev river port produces men for permanent and temporary work as port workers (“Kr.”); She took second place in gymnastics among girls of the 2nd category (“Kr.”); The State Insurance Inspectorate invites you to Gosstrakh any Thursday for injury (announcement)].

Speech insufficiency, which arises as a result of the author’s stylistic negligence, can be easily corrected: you need to insert an accidentally missed word or phrase. For example:

1. Farmers strive to increase the number of sheep on their farm. 1. Farmers strive to increase the number of sheep on the farm.

2. The competition showed that strong checkers players on the hundred-square board appeared in our city. 2. The competition showed that strong checkers players appeared in our city, playing on a hundred-square board.

3. Isochrones - lines on geographic maps passing through points on the earth's surface at which a particular phenomenon occurs at the same moment. 3. Isochrones - lines on geographical maps passing through points corresponding to points on the earth's surface in which one or another natural phenomenon occurs at the same moment.

If the speaker “does not find the words” to correctly express the thought and constructs the sentence somehow, omitting certain links in the chain of logically related concepts, the phrase becomes insufficiently informative, chaotic, and the editor correcting such a statement has to work hard to achieve clarity. For example, in the manuscript of an article about the restoration of a printing enterprise we read: At first, equipment was installed in a format of half a printed sheet. Based on this “truncated” information, it is not easy to guess that when the printing plant resumed its work, equipment was initially installed only for the production of products in a half-sheet format. Insufficient information content of a sentence in which important words and phrases are omitted especially often leads to the absurdity of a statement, which could be observed in “stagnant times” when our newspapers published numerous reports about “victories and conquests” in the implementation of five-year plans. For example: On this shift, between 16 and 20 hours, the thousandth billion Soviet power engineers were produced. It is not easy to reconstruct the truth from such a message; in reality, we are talking about the fact that Soviet power engineers, working on the evening shift, gave the country a thousandth billion kilowatt-hours of electricity.

Speech insufficiency as a common error should be distinguished from ellipsis of ellipsis - a stylistic figure based on the deliberate omission of one or another member of a sentence to create special expressiveness. The most expressive Constructions are elliptical, elliptical constructions without a predicate verb, conveying the dynamism of movement (I’m for a candle, the candle goes into the stove! I’m for a book, that’s for running and jumping under the bed. - Chuk.). With ellipsis, there is no need to “restore” the missing members of the sentence, since the meaning of elliptical constructions is clear, and the introduction of clarifying words into them will deprive them of the expression, their inherent lightness. In case of speech insufficiency, on the contrary, restoration of missing words is necessary; without them, the sentence is stylistically unacceptable.

He who does not share what he has found is like the light in the hollow of a sequoia tree (an ancient Indian proverb)

Phraseologisms, features of their use in speech. Stylistic coloring of phraseological units. Synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, homonymy of phraseological units. Stylistic use of phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, “winged words” in artistic and journalistic speech

Phraseologisms, features of their use in speech. Stylistic coloring of phraseological units. Synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, homonymy of phraseological units. Stylistic use of phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, “winged words” in artistic and journalistic speech
  • reproducibility

Phraseologisms are linguistic units that are complex in composition and have a stable character (rack your brains, exaggerate, the cat cried, worth its weight in gold, living wage, shock therapy ).

Features of phraseological units:

  • The most important feature of phraseological units is their reproducibility : they are not created in the process of speech (like phrases), but are used as they are fixed in the language.
  • Phraseologisms are always complex in composition , they are formed by the combination of several components ( get into trouble, upside down, blood and milk ). It is important to emphasize that the components of phraseological units bear emphasis. The complexity of the composition of phraseological units suggests their similarity with free phrases (cf.: get into trouble - fall into a trap ). However, the components of a phraseological unit are either not used independently (“prosak”, “wrong”), or change their usual meaning in a phraseological unit (for example, blood with milk means “healthy, with a good complexion, with a blush”).

Many phraseological units are equivalent to one word (cf. spread your mind - think, the cat cried - not enough ). These phraseological units have an undifferentiated meaning. However, there are also those that can be equated to a whole descriptive expression ( run aground - find yourself in an extremely difficult situation ). For such phraseological units, “the starting points are free turns of speech, (...) direct in meaning. Semantic renewal usually occurs due to increasingly free, figurative use: from concrete to abstract meaning.”

  • Composition consistency . In free phrases, one word can be replaced by another if it makes sense. Phraseologisms do not allow such replacement. True, there are phraseological units that have variants, for example, along with phraseological units spread your mind its variant is used spread one's minds . However, the existence of variants of some phraseological units does not mean that words can be arbitrarily replaced in them. Variants of phraseological units that have become established in the language are also characterized by a constant lexical composition and require accurate reproduction in speech.

The constancy of the composition of phraseological units allows us to talk about the “predictability” of their components. So, knowing that the phraseological unit uses the word bosom, we can predict another component - Friend. Phraseologisms that do not allow any variation are absolutely stable combinations.

  • Impenetrability structures: the inclusion of new words is not allowed. So, knowing the phraseological units lower your head you can't say: hang your head low . However, there are also phraseological units that allow the insertion of individual clarifying words (cf.: inflame passions - inflame fatal passions ). In some phraseological units, one or more components may be omitted.
  • Stability of grammatical structure , they usually do not change the grammatical forms of words. Yes, you can't say kick the bucket . However, in special cases, variations of grammatical forms in phraseological units are possible (cf.: warm your hand - warm your hands ).
  • Strictly fixed word order . For example, you cannot swap words in expressions neither light nor dawn; the beaten one is lucky . At the same time, in some phraseological units it is possible to change the word order (cf.: put water in your mouth - put water in your mouth ). Rearrangement of components is usually allowed in phraseological units consisting of a verb and nominal forms dependent on it.

Stylistic use of phraseological units

Writers turn to the phraseological riches of their native language as an inexhaustible source of verbal expression. Let us remember Ilf and Petrov, how expressive their speech is, thanks to the authors’ frequent use of proverbs and sayings! Here are some examples: There is no need to disdain any means here. hit or miss . I choose the gentleman, although he is clearly a Pole; He still had a vague idea of ​​what would follow after receiving the orders, but he was sure that everything it will go like clockwork : "A oil , - for some reason it was spinning in his head, - you won't spoil the porridge ».

In artistic and journalistic speech, phraseological units are often used in their usual linguistic form with their inherent meaning. The introduction of phraseological units into the text, as a rule, is due to the desire of journalists to enhance the expressive coloring of speech. For example: Reins of power members of the Duma Council took it into their hands. Anatoly Lukyanovrocked the old days and gave the floor to Viktor Ilyukhin.

The imagery inherent in phraseological units enlivens the narrative, often giving it a humorous, ironic overtone.

Humorists and satirists especially like to use phraseological units; they value colloquial, stylistically reduced phraseology, often resorting to mixing styles to create a comic effect [ It is not simple shot sparrow (about a graphomaniac occupying a high official position), but rather sparrow taking aim at others . If you don’t publish it, it won’t publish you... As we see, chronic graphomania is fraught with printing complications . Colloquial phraseology acts as a means of linguistic characterization of characters [ Excuse me generously,” Marya Ivanovna fussed, “I’m busy in the kitchen, and my mother hard of hearing , doesn't hear anything. Have a seat... - Shat.]; to stylize the author's speech, which is perceived as a casual conversation between a conventional narrator and the reader, and in this case, reduced phraseological units recreate the picture of live communication [ “Hmm,” chuckled the director, who liked this idea hit the nerve ; Western advertisers not eager share with the Russian budget (from gas.)].

A striking stylistic effect is created by the parodic use of book phraseological units, often used in combination with other style lexical and phraseological means.


Phraseological phrases, like individual words, can have one or another stylistic connotation. Book phraseology is used mainly in written speech. Among the book turns, scientific ones stand out: center of gravity, periodic table, solid state physics, journalistic: shock therapy, live broadcast, law of the jungle, get off stage, reap laurels, go into circulation, stumbling block, put on a toga, official business: consumer basket, minimum wage, subscription company. Among colloquial phraseological units, colloquial ones are distinguished: I need a fifth leg like a dog, up to the light bulb, it’s easier on turns, keep your eyes open, break into pieces, break wood, bottomless barrel, roughly colloquial: pour the balls, go crazy with the fat, climb into the bottle, tear the throat. There is also a layer of neutral, commonly used phraseological units: from time to time, keep in mind, keep your word.

· Determine the stylistic marking of phraseological units (bookish, colloquial, colloquial, roughly colloquial):

the mighty of this world, neither skin nor face, lend a helping hand, roll like a sausage, start from scratch, pain point, black sheep, remain silent in a rag, hang on your neck, alpha and omega, lead bread and salt, short conversation, wolf ticket, sink into oblivion, Valaam's donkey, grated roll, never mind, reel in the fishing rods, reap the laurels, Promethean fire, do your bit, without a king in your head, stroke the fur, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, even take away the saints, keep a stone in your bosom, a box Pandora, blue stocking, salt of the earth, Gordian knot, everything is sewn and covered, cornerstone, neither sigh nor groan, burn your ships, stand behind your back, sit in girls, wipe off the face of the earth, oblique fathoms in the shoulders, two-faced Janus, throw a glove, worth a penny on a market day, get publicity, without any hesitation, without hesitation, it won’t be a sin, call a spade a spade, gallop across Europe, pay tribute, in hot pursuit, raise to the shield.

· Select synonymous phraseological units:

at full speed, in no time, the booby of the king of heaven, on fish fur, ate little porridge, one field of berries, back up, stay on beans, a mosquito won’t hurt his nose, neither fish nor meat, more than enough, to put it bluntly, at least get into a noose, touch a nerve, the grandmother said in two, for nothing, for nothing, bet on it, follow the lead, loudly, they were packed like sardines in a barrel.

· Find antonymous phraseological units:

shut your mouth, get caught up in ambition, heat up the atmosphere, you can’t spill water, muddy the waters, mix with mud, perk up your spirit, sharpen (have) a tooth, take off from your place, hack on your nose, put it on your shoulders, for God knows how long, like in the water lowered, losing one's temper, a hundred-year-old club, not closing one's eyes, turning one's soul out, at the end of one's life, trembling over a penny, at the end of the world, like a picture, breaking into pieces, the trick is in the bag, clear as day, God willing, day and night , get out of the rut, looking at the night, get off cheaply, neither stake nor yard.

· Correct violations of official business phraseology:

a service letter was written, a notice of the arrival of the cargo was sent, a reprimand was issued, a salary was given, all defects were corrected, to save money, due to changes in the dollar exchange rate, the order was signed, we ask you to find funds for bonuses, the volume of work fell by half.

· Correct speech errors associated with the use of phraseological units:

There is much to be desired for this student's success. The unenviable palm in crime growth belongs to the Southern Administrative District of the capital. He never thought that these words would come true in his destiny to the fullest extent. Now go figure out which of them is hiding an ax in his bosom. The path led from the gate to the outbuilding from which Antoshin had just barely moved his feet. Oblomov became the banner of his time. This thing is not worth a penny. Thus, I was left behind the broken trough. Three times we wrote down in the protocol the decision on the need to reserve slate for the landfill, but the time had come - there was nothing to cover it with. The echidna's signature dish is ants and termites. The woman's head is white with gray hair.

· Find errors related to inaccurate word usage and edit the text:

The newly created museum celebrated its housewarming here. There are more and more reliable facts indicating the presence of nitrogen in the atmosphere of Venus. Mobile pumps are characterized by their compact design and long, trouble-free service life. New Year's Eve is accompanied by a vocal ensemble. Workplaces in the workshop were poorly lit, as a result of which there were many cases of occupational injuries. The shortage of water in the city water supply and the expansion of the plant forced the construction of local treatment facilities. The rivers of Siberia are powerful energy producers. The microclimate in the office is controlled by an automatic air conditioning unit. This artist's tireless appeal to the theme of nature is well known. This unit allows you to significantly reduce the temperature of the connection of materials. The gear cage housing and cover are made from modified cast iron. Thanks to the flood, people were left homeless.

What are the types of phraseological units in terms of stylistic coloring?

What is a phraseological unit?

IV. Phraseology


(Based on stylistic coloring, the following phraseological units are distinguished: 1. neutral – used in all styles of speech: vicious circle, just cause, live out your life, with a sinking heart, know your worth, play of the imagination, come to consciousness. 2. Books - used in book styles, mainly in written speech: probe the waters, follow in the footsteps, tempt fate, disappear from the face of the earth, Egyptian execution, stumbling block, Augean stables. 3. Conversational – used primarily in oral communication: to live happily, behind seven locks, the eye rejoices, as if on pins and needles, through teeth, the first pancake is lumpy, seven Fridays a week. 4. Vernacular - differ from colloquial ones by lowering, rudeness: to Kudykin's mountain, to make a mistake, to fool one's head, a trifle, to get to the point, to kill a worm, to shed a tear.)


1. Give examples of phraseological units in which the following are used:

1) cognate words,

2) different forms of one word.


1) at least a dime a dozen, the darkness is overwhelming, grief to grieve and etc.;

2) wall to wall, face to face, step by step, as simple as shelling pears, face to face, making ends meet, leaving no stone unturned.

2. Complete the sentences with phraseological units.

1) The twins looked like... (two peas in a pod).

2) He writes sloppily and illegibly, like... (chicken paw).

3) From excitement he was as pale as... (canvas).

4) I know this area like... (the back of my hand).

5) He is busy all day, spinning like... (a squirrel in a wheel).

3. Correct errors in the use of phraseological units.

1) Work hard. 2) I’m telling you with my hand on my heart. 3) Work with your sleeves down. 4) Agree with your heart creaking. 5) He came unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.

Answer: 1) Work in sweat faces. 2) Putting I tell you with my hand on my heart. 3) Work later sleeves 4) Agree reluctantly. 5) Came unexpectedly, like a thief nights.

4. What verbs are phraseological units used with?

a) Faithfully and truly; b) at the top of my lungs; c) between two lights; d) to the depths of the soul; e) side by side; e) to the last thread; g) for next to nothing; h) on the outskirts; i) at full speed; j) for nuts.

Answer: a) serve; b) yell, scream, sing; c) to be, to be, to be; d) amaze, excite, shock; e) live, work, fight; e) get wet; g) sell, buy; h) to be, to be, to be located; i) run, ride, rush; j) got it.

5. In what stable expressions do the words appear? mite, balusters, apple, gimmick, incense? Explain the meaning of these expressions.

Answer:to contribute- take part in any activity to the best of your ability. Sharpening balusters (lasas)- talk idle. Like the apple of your eye (take care)- carefully, carefully. Pull the gimp- procrastinate on something started, do something slowly. Smoking (cense) incense- flatteringly praise.

6. Which phraseological unit is “superfluous”? Why?

1) Like twice two, to the seventh sweat is a well-known thing, it’s as easy as shelling pears.

2) To beat the thumbs, to celebrate the coward, to celebrate the lazy, to drive away the lazy.

3) Point your nose, fool you, leave you with your nose, nod off, fool your head.

4) To throw off a burden, to be relieved of a burden, to break the chains, to untie one's hands, to throw off the collar.

5) Out of the blue, out of nowhere, out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue, like a blow to the head.


1) Working up a sweat- to the point of exhaustion. The general meaning of the series is “clear, understandable”.

2) Coward to celebrate- to be cowardly. The general meaning of the series is “to sit idle”.

3) Nodding off- sleep, fall asleep. The general meaning of the series is “to deceive”.

4) Get rid of the burden- give a birth to a baby. The general meaning of the series is “to free yourself.”

5) Headlong- recklessly. The general meaning of the series is “suddenly, unexpectedly”.

7. Select as many phraseological units as possible that are synonymous with the indicated words.

1) Smart; 2) few; 3) fast; 4) be silent; 5) far.

Answer: smart - a bright head, a man of great intelligence, a storehouse of wisdom, a mind full of intelligence, a chamber of intelligence, a head on his shoulders, seven spans in his forehead, a head that cooks. Few - nothing at all, not a lot, once or twice and it was too many, you can count it on your fingers, a small fraction, the cat cried, as big as a gulkin’s nose. Fast - with all your spirit, with all your might, with all your might, with all your might, with all your steam, with all your sails, with all your might, with all your might, headlong, headlong, like mad, just your heels sparkle. Be silent - keep your mouth shut, swallow your tongue, keep your mouth shut, play the silent game, bite your tongue, pass by in silence. Far - at the end of the world, near the devil in the middle of nowhere, far away, in the distant kingdom, where Makar did not drive calves, where crows did not bring bones, not the near world.

8. Here are “reversals” - stable expressions in which each word is replaced by an antonym. Restore them to their original appearance.

A new lie, come out of bad taste, die by your own stupidity, come from being, countless nights, take the beginning.

Answer:old truth, get a taste, live in someone else's mind, go into oblivion, in a matter of days, give up.

9. Remember as many phraseological units with the word hand.

Answer:pull yourself together, hand in hand (go), very badly, fall from hand, give your hand to be cut off, as if without hands, from third hands, fill your hand, hand does not rise etc.

10. Give as many phraseological units with the word as possible heart. Explain what their meanings have in common.

Answer:the heart hurts, the heart sinks, the heart burns, the heart skips a beat, the heart languishes, the heart is out of place, the heart asks, the heart rejoices, the heart breaks in half, the heart contracts; with a light heart, with a pure heart, reluctantly; heart of gold, heart of stone and etc.
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These phraseological units denote a feeling, state, and spiritual qualities of a person.

11. The Bible describes the ancient Hebrew ritual of placing sins on an animal, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ then releasing it, driving it into the desert. What phraseological unit reflects this ritual?

Answer: scapegoat.

12. This wide knife, sharpened on both sides and mounted on a long stick with a crossbar, was used in ancient times for bear hunting. What stable expression has preserved the name of this object?

Answer: get into trouble.

13. Tell us about the origin of phraseological units charm one's teeth.

Answer: Expression charm one's teeth(deliberately distracting attention from something important) originally meant “to treat toothache with conspiracies,” that is, spells, divination.

14. Replace the phraseological unit with one word. Eg: have a conversation - have a conversation.

1) Bearish angle; 2) in the middle of nowhere; 3) stumbling block; 4) how to give it; 5) the chickens don’t peck; 6) some into the forest, some for firewood.

Answer:1) outback; 2) far; 3) difficulty; 4) for sure; 5) a lot; 6) discordant.

15. Give examples of phraseological units that came into the literary language:

1) from the speech of musicians and artists; 2) from the speech of sailors; 3) from the speech of carpenters; 4) from the speech of fishermen and hunters.


1)Play first violin, leave the stage, get into tune. 2)Run aground, float with the flow, give up, take in tow, float to the surface, throw overboard. 3)Without a hitch, remove the shavings and cut them into walnuts. 4)Bite the hook, reel in the fishing rods, get into trouble, blank shot.

What are the types of phraseological units in terms of stylistic coloring? - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “What are the types of phraseological units from the point of view of stylistic coloring?” 2017, 2018.

Phraseological stylistics studies the use in speech of complex linguistic units that have a stable character (puzzle, exaggerate, the cat cried, worth its weight in gold, subsistence level, shock therapy). In this case, the main attention is paid to the stylistic properties and expressive capabilities of phraseological units, as well as their transformation in artistic and journalistic speech. Various techniques of phraseological innovation of writers are considered. The focus of phraseological stylistics is on preventing speech errors when using phraseological units.

2.1.1. Features of the use of phraseological units in speech

Phraseologisms should be distinguished from free phrases. To understand their fundamental differences, let us dwell on the features of the use of phraseological units in speech.

The most important feature of phraseological units is their reproducibility: they are not created in the process of speech (like phrases), but are used as they are fixed in the language.

Phraseologisms are always complex in composition, they are formed by the combination of several components (get into trouble, upside down, blood and milk). It is important to emphasize that the components of phraseological units bear emphasis. Therefore, in the strict meaning of the term, it is impossible to call phraseological units used together, but written separately, auxiliary and significant words such as under the arm, to death, from the kondachka, which have only one accent. The complexity of the composition of phraseological units suggests their similarity with free phrases (cf.: to get into trouble - to fall into a trap). However, the components of a phraseological unit are either not used independently (“prosak”, “hurts”), or change their usual meaning in a phraseological unit (for example, blood with milk means “healthy, with a good complexion, with a blush”).

Many phraseological units are equivalent to one word (cf: spread your mind - think, the cat cried - not enough, the fifth wheel in the cart - extra). These phraseological units have an undifferentiated meaning. However, there are also those that can be equated to a whole descriptive expression (cf.: run aground - find yourself in an extremely difficult situation, press all the pedals - make every effort to achieve a goal or accomplish something). For such phraseological units, as noted by B.A. Larin, “the initial ones are free turns of speech, (...) direct in meaning. Semantic renewal usually occurs due to increasingly free, figurative use: from concrete to abstract meaning.”

Phraseologisms characterize consistency of composition. In free phrases, one word can be replaced by another if it fits the meaning (cf.: reading a book, looking through a book, studying a book, reading a novel, reading a story, reading scripts). Phraseologisms do not allow such replacement. It would never occur to anyone to say “the cat cried” instead of the cat crying, or “throwing the mind” or “throwing the head” instead of scattering the mind. True, there are phraseological units that have variants, for example, along with the phraseological unit “spread the mind”, its variant “spread the brains” is used; in parallel, phraseological units are used with all my heart and with all my soul. However, the existence of variants of some phraseological units does not mean that words can be arbitrarily replaced in them. Variants of phraseological units that have become established in the language are also characterized by a constant lexical composition and require accurate reproduction in speech.

The constancy of the composition of phraseological units allows us to talk about the “predictability” of their components. So, knowing that the word bosom is used in the phraseological unit, one can predict another component - friend; the word sworn suggests the word enemy used with it, etc. Phraseologisms that do not allow any variation are absolutely stable combinations.

Most phraseological units are characterized by impenetrability structures: the inclusion of new words is not allowed. So, knowing the phraseological units to lower your head, lower your gaze, you cannot say: lower your head low, lower your sad gaze even lower. However, there are also phraseological units that allow the insertion of individual clarifying words (cf.: inflame passions - inflame fatal passions, lather your head - lather your head thoroughly). In some phraseological units, one or more components may be omitted. For example, they say to go through fire and water, cutting off the end of a phraseological unit and copper pipes, or to drink a cup to the bottom instead of drinking a bitter cup to the bottom. The reduction of phraseological units in such cases is explained by the desire to save speech means and has no special stylistic meaning.

Phraseologisms are inherent stability of grammatical structure, they usually do not change the grammatical forms of words. Thus, it is impossible to say to beat the baklusha, to grind out the lyasa, replacing the plural forms of the baklusha, lyasa with the singular forms, or to use a full adjective instead of a short one in the phraseological unit on bare feet. However, in special cases, variations of grammatical forms in phraseological units are possible (cf.: warm your hand - warm your hands, have you heard of something - have you heard of it).

Most phraseological units have strictly fixed word order. For example, you cannot swap words in expressions at the drop of a hat; the beaten one is lucky; everything flows, everything changes; although the meaning, it would seem, would not be affected if we said: “Everything changes, everything flows.” At the same time, in some phraseological units it is possible to change the order of words (cf.: put water in your mouth - put water in your mouth, leave no stone unturned - leave no stone unturned). Rearrangement of components is usually allowed in phraseological units consisting of a verb and nominal forms dependent on it. Destruction of the figurative meaning of phraseological units

Writers and publicists, updating the semantics of phraseological units, often restore the original meaning of the words included in them. The Tomilino poultry farm was blown to smithereens, and even more to smithereens than to ash; for several days, the chickens, maddened by the bombing, were cackling desperately and rushed around in complete panic. the vicinity of Tomilin (Gaul.). The author seems to return to the free use of words to smithereens, forming a stable combination, and plays with their usual lexical meaning. As a result, a two-dimensional understanding of the phraseological unit occurs. Another example: Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye The chemistry teacher received a pea from a special tube from fifth-grader Senya Orlikov. Moved to tears The teacher will soon be discharged from the hospital. (“LG”). The so-called external homonymy of a phraseological unit and a free phrase that arises in this case gives rise to a pun. Many jokes are based on a two-dimensional understanding of phraseological units: Play made a lot of noise... in all her actions... they were shooting. Sages and dentists look at the root; Fireman always works with a twinkle; Radio awakens thoughts. Even in those hours when you really want to sleep (E. Kr.).

The second level of meaning of a phraseological unit can be revealed when reading the subsequent text: Got into trouble, but was consoled by reading his name on the cover (“LG”); Misfortunes never come alone: and his work was published in two volumes (“LG”). Sometimes the dual meaning of a phraseological unit becomes clear only in a broad context. So, reading the title of the article “Broken Card”, we first perceive it in its usual meaning - a complete failure of someone’s plans. However, the article talks about the geographical map of Hitler in the last months of the war (This is a map of the end. It is devoid of the threatening arrows of an offensive and flank attacks. We see a bridgehead, compressed to a patch, and semicircles nervously drawn on the road grid - the last centers of resistance. - A. K .) This makes us perceive the title of the article in a new way, fills it with a different meaning, enriching the figurative meaning of the phraseological unit.

The technique of destroying the figurative meaning of a phraseological unit, as we see, does not affect the lexical and grammatical composition - its external form is usually preserved, but the meaning is interpreted in a new way (Who are you? I I just can't figure you out! - don't bite; Life abounds... and all over the head).

Phraseologisms, deliberately used by the writer in a meaning that is unusual for them, can be called semantic neologisms in phraseology. They are often used by comedians (to tear and throw - “to play sports”, to run errands - “to take part in running competitions”). Changing the number of components of a phraseological unit

In order to update phraseological units, writers give them an unusual form. Modifications of phraseological units can be expressed in a reduction or expansion of their composition.

Reduction, or reduction in the composition, of a phraseological unit is usually associated with its rethinking. For example: “Make a deputy pray to God... (cutting off the second part of the proverb - “so he will break his forehead” - only enhances the irony in the assessment of the resolution of the Duma of the Russian Federation, which aggravated the political situation in Transnistria. Another example: Useful tips: Don’t be born beautiful (“ LG") - cutting off the second part of the proverb “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy” led to a change in its meaning, the meaning of the new aphorism is “beauty leads to misfortune.”

The opposite of reduction is the expansion of the composition of phraseological units. For example: The questions we touched upon were not accidental... These are the granite stumbling blocks on the road, knowledge, which at all times was the same, frightened people and attracted them to itself (Hertz.) - the definition granite, introduced into a stable phrase, gives the image a special clarity. The composition of phraseological units is often expanded due to the introduction of clarifying words (Cats not ordinary ones, but with long yellow claws, scraping her for the heart. - Ch.; Money doesn't buy us happiness.)

Changing the composition of a phraseological unit can become a means of enhancing the expressive coloring of speech (I will wait with great impatience... just don’t put it off box too long. - M.G.). In other cases, the introduction of additional words into phraseological units gives them new semantic shades. For example: Bad time for joint performances - you can sit in a muddy puddle, but you don’t want that (M.G.) - sitting in a puddle means “putting yourself in an awkward, stupid, funny position”; the definition introduced into this phraseology expands the meaning: “allow yourself to be drawn into a dishonest game, become a victim of the machinations of hostile people.” Transformation of the composition of phraseological units

In artistic speech, for a specific stylistic purpose, you can change the lexical composition of a phraseological unit, updating one or more of its components: “Laughter through bullets” - the title of an article about the Fifth International Humor Festival “Ostap” (its co-founder was killed the day before). The one who shoots first laughs. For the sake of a nice word the communists did not spare the Russian brothers from Transnistria (Wed: For the sake of a catchphrase, I don’t feel sorry for either my brother or my father).

Feuilletonists often resort to replacing the dictionary components of phraseological units. This stylistic device was masterfully used by Ilf and Petrov: By all the fibers of your suitcase he was heading abroad. New times suggest other jokes to our satirists: Sausage as a mirror of the Russian revolution; At the end of the tunnel eat hot soup; A Mystery Shrouded in Collapse; Best wishes to the world; It's time to the viewer - “Vremechko”(headlines of newspaper articles).

Updating the composition of phraseological units enhances their expressive coloring, but may not affect their meaning (Out of resentment and chagrin, she fainted), however, more often the meaning of phraseological units changes [I would be glad to serve, to be served too (“LG”)].

More often, authors replace components of phraseological units in order to radically change their meaning and create a sharp satirical effect: A good place will not be called a socialist camp; Critics honored the novel with silence; He laughs well who laughs without consequences; Have you come? Saw? Shut up! The technique of transforming the composition of a phraseological unit is appreciated by poets; Mayakovsky’s phraseological innovation is known: In cramped conditions, but I didn’t have lunch...

Using this technique, the authors strive to preserve the sound organization of phraseological units as accurately as possible: What is written by the opera... (article about crime in Moscow); At least a goal on your head is funny (about a football player who skillfully scores goals with his head).

The transformation of phraseological units in artistic speech may involve changing the grammatical forms of their components. For example, V.V. Mayakovsky replaces in the phraseological unit black as a Negro adjective in the positive degree with a form of comparative degree: Raising baked potato faces, blacker than a Negro who had never seen a bathhouse, six pious Catholic women climbed on board the steamship Espany.

The transformation of a phraseological unit may involve changing the order of words in a stable phrase. Inversion in a phraseological unit that has a stable word order often completely updates its meaning (The further you go, the quieter you will be. - “LG”).

Sometimes the integrity of the composition of a phraseological unit is violated, and it is quoted in parts (- By God, I don’t know how and in what way I am related to him; it seems that the seventh water may not even be based on jelly, but on something else... Simply, I call him uncle: he responds. - Ven.).

Often writers and publicists resort to the contamination of phraseological units to express thoughts in an unusual, witty formulation [Share someone else's opinion and conquer (“LG”); Isn't it because silence is golden because it is a sign of consent? (“LG”); He lived his life at the expense of others (“LG”); He turned the rivers back so as not to swim against the current (“LG”)]. Contamination of phraseological units is often accompanied by their reinterpretation. For example: Thoughts are so spacious that there are no words; You can’t take away his humor: what’s not there is not there! - the comic effect of these jokes is based on the collision of incompatible statements: the second phraseological unit denies the thought contained in the first.

Based on the transformation of phraseological units, writers create artistic images that are perceived as the development of the theme specified by the phraseological unit. Thus, the proverb “The soul knows its limits” gives the poet reason to say: Report everything in the form, hand over the trophies, slowly, and then they will feed you, the soul will be the measure(Tward.). The poet only hinted at a well-known phraseological unit, but it is already present in the reader’s mind, creating a kind of subtext. The destruction of the old meaning of a phraseological unit, the “emancipation” of the image inherent in it, sometimes creates an unexpected artistic effect. For example: As the world goes, you will become naked, you will droop like a willow, you will melt like a slide (Asc.). Having based these lines on the proverb The world has a stripe and a naked shirt, the poet gives it the opposite meaning.

Phraseological innovation of writers can also manifest itself in their creation of figurative expressions reminiscent of well-known phraseological units. For example, V.V. Mayakovsky, in his poem “To Sergei Yesenin,” surprisingly powerfully and succinctly transformed Yesenin’s aphorism In this life, dying is not new, but living, of course, is not new: In this life, it is not difficult to die. Make life much more difficult. Developing the theme of life and death in the poem, the poet creates a new aphorism: We must first remake life, having remade it, we can chant. In terms of philosophical depth and expressiveness, Mayakovsky’s phraseological units are not inferior to Yesenin’s phraseological units, which served as the basis for them. The phraseological innovation of writers is not limited to the stylistic devices discussed here; the possibilities for creative renewal of phraseological units are inexhaustible.

2.1.9. Speech errors associated with the use of phraseological units

Ignorance of the exact meaning of phraseological units, its lexical and grammatical composition, expressive and stylistic features, scope of use, compatibility, and finally, inattention to the figurative nature of phraseological units lead to speech errors. When using phraseological units, errors may not be related to the specificity of phraseological units as reproducible stable phrases. Unsuccessful choice of phraseological synonym, use of phraseological units without taking into account its semantics, violation of the compatibility of phraseological units with words of the surrounding context, etc. - all these errors, in essence, do not differ from similar speech errors when using individual words.

The use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its semantics distorts the meaning of the statement. So, A.S. Pushkin, after reading “Answer to Gnedich” by K.N. Batyushkova, against the lines Your friend will forever give you his heart with his hand, remarked: “Batyushkov will marry Gnedich!” The use of phraseological units with a certain stylistic connotation may conflict with the content and style of the work. For example: He rushed about, looking for salvation. He came up with a touching story to justify himself, but it sounded like the swan song of this hardened scoundrel. The phraseological unit swan song, which contains a positive assessment, a sympathetic attitude towards the person being spoken about, is stylistically inappropriate in this context. You cannot combine phraseological units with a contrasting stylistic coloring in one sentence, for example, lowered, colloquial, and bookish, solemn: He promised that won't lose face and will work to match professional drivers steppe ships. The combination of expressively colored phraseological units with official business vocabulary is also unacceptable. The chairman showered me with golden showers worth eighty thousand rubles; emotionally vivid, poetic phraseological units with speech cliches going back to “clerical eloquence”: Happy is the one who and live in a hurry and feel in a hurry by and large. The mixture of styles that arises when they are combined gives the speech a parodic sound.

Let us analyze the errors that occur when using stable figures of speech incorrectly and are associated with an unjustified change in the composition of a phraseological unit or with a distortion of its figurative meaning.

2.1.10. Stylistically unjustified change in the composition of phraseological units

The composition of a phraseological unit in specific speech situations can change in different ways.

1. There is an unmotivated expansion of the composition of phraseological units as a result of the use of qualifying words: For livestock breeders, the main highlight of the program is the breeding of valuable breeds of livestock. There is a phraseological unit that is the highlight of the program, but the definition of main is inappropriate here. The authors, not taking into account the impenetrability of phraseological units, try to “supplement” them, color them with epithets, which gives rise to verbosity. More examples: Let's hope that Volkov will have his say in coaching; She started to run with all her long legs.

In irregular speech, quite often there are combinations of a pleonastic nature, formed from phraseological units and redundant definitions for their components: to suffer a complete fiasco, a random stray bullet, hard Sisyphean work, cheerful Homeric laughter. In other cases, the expansion of the composition of a phraseological unit is not associated with pleonasm. For example: Unenviable palm in terms of crime growth it belongs to the Southern Administrative District; Commercial organizations found themselves at the height of the new challenges facing them. Phraseologisms are the palm, being on top is not allowed to spread.

2. There is an unjustified reduction in the composition of the phraseological unit as a result of the omission of its components. So, they write: this is an aggravating circumstance (instead of a circumstance aggravating guilt). Erroneously truncated phraseological units lose their meaning; their use in speech can lead to the absurdity of the statement [The success of this student wish you much better(instead of: leaves much to be desired); Coach Williamson put on a good face(omitted: when playing poorly)].

3. Often there is a distortion of the lexical composition of phraseological units [Master more than once interpreted heart to heart with his wards (need: spoke)]. An erroneous substitution of one of the components of a phraseological unit can be explained by the synonymous similarity of words [The path led from the gate to the outbuilding from which Antoshin had just barely moved his legs (should have taken away)] and even more often by the confusion of paronyms [He came into himself (should: left); came out of his mouth (necessary: ​​slipped out); draw around your finger (need to: circle); ...didn’t lose heart (necessary: ​​didn’t lose heart)]. In other cases, instead of one of the components of a phraseological unit, a word is used that is only vaguely reminiscent of the repressed one [Well, they, as they say, have books in their hands (instead of: cards in their hands); The organizers of this trip themselves ruined it by plopping into a bucket of honey a drop of tar(instead of: adding a fly in the ointment to the ointment)]. False associations sometimes give rise to very funny and absurd mistakes [Go figure out which one of them hides an ax in his bosom(phraseological unit: keep a stone in your bosom); Half an hour later he looked scalded chicken before the administration (the phraseological unit is distorted: wet chicken)].

4. A change in the composition of a phraseological unit can be caused by updating grammatical forms, the use of which in stable phrases is fixed by tradition. For example: The children killed the worms and had fun - you cannot use the plural instead of the singular. An unjustified replacement of the grammatical form of one of the components of a phraseological unit is often the cause of inappropriate comedy: the unusual, strange form of familiar stable phrases is surprising (It remains a mystery how four people could erect such a colossus, even if seven spans in the forehead and oblique fathoms in the shoulders). In other cases, a new grammatical form of a word as part of a phraseological combination affects the semantic aspect of speech. Thus, the use of an imperfect verb of the present tense instead of a perfect verb of the past tense makes the statement illogical: For more than twenty years, a veteran has been crossing the threshold of the 100th police station. The phraseological unit cross the threshold is used only in the meaning of “to perform some important act” and excludes repeated repetition of the action, therefore it is possible to use the verb only in the perfective form; replacing the specific form leads to absurdity.

As part of phraseological units, it is also impossible to allow distortion of prepositions [He never thought that these words would come true in his fate to the fullest extent (instead of: to the fullest)]. Such careless handling of prepositions and case forms makes speech illiterate. However, some phraseological units are truly “unlucky” - they are constantly replaced by prepositions: dot the and; seven spans on his forehead; Mikhail quickly got dressed and hurried to the call. The inability to correctly choose case forms and prepositions in the composition of phraseological units gives rise to such “strange” errors: with a creaky heart, the authorities holding it, this is a matter fraught with consequences, good riddance to him, his head is spinning.

2.1.11. Distortion of the figurative meaning of a phraseological unit

The greatest damage to style is caused by unjustified destruction of the imagery of phraseological expression. For example: Gramophone record I haven't said my last word yet. The context revealed the direct meaning of the words that formed the phraseological unit, and as a result a pun arose. The perception of a phraseological unit in its unusual, unimaginative meaning gives the speech an inappropriate comedy: This year Aeroflot managed to maintain the flow of passengers at a high level; When starting work at the drifting station, our team initially couldn't feel the ground under my feet. To avoid such mistakes, it is necessary to take into account the specific context.

The context can not only reveal the non-figurative meaning of phraseological units, but also reveal the inconsistency of their metaphorical structure if the author imprudently “collides” stable combinations that are incompatible in meaning. For example: These people stand firmly on their feet, so you won't be able to clip their wings. The first phraseological unit, as it were, “attaches” the image to the ground, and this makes it impossible to use the second phraseological unit, which is based on the idea of ​​flight: to clip the wings means to “deprive the ability to fly.” One phraseological unit excludes another.

The contradictory images underlying phraseological units and tropes also do not coexist in such a sentence: Aviators on their wings are always on time come to the rescue(they don’t come on wings, but fly). No matter how accustomed we are to the figurative meaning of phraseological units, their metaphorical nature immediately makes itself felt if their imagery comes into conflict with the content. Therefore, for example, sentences in which the owner says about a hunting dog: This one won’t come are unsuccessful. with empty hands, - and the science fiction writer, drawing Martians with tentacles instead of hands, notes that the alien “pulled himself together.”

Violation of the unity of the figurative system of phraseology and context gives the speech a comic quality. For example: The speaker spoke in a loud and shrill voice, like the trumpet of Jericho. It turns out that the trumpet of Jericho speaks and even has a shrill voice. The words surrounding a phraseological unit are usually involved in a figurative context. Therefore, it is unacceptable to use them in a figurative meaning, which does not take into account the figurative nature of phraseological units associated with them. For example: The decision of the meeting reads in black and white... Or: A difficult path in life befell Vasily Timofeevich. You can write in black and white, the path is taken, chosen. The choice of verbs in such cases “undermines” the imagery of phraseological combinations.

A prerequisite for the correct use of phraseological units is strict adherence to the peculiarities of their compatibility with the words of the context. Thus, the phraseological unit publish can only be used in combination with the names of printed publications. Therefore, the proposal is stylistically incorrect. The Musical Theater released the ballet “The Lonely Sail Whitens”; in this case it was necessary to write staged the ballet... or prepared the premiere... The following phrase is stylistically incorrect: Life, passed in full view in public (phraseologism clearly requires the word visible).

When using phraseological units, various errors are often combined. Thus, a change in the lexical composition of a phraseological unit is accompanied by a distortion of figurative meaning. For example, in the sentence Oblomov was sign of the times the phraseological unit sign of the times is distorted - “a social phenomenon typical of a given era.” Substituting the image underlying a phraseological unit radically transforms its meaning. Some errors associated with the distortion of the composition (phraseologism and its figurative meaning, are widespread in speech [At least a stake on the head of the scratch (need: teshi - from the verb to cleave); Bring to the white knee (need: to the white heat)].

2.1.12. Contamination of various phraseological units

The reason for the incorrect use of phraseological units in speech may be the contamination of elements of various set expressions. For example: Tongue won't rise talk about it... There are well-known phraseological units: the tongue does not turn and the hand does not rise; the author used a noun from the first phraseological unit, and a verb from the second. Some stable combinations are constantly “unlucky”: [they say: take measures (from take measures and take steps), give importance (from pay attention and give importance), exert importance (from influence and give importance)]. Such stylistic errors are explained by false associations. Some errors caused by the contamination of elements of various phraseological units are repeated so often that we perceive them as expressions that have become established in common parlance (play the main violin).

Contamination of elements of various phraseological units can make speech not logical: Many, knowing about these outrages, look at the tricks of enterprising businessmen carelessly (they work carelessly, but look through their fingers); This business not worth a penny(a mixture of phraseological units is not worth a penny and not worth a damn). In other cases, the semantic side of the speech does not suffer, but the sentence still needs stylistic editing (We could ring all the bells, but first we decided to calmly think about everything - we should eliminate the contamination of phraseological units, sound the alarm and ring all the bells).

Contamination of elements of various phraseological units can cause the speech to sound comical (grated sparrow, shot kalach, not all the cat has a hangover, Maslenitsa at someone else’s feast). Examples of contamination of elements of various phraseological units can be found in the Krokodil magazine in the section “You can’t make it up on purpose” (That’s how I stayed overboard a broken trough).

When considering stylistic errors associated with the incorrect use of phraseological units, we should also touch upon those cases when involuntary puns arise in speech due to the fact that the speaker uses words in their direct meaning, but listeners perceive their combination as a figurative expression of a phraseological nature, so the statement is given a completely unexpected meaning. The so-called external homonymy of phraseological units and free combinations, which became the cause of the error, can lead to the most unexpected puns, giving the speech an inappropriate comedy. For example, an excited speaker talks about unrest at a construction site: Three times they wrote down in the protocol the decision about the need to reserve slate for the landfill, but the time has come - there is nothing to cover with. Against the background of an emotionally charged statement, the last two words are perceived not in the literal sense, but as a phraseological unit meaning “there is nothing to say in response, nothing to object.” Thus, phraseology, being a source of imagery and expressiveness of speech, can also create significant difficulties if you are not careful about the word.