CSP with union are also examples. Compound sentences with connecting conjunctions

Complex is a complex sentence whose parts are connected by coordinating conjunctions.

The connection according to the method of composition gives the parts of a complex sentence a certain syntactic independence, but this independence is relative.

The parts of a sentence included in a complex sentence can be of the same type (two-part, one-part) or of different types (one part of a complex sentence is a two-part sentence, the other is a one-part sentence). For example: The foam hissed and splashes of water flew through the air(M.G.); It would have been better for me to abandon my horse at the edge of the forest and hide on foot, but it was a pity to part with him(L.); I would put a samovar for you, but I don’t have any tea(T.).

Complex sentences can be polynomial, i.e. consist of several parts, for example: The poplars swayed loudly, and because of them the windows sparkled, and the castle cast gloomy glances at everyone.(Cor.).

Complex sentences most often express relationships connective, adversative and disjunctive (cf. functions of coordinating conjunctions and their classification). In addition, complex sentences can express comparative, adjunctive, explanatory relationships with various additional shades of meaning.

Connective relationships. In complex sentences expressing connecting relationships, conjunctions serve as a means of connecting parts of a single whole and, yes, neither(repeated) also, too(the last two with a connecting shade of meaning).

And most often expressed temporaryse relationship. To express these relationships, verb forms (temporal and aspectual), the order of parts in a complex compound, intonation, conjunction, and additional lexical means are used.

In some cases it is expressed simultaneity two or more actions, phenomena, events. The meaning of simultaneity is usually conveyed by coinciding tense forms of predicate verbs (usually imperfect, less often perfect) in the parts that make up the compound; sometimes the verb forms in these cases do not match. For example: And here in the foggy heightsstarted singingbirds and eastgot rich(L.).

The importance of simultaneity is emphasized by the presence of a common secondary member (most often adverbial circumstances) between parts of a complex sentence, for example: Around the sandhoops were lying around without any order and empty barrels were sticking out(Grieg.).

Another type of temporary relations in a compound sentence - subsequence actions or states, expressed by the order of parts and aspectual verb forms in the composed parts of a sentence. For example: The last glow of the evening dawnwent outcompletely and dark nightcame downto the ground(Ars.).

A time sequence value can be appended with a value hue consequences, For example: ...At the exit of the bridge, the horses in the company cart hesitated, and the whole crowd had to wait(L.T.).

A special intonation is inherent in complex sentences that express a rapid change of events or an unexpected result (the first part of them can be a nominative sentence). For example: One jump - and the lion is already on the back of the buffalo(Cupr.); A moment - and everything again drowned in darkness(Cor.).

Compound sentences with a conjunction And can express cause-and-effect relations that are clearly revealed in cases where in the second part of a complex sentence after the conjunction And adverbs follow because, therefore, therefore and others with a hint of accession. For example: The judge's lips were right under his nose,and that's whyhis nose could sniff his upper lip as much as he wanted(U.).

Union And can also express relationships close to adversarial, For example: Everyone knew herAndno one noticed(P.).

connecting union Yes used in complex sentences expressing temporaryse relationship. In this case, a shade of connecting connection is created, and from the stylistic side - a shade of colloquial speech. For example: The cuckoo crowed loudly in the distance,Yeslike a crazy jackdaw screamed(N.).

Repeating conjunction no no gives meaning to a complex sentence negative transfer And mutual exclusion, For example: Neithershe won't hurt anyoneneitherno one will touch her(S.-Sch.).

Unions Also And Same attach to the second part of a compound sentence connecting shade of value, for example: The strange old man spoke very drawlingly, the sound of his voiceAlsoamazed me(T.).

Aversive relationships. Compound sentences with adversative conjunctions ( a, but, yes, however, but, same etc.) express relationships oppositions or comparisons, sometimes with various additional shades (inconsistencies, restrictions, concessions, etc.). This meaning of this type of complex sentences influences their construction: the word order in the second part is determined by the nature of its opposition to the first part.

Widely used in complex sentences with specified conjunction meanings A, For example: The earth still looks sad,Athe air already breathes in spring(Tyutch.); Learning is light,Aignorance - darkness(last).

The meaning of opposition, limitation, inconsistency is expressed using the conjunction But, For example: Dubrovsky held an open book in his hand,Buthis eyes were closed(P.); The sun has setButit's still light in the forest(T.).

Close in meaning to the union But union however (however), For example: The firefight died downhowevercannonballs and bombs continue to fly(S.-C.).

A nasty union Yes gives the statement a touch of colloquial speech, and is also found in folklore works, for example: I woke up,Yeslaziness has overcome(T.); Good porridgeYessmall bowl(verbal).

Union but, in addition to the general meaning of opposition, contains an additional connotation of compensation, for example: More than one stripe is visible on the sides of your sunken whips,butyou ate plenty of oats in the inns' yards(N.).

Unions or else, not that, not that, characteristic of colloquial speech, are used in contrast in complex sentences in which the second part indicates the possible consequences of failure to do what is said in the first part. For example: ...You'll be fine, but look, don't talk,otherwiseI'll beat you up(P.); Shut upotherwiseI'll shoot you... like a partridge(Ch.).

Union or, expressing opposition in a complex sentence, has the additional meaning of an intensifying particle and semantically highlights the first word in the second part, after which it is usually placed. For example: The birches have blossomed, the oaksorstood naked(Ch.).

Separation relationships. Compound sentences with disjunctive conjunctions ( or, either, whether...whether, then...then etc.) indicate the alternation of events, their sequential change, incompatibility, etc.

Union or/or, expressing relationships of mutual exclusion, can be single or repeated, for example: Only occasionally does a timid deer run through the desert,orhorses herd playful silence from a distance will outrage(L.); OrI don't understand,oryou don't want to understand me(Ch.).

The same divisive relations are expressed using the conjunction or, For example: Orweave,orspin,orsing songs(verbal).

Double alliances whether... whether, whether... or give the statement a tone of enumeration, for example: Badlywhetheryou visited Plyushkin,or, simply, of your own accord, walking through the forests and beating up passers-by?(T.).

Repeating conjunction then...that indicates the alternation of actions or phenomena, their sequential change, for example: ThatIt was like fog fallingThatsuddenly a slanting heavy rain began to fall(L.T.).

Unions either... or, or... or not... add a hint of conjecture to the statement, for example: Not thatIt was an early morning,not thatit was already evening(Fad.).

Some coordinating conjunctions are used in a complex sentence to expressions of adjunctive relations, in which the content of the second part of a complex sentence represents an additional message or additional remark related to the content of the first part.

The meaning of accession with a defining connotation expresses the union And in combination with a demonstrative pronoun This at the beginning of the second part of a complex sentence, for example: Both listened and spoke too animatedly and naturally,and that's itAnna Pavlovna didn’t like it(L.T.).

As mentioned above, conjunctions have a connecting meaning Also And Same.

The adjunctive and adversative meaning can be expressed using a conjunction A, For example: You're bored, you can't find a place for yourself,Aboredom and idleness are contagious(Ch.).

Union yes and expresses connecting relations with a connotation of addition, for example: The boy looked very smart and straight,yes andthere was strength in his voice(L.).

1. The concept of BSC. Classification of BSCs according to potential quantitative composition: complex sentences of open and closed structure (V.A. Beloshapkova).

2. Traditional classification of BSC in accordance with semantic groups of conjunctions.

2.1. BSC with connecting unions of open and closed structure.

2.2. SPP with dividing unions.

2.3. SPP with adversarial alliances.

2.4. NGN with connecting unions.

2.5. IPS with explanatory conjunctions.

2.6. Gradational SSP.

3. Punctuation marks in the BSC.

Compound sentence(SSP) is a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by coordinating conjunctions and, as a rule, are equal grammatically and in meaning. Coordinating conjunctions are not included in any of them and are not members of the sentence.

The classification of compound sentences in Russian linguistics has not changed significantly. Starting with the grammar of N.I. Grech, all descriptions of the SSP were built on the same principle: according to the nature of the semantic relationships between the components and in accordance with the semantic groups of conjunctions, connecting, disjunctive and adversative sentences were distinguished. Only the description of semantic groups within these classes changed and became more detailed.
In addition, to the traditionally identified three classes of complex sentences, two more were added in the 50s of the 20th century: explanatory sentences in which the parts are connected by relations of explanation or clarification (specific exponents of these relations are conjunctions that is, namely and other allied means that are functionally close to them), and connecting sentences in which the second part contains an “additional message” regarding the content of the first part.

The most consistent and consistent classification of BSC, based on structural and semantic features, was given by Vera Arsenyevna Beloshapkova. She considers the potential quantitative composition to be the main structural feature of BSC.

All BSCs are divided into two types: open and closed structure.

Parts of compound sentences open the structures are an open series; they are constructed in the same way. Means of communication are proper connecting and dividing conjunctions, which can be repeated. Such sentences can have an unlimited number of parts and can always be continued. For example: Yes somewhere a night bird screamed... Let's try to continue this proposal. A trickle of water splashed quietly, Yes somewhere a night bird screamed, Yes something white was moving in the bushes(Korolenko). In an open structure SSP there can be more than two predicative units (PU): That a long branch suddenly catches her neck, That the golden earrings will be torn out of your ears by force; That a wet shoe will get stuck in the fragile snow; That she will drop her handkerchief...(P.).

In sentences closed the structures of a part are a closed series; they are always two parts, structurally and semantically interdependent and connected. The second part in them closes the series and does not imply the presence of a third. For example: Need brings people together A wealth separates them; He wanted to tell him something But the fat man has already disappeared(G.). Means of communication - non-repeating conjunctions: but, and, however, yes and; not only but and etc.

Based on conjunctions and meaning, complex sentences are divided into six groups.


List of connecting conjunctions (single and repeating): and, yes, too, also, and also; both... so and, yes... yes, and... and.

Compound sentences with connecting unions can have an open and closed structure. They are called proper-connective and non-proper-connective SSPs (according to another terminology: homogeneous composition and heterogeneous composition).

2.1.1. SSP open structure (self-connecting; homogeneous composition)

Similar BSCs reflect different semantic relationships between PUs. Conjunctions AND (AND...AND), NEI...NOR, YES (YES...YES).

In such SSPs, the predicative parts express connective-enumerative relations; they report:

A) simultaneity of events and phenomena: Neither [viburnum Not growing between them], neither [grass Not turns green] (I. Turgenev); AND [the wind was rushing fast through the weeds], And[sheaves sparks flew through the fogs]... (A. Blok). [Only oriole gi shouting], Yes[cuckoos vying with each other count down some unlived years](M. Sholokhov). As a rule, in this case the relations between the parts of the BSC are autosemantic, i.e. they can act as independent simple sentences: (see first sentence) Viburnum does not grow between them. The grass doesn't turn green.

b) about their following one after another, sequence: [Upalidtwo-three large drops rain], and [suddenly lightning flashed] (I. Goncharov [Door across the street in a brightly lit store slammed], and [from it a citizen appeared] (M. Bulgakov). This meaning can be specified in words then, then, after.

Connecting SSPs of an open structure (homogeneous composition) can consist of two, three or more PUs.

Such BSCs may have a common secondary member of the sentence or a common subordinate clause (in this case, a comma is not placed between the parts of the BSC):

In the distance dark and the groves are strict(I. Bunin): by the union And the impersonal one-part PE is connected Dark and two-part The groves are strict. Determinant (general member of the BSC) in the distance clearly shows that homogeneous facts are listed.

(When the sun rose), [the dew has dried]And [the grass turned green]. Subordinate clause When the sun rose refers immediately to both PU connected by connecting relations, therefore a comma is not placed before the union AND.

The simultaneity and sequence of the listed facts is often emphasized by the correspondence of the aspectual and tense forms of the predicates in different PU (as a rule, the predicates are expressed by verbs of the same type): At that very moment [above the hill took off straightaway dozens of missiles] and [mad patter flooded machine guns] (Sedikh). In both parts of the SSP, predicate verbs are of the perfect form. General member of the sentence (adverbial tense) at that very moment emphasizes the relationship of simultaneity and prevents the placement of a comma between PEs.

2.1.2. SSP of a closed structure (non-self-connecting; heterogeneous composition)..

The predicative parts are connected here by non-repeating conjunctions AND, YES, ALSO, ALSO, which are accompanied by words that specify meanings. They consist only from two PE. The relationships between the parts of the BSC are synsemantic, i.e. one sentence is connected in meaning to another, especially if there are words that specify it.

Stands out six types improperly connecting BSC.

1. Sentences with meaning consequence - conclusion, condition-consequence, result, rapid change of events. They often use words that specify meaning therefore, because, therefore, therefore, means(specifiers are words and phrases that are connected to a conjunction and clarify its meaning). The second part reports the result, consequence, conclusion arising from the content of the first part: We were starving and[That's why] my mother finally decided to send me and my sister to the village(V. Kaverin). He is not your fiancé now, you are strangers, and therefore, you can’t live in the same house(A. Ostrovsky). Be able to create the appropriate conditions and you will extend the life of plants(conditional-effect relationships: If you can create the conditions, then extend...). The artist raised his bow and everything instantly fell silent.

2. BSC with distributional meaning: the second part has the character of adding to what is said in the first part. In the second part, concretizing words are often used - anaphoric pronouns and adverbs (found at the beginning of 2 PU), indicating a person, attribute, object, situation, which are mentioned in the first part of the SSP: Now it's completely dark outside, and This it was great(V. Kaverin). At the beginning of 2 PU there may also be synonyms or a repetition of the same word as in part 1 of the BSC: New schedules have been introduced and this is an innovation significantly increased labor productivity.

3. BSC with connective-adversative meaning with the union AND: parts contradict each other in real content. Possible qualifying words nevertheless, after all, anyway, despite this, nevertheless etc.: a) The Germans reached Moscow, and after all they were driven away(V. Nekrasov). b) I tried to sculpt her and it didn't work.

4. BSC with identifying meaning(conjunctions ALSO, ALSO), parts of which report two similar, identical events occurring simultaneously: The people were very hungry, the horses Same needed a rest(Arsenyev). The strange old man spoke very drawlingly, the sounds of his voice Also amazed me(Turgenev).

5. SPP with connecting additional value ( unions YES, I): the second part contains additional information. The role of concretizing words is in addition, moreover, besides, besides, moreover and under.: They will compare you to men, yes more and old grievances will be remembered(Sholokhov).

6. SPP with connecting restrictive value. The event of the second part limits the completeness of the manifestation of the event named in the first part. Concretizing words just and under.: Still the same yard, still the same laughter, and only you're missing a little bit(L. Oshanin). There were no visible injuries on his body, and only small scratch on temple(A.N. Tolstoy). Words only can serve as unions.


List of separation unions: or, or, or else, not that, not that; or... or, either... or; whether... whether, whether... or, at least... at least, what... what, be it... or; and even, not... so, if (and) not... then; not that... not that, or... or; then... then;analogues of unions : and maybe (to be), and maybe (to be) and; maybe (be)... maybe (be), maybe (be)...:

These are open structure proposals. The main relations between PU in BSC with dividing unions are relations of mutual exclusion and alternation:

1. Relationship mutual exclusions: unions or, either, not that...not that; either... or: Or pan, or disappeared. Either winter, either spring, either autumn(K. Simonov). Or the plague will catch me, or the frost will ossify me, Or a barrier will slam into my forehead A slow disabled person(A. Pushkin). I won't come back to you anymore, but maybe I'll stay with you(City 312).

2. In separating BSCs with the value alternation a sequence of successive events that do not coincide in time is reported: That the sun shines dimly, That black cloud hanging(Nekrasov).

Exercise 1. Characterize complex sentences of open structure in terms of their structure and semantics. Specify shades of values. For example: Either you are stupid or you are deceiving me. This BSC consists of 2 PE: 1 PE You are stupid and 2 PE You're lying. Formal means of communication - repeated disjunctive conjunction or either. There is a relationship of mutual exclusion between the parts of the BSC.

1. During the night the sea calmed down a little, the wind died down, and the fog began to dissipate.

2. Either let him leave, or we will leave.

3. Not a single insect will buzz in the grass, not a single bird will chirp on the tree.

4. The pines parted, and Margarita quietly drove up through the air to the chalk cliff (Bulg.)

Task 2. Characterize the BSC with the conjunction AND, indicating the structural type (open or closed structure), structural-semantic category (relationships between the parts of the BSC) and shades of meaning (semantic varieties). For example: The shells thunderedand the bullets whistled, / And the machine gun fired loudly, / And the girl Mashafrozen overcoat / Leads all the fighters into the attack. This is a BSC of an open structure, since there are more than 2 PE and others can be added. Structural-semantic category: NGN with proper-connective relations. The shade of meaning is the meaning of simultaneity.

1. He was given an apartment, and he settled in the fortress (Lerm.).

2. The night was windy and rainy, and this contributed to success.

3. Silence reigned all around, and only the water muffled on the rifts above.

4. One jump - and the lion is already on the head of the buffalo.

5. The river was completely covered with driftwood, and therefore, everywhere it was possible to freely cross from one bank to the other.

6. They gave six fur coats for Nadya, and the cheapest of them, according to her grandmother, cost three hundred rubles (A.P. Chekhov)

7. I have a wife, two girls, and, moreover, my wife is an unhealthy lady (A.P. Chekhov)

Task No. 3. Make a full syntactic analysis of the BSC.

Analysis sample.

And the withered grass smells, crystalline with frost, and, barely distinguishable, the sad star shines(V. Tushnova)

1. The purpose of the statement is narrative.

2. In terms of emotional coloring - non-exclamatory.

3. Difficult, because consists of 2 PE: 1 PE: AND[the smell of withered grass, crystalline frost]. 2 PE - And[barely visible, the sad star shines]. PEs are interconnected by a coordinating conjunction and, therefore, this is a complex sentence (CCS). Union AND connecting, therefore, in the most general form, the relationship in the BSC can be characterized as connecting. Parts of the BSC represent an open series, i.e. a sentence of an open structure: it can be continued by adding other PU with the same grammatical meaning (enumerative). The relationships are autosemantic. The situations reflected in the PE are perceived by the speaker as simultaneous. The grammatical means of expressing simultaneity are forms of non-predicate verbs: smells - shines.

Scheme: and , and .

4. Analysis of each PE.

1 PE: And the withered grass smells, crystalline with frost.

grass smells

b) Complete.

c) Common: grass (what?) sluggish

crystal from frost expressed as an adjective with dependent words.

2 PE: and, barely visible, the sad star shines.

a) Two-part sentence. Subject star expressed by a noun in I.p. Simple verb predicate glitters expressed by the conjugated verb present. vr. nesov.v.

b) Complete.

c) Common: star (which one?) sad – an agreed definition expressed by an adjective.

d) Complicated by the widespread isolated definition barely visible, expressed participial phrase.

Suggestions for parsing

1. You don’t want to think about anything, or thoughts and memories wander, cloudy and unclear, like a dream (A. Serafimovich).

2. The shot is short and the ball is in the goal.


Compound sentences with closed structure With adversative unions: ah, but, yes(= but), however, on the other hand, yes(in meaning But).

Based on structural features and basic grammatical meanings, all complex sentences with adversative conjunctions are divided into two groups: 1) comparative and 2) adversative sentences.

Comparative relations characteristic of BSCs with interchangeable conjunctions and (meanwhile)(conjunction-particle), where phenomena that are dissimilar in some way are compared, but despite all the dissimilarity they do not cancel each other, but seem to coexist: Need brings people together A wealth separates them(Need brings people together, wealth or separates them). His comrades treated him with hostility, but his comrades loved him(Kuprin). Often relationships are based on antithesis (antonymy). Hence the presence in the predicative parts of comparative sentences of typified lexical elements - compared words of one thematic group.

The most common among such sentences are those with the broadest meaning and stylistically neutral conjunction A. For example: The bottom of the tower was stone, and the top was wooden...(Chekhov); He is already over forty, and she is thirty...(Chekhov).

Union or, related in origin to the intensifying particle or, retains its excretory-intensifying value; the origin of this union also determines its position; it does not stand between the predicative parts, but after the first word of the second part, highlighting it. Such sentences are called comparative-selective. For example: His comrades treated him with hostility, the soldiers or truly loved(Kuprin); From our battery, Solyony will go on a barge, we or with combat unit(Chekhov).

Offers with adversarial relationships according to semantics (i.e., according to the nature of the relationship between the parts of the BSC) they are based on the inconsistency of the events mentioned in the predicative parts, and are divided into four groups.

1) adversative-restrictive proposals (unions however, but, yes), in which the phenomenon of the second part limits the possibility of implementation, effectiveness or completeness of the manifestation of the phenomenon named in the first part. This grammatical meaning can be most clearly seen in constructions with forms of the subjunctive or “invalid” (with the particle was) moods, with auxiliary verbs want, desire and under.: I guess I I would eat it a little snow, But the snow on Sukharevka was dirty(V. Kaverin). He started to pour some tea for her But she stopped(V. Kaverin). In other cases, restrictive relations are formalized by lexical means: The flower is good, but the thorn is sharp.

These SSPs are close in semantics to sentences with a connecting-restrictive meaning, where the word only performs the function of a union: The flower is good, but the thorn is sharp.

Unions otherwise, not that correspond in meaning to the words otherwise, otherwise; sentences with them are usually used in everyday speech: 1) You, Tisha, come quickly,otherwise Mama will scold again(Sharp).2) Tell the truthnot that you'll get it.

2) In adversarial-concessive SSP's adversative meaning is complicated by a concessive one (such a SSP can be replaced by a complex sentence, the subordinate part of which contains conjunctions although, despite the fact that ): [I had my own room in the house], But[I lived in a shack in the yard](A.P. Chekhov ). – (Although I had my own room in the house), [I lived in a shack in the yard] . Possible qualifying words nevertheless, nevertheless, despite this, meanwhile, with all this and etc.: The bird told you nonsense, but anyway he is a good man(N. Ostrovsky) .

3) B adversative-compensatory SSP (unions but, but, yes) events are assessed: in one part positive, in the other – negative: The guns are rusting in the arsenals, but shakos sparkle(K. Simonov). A shako is a solid, high headdress of some military units.

4) B offensive-spreading The second part of the BSC complements the first. As in connecting-extensive sentences, in the second part there is a concretizing word This: I turned my back to him, but This seems to have increased his suspicions(V. Kaverin).


In the gradational relationships of a closed structure it is expressed intensification, increase or vice versa, weakening the significance of the second part in relation to the phenomenon named in the first part. Usually expressed using double essay unions not only but; not really, ...but (a); if not,...then; not as much... as; decomposition not to say that..., but; I can’t say that, ...but: Now around Judas in the windows Not only the windows sparkled, But praises have already been heard(Bulg.). Not really it bothers me But yeah, it's a shame(Const.). Not really the old man was scared A from a clear and confident voice I went limp(Sholokhov).


Here the second part explains and clarifies the meaning of the first with the help of conjunctions namely, that is: Romashov is looking for Katya, that is does the same thing as me(V. Kaverin) . In addition to plants, the garden has rooms for various animals, namely: many towers with lattice towers were built for pigeons, and for pheasants and other birds a huge wire cage was placed between the bushes(M. Gorky). Possible introductory words more precisely, more precisely, in other words, in other words etc.

With the help of the union that is In addition to the indicated meaning, the speaker can express the meaning of an amendment or reservation: We were sleeping, that is, my sister was sleeping, and I was lying with my eyes open and thinking(Korolenko).

These are suggestions closed structure.


They add additional thoughts, which are: a) a passing comment; b) something unexpected that suddenly came to mind. Before conjunctions with a connecting meaning, the voice is lowered and a pause is made: This continues until everyone laughs in unison,and finally himself. (Gonch.)(Union And in combination with the word finally appends the conclusion in time sequence.) Concretizing words often appear and here, and moreover, and therefore, and after that: The water was warm, but not spoiled, and besides there was a lot of it ( Garshin ).

Very often, conjunctions with an adjunct meaning add not part of a complex sentence, but a new sentence, for example: 1) There are lanterns on all corners and they burn at full intensity.AND the windows are lighted. (K.S.)(Union And adds a new proposal; the connecting connection allows us to highlight something very surprising and very important at the moment for the narrator, who has not seen illuminated windows for a long time. Wed: There are lanterns on all corners, they are burning at full intensity, the windows are illuminated.) 2)It's time, my child, get up!.. Are you ready, beauty?(P.)(Union Yes starts a new interrogative sentence caused by something unexpected; Here Yes approaches the meaning of interrogative particles really, really.)

Additional to connecting values ​​can express BSC with conjunctions yes and, and then, and not that, not that.

In sentences with a conjunction yes and the additional intensifying value is expressed: He[Sintsov] didn't ask again - yes and what is there to ask?? (Simonov)

In sentences with conjunctions and then, and not that, not that expresses the meaning of caution : You must talk to your father today, otherwise he will worry about you leaving(Pisemsky). Answer me, otherwise I'll worry(Pushkin).

SELF-ANALYSIS TASKS (check during lecture)

Exercise 1. Characterize complex sentences of a closed structure in terms of their structure and semantics. Specify shades of values. For example: All winter I sorted through these diaries, and meanwhile my life in the Arctic went on as usual(V. Kaverin) . This BSC consists of 2 PE: 1 PE [ All winter I sorted through these diaries] and 2 PE [ my life in the Arctic went on as usual]. Formal means of communication - adversative conjunction and meanwhile. There are adversarial-comparative relations between the parts of the BSC.

1. The sun is shining, but the wind is fresh, autumn(Korolenko).

2. An hour passed, then another, but there was no path.(Ars.)

3. These whirlwinds became less frequent, but each subsequent one was stronger than the previous one(Ars.)

4. In the little man’s words there was not only friendship and joy, as Travka thought, but also a cunning plan for his salvation.(Prishvin)

5. This time the evening was lovely, and there were quite a lot of people(Adv.) .

6. Our conversation was suddenly interrupted, that is, we ended it ourselves(Kataev).

Task 2. Determine the semantic varieties of BSC with the conjunction BUT.

2. No one caressed Korchagin except his mother, but they beat him a lot(N. Ostrovsky)

3. [although, despite the fact that] My legs were tired, but I didn’t want to go home.

4. They danced, but there was something wooden, dead in this dance...(Kuprin)

Task 3. Parsing a sentence

No one lived in Mrs. Kozlovskaya’s apartment except her and her son, infantry lieutenant Romuald, but it was crowded nearby.(Paust.)

What is a Compound Sentence?

Complex sentence is a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by coordinating conjunctions. The old prince was still in the city, and they were waiting for him every minute (L.. Tolsto). The old man was clearly indignant, and Grigory frowned (Sholokhov). The connection between the parts of a complex sentence is also carried out by other grammatical as well as lexical means (See complex sentence). The Germans will leave, and the entire territory they occupy will pass into the hands of the Red Army (N. Ostrovsky) (incomplete intonation of the first part)

the relationship between the forms of perfective verbs, conveying the relation of consequence; the order of the parts corresponds to the order of the actions being discussed). Liza was frightened by the strangely aged look of Vera Nikandrovna, and she did not dare to object (Fedin) (the interconnection of the parts and the semantic lack of independence of the second part are emphasized by the use of the pronoun she). In the entryway there was a smell of fresh apples and hanging wolf and fox skins (L. Tolstoy) (parts of a complex sentence are united by a common minor member in the entryway). It was already quite dawn and the people began to rise when I returned to my room (L. Tolstoy) (both parts are united by a common subordinate clause). The older boy's name was Petya, and the younger one was Pavlik (Kataev) (incompleteness of the second part). The snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are already noisy in the spring (Tyutchev) (the interdependence of the parts is expressed using the words yet... well). There can be relationships between the parts of a complex sentence:

1) connecting (with the meaning of simultaneity, sequence, cause and effect, etc.). Dark rainy clouds were approaching from the east, and moisture was sipping from there (Chekhov). Pierre entered the children, and the laughter and screams intensified even more (L. Tolstoi). That day I was a little unwell, and therefore I did not wait for dinner and went to bed (Arsenyev);

2) dividing (with the meaning of incompatibility, alternation, mutual exclusion). Now the sun shines dimly, now a black cloud hangs (N e-krasov). Either you get dressed now, or I will leave alone (Pisemsky);

3) adversative (with the meaning of opposition, inconsistency). Everyone looked after him, but no one smiled (Turgenev). He is an awkward, disheveled, ragged man, but his face is almost beautiful (Gorky);

4) comparative. The rooms were stuffy, and dust swirled in the streets (Chekhov). The guns in the arsenals rust, but the shakos shine (Simonov);

5) connecting e. Both listened and spoke too animatedly and naturally, and Anna Pavlovna (L. Tolstoy) did not like this. Lisa’s decision removed a stone from his heart, and the whole house immediately came to life, as if from a sent down peace (Fedin).

It was understood as a combination of simple sentences, achieved using certain syntactic means and characterized by semantic, constructive and intonational integrity. But its parts are not simple sentences, since: 1) they often cannot be independent communicative units, but exist only as part of a complex one; 2) do not have intonation completeness; 3) the entire proposal entirely answers one information question, i.e. represents one communicative unit. It is more correct to consider them not simple sentences, but predicative units.

Classification of complex sentences

Let's look at compound and examples and their classification. Let's start with the fact that both are complex. Complex sentences differ in the nature of the connection, the nature of the predicative units, and the order of the parts. They are union and non-union. Conjunctive sentences, which we will focus on in this article, are, in turn, divided into compound and complex sentences (see examples below).

Complex sentence (SSP)

The structural-semantic classification of SPP is based on an important formal feature - the nature of the syntactic, formal dependence of the subordinate part on the main one. This feature unites the scientific classifications of V.A. Beloshapkova and "Russian Grammar-80". All SPPs are divided into sentences of undivided and dissected types. Their differential features are as follows.

Undivided type

1. The subordinate part is in a clause position (refers to one word in the main one), a clause or correlative connection (refers to a demonstrative pronoun).

2. One of the parts is synsemantic, i.e. cannot be a semantically sufficient communicative unit outside of a complex sentence.

3. Means of communication - syntactic (multi-valued) conjunctions and allied words.

Exploded type

1. The subordinate clause refers to the entire main sentence: a determinative connection.

2. Both parts are autosemantic, i.e. potentially capable of existing independently.

3. Means of communication - semantic (unambiguous) conjunctions.

The most important sign is the first, structural sign.

Further classification of dissected type SPPs is carried out taking into account the content, semantic aspects (such as time, condition, concession, cause, purpose, consequence, comparative, comparative aspect that a complex sentence may have).

Examples from fiction and other suggestions:

  • Several hours have passed since I left the city (temporarily).
  • If you can, come at two o'clock (condition).
  • Although it was already late, the lights were on in the house (concession).
  • I almost never have free time, music requires full dedication (reason).
  • To study well, you need to work hard (goal).
  • His eyes shone like stars shine in the dark sky (comparative).
  • If he masters thought, then he even more masters form (comparative).

The classification of NGN of an undifferentiated type is primarily based on a structural feature - the nature of the means of communication, and only at the second stage - on semantic differences.

Types of non-divided type IBS

1. With a union connection: explanatory, defining (quantitative, qualitative, qualification) and comparative.

2. With pronominal connection: pronominal interrogative and pronominal relative complex sentence.

Examples from fiction and other sentences with conjunctions:

  • It’s stupid that you won’t come (explanatory).
  • The air is so clean, as if it were not there (definitive, quantitative).
  • He spoke quickly, as if he was being urged on (definitive, qualitative).
  • All this happened as if no one was in the room (determinative complex sentence).

Examples from literature and other sentences with pronominal connections:

  • You had to hear how he spoke (pronominal interrogative).
  • The house we live in is new (pronominal-relative, oriented).
  • No matter who applied, there was no refusal (pronominal-relative, unoriented complex sentence).

Examples of sentences (grade 5, the Russian language textbook will help you continue this list), as you can see, can be given in a variety of ways.

A more detailed theoretical part can be found in many manuals (for example, V.A. Beloshapkova Grammar-80, etc.).

Every day the school curriculum gradually leaves our minds and many simple things can be misleading. The rules of the Russian language cause such difficulties most often. And even such a thing as a complex sentence can lead an adult into a dead end. This article will help you study or update your mind on this topic.

Compound sentence

A complex sentence (CCS) is one in which the parts are connected coordinating connection, which is expressed by coordinating conjunctions. In this case, all elements are equal and independent.

Division by meaning of conjunctions of a complex sentence

  1. Connective: and, yes (=and: bread and salt), yes and, and..and.., not only..but also, like..so and;
  2. Dividing: either, or..or, either, then..that, either..either, not that..not that;
  3. Adverse: a, but, yes (=but: handsome, but stupid), but, however.

When children at school are just introduced to the types of sentences, only the three groups of coordinating conjunctions described above are distinguished. However, in high school Students identify three more groups:

  1. Gradational: not only, not so much..as much, not so much..ah, not so much..but also;
  2. Explanatory: namely, that is;
  3. Connective: moreover, moreover, yes and, too, also.

Thus, a complex sentence is distinguished with connecting conjunctions, disjunctive and adversative, as well as additionally with gradational conjunctions, explanatory and connecting.

Compound sentences: examples and diagrams

After the weekend he felt better and made a complete recovery.

Scheme: (), and (). Compound sentence with conjunction And shows the sequence of actions.

Every day he had to do homework or help his mother with housework.

Scheme: () or (). Dividing Andwhether mutually exclusive events.

Now you shoot something, and I’ll make a fire.

Scheme: (), and (). Union A– adversative, which means there is opposition in the sentence.

Not only her relatives admired her intelligence, but also complete strangers.

Scheme: not only (), but also (). This compound sentence structure divides events by significance and importance.

His leg was broken, meaning he could no longer continue on his own.

Scheme: (), that is (). There is an explanatory conjunction that is.

We have to do this, and we have very little time.

Scheme: (), moreover (). Union besidesprovides additional facts and information.

Punctuation in complex sentences

In BSC, elements are separated by commas, semicolons, or dashes.

The most common punctuation mark is comma. It is placed before both single and repeated coordinating conjunctions:

Let it be as God pleases, but the law must be fulfilled.

Scheme: (), and ().

Either I'll come tomorrow, or you come.

Scheme: or (), or ().

Semicolon used when BSC elements are very common and commas are already used:

The boy rejoiced at the new kite, ran after it and was the happiest person; and the elements were already preparing to pour rain, disperse the wind and break tree branches.

Scheme: (); A ().

A semicolon can also be used when a sentence has multiple parts:

I have this opinion, and youother; and each of us is right in our own way.

Scheme: (), a (); And ().

Dash is put when parts of a complex sentence have a sharp opposition or a sharp change of events:

The hall froze for a secondand immediately there was wild applause.

Scheme: () – and ().

When punctuation marks are not used

The parts of the BSC are:

  1. Interrogative: When will you be in town again and dare I ask for a meeting?
  2. Incentive: Do everything well and may you cope with everything.
  3. Exclamation: You are so great and I like everything so much!
  4. Named: Cold and wind. Stuffiness and heat.
  5. Impersonal offers: It's cold and windy. Stuffy and sultry.