Ways to manipulate people. Techniques for manipulating the mental consciousness of humans and the masses

To the question “What is manipulation?” most often you can get an answer about psychological influence in order to achieve a certain personal benefit. However, such influence is often hidden.

What is manipulation

Manipulation is a kind of purpose whose goal is to force a person to take certain actions against his wishes. In this case, the influence is not obvious, but hidden. The essence of manipulation is that the person who is being pressured must himself want to take certain actions, even if it is unprofitable for her.

They resort to it when they are afraid of refusal or are obviously confident in the negative outcome of a particular enterprise. Perhaps even those individuals who do not fully understand what manipulation is, without realizing it themselves, quite often use this psychological technique to achieve their goals. Even children's whims can to some extent be attributed to manipulation.

Why do people resort to this

In order to perform a certain manipulation, there must be a reason, which can be either conscious or subconscious. So, the following forces people to use such methods:

  • the danger of finding yourself in a difficult situation or (in this case, the person begins to use others in order to get around inconvenient moments);
  • lack of self-confidence often leads to a person subconsciously trying to influence others;
  • social pressure, as well as stereotypes associated with a particular situation, often prompt manipulations, the purpose of which is to conceal or justify certain actions;
  • a negative attitude towards a certain person, as well as the desire for revenge, often becomes the cause of psychological impact;
  • manipulation often becomes an unscrupulous method of achieving selfish goals.

How to neutralize manipulation

Having understood what manipulation is, it is important to familiarize yourself with the methods of neutralizing it. So, to avoid psychological impact, it is recommended to use the following techniques:

  • Having recognized the manipulation, you should immediately and openly declare the inadmissibility of such influence on you (if it is caused by self-doubt, then such a sharp response will immediately discourage your opponent);
  • revealing the intentions of the manipulator and exposing her to others (publication of inconvenient facts will make the influence ineffective and inappropriate);
  • if you feel pressure from your opponent, call him to a frank conversation in order to clarify the situation and determine the motives for his behavior (during the conversation, a compromise can be found);
  • A fairly effective method of combating manipulation is to criticize the person who is trying to put pressure on you;
  • if you understand that diplomatic methods have not helped you get rid of outside pressure, resist your opponent by entering into open confrontation with him (the confrontation will unsettle him);
  • try to respond to manipulation with manipulation.

How to understand that you are being manipulated?

Manipulation (impact) can have a variety of manifestations, and in order to effectively resist it, it is important to be able to recognize it. So, it is accompanied by the following situations:

  • a feeling of psychological discomfort and lack of logic in the sequence of events;
  • the contradiction between the verbal and non-verbal messages of the opponent;
  • tension in conversation;
  • mood swings in the manipulator depending on whether he manages to achieve what he wants;
  • an atmosphere of mistrust between interlocutors.

Simple tricks

The following simple manipulations are distinguished:

  • an attempt to achieve one’s own goal, relying on a feeling of resentment or guilt (in this case, the opponent begins to feel obligated to please the “victim”);
  • psychological impact by silence is aimed at demonstrating mental distress and drawing attention to one’s experiences;
  • manipulation of anger and other negative feelings is based on the fact that the blackmailer demonstrates his unbalanced psychological state, trying to get certain actions or concessions from you;
  • pressure on the feeling of love is intended for close people (often such situations arise in families or couples when one of the parties speculates on a good attitude, trying to achieve selfish goals);
  • promising and instilling a certain hope in the interlocutor is a fairly common method that is used to provoke a person to specific actions or concessions;
  • vanity manipulation involves exerting pressure by demonstrating high status;
  • Sarcasm and ridicule can unsettle a person, which makes him more malleable in terms of control.

Complex manipulations

Complex manipulation methods can be described as follows:

  • a technique such as shifting emphasis is quite common (the same news can be presented in completely different ways if you focus on certain facts);
  • certain words or situations can cause a storm of emotions in a person, which facilitates the process of manipulating him;
  • in order to give a person instructions for certain actions, it is not necessary to speak about it directly (for this it is more reasonable to use interrogative intonation or the form of a sentence);
  • as well as playing on strong emotions in order to make their illegal actions less significant against their background;
  • if the manipulator does not have a clear argument for his behavior and demands, he begins to aggressively demonstrate resentment, trying to avoid a constructive conversation;
  • the method of shifting a dispute is that, without sufficiently convincing arguments in defense of an argument, a person begins to actively criticize it;
  • to confuse the opponent, the manipulator can bombard him with a whole stream of questions with the goal of later accusing him of misunderstanding and unwillingness to give a detailed answer.

How does this happen

The algorithm for manipulating public consciousness involves going through several successive stages:

  • drawing up a psychological portrait of a group or a specific person in order to determine basic beliefs and values;
  • bringing the planned situation into line with the current climate in society through influence through the media and other techniques;
  • introduction of certain mechanisms that will facilitate the transition to a new state;
  • subsequent monitoring of the situation in order to prevent deviation from the given course of development.

Types of manipulations

Trying to achieve certain goals, a person can use various types of psychological influence techniques. In this regard, it is important to understand what manipulations are usually distinguished:

  • conscious manipulation is purposeful and planned (the person is clearly aware of the algorithm of his actions to achieve the desired effect);
  • unconscious manipulation does not have a specific goal, and the individual has not developed a clear plan and idea of ​​methods of influencing the opponent (often the scenario develops chaotically, under the influence of strong emotions);
  • linguistic (or communicative) manipulation is based on the oratorical abilities of the individual, through which he seeks to provoke the interlocutor to certain actions;
  • Behavioral manipulations are based on the performance of a certain kind of behavior and actions that do not require additional verbal techniques.

Means of manipulation

In order to perform the manipulation, an individual can use the following means:

  • in order to convince the opponent that he is right and call for specific actions;
  • the emotional component, which is aimed at demonstrating one’s own feelings or evoking those in the interlocutor;
  • appeal to urgency, which unsettles the opponent and requires quick, rash decisions;
  • constant repetition of the same statement in order to put pressure on the interlocutor;
  • highlighting a certain fragment from the general context of events in order to present the situation from the most advantageous side;
  • talking about a problem without mentioning the context and a number of important circumstances that can clarify the real state of affairs;
  • suppression of opposing opinion through speculation;
  • use to convince others that one is right;
  • presenting one’s own opinion as objective and confirmed information from reliable sources;
  • putting pressure on the interlocutor using one’s authority or high social position.


The following individuals are most often manipulated:

  • those who want to please others in everything and receive constant approval;
  • people who are afraid of quarrels and hostile attitudes;
  • dependent and indecisive individuals (only depending on others do they feel emotional comfort);
  • trusting people, confident in the honesty and correctness of others;
  • altruists who consider it their duty to help everyone in everything;
  • impulsive individuals who make important decisions under the influence of momentary emotions;
  • young people who do not yet have their own formed life position and are in search of authority;
  • single people who are looking for communication and friendly relationships;
  • insecure individuals who consider the opinions of others to be more correct and rational than their own.


Manipulation of people is a powerful mechanism of psychological influence (often hidden), which involves forcing the interlocutor to take some action (the latter must be sure that he himself wants it). Such phenomena can occur both consciously and unconsciously. Moreover, the success of the manipulation depends both on the person himself and on the psychological characteristics of the individual on whom the influence is directed.

The reasons for manipulation may lie in the character of the individual or in external circumstances. So, most often it is resorted to by people who are terrified of crisis situations and are trying in every possible way to avoid them. Also, these kinds of techniques are used by insecure individuals who simply do not see any other way for themselves to achieve their goals. Manipulation can cause strained relationships between people and is also an unscrupulous method of obtaining benefits.

In order to resist manipulation, you need to find the strength to give a tough answer and issue a warning about the inadmissibility of such actions. A person must understand that his intentions have been revealed. It is better if this fact receives wide publicity in order to block further paths to action for the manipulator.

Every day every person manipulated from stronger individuals.

These individuals are proficient in NLP techniques for managing people and use their knowledge and abilities for selfish purposes, most often a material goal.

If you know the basics of these techniques, then you can become a psychic and hypnotist.

Definition of the concept

The term "manipulation" comes from two Latin words for "hand" and "to fill."

That is, the manipulator, using various techniques, tries to “fill his hand” - achieve your goal.

How to stop manipulating people?

Often a person becomes so addicted to manipulation that applies it unconsciously in relationships with loved ones.

At times, this greatly harms personal and social relationships.

To get rid of a bad habit, you should stop playing and give in to pity. It is typical for the victim Blame everyone around you for your troubles: spouse, boss, children, state.

Such people try to achieve goals in different ways:

  • through scandal;
  • with the help of tears;
  • using threats;
  • faking illness.

Sometimes an individual becomes so fused with the role of a victim that he cannot take off this mask. He should take responsibility for his actions, then life events will begin to develop differently.

Manipulating people - simple science. In order not to become a victim of gross manipulation, it is necessary to turn off emotions and connect reason when communicating with people. The less a person knows about the life of his opponent, the more difficult it will be for him to apply influence.

Hidden human control. NLP in action - video:

If you want to manipulate people, you need to learn to control your emotions, be able to convince people, play the role of a person endowed with various kinds of far-fetched feelings. This is the only way you can become a person endowed with more persuasive power than you actually have. To gain these skills, consider attending acting schools. Trying on the roles of different characters, you can feel like anyone, this will help you better control the people around you. If you want to master the art of acting for the sake of manipulating people, do not tell others about it. This will only make them suspicious.

Public performance

Another way to get from people what you need from them is to learn to speak to the public, to conduct a long monologue. This will help you understand how to formulate and convey your thoughts in the most constructive way possible, and you will also learn how to convincingly argue and defend your positions. This approach to manipulation is very well suited for further conversation, for example, with superiors or work colleagues. Emotions are practically inappropriate in a professional setting, and the skill of transforming images will not help you in this case.


Almost all charismatic people know how to get what they need. If you want to learn how to manipulate people, you need to work on your charisma. Learn to create a positive conversation atmosphere and work on your body language. Your task is to get people to communicate with you. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all who you talk to; it could be a junior high school student or a history professor at some university. To become more successful, make people feel special. When talking to a person, look into his eyes, be interested in his feelings and interests. Show the other person that you value getting to know them, even if you don't. Exude confidence in everything you do, and people will take you and your words seriously.

Study people

Each person has their own psychological and emotional traits, so there is no single action pattern that will help you manipulate everyone. Before you try to control and manage a person, study his character, find out what your actions will help persuade the person to do the things you want. For example, some people are extremely emotional. They can cry in a movie theater, sincerely empathize with other people's troubles, etc. To manipulate such people, you need to release your own emotions, making them empathize with you until you teach what you need. If a person is very rational, he does not give in to emotions, requires logic in actions and is constantly looking for evidence, a completely different approach is needed. In this case, your ability to calmly and convincingly convince a person that you are right comes to the fore; emotions here will be completely unnecessary.

Learn from others

Pay attention to your surroundings. Perhaps you have acquaintances, relatives or friends who know how to manipulate people; they always get what they need. Study their behavior, write down what they do, what brings them success and how they achieve it.

Success in business depends on many factors. In addition to hard work, talent, dedication and professional skills, the ability to lead is important people, unless, of course, you are a free and lonely artist, but work in a team.


Read books on neurolinguistic programming that will help you better understand human behavior. Practice the skills of correct behavior during a conversation described in specialized literature on behaviorism. Learn to interpret and apply body language.

Use the carrot and stick method. Reward your subordinates for quality work. This will motivate not only them, but also all other colleagues. Incentivize employees with words, bonuses and cash rewards. If you are unable to pay people, tell them directly to avoid further disappointment and false hopes. Find other ways to motivate employees. Criticize employees who do their work dishonestly. Punish them with monetary fines and reprimands. Give constructive and objective criticism. Let's have a chance to correct the mistakes.

Be aware of everyone's projects and where they are in their assignment. Be as knowledgeable as possible about your subordinates' situation and competence in your field. This will help you gain the respect of your employees, which is key to your authority. Require your subordinates to prepare a report on what they have done. After analyzing, you will have a clearer idea of ​​their work process, their strengths and weaknesses. You will see the big picture, which will give you an advantage and additional weight in the eyes of your subordinates.

Chat with employees! By building trusting relationships with your team, you get the opportunity to get to know your subordinates better, which means important tools for managing them.

Video on the topic

Tip 3: How to manipulate others: non-trivial ways

Maintain eye contact, use body language... These and other similar tips are already known to everyone. Use new, not so obvious "secret tricks" to get what you want.

Drive into a corner to get what you want

There are situations when a lot depends on the consent of your opponent or on his answer, and you have to take tough measures to achieve your goal. So, in case of refusal, look at the interlocutor point blank and repeat your question again in an even voice. Under the pressure of your gaze, he will feel trapped and will be ready to change his mind.

Remain calm when voices are raised

Of course, this technique requires practice, but it's worth it. By allowing a person to speak out and at the same time without saying anything bad to him, without offending him in any way, with your calmness you will provoke in him a feeling of guilt, which he will subconsciously try to atone for.

Be closer to the aggressor to avoid attack

People who are close to each other subconsciously feel awkward when a conflict occurs. Keep this in mind and keep the aggressor as close as possible.

Call everyone by name to become the favorite in the group

The ability to network is fundamental to building a successful career. Use first names when communicating with colleagues during everyday communications and do not use names during conflicts. Here's a simple secret.

Good posture improves self-confidence

The trick works one hundred percent of the time. The rule of a straight back will allow you to make a more favorable impression, make you stand out among your colleagues, and also give you a feeling of inner strength.

Warm your hands before shaking hands

Dry, warm hands help create a friendly atmosphere, so be sure to make sure your palms aren't icy-warm before touching someone.

How to manipulate people? Many people ask themselves this question, but not everyone knows the answer.

So now I will try to answer:

I want to warn you right away: in order to manipulate people you need to visualize what is written, that is, in order to understand how to manipulate people, it will be better if you watch a video on the utube channel on psychology: (by the way, a useful channel about human psychology)

Manipulating other people is a great way to get what you need: a promotion or a romantic adventure from your significant other. Regardless of your goal and objective, you will need to hone your manipulation skills, try different manipulation techniques, and learn how to manipulate people in different life situations. If you don't want to put off learning this wonderful craft for a minute, then fasten your seat belts and take the following journey into the world of manipulation.

1. Right View

There is a special look that makes people reckon with you, recognize you as a strong opponent at the subconscious level.

This view can be useful in any controversial situation when you want to declare that you are worth taking into account and you make the decisions here.

You need to look into the eyes, but not at the surface of the eye, but as if through it, looking into the soul. The result is a piercing gaze that declares your decisive attitude. And people feel it.

2. Energy break

To get what they want, people sometimes use the tactless question method when surrounded by other people. In private, you would not hesitate to refuse or answer negatively, but in public you are confused and may agree or answer so as not to seem greedy, secretive, etc.

To avoid falling for this bait, you can use the energy pause method. You look into the person's eyes as if you are about to respond. He prepares to accept your answer, but you don't answer.

You continue to look at him but don't say anything. He looks away in confusion, and then you start talking about something else. After such an incident, he will no longer try to force you to answer in public.

3. Pause and encouragement

Sometimes people try to demand something based solely on the intensity of their demand. That is, the person basically understands that his demand is unfounded, and you understand this.

Nevertheless, he actively and very emotionally demands something, hoping that you will give in, fearing conflict. If you support his tone or begin to object, a conflict will occur.

Instead, pause and encourage the person in a friendly manner to continue the conversation. Feeling supported, a person will stop getting excited and begin to speak more calmly.

But even after that, do not stop the silence, nod and encourage him to talk further. The person will begin to explain, then make excuses and, finally, apologize.

4. Eye protection

Of course, you are not the only one who uses some techniques, and not only consciously. It happens that people unconsciously feel what they need to do to achieve what they want, and they behave that way.

If you notice the gaze of your interlocutor, he may use some kind of psychological influence on you, whether consciously or not.

Remember: you are not obliged to play a staring contest with him by accepting the rules of his game. Look into his eyes, smile, letting him know that you noticed his gaze and you don't care, and look at other objects.

5. Overcome hostility

Life often confronts us with unpleasant people with whom we are simply forced to communicate and maintain good relations.

In order to maintain normal communication or get something from this person, you will have to really overcome your dislike for him. And not just putting on a fake smile, but imbued with sympathy and kindness.

How to do this if you are facing a scandalous, nasty guy?

Imagine him as a small child. If a child behaves badly, it means that he is embittered, unhappy or spoiled. In any case, the environment is to blame for this.

Basically, it's true, so you're not even fooling yourself. When you see this person as a child, you cannot be angry with him, and people always feel kindness and sympathy, and this disarms them.

6. Pressure

Many people put pressure on their employees, relatives and friends to get what they want. What it looks like from the outside: repeated repetition of the same demands - sometimes soft, sometimes hard, sometimes persistent and emotional, sometimes unobtrusive.

The main purpose of pressure is to deprive you of hope that the request or demand can be avoided.

The person makes you understand that you simply cannot do it differently; he will stand his ground until the very end.

What can you do about it? It helps to call a spade a spade. For example, you can immediately ask the person: “Are you putting pressure on me?” As a rule, a person then gets lost. Equally important is the ability to firmly say “no.”

7. The ability to say “no”

You must learn to say “no”; this will be very useful in the fight against various kinds of manipulators, among whom may be not only obsessive partners, but also your friends or family.

You must learn to say exactly this word - “no”. Not “it won’t work,” or “I don’t know,” or “we’ll see,” but a firm “no.”

8. Don’t explain your refusal.

This is also a great skill that is acquired with experience. If you refused someone, said your firm “no”, be able to do without explanations and even more so without excuses.

At the same time, you should not feel guilty for refusing without explanation. People feel the inner mood, and if you hesitate within yourself, they will get comments from you and maybe even persuade you.

Again, it is not always a good idea to refuse without explanation, but there are times when it is necessary.

9. Position without evidence

In negotiations, evidence of correctness often plays a negative role. Rightness is a state that is transmitted at the level of sensations. You feel right and other people agree with you.

If you start to prove your position with arguments, this can destroy your confidence in the rightness.

Let's say you make one argument, and your interlocutor refutes it. If after this you give a second argument, it means that you agree that the first one was unsuccessful, and this means the loss of your positions and unshakable faith in your rightness.

10. Fix a new role

If you take on a new role - head of a department, team captain, or some other - you need to immediately fix it, outlining your authority. Do as quickly as possible in your new role what you could not do in your previous role.

Give some order, make a decision, ask for an answer from your subordinates, and so on. The longer you wait to take on a new role, the more your rights may be reduced.

These ways to manage people and prevent yourself from being manipulated are only a small part of all the techniques of management art that change not only your communication style, but also your worldview. And you can acquire it by learning from professionals.

Ways to manipulate people (what is manipulation- the topic of the previous article) a huge amount. In order to master some of them, long practice is required; most people use some of them freely, sometimes without even suspecting it. It is enough to simply know about some manipulation techniques in order to be able to defend against them, while others must be mastered in order to be able to counteract them.

It is necessary to know the mechanisms of manipulating the human psyche; this allows you to protect yourself from invasion of your psyche and skillfully counteract various techniques and methods of manipulation. It is also necessary to study and know manipulation techniques in order to learn how to skillfully understand them and use them for your own benefit. Without this knowledge it is difficult to achieve great success in life.

When using one or another method of manipulation, one should take into account the fact that a person’s life is multifaceted: by level of education, by life experience, by many other factors. Therefore, in some cases, for a more effective effect, an important point in using various methods of manipulation is preparation for their use.

The first step is to decide on a specific technique that is applicable in this case, and for this you should select a target of influence. Such targets could be:

  1. Interests of a person, his needs and inclinations;
  2. Beliefs (political, religious, moral), worldview;
  3. Habits, behavior style, ways of thinking, habits, character traits, professional skills;
  4. Mental and emotional state (both in general and at the moment).

That is, in order for one or another way of manipulation had an effect, it would be good to get to know the recipient of this impact as best as possible and collect more information about him.

Also at the preparatory stage, an experienced manipulator thinks through the places and conditions of his influence. It is important for him to increase the likelihood that the manipulated person will experience the reactions, sensations and emotions he needs. Therefore, creating conditions for increasing suggestibility, he chooses secluded, isolated places (although this is not always the case, sometimes the situation requires the opposite) and only then, without interference, applies the prepared manipulation technique.

The success of any method of manipulation depends on the established contact between people. The ability to make contact and maintain it is given great importance in the literature on business communication; this is not a way of manipulation, establishing contact, this is the basis of communicative communication. A skilled manipulator, acting subtly, knows this, he makes contact and develops it in every possible way (forms trust) with a view to its further use. For him, this is a preparatory stage, during which he adapts in every possible way to the interlocutor, using the joining technique. The essence of this technique is to find common interests and views, create an atmosphere of frankness, and create a favorable impression of yourself. The manipulator sometimes even begins to copy the communication partner’s gestures, facial expressions, takes similar poses, and does everything to win him over.

When all the preparatory stages have been completed, the necessary information has been collected, weaknesses have been identified, conditions have been thought out, you can begin to use techniques and methods of manipulation. Although, to use some techniques, preliminary preparation is not required at all.

Ways to manipulate people

Each method of manipulation given below is accompanied by brief instructions on how to counter it and protect against it.

Before moving on to considering manipulation techniques, I also want to immediately note that manipulation methods are not always used separately; often combinations of techniques and methods are used to ensure effective impact.


This method of manipulation is used to change the general meaning of what was said, changing its meaning to suit oneself. The manipulator, as if for the purpose of clarification, asks again, repeating what you said only at the beginning, then replaces the words and the overall meaning.

Listen very carefully to what they tell you. If you hear a distorted meaning, correct it immediately.


When one person tries to prove that he is right, to convince another of something, he shows his indifference to both the interlocutor and what he says. The manipulator counts on the opponent’s desire to prove his importance at all costs, to use those facts, that information that he had not previously intended to disclose. That is, the necessary information is simply revealed.

Protection against manipulation– do not give in to provocation.


Having voiced one topic, the manipulator quickly moves on to another, thereby not giving the interlocutor the opportunity to protest the first or somehow doubt it. This is done with the aim of fixing this information (not always true) in the subconscious of the interlocutor. This method of manipulation can be characterized as suggestion with further use.

You should pay attention to what you hear and analyze everything.


In this case, the manipulator quotes, and unexpectedly, the opponent’s words. In most cases, the words are partially distorted.

While defending yourself, you can respond in kind, invent a phrase and pass it off as the words the manipulator once said to him.


The manipulator shows his weakness by seeking a condescending attitude towards himself. At such moments, the manipulated person ceases to take the person seriously as a competitor and rival, and his vigilance becomes dull.

You can not succumb to this method of manipulation only if you always take any person seriously and see in him a strong rival.


Very common manipulation technique. By declaring love, honor and respect, you can achieve much more than just asking.

"Cold Mind" is here to help you.


With unmotivated anger, the manipulator makes a person want to calm down his interlocutor and expects him to make certain concessions. Just like the previous one, this method of manipulation is quite common.


  1. Do not pay attention to the rage of your interlocutor, do not start to calm him down, but show your indifference to his behavior, this will confuse him;
  2. Or vice versa, touching the manipulator (no matter the hand or shoulder) and looking him straight in the eyes, begin to sharply increase your aggressive pace, responding to him. With the help of simultaneous exposure to a visual, kinesthetic and auditory stimulus, the manipulator is introduced into a trance. And you can already set your own conditions for him, introduce your attitudes into his subconscious.
  3. You can adjust, evoke a similar state of mind in yourself and gradually begin to calm down, calming the manipulator as well.


Manipulation is possible by imposing a very fast pace of speech and pushing your ideas. The manipulator, hiding behind haste and lack of time, chatters up his interlocutor, who, without having time not only to answer, but even to think, thereby demonstrates his tacit consent.

Talkativeness, talkativeness and verbosity The manipulator can be stopped with questions and asking again. For example, a trick like “Sorry, I need to call urgently” will help slow down the pace. Will you wait?"


This way of manipulation used to weaken the protective barrier of the human psyche. The role of the manipulator is to act out suspicion in any matter, the response to which will be a desire to justify himself. This is what he achieves. The protective barrier has weakened, you can “push through” the necessary settings.

The defense here is self-awareness self-confident person. Show the manipulator that you don’t care if you are offended, and you won’t run to catch up if he wants to leave. Lovers, take it upon yourself, don’t let yourself be manipulated!


The manipulator makes it clear that he is very tired and is unable to prove anything or listen to objections. And therefore, the manipulated person quickly agrees with his words, and, following his lead, does not tire him with objections.

Don't give in to provocations.

The subtlety of this method of manipulation lies in the specifics of the human psyche - worship and blind trust in authority in any area. A manipulator, using his authority, puts pressure on a person, and often an opinion, advice or request lies outside the scope of his authority. How can you refuse a request or disagree with such a person?

Believe in yourself, in your abilities, in your individuality and exclusivity. Down with low self-esteem!


The manipulator, as if in secret, almost in a whisper, hiding behind imaginary friendship, advises the manipulated person to act in a certain way. He assures of the benefits and benefits of this action, but in reality he pursues his own interests.

We should not forget that free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap; you have to pay for everything.


It is known that the forbidden fruit is sweet, and the human psyche is structured in such a way that he is often interested in exactly what is forbidden or what requires effort to achieve. The manipulator, like a subtle psychologist, using these features of the human psyche, evokes such desires in the object of his influence. Of course, to please yourself.

Always remember your interests. Make decisions after thinking carefully, weighing all the pros and cons.


The manipulator draws the object of manipulation's attention to only one detail, not allowing him to consider the whole picture, and forces him to draw conclusions based on this. Application of this way to manipulate people widespread in life. Many people make conclusions and make judgments about any subject or event without having detailed information and without facts, sometimes even without their own opinion on this issue, they judge based on the opinions of others. Manipulators take advantage of this and thus impose their opinion.

Expand your horizons, develop, work to improve your level of knowledge.


Manipulator, as if doubting the opponent’s words, deliberately chooses an ironic tone of conversation, provoking him to emotions. In an emotional state, in anger, a person falls into an altered state of consciousness and is more susceptible to suggestion.

An effective defense against this method of manipulation is complete indifference.


The manipulator, in order to direct the conversation in the direction he wants, constantly interrupts the thoughts of the interlocutor.

Ignore this, or, using speech psychotechnics, try to ridicule the manipulator and if you are in a team, no one will seriously pay attention to his interruptions.


In this case, there is a hint from the manipulator about more favorable conditions in which the object of manipulation seems to be located. The manipulated begins to make excuses and opens up to suggestion, which immediately follows.

There is no need to make excuses; on the contrary, recognize your superiority.


The manipulated person is placed in such conditions when he needs to avert suspicion of bias towards the manipulator. And he himself begins to praise him, talk about his good intentions, thereby giving himself the instruction not to react critically to the words of the manipulator.

If you find yourself in such a situation, refute your bias, but without praising the manipulator.


It is carried out through the use of terms unknown to the manipulated by the manipulator in conversation. The latter finds himself in an awkward position, and fearing to appear illiterate, he is afraid of what these terms mean.

Don’t be shy or afraid to clarify a word you don’t understand.


In simple terms, this method of manipulation is to lower a person below the baseboard. Hints are used about his illiteracy and stupidity, which leads the object of manipulation into a state of temporary confusion. It is then that the manipulator encodes the psyche.

Don’t pay attention, especially if you know that in front of you is a competent manipulator, an experienced swindler or a hypnotist.


With this method of manipulation, through repeated repetition of phrases, the manipulator inspires the object with some information.

You should not pay attention to what the manipulator says. You can change the topic of conversation.


The manipulator plays on his own supposed inattention. Having achieved the desired result, he seems to notice that he did something wrong, confronting the manipulated with a fact: “Well, what can you do, I didn’t see, I didn’t hear, I didn’t understand correctly...”

It is necessary to clearly clarify and convey the meaning of the agreements reached.


Like manipulation technique is carried out by constructing a dialogue in such a way that the manipulated always agrees with the words of the manipulator. This is how the manipulator leads the target to accept his idea.

Change the focus of the conversation.


The manipulator invents or finds some similarity between himself and the manipulated, casually draws attention to this, thereby increasing self-confidence and weakening defenses. You can act, promote an idea, instill a thought (using other methods and techniques of manipulation), and ask.

Defense is to sharply tell the manipulator about your differences with him.


The manipulator poses the question in such a way that he does not give the object any other choice of options other than those that he proposed. For example, a waiter in a restaurant, asking, approaching your table, “What wine will you drink today - red or white?”, makes you think about the choice from what he offered, and you, for example, were planning to order yourself some cheap vodka.

Be clear about what exactly you want and not forget about your interests and plans, no matter what it concerns.

The article turned out to be voluminous, although not all techniques and methods of manipulation were considered (but this is already in other articles). It is clear that you will not be able to master it the first time. And it’s wrong to try to immediately apply everything you read and remember. Choose several methods of manipulation (preferably complementary to each other), practice using them, bring the application to perfection (as far as possible), and only then proceed to the next ones. We also recommend reading the article “ Statements of great and successful people about manipulation».

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