Create a description of the appearance of a person you know. Description of a person’s appearance in English, as well as eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes

Every day we meet different people: kind, sad, strange, tall, obese, beautiful, cheerful... Each person with whom we interact leaves a certain mark on our psyche. These "traces" are not complete without a verbal description of the subject's appearance. In our mind or in a conversation with a friend, we always rely on aspects of describing a person's appearance.

Description of a person's appearance: purpose

There are sciences that study the appearance of people, such as psychology, philology, criminology and some others. Doctors also encounter elements of appearance description when studying the patient’s medical history or psychotype. You cannot do without this process in business, especially show business. In modeling agencies, the appearance of a girl or guy plays a key role, therefore, when meeting the desired model in absentia, the investor or director first gets acquainted with the verbal portrait of the subject.

Describing appearance in everyday life broadens one’s horizons and contributes to the formation of people’s taste and appreciation. In addition, the interlocutor can easily form an image of the described person in his mind using certain adjectives.

In psychology, the description of appearance is also important. Entire theories of personality and its behavior are built on the external appearance of individuals. For example, Kretschmer's theory directly links a person's temperament, character and orientation with his physique. And he was not the only one who noted a certain relationship between external data and the internal mood of people. Over the years, our emotions and stress leave their mark on our appearance in the form of wrinkles, gait, and gestures.

There is a huge section in jurisprudence called criminology. This science also uses the scientific description of a person's appearance, defining criteria and rules for this process. Here, description is also an important process, since victims and witnesses remember criminals based on external data. In this science, attention is paid to every element of the face, torso, and limbs of a person. Along with this, they pay attention to clothing and other signs when looking for a missing person.

Types of appearance descriptions

There are many types of theories and rules that make it possible to describe a person externally as accurately as possible. But this process as a whole can be divided into two main types:

  • arbitrary- which is characterized by the use of ordinary folk words, is not structured, so important points may be missed;
  • systematized- used using scientific or special terms, compiled using the method of verbal portrait.

What are the anatomical features of a person?

Describing a person's appearance is what many people encounter when communicating. There are times when you need to talk about a particular person, describing his appearance. School-age children may also encounter this, for example, if they were given the task of writing an essay: “Description of a person’s appearance.”

Anatomical features of a person include organs and parts of the body, such as the head, chin, forehead, face or torso.

Anatomical characteristics can be used to determine a person’s gender, age, height and build. You can also determine the anthropological features of a person’s appearance, the structure of his body and head, and also the element of his face. Since the face is considered a “cover” that characterizes a person’s appearance, special attention is paid to it.

What characteristics belong to the functional description?

A description of a person’s appearance cannot occur without determining his functional characteristics. The latter appear during human life. They characterize motor and physiological functions. A functional description of a person’s appearance reflects the characteristics of the manifestation of his life activity. Characteristics related to functional traits include posture, gestures, facial expressions, gait, and speech.

When creating a verbal portrait of a person, describing his appearance and determining his functional characteristics, first of all, many pay attention to posture. It can be traced by the position of the head - its relationship to the body. Posture is also determined by the position of the torso relative to the vertical. To characterize her, we can use the following adjectives: hunched, stooped, loose, straight and loose. For example, hands can be placed along the body, on the hips, behind the back or in pockets. And the head can be thrown back, tilted forward, or tilted to one side.

When a student writes a thematic essay: “Description of a person’s appearance,” he can use adjectives to characterize the gait of this person. It can be, for example, slow, shuffling, heavy, bouncing, wobbling, fast, mincing, waddling and waving its arms.

The verbal description of a person’s appearance based on functional characteristics can be continued for a long time, because, as mentioned above, this includes gestures, facial expressions, as well as speech functions.

Methods of verbal portrait

A verbal portrait is a forensic method of describing a person’s appearance using special terms. This method is carried out by a certain system for the purpose of criminal registration (for example, search and identification of living people or corpses).

Verbal portrait methods are used to identify a person. This can be done by presenting for identification, comparing appearance with a photograph, with a verbal portrait, as well as comparing a verbal portrait with a photograph.

Free description of appearance

Characteristics of a person and a description of his appearance can be made in any way. They are given by eyewitnesses in words and expressions used in everyday speech. These can be everyday terms, local dialects and the like.

Any person who saw the incident can give a free description. Moreover, he does this using words familiar to him, without using scientific terms. Such descriptions often help criminologists find the right person.

Systematization in describing a person’s appearance

A description using the verbal portrait method is called systematized. The foundations of systematization were laid by Alphonse Bertillon at the end of the 19th century. Such a description helps to uniformly characterize the elements of people’s appearance, their signs, and equally perceive the result of the description. There are also basic principles for describing appearance, through which uniformity is achieved. These are the principles:

  • on the use of standardized terminology;
  • about maintaining consistency in the description;
  • about maximum completeness;
  • about the description in full face and in the right profile;
  • description, which is carried out in relation to the standard position of the head and state of appearance;
  • about a description that highlights special features.

What are the rules in describing appearance?

There are also rules for describing a person’s appearance developed by criminologists, with the help of which they characterize a person using the method of verbal portrait. This includes the completeness of the description of appearance. After all, the speed of searching for a person primarily depends on this, because it is not known by what specific signs he can be found.

The next rule is the sequence of description. This includes general physical characteristics such as gender and age. Then an anatomical description occurs (for example, the figure as a whole, neck, shoulders, chest, back, head, including the face).

Then there is a description using special terminology. This is necessary in order to ensure a uniform understanding of the information received. But sources of information are divided into subjective and objective.

The use of adjectives in describing a person in a picture

At first glance, it may seem that making a description of a person’s appearance from a picture is not so difficult. But this will not be difficult if we know the person well, but if not, then we will have to make some efforts. The first thing you need is to have a good knowledge of adjectives with which you can make a description.

For example, looking at a painting, you can describe a person's head using adjectives that indicate its size: small, medium or large. You can characterize a person’s hair from a picture using the following criteria: abundance, length, type, color or frontal line. Hair can be thick, medium or thin. Length - short, medium or long. Hair type can be straight, wavy and curly. Color - light blond, blond, dark blond, black and red. And the frontal line can be straight, arched, wavy and broken.

Looking at the picture, you can use any adjectives to describe a person’s face as a whole, his forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, lips, teeth, chin, ear and neck. The same applies to shoulders, chest, back, arms and legs.

Characteristics of the appearance of a Russian person

Another mystery for ethnopsychologists, physiognomists, and philologists is the appearance of a Russian person. It is not very easy to describe it because it is a very vague concept. Many people say that a real Russian person should have blue eyes, blond hair and a flat, tall figure. But if we go deeper into this issue, it can be light or dark brown or blue eyes, as well as all colors and shades of green. The hair is light or dark brown and very thick, and the figure is slender and tall. There is no pattern in the shape of the nose and lips of a Russian person. They can be completely different. But Russians’ skin is often light and matte.

The relationship between a person’s characteristics and the description of his appearance

A few centuries ago, some scientists noticed a correspondence between appearance and certain character traits and personality characteristics. A fat person is characterized by addictions (for example, to food), that is, he has weak willpower. Such people are guided by the opinions of others, are friendly and love communication.

People with visually large heads and shoulders love risks, are prone to physical activities, but are not distinguished by mercy and compassion.

Thin people with a high forehead and narrow chest are characterized as sensitive, loving solitude, quiet, secretive, and inactive in communication.

There are theories that connect complexion, its asymmetry, and impulsiveness with the lifestyle that a person leads. The description of appearance in this case will be based on external characteristics and characteristics of human activity.

In addition, there is a downside to this process. You need to pay attention to who is making the description of a person’s appearance. Example: a person who tends to control everything will first describe the person’s leadership traits and his behavior in this regard. Subjects seeking to constantly enrich themselves will pay attention to the cost of watches, facial cosmetics and clothing, and so on.

My neighbor Alex is 18 years old and he is a student. Alex is quite good looking. He is not very tall. He is well-built and has got broad shoulders, sturdy chest and strong back. His neck is quite short and firm.

Alex is very sporty; he does karate and goes running every day. That is why he has got well-developed muscles. His arms and legs are quite short, but they are very firm, his fingers are stumpy and his feet are not very large. Alex is very strong; he can lift heavy things easily.

Alex is pale-skinned. His hair is red. It is of medium length, curly and very thick. He has got a handsome roundish face. His forehead is quite low; he has got thick eyebrows. Alex has got bright green almond-shaped eyes. His nose is not very big and it is a little snub. He has got small ears. His lips are neither full nor thin. He is usually clean-shaven and wears a neat small beard on his chin. As many people with red hair, Alex has got freckles on his face. He also has got a small scar on his forehead.

Alex usually wears casual or sport clothes. He likes wearing jeans very much. He prefers wide blue jeans. He enjoys wearing sports shoes too. He often chooses clothes of brown, green or blue colors. These colors suit him very well.

My neighbor Alex is 18 years old. He is a student. Alex is quite cute. He is not very tall and well built. He has broad shoulders, a muscular chest and a strong back. Its neck is quite short and strong.

Alex is very athletic; he practices karate and goes jogging every day. Therefore, he has well-developed muscles. He has rather short arms and legs, but they are very strong, he has short fingers and small feet. Alex is very strong; he lifts weights easily.

Alex has fair skin. He has red hair. They are medium length, curly and very thick. He has a beautiful round face. Alex has a rather low forehead; he has thick eyebrows. Alex has bright green almond-shaped eyes. His nose is not very large and is slightly upturned. He has small ears. His lips are not full, but not thin either. Alex is usually clean-shaven; he has a small, neat beard on his chin. Like many people with red hair, Alex has freckles on his face. He also has a small scar on his forehead.

Alex usually wears sportswear or casual clothes. He really likes to wear jeans. He prefers wide blue jeans. He also likes to wear sports shoes. He often chooses clothes in brown, green or blue tones. These colors suit him very well.

Cool! 10

In this essay I want to describe the appearance of my dad. The choice fell on him because for me he is the standard of masculinity, and I always wanted to be like him.

Dad has deep blue eyes with long and thick eyelashes. When he looks at me, it seems to me that he sees right through me. A distinctive feature of his appearance is his brow ridges. I often pay attention to people’s appearance and rarely see pronounced brow ridges. This feature gives him, in my opinion, a wise appearance. In the evening or in cloudy weather, his eyes are more of a gray color, but in the morning and in bright daylight they are bright blue.

Dad's nose is quite large, slightly snub-nosed. His lips are quite distinctly shaped. When he loses a little weight, his cheekbones become much more expressive, but because of the beard they are not so noticeable. In general, dad rarely shaves; he prefers to wear stubble. Only occasionally, before some special event, can he shave. Personally, I think that with a beard, dad looks much more mature and courageous.

Dad has coarse brown hair. He cut his hair short and has had this haircut for as long as I can remember. I have never seen him bald or with long hair, even in photographs in which he and his mother were still very young. When it's humid outside, his hair gets more frizzy than usual, which I think is funny. As a child, I always thought my ears were too big. It turns out that this is for dad. I can’t say that his ears are huge, but, in any case, when compared with the people around me, my dad’s ears are larger than average.

My father’s height is 180 cm. He has an athletic build: broad shoulders, strong arms. He often goes to the gym and tries to watch his diet. In general, our whole family adheres to the principles of healthy eating, and my father played a big role in this direction. In the summer he spends a lot of time at the dacha and his skin acquires an even, beautiful tan.

I've always liked his sense of style. Dad's clothes are neatly ironed and clean, and his shoes are always polished to a shine. He likes to take care of his appearance, and since childhood this trait was instilled in me. In everyday life, he wears jeans and a sweater. He has a huge number of sweaters, all different colors. He wears a suit to various special events and theaters. Dad has a whole collection of ties, and I can’t even imagine how you can make a choice among all this variety. He has shirts of all shades, and in his closet they hang neatly in a row. When he goes to the gym or we go out with the family, dad usually puts on a tracksuit. He loves sneakers very much and often buys them for himself. This love was passed on to me too. Every holiday, I ask my parents for a new pair of sneakers as a gift. It’s good that my dad shares this passion with me, so he always gladly helps me with my choice.

I like my dad’s appearance and, as I wrote above, he is the standard of masculinity for me. I'm glad that I have someone to look up to.

Even more essays on the topic: “Description of a person’s appearance”:

It is difficult to describe a person’s appearance in a nutshell, since each person has his own characteristics. I will tell you about the appearance of my friend Marina.

My friend is a cheerful and active person, slightly overweight, with luxurious red hair and milky-white skin. There is nothing remarkable about her, but if you look closely at her face, you can see so many distinctive features that if you meet her on the street, you will not be mistaken - my story is about her.

The first thing you will see is huge green eyes with golden sparkles. The eye color is very rare. The emerald green iris of the eyes resembles a precious stone. Golden flecks give the eyes unusual depth. Long brown eyelashes enhance the magnetism of the eyes and give the impression that you are diving into a warm sea, and beautifully curved eyebrows emphasize all this splendor.

The shape of the nose looks normal. Thin, straight bridge of the nose, slightly upturned tip, small nostrils. On Marina's round face, a small nose looks funny.

You can see a bronze scattering of freckles on your nose and under your eyes. They do not spoil my friend’s appearance at all and add charm to her image.

Marina's lips are the envy of all the girls she knows. There is a small cute mole in the corner of the mouth on the left side. The beautiful line of the upper lip resembles Cupid's bow. The lips themselves are full, coral-colored, and hide behind them perfectly straight teeth.

The beauty of Marina's eyes and lips distracts attention from her slightly plump cheeks. But not when she smiles. At this moment, two small dimples appear on her cheeks, which complete Marina’s image. If my friend smiles, it’s impossible not to smile back. Such a smile can be called radiant.

Kind and pretty. Red-haired laugher. This is my friend Marina.


The beauty of a person is in his heart.

He is not good who has a handsome face,

and he is good who is good for business.

Dima is my best friend. He looks like the sun, as his always smiling face is framed by bright red curly hair. “The smile on your face is like the sun in the window” - this is about him. The snub nose is covered in freckles, and there is always a slight blush on the cheeks. Dima has slightly protruding ears, which make his appearance even more mischievous.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

I completely agree with this. Dima's sparkling, sly eyes reveal him as a cheerful, resilient person who loves adventure. He started all our games. When talking, he always looks into the eyes of his interlocutor, which speaks of his honesty, sincerity and openness.

Dima is short, which sometimes frustrates him, but at the same time he is very active, runs the fastest in his class and plays basketball well, despite the fact that this game is for tall people.

My friend has a very contagious laugh that makes the whole class laugh, and a charming smile that makes Dima have adorable dimples on his cheeks.

Dima's gait is swift, which reveals him to be a determined person. Despite his love of adventure, my friend has a neat appearance. In everyday life, he likes to wear jeans, a shirt and a sweater - clothes that are comfortable for games and entertainment.

I like to be friends with Dima because he is a true friend, a cheerful and optimistic person. His charm attracts people to him, and I am very glad that he is my friend.


I want to talk about my dad. They say that I am very similar to him.

My dad has blue eyes, a straight nose, and always smiling lips. He once had a beard and mustache, but now he doesn’t, and I like it better that way. Dad is tall, and sometimes he hits the chandelier with his head when visiting, but he laughs about it. Everyone says that my dad has skillful hands, since he is always doing something at home: making shelves, repairing appliances, hanging pictures. I love watching him work. Everything always works out very easily for him, but not for me, but I’ll learn someday.

My dad is also strong. Once upon a time he played sports, and now at the dacha he carries buckets from the pond to water the beds and digs the ground, helping his mother. My dad is a man of few words, but he loves to visit and talk with his friends about football and cars. When dad gets angry, a wrinkle appears on his forehead. You can immediately understand from it that dad is dissatisfied. But still he smiles more often, likes to make fun of me or laugh at comedy.

My dad really likes to look neat, so he is always careful about his clothes and never walks around disheveled or dirty. Even when it works, it doesn't get very dirty. This surprises my mother. She is glad that in this I am like my father.


My mother is very gentle and feminine. She is 40 years old, but everyone says that she looks much younger. Her short stature and fragile figure make her look like a girl, especially when viewed from afar.

My mother's gait is fast, energetic, and her movements are precise. Mom loves to play sports and therefore is always in good shape.

Brown hair, falling over her shoulders in large curls, is the envy of all our friends, and sly and kind blue eyes and a funny upturned little nose give my mother’s face an inexpressible charm.

Thick and fluffy eyelashes and dimples on her cheeks give mom a childlike expression, and a strong-willed chin and neatly defined lips speak of her as a determined and courageous person.

When mom is calm, a soft smile plays on her lips. I really enjoy watching her while reading. At such moments, my mother’s face is spiritual, she often looks dreamily and thoughtfully into the distance, dissolving in the world created by the writer.


I love my grandmother and spend all my weekends with her.

Grandmother is small in stature, thin, with blue veins on her neck and arms. Facial features are expressive, clearly defined, and correct. They indicate that she used to be a beauty. I especially like her eyes. There was never any falsehood, slyness, or cunning in her gaze. Her blue eyes are illuminated from within with a soft, vibrant glow; they radiate warmth and sincerity even when her grandmother is angry.

Whenever I arrived, my grandmother was wearing a white scarf, which sharply set off her black eyebrows and tanned face. Grandma knows a lot of fairy tales, and I like to listen to her quiet, unhurried tales. This is how she is, my dear grandmother.

Description of a person's appearance- this is a description of a person’s face, his figure, gestures, manners, characteristic posture, clothing. The main task of such a description is to find characteristic features, most importantly in a person’s appearance, and be able to convey them in words. They may be associated with peculiarities of manners, gait, his occupation and profession, and character traits.

The source of essays describing appearance can be anything. As with other descriptions, this can be a life experience when a verbal portrait is recreated from memory (for example, “The appearance of a person I saw once ...”). Or imagination (“My portrait in 10 years”).

Sample essay plan:

1. Introduction.
2. General impression (figure, height).
3. Facial features (oval face, eyebrows, eyes, nose, forehead, lips, chin, cheeks). Hair (color, length and hairstyle). Ears.
4. Clothes.
5. Behavior (gait, manner of speaking, posture...).
6. Conclusion.

Possible definitions:

Eyes - green, gray, brown, blue, black, light blue, heavenly, grayish-blue, radiant, dark, expressive, thoughtful, light, big, small, cunning, running, narrow, slanting, slanting, evil, kind, funny, wild , friendly, distrustful, insidious...

Brows - beautiful, straight, thick, thin, sable, wide, shaggy, spread out, fused, asymmetrical...

Forehead - tall, low, open, straight, Socratic, wide, wrinkled, sloping, flat...

Sight - confused, attentive, expressive, smart, curious, ironic, flirtatious, loving, embarrassed, indifferent, envious, surprised, cheerful, incredulous, open, sad, enthusiastic, cunning, trusting...

Nose - straight, with a hump, upturned, wide, narrow, snub-nosed, long, short, ugly, beautiful, small, potato-shaped, ducky...

Hair - short, long, chestnut, light, blond, straw, gray, with gray hair, thick, lush, curly, shiny, straight, wavy, sticking out like tow, braided, pulled back, combed back, disheveled, styled...

Figure - good, slender, tall, large, plump, thin, squat, masculine, feminine...

Gait - fast, leisurely, light, silent, heavy, collected, waddle, strange, bouncing, funny...

Pose - majestic, intense, graceful, beautiful, picturesque, strange, relaxed, comfortable, uncomfortable...

We will borrow an example of a description of appearance from M.Yu. Lermontov (from the novel “Hero of Our Time”):

“He was of average height; his slender, slender figure and broad shoulders proved a strong build, capable of enduring all the difficulties of nomadic life and climate changes, not defeated either by the debauchery of metropolitan life or by spiritual storms; his dusty velvet frock coat, fastened only by the bottom two buttons, made it possible to see his dazzlingly clean linen, revealing the habits of a decent man; his stained gloves seemed deliberately tailored to his small aristocratic hand, and when he took off one glove, I was surprised at the thinness of his pale fingers. His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he did not wave his arms - a sure sign of some secretiveness of character. However, these are my own comments, based on my own observations, and I do not at all want to force you to believe in them blindly.

When he sat down on the bench, his straight waist bent, as if he didn’t have a single bone in his back; the position of his whole body depicted some kind of nervous weakness: he sat as Balzac’s thirty-year-old coquette sits on her downy chairs after a tiring ball. At first glance at his face, I would not have given him more than twenty-three years, although after that I was ready to give him thirty. There was something childish in his smile. His skin had a certain feminine tenderness; his blond hair, naturally curly, so picturesquely outlined his pale, noble forehead, on which, only after long observation, one could notice traces of wrinkles that crossed one another and were probably visible much more clearly in moments of anger or mental anxiety. Despite the light color of his hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black - a sign of the breed in a person, just like the black mane and black tail of a white horse. To complete the portrait, I will say that he had a slightly upturned nose, teeth of dazzling whiteness and brown eyes; I must say a few more words about the eyes.

First of all, they didn't laugh when he laughed! -Have you ever noticed such strangeness in some people?.. This is a sign of either an evil disposition or deep, constant sadness. Because of the half-lowered eyelashes, they shone with some kind of phosphorescent shine, so to speak. It was not a reflection of the heat of the soul or the playing imagination: it was a shine, like the shine of smooth steel, dazzling, but cold; his gaze, short, but penetrating and heavy, left an unpleasant impression of an immodest question and could have seemed impudent if he had not been so indifferently calm.”

“Only the most undiscerning people do not judge by appearance.”(Oscar Wilde)

To determine a person’s character by his appearance, there is a whole science - physiognomy. Of course, there is no need to talk about its accuracy, however, even in ancient China, physiognomy was considered one of the full-fledged branches of medicine, and in the East they believed that one could determine a person’s character and even life path by appearance.

It is not without reason that some faces attract us and instantly inspire trust, while others cause us to be rejected. This technique is actively used in cinema. Just remember the appearance of Sharikov (Vladimir Tolokonnikov) in the film adaptation of the story “Heart of a Dog” - the first frames are enough to understand: this type of face indicates that its owner has a bad character and a very limited mind. So, let's find out how you can determine a person's character by appearance.

Body structure and character

The body is much easier to change than the face, however, in order to change the shape, you will have to put in some effort, right? That is why it is quite true that playing sports affects our character.

1. Head and neck:

  • pointed - betrays inconstancy and envy;
  • a long neck with a small head, on the contrary, indicate weakness and a tendency to melancholy;
  • a short neck is a sign of shortsightedness and stubbornness;
  • a thick, “bull” neck is characteristic of fearless people, and a “lion” (not so thick, but quite large) - for generous people;
  • a long, thin neck reveals a timid, dreamy person.

2. Shoulders:

  • narrow shoulders. According to experts, a narrow chest and drooping or even hunched shoulders indicate a person’s isolation and vulnerability, as well as the fact that he is prone to self-digging;
  • an expanded chest, broad shoulders are a sign of a purposeful, open person, as well as fearlessness.

3. Stomach:

  • a strong, toned stomach is a sign of endurance and strong character;
  • flabby and saggy - character weaknesses.

4. Hips and legs:

  • narrow, strong hips with toned buttocks are a sign of endurance, the ability to get out of a difficult situation;
  • the hips, with the sides hanging over them (like those of a frog), give the appearance of a chatterbox;
  • wide, massive hips indicate stubbornness, but if the features are rounded, they indicate a soft character;
  • thin, weak and poorly defined ankles are a sign of lust;
  • strong, slender legs indicate the ability to achieve your goals.

Face type and character

Determination of character by facial features often occurs on an instinctive level, in the first seconds of acquaintance. “Horse face”, “predatory eyes”, “toad mouth” - we immediately project these labels onto a person’s character, we judge him by his appearance. What does physiognomy say about this?

1. Forehead:

  • a large, convex forehead without hair indicates intelligence and a penchant for winning recognition. If it is round, it is likely that its owner is prone to lying;
  • a long forehead on a narrow face with a small chin indicates cruelty, even tyranny;
  • a square hairline pattern speaks of honesty;
  • tall bald patches often give away travelers and people with strong motivation;
  • a narrow forehead indicates that its owner is easily angered;
  • low often betrays some limitations, gloominess and practicality.

2. Brows:

  • thin, arched eyebrows indicate arrogance and ambition;
  • fused eyebrows often reveal jealous, rude and even cruel people;
  • shaggy ones speak of simplicity but sincerity;
  • the drooping eyebrows belong to the realists;
  • very light ones often indicate that their owner is playful and flighty.

3. Eyes:

  • deep-set, small ones betray envy, greed and cunning;
  • large, wide-open ones speak of laziness, daydreaming and talkativeness;
  • small ones - curiosity and eloquence;
  • narrow, with a gaze - cruelty;
  • big, clear - the makings of a leader, intelligence.

4. Nose:

  • a sharp nose reveals the owner’s temper and severity;
  • wide and thick speaks of rudeness;
  • an upturned nose indicates frivolity, dreaminess and capriciousness;
  • a long nose with a hump indicates a strict, but not evil character.

5. Mouth: