State of energy fields and growth of the earth's energy potential. Kryon about the information field of the earth

There is an ancient mysterious sanctuary in the Teutoburg Forest in Germany, consisting of five huge columnar rocks that rise 30 meters or more above the ground. The origin factor of such an unusual and amazing landscape, as well as the true purpose of the ancient sanctuary of Externsteine, is still a mystery to scientists. And legends and traditions about this mysterious place have been passed down for many centuries from generation to generation - they say that the mysterious sanctuary is the creation of the Devil himself. The Lord of Hell erected this structure in one night. Ancient people built such structures where there were powerful places of the Earth’s power.

Any of the rocks included in this mysterious natural complex is dotted with man-made tunnels, galleries and caves, connected by steps and passages carved into the rocks. Only a part of them were used for their intended purpose, as places for religious ceremonies.

Other numerous elements of Externsteine, staircases that lead nowhere, round holes of small and large diameters cut into rocks at different levels, all kinds of niches, flat platforms, and tomb-like rooms that do not carry any obvious functions - the purpose of all of them remains for researchers a mystery.

It is also a mystery to scientists when the first people appeared in this mystical sanctuary. In this case, the opinions of scientists differ. There are three main versions; religious rituals began to be held here back in the Neolithic period. According to another version, Externsteine ​​was chosen by people as a temple in the 12th century, and still others believe that these mysterious rocks became a refuge for hermits in the late Middle Ages.

But the most recent studies of rocks in various parts of the sanctuary using the latest technology have shown that people inhabited Externsteine ​​as far back as the 12th century BC. e. In some places of the sanctuary, traces of human habitation were discovered dating back to the 5th millennium BC. era!

The ancient complex of Externsteine, some researchers compare with the English Stonehenge, they are even located at the same latitude, but this is not the only thing that unites them. Both Externsteine ​​and Stonehenge display a powerful energy field of the planet.

One version suggests that a tribe that professed the cult of the Sun lived in the ancient sanctuary, similar to the people who built Stonehenge. This is indirectly proven by the sacred place located on the second rock.

This is an altar that is illuminated by the sun's rays, which pass through a round hole during the solar solstice in summer. There is also a special window that pierces the wall right through and precisely points to the place where the northernmost point of the rising Moon is located.

Adherents of classical history do not want to acknowledge the fact that the people who built this and similar structures 5-6 thousand years ago had unique knowledge of astronomy and could make complex calculations.

Similar places exist on the first rock of the mysterious sanctuary; it is very reminiscent of the first place with a man-made hole, only the sun's rays pass through this hole during the winter solstice.

Researchers suspect that the ancient inhabitants of Externsteine ​​built their sanctuary here for a reason. The Externsteine ​​rocks stand at the intersection of the planet's energy flows and powerful underground water flows. This factor makes this place a powerful source of energy. A mysterious sanctuary was created where the Earth's energy field is clearly visible.

When measurements of energy flows were made, the results were stunning. At the solar altar, the strength of the emitted energy was 50,000 bovi, which is approximately 8 times greater than the strength of the energy flow emitted by a positively minded person. Thus, a person who has spent only a few minutes in a niche feels an unusual surge of strength and special euphoria, his body is filled with internal warmth and his breathing slows down.

The walls of the mysterious cult complex are decorated with unusual bas-reliefs, which also cause a lot of controversy among scientists. Also, Externsteine ​​researchers repeatedly tried to find Irminsul in the sanctuary - a sacred symbol, which is an image of the “tree of life” which was worshiped by pre-Celtic and pre-Germanic tribes. However, the absence of this symbol can be explained by the fact that the bas-relief was destroyed by the Franks, who conquered these places in the 8th century. n. era. Ancient people associated this symbol with the structural basis of the universe. Such images were often found where places of power are located on Earth.

In the side rock of Externsteine ​​there is a chapel carved into stone; its outer wall is decorated with a bas-relief “The Descent of Jesus from the Cross,” which was presumably made in the 8th-9th centuries. This bas-relief contains both symbols of the Christian faith and symbols of pagan beliefs - this is a cross and a curved tree of the world (irminsul) as proof of the triumph of the true faith over the pagan one.

At the bottom of this amazing bas-relief you can see the figures of a man and a woman, who are entwined with a snake. At first glance, one gets the impression that this is an image of the biblical ancestors of mankind, Eve and Adam, but this is only at first glance. The heads of the figures are crowned with headdresses, which is not natural for such images, and researchers have no plausible versions of who is depicted in the bas-relief.

On the walls of the mysterious complex there are often unusual outlines of a woman’s head and what it symbolizes is unknown. But other drawings are no less confusing, for example, the drawing of the “Heidrun goat.” Some scientists claim that this is a sacred goat, which is mentioned in the ancient Germanic epic. She feeds on the leaves of the tree of life and gives milk to the ancient Germanic gods. Others are of the opinion that this is an image of a female deer who was the spirit of the forest and at the same time one of the highest beings of shamanism. It is quite possible that the ancient shamans who performed cult rituals in ancient Externstein were able to use the energy field of the planet emerging here to the surface for magical purposes.

If you carefully examine the walls of one of the rocks, you can see a giant image of the “Hanged Man” 18 meters high. There is an image of rays above the figure’s head, and on the side of the “gallows” there is a gaping wound. Here again certain inconsistencies appear. In the early Middle Ages, the gallows and the cross on which Jesus was crucified (wounded in the side with a spear) had the same meaning and were called “Galgen” and the same name was given to the tree on which the supreme god of the ancient Germans, Odin, was hanged.

During the Nazi rule in Germany in the 40s, research work in the sacred Externstein complex was financed by them. The well-known secret scientific society of the Nazis, Ahnenerbe, was originally created precisely for this project. After all, everyone knows the enormous craving of the German Nazis for everything occult. For example, Adolf Hitler had a directly pathological interest in everything mystical; he simply longed to find Shambhala, the Land of Agarti, the Holy Grail and the mysterious “Book of Veles.” During the Nazi era, Externsteine ​​became the most revered mystical place in Germany; all SS officers were initiated within the walls of this sanctuary. It is quite possible that the SS men believed that the place of power where the sanctuary was located endowed them with a certain particle of mystical power.

German researcher Laurenta Dottai believes that scientists do not pay enough attention to the surrounding area of ​​Externsteine, studying mainly the sanctuary itself. She was the first to notice the surprisingly consistent arrangement of stones in the Teutoburg Forest. They are literally all lined up in one row according to some unknown principle. Also near Externsteine ​​there is another mysterious megalith with a hollowed out hole - Frauenloch. It is as tall as a man, as Lorenta Dottai claims; a very soft and calm feminine energy emanates from the megalith.

It is likely that the ancient people who inhabited these and similar places not only knew, but also knew how to use for their benefit the energy field of the Earth, which comes to the surface from the depths in places where power is concentrated. But modern people have lost this ability and it’s time for us to think about how to rediscover lost knowledge.

    The ancients had no doubt that the Earth was a living being; there is a lot of evidence for this fact, both in their doctrines and in the appeals of Indian leaders to the so-called enlighteners, in which they directly point to this. Later, all esoteric schools and teachings believed and still believe the same.

    Our planet as a living being is considered by Jose Arguelles in the book “The Mayan Factor”: “...Here we describe the structure of an intelligent planet, considered as a living organism. In doing so, we develop the "Gaia" hypothesis, the idea that the Earth is truly a conscious, evolving being."

    A group led by Russian geophysicist and geologist I.N. Yanitsky especially emphasize the relationship of social cataclysms with natural disasters and catastrophes on Earth. For example, the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which preceded a powerful destructive earthquake.

    Accidents and catastrophes are preceded by a powerful destructive process that covers the earth's crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere - in short, all environments and fields - gravitational, helium, etc. And most importantly, this process applies not only to natural systems, but also to everything created by technical means and people. And having accumulated this destructive energy spills out in the form of natural disasters and catastrophes. Just like a disease in the human body.

    And I immediately remember biblical stories about the Lord’s punishments for people’s actions, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, for example, and the like. And they don’t seem so supernatural and wonderful.

    Scientists tried to find the source where this destructive process begins. And it turned out that everything starts from the negative emotions of people, from which the destructive process begins to spread in waves to everything around. It turned out that the Earth sensitively reacts and interacts with the surrounding outer space and, in addition, with what is happening on the surface, in particular the behavior of people.

    What was surprising was that the planet’s response does not resemble a mechanical action based on the laws of physics, but resembles the action of an intelligent being. When analyzing disasters, researchers got the impression that the events preceding and following any of them were planned in advance by someone.

    The earth as a living being was considered by a number of outstanding scientists V. Vernadsky, F. Shipunov, A. Chizhevsky and others. In their opinion, the Earth is an evolving organism in an evolving other organism - the Solar System, and that in turn in our Milky Way galaxy, and so on. This organism is a complex self-regulating system. And all geological, geophysical, atmospheric and other processes are considered as aimed at the overall development of the planet - its evolutionary development. A. Chizhevsky especially emphasized: “... astronomers studying phenomena in the Solar system discover phenomena in it that are similar to the functions of a living organism.”

    "Breath" of the planet

    Indirect confirmation of the then crazy hypothesis in the scientific community that the planet is a living organism was obtained back in the 80s. Professor Viktor Makarov, born in 1953, studying photographs of physical fields in areas of faults in the earth's crust from space, discovered evidence of regular changes in the magnitude of the magnetic field that occur over certain periods of time.

    A little earlier, a group of scientists led by Russian geophysicist, geologist I.N. Yanitsky conducted field research and recorded the fact that the volume of deep gases located in the bowels of the Earth and emerging from cracks in the earth’s crust noticeably increases several times a day.

    The results of these studies are consistent with the discovery of English researchers who studied the bioenergetic interaction of people with the outside world, Hartman and Curry. Scientists have discovered zones on the planet with an area of ​​up to four thousand kilometers in which electromagnetic indicators change throughout the day, either “opening” or “closing” depending on the Moon and other planets, celestial bodies and cosmic factors. Subsequently, these zones were called the Hartmann and Curry grids in honor of the researchers.

    Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.N. Lugovenko offered his own explanation for these phenomena, believing that the “Hartmann and Curry grids” indicate the breathing of the planet, which, through cracks in faults, “pumps” cosmic energy through the deep layers. It follows from this that one must treat Mother Earth not as a dead cosmic body, but as a living organism with consciousness and will.

    Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Georgy Kuznetsov believes that the scientific community now uses an “anthropocentric view of things” to define an organism as living. This means that “living and intelligent” can only include those forms of organized matter whose properties correspond to the properties of animals and humans. And those forms that are strikingly different from those listed above in material composition, size, metabolic reactions, energy consumption, life span do not belong to intelligent matter, as is considered in orthodox science.

    Comets and asteroids

    Such egocentrism in understanding the surrounding world and nature will lead humanity to a dead end. After all, everyone already sees how humanity relates to the organs of the Earth, which are air, water, subsoil, plants, wildlife, people as well, and in general nature.

    So the Earth is a living and intelligent organism! Hence the question: how did it appear? Astronomers believe that the planets were formed from a huge cloud of gas and dust billions of years ago through the collision of numerous asteroids, meteors, comets and other celestial bodies, which, under the influence of centrifugal forces, formed piles. And thus, over millions of years, these clusters gradually grew in size and finally became what we see them now. It follows from this that the Earth is a huge accumulation of small celestial bodies, mainly comets and asteroids.

    Recently, comets have been of particular interest to astronomers. Their behavior reveals many incomprehensible things, namely, some comets have two tails, which completely contradicts the laws of celestial mechanics. Comet Arenda-Roland, discovered in 1956, has a second, anomalous tail that can suddenly disappear and then reappear, which astronomers cannot explain at the moment. Some comets independently and arbitrarily change their trajectories. And the incomprehensible radio emission emanating from these celestial bodies has given rise to some researchers to attribute them to reconnaissance probes of aliens. However, there is another version: to classify comets and asteroids as living beings of organosilicon nature.

    These celestial objects are known to contain water in the form of ice and vapor. Brought to the planets, as well as to Earth, water undoubtedly plays an important role in the functioning of the organism of celestial bodies. The amazing properties of water are beginning to increasingly attract the attention of scientists.

    Mind of the Earth

    According to the results of recent research, we can confidently say that water is the lifeblood of the planets, without which their normal life activity is impossible. Moreover, the presence of water indicates not only blood circulation, but also intelligence. From this it can be argued that the Moon is also alive, in the region of the poles of which entire oceans have been found under a thin crust. And on Earth, water is present not only on the visible surface, but also in the form of vapor in deep layers, as well as in underground lakes and rivers.

    Hence it turns out that the Earth is a union of celestial bodies, which are thinking beings that gave the planet not only a physical body, but also a mind. Colliding with each other and combining into a pile in a gas and dust cloud, the comets did not die, but merged into a huge living and intelligent organism, which later became our Earth.

    According to Professor Sydney Jackson from Great Britain, not only any living organism, but also any object, be it a stone, a table or any other object around us, has an energy-information field in the world around us. Only the energy-information field of a living being is very different from the fields of inanimate objects. And the human field is different from the animal field. However, in the world around us, only dolphins and the Earth itself have a field similar to the human one! Our planet consists not only of organic substances and minerals, but is an intelligent thinking being, part of the universal community.

    In the light of these facts, it ceases to be a mystery for what reasons peculiar information radiations are periodically sent from the depths of the Earth at a subtle energy level into space.

    The purpose of the planets and the role of humanity

    Naturally, the Earth knows about our existence, moreover, it knows about the existence of every creature living on it, be it a person or an animal. All supernatural and unusual phenomena - levitation, dowsing, leaving the body, telepathy, poltergeist - occur as a result of the interaction of the biofield of the planet and man.

    However, one should not think that the Earth is too loyal and friendly towards humanity. She treats us pragmatically, which means that when humanity behaves carefully towards the Earth as a whole and its resources, then the Earth will react accordingly, and if on the contrary, then the reaction will not take long to arrive, a cataclysm will immediately occur or a disease, war, etc. .P. There are a great many examples of this.

    “When the human population increases beyond permissible norms, when entire regions of the planet, its atmosphere, vegetation and water resources are poisoned by waste products of people, it begins to get rid of, “cleanse itself” from creatures dangerous to it,” says Professor G. Kuznetsov. - She usually does this through natural disasters. Not so long ago, in its arsenal there was such a means as introducing into the subconscious of people an order for self-destruction, which led to wars. Now that a number of countries have acquired nuclear weapons, the use of which could lead to catastrophic consequences not only for the human community, but also, apparently, for the Earth itself, it has chosen a different tactic. She gets rid of overly prolific people with the help of deadly viruses...”

    However, without the focused efforts of the planet, it would hardly have been possible for life to arise on it. The emergence of people, as well as all processes occurring in nature, have their own global common cosmic purpose. Development of the universal bioenergy system.

    So, the purpose of the planets, also the Earth, is to create, maintain and saturate global bioenergy with astral beings (or bioenergetic substances), which only a rational being can provide. Such creatures can be people, dolphins, comets and, ultimately, the Earth itself.

    Our planet is our mother’s womb, the cradle of childhood, from where, after parting with our mortal physical shell, after death, we enter into “adult”, cosmic life.

    I am El Morya.

    I welcome you and in today’s conversation I want to highlight the issues of energy state, to show from the outside, from our side and from yours - how the space of events is seen, how the space of energies is seen, and how you can interact with these spaces, because the essence of these spaces is different. They are similar in structure, but still the coefficients inherent in manifestation for you are different, and, moreover, different for each of you.

    But, before starting the conversation, I want to go back, cast my glance and yours too at that time, which was linear in its full extent of manifestation here on Earth, the feeling of those energies and what happened then to you, to your body, to your events , with your worldview in the part that we have outlined today. We will not touch on those fillings of events that are called “emotions”, and we will not even touch on most of the analytics that appear while you are tracking the state of energy fields, the state of emotional fields and the state of event fields.

    So what came before? If you look at the energy pattern of the fields of the Earth and people, the manifested spaces that you call 3D call this space differently, but the essence of this space is the same: it is a certain assembled program, a matrix, or you can also call it “Era”, in which the coefficients embedded in the course of events, they structured the energy in such a way that, if you look at it from above, it looked like a bar code. But such a small bar code that when viewed from above, the energies of multi-colors, and we will talk about colors a little later, manifested themselves as a general merging in the field and looked uniform.

    Often, the color, as seen by your vision, was grayish. There were, of course, flashes of a certain color - this is when events taking place in a particular territory affected an equally large number of people, and then wide bands of energy appeared, allowing us to supply this area, in tune with the splash, a surge of your energy - to supply our energy . This, in part, will explain to you how the cleansing of territories occurs through events that you perceive as catastrophic or that in an absolutely incomprehensible way affect a large number of people, aligning them in a single movement.

    This was done and created by you through interaction with your Higher Selves, through the collective tasks of those egregors to which you belonged and still belong. No matter how much you talk and no matter how much they tell you that disconnection from egregors is possible, disconnection for various reasons is slow. And this accession, accession on the other hand, allows us to correct you, through your Higher Selves, to request broader spectral tasks for you, as a manifested community of one direction or another, people living here on Earth.

    So, returning to the energetic state of humanity, we talked about the fact that until recently - we call the last time last December - the energy field of humanity looked like a barcode. And only now, the energy field began to manifest itself in the way it was originally intended - as a transition period. This field is conceived and is being presented now, and it can already be viewed by those who have an energy vision - like energy pieces, quite large in size, this is very similar to folk art, which you call “patchwork”: this is a patchwork quilt of different pieces of energies, different in color and luminosity. "What's the difference?" - you ask.

    And what happened, my dears, was a kind of re-sorting of you and the unification of your close energies into such spatial energy pieces that allow you to quickly submit a program to you, without going through egregors, without going through the situations that are developing around you. Those. energy is supplied more efficiently and more specifically to a large group of people at once. You may be in your physical incarnation in different places on the Earth, but you are united in one energy field and are visible on the general bioscreen of the Earth - as a single, manifested, energetic piece of space.

    And you already understand that thanks to the common energy and unification, the events taking place around you are related to all participants in this energy field - to all participants who are scattered throughout the globe, but, nevertheless, undergo similar energy events through the physical feeling, vision, presentation of Lessons and passing the same Lessons.

    This allows us to more widely use the capabilities of energy potentials and build certain event spaces and sequences of events. Spaces that carry symbolic meanings for a certain group of people so that this group, receiving the same eventfulness, develops the coefficients of its understanding of these events, its view of these events and receives a certain experience. I repeat that we are not dealing with that section of your experience that is called “emotional”, we are considering only the essence of events.

    This is why a different group of people pays attention to some information messages that are the same all over the world, while another group of people nearby, in the so-called physical space, may simply not pay attention to this event, because it does not carry those information or energy codes of the energy space to which the person living with you in the same environment belongs.

    You ask and say that it is quite difficult. This is difficult from the point of view of a 3D view when you see linear manifestation, but when you see that you are a quantum essence and an energetic one, then it is not as difficult as it might seem. Such a shuffling of people became possible after the matrix of the Earth, passing through its energy fields, became more fluid than it was before. That is, it became possible to change the parameters of influence through the influence of Gaia itself, through changing the parameters of the passage of the matrix space, as well as the possibilities that were designed by the Higher Forces to supply more purified, I would say, specially synthesized energy for each of the unifying energy fields. This is a fundamental difference, and it provides opportunities for fairly rapid growth.

    What happens when development in one or another energy association occurs unevenly and there is a maximum and minimum of conjugation with this space? Naturally, there are energy points beyond which people, Souls, taking in a particular space, can go, due to the fact that the programs, however, participating in this energy space are different and they can develop faster or slower, in depending on the experience of the soul, depending on the experience of awareness and depending on the egoistic desires of the individual.

    At this moment, either developments fade and the person, the Soul, is pushed into the field associated with this, but has a completely different energy component and is already working at this level, or it rises up and another connection to another field occurs (the concept of “top”, “ “bottom” - I said this conditionally so that you can imagine it more colorfully, in pictures, even of linear time) and then, this person’s ceiling of his capabilities changes, tasks change and the possibilities for the manifestation of these tasks change, the passage of these tasks through more deep interaction with all elements of space.

    The higher (I repeat once again that “higher” is a conditional concept) you rise, the more you are given, the more elements of creativity, the creation of what is called “space”, as well as the “space of events”, you can manifest yourself more individually and more personally. And personality is not only the totality of the Ego and the totality of the Soul, personality is a special style of interaction between the Mind and your Soul, it is a special energy potential that is inherent only to you, in combination with your so-called past and future experience.

    But when you begin to reach that level where personality is “the essence of the manifestation of your energetic essence here and now,” you feel that forward and backward movement, the so-called past and future, does not exist. And at this moment you begin to feel space and yourself - like a clot of energy around which the fields of the past and the fields of the future move. And at some point, you understand that you can flow into space in any direction and interact with those fields that you call “temporal” or emotional fields, and this will also be achieved by you, but re-weaving it all at once is absolutely not possible distinguishing without making distinctions along the linear time scale of past and future.

    As for the eventfulness that is currently happening, then, as you understand, the eventfulness for a certain piece of the energy field is given one way, the eventfulness for another piece of the energy field is given another. And, in what eventfulness you are, this eventfulness is built and attracted by you, in connection with your personal tasks and the set of tasks of the group to which you belong - in order to obtain the highest possible coefficient of reaching a higher level, a broader perception , to a broader interaction between your experience of the past (again, conditionally) and your experience of the future - in order to expand the coefficients of your cognition, both in the past and in the future, to expand the coefficients of your eventfulness.

    Therefore, we also bring you to the understanding that when a lot of events happen at the same time, this indicates that your coefficient is quite high and the space is training you in the ability to trace possible results. Your interactions with events, occurring at lightning speed, train your System for attention, for the Intelligence coefficient so that it has time to cover not only the visible part, but also the part that is not visible, to make a decision with lightning speed about its energy potential - how to participate in this or that In another event - make a decision, monitor the result. That is, the more events happen around you, the sooner you pass the Learning Point.

    The constant supply of a large number of events in any of the energy fields is not provided. There are moments when you have no eventfulness and in fact it turns out that experiencing these moments is quite difficult, but at this moment the experience that was in the lightning-fast change of kaledoiscopic events is consolidated, and at this moment you, assessing and not scrolling, but Simply by assessing, including your analytical apparatus, you have the opportunity to prepare for the next step and go through this eventfulness at a more different level, having developed coefficients of analytics and attunement with your internal energy potentials.

    The higher your energy potential, the greater opportunities you have and the higher you can raise yourself and your energy field in vibration, in Light, in visibility from afar. (Smiles) “From afar,” as you understand, this is also a linear expression, we are all nearby, we all see each other as close as we can afford it, to imagine, without disturbing the field, the energy of another being.

    Regarding events, I can also say that such a look at what is happening around you allows you to once again reconsider what is happening and attract to yourself in your future step those events that should teach you. But you, attracting these events, already understand that you are the orderer of these events and therefore, the only correct (although there are no wrong steps) for you is to go through these events without affecting the emotional component of your body, without leaving behind this event a feeling of being unfinished or a feeling of some kind of energy hole that draws your attention and draws off your energy.

    That is why it will be explainable to you why the events taking place in the country (seemingly, in a united egregor of a fairly large number) concern only a small group of people, and the rest, it seems, living in this space do not know, do not hear, and somehow then they are fenced off from this event.

    Why is there such a kaleidoscope on the planet, such a change of various events and some you look through, and they concern you, while others absolutely pass in the background? This is done because you still now and you in the future will also not be separated from the total number of events that will occur in the single energy information field of the Earth, but for you these events will take place like a film that is shown on another channel, and you are watching completely different. You saw it on the program, but you don't even want to switch your TV to watch this event.

    You just instantly, by looking at the name, know the essence of this event and what is happening and why it was done. But it most often refers to the fact that you are looking from a higher energy level at events that belong to a lower energy level. If you are led to events that have their essence in a higher vibrational field, then this means that your coefficients are almost ready for the transition to this level and you are being prepared for the fact that your energy system, your thinking apparatus, your chakras, which perceive energy fields, were prepared for the transition to this level. And these events are of interest to you, but you view these events and, as it were, put them off for later, anticipating this event, but do not participate in it.

    These are the energy potentials at work now. And I’m ready to answer your questions, if you have any, after a short break. And at the moment, the general part, I think, is completed.

    I am El Morya.

    After the break.


    First question: Intensity of events in the field of eventfulness: it was said that the more there are, the greater the experience of their passage. Isn't the point in the quantity of events, and not in their quality?

    El Morya:

    I greet you once again and ask you to draw your attention to the fact that this is not how the question was posed and this is not what the emphasis was on. We talked about how a fast kaleidoscope of events develops that part of you called the analytical mind or Reason - at a higher level of this concept. Those. a quick change of events, the ability to jump from one energy space to another, because events are still the essence of a small energy space collected so that you go through this or that experience.

    This does not apply to emotional experience, or qualitative experience, which is gained through the passage of a long, linear time. You can sit in some place for a very long time and have a high-quality experience of being in this place, and you get completely different parameters. Quality is the deepening of one or two parameters. Now, in front of you, a quick kaleidoscope is often unfolded so that you can hone as many of your capabilities as possible at once in a short time.

    That is why, based on the same premises, the life expectancy at one time in 3D space was shortened so that the experience gained was more diverse in quality than a long stay in one incarnation. But I still emphasize that now a lot of events are aimed at developing your apparatus of rationality. The ability to grasp a large number of random manifestations of society, or the space around you, I repeat once again, this does not apply to sensory experience, which, by the way, can also be passed through very quickly through a large kaleidoscope of changing events.

    If earlier in 3D space, in order for you to fully feel yourself in this event, you needed a long passage, I again return you to understanding the narrow barcode of energies, but now, being in the energy field, you can, even in time, according to your linear time, you are in this event for a short time, but qualitatively get yourself the necessary parameters for passing this event, educating you, raising you to a new level.

    Please look at this from a different point of view, and not from the point of view of old experiences that actually no longer serve you. Quantum consciousness implies sharpness and depth, as well as breadth of perception, regardless of the linear flow of time. (Smiles)


    Yes thank you. Then I have an additional question about events. Is eventfulness attracted by the personality or is eventfulness created for egregors in which the personality participates?

    El Morya:

    This very much depends on what level of energy potential the person is at. We have some differences regarding the definition of “personality,” but I will take what you said as the essence.

    The personality attracts, of course, events, but they have the general character of egregoriality. But, I want to tell you that when you are at a certain level of your consciousness, you have an indirect attraction to the egregor to which you consider yourself attracted. Relatively speaking: being on the territory of a particular country, you, of course, belong to this egregor, you wear the symbolic distinctions of this egregor in the form of a passport or record, papers that are stored with the name of this egregor, which catch your eye, your leader too is an egregorial carrier and when you see this leader or banknotes, you connect to this egregor.

    But for you this has an indirect meaning when your vibration level is higher than the vibration level of the main members of this egregor. Therefore, the events that will develop in this egregor, if you are higher in your condition, will have background significance for you. You are the customer of the events that are happening around you and the people united with you will receive approximately the same events in a single energy field, or they will be shown approximately the same events with informational and energetic significance - in order to bring one group to a common understanding development of coefficients.

    Plus, at the same time, there is also such interaction as “interfield exchange of understanding coefficients,” that is, there is also a horizontal exchange of information, as well as methods of perception and influence on a particular event. That is, if you hear from an equal person, a personality, as you say, the perception of the same event that you saw, but with slightly different views, you immediately within yourself accept the breadth of view of this person and accept his experience by almost 80% as your personal experience. This is the value of such common field structures. I answered.


    Thank you. Then another addition. Is the orderer of eventfulness still a person, a person in incarnation or a higher self? Is there any correlation in making decisions about ordering eventfulness?

    El Morya:

    The Higher Self is the customer, because the Higher Self has great keys to events and a great vision of that Path, the general field of interaction. And the task of the Higher Self is to bring its ward to a higher level. A person, often, if you ask him “Does he want to go through some elements of eventfulness?”, due to his view and due to the fact that he does not know why this eventfulness is going, being at a certain level, he can refuse carrying out these events, and the Higher Self always sees that Path: why it was built and what it leads to. Often, the path along the path leads to a wider road than the sidewalk, which ends in a dead end.


    “Do those groups of Souls that are united in a single matrix block and undergo a single scenario of lessons to develop certain coefficients have interaction in manifested space?”

    El Morya:

    Now - practically none. Because there is also... you mean manifestation in the physical world? Yes, they overlap, but not as much as we would like or as predicted by experience on other planets. This is exactly how the 4th level spaces were designed for slow ascension and for slow ascension, not like what you are experiencing.

    Here we allow about 10-15% of intersection with such people, but most often this happens at the energy level - small meetings, or intersections in virtual space, or you read books, or hear statements, or read comments of this person and this is enough for so that your energy fields are aligned and receive the coefficients you need. But so far such a unification in reality is not possible, because there is a common energy space of the Earth that supports this patchwork blanket of energies. In order for everything to be completely mixed and aligned, events must occur that change the energy potentials of the Earth, change the magnetic sphere and change a certain type of energy, flowing according to laws other than those laws that are needed for such interaction.


    Thank you. The next three questions are about egregors.

    “Greetings, El Morya. At the beginning of the conversation, you said that disconnection from egregors is slow. For what reason does this happen and what influences this process?

    El Morya:

    Egregors have not only negative effects. For some reason, you all think that this is purely negative and your egregorial connections correlate only with egregors that are only negative, or of a nature that has an impact on your energy fields, which you perceive as negative impacts). But there are egregors that are quite good, in our opinion and in yours, but this is also an egregor. For example, an egregor, which unites people in a choir and they sing with pleasure or run in the park, while having fun, but they like it more when a group of people runs or theatrical egregors, when people come to the theater with pleasure, or an amateur theater.

    Egregor, let’s say, schools cannot be turned off, because as such the structure, manifested in the form of the physical presence of people in a certain structure, exists. The egregor of your work, if your work involves more than 3 people, also exists. Now imagine that we turn off the entire egregor system, then what will happen to your work, your school and your choir, as well as your gym? (Smiles)


    Thank you. Next question:

    “Dear El Morya, will egregors develop in the future or is this a structure related to 3D, how does inclusion in rigidly organized egregors affect the entire group of people?”

    El Morya:

    We still intend to consider egregorial formations as an experience that was necessary to pass. People who have gone through this experience and received enormous potential will then be embodied in energy civilizations, or they came from energy civilizations. And such formations are often not considered and developed in the organization of civilizations at a higher level. This was a passing experience that gives them the opportunity to construct certain energy spaces with lower elements and development coefficients.

    Hard egregors are energy formations characteristic of the level of “one” or “two” in development in relation to you, and therefore it is quite difficult to feel yourself in this limited space.

    What happens to people connected to this egregor? The fact is that certain qualities of limitation are developed and people often have karmic tasks that need to be completed while in this egregor in order to correct some energetic (let's say) liberties they took in a past or future life. They go through this experience in order to be able to and know the ways of limiting energy capabilities, the ways of influence of these rigid frameworks.

    It's like - if you were in some kind of closed space, and then when you leave this closed space, you feel the movement of air and you clearly know what lies in the coefficients, and how they differ between the coefficient of being inside the closed space and the freedom coefficient . If you are always in a free room, you can only know this difference virtually. That is why such egregors were created and they, of course, carried duality and other tasks.

    Everything that happened and everything that was created - everything had two, or even four sides of interaction with this or that world and with this or that system. This must always be remembered. You take into account black and white, but you very rarely feel the urge to find out: what happened from an energetic point of view? And I believe that more and more questions are being asked in this direction, because in the essence of energy there is no negative or positive, there are only properties expressed in one way or another, allowing other energy located in the field of primary energy to manifest itself in one way or another .


    Thank you. Next question:

    “When there is a feeling that the space of a certain egregor survives, pushes out and, as it were, forces you to make some kind of decision. What is this? Is this a manifestation of personality and ego or are our Teachers giving hints from above to take appropriate decisions and actions?”

    El Morya:

    Once again I make a reservation that it happens individually for everyone. There are rare cases when the so-called energy rebels are brought into a certain egregor, with the aim of destroying this egregor. But this is quite rare and these people, these individuals, as you say, they know their tasks at the Soul level. When the egregor pushes you out, then, most likely, your vibration is alien to it. Egregor has a level, even if it is low, but it has a degree of self-preservation and it maintains its energy space intact. You don’t vibrate with this egregor, you’d better leave. The more you resist, the more energy will be taken from you during the resistance. Most often, this is, of course, the interaction of your higher aspects and your Higher Self - this is unambiguous.


    Thank you. Next question:

    “What programs that were previously served through egregors are now more effectively brought directly into the united structure of Souls?”

    El Morya:

    This is a healthy lifestyle - it is most effective through the structure to bring. This is a craving for learning, this is a craving for changing your view of the world. I said it difficult, but this, how can I explain it to you, is a more freely maneuverable point of the Mind, i.e. when it becomes, not so much fashionable, but becomes necessary for every community to have an unattached point of view related to that community, you said so and it is so. And a more movable point, when you can, being in the same community, this point moves, and you look at the problem or event from different angles of perception. This opportunity is given, of course, through direct influence on a group of people.

    This is a look and interaction between each other, this is also a new level of business processes, a new level of communication between people - all this is not given through an egregorial connection, but is given through energy layers and a new information level of learning will be given, also through such energy layers, rather than egregorial.

    But, although, at some point, we already see that if the magnetic structure of the Earth does not change, then such associations will still form an energy-informational involvement, and therefore an egregor will be formed, but it will have different properties and different controllability - when there will be no top of the egregor, and there has always been a top, the so-called ruler of the egregor, but there will be an equivalent complicity of the members of the egregor so that entering and leaving this egregor is energetically calm, that is, without the costs of entering and the costs of exiting the egregor. Currently, from the old egregors, both the entrance to the egregor and the exit from the egregor are, after all, energy-consuming. This is the main difference between the created associations and the old format associations.


    Thank you. Additional question on human structures.

    “The energy structure of people united in groups also resembles a patchwork quilt? Or is the structure similar in some coefficients and has some other form? That is, the energy field of people united in groups, what does it look like?”

    El Morya:

    You know, it depends on the group we are talking about, because different structures, different groups. We try, of course, so that the difference between your energy fields, we will say, is no longer like pieces of a blanket, but still energy fields, the difference between your energy fields is not too different if the Teachers brought you into one group.

    Because the seams, so-called, or exchange fields, which are exposed by the system of the Higher Selves and which are exposed by the corresponding technical systems that ensure interactions - this is the essence of the pull of energy, in any case, from you, from each other. And, therefore, differences too much in color or too much in luminosity in groups, if this means esoteric groups, are still not provided for and they are aligned by luminescence.

    Of course, you have different levels of Light and manifestation in the group, but still it is not with such greater potential than in the physical world. We gave an example of the same family, when there is a completely different range in luminosity and the difference is enormous. If we take groups of a non-esoteric plan, there - yes, even now there are groups that are united like a barcode, but, nevertheless, this is a temporary association and we are trying to bring these people out of temporary associations into more permanent ones in order to give more high development rates.


    Thank you. Then the final question in today's conversation.

    “What ideally achievable state of the Earth’s energy fields can there be? If there was a barcode, now it’s like a patchwork quilt, but in the future, what should the achievable state of the Earth’s energy fields ideally look like?”

    El Morya:

    (Smiles) A ​​single field of golden glow with different shades, if we talk about ideal. Like a sun.


    One more additional question:

    “The egregor of the Christian church, how does it influence a person now? Rituals performed in the church, for example, addressing the Saints through icons, candles, Holy Water - all this is relevant and effective for working out in the New Age?

    El Morya:

    The fact is that the egregors of churches were built, in general, religion was built with certain tasks and some of these tasks remained relevant. The basis of almost all religious egregors is not enlightenment, not even the introduction of the word of God, as they say, but healing. Healing is through turning to God, through a place where people can do this, and this task remains relevant and has not been canceled.

    Plus, what is happening and what has piled up around this task during the work of this egregor, you have seen for yourself and does not need our comments. Almost all egregors will be transformed and purified of this kind, of this kind, in connection with the internal cleansing of the carriers of these egregors, as well as a return to the Source, to what this or that egregor was created for - for spiritual upliftment, for the revelation of the Soul, for interaction .

    Of course, you can interact with your religious movements, manifested in your area, or related to your egregor of the people, but at the same time understand the essence of your interaction, turn on rationality and monitor the state of your Soul.

    If we take the carriers - these are icons and buildings in the form of churches, often, you understand that they were not placed in simple places, but for the passage of this energy, for the conduction of a certain energy supplied from the worlds of the Holy Spirit, anchors of this energy were necessary. These anchorings took place at special places in the energy matrix of the Earth and they passed through the physical embodiment of those people who were carriers of this anchor. It was simply not possible any other way.

    If during the period of Golden Atlantis it was enough to build a portal and there was no need to anchor the energy, because the matrix of Golden Atlantis was fluid and it was enough to supply it through certain points and the energy would spread throughout the entire Earth, then here it is a different system. This is a pipe system. If there it is a system of a huge, single vessel called “Earth”, then here it is a “system of pipes” through which energy is supplied, but it was impossible to get into it otherwise, due to the structures that were built and due to the energy pollution. And, plus, don’t forget, the Earth was for a long time in the so-called “energy blockade”, “energy cocoon” so that the processes occurring on the Earth did not flow beyond the solar system.

    That is, it was a process when it was possible to supply spiritual energy, but it could only be supplied through certain channels, through the birth of certain people, the so-called “people-portals” and through the interaction of these people with the world of information - these are the Roerichs, these are the paintings they painted (as an example), this is Blavatsky. You can name a lot of people and names, but you already understood what kind of people we are talking about, but their number was small enough that you could bring, in addition to information, also large flows of energy. And it was precisely such flows of energy that were conducted through the so-called Holy places, through those portals that were built long before the advent of religion as such.

    And, therefore, when interacting with this egregor or another egregor of religion, you must look deeply into what is happening and feel and ask the question - “Why am I here, why am I here?”, and respect those people who keep it pure this portal and, of course, remove the condemnation of those people who pollute this portal in one way or another, because everything that is manifested must be manifested.


    Thank you for your answers. This concludes the questions from our channeling participants.

    El Morya:

    I am El Morya. Thank you. And I saw your energy fields, I saw how carefully you listened and this is quite, perhaps not new information for you, but it allows you to look at what is happening around you or what will happen from a different angle. And the inclusion of this perspective, the inclusion of your personal coefficients of understanding will give you the level to which you strive to reach. And I am glad that I was able to convey these meanings to you, I was able to convey information, I was able to convey an energetic understanding of the processes occurring on Earth. I am El Morya.

    Contact: MoreYa

    Presenter: OLEG

    Transcript: Anastasia

    1950s Doctor of MedicineManfred Curry(Kurri), who headed the medical-biological institute in Bavaria, also came to the conclusion thatthe important role of geopathogenic zones in the occurrence of cancer in humans. In his opinion, the factor that provokes cancer is “telluric radiation”, associated not only with groundwater, but with a special earthly energy grid, which was later called the “Diagonal Kurri Grid”. Manfred Curry, MD, wrote in an article that after surgery, cancer patients should sleep in a place free from harmful radiation.

    1960s Doctor Dieter Aschoff systematically warned his patients so that, with the help of dowsing specialists, they check the places where they spend the most time for the presence of the negative influence of the earth. Dieter Aschoff wrote in an article entitled “What questions exist regarding cancer and unfavorable zones?”, in which he reports: “ Despite many years of research by scientists, science still cannot determine the cause of cancer, with the exception of cancer caused by ionizing radiation such as X-rays, radium radiation, or other types of cancer caused by rays. However, the number of cancer cases to which the above causes can be attributed is actually relatively small, and scientists are still arguing about the causes of cancer. But terrestrial rays are also ionizing rays, and scientists must consider them as causes of cancer formation».

    At a lecture in Dortmund on May 15, 1976, Dr. Aschoff reported that he had measured the sleeping areas of 30 patients using an ultrashort wave device and had not noted a single case where measurable areas were not involved. He further said: " In 1934, Dr. Rambo, president of the Medical Society in Marburg, published the results of measurements he made using instruments and concluded that All the cancer patients he examined slept above measured unfavorable zones. In those houses where no such radiation was found, people did not complain about their health ».

    1984 Bahler Kathe,(Bachler Kaethe) Austrian researcher, Institute for Geopathology, a famous scientist in the field of bioenergy, over more than 20 years of intensive work, she traveled to 14 countries in which she studied the influence of geopathogenic zones on humans. One of the most popular books on the problem of geopathogenic zones was her monograph “The Experience of a Dowser,” which was published in Austria in 1984 in its ninth edition. The book presents the results of surveys of 11 thousand people (more than 3 thousand residential places) located in geopathogenic zones. Among the people examined there were 6.5 thousand adults, 3 thousand adolescents and 1.5 thousand infants and toddlers. According to her, only 5% of those examined who were in geopathogenic zones were not susceptible to diseases. Pathology in people living for a long time in geopathogenic zones is very diverse: from mild mental disorders to cancer, heart attacks, strokes, multiple sclerosis, etc.. Based on many years of work, it was shown that cancer, mental and various chronic diseases in children and adults are due to the fact that people’s sleeping places were in a geopathogenic zone, which weakened the body’s defenses. Recently, K. Bachler's book was published in English in Manchester, which is an undoubted recognition of K. Bachler's merits in studying this complex problem and saving thousands of people from death. She leads a number of signs that a person’s bed is in a geopathogenic zone: “antipathy to one’s sleeping place, a long period of falling asleep (for hours), poor sleep, anxiety, tiredness and tiredness in the morning after waking up, gloominess, nervousness and depression, rapid heartbeat and convulsions in legs. In children, this is also accompanied by a feeling of fear, screams, grinding of teeth, chilliness in bed, a desire to leave bed, loss of appetite.”

    She found that the intersection of lines, stripes, zones according to the degree of their pathogenicity are distributed as follows: 1. K x K x B (69), 2. B x K (39), 3. K x K (13), 4. B (0), 5. K (0), 6. B x B (12), 7. B x B x K (10), 8. B x B x K x K (7) Designations: K-line of the Kurri grid , B-water vein, K x K-intersection of Kurri grid lines, B x B-intersection of water veins. The numbers in brackets show the number of cases of cancer identified in the work of K. Bachler. From the data presented it is clear that the intersections formed by the lines of the Kurri grid and underground water flows (water veins) are the most dangerous to human health.

    Materials on these issues and a detailed description of the results are available in the e-book 6, part 8-5 Geopathogenic zones. The book is on the website at

    Chapter " Energy zones and fields of the Earth"

    © N.A. Koltova, 2017 [email protected]

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