The Sun is in opposition to Pluto for a man. Francis Sakoyan

You know, they say that the easiest way is to write about your own natal positions. Apparently, I am cut from a different cloth, because articles about my aspects take a very long time to be written. Maybe this happens because of the fear of seeming subjective :) In my natal chart the Sun is conjunct Pluto, like many Scorpios. The fact is that Pluto moved from Libra to Scorpio back in the 80s. Since then, people with planets in Scorpio have often been lucky to have a conjunction aspect with this dwarf planet.

In general, the square Sun-Pluto opposition often indicates that the person will have many challenges in life. Therefore, it is important for such people to control the aspect from Pluto. Try in every possible way to reveal it, so that Pluto does not begin to reveal itself through negative events.


During my research in medical astrology, I came to the conclusion that the Sun is the most important component in terms of health. Not taking it into account is the same as not looking at the 6th house. And in people who had quite severe illnesses, such as epilepsy, heart disease, etc. There is often a weak Sun. Often the aspect of the Sun and the planet of extremes does not reflect in the most positive way on a person. In my statistics, the worst was the burning of Pluto. It can cause disability, an illness that requires the care of other people. But this is only one of the indicators.


A person’s self-esteem can range from “I hate myself” to “I am God.” Most often, it is the square that has this effect. The connection is still softer. Yesterday I talked with a girl whose Sun is square Pluto. I have known her for a long time and in childhood she was a typical gray mouse. But now! She needs to be seen. Such proud and confident! However, communication with her now cannot be called pleasant, because you feel like a gray mouse next to her.

Men often have something that attracts them. And it's not even about appearance. They have some kind of power that hides inside. In my opinion, she hides in her eyes. When you look at them, you get the feeling that you have fallen into their trap.

Many owners of aspects of these two planets told me that they are afraid of public speaking. Even if they have been preparing for a long time and are self-confident. Moreover, this only applies to performances in real time. However, it is not a sin to analyze the Sun here. After all, with a strong Sun, there is a resource to overcome fear :)


Men often have interests related to something else: from money to children. They are attracted by dangerous situations, risk, and the opportunity to be influential. Because people with this aspect really want to be an influential person.

Women have similar interests, but I did not observe an emphasis on dangerous situations. Except in films and TV shows :) Although this does not always happen. For example, I now have before my eyes the natal chart of a woman who works as an investigator. However, in her case, one Sun-Pluto aspect would not solve anything. But the Tau square, which also affects the Moon, is already a powerful indication of such a profession.

I think it's time for me to stop. I’ve been writing for too long :)

You can find out the intricacies of your natal chart at.

Such a child may be attracted to a superhero - an ordinary person who turns into a powerful being. He will strive to be like such a person, showing impudence and self-confidence. The child must understand that there are right and wrong ways to use personal power. Otherwise, he may display the use of his power in fights and quarrels.
Family problems, such as separation from or loss of a parent, can increase the feeling of being robbed of one's strength and will. Parents and teachers should allow such children to recognize their own worth, but not allow anything unceremonious or cruel towards themselves or others.
A child may consider his father omniscient and omnipotent, or, conversely, unceremonious and ruthless (these qualities arise in the child’s imagination through observations of life situations).

Connection: an aspect of secret and deliberately hidden power, which provides great opportunities for deft manipulation of others, like the “Deus ex machina” in the ancient theater. Strong will, tendency to assert oneself, not to be anyone's debtor, to live by one's own wits. The ability to change everything, to question everything. Psychologically, the importance of the father's model is great, but this model is unsuccessfully implemented or becomes unacceptable.
K. Obier

Their power potential is manifested by the ability to revive and transform themselves and their environment. They have incredibly high energy and know how to get to the heart of things. Pluto is the master of the ability to penetrate dimensions and discover sources of fundamental energy. This primordial energy manifests as sexual potency, which can manifest itself in spiritual or physical form. Access to higher areas of consciousness is possible; these people can become an instrument of the divine will. If they fail to combine their own and divine will, they risk becoming dictators due to their power complex, which leads to their destruction. They need to learn tolerance.
F. Sakoyan

Opposition Sun - Pluto

K. Obier

The danger of overflowing will. The tendency to forcefully cause circumstances, to force others, prescribing standards of behavior for them. They are very impulsive when they want to reason with the world. They enter into a heated argument with those who disagree. The need for self-renewal for the sake of success. Directness and forcefulness of self-expression is intimidating or annoying, and people become uncooperative and unsupportive of it. Too aggressive in love. They cannot participate in wars, political and social revolutions, this is dangerous for them.
F. Sakoyan

The good side is that the struggle for popularity can be an incentive for self-improvement; these aspects can give the ability to achieve goals, the ability to win.
S.V. Shestopalov

Square Sun – Pluto

Opposition, square: anxiety, self-destruction, guilt complex, often associated with abandoning the paternal model. In reality, this manifests itself either in the form of external friendliness, designed to mislead others, to hide the wolf under sheep's clothing, or in the form of a tendency to overthrow other people's systems. As always with Pluto aspects, all this can be largely repressed into the unconscious.
K. Obier

The desire for power, imposing one's will on others. They are powerful, commanding, frantic, they usually show people their good attitude towards them, but it would be better if they did not do this. It seems to them that the strong are always right, which causes protest from others. Aggressive towards the opposite sex.
F. Sakoyan

These are aspects of self-affirmation, the struggle for popularity, power, success; this is dictatorship, the desire to command, authoritarianism, conflicts with others, quarrelsomeness, carelessness, rashness, impatience; prone to accidents, danger of surgical operations, inflammatory diseases.
S.V. Shestopalov

Trigon (trine), sextile Sun – Pluto

Your child has a strong ability to concentrate and a strong will. His ingenuity and prudence attract other children to him. He knows how to react correctly to defeats and losses. It is extremely important for him to learn to set goals that are within his reach.
A child may consider his father to be omniscient and omnipotent (these qualities arise in the child’s imagination through observations of life situations).
Various sources for a child's horoscope

Trine, sextile: the meanings are the same, but the ability to regenerate is especially emphasized. A person has significant internal resources that always allow him to change course - sometimes to the exact opposite - depending on his interests.
K. Obier

Super concentration, will, the ability to renew all aspects of life, improve and transform. With high spiritual development - leaders who see through and know where it is best to direct energy and funds. Interest in yoga, meditation and other forms of spiritual development. Often clairvoyance and intuition. They have supernatural powers and a fiery nature.
F. Sakoyan

This is success and the ability to win the attention of those around you, subjugate them to yourself, popularity, fame, enthusiasm, enterprise, desire for something new, the ability to light up and ignite.
The negative side is that easy success gives you self-confidence and satiety, the temptation to use your position for profit.
S.V. Shestopalov

Het Monster:
Excess of will. The tendency to force circumstances, the desire to prescribe norms of behavior to others. They want to bring some sense to the world. They enter into a heated argument with those who disagree. This is scary or annoying, and people refuse to help them. Too aggressive in love.

Catherine Aubier:
Opposition Sun - Pluto
Opposition, square: anxiety, self-destruction, guilt complex, often associated with abandoning the paternal model. In reality, this manifests itself either in the form of external friendliness, designed to mislead others, to hide the wolf under sheep's clothing, or in the form of a tendency to overthrow other people's systems. As always with Pluto aspects, all this can be largely repressed into the unconscious.

A. Underwater:
Opposition Sun - Pluto
Sun Opposition: Before you fulfill your intention, you should understand to what extent it is really yours.
The opposition with the Sun actualizes for the Planet the problem of its relationship with the will of man and various imperative circumstances that arise on his path. The very presence of a major aspect between the Sun and the Planet means that its principle will never manifest itself regardless of the will of a person or the circumstances determining his behavior, while the opposition additionally indicates a certain opposition between these principles, which is often accompanied by the exteriorization of one of them. At a low level, this provokes a conflict, when either a person willfully fights against one or another external manifestation of the Planetary principle, or, conversely, external conditions suppress the internal manifestations of the Planetary principle, with which he himself is identified.
For example, when the Sun is in opposition to Mars, a person will have various conflicts and battles with the outside world (at a higher level - with himself), but if you look closely, you will notice that they are of two types: in the first case, the person emphasizes and internalizes the principle of the Sun and opposes his will and composure to external aggression (which he actually often provokes himself, on his own initiative), in the second, on the contrary, he takes an aggressive Martian position for himself and actively fights the imperative hostile will, actually submitting to its initiative, i.e. i.e. not having your own. At the same time, one type of conflict can easily turn into another, which is easy to notice by the change in the emphasis of the houses in which the Sun and Mars stand.
With the opposition of the Sun and the Moon, a person constantly fights with himself, and the people with whom he enters into battle from time to time are actually figureheads in whom his will and ego are embodied, which in this aspect so need to learn to cooperate and understand each other, because by emphasizing the Moon, i.e., taking the position of the ego, a person immediately feels how clouds are gathering on the outer horizon, threatening to destroy his home, depriving him of family and food (at least, so it seems to him), and taking the position of the Sun, i.e. That is, including his will and initiative, a person begins to act in such a way that (really) painfully infringes on his vital interests (he cannot explain why this happens). Working through this aspect gives extraordinary stability in life - for example, a woman who is able to cure her husband of alcoholism or mental illness and then raise wonderful children with him.
Pluto Opposition: Good I fight evil gets dirty.
In general, the major aspect of Pluto karmically sets the Planet up for a program of cleansing, often painful, but, most importantly, irreversible losses. Low-level opposition contrasts the principle of the Planet with the cleansing actions of Pluto; a person perceives the latter as destructive aggression directed at himself (in the spheres of action of the Planet), and tries to resist it. In this case, he clearly emphasizes the Planet, and Pluto for him appears in the form of external fate, inflicting (of course) destructive blows on an innocent person, and besides, always in the same place (the principle of the Planet or the house where it costs). A person can grumble (quietly), protest (loudly) or fight (desperately), but it is better for him to reconcile himself and, most importantly, understand that Pluto does not mean the destruction of the Planetary principle as such (with the opposition Pluto - Moon, it sometimes seems to a person that fate wants to simply destroy him along with his family, and for some reason not immediately, but in the most painful way), but only his lowest octave, with which it is subconsciously most difficult for a person to part with. From time to time (a person usually does not notice this), the map changes places of emphasis in the opposition and shifts the main emphasis to Pluto, so that a person becomes a conductor of the cleansing will of the Absolute (fate) and does approximately the same thing with the Planetary principle in the external world, which is wrong For a long time, fate did to him. Often the manifestation of the outer Planet occurs through certain people who fall under the fatal influence of a person who, of course, may not even suspect it (over the years, such suspicions still arise). Strong black teachers with Pluto opposition can maintain an emphasis on Pluto for a long time, roughly suppressing and destroying the Planetary principle in their students, but usually the return blow of Pluto still overtakes them.
Here, the elaboration proceeds, first of all, along the path of developing humility and eradicating in oneself the primitive thirst for complete power over the manifestations of the Planetary principle in the world around us and the desire to remake it in other people, completely destroying everything disgusting and worthless (for example, Pluto’s opposition to Venus gives the desire to complete power over people and especially over the object of love, opposition to Mercury - to power over the minds and movements of people, but not the power that comes along the highest octave of the 9th house, but so that they do not dare to say or even think that I am not supposed to! ). A person needs to understand that his Planetary principle can be used constructively in external life only after he has undergone a thorough plutonic cleansing within him, for which he will have to make many external and internal sacrifices. At a high level, a person receives the opportunity for higher development of the principle of the Planet and participation in major karmic programs.

The Sun is what gives life energy, Pluto is what takes it away. Takes away for further transformation, the first stage of which is death, literally or figuratively. (“In order to be born again, you must first die”).

Planets in conjunction never conflict or fight with each other. In opposition or square, the Sun and Pluto give a hidden or obvious struggle with the inevitability of death, and in conjunction, the transformation of Pluto, merging with the positive energy of the Sun, reveals in our unconscious something like a Phoenix or a salamander, which, having passed through the fire, are reborn again and again. The fear of death, or mortido (death drive) of Pluto, thanks to the Sun, is sublimated into the unconscious desire to “live forever” or at least for a very long time, controlling energy leaks.

Therefore, people with an unaffected conjunction of the Sun and Pluto, as a rule, take care of their health, do yoga, get a massage, try to eat right, etc.
They can calmly refuse what, although attractive, does not contribute to health and preservation of life potential.

Life crises seem to only make them stronger, and those who have this connection affected can “despite death” to destroy themselves, but it is as if nothing is being done to them, as if the supply of vitality is inexhaustible. It seemed that they almost died, but after some time they came to life and continue in the same spirit.

Danger to life is always somewhere near them, but the great vitality of the Sun does not allow death to come close; these are the people who survive accidents, fatal diseases, disasters and epidemics. They are completely unkillable, like cats with their nine lives. In difficult conditions and in war, they are serious and calm. In ordinary life, they take on overwhelming projects and bear their cross for years without complaining or complaining about fate.

These are people who are not timid and have remarkable inner strength, therefore, when they have nowhere to apply these qualities, out of boredom they engage in self-destruction or create difficulties for themselves so that they have somewhere to put their energy.

People with a Sun-Pluto conjunction have a certain magnetism of attractiveness. Strength and equanimity are always attractive, and self-control evokes envy and admiration among the soft and weak-willed.

The illusion of victory over death inspires them with the right to control other people: to break or shape destinies by doing tough things in relationships. The Yin manipulativeness of Pluto in alliance with the Yang Sun becomes less insidious - part of the responsibility is taken upon itself and is expressed in determination and confidence in the right to do this and not otherwise.

When interacting with the owners of the conjunction of the Sun and Pluto, you cannot show your weaknesses, complain, cry and become hysterical. This will only worsen the relationship. These people love those who are strong and calm, but who do not compete with them. However, it is not easy to compete with them - the Plutonians prefer to avoid direct conflict for the time being, demonstrating their invulnerability. But you shouldn’t take them to extremes - there will be a real war, victory in which will cost you too much.

In a conflict, leave them the last word, so by giving in a little, you will save more. Plutonians are easily attacked and provoked, but remember, you are playing with fire! Or with a steam roller, depending on what you prefer :) Victory is “hard-wired” in their subconscious, because if you are ready to defeat death, consider that you are already a winner “by default.”

Influence of the father: it can be assumed that the father, if he did not hold a serious position, was more likely to be suppressed by the circumstances of fate than to control them himself. He could take out his dissatisfaction on his loved ones, or he could calmly bear his cross, this will be shown by the aspects plus the position of Saturn.

Choice of profession and life path: the highest planet in aspect with the Sun requires service to the corresponding egregor. Plutonian egregors are very tough and are associated either with dangerous professions, or with those types of activities that no one except Plutonians is able to carry out (for example, pathologists, sewer men, diggers, workers of cemeteries, landfills, etc.). These can also be those types of activities that involve influence on people or groups of people: politics, intelligence services, regulatory authorities, tax inspection, sects, organized crime groups, trainings, yoga, magical practices, etc. In sports: martial arts, weightlifting. This is also a business in which a person with the conjunction of the Sun and Pluto wants to be absolutely independent, which implies either an illegal position and a modest income, or big demands and eternal enmity with those who want to profit. It all depends on the location and aspect of the connection.

How the relationship works Sun Pluto in the men's horoscope? What type of man is this with a negative manifestation of the planets? The classical understanding of the aspect gives such concepts as a powerful, self-confident, controlling person, I propose to look at this issue deeper.
The idea to write this article was inspired by my friend, who began an affair with such a tough nut to crack - the owner of a difficult character; looking at his birth horoscope, it becomes clear where this manner of behavior with the fair sex comes from.
So, why is the first part of the article called Superman? If the Sun in the horoscope is self-consciousness and ego, then Pluto adds power or weakness, depending on the birth horoscope. For example, I’m sure that everyone has ever seen a hurricane or a tsunami, you stand looking at it from afar - it seems like a good wave, everything is beautiful... until it comes closer to you)
As soon as this tornado is unsafely close, you have a lump in your throat and you freeze, your legs become weak, your head doesn’t really know what to do - run or stay. So the energy of destruction and strength knocks a woman off her feet with the same speed when she meets this Mr. It’s as if she’s been knocked down and is ready to fall to the floor; fortunately, not everyone does this at once. That is, a man who has this power in a couple for two literally destroys a woman’s self-confidence and drags her into the Underworld. So stand tight on your own two feet.
While this handsome man is looking closely from a distance, you are wondering, intrigue and a languid desire appear for him to come closer, even closer, as soon as the man stands nearby and smiles - write - it’s gone. You already want to talk, communicate, find out his name, but he keeps looking at you and there are no active actions yet, because he is calculating at what moment it is better to hook...)

If your horoscope does not have enough indicators for equal energy, then you will quickly find yourself in his pool of mysterious eyes, and he knows this very well, and if a woman’s horoscope is very weak, then he doesn’t need to do anything special, you will go yourself behind him, putting on a collar.
If you still have the strength to resist, then he will slowly and deliberately try to finish you off. Now I’m not writing about trying to achieve, but about finishing off exactly to such a state that you recognize his power and submit. There can be no talk of any equality between the sexes and partners in this case in his head.
So, if you butt heads, he becomes even more interested and subtle manipulative actions begin. If you are not made with your finger, an exciting game will begin on the topic of who will bend whom. Tested by my own experience. It’s very tempting, it’s almost impossible to tear yourself away, it’s intriguing)
To give a clear example, I will give the image of Celentano - he does not have this aspect in his chart, but he has Pluto in the area of ​​​​popularity - this is exactly how the whole world knows him. Have you seen the movie "The Taming of the Shrew"?

It was about Superman, I suggest you dig further and see what model of behavior this power leads to. Because there is also a shadow side to the coin. Since their motto is the phrase “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger,” then personal relationships will periodically turn into debris after a tornado.
Why tyrant? The first thing such a man wins is his self-control, as in the joke about scorpions - they will not twitch, they will sit on the river bank to wait for the corpse of the enemy to float by, in personal relationships the scenario is approximately the same - such a man, if he it is necessary, it can drag out time for a very long time until you break down.

Many women fall for this bait - he behaves in such a way that he doesn’t particularly need to get you, and he can live quite well without your company and will not be upset, while there may well be demonstration performances with other representatives of the fair sex. It is simply enough for him to remain silent to bring you first to anxiety, then to the desire to find out what happened, and in extreme cases, to hysteria. It all depends on your personal qualities.
If a woman has an imbalance with inner confidence, as a rule, internal masturbation of the brain begins - why doesn’t he call, and whether he needs her or not. As a result, she breaks down and goes on the attack, making a major mistake. We can consider that the job is done for him - he got his without any effort.

Secondly, he rarely pushes right away like a tank, first the nets are laid out, leading questions are asked, long unblinking glances, charm and loveliness itself, in order to place in your head the thought of what a wonderful gentleman you came across, where was he before, urgently you have to grab it. So, there is no need to rush when he is passive, because as soon as you do this, he will move on to the next step:
Thirdly, he has already collected all the strings at the previous stage and the time has come to pull them. Firstly, the relationship will be built according to the script - as he wants. And period. If you agree, then you are a good girl, if not, then our master of manipulation returns to point one, read, control. The most interesting thing is that there is no limit here - as far as one can allow one to bend in a relationship, Pluto does not accept compromises, he needs complete and total power in his hands. To put it bluntly, make your partner a rag.

Finding out something when, for example, after a quarrel such a person punishes you with silence - there is no point, he has his own truth in his head. He will not want to answer all your questions that are inconvenient for him. There is his opinion, and there is a wrong one. In extreme cases, after emotional terror, physical methods of influence are used.
In addition to control and the desire to rule, such comrades have strong qualities such as secrecy and suppression. Its impenetrability is a hidden psychological defense, because with true intimacy it is necessary to open up, and not everyone is ready to expose their insides, especially those associated with the ego-set according to the Sun. They are great at reading other people, their mood, what they want, this plays into their hands.
Often, in case of defeat, the aspect indicates psychological problems with the father - in the case of a boy, this also means that he understands that he will not be like the powerful/rich/famous/successful dad. This is where the complexes of what he should be like in life are born. If parents also put moral pressure, and this often happens with this relationship of planets, the child opens his mouth too much, is too active, but should be like this and like that - as his parents want him to be. Yes, he will grow up like this, but also selfish and evil.
And often in adult life, such representatives of the stronger sex begin to indicate what a woman should be like, how to be silent, stand, sit, what to say in order to be close to him.

And here the traits of a narcissist appear - this is a prince and pauper model, because the desire to control another person is nothing more than self-doubt, fear of losing, the way such a man shows his superiority - they say, look, baby, how courageous I am, because There’s no need to hide such beauty and live up to it, my dear - this is pure narcissism.
After all, he is so perfect from his point of view, again I’ll clarify - external, then you should keep up, which means, in his opinion, you can point out to you that you are wrong here, and you have a lot of shortcomings there, but you need to to fit the imposed parameters, which usually ends in the partner losing self-identity.
The problem of the Sun affected by Pluto is an internal conflict, a person swings from the attitude of “I am great” to the level of “I am insignificant”, and the partner is often used for self-affirmation, because if he obeys orders, does that mean “I am great”? And if he resists, then how can he calm down, he must prove it first of all to himself, to the point of paranoia.
The problems of the afflicted Sun in the horoscope, from love to hatred, first of all towards oneself, suspicion, tendency to extremes, dominance over others, this set is often carefully hidden under a pretty smile. You know the phrase - you shouldn’t rip people’s masks off - some of them have muzzles.

Yes, these people have a specific magnetism, which they use for personal purposes. All internal problems are shoved in, the deeper the better, carefully plastered, nevertheless, it works like Chernobyl. The radiation is not visible, but it is there.
In order for the owners of such a wonderful aspect to grow into a strong personality, they will have to plow and plow. After all, the Ego does not sleep and builds new and new defenses. The most interesting thing is that they do not tolerate lies, pretense or pressure towards themselves, how can this happen to them and in their own ways? You can’t, it’s “cruel.”
The sexual part of a relationship is very important for them, for them it is like an instinct of self-preservation and vitality - it is inherent in nature, here the stakes are, if not on quantity - it depends on individual indicators in the horoscope, then certainly on quality! They will not tolerate cold in bed, keep this in mind. But they themselves can manipulate sex by postponing meetings at the beginning of a relationship, subtly hinting to you that if you want something sweet, then you need to listen to him and not contradict him.

The most interesting thing is that they themselves have no idea what kind of woman they need, sooner or later they will get bored with a weak woman, she will irritate her with her whining, while a strong one will cause a feeling of humiliation and envy of this strength.
They need some kind of golden mean - a strong mademoiselle, whom they will nevertheless try to belittle a little, otherwise they will not survive on the emotional plane, and she will periodically only pretend that it worked out. It’s like showing a man that yes, you are my strongest, how can I cope without you. But there is no need for humiliation and sacrifice - they will drag the relationship to the bottom.
And they themselves perfectly understand the absurdity of the whole situation! If you completely submit to his will - they will dispose of you, you will resist and put pressure on yourself in order to subjugate - you will spoil both yourself and your partner, in this case you will have the same position and there will not be a happy ending.
We can talk about any elaboration of this aspect only when a person realizes that his strength is internal, and not external, which no one can take away, which means there is no point in putting pressure on others, thereby asserting oneself. After all, the desire for control is a hidden anxiety about powerlessness, the need to let go of what has become obsolete, to experience rejection, to refuse manipulation at least with oneself and to recognize one’s own vulnerability in a partnership - this is what will lead to a healthy understanding of relationships.
How to communicate with such comrades - read the next article)