Social component. Man is a unity of three components: biological, psychological and social

a person is a unity of three components: biological, psychological and social. Socially conditioned are 1 racial difference 2 spiritual ideals

3 age-related physical characteristics 4 manifestation of heredity variability DECIDE URGENTLY!

Man is a unity of three components: biological, psychological and social. socially conditioned: 1.spiritual ideals and values

2. age-related physical characteristics 3. racial differences 4. manifestations of heredity and variability

A 5 Which judgment is correct:

A. Synergetics - the theory of self-organizing systems
B. The basic concepts of synergetics are: order and chaos, organization and
1) only A is true. 2) only B is true.
3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect
A 6 Creation and practical implementation of productive, disease-resistant,
early ripening potato varieties illustrates the function of science:
1) social
2) ideological
3) creative
4) production
A 7 Man is a unity of three components: biological, mental
and social. Human mental characteristics include:
1) the ability to sense using the senses
2) ability to walk upright
3) the ability to be aware of one’s actions and actions
4) the presence of spiritual ideals and values

A 8 Part of natural or social existence to which activity is directed
human cognitive activity is called:
1) object
2) image
3) structure
4) subject
A 9 Knowledge obtained by fortune telling on coffee grounds is:
1) scientific
2) parallel
3) parascientific
4) paradoxical
A 10 Which judgment is correct:
A. Continuing education is obtained not only in educational institutions, but also through
B. Today in the Russian Federation the compulsory level of education is general secondary
1) only A is true 2) only B is true
3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Man is a unity of three components: biological, psychological and social. Socially determined 1 spiritual qualities and

values ​​2 age-related physical characteristics 3 racial differences 4 manifestations of heredity and variability

Social norms are: a) traditions, b) documents, c) morals, d) contracts, e) laws of nature.2. Determine the characteristic characteristic of post-industrial

society.1) the emergence of mass culture;2) the economy is dominated by heavy industry;3) the main criteria for the stratification of society are professionalism and level of education;4) the structure of society is rigid and closed.3. Unlike nature, society: 1) is a system; 2) is in development; 3) acts as a creator of culture; 4) develops according to its own laws.4. What function of science does the development of new ways of protecting a person’s home from unauthorized intrusion illustrate? 1) cognitive; 2) prognostic; 3) explanatory; 4) social. 5. Which of the listed elements does not belong to the structure of cognition? 1) subject; 3) means; 2) object; 4) needs.6. Are the following truth statements true?A. The relativity of truth is due to the boundlessness and variability of the comprehended world.B. The relativity of truth is due to the limited cognitive capabilities of a person. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.7. Culture in the most general sense is understood as: 1) level of education; 2) all transformative human activities; 3) production of material assets; 4) artistic craft.8. Rational cognition (the process of thinking) does not involve the production of: a) concepts; b) judgments; c) ideas; d) conclusions.9. The four factors of production are: a) production, distribution, exchange, consumption; b) land, capital, labor productivity, profit; c) labor, land, capital, entrepreneurship; d) labor, goods, money, land.10. Man is a unity of three components: biological, mental and social. The mental component includes: 1) interests and beliefs; 2) physiological characteristics; 3) sexual characteristics; 4) types of nervous system. 11. Are the following statements about society correct?A. Society is part of the material world.B. Society is a dynamic system in which new elements can arise and old ones die out. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect. 12. Science and artistic creativity have in common: 1) the validity of assumptions; 2) the desire to understand the world; 3) the expression of emotions; 4) the formation of a sense of beauty. 13. What sphere of society do estates, castes, classes represent? 1) economic; 2) social; 3) political; 4) spiritual. 14. A popular composer is working on a new song. What type of activity is illustrated by this example? 1) spiritual; 2) economic; 3) political; 4) social. 15. Are the judgments about the media correct?A. The content of information supplied to the media takes into account the needs of the audience.B. The demands of the mass audience are largely shaped by the influence of the media on it. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect. 16. Which judgment is correct?A. Brokers are individuals or firms specializing in intermediary stock exchange operations.B. Dealers are government officials who control the purchase and sale of foreign currency. 1) only A is correct; 2) only B is correct; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect

a) feelings and will

b) knowledge and skills

c) physical development

d) age characteristics

The process of self-knowledge includes the accumulation of knowledge about the characteristics

a) different types of temperament

b) own appearance

c) moral and legal norms

d) interaction between man and nature

The result of self-knowledge, in particular, is

a) accumulation of knowledge about man and nature

b) knowledge of the values ​​of society

c) idea of ​​one’s abilities

d) studying social norms

12. The active intervention of a researcher in the activities of a subject in order to create conditions for identifying and establishing a psychological fact is called:

a) conversation;

b) analysis of activity products;

c) experiment;

d) content analysis.

13. Volitional regulation involves the following actions:

a) unconscious;

b) involuntary.

c) intuitive;

d) conscious;

14. Personality is a person as:

a) individual;

b) individuality;

c) subject of activity;

15. Experiment, under normal living conditions:

a) laboratory

b) natural

c) aerobatic

d) formative

The quality of a research method that allows multiple studies to obtain the same results.

a) validity;

b) objectivity.

c) reliability;

17.A person’s ability to exert energy over a long period of time and steadily move towards an intended goal is called:

a) persistence;

b) optimism;

c) hard work;

d) consciousness.

18. Understanding the emotional states of another person in the form of empathy and sympathy is called:

a) reflection;

b) identification;

c) empathy;

d) sympathy.

19. Which mental state of a person is not classified as sthenic:

a) joy;

b) inspiration;

c) frustration;

d) conviction.

20. Compare the methodological principles and their characteristics:

Name of the principle Characteristics of the principle
1. Reflection principle A) Focuses the researcher’s attention on the fact that not only the environment shapes the personality, but also the personality actively cognizes and transforms the world around him.
2. The principle of active personal activity B) dictates the consideration of phenomena in constant change, movement, in the constant resolution of contradictions under the influence of a system of internal and external determinants.
3. The principle of determinism C) The originality of the human psyche - a special form of reflection, is due to many circumstances: the peculiarities of objective reality itself, perceived both by the senses and through speech; brain condition; physical and mental health of a person; the content and state of his psyche.
4. Development principle D) According to the principle, consciousness (psyche) is formed in types of activity that naturally replace each other and manifests itself in it.
5. The principle of the unity of consciousness and activity D) The psyche is determined by and is the result of the interaction of factors of biological, natural and social nature. When studying personality, it is necessary to take into account three subsystems of determination of its behavior: past, present and future.
6.The principle of comprehensiveness E) The logic of cognition of an object, a phenomenon, reproduces the logic of its development, i.e. its history.
7. Principle of unity G) Assumes integrated approach to the study of processes and phenomena

CONTROL TEST. 1 option

1. Personality is a person as:

a) individual;

b) individuality;

c) subject of activity;

2. A person endowed with a number of important social properties (the ability to learn, work, communicate, have spiritual interests, etc.) is:

a) the pride of the nation;

b) a voter;

c) personality;

d) an intellectual.

3. Human activity that has a moral meaning is called:

a) showing off;

b) behavior;

c) self-expression;

d) presentation.

4. Experiment, under normal living conditions:

a) laboratory

b) natural

c) aerobatic

d) formative

5. Which of the following points of view should be considered correct:

a) personality is formed by society; biological characteristics of a person do not influence this process;

b) personality is determined by biological, hereditary factors and no society can change what is inherent in a person by nature;

c) personality is a phenomenon of human social development; the complex process of its development is determined by the unity of the biological and social. In this process, biological factors act as natural prerequisites, and social factors act as the driving force of a person’s mental development in the formation of his personality;

d) correct: a, b, c.

a) individual;

b) child;

c) person;

d) personality.

7. . Which mental state of a person is not classified as sthenic:

a) cheerfulness;

b) inspiration;

c) apathy;

d) conviction.

8. A person’s ability to exert energy for a long time, steadily moving towards the intended goal is called:

a) persistence;

b) optimism;

c) hard work;

d) consciousness.

9. Volitional regulation involves the following actions:

a) unconscious;

b) conscious;

c) intuitive;

d) involuntary.

10. A strong emotional state of an explosive nature, with a short period of occurrence, affecting the entire personality and characterized by temporary disorganization of consciousness, a violation of volitional control - this is:

a) stress;

b) affect;

c) frustration;

d) passion.

11. Understanding the emotional states of another person in the form of empathy and sympathy is called:

a) reflection;

b) identification;

c) empathy;

d) sympathy.

12. A brief standardized psychological test that attempts to assess a particular psychological process or personality as a whole is:

a) observation;

b) experiment;

c) testing;

d) self-observation.

13. The development of man as a species is called:

a) ontogeny;

b) sociogenesis;

c) phylogeny;

d) anthropogenesis.

14. The active intervention of a researcher in the activities of a subject in order to create conditions for identifying and establishing a psychological fact is called:

a) conversation;

b) analysis of activity products;

c) content analysis.

d) experiment;

15. What is the name of the principle that requires considering (studying, investigating) mental phenomena in constant movement, change:

a) the principle of determinism;

b) the principle of development;

c) the principle of objectivity;

d) the principle of comprehensiveness.

16. The most general system of principles and methods of organizing scientific research, it determines the ways of achieving and constructing theoretical knowledge, as well as ways of organizing practical activities, is:


c) methodology.

17. The correspondence of the method to what it is intended to study and evaluate is:

a) validity;

b) reliability;

c) objectivity.

18. The experience of negative emotional states when needs are not met is:

a) stress;

b) mental tension;

c) frustration.

19. Relieving internal tension by redirecting energy to achieve socially acceptable goals, creativity is:

a) irony;

b) transfer;

c) sublimation;

d) substitution.

20. . Compare the methodological principles and their characteristics:

Name of the principle Characteristics of the principle
1. Reflection principle A) Focuses the researcher’s attention on the fact that not only the environment shapes the personality, but also the personality actively cognizes and transforms the world around him.
2. The principle of active personal activity B) dictates the consideration of phenomena in constant change, movement, in the constant resolution of contradictions under the influence of a system of internal and external determinants.
3. The principle of determinism C) The originality of the human psyche - a special form of reflection, is due to many circumstances: the peculiarities of objective reality itself, perceived both by the senses and through speech; brain condition; physical and mental health of a person; the content and state of his psyche.
4. Development principle D) According to the principle, consciousness (psyche) is formed in types of activity that naturally replace each other and manifests itself in it.
5. The principle of the unity of consciousness and activity D) The psyche is determined by and is the result of the interaction of factors of biological, natural and social nature. When studying personality, it is necessary to take into account three subsystems of determination of its behavior: past, present and future.
6.The principle of comprehensiveness E) The logic of cognition of an object, a phenomenon, reproduces the logic of its development, i.e. its history.
7. Principle of unity G) Assumes integrated approach to the study of processes and phenomena


1. The main method in psychology:

a) psychological experiment

b) conversation

d) observation

2. Observation is:

a) psychological test

b) training and education

c) systematic and purposeful perception of the phenomenon being studied

d) individual's judgments

3. The ability to create and change the situation of psychological research is the main advantage:

a) observations

b) experiment

c) questioning

d) testing

4. Interview is:

a) sociometry

b) oral questioning

c) introspection

d) content analysis

5. An experiment using special equipment is called:

a) aerobatic

b) natural

c) laboratory

d) field

6. An individual person in the totality of all his inherent qualities (biological, physical, mental, social) is:

a) individual;

b) child;

c) person;

d) personality.

Individuality is

a) specific features inherent in man as a biological


b) a person’s temperament, his character

c) the unique originality of both natural and social in man

8. Which of the following features is characteristic of humans and absent in animals?

a) creative activity

b) metabolic processes

c) the work of the senses

d) need for food

Man is a unity of three components: biological,

a person is a unity of three components: biological, psychological and social. Socially conditioned are 1 racial difference 2 spiritual ideals

3 age-related physical characteristics 4 manifestation of heredity variability DECIDE URGENTLY!

A 5 Which judgment is correct:

A. Synergetics - the theory of self-organizing systems
B. The basic concepts of synergetics are: order and chaos, organization and
1) only A is true. 2) only B is true.
3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect
A 6 Creation and practical implementation of productive, disease-resistant,
early ripening potato varieties illustrates the function of science:
1) social
2) ideological
3) creative
4) production
A 7 Man is a unity of three components: biological, mental
and social. Human mental characteristics include:
1) the ability to sense using the senses
2) ability to walk upright
3) the ability to be aware of one’s actions and actions
4) the presence of spiritual ideals and values

A 8 Part of natural or social existence to which activity is directed
human cognitive activity is called:
1) object
2) image
3) structure
4) subject
A 9 Knowledge obtained by fortune telling on coffee grounds is:
1) scientific
2) parallel
3) parascientific
4) paradoxical
A 10 Which judgment is correct:
A. Continuing education is obtained not only in educational institutions, but also through
B. Today in the Russian Federation the compulsory level of education is general secondary
1) only A is true 2) only B is true
3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Man is a unity of three components: biological, psychological and social. Socially determined 1 spiritual qualities and

values ​​2 age-related physical characteristics 3 racial differences 4 manifestations of heredity and variability

Social norms are: a) traditions, b) documents, c) morals, d) contracts, e) laws of nature.2. Determine the characteristic characteristic of post-industrial

society.1) the emergence of mass culture;2) the economy is dominated by heavy industry;3) the main criteria for the stratification of society are professionalism and level of education;4) the structure of society is rigid and closed.3. Unlike nature, society: 1) is a system; 2) is in development; 3) acts as a creator of culture; 4) develops according to its own laws.4. What function of science does the development of new ways of protecting a person’s home from unauthorized intrusion illustrate? 1) cognitive; 2) prognostic; 3) explanatory; 4) social. 5. Which of the listed elements does not belong to the structure of cognition? 1) subject; 3) means; 2) object; 4) needs.6. Are the following truth statements true?A. The relativity of truth is due to the boundlessness and variability of the comprehended world.B. The relativity of truth is due to the limited cognitive capabilities of a person. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.7. Culture in the most general sense is understood as: 1) level of education; 2) all transformative human activities; 3) production of material assets; 4) artistic craft.8. Rational cognition (the process of thinking) does not involve the production of: a) concepts; b) judgments; c) ideas; d) conclusions.9. The four factors of production are: a) production, distribution, exchange, consumption; b) land, capital, labor productivity, profit; c) labor, land, capital, entrepreneurship; d) labor, goods, money, land.10. Man is a unity of three components: biological, mental and social. The mental component includes: 1) interests and beliefs; 2) physiological characteristics; 3) sexual characteristics; 4) types of nervous system. 11. Are the following statements about society correct?A. Society is part of the material world.B. Society is a dynamic system in which new elements can arise and old ones die out. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect. 12. Science and artistic creativity have in common: 1) the validity of assumptions; 2) the desire to understand the world; 3) the expression of emotions; 4) the formation of a sense of beauty. 13. What sphere of society do estates, castes, classes represent? 1) economic; 2) social; 3) political; 4) spiritual. 14. A popular composer is working on a new song. What type of activity is illustrated by this example? 1) spiritual; 2) economic; 3) political; 4) social. 15. Are the judgments about the media correct?A. The content of information supplied to the media takes into account the needs of the audience.B. The demands of the mass audience are largely shaped by the influence of the media on it. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect. 16. Which judgment is correct?A. Brokers are individuals or firms specializing in intermediary stock exchange operations.B. Dealers are government officials who control the purchase and sale of foreign currency. 1) only A is correct; 2) only B is correct; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect

“A part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, is called __________ (A), when it represents a group

people united by common interests. Society develops as a complex _________(B), as it includes different types of constituent elements. By grouping certain ________(B), as well as noting important changes in the organization of societies that occur over time, different types of societies are distinguished. For a traditional society, the agricultural sector is the basis of _________(D), and the preservation of traditions seems to be a higher value than development. __________ (D) society is based on industry with flexible, dynamic social structures, and it is characterized by the division of labor, the widespread development of mass communications and a high level of urbanization (city development). As a result of the scientific and technological revolution, society is transformed into ___________(E) society, and priority moves from the primary production of goods to the production of services.”

Social studies. "Man".

Man is the highest level of development of living organisms on Earth.

Origin theories:

1) Religious. Divine origin.

2) Man is an unearthly creature; aliens from outer space, having visited the Earth, left behind human beings.

3) Man appeared as a result of evolution (C. Darwin)

Human– an individual, personality and subject, which appears as an integrity determined by the unity of the biological, social and psychological. Man is a biosocial being

Biological component of a person:

  • representative of the species homo sapiens (“reasonable man”).
  • the result of long evolution.
  • a creature genetically related to other forms of life and separated from them due to the ability to work.

Characteristics of humans as a biological species

1. Subject to biophysical, biochemical, physiological laws of development (similarity with other animals):

  • structure and development of the body (growth, old age, death)
  • breathing, nutrition, ability to procreate, feeding children with milk
  • instincts, emotions
  • biological needs

· ability to adapt to living conditions

2. Has characteristics (differences from animals):

  • Possesses thinking and articulate speech.
  • Capable of conscious, goal-oriented creative activity.

· It not only adapts, but also transforms the surrounding reality.

  • Capable of making tools and using them as a means of producing material goods.
  • Perfection of the hand as a productive tool
  • There are spiritual needs.

Social component of a person:

  • social object – in the process of interaction with society, a person is socialized (i.e. acquires certain properties, qualities).
  • formation in the process of sociocultural evolution.
  • a social subject who acts as the creator of “second nature” - culture.

Characteristics of a person as a social subject

1. The ability to make tools and use them as a way to produce material goods,ability to accumulate knowledge and work skills

2. The ability for social, purposeful creative activity.

3. The ability to transform the surrounding reality, create the material and spiritual values ​​he needs.

4. Consciousness and reason.

5. Freedom and responsibility

6. The ability to see the purpose of your actions

7. The ability to evaluate yourself and others

Psychological component of a person:

  • a person who is the subject of conscious activity

Psychological characteristics of a person

Inner spiritual world

Structure of the human spiritual world:

1) Cognition (based on intelligence)

2) Emotions – short-term experiences about situations and reality (surprise, joy, anger, fear)

3) Feelings - emotional states that last longer than emotions (friendship, love, longing, patriotism)

4) Worldview - a system of general views on the world. Worldview can be: religious, everyday, scientific.

The ability to change as a result of self-education, under the influence of one’s own volitional efforts.

Needs and abilities

Need - this is the need of a person as an automaton, which constitutes a necessary condition for his existence.

Types of needs:

1) Biological (organic, material): food, clothing, housing

2) Social: communication, social activities

3) Spiritual (ideal, cognitive): knowledge, creation of beauty

Classification of needs developed by American psychologist A. Maslow:

1) Primary (congenital):

- physiological (food, breathing, clothing, housing, reproduction)

— existential (security of existence, comfort, confidence in tomorrow)

2) Secondary (purchased):

- social (communication, affection, caring for another person, attention to oneself)

- prestigious (respect from others, achievement of success, career growth)

- spiritual (self-expression)

Capabilities - this is a set of human properties, thanks to which his activity is ensured.

Levels of development of abilities:

· Makings of

· Capabilities

· Giftedness

· Talent

· Genius