Skyrim last duty. Last duty

Last duty(orig. Glory of the Dead) — quest for the Companions faction in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.


In the final quest, Vilkas asks everyone to come to Kodlak's funeral. The funeral itself takes place in the Sky Forge, where the Companions, some members of the Gray Mane clan and several residents of Whiterun, including the Jarl, have gathered.

After the ceremony, Yorlund will ask the hero to give him the fragments of Wuuthrad, then he will send him to Kodlak’s room for the latter. In the same chest of drawers where the fragment lies, you can find the deceased’s diary. Having handed over the last fragment to Yorlund, Dovahkiin should go to a meeting with members of the Circle in the Lower Forge. There will be a conversation about Kodlak, about his desire to defeat the curse of lycanthropy, which he did not manage to accomplish during his lifetime. In tribute to this desire, Krug decides to carry out a purification ritual, which requires the heads of the Glenmoril witches, which the hero obtained a little earlier - the same ones that once placed a curse on the Companions. When Jorlund brings the restored ax to Wuuthrad, the talking ends and the action begins.

Everyone goes to Ysgramor's Tomb together. Companions run on foot, but the hero, as always, can use fast movement. If the tomb has not yet been opened, you can run after the others or use fast travel to the Driftshade Haven, which was cleared in one of the previous tasks, and then move on foot (or on horseback). Alternatively, you can use the services of a cab to get to Dawnstar.

Farewell to Kodlak

Note: if the hero has chosen to travel together in the company of Companions, it is worth keeping three things in mind: to run far; Companions will be distracted by enemies in their field of view; Sometimes bugs happen in the process (see “Bugs”).

Having finally reached the goal, in the gate hall of the tomb, you need to put an ax into the hands of the statue, which will lead to the opening of the passage to the tomb. Wuuthrad can be taken away after this, the passage will no longer be closed.

Farkas, Vilkas and Eila will be waiting for the hero in the tomb. Vilkas will immediately refuse to go along with everyone, explaining that he should not allow anger to take over him this time either. Farkas and Eila will go with Dovahkiin.

Advancement begins through the tomb to the tomb of Ysgramor. The ghosts of the warriors of the Five Hundred, who are buried right there, are trying to interfere with the detachment. In one area of ​​the tomb there will also be a large lair of frost spiders. Here Farkas admits that he is afraid of frost spiders and will return to his brother.

Having finally reached the tomb, you need to talk to the spirit of Kodlak, throw the witch’s head on the altar and defeat the spirit of the beast that lived in Kodlak during life and does not want to leave him even after death. Kodlak will consider Dovahkiin the most suitable candidate for the Harbingers (Vilkas is too hot-tempered, and his anger prevents him from thinking soberly, as a result of which he can make rash decisions; Farkas is not too smart and supports his brother and head of the Companions in everything; Aela is too arrogant, and Skjor, who was actually Kodlak's deputy and was considered the successor to his cause, is dead) and will announce that from now on he will lead the Companions. Aela will witness this moment and be the first to call the hero the Harbinger. From the tomb hall there is direct access to the hall with the statue of Ysgramor.

Note: in the right corner of the tomb there is a chest in which you can find Ysgramor's shield.

The Companions questline is complete, the hero is now the new Harbinger, congratulations!

Eila said that you are now the new Kodlak. Don't worry, there won't be any problems with me
— Farkas


The quest “Purification” opens to cure the hero himself, Farkas and Vilkas from lycanthropy in the same way that Kodlak was cured, or quests to increase the power of the spirit of the beast in the hero, which are issued by Eila (by the way, she cannot be cured; the essence of the beast is too deeply rooted in her, and she does not want to become human again).
In addition, you can keep Ysgramor's legendary ax Wuuthrad - one of the best weapons in the game, which, among other things, causes colossal damage to any elves (Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Orcs, Falmer and Snow Elves).
One of the passages in the hall with the statue of Ysgramor after completing the quest will lead the hero to the top of the mountain, where there is a wall with the Word of Power, previously inaccessible.


  • You can complete the quest in the tomb in the guise of a werewolf. At the same time, even feeding on the defeated ghosts of the first Companions a moment before they disappear upon death.
  • If the statue of Ysgramor sees the protagonist in beast form at the beginning of the tomb, Farkas and Vilkas will attack him and remain hostile forever, making the quest impossible.
  • Solution: do not enter the tomb in the guise of a beast, but wait until it subsides. Transform into a wolf in the room next to the statue after the skeevers.
  • If the spirit of Kodlak sees that the main character has turned into a wolf to fight the Wolf Spirit, then he will remain hostile to him and completing the quest will become impossible.
  • Solution: run away from the Wolf Spirit far enough back and transform there, then come to the aid of Eila, and then again run away from Kodlak and transform back.


  • If you enter the Lower Forge after the ceremony, but before handing over the last shard to Yorlund, the dialogue about Kodlak may not be activated, and the quest will hang.
  • Solution: load an earlier save.
  • If you fire a random shot at the satellites while running to the target, they will disappear (except for Eila).
  • If, after finishing the quest, Vilkas, Farkas and Aela do not appear in Jorrvaskr for a long time, there is no need to worry - they simply walk from the tomb to the house.
  • While running to the tomb just above Dawnstar, all three separate and run in different directions, but along the same route - up to the forest, back to Dawnstar. They hang on to this and refuse to run any further.
  • Solution: load an earlier save.
  • Aela the Huntress will appear at the funeral as a werewolf and will not be able to use the torch.
  • The blacksmith may not come to the Lower Forge.
  • Solution: standing in Nizhnyaya Kuznitsa, enter the command prid 1A683 and then moveto player. Yorlund will appear next to the hero.

Quest stages

To go to a specific stage of the quest, enter in the console:

Setstage C06 stage

where the stage parameter is a number, the stage of the quest (all stages are listed below).

Last Duty (ID: C06)
StageDiary entry
10 The funeral of Kodlak Whitemane, the late Harbinger of the Companions, will soon take place. I need to be there.
(Quest updated): Come to Kodlak's funeral
15 Jorlund needs the wreckage of Wuuthrad to prepare it for reforging in Jorrvaskr.
(Quest updated): Give the wreckage of Wuuthrad to Yorlund
17 (Quest updated): Retrieve the fragment that belonged to Kodlak
18 (Quest updated): Give the last fragment to Yorlund
20 All members of the Circle, including myself, gather in the Lower Forge to decide what the Companions should do now, after Kodlak’s death.
(Quest updated): Meet the Circle
30 His companions believe that there is a way to cleanse Kodlak's soul from the taint of the Beast. We go to the ancient tomb of Ysgramor to perform the ritual.
(Quest updated): Travel with the Circle to Ysgramor's Tomb
35 (Quest updated): Return Wuuthrad to Ysgramor
40 (Quest updated): Get to the burial hall
50 (Quest updated): Talk to Kodlak
60 (Quest updated): Throw the witch's head into the fire
65 (Quest updated): Defeat the wolf spirit
70 (Quest updated): Talk to Kodlak
200 I managed to help Kodlak Whitemane find peace in Sovngarde, and now the place of Harbinger of the Companions belongs to me.
The stage indicated in green corresponds to the successful completion of the quest, and in red - its failure.
The following stages have been omitted because they have no description or meaning: 0, 1.


  • Not all quest stages may appear in the quest log. Which of them will appear and which will not depend on how you complete the quest.
  • Stages are not always displayed sequentially. As a rule, this happens if the quest has several possible endings, and also if some of the quest stages can be completed in any order.
  • If a stage is marked green, that is, as the end of a quest, then this means that the quest disappears from the list of active quests in the log, but new entries associated with the quest may still appear in the quest log.


C-L Companions Quests C-R
Main plot

To arms

To join the Companions, you must first receive the "To Arms" quest. If at the very beginning of the game you went along the road from Riverwood to Whiterun, you could not help but notice a group of fighters fighting a giant near the Pelagia farm. These are three companions: Aela the Huntress, Riya and Farkas. You can help them by joining the battle, or just watch the battle.

After the giant is defeated, Aela will contact you. Depending on your decision, she either praises you for your support or ridicules your poor fighting abilities. After asking Aela about who she and her comrades are, you will learn about the Companions. You will also be informed that if you suddenly express a desire to join their ranks, you will have to go to Whiterun and talk to Kodlak Whitemane in Jorrvaskr.

If you took a roundabout route to Whiterun or somehow missed the battle, then after talking with the residents of Whiterun, you will learn that the Companions are recruiting people to join their community.

A blow to the heart

You must go to a randomly selected location and kill one of the leaders of the Silver Hand clan. Upon completion, you must return with a report to Eila in Jorrvaskr.


The quest can only be taken until the Companions’ story quest “The Last Duty” is completed.

Enemy plans

Eila will want to find out the plans of the enemy organization and for this she will send you to kidnap them. Go to the indicated location and take the plans from the chest of the leader of the werewolf hunters. You can fight your way through or just steal them. After you return them to Eila, the task will be considered completed.


This task can only be taken until the Companions’ story mission “The Last Duty” is completed.


Aela will send you to get another fragment of the legendary Wuuthrad. It is located in the chest of one of the leaders of the Silver Hand. You need to go to the indicated location and return the relic to Jorrvaskr.


This task can be taken several times, but only before the Companions’ story mission “The Last Duty” is completed.

Blood and Honor

After you complete two additional tasks, Kodlak White Mane himself will want to talk to you. The Harbinger learned of your help in the fight against the Silver Hand, but is not happy about it. Kodlak will tell you the true story of how the Companions became werewolves.

Once upon a time, the Circle entered into an agreement with the Glenmoril witches, who serve the Daedric prince Hircine. In exchange for the power and abilities of the werewolves, the souls of the deceased members of the Circle end up not in Sovngarde, which all Nords dream of, but in the Hunting Grounds of Hircine. Therefore, while many of the Companions consider lycanthropy to be a gift, some, including Kodlak himself, know that it is also a curse.

The Harbinger decided to take a bold step - to break the ancient treaty. To do this, he sends you on an important mission: you must destroy the Glenmoril coven, kill the witches and bring their heads to Kodlak.

ABOUT cleansing revenge

Together with Vilkas, you must go to the Silver Hand camp and retrieve the stolen fragments of Wuuthrad. You will also be given an additional task - to destroy the Silver Hand clan, killing all werewolf hunters.

Your goal is Fort Driftshade, which is located southeast of Dawnstar. Near the entrance you will be met by three warriors of the Silver Hand, after dealing with them, you will go inside. After going down the stairs, you will find yourself in the first hall, where you will have to kill two more opponents. Opposite the descent there will be a door leading straight to the goal, but it will be locked on the other side, and you need to look for a workaround.

Turning left and walking along a winding corridor, you will come out into a hall with two more werewolf hunters. Next, you must go forward along a long corridor and exit into a room with a door leading to the next level of the fort. It is blocked by a grate, but the lever that activates it is located nearby on the wall.

Last duty

You must come to Kodlak's funeral. All companions and members of the circle will come to pay tribute to the Harbinger. Yorlund and Aela will say farewell words, after which, according to the ritual, Kodlak's body will be consigned to the fire of the Heavenly Forge.

Yorlund will ask you to give back the obtained fragments of the legendary axe, and will also ask you to bring the last piece, which belonged to Kodlak and is in his chambers. You must go downstairs to Jorrvaskr's Living Quarters, enter the former Harbinger's room and pick up the piece of Wuuthrad from the nightstand. Returning to Yorlund, you will learn that all members of the Circle have gathered in the Lower Forge and are waiting for you there.

Once inside, you will find Aela, Farkas and Vilkas arguing about Kodlak's dying wish. The Harbinger wanted to be cured of Hircine's curse and cleanse his soul after death. After conferring, the members of the Circle will decide that no matter what each of them thinks about the curse of the Companions, Kodlak's last wish must be fulfilled. To do this, you need to go to the tomb of Ysgramor, but since it is opened with the help of Wuuthrad, no one has been there for many years.

When the topic of Wuuthrad comes up, Yorlund Gray Mane will appear at the forge and report that thanks to your efforts, all the fragments of the ax were found, and the blacksmith himself was able to reforge the legendary Wuuthrad. Since the return of the rubble is your merit, it will be you who will be given the honor of taking the ax and leading the march to Ysgramor's tomb. You must go to the Nord ruins, which are located on the island northwest of the College of Winterhold. All members of the Circle will be waiting for you inside. Vilkas will report that Kodlak was right - the fury of revenge that filled his soul prevents him from thinking soberly, and therefore he will not go further, but will remain to guard the entrance. Farkas and Eila will go with you.

Vilkas will also tell you that the ghosts of the Companions who have departed from this world will meet on your way in the tomb and, perhaps, will attack you because they want to test your abilities.

In order to open the way to the depths of the tomb, you need to place the legendary Wuuthrad on the statue of Ysgramor. By activating the statue, you will see a passage open in the wall opposite the entrance. After this, the ax can be taken back. A difficult path awaits you and your companions.

In the first corridor you will be attacked by two ghost companions. Having dealt with them and opening the wooden door, you will find yourself in the first hall, where several more aggressive spirits will wake up when you appear. To the left of the entrance there is a passage leading to the second large hall, which is almost completely filled with water. Here you will have to fight a whole group of ghosts.

In the final quest, Vilkas asks everyone to come to Kodlak's funeral. The funeral itself takes place in the Sky Forge, where the Companions, some members of the Gray Mane clan and several residents of Whiterun, including the Jarl, have gathered.

After the ceremony, Yorlund will ask you to give him the Wuuthrad fragments, then send you to Kodlak's room for the latter. In the same chest of drawers where the fragment lies, you can find the deceased’s diary. After which we go to a meeting with members of the Circle in the Lower Forge. There you talk about Kodlak, about his desire to defeat the curse of lycanthropy, which he did not manage to achieve. In tribute to this desire, a decision is made to carry out a purification ritual, which requires the heads of the Glenmoril witches, which you obtained two quests earlier - the same ones that once placed a curse on the Companions. At the end of the conversation, Yorlund brings the restored ax to Wuuthrad.

We all go together to the Tomb of Ysgramor (more precisely, the Companions begin to run somewhere, and if you haven’t found the tomb before and don’t know where it is, run after them or use fast travel to the Driftshade Shelter, which was cleared in the last quest, and then walk (or on horseback) Alternatively, you can use the services of a cab to get to Dawnstar.

Note:If you choose to travel together in the company of Companions, keep three things in mind: run far; Companions will be distracted by enemies within their field of view.

Having finally reached the goal, in the gate hall of the tomb we insert an ax into the hands of the statue, which will lead to the opening of a passage to the tomb. After this you can pick up the axe, the passage will not be closed.

Farkas, Vilkas and Eila will be waiting for you in the tomb. Vilkas will immediately refuse to go with you, explaining that he should not allow anger to take over him this time. Farkas and Eila will go with you.

Next, we begin to make our way through the tomb to the tomb of Ysgramor. The ghosts of the warriors of the Five Hundred, who are buried right there, are trying to stop us. In one area of ​​the tomb there will also be a large lair of frost spiders. Here Farkas admits that he is afraid of frost spiders and will return to his brother.

Having reached the tomb, talk to the spirit of Kodlak, throw the witch’s head on the altar and defeat the spirit of the beast that lived in Kodlak during life and does not want to leave him even after death. Kodlak will consider you the most suitable candidate (Vilkas is too hot-tempered, and his anger prevents him from thinking soberly, as a result of which he can make rash decisions; Farkas is too stupid and supports his brother and the head of the Companions in everything; Eila is too arrogant, and Skjor, who was actually the deputy Kodlak and was considered the successor of his cause, is dead) and will announce that you will lead the Companions. Aela will witness this moment and be the first to call you the Harbinger. There is a chest in the right corner, in it you can find Ysgramor's shield. Immediately from the tomb hall there is an exit to the hall with the statue.

The Companions questline is complete, you are now the new Harbinger, congratulations!