Syntax as a branch of linguistics. Syntax as a branch of linguistics

Syntax (from the Greek structure, order), in the traditional sense, a set of grammatical rules of a language related to the construction of units that are more extensive than a word: phrases and sentences. There are also more expansive understandings of syntax, which go back to the terminological tradition of semiotics. In accordance with the first of them, the concept of syntax includes the rules for constructing any more complex language units from simpler ones; At the same time, it becomes possible to talk about intraword syntax or the syntax of the text. In an even more broad sense, syntax refers to the rules for constructing expressions of any sign systems, and not just verbal (verbal) language. With all existing understandings of the subject of syntax, the section of the corresponding theory (linguistics, semiotics) that deals with the study of syntactic units and rules is also called syntax.

Syntax as a section of grammar that studies the structure of coherent speech includes two main parts:

  • 1) the doctrine of phrases and
  • 2) the doctrine of supply.

Like grammar in general, syntax deals with the expression in language of some of the most frequently occurring meanings, such as “subject”, “feature”, “question”, “negation”, etc., and the way in which these meanings are expressed in syntax are hierarchically organized structures.

The boundaries of syntax and morphology cannot always be outlined with sufficient confidence: a word (subject of morphology), like a sentence, has a certain hierarchical structure, and morphological categories, like syntactic ones, are associated with the expression of some of the most frequent meanings. This explains the appearance of the general term “morphosyntax”. However, the structure of the word is much simpler than the structure of syntactic units in the proper sense. In addition, a sentence is capable of theoretically infinite complication: as a rule, a certain number of units can be included in its composition, and at the same time the sentence will not lose grammatical correctness, while words capable of potentially infinite complication are rare and far from common. all languages.

The peculiarity of syntax also lies in the fact that in the process of speech the speaker constantly creates new sentences, but extremely rarely new words. Thus, the creative aspect of language is clearly manifested in syntax, and therefore syntax is often defined as a section of grammar that studies the generation of speech - the formation of a theoretically unlimited set of sentences and texts from a limited set of words.

The study of syntax includes two large groups of problems: descriptive and theoretical. The purpose of a syntactic description is to formulate with the greatest completeness and accuracy the rules that distinguish correctly constructed sentences of a certain language from incorrect ones. Theoretical syntax is part of the general theory of grammar; its task is to highlight the universal, i.e. a component of syntactic rules inherent in all languages ​​and to establish the limits of the diversity that languages ​​exhibit in the field of syntax.

Descriptive syntax includes techniques and methods of syntactic analysis, which matches a sentence to its grammatical structure, as well as the rules by which grammatically correct sentences of a language can be distinguished from incorrect ones. These rules can be recognition rules, i.e. allowing to answer the question of whether some arbitrary expression is a correct or incorrect expression of a given language, or generative, i.e. carrying out the synthesis of correct sentences of a given language based on elementary units and the rules for their connection.

Information that is transmitted in speech is distributed among various structural units of language; one information “load” is carried by phonemes, the smallest “building blocks” of statements; the other is morphemes, these are already primary blocks that have their own meaning; the third - words, “larger blocks” that exist to name phenomena of reality, but all these units cannot yet form statements or messages.

Syntax allows you to fulfill the most important role in a language - the function of communication.

Syntax- a section of grammar that studies the structure of coherent speech and includes two main parts: the doctrine of word formation and the doctrine of sentences. The term "syntax" was first used Stoics in the 3rd century BC. And it was related to observations of the logical content of statements.

Subject of syntax are the word in its relationships and connections with other words in speech, the rules for the formation of larger units from words that ensure speech communication. As a result of combining word forms, using words in certain forms, syntactic units are built: phrases, sentences.

The object of syntax as a field of linguistics consists of those mechanisms of language (morphological, phonetic, compositional and others) that ensure the transition from language to speech.

The main syntactic units are: word form (i.e. a word in a certain form), phrase, sentence, complex syntactic whole.

Sentence and phrase- syntactic units for different purposes, each of them may have its own essential features. Offer forms the statement; it is the main unit of syntax. Collocation- one of the components of a sentence, it represents an auxiliary unit.

Syntactic means The languages ​​with which sentences and phrases are constructed are varied. The main ones are the forms of words in their interaction and function words. By means of inflectional indicators and function words, the syntactic connection of words in phrases and sentences is carried out. For example, in the sentence Through the cloud the unheated sun looked at the earth words are connected by gender endings ( the sun was shining, the sun was not warming), as well as case endings in combination with prepositions ( looked at the ground, looked through the cloud).

When constructing a sentence, intonation and word order are used. Intonation not only a means of grammatical organization of a sentence, but also an indicator of the completeness of an utterance. Word order- their relative position in the composition of phrases and sentences. In a language, there are certain rules for the relative arrangement of words in different types of combinations. Thus, the grammatical form is the placement of the predicate after the subject; the agreed definition is usually placed before the word being defined, and the inconsistent one - after it. Deviations from this rule are used for stylistic purposes.

Syntax is associated with the structure of thinking, norms of communication and designated reality.

The logical and communicative aspects of syntax make it the most universal part of the structure of a language.

Question 77.

Syntagma– this is 1. According to the theory of F. de Saussure, a two-member structure, the members of which are related as the determined and the determining. Such members, according to some researchers, may be:

a) morphemes in a derived word. Stol-ik (stol- - definable, -uk - defining; the general meaning of the syntagm is “small table”). Such a syntagma is called “internal”, since both of its members are contained in one word, considered as a juxtaposition of morphemes;

b) the constituent parts of a compound word, one of which determines the other. Water carrier (the general meaning of this “internal syntagma” is “carrying water”);

c) components of a subordinating phrase. New textbook, read a book, run quickly. Such syntagmas are called “external”, constituting syntactic unity;

d) whole phrases, for example, isolated parts of a sentence. Children playing in the yard. He walked without looking around;

e) predicative parts of a complex sentence It is necessary to find out errors that are typical for the entire class.

2. A semantic-syntactic unit of speech, formed by a group of words as part of a sentence, united in semantic and rhythmic and melodic relations. Troekurov's usual occupations consisted of traveling/ around his vast estates (Pushkin) (three syntagms). The noise was as if the whole room 1 was filled with snakes (Gogol) (three syntagms). If you love to ride, / you also love to carry a sleigh (proverb) (two syntagms). A syntagma can also consist of one word or coincide with an entire sentence. There, /where there used to be a lonely rock, /lay a pile of rubble (Arsen’ev) (three syntagms). Everything is fine at the plant (Kuprin) (one syntagma). The syntagma may or may not coincide with the phrase, but significant differences remain between them: the syntagma stands out in the sentence, is the result of its division and exists only in it, while the phrase not only stands out in the sentence, but, along with the word, serves as a ready-made “building material” for a sentence and is the result not of decomposition into elements, but of the synthesis of elements. The division of the same sentence into syntagms can be different depending on the context, situation, expressive coloring given to the statement by the speaker, different understanding of the content of the sentence, etc. This mobility of syntagmatic division, which is the object of consideration of stylistic syntax, is opposed by a stable one, based on certain models for constructing phrases.

Syntagms are classified from the point of view of the relationship of the words included in them (for example, attributive, relative syntagms), according to their position in the statement (finite and non-finite syntagms) and according to the type of intonation contour that forms them (complete, incomplete, introductory, adversative, explanatory syntagms, etc. .)

Paradigm and syntagma

Paradigm- inflectional paradigm - in linguistics, a list of word forms that belong to the same lexeme and have different grammatical meanings. Usually presented in table form. Ferdinand de Saussure used the term to refer to a class of elements that have similar properties.

The construction of paradigms is one of the first linguistic achievements of mankind; Babylonian clay tablets with lists of paradigms are usually considered the first monument of linguistics as a science.

Typically, paradigms are ordered in some traditional grammeme order, for example, the Russian declension paradigm is written in case order I - R - D - V - T - P:

about the hand

The paradigm of personal conjugation in European languages ​​is usually written in the order “going-going-going” (and accordingly the persons are called first, second and third), and, for example, in Arabic the order is reversed.

“Give me some white paper” - you can’t say that. Needed: white paper. The word form paper requires that the word form white be associated with it. This means that there are laws of connection between grammatical units. You can’t say “dark brown eyes,” they say brown. Here the laws of connection are no longer grammatical, but lexical: one word does not want to be a neighbor of an “unproper” word.
There are laws of syntactic connections. It is impossible to say: “Dancing, the music was heard in all ends of the hall.” Here the gerund is used syntactically incorrectly.
There are laws of phonetic connections. In Russian, [z] + [k] cannot be next to each other. What about transportation? Load? Frosty? The combination [sk] is everywhere, but [zk] is nowhere to be found.
So, in a text, units can be connected correctly or incorrectly. Consequently, there are linguistic laws for the connection of units in the text. These laws are called syntagmatic (from the Greek syntagma - “built together”). Combinations of word forms (i.e. grammatical forms of words), combinations of morphemes, combinations of parts of a sentence, combinations of words are syntagms.
But connections between language units can be not only syntagmatic. The word form house is related to the word forms house, house, house... This connection is not based on the fact that the units are “neighboring” and form a unity in one context. And what?
In some cases, units are connected to each other, which occur in the same, in the same position - in the same environment.
For example, case forms:
I am sending bread and wine. P.
I am sending bread. P.
I am sending my father the dates. P.
I send by mail TV. P.
I'm sending it by plane. P.
Please note: all case forms differ from each other in both sound and meaning. For example, he sent bread - meaning “all”; sent bread - meaning “part”; both forms name the object of the action; I am sending it to my father - the form of the case is indicated by the addressee.
All forms of indirect cases, as you can see, can be with one verb - in one position. That is why they act as different case forms, that we can compare and contrast them in the same environment - in the same position. This is a paradigm (from the Greek paradigma - “model”).
In other cases, the units are related because they cannot be in the same position. For example: I’m walking - you’re walking - he’s walking. The forms I go - you go - you go require different subjects, different environments, i.e. different positions. In one position, with one subject, they are impossible. And this is also a paradigm. In this understanding, a paradigm is a collection of units that change depending on positions (see distributional analysis).
What is the difference between these paradigms? Do they have the same attitude towards syntagmas? Linguists currently do not have a consensus on this matter. The matter requires study.
It has long been customary to call a series of case forms or finite forms of a verb a paradigm. Modern linguistics has extended this concept to other units of language. For example, paradigms of sounds, sentences, etc. are possible.
The contrast between paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections was introduced into science by F. de Saussure; it explained a lot in the structure of languages, but it itself still needs further clarification. “Everything you want to write on a line is syntagma. Everything that you want to write in a column or in the form of a table is a paradigm.”

Question 78.

Phonetics (Greek phone - sound), a branch of linguistics that studies the sound side of language. Unlike other linguistic disciplines, linguistics studies not only the linguistic function, but also the material side of its object: the work of the pronunciation apparatus, as well as the acoustic characteristics of sound phenomena.

Sound of speech- this is a way of materializing morphemes and word forms that act as a unity of sound and meaning.

In all languages ​​of the world, there are two types of speech sounds - vowels and consonants. The combination of vowels forms vocalism, the combination of consonants forms consonantism; Vocalism and consonantism form the phoneme system of a given language.

Phonetic processes. Because Speech sounds are not pronounced in isolation, but in the sound chain of connected speech, then the sounds can influence each other and be influenced by the general conditions of pronunciation.

The influence of sounds on each other causes combinatorial changes that occur in phonetic processes: accommodation, assimilation, dissimilation, diaeresis, epenthesis, haplology.

Phonetic division of speech.

Speech phonetically represents a sound stream or a chain of sounds. This chain breaks up into subordinate links, which are special, purely phonetic units of language, following each other in time. Phonetic units of speech are phrases, beats, syllables and sounds.

    1. Grammar as a branch of linguistics

Studying the grammatical structure of a language grammar– the science of the formation of words, their modification, classes, combinations and use in sentences and context.

Grammatical category- this is a set of language elements (words, significant parts of words and combinations of words), united by grammatical meaning with the obligatory presence of a grammatical method expressing it. For example, in Russian, a verb has the grammatical categories of voice, aspect, mood, tense, person, number, gender.

Categories in grammar can be broader, for example, parts of speech, and narrower, for example, phenomena of internal grouping within a particular part of speech: in nouns - categories of number; within the verb – categories of voice, aspect, mood.

Grammatical properties words are grammatical meanings, means of expressing grammatical meanings, grammatical categories.

Grammatical meaning This is a meaning that acts as an addition to the lexical meaning of a word and expresses various relationships (the relationship to other words in a phrase or sentence, the relationship to the person performing the action or other persons, the relationship of the reported fact to reality and time, the attitude of the speaker to the communicated, etc.). D). Usually a word has several grammatical meanings. Thus, the word country has the meaning of feminine, nominative case, singular; the word wrote contains the grammatical meanings of the past tense, singular, masculine, perfective.

    1. Syntax as a branch of linguistics

SYNTAX (from the Greek “structure, order”), in the traditional sense, is a set of grammatical rules of a language related to the construction of units longer than a word: phrases and sentences.

The sentence is the basic communicative unit of language and speech. The sentence as a model belongs to language; its implementation belongs to speech. The sentence is at the same time the most complex unit in which words, word forms and phrases function. The subject of sentence syntax is not the specific content of statements, but the generalized semantics of the sentence, its constructive basis, the rules for its distribution and actualization.

Predicativity has two sides - formal-logical and modal-semantic. Sometimes these two properties are considered as two aspects of a sentence, calling the first property predicativity, and the second - modality.

Every language, including Russian, contains a large number of words. But these linguistic units mean nothing without proper formatting. And this is where syntax comes to the rescue. The basic units of syntax are responsible for the grammatical connection of words into sentences, which make up human speech, written and oral. Knowledge of this important branch of the science of language will help you formulate your thoughts correctly and competently. The syntax is broken down into basic syntax units and discussed below.

Syntax is a special branch of linguistic science

The structure of syntactic units, their meaning and interaction is studied by the section of grammar called “syntax”. It is a word of Greek origin meaning “composition” or “construction.” Thus, the section studies exactly how to construct the basic units of syntax from the entire set of words - phrases and sentences. If this section of grammar is mastered at the proper level, speech will be coherent, logical and varied.

Punctuation is inextricably linked with syntax. This is a system of rules governing the placement of punctuation marks. They help to divide the text into sentences, as well as logically arrange the syntactic units themselves.

Basic units

The basic units of syntax are the phrase and the clause. Each of them has its own characteristics and purpose. Units of syntax also include text and a complex syntactic whole.

Let's figure out what the basic units of syntax are. The table will help with this.



It has no communicative function; it serves for the grammatical and semantic connection of words with each other.

The minimum communicative unit serves to formulate oral and written speech. Has predicative properties.

One grammatical basis

Two grammatical bases

Catch with a net, wooden table, slow down, jump high.

The forest today is extremely beautiful.

He felt very sad.

I came to pay my respects.

Nature comes to life: in some places you can already hear the singing of arriving birds.

Subordinating connection

So, we said what syntax is, the basic units of syntax. Syntactic connections determine how the relationships between the latter are realized. There are two types of connections that can connect words in a phrase that make up the elements of a sentence: coordinating and subordinating.

When we talk about the latter, this implies that it is possible to identify the main part and the one that will depend on it. In other words, the main one is from which the question must be asked, the dependent one is to which it is posed.

Let's look at examples: know (what?) the exact time. In this phrase, “know” will be the main word, “time” will be the dependent word.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring me. Here we already have a complex sentence with a subordinating relationship between the parts. From the first - “I know” - we ask a question to the subordinate clause (what?) “what will tomorrow bring me.”

Methods of submission

The subordinate relationship is implemented in several ways. This is most noticeable within a phrase.

  1. Coordination: when an entire syntactic unit changes, the word forms included in it also change. Wicker basket; wicker basket, about wicker basket. Dependent words in this case can be participles, adjectives, ordinal numbers and adjective pronouns.
  2. Control: the dependent word remains unchanged, while the main word can change its grammatical form. Describes the landscape - described the landscape - describes the landscape - described the landscape. Dependent words: nouns, verbs, adjectives and cardinal numbers.
  3. Contiguity: connection only in meaning. They walked staggering, very handsome, he went to work. Here everyone will be dependent

Coordinating connection

Unlike subordination, a coordinating connection connects absolutely equal parts. These can be either special combinations of words: flowers and herbs, he walked and rejoiced, or components of a complex sentence: “The street soon became quiet, but anxiety grew in the house.”

Here we do not highlight the main and dependent words; this connection is formalized intonationally or with the help of coordinating conjunctions. Let's compare: “He walked, cried, did not notice anyone. - He walked and cried.” In the first case, only intonation is used, in the second - the conjunction and (coordinating connective).

Phrase. Types of phrases

So, it was described above what the basic units of syntax are. The phrase is the most minimal of them. It represents two or more words connected in meaning, intonation or grammatically. Phrases are isolated from sentences because they are their integral part. This is done as follows: It is drizzling outside.

  1. First, the grammatical basis is determined. It is not a phrase. The rain is drizzling.
  2. Next, we ask questions from the subject: light rain (what kind?).
  3. After this, from the predicate: it’s drizzling (where?) on the street.

According to which part of speech the main word belongs to, all phrases are divided into nominal ones (oak table, each of the guests is capable of learning); verbal (walked stumbling, speak clearly) and adverbial (very fun, to the right of the road, somewhere in the store).

Also, phrases are divided into simple and complex.

In the first, only one question is possible: the sun (which one?) is bright and radiant. Complex ones are more common. Let's compare: read (what?) a magazine (simple) and read (what) a popular science magazine. In the last example, the word magazine also asks a question about the word popular science, so the phrase is complex.

Free and integral phrases are distinguished. The first ones are distinguished by the fact that each word from their composition is a full-fledged member of the sentence. Second words in a sentence are not divided into component parts. Only two students passed the session with flying colors. “Two students” is essentially a phrase, but in the sentence it acts as the subject, so it can be characterized as integral.

Is not a phrase

It should be remembered that phrases are never:

  1. Subject and predicate.
  2. Homogeneous members of the sentence.
  3. Phraseologisms (they should not be confused with whole phrases that are one member of a sentence: three sisters, a boy and a girl, etc.).
  4. Combinations of a function word and an independent part of speech: during the day (preposition and noun), so does he (conjunction and pronoun), what an ignoramus (particle and noun).
  5. Complex forms: I will read (future tense), the highest one is calmer (comparative degree), let him go (imperative mood).

Proposal and its signs

We already know that the basic units of syntax are phrases and sentences, but it is the latter that is the most important. After all, our speech consists precisely of sentences: with them we think and talk, composing a coherent text.

What characterizes a sentence as the basic unit of syntax? The grammatical basis is the indicator that distinguishes it from a phrase or a simple set of words. This feature is also called predicativeness, because it is the predicate that carries within itself an indicator of the reality or unreality of what is happening. It is expressed through the mood of the verb.

Also, the sentence as the basic unit of syntax is characterized by logical and intonational completeness. This is a short statement, the formalization of a certain thought about the subject of conversation. It cannot be confused with a phrase, because in the latter there is no logical completeness - it is simply a grammatically related set of words.

Grammar basis

Every sentence has a grammatical basis. This is an indicator of its structure - the most important characteristic.

The predicative basis can be represented by both the subject and the predicate, or each of them separately.

For example, the sentence: “We saw the long-awaited land.” There are both main members here. A sentence of this type is another matter: “The long-awaited land has become visible.” Here, from the basis, only the predicate has become visible.

It is by the number of predicative bases that the most important characteristic is given: whether the sentence before us is simple or complex.

Let us briefly examine each main term. The subject shows us the subject of speech, indicates what is being said in the sentence. The predicate denotes what the subject does, what it is, who or what it is. There are three types of this main member in structure and meaning: simple and compound, verbal and nominal.

What are the offers?

It is sentences that mostly study syntax. The basic units of syntax are characterized by many parameters.

Regardless of the number of predicative stems, sentences are distinguished by:

  1. Purposes of the statement. When communicating with each other, people can communicate certain facts (declarative sentences), ask (interrogative) or appeal to some action (motivating). At the end of such syntactic units, a period, question mark or exclamation mark is placed, respectively.
  2. Emotional coloring. There are exclamatory and non-exclamatory sentences. It should be noted that the former may not necessarily be exclusively incentive. For example, the sentence: What a ridiculous situation! We will characterize it as narrative, but exclamatory. It’s all because of what, expressing admiration.

Characteristics of simple sentences

Simple sentences are the basic units of syntax. Let us briefly examine their most important characteristics.

  1. One-piece or two-piece. The grammatical basis will indicate this. If it is represented by one of the members, the proposal will be one-part. Otherwise two-part. If a sentence has only a subject or predicate, it is necessary to indicate its type (definite or indefinite-personal, denominative or impersonal).
  2. Common or not. The secondary members are responsible for this characteristic. If there is at least one of them, the offer is widespread.
  3. Complete or incomplete. The latter are characteristic of oral speech: they omit some member. Thus, it is impossible to build a logical chain without neighboring sentences. For example: "Are you reading a book?" - “No, a magazine.” The answer to the question posed is an incomplete sentence.
  4. A simple sentence can be complicated. This is also one of its characteristics. Complicating elements are isolated and secondary members, both common and not, as well as homogeneous constructions, introductory words, and addresses.

Simple and complex sentences

Russian syntax is very diverse. The basic syntactic units are simple and Let's figure out what the difference between them is.

If a syntactic unit has one grammatical basis, then it will be a simple sentence. The wind is very noisy today. The characteristics of such a proposal will follow the plan presented above.

There are cases when a syntactic unit consists of several simple ones. Then it will be a complex proposal.

The most difficult thing is to distinguish a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates from a complex one. Here you need to look carefully at the subject. If it is one object that performs different actions, then the sentence will be simple. Let's look at examples:

"They walked the streets of the city and enjoyed their newfound freedom." “They walked the streets of the city, and their newfound freedom gave them strength.” The first sentence is simple. There is only one predicative basis, complicated by homogeneous predicates: they were walking, enjoying. The second sentence will be difficult, because there are two grammatical bases: they walked, they gave freedom.

Types of connections in complex sentences

As written above, the basic units of syntax are sentences. If we talk about complex structures, their most important characteristic will be the type of connection between the parts. Syntax also deals with these phenomena. The basic units of syntax, complex sentences, can include parts connected by subordinating and coordinating relationships. Depending on this, there is a gradation into complex and complex sentences.

Let's look at each type in more detail. The components of complex sentences are equal. This equality gives them a special, creative connection. It is expressed in the use of coordinating conjunctions in the construction of sentences. Thus, a question from one simple sentence to another is impossible.

Example: “I want to get everything back, but something always gets in my way.” This sentence is complex, the parts are connected by the adversative conjunction but.

Also, intonation plays an important role in the formation of a complex sentence: at the end of each simple sentence it goes down - this characterizes logical completeness.

Complex syntactic whole

What other elements does Russian syntax include? The basic units of syntax are also complex sentences. They consist of elements where one depends on the other. That is, between the simple parts of such a sentence, you can always pose the question: “The clearing (what?) that we came to was hidden from prying eyes.”

This connection is realized through subordinating conjunctions and intonation, descending to the end of each simple sentence.

We should not forget that there is a non-union connection. It implies the absence of formal elements between parts, only intonation completeness: The river was noisy and seething; the ships sailing along it feared for their safety.

We have looked at what Russian syntax includes. The basic syntactic units, the sentence and the phrase, form other structures called the complex syntactic whole. And it, in turn, already forms the text. Within it, just like in any other element of syntax, there are connections, both grammatical and semantic, and even formal (for example, conjunctions with which the subsequent sentence begins).

What is a complex syntactic whole? This is a group of sentences, simple and complex, logically interconnected by one main idea. In other words, the syntactic whole is a micro-theme that contains an intermediate meaning. As a rule, it is limited to paragraph division.

There are often cases when the text is a syntactic whole. As a rule, these are short stories with one short plot line.

Syntax(gr. syntaxis - composition). - a section of grammar that studies the structure of coherent speech and includes two main parts: the doctrine of word formation and the doctrine of sentences. The main syntactic units are: word form (i.e. a word in a certain form), phrase, sentence, complex syntactic whole.

Subject syntax are the word in its relationships and connections with other words in speech, the rules for the formation of larger units from words that ensure speech communication. As a result of combining word forms, using words in certain forms, syntactic units are built: phrases, sentences. So in a sentence: Somewhere on the western outskirts a hand grenade went off loudly(Sh.) phrases used on the western outskirts, a hand grenade went off loudly. In Russian, a sentence can be constructed from one significant word in a certain form: Morning; It's getting light; Here is the lake; Get up! etc. However, such sentences, as a rule, allow expansion with the help of explanatory words: Summer morning; It's getting light quickly; Here is a forest lake; Get up immediately!

Sentence and phrase- syntactic units for different purposes, each of them may have its own essential features. Offer forms the statement; it is the main unit of syntax. Collocation- one of the components of a sentence, it represents an auxiliary unit. In syntax, the rules of grammatical formatting of sentences and phrases are studied.

In speech, sentences are connected to each other. A group of sentences connected in a certain way in a relatively complete segment of text, united thematically and logically, forms the so-called complex syntactic whole. In a syntactically complex whole - a single thematic content - sentences are connected using lexical units, verbal forms of tense and aspect. The patterns of construction of a complex syntactic whole are the subject of the study of text syntax.

Syntactic means in the Russian language, with the help of which sentences and phrases are constructed, are varied. The main ones are the forms of words in their interaction and function words. By means of inflectional indicators and function words, the syntactic connection of words in phrases and sentences is carried out. For example, in the sentence Through the cloud the unheated sun looked at the earth(Sh.) words are connected by generic endings ( the sun was shining, the sun was not warming), as well as case endings in combination with prepositions ( looked at the ground, looked through the cloud).

When constructing a sentence, intonation and word order are also used. Intonation(messages, questions, motives) is not only a means of grammatical organization of a sentence, but also an indicator of the completeness of an utterance. Word order- their relative position in the composition of phrases and sentences. In the Russian language there are certain rules for the relative arrangement of words in different types of combinations. Thus, the grammatical form is the placement of the predicate after the subject; the agreed definition is usually placed before the word being defined, and the inconsistent one - after it. Deviations from this rule are used for stylistic purposes.

Syntactic units are connected with units of other levels of the language system: they are built from words, or more precisely from word forms. Syntax is thus based on vocabulary and morphology. Syntax and morphology are especially closely related as two aspects of the grammatical structure of a language.

Morphological units, morphological indicators are realized in speech through phrases and sentences. Morphological categories of parts of speech are the support of syntactic relations ( western outskirts - defining relations "subject - attribute"), as well as syntactic categories ( a grenade went off - past tense, real modality).