Prague public schools. Secondary education in the Czech Republic

Studying in the Czech Republic: How is the issue of children's education resolved?

If you decide to move to the Czech Republic with your family, then the question of educating your child immediately arises. First, you will need to decide in what language you want to continue (start) your studies: in the language of the country - Czech, Russian, English... There are all these possibilities here. The decision usually depends on two main factors: firstly, on where you think your children will then receive higher education (and, therefore, live and work), and secondly, how much money you are willing to invest in their education (because education in the Czech Republic in the Czech Republic is free, but in other languages ​​it is paid). Training in all schools in the Czech Republic is five days.
1. Czech schools.
Základní škola – primary (basic) school

In public schools in the Czech Republic, education is free.
Basic (nine-year) education is compulsory for both Czech children and children of foreigners, who are admitted to school subject to confirmation of their stay in the Czech Republic. Training takes place in Czech. There is a practice of sending foreign students who do not speak Czech to a lower grade. That is, if your child has completed 5th grade in Russia, then here he will go not to 6th grade, but to the same fifth grade, in order to go through the program again, but in Czech. In the first year of study, grades in Czech are not awarded. Usually, children master the language within a year while studying at school, although it would not be a bad idea to organize additional classes with a tutor.

Children aged 6-7 years are admitted to the first grade of basic school (usually a child starts school at six years old if he turns 7 before the end of the school year). Registration for the school takes place mainly from January 15 to February 15. At this time, it is customary for schools to conduct interviews with parents, they are told about the rules and traditions of the school, and they are introduced to the teachers. Most often, it is convenient for parents to enroll their child in the school that is geographically closest to their place of residence, since, firstly, classes usually start at 8 - 8.30 in the morning, and secondly, general education primary schools, in general, are not much different from each other. Although in recent years, many schools, in an effort to attract students, are developing their own curriculum. Some offer in-depth study of foreign languages ​​from the first grade (this subject is usually introduced from the fourth grade), others offer a stronger program in mathematics, computer science or creative subjects.
In the Czech Republic, a grading system from 1 (best) to 5 (worst) is used to assess learning outcomes. Moreover, unlike schools in Russia, the “five” is actively used as a full-fledged legal assessment. At the end of each school year, a so-called vysvědčení (similar to a report card), which shows the final grades in individual subjects. If a student receives a final 5, he must retake this subject at the end of the summer holidays (usually in August). If the retake is unsuccessful, you will have to repeat the training in the same class.

The Czech primary (basic) secondary school is divided into two stages: the first (grades 1-5) and the second (grades 6-9), after which you can continue your studies in a secondary school (analogous to a technical school) or in a 4-year gymnasium, after which Pupils take matriculation examinations (the so-called maturita). For children who already in basic school show an inclination towards certain sciences (exact, humanities), there is the possibility of entering an 8-year gymnasium after the 5th grade or a 6-year gymnasium after the 7th grade of a basic school.
Gymnasiums differ from secondary schools not only in that exams are taken to enter them, but also in that in gymnasiums the approach to learning is completely different, much more serious. Many of our compatriots, whose children attended basic school in the Czech Republic, believe that the program of the Czech basic school, to put it mildly, is more gentle or, rather, weaker than in Russia.
You must submit documents to the gymnasium in advance - at the latest - in April, and in some especially popular schools, where there is a lot of competition, even earlier.

Střední škola – secondary school
After basic school, you need to continue your studies at a secondary school or a 4-year gymnasium. If a student has completed basic school outside the Czech Republic, he must nostrify a certificate issued by a foreign school (lower secondary education certificate) or present confirmation that this certificate is recognized as valid. ( Nostrification– recognition of the equivalence of a foreign certificate. Nostrification of certificates of incomplete (or complete) secondary education is carried out by the relevant department of education - in Prague, the city magistrate. For nostrification, you need to submit the following documents: an application form, a notarized copy of the certificate, a certified translation of the certificate (as well as an insert for the certificate, which lists the subjects studied and indicates the number of hours attended in each subject). This procedure costs 200 CZK, and the processing time for the application is usually 30-60 days.)

Secondary schools in the Czech Republic can be divided into three main groups:
- gymnasiums;
- secondary special schools;
- secondary specialized schools.
Czech secondary schools and gymnasiums can be general education or specialized - with in-depth study of a particular subject. Secondary vocational (střední odborné) schools, together with general secondary education, also allow you to obtain a certain specialty. After graduating from a secondary specialized school (středné odborné učiliště) - similar to Russian vocational schools and vocational schools - the student receives a certificate of assignment to a specific specialty.

In the Czech Republic, unlike the usual system, after primary school, exams are taken not at the end of the ninth grade (the student receives an analogue of our certificate), but during admission to secondary school. Czech language, mathematics and one foreign language are required. In specialized schools, a subject in the specialty and one to choose from is compulsory. In schools where the student does not receive a certificate of specialization, both subjects are available as an elective. To take an exam in any subject, you must first attend the required number of study hours. The annual grade in a subject can affect the exam grade, and vice versa. If the exams were not passed the first time, do not despair: at the end of August there is an opportunity to take additional exams. And although at the end of summer only those schools and gymnasiums that did not recruit them during the first examination round recruit students, you can try your luck a second time at a completely different school. And in accordance with the new school law, starting from 2009, students will be able to apply to only two secondary schools at a time, so their chances of continuing their education will double.
After successfully completing secondary school and passing the final exams (maturitní zkouška), the graduate receives a matriculation certificate (maturitní vysvědčení).
Since the 2009/2010 academic year, state matriculation examinations have become mandatory for everyone graduating from high school or gymnasium. Previously, they were taken voluntarily, mainly by those who were planning to enter universities.
It should be noted here that in the Czech environment the value of receiving education (especially higher education) is incomparably lower than in the countries of the former USSR. Not all young people want to study at universities. This is partly due to the general lack of ambition and achievement motivation in the culture, partly due to the acute shortage of specialists in manual professions and artisans (plumbers, gas workers, construction trades, auto mechanics). What professions do children consider the most romantic? There are probably still astronauts in Russia. In the Czech Republic - garbage collectors (!).

2. Some Russian schools in Prague.
Graduates of Russian schools in the Czech Republic receive a regular Russian-style certificate of secondary education. With it you can then enter higher educational institutions.
- School at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Czech Republic with in-depth study of a foreign language. Training is conducted in Russian according to Russian curricula, teachers are mainly seconded from Russia. The school is paid, the cost of training is $80-140 per month. External training is possible (some Russian children study for free in a Czech comprehensive secondary school and at the same time - externally - study in a Russian one). About 300 students from 15 countries study at this school (except Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, also from Bulgaria, Vietnam, China, and the Czech Republic). (address: Prague 6, Krupkovo namnesti 1).
- School-gymnasium "Dialogue". Education (grades 1-11) is conducted according to official Russian programs in Russian, with in-depth study of English and Czech languages. Russian certificate. The school provides children with three meals a day. For those who wish - accommodation on a full board basis. There is also an external program. The cost of training is 500-600 euros per month. The school has a kindergarten for children from 3 to 6 years old. In summer there is a school camp for preschool children. (Prague-West, Hrashtany 14 - ).
- First Czech-Russian gymnasium- a private secondary school offering complete secondary education, ending with final examinations and a matriculation certificate. In addition to the Czech language, Russian, English, and German are studied. Admission to the school takes place in the form of an interview, training is conducted in Czech and Russian. The cost of training is about 1500 euros per year. Unfortunately, we cannot give any positive recommendation to this establishment. Our short personal communication with the owner of the “First Czech-Russian Gymnasium” did not leave us with the best impression.
There are more Russian schools in Prague than are mentioned here, for example, there is a secondary school and a kindergarten at the “European Academy of State and Law” (Prague 6, Na Baste St. Jiri 7, near the Hradčanska metro station - or "Russian-Ukrainian gymnasium". We do not know about Russian schools outside Prague, although common sense says that there should be something of this kind in Karlovy Vary.
Let us make a reservation that the information provided here could be outdated; this text was written around 2008 - schools could move, change price tags, or close altogether. However, it seems to us that it is more important to talk about the situation as a whole, and those who wish can find specific addresses themselves in the information space.

3. Some international schools in Prague.
Education in these schools is always paid. Graduates of international schools receive a Western-style certificate of secondary education.
You can choose for your child to study in English, German or French. Students who graduate from international schools usually enter higher education institutions in England, America, Germany, France, etc., some continue their education in a foreign language at international universities in the Czech Republic.
The most famous English language schools studying in Prague:
- Riverside School- a private family-type school operating according to the British-American system, for children 3-18 years old. Founded in 1994. The cost of training is from 14,000 euros per year. (Prague 6, Roztotska street 9 - .
- British International School Prague- private school for children from 18 months to 16 years, founded in 2007. Currently, children from more than 30 nationalities study there. Training is based on the British system, adapted to the international environment. The cost of training is from 17,400 euros per year. (Prague 4, Brunelova street 960/12 - .
At one time, this school was divided into 2 parts, so that two British schools are located next door (in Prague 4), the price tag and program of the other school do not differ much from what was described. Here she is:
- The Prague British School- the school continues the activities of The British International School. Education is based on the British education system for children from 18 months to 18 years. Founded in 1992. The cost of training is from 14,700 euros per year. (Prague 4, K lesu st. 558/2 - .
- The English College in Prague- private six-year English gymnasium for children 13-19 years old. IB International Certificate of Matriculation, valid also in the Czech Republic. Founded in 1994. International team. Students successfully enter universities abroad (including Oxford and Cambridge) and in the Czech Republic. The cost of training is 7800 euros per year. (Prague 9, Sokolovska street 320 - .

- International School of Prague(International School in Nebušice) is a private school with excellent facilities. Studying according to an academic program based on the American-British system. The cost of training is from 14,000 euros per year. (Prague 6, Nebušická str. 700 – . This is the most important school for those who are in the Czech Republic only temporarily (diplomats, business travelers, etc.). Their children must definitely go to this school, because when moving from the Czech Republic to Singapore, Germany or Morocco) they will find the same school there (this is an international network).

German language school:
- Německa school v Praze- international school-gymnasium with 8 years of education. Provides the opportunity to enter universities in the Czech Republic and Germany. There is also a German-language kindergarten and primary school. The cost of training is from 7200 euros per year. (Prague 5, Schwarzenbergska str. 1/700 -
Let’s say right away that not everyone is accepted there and extremely reluctantly (there are no places). It will be difficult to get there without a recommendation.

French language school:
- Lycee Français de Prague- French Lyceum. The training takes place in accordance with the official French basics while developing the language and culture of the Czech Republic. Attention to those who are aware of racism: there are many African (and generally dark-skinned) children studying at the French Lyceum. The cost of training is from 6,700 euros per year. (Prague 5, Drtinova str. 7 -
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Secondary education is considered basic, after which every person has the right to choose the future path in his or her destiny. Having received a matriculation certificate, you can enroll in any university in any country or find a job. Today's article will be about secondary education in the Czech Republic, about general principles and nuances. A look from the inside.

Like most European countries, the Czech Republic adheres to certain rules in the educational field, which are fundamentally different from Russian norms.

In high school there is no concept of control and discipline. For example, students have the right to do whatever they want in class, even surfing on a social network using the free school wi-fi, while teachers, in turn, calmly and without nerves present the necessary material, not paying attention to the concentration of the public.

In addition, there are no homework assignments, which aggravates the situation of the weakened student. Of the ten subjects studied by schoolchildren in high school, four are seminars, which are chosen individually. The assessment system is also democratic - half-yearly, and in order to get a grade, it is enough to score only three marks during this period.

Now it’s no wonder why in high schools you can find 20-year-old high school students sitting carefree at their desks...

School discipline

Regarding discipline, everything is also loose here. No one controls their appearance and behavior during recess, which delights even the most decent children. Imagine the picture: informal people walk along the corridors of the school in their unique style, girls in flashy miniskirts with bright makeup, boys playing football next to breakable objects and no one says anything, everything is normal. Freedom. What else do modern youth need?

Despite the fact that in the Czech Republic it is not customary to celebrate professional holidays and give teachers gifts in the form of flowers and sweets, the connection between teachers and students is still maintained here. As a rule, teachers are quite open to helping students both in the subject and in general school affairs. However, in some schools you can often find hostility of Czech teachers towards Russian-speaking schoolchildren. It is expressed in ignoring the student, for example, the teacher may not give a test and explain this by saying that the test taker will only spoil the form due to ignorance of the language. If this happens, the humiliated and offended student has the right to contact the director, who will deal with his nationalist colleague.

Exams in Czech

Finally, let's talk about the most important thing, the exam. In the Czech Republic it is much easier to pass exams than in Russia, which, in principle, encourages parents to send their children to another country. The entire educational program lasts until April, and in May the “Maturita” begins - the exam that completes secondary education. It includes 4 exams, one of which is compulsory for everyone, and this is the Czech language.

In order not to fail the exam, you need to get a positive result on the state exam. language, which consists of two parts. The written part consists of an essay, and the oral part consists of text analysis.

The remaining three exams are optional. In case of failure, each student has the right to a retake, which will take place in September.

If in September the examinee fails miserably, he stays for a second year or returns home, for example to Russia. In the Czech Republic, there are no concessions in obtaining a certificate of secondary education, so you should weigh the pros and cons before making the final decision about studying for your children abroad.

Learning German- a difficult but exciting process. Studying German in Prague is a natural solution for those who have chosen the Czech Republic as their country of residence, because the Czech Republic neighbors two German-speaking countries - Austria and Germany, and has close historical, cultural and economic ties with them.

The ICJ Educational Center offers its students a full range of German language courses - from programs for learning German from scratch to courses in communication with native speakers.

Our methodology for learning foreign languages, including German, is based on an integrated approach. Our German teachers say: you can not only understand German grammar, but also love it! Immersion in the culture of the target language is a mandatory stage of our training programs. Through literature and philosophy, we study German etiquette, assimilate common expressions in German speech, and strive to expand our vocabulary by modeling standard life situations.

“Speak - and you will definitely be heard and understood!” - the motto of the German language courses at the ICJ Educational Center in Prague. Communication in the target language is the key to its successful learning: in conversation, pronunciation improves, vocabulary and phrase stock increases, and the fear of mistakes disappears. You begin to think not about the possibility of making a mistake, but about how best to express your thought. This means that progress cannot be stopped, and the day is not far off when you will actually be able to understand German, speak German and even think in this complex but beautiful language.

German courses in Prague for beginners (Level A1)

  • The German language course for beginners is designed for 60 academic hours (60 x 45 min).
  • After completing the course, the student reaches level A1 in knowledge of a foreign language in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • At the end of the course, the student passes the ICJ Educational Center. The certificate can be used at the place of work or study.

The main teaching aid that teachers of the ICJ Educational Center use to introduce students to the German language is the textbook “Berliner Platz 1” Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik.” During their studies, course students master basic topics, including dating, professions, food and drinks, apartments, health, shopping and many others, and also expand their vocabulary with words and expressions related to these topics. As a result of studying German language courses in Prague from ICJ, each of our students will be able to communicate in the target language using learned figures of speech and phrases often used in everyday situations. A very important result of studying German language courses for beginners is the ability to perceive and understand German speech by ear: we spend a lot of time teaching you not only to speak, but also to hear “in German”.

German language courses in Prague for intermediate students (Level A2)

  • The German language course for advanced students is designed for 80 academic hours (80x45 min).
  • After completing the course, the student reaches level A2 in knowledge of a foreign language in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • At the end of the course, the student passes the final exam and receives a Certificate of successful completion of the course from the ICJ Educational Center. The certificate can be used at your place of work or study.
  • The number of students in a group is from 6 to max. 12 people.

Brief description of the course program
Students with basic knowledge continue to learn German, expand their vocabulary, and are able to understand slow German speech and speak at a basic level. The objective of the course is to deepen students’ grammatical knowledge, expand their knowledge of vocabulary, and get acquainted with the realities of modern Germany. The second level of learning the German language is also carried out using the textbook “Berliner Platz 2”. During their studies, students master such topics as the external and internal world of man, work, leisure, production, politics, history, education, etc. Particular attention is paid to difficult German grammar.

German language courses in Prague for intermediate level (Level B1)

  • The German language course for intermediate level is designed for 120 academic hours (120 x 45 min).
  • After completing the course, the student reaches level B1 in knowledge of a foreign language in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • The number of students in a group is from 6 to max. 12 people.
  • The course is also intended for those who wish to pass a certified exam at level B1 and receive a state certificate.

Brief description of the course program
There is no limit to perfection - the German language course for intermediate level is designed for students who want to understand and speak the target language even better. The purpose of the course is to consolidate knowledge at the Grundstufe level and move to the Mittelstufe level, free communication on certain topics, improve understanding of the speech of native speakers, free reading of texts, etc. The study guide “Berliner Platz 3”, which provides a wide range of lexical topics and grammar exercises, helps our students achieve their goals.

Advanced German courses in Prague (Level B2)

  • The German language course for advanced level is designed for 120 academic hours (120 x 45 min).
  • After completing the course, the student reaches level B2 in knowledge of a foreign language in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • At the end of the course, the student passes the final exam at level B1 and receives a Certificate of successful completion of the course from the ICJ Educational Center. The certificate can be used at your place of work or study.
  • The number of students in a group is from 6 to max. 12 people.
  • The course is also intended for those who wish to pass a certified exam at level B2 and receive a state certificate.

Brief description of the course program
The language of Heine, the language of Goethe and Schiller, the language of modern technology - the level of this course reveals to students all the beauty of the German language. Free communication, the ability to maintain any conversation at a high level, reading and understanding even the most complex texts, recognizing the cultural context of the country - all these are the goals of the course for advanced students studying German in Prague.

€790 / 2 weeks €1180 / 3 weeks €1550 / 4 weeks

Summer language course in Prague “German in the Czech Republic”


Course period in 2019: July August.

Duration: 2, 3 or 4 weeks.

Arrival dates:

  • for 2 weeks: 07/1/2019, 07/15/2019, 08/1/2019, 08/15/2019
  • for 3 weeks: 07/1/2019, 07/9/2019, 08/1/2019, 08/9/2019
  • for 4 weeks: 07/1/2019, 08/1/2019

Place of study: Language school MSM Academy, Prague or another MSM partner language school in Prague.

Training intensity

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic, a city with an indescribable medieval atmosphere in the very center of Europe. Education in the Czech Republic is a combination of accessibility and quality, long-standing traditions and a modern approach. If you are looking for a decent place to study for yourself or your child, summer courses will help you get to know the country and make the right choice.

Prices for 2019

Cost set by MSM Academy, Prague in euros.

*Additional payment for accommodation in June 2019:
50 euros for a program for 2 weeks
75 euros for a 3-week program
100 euros for a 4-week program

About the program

Teaching is conducted using modern methods exclusively by native speakers. All training materials are provided directly at the training site.

Summer Prague is not only stunningly beautiful, it is full of cultural and sports life, musicians from all over the world come to festivals, museums open stunning exhibitions of famous artists, clubs invite the best DJs to perform!

You can also combine study not only with active recreation but also with travel!

The Czech Republic is famous for its unique historical heritage - it is a record-breaking country for the number of medieval castles preserved in pristine condition, many of them are included in the UNESCO Foundation. In addition, the location of the Czech Republic allows you to get acquainted with other European countries, for example, Germany and Austria, without long exhausting trips or expensive flights.

All children who will come in the summer for a 1-month summer course will have the opportunity to use unlimited services of the fitness center: gym, sports hall, swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna.

The entire program is focused on further successful admission to universities in the Czech Republic and other countries.


4 week program includes:

85 academic hours of German language classes, 4 hours a day, 5 times a week.


  • German language (theory and practice with a native speaker)
  • Additional opportunity to practice German in Germany and Austria
  • History of the Czech Republic (as part of the language course). Together with the teacher, students visit the topics of Prague, which they learned about at the lecture.

Upon completion of your studies, a certificate of successful completion of the course will be issued.

Cultural program

The International Union of Youth has prepared for your children the most exclusive summer holiday option for young people - education accompanied by active and eventful recreation.

  • Excursions in Prague
    • Guided tour of Prague - Prague Castle, Charles Bridge
    • Excursion along the Vltava by boat
    • Night walk in Prague
  • Cultural Events
    • Visiting a museum, exhibition
    • Visit the famous Prague Zoo
    • Pool, beach
    • Visit to the largest water park in the Czech Republic
  • Trips around the Czech Republic
    • Trip to Karlovy Vary
    • Trip to Cesky Krumlov
  • Getting to know Czech universities
    • Visit to leading Czech universities in Prague
    • Introduction to the higher education system in Europe
    • Visiting universities for Open Days
  • Leisure
    • Visit to Jump Park
    • Rafting
    • Catamaran excursions
    • Sports events
  • Travel within Europe at extra cost
    • Germany: Munich, Dresden, Berlin
    • Austria Vienna


Students live in student residences throughout the course

Townshend International School is a boarding school in the south of the Czech Republic. Training takes place according to the Cambridge University program, which allows you to receive a prestigious secondary education recognized by universities around the world. For foreign students who do not speak English sufficiently, in parallel with their studies, the school also offers a one-year intensive language course. The safety of children being away from home, the high quality of education and the cost of education make this school the most attractive for foreigners. A prerequisite for enrollment in 10th grade is an IELTS 4.5 certificate.

Carlsbad International School is a boarding school in Karlovy Vary. Carlsbad International School (CIS) is accredited by the IB Diploma World School. The training program is designed for high school graduates and is aimed at preparing for the IB diploma (International Baccalaureate), which provides a guaranteed opportunity to enter the best universities. If the level of English language proficiency is insufficient, CIS provides language support to its students, which allows them to quickly adapt to the new language environment. The school accepts children aged 15 to 18 years (Grade 9 - Grade 12). The number of students in the school does not exceed 90, which allows us to ensure a ratio of students to qualified teachers of 3:1.

Riverside School is a school in Prague that offers dormitory accommodation to its students over 15 years of age. Like most English-language schools in the Czech Republic, at Riverside School the high school curriculum is divided into two stages: in Grades 9-10, students study according to the British IGCSE program (with the possibility of in-depth study of some subjects of the students' choice). In Grades 11-12, training continues under the International Baccalaureate Diploma program (also with in-depth study of selected subjects), which allows students to successfully prepare for admission and study at the best universities in the world.

The English International School in Prague is a day school in Prague, which is one of 43 international schools teaching according to the educational standards of the North of England. The training program is based on the British IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) model, as well as, taking into account the needs of foreign students of various nationalities, the IB Diploma program. EISP has been successfully operating in the Czech Republic for more than 20 years.

The Prague British School is a day school in Prague, which educates more than 900 children from 60 countries. The international environment and quality of the British education system give PBS students a good start in a fast-paced global world, allowing them to develop independent thinking and self-confidence, and achieve their full potential. The curriculum is based on the English national program IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) for Grades 9-10 and the IB (International Baccalaureate) program for Grades 11-12.