Apgar score - how is a newborn assessed? How does the Apgar score affect the future health of the child? Main indicators of the Apgar scale - assessment of newborns using the Apgar scale

Legal task

12 year old Racers. While riding a bicycle, which his parents gave him for his birthday, he damaged a parked car. The owner of the car demanded from Gonshchikov’s parents the child’s bicycle as compensation for the damage caused.

Is the car owner's claim legal? Justify your answer.

Only 10 points for the correct answer and justification

Answer: only 10 points for the correct answer and justification

Liability for harm. Damages caused to minors under 14 years of age are borne by their parents unless they prove that the damage was not their fault. (2 points), therefore parents must compensate for the damage caused from their own funds ( 2 points), but the bicycle is the property of the child, so it cannot be transferred (3 points). Parents must compensate for the harm caused either in monetary terms or by eliminating the damage ( 3 points).

There are cards in front of you


Draw conclusions based on the data on the maps (1 point per conclusion)

State the positive characteristics of hunter-gatherer societies (2 points per trait). Total 10 points.

Conclusions on the map:

The percentage of people engaged in hunting and gathering is steadily declining - 1 point

People who hunt and gather live on the outskirts of the “civilized world” - 1 point

Positive features:

1. absence of wars – 2 points

2. significant inequality in power – 2 points,

3. significant inequality in material well-being – 2 points,

4. emphasis on cooperation rather than on wars and competition with each other – 2 points.

Total 10 points.

Solve the crossword puzzle. 1 point for the correct answer. Total 25 points.


4. A systematic approach allows us to consider the educational process from the point of view

7. A discipline where consumers are statistically represented according to socio-economic factors such as age, income, gender, profession, education, family size, etc.

15. A culpable unlawful act (action or inaction), contrary to the requirements of legal norms and committed by a legally capable (delict-competent) person or persons. Involves legal liability

16. The peculiarity of each person

21. Proper housekeeping

22. This is the use of goods to satisfy needs


1. Feeling of love for the Motherland

2. Ability to cognition and logical thinking

3. Reflection of the integrity of the picture of the object of cognition (sensory-concrete image)

5. The figurative name of the building, which is the residence of the President of the United States of America

6. Evaluating yourself

8. The process of worldwide economic, political, cultural and religious integration and unification

9. A person is born as a biological being, and develops as....

10. Production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services

11. The image of an object stored in our consciousness

12. Social attitude

13. A form of government in which parts of a federal state are state entities with legally defined political independence

14. Systematic decrease in the absolute population of a country or territory as a consequence of narrowed population reproduction

15. Knowledge of laws, respect for them, ability to behave in accordance with them

17. Public procession of people with posters and banners

18. Inference from facts to a general statement

19. Sale, trading on the market

20. Population movement to cities

22. Organ system

23. Social stratum of professional managers included in an organizational structure characterized by a clear hierarchy, “vertical” information flows, formalized methods of decision-making and a tendency to have a special status in the community

Crossword solution:

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Apgar scale for assessing the health status of a newborn baby


Table for assessing the health status of a newborn child in the first 5-10 minutes of life from the moment of birth is called Apgar scale. Every newborn baby being tested using this method immediately after birth.

The Apgar score helps obstetricians assess the baby's viability in the first minutes of life, based on the score of 5 important criteria: heart rate, breathing pattern, muscle tone, skin color, reflex excitability. If the sum of points is less than the norm, then the newborn is monitored more closely and, if necessary, emergency medical care is provided.

This very first check of the baby's condition after birth was proposed by Virginia Apgar and has been used to this day since 1952.
Initially an anesthesiologist Apgar proposed assessing the condition of newly born babies using a scale she developed to identify babies in need of urgent resuscitation measures. The method turned out to be so simple, effective and universal that it began to be used in obstetric practice worldwide for comprehensive, reliable assessing the condition of a newborn baby in the first minutes of life after birth.


Despite the fact that the condition of the newborn child immediately after birth is assessed quite subjectively based on an obstetric examination, the total newborn assessment Apgar scale allows you to make a quick medical decision, preventing a threat to the baby's life in the first minutes of life.

How is each of the five Apgar scores scored? 0 points on the table means the absence of the assessed sign, 1 point is assessed as a moderately expressed sign, and 2 points on the Apgar scale - a clearly expressed sign.

Table with indicators (in points) of the newborn’s health status according to the Apgar scale

The sum of points assigned to each sign determines the clinical picture of the health status of the newborn baby. The baby's condition is determined according to Apgar scale values ​​immediately from the moment of birth and five minutes after birth. Usually the total number of points on the scale is 7-8 (average without obvious pathological signs).


Now let's look at each of the five indicators on the Apgar scale in more detail. Every sign of the health of a newly born baby corresponds to a capital letter in English transcription. The letters of the surname of the anesthesiologist APGAR are used to briefly designate each of the indicators.

So, which letter corresponds to a specific sign of the baby’s health status on the Apgar scale:

A – Activity (Muscle Tone): physical activity and muscle tone of the baby . 2 points on the scale are given if the child vigorously swings his arms and legs and literally breaks out of the hands of the obstetrician. 1 point - movements are not active and not frequent enough, and 0 points - weakly expressed or practically not expressed movements.

P – Pulse (Heart Rate): Heart rate indicator just born baby. If the pulse is more than 100 beats (the norm is 120-140 beats) per minute, then on the Apgar scale a score of 2 is given, if the pulse is less than 100 beats per minute, then 1 point is given, if there is no heartbeat, 0 points are given.

G – Grimace (Response to Stimulation)
: index
the severity of the baby’s unconditioned reflexes . The baby's reaction to irritation is assessed. A score of 2 points on the Apgar scale is given if the child’s reaction to touch is immediate and pronounced, 1 point - the reaction is mild, 0 points - the child does not respond to irritation.

A –Appearance (Color)
: an indicator of the baby’s appearance, as well as skin color. Fine
in a newborn skin color - from pale pink to bright pink. If baby's skin color is pink , then a score is given on a scale of 2 points, not very pronounced cyanosis - 1 point, noticeably pronounced cyanosis (cyanosis caused by high hemoglobin content in blood , which may be a sign of anemia or hypoxemia) - 0 points.

R – Respiration: severity of cry, breathing of a newborn baby. If the child screamed shrill and loud immediately after birth, then 2 points are assigned on the Apgar scale; if there is a decrease in the respiratory rate and the cry is noticeably weak - 1 point, the complete absence of these signs - 0 points.

Thus, the Apgar scale gives scores for each sign and the sum of points for five signs is an evaluative criterion for the health status of the newborn child in the first minutes of life. The obstetrician evaluates the clinical baby's condition in the first and fifth minutes of life and the overall rating on the scale has the form of two numbers separated by a fraction (for example - 8/8, 9/8, 7/7, 7/8, 5/6, 6/7).


Often a newborn with a low score (0-3) on the scale requires immediate resuscitation (stimulate heartbeat, breathing, etc.)

On practice low Apgar scores(3 or less than 3) indicates a condition that threatens the baby’s health, a score of 7 or more indicates a normal condition for the baby, and an ideal state of health for a newborn baby (10 points) immediately after birth is extremely rare in obstetric practice.

It is important to note that often the baby’s health condition five minutes after birth it improves (the baby quickly adapts to life in a new environment and becomes more active) and the total score for 5 Apgar scale indicators after 5 minutes is higher.
If the overall assessment on all scale indicators worsens after 5 minutes, then the obstetrician
control over the health of the newborn is enhanced.

In any case, the newborn with an Apgar score of five or less requires much closer obstetric monitoring after birth than a baby with an Apgar score of 7, 8, 9 or 10.

However, if a newborn with an overall score of 5 points in the first minute of life, the health status improves and after 5 minutes the health status on the Apgar scale is 7 or more points, then the baby automatically moves into the category of children whose health status does not need to be monitored too closely.

It is interesting that babies born by caesarean section , show very good results on the apgar scale, since they do not undergo enough the difficult path of birth through natural childbirth. Usually Caesars health status on the Apgar scale is 8/8, 8/9 or even 9/9 points after 5 minutes.


0/2, 1/2, 2/2 points– a health condition in the first minutes of life after birth that threatens the life of a newborn child.

2/3, 3/3 points- (critical condition). Health status birth of a child (after 5 minutes), requiring resuscitation measures in most cases.

3/4, 4/4 points(poor condition) - Health status of the newborn , requiring close attention of obstetricians, but tending to improve.

4/5, 5/6, 6/6 points(below average) - Baby's health status on the Apgar scale, which also requires careful monitoring in the next week after the birth of the baby.

5/7, 6/7, 7/8 points(average condition) - the baby is still quite weak, but his state of health is does not require careful monitoring by obstetric staff.

8/8 points(above average, normal) - and will begin to gain weight without any problems , if everything is fine with the mother’s lactation and the baby will receive a sufficient portion of breast milk every day.

8/9, 9/9, 9/10 points(condition very good) - baby’s well-being excellent and medical staff do not need to closely monitor the baby.

10/10 points- ideal condition of a newborn Apgar scale (rare cases!)

The Apgar scale is used by obstetricians and neonatologists to determine the condition of the newborn in the first minutes after birth. The results of such an examination are entered into the children's medical record and taken into account by pediatricians, as well as specialists, in the first year of the baby's life. For parents, the Apgar scale is often something incomprehensible. Let's look at what an Apgar score is and how to decipher the scores that are given to a newly born toddler.


The assessment of all newborns was developed by American anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar more than 60 years ago, which is why the scale bears her name. The purpose of creating such an examination was to quickly assess the condition of babies immediately after birth. The method turned out to be very convenient and simple, which allowed it to enter obstetric practice. Today, the Apgar scale is used by thousands of doctors in different parts of the world.


The Apgar scale evaluates the following criteria:

  1. Child's skin color (Appearance). This indicator is very informative, simple and allows you to identify circulatory disorders. If the baby's body is completely pale or there is a bluish color over its entire surface, a score of 0 is given. Pale coloration is often detected in hemolytic disease. If the body is pink, but the arms and legs are blue, the child is given 1 point. If the skin of the toddler's body is completely pink, this is 2 points. Since most babies have red skin color, and cyanosis of the extremities is detected very often, this parameter most often underestimates the total Apgar score (children are rarely given 2 points).
  2. Baby's heart rate (Pulse). The normal heart rate for newborns is 120-140 beats per minute. If there are no heartbeats, the score will be 0 points. If the pulse is less than 100 beats per minute, the baby is given 1 point. When the heart rate of a newborn is above 100 beats, a score of 2 is given.
  3. The presence of reflexes and reactions to stimulation (Grimace). To determine them, mucus is sucked out of the baby’s nose and their reaction is observed or other reflexes are checked. The absence of reflex movements is scored 0 points, and for weak reflexes, represented by a grimace and movement, the baby is given 1 point. If the baby actively moves in response to irritation, screams loudly, sneezes, coughs, this is assessed as 2 points.
  4. State of muscle tone (Activity). Normally, a newborn has increased muscle tone, and the baby actively moves its legs and arms chaotically. If there is no muscle tone and the baby’s limbs hang down, the parameter is scored 0 points. With weak tone and slight flexion of the limbs, the child is given 1 point, and activity and the presence of pronounced tone gives the right to give 2 points for this sign.
  5. Breathing and crying of a child (Respiration). The age norm for the frequency of respiratory movements for a newly born baby is 40-45 per minute. If the baby screams loudly, this helps him breathe more intensely and is a sign of good adaptive capabilities of the toddler. If there is no breathing, the child receives 0 points. If the breathing is irregular and shallow, and the cry is weak, this is 1 point. With normal breathing and a loud cry, the child will have a score of 2 points. If a child has asphyxia, it is this parameter that lowers the Apgar score.

The Apgar scale evaluates the condition of the newborn using 5 indicators


As noted above, the doctor evaluates each of the indicators using a 3-point system: 0 – if the sign is absent, 1 – if it is weakly expressed, 2 – if everything is normal and the sign is clearly expressed. All points given are added up to form a total score.

The following table will help you decipher the amount of points for newborns:

0, 1 or 2 points

This is a critical indicator. A child with such an assessment at birth requires urgent resuscitation. In the future, it needs to be comprehensively examined and monitored by specialists.

3 or 4 points

This is a satisfactory indicator with average deviations from the norm. It is quite often determined in a premature baby. With such an assessment, the baby needs close attention from doctors.

5 or 6 points

This is a satisfactory indicator, in which there are slight deviations from the norm. A child with such an assessment also needs increased attention from doctors.

7, 8 or 9 points

This is the optimal value for the baby at birth. It pleases both doctors and new parents.

10 points

This is the best indicator (maximum score), which a healthy baby often receives abroad, but it is not used by domestic doctors because of our mentality. Doctors are afraid to set the maximum so as not to “jinx it” or believe that the ideal condition for most babies these days does not exist.

Examination algorithm

The baby is assessed twice - one test in the first minute of life, and then a second examination in the fifth minute. The sum of points is written down through a dash (like fractions), for example, 7/8 will mean that immediately after birth the baby had 7 points, and after 5 minutes it became 8 points. If the indicator is 0/4, then this means 0 points during childbirth and 4 points in the fifth minute after birth. If necessary, a third examination is performed at the tenth minute.

The most common Apgar score for healthy babies is 8. In such infants, normal values ​​(2 points) for three parameters and a slight decrease (1 point) for two parameters are noted, for example, due to cyanosis of the extremities and a pulse below 100. Children are very rarely given the maximum 10 points.

In most cases, the second/third rating is higher than the first, which is characterized as positive dynamics. This is due to the newborn’s adaptation to new living conditions. The baby's pulse quickens, breathing normalizes, the skin turns pink, the protective reflex and other reactions become more active. However, there is also a reduction, for example, 9/8 or 8/7. In this case, medical monitoring of the baby is intensified.

What do the following points mean?

Let's look at examples of Apgar scores and their meanings:

8/9, 9/9 or 9/10

The baby is in very good condition and feels great. He does not require close supervision by obstetric staff after birth.

The child is in normal condition, feels well and quickly adapts to life outside the mother’s womb.

5/7, 6/7 or 7/8

The baby's health is average. The baby is weakened immediately after birth, but adapts well to new conditions. The baby does not need close medical supervision from medical staff.

The little one is in satisfactory condition. He does not need additional supervision from obstetric staff.

5/5 or 6/6

The baby's condition is satisfactory, but requires careful monitoring in the postpartum period.

4/5 or 5/6

The baby is in below average condition, but there is a tendency to improve. The baby should be closely monitored during the first week of life.

4/4 or 3/4

The child's condition is poor. He needs the help of obstetricians and more careful monitoring in the first weeks after birth. Typically, such assessments require a third examination at ten minutes of life.

2/3 or 3/3

The child is in critical condition. In most cases, he should undergo immediate resuscitation.

1/2 or 2/2

There is a threat to the baby's life, so resuscitation measures are required.

0.1, 0/2 or 1/1

The baby's life is at risk. Urgent resuscitation and a detailed examination of the baby are needed.

The norm on the Apgar scale is scores of 5/7 and above


When telling parents about the meaning of the Apgar scale, it should be noted that the sum of the points does not always show the real picture of the baby’s health. Do not forget that the points are given by a person (even though he is a health worker), based on his subjective opinion and experience.

Such an assessment also cannot be called a diagnosis. This is only an auxiliary method for pediatricians and obstetricians, with the help of which the baby’s viability is determined in a matter of seconds.

High Apgar numbers are not something to be proud of, and low ones should not be a cause for additional alarm. The main objective of this method is to help doctors provide timely assistance to the baby.

The difference between 4-5 points and 8-9 points is quite large, but if the baby received 7 or 8 points, this should not upset the mother, because a score of 9/9 does not mean that the baby is healthier and stronger than a baby with a score of 8/ 8 or 7/7. This may mean that a toddler with a score of 9 screamed more loudly and his reflexes were more pronounced, and a baby with a score of 8 could have a bluish discoloration of the skin due to prolonged labor.

Apgar numbers only act as a signal for obstetric staff, indicating what measures the baby needs in the delivery room and in the postpartum ward. After a general examination, all newborns undergo other examinations (blood test, urine test, ultrasound and other tests), as a result of which tactics for further medical support of the baby are determined.

In any case, an Apgar score below 5 means that the newborn requires the attention of medical staff much more than a baby with scores of 7 or higher. However, if in the first minute the baby received 4-5 points, and in the fifth his condition can be assessed as 7 or 8 points, then the baby is transferred to the category of children who do not require close medical supervision.

Note that Babies after cesarean often get higher Apgar scores, since the natural method of birth is more difficult for a baby and is often accompanied by hypoxia. For this reason, Caesars often receive grades of 8 and 9.

As for multiple pregnancies, Apgar scores are predominantly low in twins and twins. In most cases, such babies are born earlier, and premature babies have worse developmental indicators than babies born at term.

A low Apgar score is also given in case of birth injuries, for example, if it resulted in severe spastic tetraparesis. The consequences of such injuries vary, but it is difficult to say for sure that the child will be disabled in the first minutes after birth. Having given the baby low scores, the baby is given the necessary help and treatment is prescribed.

// Classification of wind strength, sea waves, and sea visibility

Classification of wind strength, sea waves, and sea visibility

Beaufort scale

0 points - calm
Mirror-smooth sea, almost motionless. The waves practically do not run onto the shore. The water looks more like a quiet lake backwater than a sea coast. There may be haze over the surface of the water. The edge of the sea merges with the sky so that the border is not visible. Wind speed 0-0.2 km/hour.

1 point - quiet
There are light ripples on the sea. The height of the waves reaches up to 0.1 meters. The sea can still merge with the sky. You can feel a light, almost imperceptible breeze.

2 points - easy
Small waves, no more than 0.3 meters high. The wind speed is 1.6-3.3 m/s, you can feel it with your face. With such wind, the weather vane begins to move.

3 points - weak
Wind speed 3.4-5.4 m/s. Slight disturbance on the water, whitecaps appear occasionally. The average wave height is up to 0.6 meters. The weak surf is clearly visible. The weather vane spins without frequent stops, leaves on the trees, flags, etc. sway.

4 points - moderate
Wind - 5.5 - 7.9 m/s - raises dust and small pieces of paper. The weather vane spins continuously, thin tree branches bend. The sea is rough and whitecaps are visible in many places. Wave height is up to 1.5 meters.

5 points - fresh
Almost the entire sea is covered with whitecaps. Wind speed 8 - 10.7 m/s, wave height 2 meters. Branches and thin tree trunks sway.

6 points - strong
The sea is covered with white ridges in many places. The height of the waves reaches 4 meters, the average height is 3 meters. Wind speed 10.8 - 13.8 m/s. Thin tree trunks and thick tree branches bend, telephone wires hum.

7 points - strong
The sea is covered with white foamy ridges, which from time to time are blown off the surface of the water by the wind. The height of the waves reaches 5.5 meters, the average height is 4.7 meters. Wind speed 13.9 - 17.1 m/s. The middle tree trunks sway and the branches bend.

8 points - very strong
Strong waves, foam on every crest. The height of the waves reaches 7.5 meters, the average height is 5.5 meters. Wind speed 17.2 - 20 m/s. Walking against the wind is difficult, talking is almost impossible. Thin branches of trees break.

9 points - storm
High waves on the sea, reaching 10 meters; average height 7 meters. Wind speed 20.8 - 24.4 m/s. Large trees bend, medium branches break. The wind tears off poorly reinforced roof coverings.

10 points - severe storm
The sea is white. The waves crash onto the shore or against the rocks with a roar. The maximum wave height is 12 meters, the average height is 9 meters. The wind, with a speed of 24.5 - 28.4 m/s, tears off roofs and causes significant damage to buildings.

11 points - severe storm
High waves reach 16 meters, with an average height of 11.5 meters. Wind speed 28.5 - 32.6 m/s. Accompanied by great destruction on land.

12 points - hurricane
Wind speed 32.6 m/s. Serious damage to permanent structures. The wave height is more than 16 meters.

Sea state scale

Unlike the generally accepted twelve-point wind rating system, there are several ratings of sea waves. The generally accepted ones are British, American and Russian assessment systems. All scales are based on a parameter that determines the average height of significant waves (according to the website savelyev.info). This parameter is called Significance Wave Height (SWH). In the American scale, 30% of significant waves are taken, in the British 10%, in the Russian 3%. The height of the wave is calculated from the crest (the highest point of the wave) to the trough (the base of the trough).
Below is a description of wave heights.

0 points - calm
1 point - ripple (SWH< 0,1 м)
2 points - weak waves (SWH 0.1 - 0.5 m)
3 points - light waves (SWH 0.5 - 1.25 m)
4 points - moderate waves (SWH 1.25 - 2.5 m)
5 points - rough seas (SWH 2.5 - 4.0 m)
6 points - very rough seas (SWH 4.0 - 6.0 m)
7 points - strong waves (SWH 6.0 - 9.0 m)
8 points - very strong waves (SWH 9.0 - 14.0 m)
9 points - phenomenal waves (SWH > 14.0 m)
The word "storm" does not apply in this scale. Since it determines not the strength of the storm, but the height of the wave. A storm is defined by Beaufort.
For the WH parameter for all scales, it is the part of the waves that is taken (30%, 10%, 3%) because the magnitude of the waves is not the same. At a certain time interval there are waves, for example, 9 meters, as well as 5, 4, etc. Therefore, each scale had its own SWH value, where a certain percentage of the highest waves is taken. There are no instruments to measure wave height. Therefore, there is no exact definition of the score. The definition is conditional.
On the seas, as a rule, the wave height reaches 5-6 meters in height and up to 80 meters in length.

Visual range scale

Visibility is the maximum distance at which objects can be detected during the day and navigation lights at night. Visibility depends on weather conditions. In metrology, the influence of weather conditions on visibility is determined by a conventional scale of points. This scale is a way of indicating the transparency of the atmosphere. There are day and night visibility ranges. Below is the daily visual range scale.
Up to 1/4 cable
About 46 meters. Very poor visibility. Dense fog or snowstorm.
Up to 1 cable
About 185 meters. Bad visibility. Thick fog or wet snow.
2-3 cables
370 - 550 meters. Bad visibility. Fog, wet snow.
1/2 mile
About 1 km. Haze, thick haze, snow.
1/2 - 1 mile
1 - 1.85 km. Average visibility. Snow, heavy rain
1 - 2 miles
1.85 - 3.7 km. Haze, haze, rain.
2 - 5 miles
3.7 - 9.5 km. Light haze, haze, light rain.
5 - 11 miles
9.3 - 20 km. Good visibility. The horizon is visible.
11 - 27 miles
20 - 50 km. Very good visibility. The horizon is clearly visible.
27 miles
Over 50 km. Exceptional visibility. The horizon is clearly visible, the air is transparent.


Yes or no"? Next to the number of each statement, write “yes” if you agree with the statement or “no” if you disagree.

  1. Culture is second nature, the world that man creates around him in order to support himself in his artificiality, i.e. human condition. Yes.

2. Aristotle divided states into just and unjust. Yes.

3. Global problems threaten the lives of people in those countries where they manifest themselves most.

4. The earliest mention of rights and the protection of human rights is found in the laws of King Hammurabi.

5. Labor, unlike communication, is a human need. No.

Total points - 10 (2 points for each correct answer)

3. Choose one correct answer from the ones proposed.

1. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the highest value in our country is(are)

2. Russian citizenship is acquired

3. The supremacy and completeness of state power within the country and its independence in foreign policy are

4. Moral norms and laws exist in order to

1) so that people don’t violate them

2) to assert justice

3) the state ensured their implementation

4) to maintain established traditions in society

5. Are the judgments about government bodies in the Russian Federation correct?

A. The highest legislative power in the Russian Federation is exercised by the Federal Assembly.

B. The Government of the Russian Federation ensures the execution of the federal budget.

Total points - 10 (2 points for each correct answer)

What is extra in the series? Explain your choice.

1. Nationality, caste ,genus, tribe. Gender is a family connection. The rest are groups of people bound by common rules, religions, and customs.

2. Art, science, healthcare, education. Health care – organizes the protection of public health. The rest is the spiritual development of man.

3. Tradition, law, morality, sanction. Tradition is an element of heritage, and the rest relates more to laws.

4. Region, region, Nizhny Novgorod, republic. Nizhny Novgorod is a proper name, the name of a specific city, the rest are expanded concepts.

5. Receiving the Nobel Prize, receiving the title Hero of Russia, stormy applause, receiving a personal scholarship. Stormy applause is people's reaction to something. The rest are rewards for any achievements.

Total points - 8 (2 points for each correct answer)

6. Choose several correct answer options.

You will have to select materials on the topic: “Labor in the modern economy.” What concepts do you need to cover the topic?

A) work ethics, labor law

B) wages, prayer

B) professionalism, economic life

G) law enforcement, wealth production

D) the state structure of the country

Which of the following characterizes a family?

A) it is based on marriage or consanguinity

B) Its members distribute information about goods and services

B) she strives to gain power

G) its members are connected by common life, mutual assistance

D) brings together people who have common ideas that are written in the program

An example of non-participation of citizens in the political life of society is

Assignments for the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies


(maximum number of points – 100)

1. Write correctly and explain the meaning of the terms:

1. Immoral - not understanding, ignoring generally accepted (moral) laws.

2. Humanism – philanthropy, the value of man as an individual.

4. Corruption – bribery of officials at various levels.

5. Immigration is the movement of people to another country.

Total points - 15 (1 point for spelling, 2 points for explanation)