Charades about loaf for children. Syllable riddles-charades of two syllables for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren

At three everything just begins [How to raise a child smart and happy] Momot Galina S.

How the brain develops

How the brain develops

Brain maturation lasts from birth to fifteen years. Neuropsychologists distinguish three stages.

From the beginning of pregnancy to three years. At this stage, the first functional block of the brain is formed: structures and systems responsible for the physical, emotional and cognitive state of the child. The motto of this period is to try everything, explore everything, stop at nothing, test all boundaries and possibilities. We study our surroundings, from our own body to dad’s computer, from the toilet to fresh dough. Along the way, we learn to pick up, throw, crawl, walk, talk, use the potty, pull up our panties, recognize our car, remember our floor, press the button in the elevator, dance to the vacuum cleaner and blow our nose into a handkerchief.

From three to 7–8 years. During this period, the second functional block, which controls perception, matures: visual, gustatory, auditory, kinesthetic, smell, touch. Nowadays, not everything needs to be tested; a lot has already been tried. But there is a chance to explain something - and they will understand you. It’s clear that the book has pictures and letters, and the letters are “readable,” and I’m already big and can probably figure them out myself (or with someone’s help). And I also have laces and buttons, a spoon and a fork in my power, I come up with games myself, distribute roles, I can wash the dishes and shave the cat, I know exactly how many fingers there are on my hand, and I’ll overtake my dad if he gives in a little. My attention is under my control, my body obeys. I'm ready to go out into the big world.

From 7–8 to 12–15 years. A step in the development of the third block, which organizes active conscious mental activity. The kid went to school and it’s already clear - he is consciously learning. And this is his main independent, I emphasize, independent activity. He may need help with it, but this activity is his. And it is conscious, and conscious learning precedes conscious work on something. This is what is assumed, in any case... And in connection with these assumptions, brain structures are formed. Or the formation of the brain shapes these assumptions, it doesn’t matter. It is important that this happens in most cases.

And this majority is considered the norm.

Blocks are formed sequentially, and attempts to jump over a stage, stimulation and advance development have a negative impact on processes that, according to the “natural program,” should be established at the moment. The reaction to earlier training (note, “training,” not “development”) may not appear immediately, but years later, resulting in deviations in emotional and personal relationships, tics, neuroses, and stuttering. From what? For completely simple reasons. From keeping the baby in a “calm” position for a long time, from repeating the same thing, from excessive monotonous load on the brain... It’s not the amount of knowledge that you offer him that will have a negative impact, but the form of its implementation. For example, reading at an early age is a strong mental stress for a child, which causes blood flow to the cerebral cortex, which leads to depletion of the blood supply to the respiratory and digestive centers.

Not very great, right? But it is quite possible to show letters and even syllables as much as you like, but do not tie the little fidget to a chair. Until 4–5 years old, everything should be unobtrusive and woven into the game. Otherwise, you will waste both yours and your child’s time, and you will not achieve any sense. Thus, children under five years old almost do not understand the meaning of what they read on their own. So why teach them to read?

American professor R. Moore said: “There is no indisputable evidence that preschool education programs lead to success; on the contrary, the existing important arguments convince us that this is not so. An impressive body of research shows that, on average, children who start learning later perform better.”

The period up to seven years is extremely important for the psycho-emotional development of a child. In the first years, the basic concepts of moral principles are laid down: kindness, pity, shame, devotion, honesty, justice, etc. Sensitivity and emotional strength, selfhood and a sense of partnership. All this is practiced by the child in games: role-playing, with toys, with friends. If a child lacks play activities, there is a chance that his actual activities will develop with a delay.

The most important thing for a child at this stage is to learn to contact the outside world, enter into relationships, and feel other people. From the first years of life, it is important to enrich your inner world with positive emotional experiences, and from the age of 3–4 – with role-playing games. Early learning seriously distorts the child’s perception and mental state: the child, without going through the mandatory stage of play training, immediately plunges into the learning environment. When a child in the early stages of development is taught numbers and letters instead of games, nursery rhymes and rhymes, the formation of the emotional sphere is inhibited. It will be almost impossible to fill this gap in the future.

Again, I want to return to the difference between development and learning. The purposeful development of reading, counting, distinguishing between seasons, colors, etc. seems to narrow the scope of a child’s development at this age, when the development process is directed rather in breadth than in depth. The psyche and intellect must lay the foundation for future directed development. The base is laid in the game. And this game can involve letters, numbers, animals, colors, notes, and everything that you want to introduce your child to. But this should be a game, and the rules are set by the baby, not you. He intuitively gains emotional and sensory experience, volitional practice, and intellectual baggage. But he does it in a form that is natural for his age.

By and large, a little person learns to communicate, communicate with the world and all its manifestations. Nature has laid down such a learning structure as play activity. Until the age of three, it’s time to play. They satisfy all the needs of the baby’s mind, psyche, and mobility, harmoniously fitting him into the environment and allowing him to explore it. Which, by the way, saves you from a state of emotional depression, lethargy, sadness, and boredom. Children who know how and have the opportunity to play are psychologically and emotionally stable.

And most child prodigies suffer from insecurity, depression, and an inability to build relationships with peers and with the opposite sex. Psychoneurologist-psychotherapist Professor Vilen Garbuzov believes that we are talking about a dangerous trend of excessively early (up to 5 and a half years) teaching reading, mathematics, foreign languages, chess, music from notes, playing with complex electronic devices: “Letters, numbers, diagrams, notes suppress imaginative thinking. Children’s spontaneity and interest in living nature are replaced by abstract, abstract ones.”

It is also important to think about what purpose the previous training serves. A three-year-old child can read fluently, but it is unlikely to bring him any joy. Or he will, but not from understanding what he read, but from the fact that he does well what makes his mother happy. This will not develop a love of reading in the future. At this age, the process of putting letters into words is difficult, and by the time the baby reads the sentence to the end, he already forgets what he read at the beginning. There is no longer enough strength to understand and assimilate the text. These are the age characteristics of children under 5–6 years old. According to statistics, 70% of children under five years old do not understand what they read on their own. But kids grasp and absorb information very well when we adults read to them. What is the conclusion? Read more to children!

As you can see, facts are stubborn things and they speak for themselves. But my goal is not to show you all the horrors of early development and learning.

I just want you to understand and learn to distinguish between these two concepts. I also want there to be more common sense and understanding in this important matter for any parent and child, both on the part of parents and on the part of the teachers to whom you send your children.

Therefore, let's summarize and determine the pros and cons of early development.

Many parents are well aware that not everyone becomes a genius.

Life around you is more and more reminiscent of riding a bicycle: while you are pedaling, you are going, as soon as you stop, you will fall. To be on time, no matter what, you need to spin faster and keep up with everything.

To achieve something in life, it is no longer enough to graduate from one institute, become a candidate of science and get a cushy job. It's fashionable to be successful these days. And this means knowing several languages ​​(English alone won’t surprise anyone for a long time, it’s not even a specialty, but an appendix to the specialty), you need to constantly improve your professional level, be sure to engage in at least some sports and be a well-rounded person.

Every parent, without a doubt, wants the best for their child. He wants his baby to grow into a smart, handsome and wealthy person.

And in order to have time to teach their child everything that he may need in life, parents begin to educate him even before the birth of the baby. Expectant mothers attend courses where, in addition to preparing directly for childbirth, they also deal with the intellectual development of the child. It’s very funny and touching to watch from the side how “chubby” mothers, without five minutes to spare, rattle rattles near their belly to music from different sides and at different tempos, apply multi-colored sheets of paper to it, sing, beat out a rhythm on their belly and do other nonsense. I don’t know whether this contributes to the birth of geniuses, but the mood from such activities certainly improves, which is also of great importance.

Immediately after birth, many parents attend dancing, singing and other schools with their children.

There are no clear statistical data on whether such activities contribute to greater success in later life. No, they are not harmful if they do not take up all the child’s time. And he needs personal time to explore the trash can, throw away and collect toys, get to know the toilet, fuss with dad... Children, you won’t believe it, think! You and I have designated all this with one succinct word “game”, and we will continue to call it that. So, after three it’s not too late to learn to read, count, dance, but for some games time runs out irreparably. Therefore, no matter how you look at it, games are more important. Because they model life, and early learning skills model future school...

However, responsible parents always feel anxious and itchy when they look at their children's peers. This girl has been doing figure skating and singing for three years now, the boy has been doing gymnastics, drawing and something else, this one has been taken to a Montessori group almost since birth, he is already skiing, the other one is studying English five times a week.

And for some parents, their inner voice begins to obsessively mutter that they are probably a bad mother and father, since they do not develop the child, do not invest knowledge and skills in him, do not take him from section to section, from circle to circle. That other children already know and can do so much, etc., etc., etc.

Other parents, on the contrary, believe that the main thing is health, and all languages, drawing and sports schools can easily wait. And there is no need to overload the child - he should have a childhood with games, and not scheduled classes, and the most necessary thing in childhood is sleep, walking in the fresh air and proper nutrition.

And now I would like to introduce another concept that is well known in everyday life - the “golden mean”.

We have already understood several things:

1) after three it’s not too late to study and everything is just beginning;

2) up to 3–4 years of age, the main activity of the baby - cognitive, emotional, motor, communication - is play. He plays with everything: food, potty, dressing, washing, letters, if you want, relationships, imitation and pan - everything, and thus communicates with the world and gets to know it;

3) there is a difference between development and training. And if the first can be, again, presented in the form of a game and naturally woven into life, then the second is the purposeful development of some skill, and it rigidly structures the small brain.

And, having fixed this, we will continue to talk about the pros and cons of early learning.

There are cases in my practice when a child begins to be taught at one and a half years old: they hire a tutor, teach him English, and something else. In addition, the governess comes and also conducts special preparation for classes with the child, that is, completing homework. Although they try to teach in a playful way, this is still unacceptable.

At one and a half years old, the child must be developed, but in no case should this be training even of the preschool type, and especially in the form of a school lesson with teachers.

It is very good if the child and his mother attend various groups where they can sing songs, read nursery rhymes, where there is a rich play environment, that is, there are many different toys and objects aimed at developing sensory sensations.

In Sweden, for example, the experience of lekotheks is very interesting, which mothers visit with their child and where you can simply play, and a specialist will show and suggest how best to do this. For example, the same Montessori groups are useful. In general, all development groups are useful, where the child has the opportunity to pass through a lot of information, learn new things, enrich his sensory experience and satisfy his curiosity. At the same time, the most important thing is that development takes place in a playful form that is interesting to him.

I really like “unobtrusive” development, when a mother or grandmother goes for a walk with a child, a butterfly flies by, and the adult tells the child about the butterfly in a form accessible to him, involves him in some kind of butterfly-themed game, etc. .

This is development.

And when they try to teach a child at the age of one and a half to distinguish between letters and colors and also ask him for the correct answers, this is completely unacceptable. “Ask” and “demand” are not terms of this age at all. “Showing”, “trying”, “observing”, “poking your nose everywhere”, etc. - these are the activities in early preschool age. Now the child grabs everything in huge quantities, and is guided by a kind of natural research instinct. It is important to help him with new information, impressions, opportunities, and not interfere with strict, monotonous requirements. Monotony and static nature destroy the baby’s abilities.

I am against early teaching of children reading, writing and other “school” subjects. In preschool age, much more important tasks must be solved. It is much more useful to develop abilities at this age. And for the development of abilities, the most important things are games, drawing, designing and other “preschool” activities.

I am also against starting school early. Russian schools are ill-equipped even for seven-year-olds, and they are not at all suitable for six-year-olds. Our legislation determines that a child can enter school at the age of six and a half, seven or eight, at the discretion of the parents. I recommend that parents do not send their children to school before the age of seven, except perhaps in rare cases when the child is ahead of his age in terms of personal and emotional development. But I want to emphasize that it is personal and emotional, not intellectual. And intellectually developed children, as a rule, on the contrary, lag behind their peers emotionally and personally.

According to statistics, every fifth child is a potential genius. But only a few manage to realize their abilities. The remaining 80% of children are also gifted to one degree or another, but it is not always possible to discern and nurture this gift. Numerous early development techniques serve this purpose. It is not a fact that as a result of the classes the family will have its own Picasso, Bach or Pushkin. But it is almost guaranteed that a child will learn to paint at one and a half years old, read at two, and at four will solve problems for the second grade. The question is: how much does he need it?

It’s easy to get carried away with early development methods. After all, it’s nice when on the playground a child demonstrates an encyclopedic knowledge of painting and virtuoso skills in games, while his peers do not yet understand shades and have difficulty climbing the second step of the ladder. The question is that you will have to plan to continue living with these precocious abilities. And provide several options.

Option one: the baby will retain his intellectual superiority. Then he will need to be surrounded by the same “advancers” in order not to lower the bar, and to think about where to apply his abilities, and in today’s times, where to sell them.

Option two: something happens - your abilities go away, or God forbid you get injured... Then you need an alternate airfield and powerful psychological support.

Of course, nothing terrible will happen if you take your girl to paint or teach your son to read, and most likely everything will be fine, but I want you to think about extreme options. And before getting carried away with training programs, we thought about the possible consequences.

Many parents believe that a child’s brain is capable of absorbing new information like a sponge, so it needs to be fully loaded. But such zeal is a mistake. You should not artificially accelerate a child’s development, because there is such a thing as a child’s psychological readiness (or unpreparedness) for a particular amount of information. The child must mature to systematic learning not only physically, mentally, but also psychologically. Otherwise, overload will turn him from an inquisitive prodigy into an apathetic loser.

Early childhood is the most suitable time for communication, learning and all-round development of the baby. But parents must learn to find a “golden mean”: not to let things take their course, but also not to force the child to be the smartest. Let the child develop at his own pace, choose an activity he likes (it’s the parents’ task to offer them) and have the right to refuse those that are boring to him (you want to raise him as a person who knows how to make decisions?). After all, driving a car around the yard, playing with dolls with your friends, or visiting a puppet theater with your mother is also development. Not early, perhaps, but very timely if we are talking about a small child.

Of course, you need to work with your baby from birth. However, nature does not provide for infants to look at cards and cubes. They have more important things to do: explore the capabilities of their body, explore the world around them, examining, feeling and tasting everything that comes their way. Developmental benefits, at best, will not bring any benefit, and at worst, they can even do harm, disrupting the natural course of the baby’s development. Once again we come back to the difference between early learning and early development. By early development I mean creating an environment in which the child’s talents will develop when he is ready for it. Otherwise, it is training with the help of artificially invented aids and techniques, which are designed not so much to develop children's abilities, but to satisfy parental ambitions.

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Brain structures are formed by age three
What happens to a baby's brain after he is born? How to stimulate child's brain development?

After birth, the set of neurons that the child will have has already been formed; there are more than 86-100 billion of them (and according to some estimates, much more). It was already formed before the mother’s mid-pregnancy. New neurons are not formed on a large scale after birth (there are only hundreds or perhaps thousands of hippocampal neurons, and neurogenesis has not yet been proven for cortical neurons).

The way our brain works is determined not by the number of neurons, but by the number of connections between them, they are called synapses. In an adult, neurons are connected to each other into neural networks that intersect many times. One neuron can participate in a huge number of completely diverse neural networks. Each neuron receives approximately 15,000 inputs from other neurons and gives approximately 1,500 inputs to other neurons.
A child is born, all his neurons are in place, but there are very few connections between them.

Then a completely fantastic process begins, of which ordinary people have little suspicion. Starting somewhere from two to four months of life, then another leap to six, literally every hour 15,000,000 synapses (connections between neurons) are formed in the child’s brain. Mad dash. The child’s neural networks become hyperconnected. This period is called the period of synaptic overproduction. Any of us has much less than a child.
By eight to nine months of life, a child has a much more complexly connected neural network than any adult - the best way to adapt to an unknown future.
The plasticity potential of the newborn brain during the period of overproduction is extremely high. Neural networks in this period, when they are extremely plastic, due to the fact that they are super-connected, can be re-educated.

So, two years after birth, a complex neural network is formed in the child’s brain, more complex than that of any adult. And at 6 years old, the complexity of this neural network begins to decline. The number of synaptic contacts is greatly reduced. Why?

Synaptogenesis. Formation of connections between neurons from 39 weeks of pregnancy to 6 years

During development, a child's brain competes frantically for binding space, called synaptic competition. Those connections that are not used disappear.

Use it or you'll lose it!

Interesting example

If a 5-6 year old adult has a cataract in the eye, clouding of the lens. Then this cataract is “removed” and the eye continues to see - everything is fine. If the cataract is congenital, surgery is performed at three years of age - the eye remains forever blind. Why?

We modeled this situation on animals that had one eye closed from birth. It turned out that no degradation of neurons occurs. The lack of visual influx led to the fact that there was not a single neuron left in the cerebral cortex that would respond to stimulation of the previously closed eye. All neurons responded to stimulation of the eye that received visual experience in the first three months of the animal's life.

It turns out that the connections that came from the closed eye lost the competition in some kind of competitive struggle. Those connections that did not work, were not excited, did not conduct information, were lost, and all synaptic sites for connecting neurons in the visual cortex were occupied by working connections.
The principle is: “Use it or you will lose it.”
You will lose in the competition.

At the moment when this incredible growth of synapses in the child’s brain begins (synaptic overproduction), one immature neuron has a huge number of branches, it seems to organize redundant binding sites. In fact, the left and right eyes compete for the binding site. And in some places the left eye wins, in other places the right eye wins. Nerve connections are divided: connections from one eye go to one place, connections from the other eye to another place. (This is how the function of binacular vision arises, i.e. the ability to perceive the depth of space). This competition is necessary for the function to arise. Developmental processes are processes that await experience. This vigorous synaptic overproduction, which is determined genetically, awaits experience as the sculptor who will create from it the final structure of neural connections, which will be optimal for processing the information that the brain encounters in this particular environment.

During this synaptic overproduction, unused synapses are destroyed, losing competition; used synapses rapidly branch, change and form more and stronger connections.

Nothing is guaranteed in the development of neural networks in a child’s brain. The result will be one way or another, depending on what environment the developing brain finds itself in and how strongly the processes of competition work.

“Every newborn child is a born genius, but under the involuntary influence of the people around him and/or not very fortunate circumstances, he gradually turns into mediocrity.”

B. Fuller

To what extent can external stimuli drive the development of the child's cerebral cortex during this early period of development?
To an incredible degree! Even blind children can develop vision during this early period.

In special experiments on animals with tricky surgical transections, the flow of visual information was redirected from the visual cortex to the somatosensory cortex (which processes information about sensations and temperature sensitivity), and the visual cortex was destroyed. If the visual flow is redirected to the somatosensory cortex, and the somatosensory flow is removed altogether, then in such small animals that should have been blind, the somatosensory cortex begins to process visual information. It has been proven that these animals see, and all their somatosensory neurons acquire visual properties. This is the incredible plasticity of neural networks in the early period of anthogenesis.

The higher association areas of the cortex are more associated with the organization of complex brain functions. They go through the same period of synaptic overproduction, and then synaptic pruning, thinning, in competition. Survival of the fittest. First, too many synapses are formed, and then some of the synapses are destroyed.

If you deprive the eye of the ability to see, do not allow it to conduct and process information in the early period, it becomes functionally blind, loses its connections with processing neurons, but what if more complex associative areas are deprived of experience?

Many results have been obtained from studies of children in Romanian orphanages under Ceausescu, whose terrible conditions shocked the whole world. Despite foster families, consultations with psychologists, teachers, etc., the enriching experience that they tried to arrange for them, it turned out that a number of functions in these children were not sufficiently restored. Significantly worse than normal. Studies using instrumental methods have shown persistent severe hypometabolism in the frontal regions of the brain.

Deprivation of the experience of social contacts in the first two to three years of life leads to severe underdevelopment and changes in these areas of the cerebral cortex. This incredibly adaptive, incredibly plastic developmental process responds heavily to deprivation. Not because we remove the processes of competition, but because in this competition we allow the worst to win.

We change the processes of competition. We give the opportunity to win to the process, which will then poorly adapt the brain to behavior in a particular environment.

We used materials from lectures by Tatyana Aleksandrovna Stroganova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Developmental Psychophysiology, Faculty of Clinical and Special Psychology, Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Head of the Center for Neurocognitive Research (MEG-Center) at MSUPE.

“The period when connections between neurons are most actively formed is the period from the birth of a child to three years. At this time, approximately 70-80% of such compounds are generated. And as they develop, the capabilities of the brain increase. Already in the first six months after birth, the brain reaches 50% of its adult potential, and by three years - 80%. Of course, this does not mean that a child’s brain stops developing after three years. By the age of three, the back part of the brain mainly matures, and by the age of four, the part of it called the “frontal lobe” is included in this complex process.

Mature abilities such as thinking, needs, creativity, feelings develop after three years, but they use the base formed by this age.

Thus, if a solid foundation has not been formed in the first three years, it is useless to teach how to use it. It's like trying to achieve good results while working on a bad computer."

Masaru Ibuka
Founder of the Japan Early Development Association in 1969.

Human Brain Development

Synapse formation depends on early experience (700 per second in early years) Human Brain Development

From birth, a child's ability to perceive new things grows as rapidly as a rocket takes off. And, like a rocket, this amazing ability reaches its highest point, after which it freezes. By the age of six, her growth is virtually zero. But the wisdom curve gradually begins to grow, and it can even be considered that it first manifests itself at the age of six. All this can be depicted in the following diagram.

Ability and Wisdom Curves

The ability to learn increases and then quickly decreases, but at the same time wisdom begins to gradually increase. By the age of six these two curves meet. At the point where they meet, the child's ability to perceive information without any effort reaches its limit, and any significant brain growth actually stops. However, wisdom only begins to develop and gradually increases throughout the rest of life.

What is not used atrophies

If you do not provide nutrition to a newborn baby during the first three months and put him on water, this will lead to the fact that these children become not fully developed throughout their lives, turning into inferior adults.

If you close your eye in the first months of life, it stops seeing (experiments on animals). It is known that if a child grows up in darkness for the first years of his life, he will remain blind forever. Despite the fact that his visual organs will be in order, the visual function, which is formed in the brain only during the period of its growth, will not function.
If a child grows up in a sound vacuum for the first years of his life, he will remain deaf for the rest of his life.

If you do not communicate with a child for the first two or three years of life, this will lead to severe underdevelopment throughout his life.

Monstrous case

In 1970, a monstrous incident occurred in the United States - a feral girl, Genie, was discovered, who for the first 12 years of her life was imprisoned by a mentally ill father in a room, being in complete social isolation.
Her physical development corresponded to the development of a two and a half year old child, and in terms of mental development the girl was at the level of a one-year-old child. Naturally, she couldn’t speak and was a complete idiot. According to medical records, the girl was absolutely healthy during the first six months of her life.

Susan Curtis: “Gini's functional delay is due to the conditions in which she was kept during the first years of her life. She is not mentally retarded in the strict sense of the word. In particular, Genie took tests every year and demonstrated the development of intelligence every year. This doesn’t happen to mentally retarded people.”

After many years of training, Genie finally began to speak, but only reached the level of speech development of a 5-year-old child.

The same fate could have awaited Leonardo da Vinci, Lomonosov or Shakespeare if they had found themselves in similar circumstances.

If a child’s brain does not develop in the first years of life, then it will never develop in the future.

Children who were in a materially and emotionally impoverished environment during the first 6–12 months can no longer catch up in development with their normally developing peers.

All stages of human development are important, but the first one to two years are a critical window that forms the mental foundation for future life.
Scientists identify several main factors that influence the formation of a child’s brain: genes, daily experience, contact with parents, nutrition, physical activity, love.

The influence of positive emotional connections on the development of brain activity has also been scientifically proven.

An increase in brain mass is an increase not in the number of neurons, but in the number of connections between them. The computational resource of the brain is not its weight, or even the number of neurons, but the number of connections that neurons establish with each other, i.e. number of synapses. They number in the trillions. And the normal development of a child’s brain in the first stage, especially two years, is a very rapid increase in the density of synapses. And it turns out that the location of many neurons in our brain is genetically determined, but what kind of network will be formed, how many contacts there will be, how its work will depend on this or that type of reinforcement - all this is largely reinforced by the first years and months of life.

Vyacheslav Albertovich Dubynin,
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University.
The child's intelligence grows in proportion to the amount of information received.
Moreover, it leads to physical growth of the brain.

Neurons in a three-year-old child's brain are twice as active as neurons in an adult's head.

Every day, more and more new connections between neurons appear in the heads of babies, and a lot depends on what they will be like, including their future character, skills, abilities, and habits.

A child's brain can accommodate an unlimited amount of information.

The ability to absorb information is much higher in a child's brain than in an adult. It is impossible to “overfeed” or overstimulate him: a child’s brain, like a sponge, quickly absorbs knowledge, but when it feels that it is full, it switches off and stops perceiving new information. We should be concerned not that we are giving the child too much information, but rather that there is too little of it to fully develop him.

Those psychologists and learning experts who say: "Don't deprive your child of his childhood!" , for some reason they don’t mention anything about how the children themselves feel about this. They simply express their attitude to the learning process. Try getting a small child to do something! You won't succeed. He will always do only what he likes and is interested in!

The best time for a child is the time he spends with his parents.
The human brain grows only through constant use and this growth is virtually complete by the age of six. Everything that can come out of a given child is determined by the first six years of his life.

The ability to learn new facts is inversely proportional to age.
Most people believe that as we age, we become brighter and more gifted. In this case, they simply confuse giftedness with wisdom.
From conception to the moment of birth, the brain grows at an amazing speed; this speed remains gigantic from birth to thirty months, after which, up to the age of six, it continues to be quite high, and only then slows down sharply. From here it is easy to understand that from birth to six years, during each subsequent month the brain grows more slowly than during the previous one. Needless to say, the earliest moments of life are in this regard the most valuable.


Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the greatest mathematicians of the 19th century, discovered the formula for the sum of arithmetic series when he was only 8 years old.

Gauss's father was a simple mason, he repaired walls, fences, fireplaces and often took his son with him to work. Gauss handed his father bricks and counted them. Apparently, Gauss's mathematical abilities were formed under the influence of this habit in early childhood.

If you tell your child the facts, he will begin to look for the rules himself.
to which they obey.

Children learn three times more in the first six years of life than in the rest of their lives. By age six, brain growth is largely complete.

During the first six years of life, the human brain absorbs information at an astonishing rate. During these years, the child is an accumulator of information that will be useful to him throughout his life, and we can hardly imagine the size of this “accumulator”. This information will serve as the basis for other knowledge and wisdom that will grow throughout your life. What we don't use, we lose. And this is so obvious that it does not require additional explanation.

Knowing that the brain grows through its use during the first six years of life, and that we can influence that growth, is truly invaluable.

In 2007, a panel that included representatives from 30 business schools, 9 leading global experts and Nobel laureate Mr. Fin Kindlan concluded that early childhood development was the most effective social investment strategy among 30 other strategies proposed for consideration ( improvement of the tax system, investment in infrastructure development, reduction of public debt, etc.).

This conclusion was also supported by economists from the Cosensus Center in Copenhagen and experts from the University of California.

The first six years of life are the time when geniuses emerge.

During these same six years, mainly the formation of the brain occurs. How amazingly quickly the brain grows and how quickly this growth stops is clearly shown by the following figures: How quickly the brain develops

Head size
Newborn - 35 cm
2.5 years - 50 cm by 15 cm more
21 years old - 55 cm 5 cm more

Our whole life is not enough for us to use even one thousandth of the potential that lies in our brain. The human brain has the capacity to hold 125"500"000"000"000 bits of information.

People are only intelligent because they use their brains. The development of our child’s brain is more successful the more we help him in this. And we can contribute to this by providing him with a lot of information. And it is best to do this in the first six years of life for reasons that have already been mentioned many times.

Our children are smarter the more opportunities we give them to be smart. And this is especially true during the first six years of life.

Child brain development and intelligence quotient (IQ)

If a child does not receive any information during the first six years of his life, he will turn into a complete idiot. If you treat him like an idiot, the result will be about the same. He himself is not able to learn too much: the structure of his toy, yes, thanks to the conversations that took place around him, his native language. By the age of six, his level of development will be below average, and his IQ, accordingly, will be below 100 (i.e., the norm). If you treat your child as if he were the most ordinary, he will become the most ordinary, reaching an average IQ level of 100. Child Development

If you are familiar with the principles of brain development, you will begin to treat your child completely differently, organizing systematic reading and math classes for him, and giving him the opportunity to gain encyclopedic knowledge. In this case, your child will reach the six-year development level when he is only four years old, and his IQ will be equal to 150. If you follow the methods of Glenn Doman for this, he will achieve the same result in three years, and his IQ will be equal to 200, or even higher. But the most important thing is that already at the age of three the child’s brain will be equal in development to the brain of a six-year-old. All this has been proven at the Institute for the Development of Human Potential in Philadelphia, whose founder was Glenn Doman.

Neuroscientists at the Institute for the Development of Human Potential, led by Glenn Doman, have devoted fifty years to solving the problem of children with brain injuries. They were given the task of developing the brains of mentally retarded children. And they managed to do this; moreover, sick children began to develop faster than healthy ones.

Previously, brain injuries were considered an incurable disease. The Glen Doman Institute for the Development of Human Potential has proven that a child with mental retardation can develop into a normal, educated person if he is taught correctly from birth.

When this technique was tested on healthy children, the results exceeded all expectations! Healthy children developed twice as fast.
IQ allows you to track this growth - and nothing more. If a two-year-old child can cope with tasks for a four-year-old, this means that his IQ is 200, that is, twice the average level. Even then, in 1965, there were hundreds of mentally retarded children aged two or three years old who had serious brain injuries, but who could read and fully understand what they read.

“Scientists have discovered that children who are often praised become more intelligent than children who are often scolded. This is the creative element of praise.”

Thomas Dreyer

“Since ancient times, it has been believed that outstanding talent is, first of all, heredity, a whim of nature. When we are told that Mozart gave his first concert at the age of three, or that John Stuart Mill was reading classical literature in Latin at the age of three, most people say: “Of course, they are geniuses.”

However, a detailed analysis of the early lives of both Mozart and Milla suggests that they were strictly raised by fathers who wanted to make their children outstanding. I assume that neither Mozart nor Mill were born geniuses; their talent developed to its maximum due to the fact that favorable conditions were created for them from early childhood and they were given an excellent education.

Conversely, if a newborn is raised in an environment that is initially alien to its nature, it has no chance of fully developing in the future. The most striking example is the story of the Indian girls Amala and Kamala, found in the 1920s in a wolf cave southwest of Calcutta.

Great efforts were made to restore the children raised by wolves to human form, but all efforts were in vain.

It is taken for granted that a child born of a human is a human, and a wolf cub is a wolf. However, these girls continued to exhibit wolfish habits even in human conditions. It turns out that the education and environment into which a baby finds itself immediately after birth most likely determines what he will become - a man or a wolf!
As I reflect on these examples, I think more and more about the enormous impact education and environment have on a newborn. This problem has become of the greatest importance not only for individual children, but also for the health and happiness of all mankind.

Therefore, in 1969, I set about creating the Japan Early Childhood Development Association. Our and foreign scientists gathered in experimental classes to study, analyze and expand the application of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki’s method of teaching children to play the violin, which was then attracting the attention of the whole world.”

Masaru Ibuka
Founder of the Japan Early Development Association.

The formation of the human brain begins during fetal development. The peak activity of this process occurs in the first 12 months of life. It is important to understand that the degree of personal integrity depends on the fulfillment of a number of conditions that affect the coherence of all functions of the body. The successful development of a baby requires maximum effort from parents. The efforts made at this stage contribute to the transformation of the child into a self-confident person, clearly aware of his abilities and having a rich inner world.

Components of the brain

The formation of the brain occurs in a strictly defined order. At the initial stage, changes affect the brain stem, at the final stage - the cerebral cortex.

Located at the base of the skull, the brain stem is responsible for many vital signs, including skin temperature and blood pressure. In its upper part is the midbrain, which controls sleep, appetite and motor activity. Maintaining balance and coordinating movements are controlled by the cerebellum, hidden behind the brain stem. Memory, adaptability and emotions are assigned to the limbic system, called the central part of the brain.

The top layer, the thickness of which ranges from 1.5-4.5 mm, is called the cerebral cortex. Thanks to it, the decision-making process is regulated. The functions it performs also include control over such important processes for humans as speech and thinking. The cerebral cortex accounts for 80% of the brain's neurons. At the time the baby is born, the level of development of this part of the brain leaves much to be desired. Its improvement often continues after adolescence. It is the cerebral cortex that demonstrates the greatest degree of sensitivity to the impressions that befall the child.

Truth and fiction

Over the past decades, scientific luminaries have conducted many studies designed to reveal the secrets of the development of the human brain. Thanks to their work, the population of the Earth became aware of the fact that The brain activity of a three-year-old baby is twice that of an adult. Scientists have also proven that the predominant part of brain cells is formed during the stay of the fetus in the womb, and infancy and early childhood are characterized by the formation of a huge number of connections. It was also possible to establish that in moments of conversation with children who cannot speak, the foundation of language proficiency is laid, and learning at the stage of early critical periods of development shows the best results due to the ease of perception on the part of the child.

Nowadays, many doctors are convinced that most of all children need care, love and a sufficient number of new impressions. From this point of view priority remains on playing together, singing, talking and reading. As practice shows, not a single toy can make up for the lack of live communication. The statement about the invaluable experience gained as a result of interaction with surrounding people and the environment. These factors are recognized as most beneficial during the developmental stage of the child's brain.

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Nowadays, we no longer talk about the full development of the brain at the time of birth. Such a complex system works differently than the stomach or heart. As it turns out, the genome laid down at conception is not the only factor influencing brain development. The list of false statements was also supplemented by the phrase about the lower brain activity of a baby taking his first steps compared to the level of brain activity of a university student. In addition, the myth regarding the need for special help and the importance of providing the baby with specific educational toys in order to develop thinking abilities was shattered. It also turned out that the importance of conversations with infants who do not have their own opinion regarding the subject of the conversation was previously underestimated.

Features of the development of the children's brain

As already mentioned, the initial stage of brain formation falls during the period of the fetus’s stay in the mother’s womb. On the day the physical connection with the mother is severed, accompanied by cutting the umbilical cord, the number of cells contained in this organ reaches an impressive 100 billion. An isolated existence excludes the presence of connections, the active process of formation of which begins after the first independent breath.

The most significant proportion of connections are formed during the first three years of life. In the future, there is a possibility that some of them will rupture. The degree of their strength depends on the amount of attention, care and love devoted to the little person. It is these elements that form the necessary basis, without which full development of the individual is impossible.

The number of neurons given to us by nature is approximately 20 times greater than the population of the Earth and 10 times greater than the number of stars included in such a large galaxy as the Milky Way.

Neurons are called the nucleus of the brain. The connections formed between them continue to remain one of the most interesting mysteries of the human body. The experience accumulated to date and fresh impressions include the mechanisms for the formation of the so-called brain circuit. The complexity of the network formed as a result of the interaction of individual cells with each other is most eloquently demonstrated by the fact that each of the tiny elements can communicate with 15,000 of its fellows.

At the stage of brain development, the first year of life is most significant. Constantly repeated calling by name contributes to the formation of connections in such a way that the baby, after a certain time, begins to perceive this name as a call that requires a response. Created at great speed connections lay the foundation of our habits, memories, thoughts, mind and consciousness.

In the brain three year old baby generated approximately 1000 trillion connections. Adults, oddly enough, are much “poorer” by this indicator (almost twice as much). When a child reaches approximately eleven years of age, the process of getting rid of unnecessary connections begins in the brain. The environment and close relatives act as a stimulator for the growth of compounds and their further ordering. The learning structure reproduces repeated experience. Connections that have not been activated for a long time are subject to exclusion. There is a theory according to which positive or negative actions committed once have a certain impact on the development of the brain.

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Daily use of connections during the first years of life transforms them into permanent units. Repeating stable verbal structures promotes speech recognition and strengthens language connections.

Stages of brain formation

The period of brain development can be divided into several stages:

  • stay in the womb
  • infancy stage,
  • childhood
  • and youth.

Each of these time intervals is unique. Successful completion of each of them is impossible without certain conditions. Failure to comply can result in serious problems.

Infancy is usually divided into 2 periods. The first (critical) period, which occurs for 1-8 weeks. These days are allocated for the formation of visual functions. Violation of the norm of visual influence in the direction of its decrease increases the likelihood of poor development of nerve cells. Such complications can haunt a person for the rest of his life.

A longer sensitive period begins from six months and lasts up to approximately 24 months. It is characterized by facial recognition, a favorable attitude towards acquaintances and display of wariness towards strangers. At this stage, the baby’s attachment to his protective mother, who radiates warmth and love, is formed.

The curve reproducing the stages of brain formation has a wave-like structure. The nature of the line reflects the level of the brain's response to impressions. The higher this indicator, the more opportunities for brain development. The peaks of the bursts occur at different time intervals, corresponding to the most productive stages of brain development.

Periods favorable for learning are called “windows of opportunity.” On these days, information is received and processed more intensively than during periods of relative calm. A person hones skills in various fields of activity throughout his life. The learning process can only be interrupted by death.

The most fruitful period of brain development coincides with the first three years of life, extending into early childhood and adolescence. This is what explains the ease with which children learn the grammar of their native language, with which they come into contact every day. Learning at a later age turns out to be less effective due to the slower pace of learning. Children who take advantage of opportunities at the most suitable periods for acquiring knowledge will subsequently find it much easier to join the team and realize themselves.

Periods of skill formation

Parents should have an idea of ​​the timing of this or that activity. Knowledge in this area will help determine the level of development of the baby. Shifting the timing involves contacting a doctor to avoid complications in the baby’s physical or mental condition.

Prolonged sleep and lack of obvious activity is the norm for infants 1-8 weeks. After this period, children are characterized by multiple smiles and laughter. Over the next few months Head turns are replaced by rollovers. Four month old babies They excel in this skill and make attempts to grasp objects that are at arm's length. Nine month old babies They are already sitting with support, crawling and taking their first steps with the help of adults. The predominant part yearlings Tomboys not only walk confidently, but also run quickly.

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Taking care of children 0-12 months involves more than just feeding and dressing. Active intervention in the baby’s life on the part of parents is encouraged. Responsible mothers begin to take care of the child already during pregnancy and include protein-rich foods in their diet. Their menu also includes food products that contain omega-3 acid. This element contributes to the normal functioning of brain cells and the formation of full connections between them.

The benefits of breast milk are legendary. The food supplied by the mother protects the baby from infections, develops its immune system and has a beneficial effect on brain activity.

A lack of love and attention is much worse than its excess. Fathers and mothers need to spend time with the child, sing him lullabies, read fairy tales and not let physical development take its course. Baby-safe toys with a pleasant-to-touch surface can be an excellent help. At the selection stage, it is advisable to give preference to developing varieties. Parents can also play mimic games with their child, varying the intonation and strength of the voice. A baby observing the behavior of adults will subsequently be able to reproduce the emotions corresponding to a particular facial expression.

Reading is designed to sharpen your listening skills and develop your ability to recognize emotions, expressed by vocal vibrations. Understanding the material fades into the background. Lack of training also negatively affects the stimulation of visual functions. A child can learn to distinguish shades both at home and outside the apartment or house.

Loneliness is detrimental to a child. During waking hours, he needs the company of other people. The success of communication in the future depends on the fulfillment of this condition. A conversation with a child should not take place in elevated intonations. During a conversation, it is advisable to minimize exposure to distracting extraneous noise. Communication should be on a positive note. It is advisable to get rid of negativity in advance.

Maximum development of physical and mental capabilities guarantees the absence of difficulties at the stage of adaptation to society. The systematic development of children is observed in families that surround children with attention, warmth and love. At the same time, it is extremely important to perceive the baby as an equal partner with his own needs.

Hearing and vision

Abilities in recognizing sounds and visual images are formed up to 4-5 years. The importance of developing vision and hearing is difficult to overestimate, since it is these senses that help children perceive reality and contact the people and objects around them. During the first months, babies must look at moving and stationary objects of different colors and shapes. Thanks to this, the brain seems to learn to look. Equally important is the variety of sounds, a wide range of which contributes to the recognition and processing of information. At the end of these processes, in most cases a response should occur.

Language skills

Speech is formed during the first decade of life. The greatest effectiveness is observed during the first half of this period. Slurred babble and attempts to speak should not go unanswered.

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Movement and physical development

For first 12 years Throughout life, children demonstrate physical readiness for various aspects of motor development. Often, walking skills are acquired much earlier than fine motor skills, which may include assembling puzzles and construction sets, modeling or drawing. It takes several years to develop coordination (playing with a ball). Some of the skills acquired in early childhood continue to be honed into adolescence.

Emotions and socialization

Identical period ( 12 years) is required for social and emotional development, expressed in the expression of trust and empathy, as well as the perception of other people. Rapid development of emotions is observed during the period 0-1.5 years, accompanied by the formation of a feeling of attachment to parents.

The success of a fully formed personality depends on the correctness of emotional perception. Education received at an early age lays the foundation for an optimistic attitude, an active life position, empathy and the ability to be happy.

Parental support is extremely important for the social and emotional development of an individual. Social development is impossible without self-awareness and the ability to interact with other members of society. Their formation can be divided into several stages. For example, two-year-olds do not understand how and why they need to share toys. In children who have crossed the three-year threshold, this social skill is more developed.


Based on the above, a number of conclusions can be drawn. During the development of a child's brain, the power of daily experience, heredity, nutrition, physical activity and sensitive parenting should not be underestimated. The baby's brain is prone to development that is impossible without early experiences accumulated through touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste. The listed feelings contribute to the building of meaningful connections. Early experiences contribute to the learning process by connecting neural circuits in the brain. Patterned patterns help a newborn feel the presence of his mother, recognize his father’s voice or his favorite toy, etc. Sketches borrowed from the surrounding reality are subsequently subject to improvement and honing. Thanks to this, the connection between individual brain cells is strengthened.

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Children begin to develop from the first day of birth, gradually learning day by day. The development of the child’s brain plays a key role in the development of a child as an individual. It is the correct process of improving the brain that determines whether he will begin to walk, talk, study well, and be able to play sports.

Scientists have been studying brain ontogenesis for several centuries, but this process has not yet been fully understood. Various studies are conducted every year, and most countries have brain institutes. This organ is the most mysterious and most important for any person. It has attracted the attention of many specialists: biologists, surgeons, neurologists, immunologists and many others. Each of them finds problems and questions to study. Many problematic issues are studied by groups of specialists in different fields.

Stages of Brain Development

The formation of the brain begins in the embryo at 2 weeks. In the womb, the fetus develops the main parts of the brain: the neural tube, hemispheres, cerebellum and others. By birth, the child’s brain reaches a weight of 300-400 grams. In adults, its weight reaches 1100-1300.

The main stages of brain development in children are identified, the first stage, which lasts from birth to 1.5 years, forms stem structures. During this stage, the baby's brain learns to recognize and respond to daily needs such as food, sleep, and safety. Sensory perception is formed, the vestibular apparatus is adjusted. The baby learns to distinguish smells, tastes, sounds.

From 1.5 years to 4 years, the formation of the limbic system occurs. During this period, the baby learns emotions, he develops imagination and memory, and acquires his first skills. Learns to independently perform various actions.

From 4 to 7 years of age, the right hemisphere, which is responsible for imaginative thinking, grows, that is, it allows the preschooler to perceive the world in all its diversity as a single whole. He learns emotions, improves external speech, and begins to think in images.

From 7 to 9 years old, logic develops, for which the left hemisphere is responsible. During this period, the student begins to process information in detail and improves all his skills. Children begin the period of school life, where the first ideas about the systemic nature of the world around them are formed.

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At the age of 8, an important period in the formation of the body passes. The frontal lobe, which is responsible for social behavior and self-control, is formed, and internal speech is formed.

From 9 to 12 years of age, the corpus callosum is formed, which is responsible for complex information processing.

In the period from 12 to 16 years, a hormonal surge occurs in the body of a teenager, which affects the entire body. He is formed as a personality, gets an idea of ​​himself as a part of society, and goes through one of the most important periods of socialization.

How to develop a child's brain correctly?

Most parents are very concerned about the correct and comprehensive development of their baby. Every family dreams of healthy and smart children. For the correct formation of brain functions in the offspring, it is important to follow simple rules.

Correct and timely development is primarily influenced by the surrounding reality. Parents and loved ones should take part in the upbringing and education of their child and broadening his horizons from birth.

From birth to 1.5 years, children learn about the world through sounds, tastes, and tactile sensations. During this period, it is important to improve fine motor skills, which will help the baby speak more quickly and learn to perform basic actions, for example, holding a spoon in his hands.

The child is developing speech, so it is important to constantly talk to him from birth, gradually processing sounds in his subconscious, he will learn to connect them into images, and then he will begin to speak himself.

From 1.5 to 4 years old, the baby learns to receive, process and show emotions. During this period, close emotional contact with parents is very important. Research has proven that the lack of close communication with parents during this period forms an incorrect emotional picture of the world in children. Children who did not receive positive emotions and love in childhood become aggressive or passive adults who do not know how to love, empathize, and they develop the wrong emotions.

Useful to know: What is the right hemisphere of the brain responsible for?

In the period from 4 to 7 years, the formation of imaginative thinking occurs. It is during this period that it is important to intensively work with a preschooler: read to him, teach him to draw, sing, dance, read, play intellectual games. All this will allow him to learn to form complete images, remember and reproduce them.

From 7 to 9 years old, the child develops logic. He begins to make his own conclusions based on information received verbally and non-verbally. During this period, parents should not rely on school, but rather take part in the formation of logical thinking in their child. To do this, you can simply ask your son or daughter problems from life, and ask what he would do in a given situation. Find out from him why his choice is this way, help and correct if necessary. It is important that the child himself learns to understand the logic of processes occurring in life and learns to analyze them.

With the formation of the frontal lobe, which usually ends at age 8, the child becomes part of society. His world expands along with his social circle and he defines for himself the framework of behavior in society. At this time, it is important that the family shows by example how to behave in society. If a mother is rude, screams and swears, most likely her child will behave the same way, because he will consider this behavior to be the norm.

From 9 to 12 years of age, a student learns to process information in a complex manner. That is, it is at this time that he learns to obtain complex knowledge and uses various methods for this. Parents should control that the student does not get stuck on one source of information and teach him in every possible way. If he loves animals, he should read about them, watch videos, communicate with them (petting them, feeding them, etc.). That is, obtain information about a subject of interest from different sources. This will give him the opportunity in the future to react correctly to various situations and evaluate them comprehensively.

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From the age of 12, a hormonal surge begins, often called the transition period. Most children at this time do not get along well with their parents, and conflicts and misunderstandings arise in the family. The main thing during this period is not to lose touch with the teenager, and if there is no way to cope with the situation on your own, it is better to turn to psychologists.

Abnormalities in brain development

Currently, more than 30 possible deviations in brain ontogenesis have been identified. Each of them causes abnormalities in maturation, some leading to death.

60% of anomalies develop in the prenatal period. Modern diagnostics make it possible to identify most abnormalities in the fetus before birth.

Such anomalies can be provoked by both hereditary factors and environmental influences on the body of the mother and child. The mother's lifestyle plays an important role in this problem. Smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, taking potent drugs, all this affects the health of the fetus.

Disruptions in progress can occur at any stage of growing up. They can be triggered by injuries, stress, health problems, environmental problems and other factors.

There are cases when, after severe stress, children stopped speaking or understanding speech. Head injuries disrupted the cycles of visual, auditory behavioral activity, and children became unresponsive to learning and many others.

At the slightest sign of abnormalities, parents should show their offspring to doctors. Nowadays, medicine has made a significant breakthrough and many deviations can now be corrected and eliminated.