Husband's family. “Who lives well in Rus'”

Chapter II


stand at the court -
Aching legs,
To stand under the crown -
My head hurts,
My head hurts,
I remember
The song is old
The song is menacing.
To the wide yard
The guests have arrived
Young wife
My husband brought it home
And dear one
How to pounce!
Her brother-in-law -
And the sister-in-law -
Father-in-law -
That bear
And the mother-in-law -
Who is a slob
Who is not spinning...

Everything that's in the song
That one sang
Everything is with me now
That's what happened!
Tea, were you singing?
Tea, you know?..

“Begin, godfather!
We need to pick up...”


He lays his head on the pillow,
The father-in-law is walking along the hay fields,
Angry, he walks around new ones.

(in unison)

Does not allow daughter-in-law to sleep:


I sleep, baby, doze,
He lays his head on the pillow.
The mother-in-law is walking around the hay fields.
Angry, she walks around new ones.

(in unison)

Knocking, rattling, knocking, rattling,
Does not allow daughter-in-law to sleep:
Get up, get up, get up, you're sleepy!
Get up, get up, get up, you sleepy one!
Sleepy, dormant, unruly!

The family was huge
Grumpy... I'm in trouble
Happy maiden holiday to hell!
My husband went to work
He advised to remain silent and be patient:
Don't spit on hot things
Iron will hiss!
I stayed with my sisters-in-law,
With my father-in-law, with my mother-in-law,
There is no one to love,
And there is someone to scold!
To the eldest sister-in-law,
To Martha the Pious,
Work like a slave;
Keep an eye on your father-in-law
It's a mistake - at the innkeeper's
Redeem what is lost.
And get up and sit down with a sign,
Otherwise the mother-in-law will be offended;
Where can I know them all?
There are good signs
And there are also poor people.
It happened like this: mother-in-law
I blew it into my father-in-law's ears,
That kinder rye will be born
From stolen seeds.
Tikhonych went at night,
Caught - half dead
They threw it in the barn...

As ordered, so done:
I walked with anger in my heart,
And I didn’t say too much
A word to no one
In winter Philippus came,
Brought a silk handkerchief
Yes, I went for a ride on a sled
On Catherine's Day, 1
And it was as if there was no grief!
Sang as I sang
In my parents' house.
We were the same age
Don't touch us - we're having fun
We always get along.
It's true that the husband
Such as Philippushka,
Look with a candle..."

“It’s as if he didn’t beat you?”

Timofeevna hesitated:
“Only once,” in a quiet voice
She said.

"For what?" - asked the wanderers.

It's as if you don't know
Like village quarrels
Coming out? To hubby
My sister came to visit
Her cats crashed.
“Give the shoes to Olenushka,
Wife!" - said Philip.
But I didn’t suddenly answer.
I lifted the pot,
Such a urge: to say
I couldn't speak.
Philip Ilyich was angry,
I waited until I installed it
Korchaga for a pole,
Yes, slap me on the temple!
“Well, fortunately you came,
And that’s how you look!” - said
Other, unmarried
Filipp's sister.

Philip encouraged his wife.
"We haven't seen each other for a long time,
If only I had known, I wouldn’t have gone like that!” -
My mother-in-law said this.

Filyushka also added...
And that's it! Wouldn't do
Wife beaten by husband
Count; yes I said:
I won't hide anything! -

“Well, women! with such and such
Underwater snakes
And the dead will take the whip!”

The hostess did not answer.
Peasants, for the sake of occasion,
We drank a new glass
And they sang a song in chorus
About the silk whip.
About my husband's relatives.

My hateful husband
For the silk lash

The whip whistled
Blood spattered...
Oh! cherished! cherished!
Blood spattered...

Take me away
From the recklessness of her husband,
Fierce snake!
Orders to hit more
Orders blood to be shed...


The whip whistled
Blood spattered...
Oh! cherished! cherished!
Blood spattered...

Take me away
From the recklessness of her husband,
Fierce snake!
Orders to hit more
Orders blood to be shed...

The whip whistled
Blood spattered...
Oh! cherished! cherished!
Blood spattered.
- Philip at the Annunciation
He left and went to Kazanskaya
I gave birth to a son.
How written Demushka was!
Beauty taken from the sun,
The snow is white,
Maku's lips are red,
The sable has a black eyebrow,
In Siberian sable,
The hawk has eyes!
All the anger from my soul, my handsome man
Driven away with an angelic smile,
Like the spring sun
Clears the snow from the fields...
I didn't worry
Whatever they tell me, I work,
No matter how much they scold me, I remain silent.

Yes, this is where trouble comes in:
Abram Gordeich Sitnikov,
Lord's manager
He began to pester me:
“You are a written kralenka,
You are a pouring berry...”
- Leave me alone, shameless! berry,
Yes, not that! -
I bowed to my sister-in-law,
I won’t go to corvée myself,
So he'll roll into the hut!
I’ll hide in a barn, in Riga -
The mother-in-law will pull out from there:
“Hey, don't joke with fire!
- Drive him away, darling,
By the neck! - “Don’t you want
Should I be a soldier? I'm going to grandpa:
"What to do? Teach!”

From the whole husband's family
One Savely, grandfather,
Father-in-law's parent
He felt sorry for me... Tell me
About your grandfather, well done? -

“Get the whole story out!”
Let’s throw two sheaves,”
The men said.

Well then! special speech.
It would be a sin to remain silent about my grandfather.
He was lucky too...

"Move aside, people!"
(Excise officials
With bells, with plaques
They rushed from the market.)

"And I mean now:
And the broom is rubbish, Ivan Ilyich,
And he will walk on the floor,
It will spray wherever!

"God forbid, Parashenka,
Don't go to St. Petersburg!
There are such officials
You are their cook for a day,
And their night is crazy -
So it doesn’t matter!”

"Where are you going, Savvushka?"
(The priest shouts to the sotsky
On horseback, with a government badge.)
- I’m galloping to Kuzminskoye
Behind the stanov. Occasion:
There's a peasant ahead
Killed... - "Eh!.. sins!.."

“You’ve become thinner, Daryushka!”
- Not a spindle, friend!
That's what the more it spins,
It's getting potbellied
And I’m like every day...

"Hey guy, stupid guy,
Tattered, lousy,
Hey, love me!
Me, bareheaded,
Drunk old woman,

Our peasants are sober,
Looking, listening,
They go their own way.

In the middle of the road
Some guy is quiet
I dug a big hole.
"What are you doing here?"
- And I’m burying my mother! -
"Fool! what a mother!
Look: a new undershirt
You buried it in the ground!
Go quickly and grunt
Lie down in the ditch and drink some water!
Maybe the crap will come off!"

"Come on, let's stretch!"

Two peasants sit down
They rest their feet,
And they live, and they push,
They groan and stretch on a rolling pin,
Joints are cracking!
Didn't like it on the rolling pin:
"Let's try now
Stretch your beard!"
When the beard is in order
They reduced each other,
Grabbing your cheekbones!
They puff, blush, writhe,
They moo, squeal, and stretch!
"Let it be to you, damned ones!"
You won't spill water!

Women are quarreling in the ditch,
One shouts: “Go home
More sick than hard labor!"
Another: - You're lying, in my house
Worse than yours!
My eldest brother-in-law broke my rib,
The middle son-in-law stole the ball,
A ball of spit, but the thing is -
Fifty dollars was wrapped in it,
And the younger son-in-law keeps taking the knife,
Look, he'll kill him, he'll kill him!..

"Well, that's enough, that's enough, dear!
Well, don't be angry! - behind the roller
You can hear it nearby -
I’m okay... let’s go!”
Such a bad night!
Is it to the right, is it to the left?
From the road you can see:
Couples are walking together
Isn't it the right grove that they're heading towards?
That grove attracts everyone,
In that grove the vociferous
The nightingales are singing...

The road is crowded
What later is uglier:
More and more often they come across
Beaten, crawling,
Lying in a layer.
Without swearing, as usual,
Not a word will be uttered,
Crazy, obscene,
She is the loudest!
The taverns are in turmoil,
The leads are mixed up
Scared horses
They run without riders;
Little children are crying here,
Wives and mothers grieve:
Is it easy from drinking
Should I call the men?..

At the traffic post
A familiar voice is heard
Our wanderers are approaching
And they see: Veretennikov
(What goatskin shoes
Gave it to Vavila)
Talks with peasants.
The peasants are opening up
The gentleman likes:
Pavel will praise the song -
They'll sing it five times, write it down!
Like the proverb -
Write a proverb!
Having written down enough,
Veretennikov told them:
"Russian peasants are smart,
One thing is bad
That they drink until they are stupefied,
They fall into ditches, into ditches -
It's a shame to see!"

The peasants listened to that speech,
They agreed with the master.
Pavlusha has something in a book
I already wanted to write,
Yes, he turned up drunk
Man - he is against the master
Lying on his stomach
I looked into his eyes,
I kept silent - but suddenly
How he will jump up! Straight to the master -
Grab the pencil from your hands!
- Wait, empty head!
Crazy news, unscrupulous
Don't talk about us!
What were you jealous of!
Why is the poor thing having fun?
Peasant soul?
We drink a lot from time to time,
And we work more
You see a lot of us drunk,
And there are more of us sober.
Have you walked around the villages?
Let's take a bucket of vodka,
Let's go through the huts:
In one, in the other they will pile up,
And in the third they won’t touch -
We have a drinking family
Non-drinking family!
They don’t drink, but they also toil,
It would be better if they drank, stupid ones,
Yes, conscience is like that...
It’s wonderful to watch how he bursts in
In such a sober hut
A man's trouble -
And I wouldn’t even look!.. I saw it
Are Russian villages in the midst of suffering?
In a drinking establishment, what, people?
We have vast fields,
And not much generous,
Tell me, by whose hand
In the spring they will dress,
Will they undress in the fall?
Have you met a guy
After work in the evening?
To reap a good mountain
I set it down and ate a pea-sized piece:
"Hey! hero! straw
I'll knock you over, move aside!"

Peasant food is sweet,
The whole century saw an iron saw
He chews, but doesn't eat!
Yes, the belly is not a mirror, -
We don’t cry for food...
You work alone
And the work is almost over,
Look, there are three shareholders standing:
God, king and lord!
And there is also a destroyer
Fourth, be meaner than the Tatar,
So he won’t share
He'll gobble it all up alone!
The third year is upon us
The same inferior gentleman,
Like you, from near Moscow.
Records songs
Tell him the proverb
Leave the riddle behind.
And there was another one - he was interrogating,
How many hours will you work per day?
Little by little, by a lot
Do you shove pieces into your mouth?
Another one measures the land,
Another in the village of inhabitants
He can count it on his fingers,
But they didn’t count it,
How much each summer
The fire is blowing into the wind
Peasant labor?..

There is no measure for Russian hops.
Have they measured our grief?
Is there a limit to the work?
Wine brings down the peasant,
Doesn't grief overwhelm him?
Work isn't going well?
A man does not measure troubles
Copes with everything
No matter what, come.
A man, working, does not think,
That will strain your strength,
So really over a glass
Think about what's too much
Will you end up in a ditch?
Why is it shameful for you to look,
Like drunk people lying around
So look,
Like being dragged out of a swamp
Peasants have wet hay,
Having mowed down, they drag:
Where horses can't get through
Where and without a burden on foot
It's dangerous to cross
There's a peasant horde there
Over the bumps, over the jams
Crawling with whips, -
The peasant's navel is cracking!

Under the sun without hats,
In sweat, in mud up to the top of my head,
Cut up by sedge,
Swamp reptile-midge
Eaten into blood, -
Are we prettier here?
To regret - to regret skillfully,
To the master's measure
Don't kill the peasant!
Not gentle white-handed ones,
And we are great people
In work and revelry!..

Every peasant
The soul is like a black cloud -
Angry, menacing - and it should be
Thunder will roar from there,
Bloody rains,
And it all ends with wine.
A little charm went through my veins -
And the kind one laughed
Peasant soul!
There is no need to grieve here,
Look around - rejoice!
Hey guys, hey young ladies,
They know how to go for a walk!
The bones waved
They reeled my darling out,
And the bravery is brave
Saved for the occasion!..

The man stood on the bolster
He stamped his little shoes
And, after being silent for a moment,
He added in a loud voice,
Admiring the cheerful
Roaring crowd:
- Hey! you are a peasant kingdom,
Hatless, drunk,
Make noise - make more noise!..

"What's your name, old lady?"

- And what? will you write it down in a book?
Perhaps there is no need!
Write: "In the village of Bosovo
Yakim Nagoy lives,
He works himself to death
He drinks until he's half dead!.."

The peasants laughed
And they told the master,
What a man Yakim is.

Yakim, wretched old man,
I once lived in St. Petersburg,
Yes, he ended up in jail:
I decided to compete with the merchant!
Like a piece of velcro,
He returned to his homeland
And he took up the plow.
Since then it has been roasting for thirty years
On the strip under the sun,
He escapes under the harrow
From frequent rain,
He lives and tinkers with the plow,
And death will come to Yakimushka -
As the lump of earth falls off,
What's stuck on the plow...

There was an incident with him: pictures
He bought it for his son
Hung them on the walls
And he himself is no less than a boy
I loved looking at them.
God's disfavor has come
The village caught fire -
And it was at Yakimushka’s
accumulated over a century
Thirty-five rubles.
I would rather take the rubles,
And first he showed pictures
He began to tear it off the wall;
Meanwhile his wife
I was fiddling with icons,
And then the hut collapsed -
Yakim made such a mistake!
The virgins merged into a lump,
For that lump they give him
Eleven rubles...
"Oh brother Yakim! not cheap
The pictures worked!
But to a new hut
I suppose you hung them?"

- I hung it up - there are new ones, -
Yakim said and fell silent.

The master looked at the plowman:
The chest is sunken; as if pressed in
Stomach; at the eyes, at the mouth
Bends like cracks
On dry ground;
And to Mother Earth myself
He looks like: brown neck,
Like a layer cut off by a plow,
Brick face
Hand - tree bark,
And the hair is sand.
The peasants, as they noted,
Why are you not offended by the master?
Yakimov's words,
And they themselves agreed
With Yakim: – The word is true:
We should drink!
If we drink, it means we feel strong!
Great sadness will come,
How can we stop drinking!..
Work wouldn't stop me
Trouble would not prevail
Hops will not overcome us!
Is not it?

"Yes, God is merciful!"

- Well, have a glass with us!

We got some vodka and drank it.
Yakim Veretennikov
He brought two scales.

- Hey master! didn't get angry
Smart little head!
(Yakim told him.)
Smart little head
How can one not understand a peasant?
And pigs walk on the ground -
They can't see the sky for ages!..


in chorus

Knocking, rattling, knocking, rattling,
Does not allow daughter-in-law to sleep:
Get up, get up, get up, you're sleepy!
Get up, get up, get up, you sleepy one!
Sleepy, dormant, unruly!
* * *

“The family was huge,
Grumpy... I'm in trouble
Happy maiden holiday to hell!
My husband went to work
He advised to remain silent and be patient:
Don't spit on hot things
Iron will hiss!
I stayed with my sisters-in-law,
With my father-in-law, with my mother-in-law,
There is no one to love and dove,
And there is someone to scold!
To the elder sister-in-law,
To Martha the Pious,
Work like a slave;
Keep an eye on your father-in-law
You're wrong - at the innkeeper's
Redeem what is lost.
And get up and sit down with a sign,
Otherwise the mother-in-law will be offended;
Where can I know them all?
There are good signs
And there are also poor people.
It happened like this: mother-in-law
I blew it into my father-in-law's ears,
That kinder rye will be born
From stolen seeds.
Tikhonych went at night,
Caught - half dead
They threw it in the barn...

As ordered, so done:
I walked with anger in my heart,
And I didn’t say too much
A word to no one.
In winter Philippus came,
Brought a silk handkerchief
Yes, I went for a ride on a sled
On Catherine's day,
And it was as if there was no grief!
Sang as I sang
In my parents' house.
We were the same age
Don't touch us - we're having fun
We always get along.
It's true that the husband
Such as Philippushka,
Look with a candle..."

“It’s as if he didn’t beat you?”

Timofeevna hesitated:
“Only once,” in a quiet voice
She said.

"For what?" - asked the wanderers.

“As if you don’t know
Like village quarrels
Coming out? To hubby
My sister came to visit
Her cats crashed.
“Give the shoes to Olenushka,
Wife!“ said Philip.
But I didn’t suddenly answer.
I lifted the pot,
Such a urge: to say
I couldn't speak.
Philip Ilyich was angry,
I waited until I installed it
Korchaga for a pole,
Yes, slap me on the temple!
“Well, fortunately you have arrived,
And you look like that!“ - she said
Other, unmarried
Filipp's sister.

Philip encouraged his wife.
“We haven’t seen each other for a long time,
If I had known, I wouldn’t have gone like that!” -
My mother-in-law said this.

Filyushka also added...
And that's it! Wouldn't do
Wife beaten by husband
Count; yes I said:
I won’t hide anything!”

“Well, women! with such and such
Underwater snakes
And the dead will take the whip!”

The hostess did not answer.
Peasants, for the sake of occasion,
We drank a new glass
And they sang a song in chorus
About the silk whip,
About my husband's relatives.

* * *

My hateful husband
For the silk lash

The whip whistled
Blood spattered...
Oh! cherished! cherished!
Blood spattered...

Take me away
From the recklessness of her husband,
Fierce snake!
Orders to hit more
Orders blood to be shed...

The whip whistled
Blood spattered...
Oh! cherished! cherished!
Blood spattered...

Take me away
From the recklessness of her husband,
Fierce snake!
Orders to hit more
Orders blood to be shed...

The whip whistled
Blood spattered...
Oh! cherished! cherished!
Blood spattered...
* * *

Philip at the Annunciation
He left and went to Kazanskaya
I gave birth to a son.
How written Demushka was!
Beauty taken from the sun,
The snow is white,
Maku's lips are red,
The sable has a black eyebrow,
In Siberian sable,
The hawk has eyes!
All the anger from my soul, my handsome man
Driven away with an angelic smile,
Like the spring sun
Drives snow from the fields...
I didn't worry
Whatever they tell me, I work,
No matter how much they scold me, I remain silent.

Yes, this is where trouble comes in:
Abram Gordeich Sitnikov,
Lord's manager
He began to pester me:
“You are a written kralenka,
You are a pouring berry...”
- “Leave me alone, shameless one!” berry,
Yes, it’s not that!”
I bowed to my sister-in-law,
I won’t go to corvée myself,
So he'll roll into the hut!
I’ll hide in a barn, in Riga -
The mother-in-law will pull out from there:
"Hey, don't joke with fire!"
- “Drive him away, darling,
By the neck! - “Don’t you want
Should I be a soldier? I'm going to grandpa:
"What to do? Teach!”

From the whole husband's family
One Savely, grandfather,
Father-in-law's parent, -
He felt sorry for me... Tell
About your grandfather, well done?

“Get the whole story out!”
Let’s throw two sheaves,”
The men said.

Well, that's it! special speech.
It would be a sin to remain silent about my grandfather.
He was also lucky...

Chapter 3. Savely, the Holy Russian hero

With a huge gray mane,
Tea, twenty years without a haircut,
With a huge beard
Grandfather looked like a bear
Especially from the forest,
He bent over and went out.
Grandfather's back is arched, -
summary of other presentations

“Nekrasov “Russian Women””- M.N. Volkonskaya. Musical accompaniment. Dialogue. House of Laval. Trubetskoy House-Museum. P.E. Annenkova. K.P. Ivasheva. Count Laval. Decembrist. The General's Arguments. Petersburg was left behind. Gradation. N.A. Nekrasov. Sample. Commandments of family life. Images of Russia. Film credits. Irina Kupchenko. E.P. Naryshkina. Captivating images. E.I.Trubetskaya.

“N.A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'””- Popular rumor brings truth-seeking peasants to the village of Klin. Issues. Matryona Timofeevna. Genre originality. Folklore in the poem. Let's repeat the terms. Dispute. An epic is a work of art that reflects entire eras. The share of the people, their happiness, light and freedom above all. ON THE. Nekrasov Features of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” The situation of the Russian people. Characteristics of the main images.

"Peasant Children"- Poems for children. Makovsky's paintings. Happy people. Childhood. Mushroom raids. Red childhood. N. A. Nekrasov. Poet-hunter. A man with a fingernail. Nekrasov. Peasant children. Passion for hunting and creativity. Childhood on the Volga. Native places. Envy. Images of peasant children.

“Works by N.A. Nekrasov”- A cycle of poems. Lyrical hero. Literary color. Freedom. I don't like your irony. Idle people. Good dad. Dorozhenka. Mocking mind. Reflections at the front entrance. Moral person. Troika. Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich. Literary salon of the Panayevs. Railway. Good cook. The thought of lawlessness. Nekrasov. Harm. People. Motives of Nekrasov's lyrics. Hero. Muse of Nekrasov. Bread. Clueless people.

"Nekrasov "Peasant Children"- The poet introduced the voices of many children into the work. Let's look at the portrait by the artist Venetsianov A.G. “Zakharka”. That's enough, Vanyusha. Lesson objectives. Work with text. Suppose a peasant child grows up freely without learning anything. Oh, dear rogues. Peasant children. The author loves children. Working with the textbook.

“Poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'””- Yard man. A feast for the whole world. Olonchan stonemason. A man with shortness of breath. Spring landscape. Happiness. Chapter "Peasant Woman". Biography of Yakima. Savely. Bitter time. Sexton. An exciting question. Husband's family. Revolutionary optimism. Honor. Ragged beggars. Grisha's path. The girls were lucky. The solution comes unexpectedly. Artistic details. Belarusian peasant. Epic. The heroes of the poem travel across Russian land.