Boots with wings from a fairy tale. Which fairy tale has running boots? Brief Analysis

With the help of magic objects they cope with difficulties that are insurmountable in the usual way.

Where did the idea of ​​fast travel come from?

Shoes, with which you can cover significant distances, are mentioned repeatedly in many European and Russian fairy tales. It is clear that analogues of this kind of footwear did not exist in nature and still do not exist.

For the first time, shoes with which one could move were mentioned in ancient Greek myths. The god of trade, Hermes, who was also responsible for delivering news, had special sandals with wings that allowed him to cover vast distances in moments.

Walking boots in fairy tales

In Russian, skorokhody are mentioned repeatedly.

"Prophetic dream". The main character is Ivan the merchant's son. In a not entirely honest way, he took possession of the three main fairy-tale attributes - an invisible hat, a flying carpet and running boots, with the help of which he accomplished good deeds.

"The Enchanted Princess" The main character is a retired soldier, who, by the will of fate, marries the princess, who is temporarily in the form of a bear. To overcome obstacles, he fraudulently takes possession of a magic carpet, an invisible hat and walking boots. I did not use boots when performing fabulous deeds.

“Tom Thumb” is a fairy tale by Charles Perrault. Thumb Boy steals seven-league boots (in some translations - running boots) from the Ogre. The kid got a job in the royal service as a messenger and, with the help of a fairy-tale attribute, earned a lot of money and helped the family get out of poverty.

What other fabulous shoes can you use to move through space?

In the fairy tale "Little Muk" by Gauff, magic shoes transport the owner to any distance - a property that Muk used to achieve his goals.

Andersen uses the image of the “Galoshes of Happiness,” where magical shoes move the owner through time. As an inveterate pessimist, Andersen sees no use in magic shoes, and the adviser, who has eaten magic shoes, finds himself in an unpleasant situation, from which he emerges with heavy losses.

In F. Baum’s fairy tale “The Wizard of Oz,” magic shoes carry Dorothy home from a foreign land.


  • The Tale of Little Muk

New beautiful boots are so nice, but sometimes so uncomfortable! After all, newly purchased, unworn shoes often feel slightly tight, causing great inconvenience. Therefore, before going out in new boots, you first need to break them in slightly at home. How to do it?


If you need to break out your boots urgently and don’t have time to run, you can use or. Pour it onto a piece of cotton wool, thoroughly moisten the areas where you feel tightness - and then proceed in the same way as in the case of a special stretching agent. But in this case, the shoes will have to withstand much longer.

There are also ways to stretch your shoes “at a distance” and not have to worry about walking around the apartment in tight shoes. One of the “folk remedies” for such cases is to tightly stuff the shoes with wet newspapers and leave them for about a day until the newspapers dry. But this method is quite risky: when the moisture evaporates, the boots may dry out and lose their shape.

You can also carry out boots using... a refrigerator. Take a strong plastic bag, fill it with water, release excess air and tie it tightly. You can put this water bubble in another bag for strength. Now place the bag in and place the shoes in the freezer. As we remember from the physics course, water expands when it freezes - and will gradually stretch the boot. It’s better not to experiment with autumn or summer shoes - they may not be designed for sub-zero temperatures.

Video on the topic


  • how to break in suede boots

The name of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen has been known to everyone almost since early childhood. Fairy tales about the ugly duckling, the Snow Queen, the Little Mermaid, the Princess and the Pea and other characters became classics of world literature during the author’s lifetime. However, Andersen himself did not like to be called a children's writer, since many of his works were addressed to adults.


Among Andersen's works there are good fairy tales with happy endings, intended for children's reading, and there are also more serious stories that are more understandable to adults. At the same time, the author’s worldview was influenced by numerous experiences from his own life.

Strange as it may sound, one of Andersen’s best fairy tales, “The Ugly One,” can to some extent be considered autobiographical. After all, the writer himself, like an ugly duckling, from childhood was distinguished by his unprepossessing appearance and dreamy character. And, just as the ugly duckling at the end of the fairy tale is destined to turn into a beautiful swan, so Andersen himself turned from a constant object of ridicule into a world-famous storyteller.

The fairy tale “Thumbelina”, which tells about the numerous misadventures of a tiny girl who, like a fairy fairy, was born from a flower bud, has something in common with “The Ugly Duckling.” In the finale, Thumbelina really becomes a fairy named Maya and the wife of the kind and beautiful elf king.

Which fairy tale has running boots? Brief analysis Many fairy tales, both Russian and European, are characterized by the use of magical objects, the purpose of which is to help the heroes in carrying out their planned accomplishments and great feats. For example, making them invisible, invulnerable to evil, giving strength and endless capabilities to the body. One can confidently include walking boots as such artifacts. In what fairy tale is this device found, an element of clothing that gives the character wearing it enormous speed of movement in space? Or maybe there are several such works? Our article answers these and other equally interesting questions. From Ancient Greece The essence and purpose of the attribute are more than clear. It is clear that such shoes did not exist in those days, and probably do not exist to this day (the exception is specialized developments perhaps for James Bond or the inventions of crazy inventors). But mention of it can be found with fair regularity in various fairy tales of some peoples of the world and in original ones written by specific storytellers. Where did such a miracle come from and in what fairy tale are there running boots, where, so to speak, do legs grow? The first known mention of such shoes is in ancient Greek myths. Of course, not boots, but special sandals with porches that Hermes, who was also the divine postman, had. They helped him when he had to spread messages and cover vast distances in a matter of minutes. Of course, this will not be a completely correct answer to the question of which fairy tale has running boots. Because a myth is not quite a fairy tale (and some scientists even believe that it is not a fairy tale at all). But still, the root cause of the appearance of the magical object itself becomes clear, as does its essence: to greatly accelerate movement in space. Which fairy tale has running boots? And now let's deal with the fairy tales themselves. Russian and European, original and folk, they also contain references to such a useful thing as walking boots. From which fairy tale the name took root among the people is difficult to say. Let's pay attention to several of the most popular ones at once. “Prophetic Dream” In it the main character is Ivan, the son of a merchant. The fairy tale is Russian, presented in the adaptation of the famous collector of oral literature of the people, Afanasyev. It tells the story of a Russian guy who disobeyed his father’s will. For this he was tied naked to a post and thrown in the middle of the road. The prince helps him, but soon Ivan angered him too, for which he was thrown into a stone bag. Then the prince nevertheless releases him in order to use him instead of himself in one important matter. And Ivan goes on a journey, equipping a small squad, dressed in similar caftans, numbering 12 people. In the forest, the young man meets the elders who inherited from his father: an invisibility hat, a flying carpet, and walking boots. And by deception he takes possession of powerful artifacts. Subsequently, with the help of them, he performs good deeds. Thus, to the question of which fairy tale has running boots, one of the answers is “Prophetic Dream.” The fairy tale “The Enchanted Princess” In it, a retired soldier - the main character - marries the princess, who temporarily took on the image of a bear. Here, too, by deception, he took possession of the same three magical devices, but for some reason he does not use the running boots - this item. Which fairy tale mentions an artifact? This question can be answered: “The Enchanted Princess.” Charles Perrault In one of the author's fairy tales of this famous storyteller (certainly based on folk materials) - “Tom Thumb” - there is a direct mention of seven-league boots. In some translations they are even referred to as walking boots. The main character steals them from the Ogre. In addition, Thumb gets a job as a messenger for the king and, with the help of this magical attribute, earns a lot of money, helping his family in need. Other works What other fairy tale contains a tablecloth, running boots, an invisibility hat and other magical objects? Among the Russian folk tales we can note: “Marya Morevna”, “Invisible hat, magic whip and seven-league boots”. In the latter, the attributes are offered by the devil, which indicates a somewhat negative attitude of the people towards such magic. You can also note such as “Divka”, where the magic boots had to burn, “Night Dances”, “Self-assembled Bag”, where the shoes go to the soldier. And, for example, in Nosov’s author’s fairy tale about Dunno, there is also a mention of miracles. From foreign countries: in Hauff’s fairy tale about Little Muk, the hero’s magic shoes are moved over long distances, which he successfully uses for his own purposes. Andersen has a fairy tale “Galoshes of Happiness”, where the hero is also moved by magic shoes - only in time. And in Baum’s “The Wizard of Oz,” the magic of the shoes transports the main character home from her wanderings in a foreign land! Let's sum it up: These are the many-sided and varied walking boots. We have analyzed which fairy tales contain a magical attribute (and more than one!). But no matter how the magic shoes look, their main purpose remains the same in all works: fast movement. By the way, the famous Santa Claus also, undoubtedly, according to some sources, has running boots: somehow he manages to fly around all the children overnight and give them the gifts ordered in letters!

Korean competitor of “fast walkers”

Sergey Atanov helps to get equipped

First steps

Model No. 1

At first, the shiny glands lying at his feet seemed to be very advanced prosthetics of the pilot Meresyev from “The Tale of a Real Man.”

In the office of the head of the department of internal combustion engines at the Ufa State Aviation Technological University (USATU), Professor Boris Rudy, the idea of ​​​​prosthetics was inspired by testing a South Korean device “Competing” with his development, Poweriser (“Power Amplifier”). While I was waiting for what Rudoy and his students call “walking boots” to arrive from the laboratory, I decided to try an Asian “toy.”

He secured something similar in shape to the legs of a satyr with four belts - on his feet and legs - and with difficulty stood up. Powerful and rigid springs ending in plastic “hooves” created the feeling that you were standing on stilts, whose footrests also “floated” under your feet. And when, after trying to jump for several minutes, I removed the devices, the muscles of my calves and thighs hummed just like those of the hero of Polevoy’s story.

Flame motor

Contrary to expectations, an almost hour-long test drive of the Ufa “fast cars” brought a completely different “aftertaste”. I felt too powerful, fast and jumpy. I don’t know if cyborgs, like Schwarzenegger’s Terminator, could feel something like that, but I felt almost like a cyborg.

The term “cybernetic organizm” (abbreviated as “cyborg”) was coined in 1960 by space medicine specialist Manfred Clynes. It means a being whose body combines biological and mechanical elements. In theory, this is an artificial human mutation. For example, as in the famous song, “instead of a heart there is a fiery engine.” Or, in addition to nerves, a microchip, like one English professor who is trying to study whether the brain of one person can control the muscles of another. To do this, he implanted devices for himself and his wife that read and transmit electrical signals from the nervous system through a wireless computer network.

No mechanisms were built into my body. It’s just that Boris Rudoy’s student, senior researcher at the department and one of the main “boot” testers, Sergei Atanov, helped attach a pair of “flame motors” to my feet. After which I stood up and - despite Rudoy’s skeptical predictions, which he confirmed by video filming the clumsy falls of other beginners - I walked with a spring in my step. Then, going out into the long university hall, I was able to run.

I don’t mention the “fiery engine” for the sake of saying something nice. After all, it is not the springs that power the boots. Over twenty years of work on the device, a new type of internal combustion engine has been created - with a viscoelastic piston (the official name of the invention is a motorized running device, UMB).

While the “shoe” engine was not yet running, the elasticity of the steps was given by the air compressed by the pistons in the engine cylinder (when put on, located on the outside of the leg) and in the guide tube (on the inside). The latter, at first glance, simply serves as a spring support, but this is not so, and its purpose will be discussed a little later. In the meantime, it must be said that the engine cylinder and tube form a frame: a narrow rubber “foot” located transverse to the foot is attached to the rods of the pistons moving in them. Actually, there is no boot as such in the device. Inside frames with cuffs that tightly cover the calves, running sneakers are tightly attached to special platforms with screws.

Two principle motor

The engine of the “boot” is gasoline and when you start running it works according to the classical scheme (the air-fuel mixture is ignited by a spark from a candle). However, when the cylinder warms up, the spark plug turns off and the mixture spontaneously ignites under the influence of pressure and temperature, as in a diesel engine.

To “start” the “boots” you need to shuffle, jumping and landing on straight legs. Then the cylinder attached to the lower leg, sliding onto the piston, will create a vacuum in the sub-piston space, and increased pressure will appear in the upper part, and the air-fuel mixture will ignite from the spark plug.

This two-stroke engine is more efficient than a conventional one because the developers have created a system for purging and charging the cylinder. It uses air from a guide tube located on the inside of the leg. The air displaced by the piston inside it enters the cylinder through the valve distribution box.

In addition, the engine is equipped with a supercharging system. At the beginning of the compression stroke, a special spool closes the exhaust port and additional pressure is created in the sub-piston space. Moreover, if in a conventional engine the ratio of piston stroke to cylinder diameter is close to one, here it is 4/1.

...The first shock, when my left “boot” first worked, was soft, but quite powerful. The foot was thrown up, the knee bent, and the force of the push was extinguished. Professor Rudoy warned me that “the main problem in creating a man-machine system is the viscoelastic properties of humans, which necessitate the design of a new type of engine.” Now I was convinced for myself and tried to reduce my “viscoelasticity” by landing on an almost straight leg in the next step.

A new silent push, almost without my effort, threw my body up and forward. All that remained was to rearrange the legs using a compass, trying not to bend them, but moving each one a little to the side so that the inside of the frame did not touch the other “boot.” I had to sway a little, moving like a pacer horse. I felt that the normal balance of stance and flight time in running had changed. If during normal running the support time is approximately half the flight time, now everything was different: the flight became longer, the steps became flying. After each, the “fiery motor” attached to the leg quietly puffed. A stream of exhaust remained behind (“boots” run on light-fraction fuel “A”).

Meanwhile, a small crowd of students and teachers had gathered in the lobby. And this despite the fact that some of them have known about “boots” for about twenty years, and recently they have seen them at work many times and even tried them on themselves. I can imagine the interest that will be generated by the “Taming of the Boots of the Fleet” attraction at the local VDNKh; thirty pairs have already been made for it. And only those for whom the device was originally created have long forgotten about it.

"Shoemaker" past

In 1973, having spent time at military training in the Volga steppes, students of the department came to Professor Rudom with the “crazy” idea of ​​easing the lot of soldiers. And soon the first model of “boots” was ready, into which ordinary kirzachs were attached.

At first they thought of making something like a “frog” - jumping platforms. However, experience pointed its nose at the same problem of viscosity-elasticity: the “frog” jumped with a load, but refused to do so on human legs. It was then that the “fast-movers” began to take on their present form in the work of student Sergei Volodin, who later defended his PhD thesis on the relationship between piston stroke and cylinder diameter in a new type of engine.

And already in 1974, the newspaper Pravda wrote about the first developments. The five-kilogram “fast ships” were shown to the Scientific Research Center of the Airborne Forces, which deals with the problems of life support for pilots and cosmonauts, at the Zvezda Research and Production Enterprise in Tomilin, near Moscow. In 1985, a special order was given by Defense Minister Dmitry Ustinov. It was necessary to make sure that the UMB turned from a “weight on the leg” into a lightweight working device weighing about 1 kg. When scientists began to approach the goal (today’s, eleventh, model weighs 2.3 kg), perestroika struck, and with other army concerns, the Ministry of Defense forgot about the miracle boots.

But recently, one of the local military men, having seen the “fast walkers” at work, complained how many lives they would have saved for the guys fighting in Chechnya: university testers showed not only running ahead of trained athletes, but also, for example, movement in 23-kilogram ammunition internal troops. After this, it is not difficult to imagine a reconnaissance platoon capable of carrying out a task without complete exhaustion after a lightning-fast multi-kilometer forced march with full equipment.

As Professor Rudoy says, the use of this development in the army is beyond doubt. Moreover, looking at a modernly armed American soldier, carrying not only computerized weapons, but also quite heavy protective equipment, the department head believes that one of the problems of today's armies is the power supply of the “man with a gun.”

Moreover, some foreign military experts apparently agree with him. They tried to steal the drawings of the “boots” or buy them from technologists. According to the scientist, one of the numerous delegations that recently came to the university consisted entirely of intelligence officers.

Shoemaker with boots

Just as some books for adults eventually become favorite children's fairy tales, so combat technologies sometimes turn into the basis of the entertainment industry.

Having not received a penny from the Ministry of Defense for the development of the UMB, the Ufa inventors thought that their “boots” could become a popular pastime, like rollerblades or a skateboard. And they found money for production; with the help of the mayor’s office of the former closed city of Trekhgorny, they opened the Ecomotor enterprise, which established industrial production of devices.

The demand for them is growing exponentially, intensifying after the arrival of each foreign television group. According to Rudoy, ​​their English partner is ready to sell the unusual vehicle for 1.5 thousand pounds sterling per pair. And scientists, having earned money for new research, continue to improve their brainchild.

Professor Rudoy let me hold in my hands something that no one had seen yet, the twelfth model of “boots”, each of which weighs 1.25 kg. However, he has so far refused to explain the new principles. He only said that in trying to make the device lighter, they had to go against the traditions of world engine building, which sought, for example, to strengthen the cylinders with stiffeners. The new model, made of titanium and aluminum alloys, “breathes” when the piston moves. The details, says Rudoy, ​​have to be made “openwork and elastic.”

At the same time, Ekomotor is mastering other unusual products created on the principle of “fast walkers”: jackhammers, ice axes for cleaning streets, railway spike hammers, vibrating plates for compacting slab sidewalks. And they also come up with fabulous names for their developments - “Sivka” and “Buyan”.

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 boots (28) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

Leggings, ankle boots, tarpaulin, tarpaulins, moon rovers, supports, ankle boots, pimas, chebots Dictionary of Russian synonyms. boots noun, number of synonyms: 28 bakari (2) ... Synonym dictionary

Pog, am; pl. (unit boots, a; m.). 1. A type of shoe with a high top. Leather, rubber p. Winter villages S. on fur. Women's, men's p. Swamp, hunting, fishing villages. (with boots above the knees). Brodni boots. Felted village (felt boots). Walk in boots... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Walking boots (self-propelled boots) (fabulous) carry the traveler away like an airplane carpet Wed. ...Bogatyrs, shod in seven-league boots... rise from the ground... Nikodim Nadoumka (Nadezhdin). A host of nihilists (Western Europe. 1829 1). Wed... ...

walking boots- boots / skorokho / dy, sapo / g skorokho / dov ... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

A boy as big as a toe in walking boots. Walking boots, also known as seven-league boots, are magical shoes that appear in European, including Slavic, fairy tales. Wearing... Wikipedia

boots- by/g, a/m; pl. (units sapo/g, a/; m.) see also. boots, boots, shoemaker 1) A type of shoe with a high top. Leather, rubber boots/… Dictionary of many expressions

Pog, am, pl. (unit boots, a, m.). 1. A type of shoe with a high top. Leather boots. Winter boots. Boots with fur. □ [Uncle Nikolai] carried our dresses and shoes: Volodya’s boots, but I still have unbearable shoes with bows. L. Tolstoy, Childhood.… … Small academic dictionary

- (fabulous) carry away the traveler like a carpet plane Wed. ...Bogatyrs, shod in seven-league boots... rise from the ground... Nikodim Nadoumka (Nadezhdin). A host of nihilists (Western Europe. 1829 1). Wed. Siebenmeilenstiefel. See above the standing forest... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

walking boots- In fairy tales: wonderful boots that quickly carry the wearer over long distances... Dictionary of many expressions


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  • Thumb Boy, Charles Perrault. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. He was the smallest and most intelligent among his brothers. He defeated the cannibal, got...

    In fact, there are not so many fairy tales where running boots are found, it’s a question for filling, I can hardly remember such as Little Muk, Little Thumb, The Enchanted Queen. I don't remember anymore.

    If my memory serves me correctly, running boots were mentioned in Thumb by Charles Perrault. I also remember that in the Soviet film Cinderella, the king’s servants used seven-league boots, so to speak, an analogue of walkers. In Little Flour too.

    There are running boots in the fairy tale Thumb Thumb, where they helped the boy escape from the cannibal, and then become the main messenger at the royal court, and also in the fairy tale Little Muk, where the main character overtook the royal messengers and defeated them thanks to these miracle boots .

    Walking boots are found in various fairy tales of the peoples of the world, including Russian fairy tales.

    So, for example, in the Russian folk tale called Prophetic Dream, where the main character of the tale, Ivan the merchant’s son, had running boots.

    In the fairy tale, the enchanted princess also has walking boots, which were used by the hero of the fairy tale, a retired soldier.

    In Charles Perrault's fairy tale Thumb, there are also running boots that helped the main character, who is Thumb. True, in the fairy tale these boots are called seven-league boots and not walkers, but the very name of the boots does not change their main function as a magical object that helps to overcome enormous distances in a short time.

    Running boots are a fabulous magical item for very fast movement. It can be found in several fairy tales, I understand that it is quite difficult to remember their names, so I will list them so that many do not rack their brains:

    • Prophetic dream;
    • The Enchanted Princess;
    • Little Thumb (C. Perrault).
  • Running boots are found in fairy tales; on the one hand, this is something incredible and magical, which actually gives children a special atmosphere and a huge field for their fantasies. And this is the key to the success of such books, when children can remember pleasant and amazing moments and talk about them with adults, or among themselves.

    In such works we managed to find what we needed:

    Running boots are a fabulous and magical item that will convey something incredible to a fairy tale. Such a fairy-tale object can be found in several fairy tales: Little Muk, Divka, Little Thumb, Night Dances, and The Enchanted Queen.

    I will not turn to the fairy tales of foreign writers, in which the theme of magic boots or shoes of walkers is spelled out quite widely, I will only dwell on Russian folk tales, in which boots of walkers are also mentioned as a very useful thing, on a par with a self-assembled tablecloth or a treasure sword.

    So, a mention of these fabulous shoes can be found in the fairy tale Night Dances, in which a resourceful soldier divided magical objects between the men in such a way that he got the boots. A similar plot can be found in the fairy tale Prophetic Dream, but there the merchant’s son Ivan was in charge of the division. There are walking boots in the fairy tale Self-assembled Bag, in which the plot of the division of an inheritance by a soldier is again played out. The same situation is in the fairy tale The Enchanted Princess. Well, in the fairy tale Divka, the boots of the walkers happened to burn, and Divka died with them.

    There is mention of running boots, which help to cover long distances in a matter of seconds, in several fairy tales:

    Little Longnose

    Tom Thumb

    Little Mook (magic shoes)

    Prophetic dream

    Enchanted Princess

    As you can see, many fairy tales are oriental, but there are also Russian ones.

    The magical attribute of the fairy tale, boots - walkers, is found in such fairy tales as:

    1. The Tale of Little Muk.
    2. Little Longnose.
    3. Boy - with - finger.
    4. Cinderella.
    5. Prophetic dream.
    6. The Enchanted Princess.
    7. Dunno in the sunny city.

    Thanks to walking boots, you can be short and have short legs, but you will still quickly find yourself in the desired place.