For what purpose is reverse word order used? Word order in a sentence in German: direct and reverse word order

Order of words in a sentence

In fact, we will talk here not just about forward and reverse word order (but about it too), today we will try to analyze many aspects of the German sentence.

1) Direct and reverse word order

What it is? In the German language, we cannot compose sentences as our soul pleases. It doesn’t work that way) There are special rules, we need to follow these rules. Let's start with the simplest thing: Direct word order

Direct order:

The subject comes first (answers the questions who? what?)

In third and subsequent places - everything else

Example: Ich fahre nach Hause. - I'm driving home .

In first place is the subject (who? - me)

In second place is the predicate (what am I doing? - food)

In third place is everything else (where? - home)

That's it, it's very simple

What then is it reverse word order?

In the first place - some additional member of the sentence (as a rule, these are adverbs (when? how? where?))

In second place is the predicate (that is, the verb: what to do?)

In third place is the subject (answers the questions who? what?)

In subsequent places - everything else

Example : Morgen fahre ich nach Hause. – Tomorrow I'll go home.

In the first place is the additional member of the sentence (when? - tomorrow)

In second place is the predicate (what will I do? - I’ll go)

In third place is the subject (who? - me)

In fourth place is everything else (where? - home)

Why is reverse word order needed? In our opinion, it embellishes speech. Speaking using only direct word order is boring. So use different constructions.


What kind of rule is this? And I’ll tell you: “It’s a very cool rule!” We have dealt with the direct and reverse order of words, and then what? Let's read and understand!

First, let's figure out what these letters mean.


TE – temporal – time – when?

KA – kausal – reason – for what reason? For what?

MO – modal – mode of action – how? on what? how?

LO – local - place, where? Where?

Sometimes this rule is also called KOZAKAKU in Russian. To be honest, we don't really like this option, but this is how you might remember it. The Russian version is compiled according to the first letters of the questions.

KO – when?

FOR – why?

KA - how?

KU – where?

Great, we figured out what these letters mean! Now what do we need them for? So, if, for example, we are composing a large sentence that does not consist of two or three words, then this rule will be very useful to us! Let us consider with you the direct word order and the following sentence: I will go to Berlin by train tomorrow in connection with the exam.

We know that the direct order of words is: first the subject, then the predicate and everything else. But we have a lot of everything else here, and it is by this rule that we will arrange everything correctly with you.

I will go to Berlin by train tomorrow due to an exam.

Ich fahre - the first step has been taken

Ich fahre morgen (time - when?) wegen der Pr ü fung (reason - for what reason? why?) mit dem Zug (mode of action - how? in what way?) nach Berlin (place – where?).

This is how the proposal will sound. Remember this rule, and everything will be okay. Of course, a sentence, for example, can only contain time and place: I will go to Berlin tomorrow. Then what should we do? Just skip the rest of the points.

I'll go to Berlin tomorrow.

Ich fahre morgen nach Berlin.

3) Known and Unknown

Let's move on to the next point. I called it: the known and the unknown. We know that in German there are definite and indefinite articles. Definite articles are known. Indefinite articles are the unknown. And here we also have a rule!

If there is a word with a definite article in a sentence, then it comes before “TIME”

Example: I will buy this chain tomorrow in Berlin (by the word “this” we can understand that we are talking about a specific item).

Ich kaufe die Kette morgen in Berlin.

We put with you the word " die Kette "before time, and then the word order follows the rule TEKAMOLO.

If a sentence contains a word with an indefinite article, then it comes after “PLACE”

Example: I will buy some chain tomorrow in Berlin (by the word “some” we can understand that we are talking about a non-specific item).

Ich kaufe morgen in Berlin eine Kette.

We put with you the word " eine Kette "after the place.

4) Where to put pronouns?

And we all also sort out the word order in a German sentence. The next point is where to put the pronouns? Let's go find out! Here you need to remember only one thing - as a rule, pronouns are closer to the verb! That is, if we have a pronoun in a sentence, then we will put it immediately after the verb.

Example: I will buy you some chain tomorrow in Berlin.

Ich kaufe dir morgen in Berlin eine Kette.

Example: I will buy you this chain tomorrow in Berlin.

Ich kaufe dir die Kette morgen in Berlin.

5) But what aboutDativ und Akkusativ?

And the last point that we will examine is the position of the dative and accusative cases. In fact, it won't be a big deal if you mess something up. But still, let's get acquainted with the rule.

— If Akkusativ - this is something non-specific, but Dativ - specific, then Dativ will stand in front of Akkusativ.

Example: I give (this) man (some) book.

Ich gebe dem Mann ein Buch.

This option will be correct!

This was basic information on word order in a sentence! I wish you success in learning German!

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QUESTION 1. Direct and reverse order of words in a sentence (inversion).

Grammatical syntactic norms regulate the correct construction of phrases, sentences, and text.

In official business style texts, there are often constructions that cause difficulties when preparing documents (sentences with prepositions, sentences with options for connecting the subject and predicate, sentences containing participial and adverbial phrases, etc.).


The correctness of speech is largely determined by the order of words in a sentence.

Word order, i.e. The syntactic sequence of sentence components is relatively free in Russian. There are direct (objective) and reverse word order or inversion (inverse word order).

Inversion in logic - reversing the meaning, replacing “white” with “black”.

Inversion in literature (from Latin inversio - turning over, rearranging)- violation of the usual word order in a sentence.

Inversion (dramaturgy) is a dramatic technique that demonstrates the outcome of the conflict at the beginning of the play.

In direct word order, the given precedes the new: Petrov's testimony was verified.

With inversion, a different arrangement of parts is possible:

Testing stains with hydrogen peroxide gave positive results

Testing stains with hydrogen peroxide gave positive results.

Inversion word order is used for the purpose of emotional, semantic highlighting of any part of the sentence.

RULE 2 Direct word order

But it is necessary to remember that the last word in the sentence is stressed (carrying a semantic load), therefore, in order to avoid ambiguity and ambiguity in the text, normative inversion is used only in artistic and journalistic speech.

The norm of the modern Russian literary language of official business style is direct word order, which obeys several general rules:

1. The subject usually comes first (in preposition): The court hearings were resumed.

If adverbial words are at the beginning of a sentence, the predicate may be in preposition:Tread marks from a Volga car were found on a country road.

2. For minor members of a sentence, the following placement within the phrase is recommended: agreed words precede the core word, and controlled words follow it: He gave his (concordant word) car (stem word) to his neighbor (controlled word).

3. Agreed definitions are usually placed before the word being defined: material values; civil marriage;

4. Separate definitions are placed after the word being defined: a quarrel that arose earlier; evidence available in the case;

5. Supplementation usually follows management: sign the application; execute the decision.

Thus, direct word order in the Russian language involves the predicate following the subject, the definition before the word being defined, the main members of the sentence before the secondary ones.

IN from direct word order, for example: A lonely sail whitens in the blue fog of the sea...
but here is a familiar inversion: A lonely sail turns white in the blue fog of the sea...

Inversion- unusual word order. This is one of the figurative means of language.
Inversion helps to highlight the most important word, as well as the stylistic and emotional coloring of speech.


Very often, poets and writers use inversions in their works.

Exercise 1.

Let us turn to an excerpt from L.N. Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus.”

There was once a severe thunderstorm, and the rain poured down like buckets for an hour. And all the rivers became muddy; where there was a ford, the water went three arshins deep, turning over stones. Streams are flowing everywhere, there is a roar in the mountains.
This is how the thunderstorm passed, streams were running everywhere in the village. Zhilin asked the owner for a knife, cut out a roller, planks, feathered a wheel, and attached dolls to the wheel at both ends.

All sentences begin with different parts of the sentence (1 - verb-predicate, 2 - conjunction, 3 - adverb-adverbial, 4 - demonstrative pronoun-adverbial, 5 - noun-subject).

All sentences are constructed differently (1 - complex, 2 - complex with different types of connection, 3 - complex non-union, 4 - complex, 5 - simple with homogeneous predicates).

The words are in an unusual order.

Please note that the predicate comes before the subject, the definition after the word being defined. This is not typical for the Russian language.

Exercise: Find such examples are in the text.

(answer: There was a thunderstorm, the rivers became muddy, a thunderstorm passed, a severe thunderstorm).

Task 2.

Swap the subject and predicate to create the original text.

The forest drops your scarlet attire,
Frost will silver withered field
The day will pass, as if unwillingly,
And over the edge will hide surrounding mountains

The forest drops its crimson robe,
Frost will silver the withered field,
The day will pass, as if against its will,
And it will disappear beyond the edge of the surrounding mountains.

Reverse word order in the interrogation protocol.

Sometimes observed inversion(reverse word order) control and controlled words, mainly predicate verbs and objects, for example:

The accused Spiridonov, who was interviewed in the case, pleaded not guilty.

The combination “guilty oneself” often has complements (for example, guilty of murder), but even then, it is usually placed before the predicate. This is explained by the fact that the predicate verb (not) admitted is often used with a homogeneous verb, indicating an additional action of the one giving evidence.

For example, Savina pleaded guilty to the theft of household appliances and reported during interrogation that...

Reverse word order should be avoided in cases where the phrase “blame yourself” has many dependent words. In such sentences, the predicate is so far removed from the subject that the reader is forced to return to the beginning of the phrase to understand its meaning.

For example: Badma-Khalgaev admitted himself guilty of giving a bribe in the amount of 120,000 rubles to Ivanov for illegal enrollment as a student at the university and fully confirmed the circumstances stated above. This sentence can be remade by replacing the chain of dependent words with a subordinate clause. The order of words in the sentence will change. Badma-Khagaev pleaded guilty to the fact that he gave a bribe in the amount of 120,000 rubles to Ivanov for illegal enrollment at the university, and fully confirmed the circumstances stated above. The reverse word order is justified in cases where the meaning expressed by the addition is more important than the meaning of the predicate: when it is necessary to emphasize not so much that the accused pleaded guilty, but rather what specific acts he confessed to.

RULE 3: Relationship between subject and predicate

When preparing official business texts, difficulties often arise in using sentences containing variants of the connection between the subject and the predicate. The following rules must be remembered:

1. With a masculine noun naming a profession, position, title, but denoting a woman, the predicate in official business speech is put in the masculine form: A competent lawyer should help resolve this issue;

2. When the subject is expressed by the combination common noun + proper noun, the predicate agrees with the latter: Petrova's lawyer should help resolve this issue;

3. If the subject is expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination ("many", "a lot", "several", etc.), the predicate can be used in the singular and plural: Seven people are registered at their place of residence.

4. If time, space, measure, weight are indicated, or the qualifying words “only”, “total”, “only” are used in the sentence, the predicate is used in the singular: two days have passed; there were only ten people in the house.

QUESTION 2. The main difficulties of using participial and participial phrases in the Russian language.

A prerequisite for the use of participial phrases is that two actions, one of which is expressed by a predicate verb and the other by a gerund, must be carried out by the same person (or relate to the same person).

An error in the use of an adverbial phrase was made in the following sentence: After working for only two months, he had complications with the shop manager. It would be correct to say: After working for only two months, he ruined his relationship with the shop manager.

1. The construction of a participle phrase is also possible in an impersonal sentence if the predicate contains an indefinite form of the verb, with which the participle corresponds.

Having considered the circumstances of the case, a fair decision must be made.

Recognizing failure to fulfill labor duties as “repeated”, several factors should be taken into account that enable the employer to comprehensively analyze the violations committed by the employee and make the right, informed decision.

2. The participial phrase should not be used if the action expressed by the predicate and the action expressed by the gerund refer to different persons, or if the impersonal sentence has a logical subject expressed in the indirect case:

Coming out of the entrance, a strong wind hit his face.

Having considered the circumstances of the case, a fair decision was made.


Formation of participial phrases and their isolation

Participle phrases (gerunds with dependent words) and single gerunds are always isolated, regardless of the location of the main word-verb:

After reviewing the presented document, he was forced to give truthful testimony.

At the bus station they boarded bus number 5 and, getting off at the "Institute" stop, walked along Kurortnaya Street to the beach.

Worried , he began his story.

REMEMBER : if the participial phrase refers to one of the homogeneous predicates connected by the conjunction AND, a comma before the conjunction

And it is not put:

He stopped and looking around, I remembered.

Not separated:

* Single words silently, sitting, lying down, standing, jokingly, without looking, because they are similar in meaning to adverbs:

He listened in silence.

* Participial phrases represented by phraseological units:

He ran across the road at breakneck speed.


Exercise 1. In sentences taken from A.F. Koni’s work “Moral principles in criminal proceedings,” fill in the missing punctuation marks. Find participial phrases, comment on the rules for their isolation using the example of these sentences.

1. Judicial statutes, creating the prosecutor-prosecutor and indicating his task, also outlined moral requirements that facilitate and elevate his task, taking away from the execution its formal callousness and soulless diligence.

2. Although, under the dominance of the investigative process, the judiciary itself collects evidence, but having collected it, it does not give the judge the right to freely compare and compare them guided by inner conviction, but shows him a ready-made, immutable standard for this.

3. Sometimes, without thinking deeply about the meaning of the judicial activity of jurors, they want to see them as representatives of public opinion in a given case.

4. That is why the law, protecting the freedom of persuasion of jurors, establishes strict rules about the secrecy of their deliberations.

5. The legislator, guided by moral and social ideals, the needs of the state and the goals of society, from a number of similar everyday phenomena, derives one typical concept, which he calls a crime, imposing a punishment defined within its extreme limits.

Task 2.

Place punctuation marks. Comment on their performance.

The pilots of TU 134 informed the “ensemble” that there would not be enough fuel to reach London. Having started a short hysteria, the family nevertheless agreed to refuel in Finland. Having convinced themselves of the futility of repeated attempts to break into the cockpit, the Ovechkins demonstrated the seriousness of their intentions. Wanting to psychologically influence the crew members, they shot one of the flight attendants with a sawn-off shotgun. Following such a course that not only the uninitiated, but even an experienced pilot without a navigator did not immediately understand where he was (in the USSR or already in the country of Suomi), the plane began to descend over the Gulf of Finland. The landing of TU 154 on a narrow fighter strip, not suitable for aircraft of this class, was successful.

Task 3.

Answer the question whether the sentences with adverbial phrases are constructed correctly. Make any necessary corrections.

1. Arriving at the crime scene, it was very dark, only after three hours did it begin to get light. 2. Having received a new task, the employees of the department faced new difficulties. 3. Taking into account the comments, reducing the volume, making tables, the article was recommended for publication. 4. While in prison, his mother often visited him. 5. Having become acquainted with this case, new, hitherto unknown facts are opening up before me. 5. Arriving home, consciousness left him. 6. Arriving in Paris, he was invited to the embassy. 7. The doctors told him: “If you don’t restore your health, you won’t be able to seriously engage in sports.”

Task 2.

Restore the original text by synonymously replacing the subordinate clauses with separate definitions. Explain punctuation marks.

Sample:Peter is sitting on a rearing horse, which has stopped at full gallop at the edge of a cliff. // Peter sits on a rearing horse, stopped at full gallop at the edge of a cliff.

The equestrian monument to Peter I in St. Petersburg was made by the French sculptor Etienne Maurice Falconet, who was invited to Russia by Catherine II. The name “Bronze Horseman” was assigned to the monument thanks to the poem of the same name by A.S. Pushkin.

On August 7, 1782, on Senate Square, to the sound of cannon fire, the canvas cover was torn off from the Bronze Horseman.

Peter is sitting on a rearing horse, which has stopped at full gallop at the edge of a cliff. The horse is still in motion. The majestic landing of the rider, the gesture of his hand, which is extended towards the sea - all this speaks of a powerful will. The snake, which was trampled by the horse’s hooves, recalls the defeated enemies of Russia. It symbolizes envy and the intrigues of enemies. The pedestal of the monument was a granite rock, which was processed in the shape of a sea wave. This block of stone weighs about one hundred thousand pounds. It was brought here, to St. Petersburg, to the building of the Winter Palace from afar, placed on wooden runners that were covered with iron. Delivery of such a block of stone was an unprecedented technical achievement in those days.

QUESTION 3. The use of homogeneous sentence members when preparing official business texts. Types of management.


Exercise 1.

Pay attention to speech cliches in professional legal vocabulary and monitor the nature of errors in their use.

1. “The same acts committed repeatedly (how?) or by a person (who?) who previously committed rape”; “the same acts committed on a large scale (how?) or by a person (who?) previously convicted” - heterogeneous incomparable concepts, different members of a sentence.

2. "On the basis and in execution"; “on time and in order”; “in size, on time and in order”; “reasonably and in order”; “in order and for reasons”; “on conditions and within limits” - words that are not homogeneous members are connected by a coordinating connection; their grammatical form is different: “on the basis” - in the prepositional case; “in fulfillment” - in the accusative case; “on time” - in the plural, in the accusative case; “okay” - singular, prepositional case etc.

Exercise 1.

In these combinations, synonymous words require the use of different cases. Transform the proposed options and make sentences with them.

Admire, adore (courage)

Despise, neglect (danger)

To get involved, to love, to be interested, to study (music)

To be indignant, angry, angry (disgrace)

To be timid, to be afraid (necessity)

To be dissatisfied, to be disappointed (review)

Reprimand, reproach (employee)

Understand, be aware of (necessity)

Among the errors and shortcomings associated with the use of complex sentences, direct and indirect speech, the most common are the following: incorrect construction of the sentence structure itself, the use of unnecessarily cumbersome constructions.

1. One of the most common shortcomings is cluttering a complex sentence with subordinate clauses.

Wed: A statement by representatives of foreign circles, ignoring the fact that trade relations, which have been steadily developing in recent years and are showing a tendency to further increase, indicates that someone is still interested in preserving the atmosphere of the Cold War and eliminating the mass desire for friendship that has embraced the peoples of Europe and America, and this cannot but affect the actions of our state, which continues to count on the success of the negotiations, although it understands that achieving progress in such negotiations will not be easy, but we are accustomed to overcoming difficulties.

2 . In a complex sentence, the constructions become heavier due to the “stringing” of subordinate clauses: “The sail appeared in the sea as happy news that the fishermen were all right and that the girls would soon be able to hug their parents, who were delayed at sea because there was a strong storm ".

3. Using the same type of subordinate clauses with sequential subordination: “Walking along the shore, I saw two girls sitting on an overturned boat, which was lying upside down on the shore.”

4. In some cases, the same situation can be expressed using both compound and complex sentences.

Wed: He came in And we got up; When he entered, we stood up.

· At the same time, cases of “structure failure” are often observed in speech: a sentence that begins as a complex sentence ends as a complex sentence, and vice versa. It is unacceptable!

Wed: When Murka was tired of messing with kittens, And she went somewhere to sleep.

Direct and reverse order of words in a sentence

In recent decades, knowledge about the dependence of word order on the semantic structure of a sentence has expanded significantly. A strong impetus for the study of this problem was the doctrine of the actual division of a statement, created in the late 40s by the Czech linguist V. Mathesius.

With actual division, the statement is usually divided into 2 parts: the first contains what is already known - t ema sentences, in the second - what is reported about it is new, - rhema . The combination of theme and rheme constitutes the subject of the message. In direct word order, the theme comes first, the rheme comes second. Thus, the concepts of “direct” and “reverse” word order mean the sequence of arrangement not of the members of sentences, but of topics and rhes. Reversing word order is often called inversion.

Inversion– a stylistic device consisting of a deliberate change in the order of words for the purpose of emotional, semantic highlighting of any part of the statement.

If direct word order usually has no stylistic meaning, then inversion is always stylistically significant. Inversion is possible only in expressive speech. In NS and ODS, inversion is usually not used, because the order of words should emphasize the logical division of the text.

Subject preposition is most characteristic of the syntactic structure of RL. Most often this is the topic: Nikolai/took 2 letters. This word order is considered direct. However, the prepositive subject can also be a rheme: Only chance saved him from falling. This word order is considered reversed. .

If the predicate comes first, it usually acts as a theme: There is/another remedy. This is typical for interrogative and exclamatory sentences: Will you shoot or not? How beautiful she is now!

Inversion of principal terms is not possible in the following cases:

1) When the subject and direct object are expressed by nouns that have the same form in Im. And Vin. cases: Mother loves daughter. The paddle hit the dress. Truck crashed bike. Inversion makes such sentences difficult to understand or makes them ambiguous.

2) When a sentence consists of a noun and an adjective agreed with it: Late autumn. When the order of words is changed, the predicate turns into a definition.

3) In the so-called sentences of identity, where both main members are expressed by Him. noun case: Father is a teacher. When inverted, the meaning changes.

4). In the case where one main member is expressed by the Nominal case, and the other by the infinitive: Studying well is our task. The meaning changes.

| next lecture ==>

The order of the members of a sentence in a sentence - SUBJECT - PREDICATE - is usually called in grammar direct word order(the Direct Order of Words). Direct word order is the norm for affirmative sentences in English:

Walking can be recommended as a good exercise.

Reverse word order

Placing the predicate before the subject is usually called reverse word order or, to use the generally accepted term, inversion(the Indirect Order of Words, Inversion).

A distinction is made between complete and partial inversion.

At complete inversion the predicate, expressed in one word, is placed before the subject. Cases of complete inversion are few:

Is anybody at home? (as a semantic verb). Has anybody twenty dollars to lend me? (as a semantic verb).

Much more numerous cases partial inversion, i.e. placing in front of the subject a part of a predicate - an auxiliary or modal verb, as well as a linking verb:

Has you received any new emails? Can walking be recommended as a good exercise? Is it cold today?

When forming a question using an auxiliary verb do like: At what time does the sun rise now? – essentially there is no reverse word order. The question indicator is an auxiliary verb do; the remaining members of the sentence are placed in the usual order: subject - predicate: Does the sun rise?

An indirect question in English is constructed like an affirmative sentence: Ask if he can come to see me tomorrow afternoon. I wonder what time it is. In Russian, there is a reverse word order, as well as the presence of the particle whether in the sentence: Ask if he can come to me tomorrow. Find out if the director has arrived.

Other cases of inversion

The predicate also comes before the subject in the following cases:

In design there is (are) and with all verbs preceded by a formal there: There is a meeting today. There must be a meeting today.

In exclamatory sentences expressing a wish: Long Live the King!

In conditional sentences beginning with verb forms: were, had, should: Were I in your place, I would act differently. Should the weather keep fine in September, come down to see us in the country.

When repeating an auxiliary or modal verb in sentences like: You are here, so am I.

Note: The subject takes its usual place if it refers to the same subject of speech in both sentences: “You seem to be very pleased with your work,” said my friend to me. “So I am,” I answered.

The main means of forming a sentence are word order, actual division of the sentence, intonation and logical stress.

For the correct construction of a sentence, it is essential word order, sequence in the arrangement of sentence members. In Russian, word order is free. This means that there is no strictly assigned place for one or another member of the sentence. However, arbitrary arrangement of words in a sentence can lead to disruption of logical connections between words and subsequently to a change in the semantic content of the entire statement.

For example: At the meeting of representatives of the two states, the undertaken obligations were successfully fulfilled.(The meaning of this sentence can be understood to mean that the obligations were fulfilled at the meeting itself. To eliminate the inaccuracy, it is necessary to correct the sentence as follows: The commitments made at the meeting of representatives of the two states were successfully fulfilled.) The exact order of words is especially important for written speech, in which the semantic content of the statement cannot be clarified with the help of logical stress, non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions) and the situation itself.

The syntactic function is expressed in the fact that there are cases when, depending on its position in the sentence, a word can be a specific member of the sentence.

Compare: Mother(subject) loves daughter(addition). - Daughter(subject) loves mother(addition); A sick person arrived(definition) Human. - The man arrived sick(nominal part of a compound nominal predicate), My mom(subject) - our teacher(predicate). - Our teacher(subject) - My mum(predicate), etc.

Word order in Russian is important when expressing thoughts, as it performs three main functions.

1. The order of words serves to fully convey the meaning of the message. .

For example, in sentences: The machine beat Kasparov And Kasparov was beaten by a machine, which differ not lexically, but only in word order, contain two messages with different meanings: in the first case, it is about a car (the topic of the message), and in the second, about Kasparov, that is, he is the topic of the statement, although in both cases the car is the subject, and Kasparov is the object. A different word order leads to a different actual division of the sentence.

2. A special word order can give an emotional overtone to a sentence. , while performing a stylistic function: Red Square is dozing. Quiet step of a passerby.

3. Word order can differentiate sentence members , and then it performs the syntactic function: A truck overtook a car.

Even though the word order in Russian is sufficiently free, stand out straight And reverse word order.

At direct word order The members of a sentence are usually arranged like this:

In declarative sentences, the subject is followed by a predicate: .
- the verb complement follows the word being defined: The teacher checked our tests.
- the agreed definition is placed before the word being defined: The teacher checked our tests.
- an inconsistent definition comes after the word being defined: She bought a polka dot dress.
- circumstances can occupy different positions in a sentence: Yesterday he came home late. We will go to the village tomorrow.

Reverse word order it can be any, it is used to highlight the necessary words, thereby achieving expressiveness of speech. The reverse word order is also called inversion (Latin “inversio” - rearrangement).

Inversion allows:

1) highlight the most important in meaning members of the proposal ;
2) express a question And enhance emotional coloring speeches;
3) link parts of text .

Yes, in a sentence The forest drops its crimson headdress(A. Pushkin.) inversion allows you to strengthen the meaning of the main members of the sentence and the definition of crimson (compare: direct order: The forest drops its crimson robe).

In a text, word order is also one of the means of connecting its parts: Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.(I. Turgenev.) Inversion of an addition not only enhances its semantic meaning, but also connects sentences in the text.

Inversion is found especially often in poetic speech, where it not only performs the above functions, but can also serve as a means of creating melodiousness and melody:

Above the great, golden-domed Moscow,
Above the Kremlin wall, white stone
Because of the distant forests, because of the blue mountains,
Playfully on the plank roofs,
The gray clouds are accelerating,
The scarlet dawn is rising.

(M. Lermontov.)

Intonation includes melody, rhythm, intensity, tempo, timbre of speech, logical stress. It is used to express various grammatical categories or to express the feelings of the speaker.

There are various types of intonation: interrogative, exclamatory, enumerative, emphasizing, explanatory, etc.

Intonation- a complex phenomenon. It consists of several components.

1. Each phrase has a logical emphasis, it falls on the word that is the most important in meaning.
2. Intonation consists of raising and lowering the voice - this is the melody of speech.
3. Speech proceeds quickly or slowly - this determines its tempo.
4. Intonation is also characterized by its timbre, which depends on the target setting and can be gloomy, cheerful, frightened, etc.
5. Pauses are also part of intonation. It is very important to do them in the right place, since the meaning of the statement depends on it:

How surprised he was/by his brother’s words!
How surprised his / brother’s words were!

Intonation interrogative sentences consists of raising the tone on the word on which the logical stress falls: Have you written poetry? Have you written poetry? Have you written poetry? Depending on the place of logical stress, intonation can be ascending, descending or ascending-descending:

The peculiarities of the intonation of exclamatory sentences are that the highest rise in tone and sound strength fall on the word emphasized.

Logical stress- this stress is semantic; it can fall on any word in a sentence, depending on the desires and goals of the speaker. It highlights the most important thing in a sentence.

Read the following sentences aloud, highlighting the marked words with intonation:

1) Ripened in our garden grape ;
2) In our garden ripe grape;
3) IN our The grapes are ripe in the garden.

The first sentence says that the grapes are ripe, and not anything else; in the second, that the grapes are ripe, already ready; in the third, that the grapes are ripe in our country, and not in our neighbors or somewhere else, etc. The most important thing in a message is usually new, which is given against the background of something known to the interlocutors.

Let's take, for example, the sentence Brother goes to school.

If we emphasize the first word with a stronger emphasis, we emphasize that it is the brother who studies at school (and not the sister or anyone else). If we highlight the second word, we emphasize what exactly the brother does. By highlighting the last word with logical emphasis, we emphasize that the brother is studying at school (and not at a technical school, university, etc.).

Depending on the logical stress, the meaning of the sentence changes.

When the place of logical stress changes, the intonation also changes: if the logical stress falls on the last word, then the intonation of the entire sentence is usually calm and the logical stress itself is weak. In other cases, the intonation is tense, and the logical stress itself is strong.

An example of how important it is to correctly place logical emphasis is an excerpt from V. Lakshin’s article about A. P. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard.”

“The capacity of Chekhov’s phrase is amazing. Petya Trofimov says in the play: “All of Russia is our garden.” Actors on different stages in our country and around the world pronounce these four words differently.
To emphasize the word “garden” is to respond to Chekhov’s dream about the future of the homeland.

On the word “our” - emphasize the feeling of selfless ownership, involvement in what your generation has been given to accomplish.

Using the word “Russia” means responding to one’s belonging to everything Russian, a land not chosen, but given from birth.

But it would be most accurate, perhaps, to put the emphasis on the word “all”: “All of Russia is our garden.” For there is no corner in it to whose care and needs we have the right to remain deaf, which we would not want to see in the blossoming of “eternal spring.”

And the surest way to this, according to Chekhov, is to first perform at least one unconditionally selfless good deed. Write at least one inspirational, honest page. Plant at least one tree."

Thus, the most important thing in a message can be highlighted both by word order and logical stress.

Word order - a means of oral and written speech, and logical stress - only oral speech .

Logical stress is required if the word order does not highlight the most important thing in the message.

The ability to highlight the most significant in a sentence is a necessary condition for expressive oral speech.