Conversational using the Dr. Pimsleur method. American English according to Dr. Pimsleur's method


“Marina went on a diet - she lay down on the floor, pumping up her abs,

Gritting his teeth, he squats, “Going to the sea in an hour!”

Hello my dear!

You probably want to know why today I took a well-known online joke as an epigraph? And all because our fickle Russian nature loves one simple thing: everything at once!

We want to get a house, a job, a husband (wife); We want to know everything, be able to do everything! And you know what I’ll tell you... Surprisingly, the only place where this “everything at once” is possible to a certain extent is the English language.

No, my dears, it didn’t seem like it to you. I really said it. There is simply such a wizard, almost like in the land of Oz - Doctor Pimsleur. Only he gives out not courage, but new methods of learning English. It means that he somehow sat and sat, thought and thought, and came up with a way to quickly learn English. By creating a basic 30 lessons, he gave millions of English language learners the opportunity to master American pronunciation and learn to speak in no time!

How it works?

Dr. Pimsleur's audio course was created with the goal of quickly and effectively learning spoken English. All you need to do is just listen to the recordings every day, repeat after the announcer, and follow his unique memorization technique.

You won’t believe it, but this is the method used by all Russian athletes who do not know English, because in just a month you can gain good speaking skills.

You only need to learn 1 lesson per lesson, but you will have to work through it 100%. Training occurs as follows:

  1. listen to a recording of a dialogue from native speakers in its entirety,
  2. then listen to individual phrases from the dialogue and their translation,
  3. then you are asked to repeat this very phrase,
  4. and so every new word is learned,
  5. through numerous repetitions, you get about a hundred new words into your vocabulary, spending only 30 minutes on it.

This audio course will not take you much time to learn. On the way to university or to the office, in the car, on the subway, while having lunch or preparing breakfast - you can easily set aside a few minutes to master the language. Every day you will be able to memorize new expressions, and in a month, at this rate, you will be able to fly to America to chat with people in Hyde Park. Well, isn't it great?

Why does this work?

As I already said, in 30 lessons you will hear a lot of dialogues, a lot of new set expressions, and it is through constant repetition that these words and expressions will be stored in your memory. You will memorize ready-made combinations, and not just learn selected words from the dictionary, the process of improving your oral speech will go much faster.

Therefore, do not even doubt that by lesson 27 you will be able to explain yourself, ask and answer. In addition, you will develop good American pronunciation, which not every English student can boast of using textbooks and dictionaries.

What others say!

Dr. Pimsleur's audio course has gained enormous popularity among the Russian-speaking population who want to learn English. Thousands of students daily left hundreds of reviews on various portals, where they said that after just a few lessons of this course they were more confident in their knowledge than after studying ordinary books. Moreover, many argued that progress is not long in coming if you strictly follow the tasks and carry them out constantly, and not in the way we like - “as time comes.”

What do we teach and in what order?

In general, our dear wizard - Dr. Pimsleur - has created a whole range of such audio courses for different levels.

The first level is “for the little ones,” as I call it. In it we teach the very, very basics: how to form interrogative sentences, what basic words and expressions to learn.

And I want to invite you to start from this level. Below I give you all 30 lessons that you can listen to online. You can take 1 lesson every day and then in just 30 days you can bring your beginner English to a good beginner conversational level. Go for it now!

If that's not enough...

If you have listened to these lessons, but it seems to you that they are not enough for you, then especially for you I am giving a link to the page with the second level lessons -! This level is a little more difficult. The vocabulary here is not so simple, but it is still far from an advanced level.

I also provide a link to the page (), where you can download (but not listen online) audio lessons of the 3rd level - this is already the so-called “advanced” level. Here you go through everything you learned in levels earlier, and also polish your speech, adding new expressions from time to time. There will also be texts for all three levels.

Another recommendation for you is to use an excellent online service to learn English LinguaLeo . You can register there and use many features for free. But it’s better to buy the course right away « English from scratch» - if you are a complete beginner, or « English for daily communication» - if you want to improve your speaking skills.

Do you want another surprise?

Incredibly, our good wizard also has wonderful reading exercises. Personally, I know a lot of people who speak excellent English because they have been to America, for example, and communicated with native speakers. Their spoken language is excellent, but what is most amazing is that they have no idea how to read or write the very words they speak. Amazing, right?

If it so happens that you are just starting to learn English, and you got into Dr. Pimsleur’s audio course on speaking, then be sure to take the course on reading. He will definitely not be superfluous at the very beginning of this difficult path. This course will be attached to the general archive with audio lessons on

My final word!

My dears, I want to tell you right away: this audio course is not a pill against ignorance of the English language. You certainly won't be able to sit at a UN meeting and understand everything after it, you won't be able to listen to the news on BBC or CNN simply because it is not aimed at learning specialized vocabulary.

But I can 100% guarantee that you will be able to easily speak in a new country on basic topics, you will not feel difficulties in conversation and frantically remember a word or look for it in dictionaries. You will build a foundation from which you can move forward in learning this beautiful language.

And I want to help you along this path. Therefore, subscribe to the blog news and always be aware of the latest and interesting events.

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There are many methods of learning English and each has its own unique approach.

So, in our time, when processes have accelerated and it is sometimes difficult to devote time only to English, advanced teaching methods come to the rescue. So, you can combine business with pleasure - for example, a bike ride or a hike, a subway train with listening to various effective recordings.

From the article you will learn:

English according to Dr. Pimsleur's method

English using the Dr. Pimsleur method is quite popular and is one of the most advanced and effective methods of learning English. Thus, the course presented below is designed for Russian speakers.

Everything is quite simple - the classes are structured in the form of a dialogue with questions and answers that cover everyday life and other aspects. So, in the first lessons, language constructions are given, that is, frequently used phrases in English that native speakers use in everyday communication.

It is suitable for both beginners and those continuing to learn English. Thus, Dr. Pimsler, based on research, has found that the brain memorizes and assimilates this or that material within no more than 30 minutes.

So, even if you have zero level of English, in a couple of months you will be able to place an order in a cafe or restaurant, refuel your car, make purchases in a store, ask for the location of a particular object and much more without any problems.

Purpose of the Pimsleur method

The goal is to quickly learn spoken English, understand foreign everyday speech, and be able to enter into dialogue on various topics with a native English speaker. Learn and apply more than 2000 words in the form of phrases and phrases used in everyday speech.

Description of the study process

As for the learning process, it is quite simple. You need to spend no more than 30 minutes a day studying and take 1-2 lessons. This way you can learn 100 words at a time. If you don’t understand something, you can always go through this or that lesson again, the main thing is to master the material so that as a result of your training you get the result that you expected.

So, the first level includes 30 lessons for self-study. There are levels two and three, but the first one still lays the foundation, so pay special attention to it.

So, as you have already calculated, the course takes only 15 hours. With due diligence and desire, you will definitely improve your level of English proficiency.

Let's chat in English.

Well, for training.

Well, my son asked me a problem. I presented the situation. Two half (or a quarter) literate people chatter and diligently memorize erroneous language constructions. Yes, there will be a lot of benefits...

What to do?

Yeah! Here's the solution.

I take Dr. Pimsleur’s lessons, and this, in my opinion, is the best of the methods... (I have both audio and text files of the lessons downloaded in my stash) I make a book and then: one reads the text, pauses in the right places, listens to the answers, and corrects mistakes , then, so as not to be offensive, you can change.

Two words about the method. The main thing is that the student is forced to actively work, he is constantly asked questions, first in Russian, and then... well, you will see for yourself. Repeated repetition develops the automaticity of the language response.

The question may arise, why make this file, take the audio recordings and listen - no, guys, there is a slight difference, communication with a living “teacher” is always better, he can skip, not very necessary places, and vice versa return to the half-forgotten ones, yes and you can listen to audio completely passively, but the trick won’t work with the “teacher”.

Everything is clear, goals are defined, tasks are set! Get to work, comrades!

To the reader:

This file contains lessons from 1 to 30 (two lessons are missing - well, I don’t have them, but it doesn’t really matter, you will see that the material is presented very, very gradually with frequent repetitions (repetition is the mother of torment))

Places in the text marked - * - imply waiting for the student’s response.

By the way, the first lessons may seem too primitive to many - everything is in your hands, start, well, I don’t know... from the tenth.

Good luck w_cat!!

American English according to Dr. Pimsleur's method.

Listen to this conversation.

S - Excuse me, Miss. Do you understand Russian?

M - No, sir. I don't understand Russian.

S - I understand English a little.

M - Are you Russian?

In a few minutes, you will not only understand the meaning of this conversation, but you will also be able to take part in it yourself. Let's imagine a Russian man who came to America. He wants to talk to the American woman who is standing next to him. To begin with he says:


The American announcer will repeat this phrase in parts, starting from the end. Repeat after him, trying to follow his pronunciation exactly. Be sure to speak out loud.

Excuse me, Excuse me

How to say "sorry" in English?

Now he wants to ask if she understands Russian. Let's start with the word "in Russian". Listen and repeat.

Have you noticed that the English “r” sound at the beginning of this word is different from the Russian “r”? Now just listen.

Listen and repeat, trying to imitate the speaker's pronunciation.

Say "sorry."

Repeat after the speaker, trying to accurately copy his pronunciation.

Say “Russian” again

Now he wants to ask, “Do you understand?” Here's how to say “you understand,” just listen:

Repeat after the speaker step by step:

Say “you understand” again.

Here's how to say "you understand." Listen and repeat:

Say "you understand."

Remember how to say “in Russian”?

Say “you understand” again.

Now try saying “you understand Russian.”

You understand Russian.

You understand Russian.

And this word is often used to ask a question in English. Listen and repeat:

In English, a declarative sentence can often be turned into a question simply by placing the word at the beginning of the phrase. Say “you understand” again.

Try asking “do you understand?”

Do you understand?

Do you understand?

Say "sorry."

Ask if I understand.

Do you understand?

Ask me if I understand Russian.

Do you understand Russian?

Do you understand Russian?

The woman answers “no.” Listen and repeat.

Now she responds with a more polite “no, sir.” Listen and repeat.

This is a polite form of addressing a stranger. Say "sir" again. Pay attention to the sound at the end of the word.

Tell the man a polite “no.”

How do you say "excuse me sir"?

How do you ask someone if they "get it"?

Do you understand?

Do you understand?

Do you understand Russian?

Do you understand Russian?

Do you understand Russian?

The man answers “I understand” with the word “I” at the beginning. Listen and repeat:

And now the word “I understand.”

Have you noticed that “understand” and “understand” are denoted by the same word in English? Now say “I understand.”

You hear these two words spoken almost together. Try saying “I understand Russian.”

I understand Russian.

I understand Russian.

Now say “you understand.”

Say “I understand” again.

Do you remember how to ask a question in English? You understand?

Do you understand?

Ask a woman “do you understand Russian?”

Do you understand Russian?

Listen and repeat to practice correct pronunciation.

Do you understand Russian?

Do you understand Russian?

She politely replies “no sir.”

How to say “I understand”?

Now she wants to say “I don’t understand.” Listen and repeat.

I don't understand.

Don't understand

Don't understand

I don't understand.

What makes this phrase negative is “don’t”. Pay attention to the pronunciation. Notice that the "t" sound at the end of the word almost disappears. Listen and repeat.

I don't understand.

Say “I don’t understand” again.

Dr. Pimsleur's Language Learning Course is a patented memory training technique that ensures you remember what you learn. This course was created for Russian speakers learning English. Suitable for beginners or existing learners who decide to start learning English on their own.

Lessons consist of thematic dialogues with translation and explanations. You hear explanations and comments about what is being studied in the lessons in Russian; the material itself is spoken American English. Dr. Pimsleur's audio course uses a natural model of the communication process - questions and answers, statements and objections, receiving and requesting information. Learning begins with words and language structures that are most often used by native speakers in everyday communication with each other. This is the minimum required vocabulary, sufficient to ensure the ability to confidently speak oneself and understand by ear speakers in English. Your task is to listen carefully and follow everything the announcers say, carefully pronouncing the proposed sounds, words and sentences. When speaking, try to copy the intonation and pronunciation of the speakers. If the situation allows, speak in a full voice; if it does not allow, imitate the pronunciation of phrases by mentally pronouncing them, thereby training your speech apparatus with unfamiliar sounds.

To master the English language, you only need to listen and repeat, listen and speak!

The course consists of three levels of 30 lessons. Lessons are 30 minutes each.

It is recommended to complete no more than one lesson per day, but the lesson must be completed one hundred percent. You can take one lesson twice a day - morning and evening. But only after you have fully mastered the lesson (it may take several days) can you move on to the next one. In learning, regularity is more important than time spent on a lesson.

After completing the first level, you will know and use about 500 words in your speech and can easily compose several hundred colloquial structures in the English language.

Audio course English from Dr. Paul Pimsleur in Russia is represented by the official course - Ultra-fast acquisition of English / American English using the method of Dr. Pimsleur (Pimsleur Method for Russian speakers). Publisher: Simon & Schuster. This is the first level, which contains 30 thirty-minute lessons (as well as 21 reading lessons). The second and third levels are reworkings of the American English course for Spanish speakers. Done very professionally. The Spanish comments were translated into Russian and read by Igor Serov.

No foreign language can do without cramming, but if you are unable to cram and it seems that your talent is not at all connected with English, I advise you to read this article thoroughly. Perhaps she will change her attitude towards the difficulty (ease) of the language and the time it takes to properly take air into your lungs and confidently speak English.

Foreign speech is a tool on the path to success. However, speech cannot be mastered while sitting at a computer, staring at “25th frame” (this method does not work). You will need a considerable desire to prove to yourself and your friends that you can do what you could not do at school. Believe me, it is better to say at least something than to remain silent in the middle of the desert at the sight of a passing caravan. If you still do not lose hope of learning English, the teaching methods proposed in the article will benefit each of you. So, let's begin?

In order to understand what kind of beast the English language is, it needs to be skillfully tamed, and this can be done using English learning methods, of which there are so many. But first things first.

To begin with, let's focus on a fairly simple course, which is patented and has been tested more than once among foreign language learners, namely English using the Pimsleur method. Look for the official version in stores, and the unofficial version on torrents or YouTube. Dr. Paul Pimsleur was and remains the brightest example of a linguist-psychologist in the field of language learning, who, after numerous works, came to the conclusion that language learning is based on the characteristics of the learner, namely:

Language learning abilities;

What are the classes?
This is, first of all, an audio course that you need to listen to, repeat and answer the speaker’s questions. Each individual course consists of 30 lessons lasting 30 minutes. Please note that you can work an unlimited number of classes per day, but the author of the course strongly recommends achieving 100% results from each lesson. After completing the initial course, you will have a vocabulary of 500 words, confidently use speech structures and feel your progress on the path to success.

If you are suddenly looking for an audio course from domestic authors, then look away Ilona Davydova.

Crushing Callan, or quickly, efficiently and effectively

Despite all the ways to learn English, you can only master it by knowing what to do and how to do it. That is why in second place on our hit parade is the fascinating Callan method, the author of which became famous for quickly teaching students a foreign language. The basis of this technique is numerous repetitions, as a result of which speaking skills are formed. The speed of the lesson does not allow a person to be distracted and even think in his native language.

Such classes are quite effective if you study with a teacher who knows the Callan technique from the inside. The advantages of this method of learning a language include small groups, the speed of speech of the teacher, constant repetition of material, a minimum of grammar, and the absence of homework. You can overcome 12 levels from beginner to upper-intermediate in 160 academic hours, i.e. If you take into account classes for 2 hours 3 times a week, it turns out that you will need only 5 months to not only tweet tirelessly, but also pass the international exam. How do you like this prospect?

Dmitry Petrov and English in 16 hours

In third place sits majestically the method of Dmitry Petrov, thanks to which you can learn English through hard work. Don't think that this is impossible. The author himself talks about understanding the structure of a language thanks to which language evokes, because, as you know, there is no better motivation than to learn a language through culture and love for the country. Remember the emotions that your loved ones evoked in you. Isn’t this the main motive for learning a language, when you are eager to find out what, why and how is happening somewhere without your participation?

A few words about the author: Dmitry Petrov is a psycholinguist, teacher of simultaneous interpretation, translator from more than 30 languages. The author claims that it may take 1 week to understand the structure of the language and memorize the basic structures, then everything depends on you. The pros and cons at the same time include the speed of language acquisition. If you urgently need English, this is the real chance to speak it; if you are not ready for such a high-speed approach, you should choose other English lessons, the methods of which are presented in the article. However, I strongly recommend paying attention to this much-advertised method of learning a language, which is based on verbs.

Ilya Frank and the reading method

At the fourth stage is the well-known Frank method, thanks to which the English language is studied by reading the original text, into which a translation and small comments are inserted. After reading such a text, you will be offered the original passage without any hints. In stores you can find many inexpensive books in a convenient format for reading on the go and at home.

Alexander Dragunkin, or a simplified language learning system

Fifth place is rightfully occupied by the most ambiguous and controversial method of Alexander Dragunkin. As part of this method, the author proposes to discard the traditional one, noticing it is Russian-language, to minimize tenses and overcome it. The form of the classes resembles a monologue by the author, as a result of which you can choose something you need for yourself. The advantages include the relative clarity of the material being explained, but do not forget that practice in learning a language should always come first. It is also worth pointing out the disadvantages. For example, mastering grammar in three hours. On the one hand it is compressed, on the other hand it is long. Learning the basics of grammar can take much less time if you approach it correctly. You can download Dragunkin's books for free.

Schechter, or English without rules

Much has already been said about methods of learning a foreign language, but you shouldn’t stop there; perhaps your unique way of learning a language is still ahead. The Schechter method involves creating conditions under which a person can easily speak English. Let us immediately determine that there will actually be no grammar, and speech should arise in the process of emotional coloring of classes, while each student uses only the vocabulary that is in his everyday life. The duration of each cycle is 100 hours, between which a break is required. Initially, this method was designed for politicians, astronauts and famous people who needed to express their thoughts when meeting foreigners.

Self-paced English with Rosetta Stone

All methods of learning English are actively used by teachers around the world, but only a few become widely known. This method is based on translationless knowledge of the language, which excludes rules and translation into Russian, however, memorization of vocabulary occurs as part of a sentence, understanding of the word comes along with a picture that displays the content, preference is given to numerous repetitions.

This technique is perfect for those who want to learn English on their own without leaving their own apartment. See what and how you can. Each level consists of 4 parts, and each part of 4 lessons. If you study the lesson in detail, it will take you at least 2 hours to master the material, i.e. The technique assumes that you have free time to slowly learn the language. The material is divided into topics, each of which contains standard phrases for memorization. The disadvantages of this method include the price, as well as a small number of tasks that are aimed at independently formulating phrases.

Immersion method "Sugesto pedia"

Basic methods of learning English allow you to choose among their diversity the best and most suitable way to master a foreign language in a short time. But this method is based on a complete change in a person, his name, habits and even behavior. Coming to class, all students need to come up with nicknames and areas of activity. Although this approach originated in the 70s of the last century, it is widely used by many schools and is now combined with other methods. Moving away from your natural “I” helps to overcome barriers and complexes that are so difficult to get rid of as part of a regular activity. Therefore, if you don’t know how to change your life, you can safely go to English courses that adhere to this method, and you will certainly feel like a different person.

Gromyko's sports technique

A review of methods for learning foreign languages ​​requires complete mastery of information that will help you choose the ideal option. But, as you know, there are different options. A rather ambiguous approach to language guarantees, in the author’s opinion, an excellent result. This type of learning treats English as a sport, where students train in pairs following a clear script. While repeating phrases in the target language, it is necessary to perform a number of exercises that stimulate the human brain to remember the muscle load and at the same time words and expressions. The advantages of this method include exciting activities that definitely cannot be found in any other method. The only downside is that not everyone will like physical activity, and it’s also impossible to do it on your own.

Nikolai Zamyatkin's matrix method

This method of learning English is quite categorical, because... All students need to listen to audio lessons and read the text of the same audio lessons. This must be done many times until the material is fully absorbed. According to the author, after such work the material will be literally “embedded” in memory and recorded in the deepest layers. This is understandable, because repeated, and even loud, repetitions of the same text will ultimately be remembered. But is there enough strength and desire to learn a foreign language this way?

Simplicity and honesty of Vitaly Levental's method

This approach is aimed at emigrants in the USA, because the course is rich in numerous “live” information, which is not noted in other methods. However, the connection with the Russian language is not interrupted in the process of learning English. The main advantage of the course remains the development and maintenance of linguistic thinking through articles and listening to lectures. The feeling of a foreign language is developed in the process of searching for original, genuine emotions, which arise in the process of reading. The basis of this method is daily painstaking work, thanks to which you can learn a foreign language. You will need to go through studying the material, finding the correct answer and checking the result obtained. The method is also called “speech induction”. You can meet the author on the page at