We decipher the contract with the kindergarten. Educational program of preschool education according to the Federal State Educational Standard: requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

How often do we, parents of preschoolers, when taking our child to kindergarten, think about what he does during the day? The baby is under supervision - this is the main thing for us. But in fact, life in a preschool institution is literally in full swing. Every day a child learns something new here.
Parents who came to the traditional Open Day at the Kolokolchik kindergarten could see this. During the day, they attended special events in groups and attended many interesting events.

To be honest, as a mother with twenty years of experience, I also had a slightly different idea of ​​how the educational process in kindergarten was structured. Yes, I knew that children there sculpt and draw, dance and sing - in general, they live happily. But I couldn’t even imagine how well each of the classes was thought out and interconnected with one another.
Let's start with charging. It opens the “working” day for all the children, starting with the junior group and ending with the preparatory group. Sets of exercises for any age are built on the principle of complication and change every ten lessons. To prevent children from getting bored with performing monotonous movements, the use of non-traditional forms is also practiced - in the form of flash mobs and rhythmic dances. In addition, the weekly schedule includes three more physical education classes.
I think not every family pays such attention to preserving and strengthening the health of the child. However, the same can be said about the overall development of the baby. In one of the Kaluga schools where my nephew studies, third-graders were asked to write an essay “Who do I want to become?” So one boy frankly wrote: “I want to become a TV. Then my parents will pay as much attention to me as they do to him.”
Now admit it to yourself: how often do you, hiding behind household chores and fatigue, refuse to read a book to your baby or play some interesting game with him?.. But raising a child is not about strict instructions: “Don’t take it! Don't go! And don’t do it!”
I was surprised by the figure: weekly, depending on age, in each of the kindergarten groups there are from ten to seventeen classes, that is, two or three per day. Short, but very intense. As an example, I will give an open lesson held on Open Day in the group “Ringing Bells”. Theme: Gzhel painting. In half an hour, the children learned about where Gzhel masters live, what the technology of this painting is, and tried to paint a paper jug ​​themselves. As it became clear from the preliminary conversation, at one of the previous lessons the guys talked about another type of artistic painting - Khokhloma. That is, this work is not episodic, but systematic.
I foresee the question: “Aren’t the kids tired in this case?” No, they don't get tired. Because they learn while playing, because all classes are based on changing different types of activities. This, in fact, is what the introduction of federal state standards for preschool education is aimed at. For most parents, the acronym GEF is like an unsolved puzzle. I'll try to decipher it clearly. And again I will turn to my parenting experience.
By what parameters did we previously evaluate the development of our children in kindergarten? By whether they can count, write and read at the end of it. If they don’t know how, it means the teachers haven’t done enough work. This opinion, unfortunately, is shared by the majority of today's mothers and fathers. With the best intentions, in the last year before school, they send their beloved child to tutors: they say, then it will be easier for him to master the school curriculum.
I'm not afraid to compare this situation to a time bomb. In many cases, a junior student - if not in the first, then in the second or third year of study - loses interest in studying and slides from the A's so desired by parents to C's.
To arouse interest in acquiring new knowledge, to make the child want to go to school - this is the primary task that preschool teachers face today. And, educators admit, it is much more difficult to accomplish than teaching a preschooler the basics of literacy.
Today, school readiness primarily means psychological and emotional readiness for the learning process. And for this, the child needs to be taught to be attentive, neat, hardworking, active, to be able to listen and hear an adult, to isolate the main thing, to understand the proposed task, and to find different solutions. And the preschool institution is designed to help a little person painlessly move to a new level of education and accept the role of a student who will become successful only when he himself wants to learn.
This should now be understood not only by the parents of the Kolokolchik kindergarten, because since January 1, 2015, all preschool institutions in the district have switched to federal state standards.
Over the past few months I have been toying with the idea of ​​sending my son, who will be six years old in May, to school. I consulted with relatives, mothers of current first-graders, and familiar teachers. An open day in kindergarten, communication with teachers put an end to my painful doubts. Let the child be a child for another year, I decided, because the unique time of childhood will never return. But studies, studies can wait...

Elena Shkumat.

Changes in legislation on education affected a number of areas of activity of preschool educational institutions, as well as its documentary support. Since the beginning of 2014, the education of children in preschool institutions must comply with federal state educational standards. Such compliance should be reflected and in the educational program of the preschool educational institution.

1. The educational program cannot be completely planned in advance. It should consist of a mandatory part, which is initially prescribed, and a part, which is formed during the learning process. The second part of the educational program should be formed taking into account the individual characteristics of children and their needs at each specific point in time.

2. When compulsory part of the educational program prepared on the basis of an exemplary educational program included in the register, then it can be issued as a link to this program. And the part that is formed by the participants in educational relations themselves can be presented in the form of a link to methodological literature representing partial programs, methodological developments that are used in the educational process by this group.

3. The educational program must include child development tasks in all directions:

  • social communication;
  • cognition;
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • physical development.

At the same time, the specific content of these areas of children’s development will depend on their age and individual characteristics.

4. When drawing up an educational program, it is necessary to take into account ratio mandatory part and part formed by participants in educational relations: 60% to 40%, respectively. It is worth considering that this rule only applies advisory nature, since preschool education is not compulsory in our country.

5. The mandatory part of the program is aimed at reflecting an integrated approach to the development and education of children in all areas that were indicated above. The part of the program that is formed in the learning process should be represented by partial educational programs, methods, forms of the educational program, which selected or developed independently participants in educational relations.

6. The educational program should also include a section with a short presentation, which is developed for the parents of students. It must indicate:

  • categories of children for whom this program is designed;
  • sample programs that were used during preparation;
  • opportunities for mutual communication between teachers and students’ families.

Requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science

The Law on Education and the Ministry of Education and Science in their letters make a number of requirements for the educational program:

  1. Compliance with Federal State Educational Standards. According to the law on education, the structure (the obligatory part and the component that is formed by the participants in educational relations) and the volume of the educational program must comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, which are established by Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1155 of October 17, 2013.
  2. In preschool educational institutions can be approved several educational programs for working in groups of various types (general developmental, compensatory, recreational or combined) or depending on the age of the children.
  3. When developing an educational program it is necessary determine the amount of time which children will spend in preschool. Educational programs taking into account these data may be different for groups where the length of stay of children differs (short-term, full-time and extended day, round-the-clock stay). Please note that for groups where children spend a full day, the program can be implemented no more than 14 hours a day.

Development and approval timeframes

preschool educational institution independently develops and approves the educational program. In this case, the Federal State Educational Standard and exemplary educational programs for preschool education should be taken into account. The latter, in turn, must undergo an examination and be included in the register of exemplary educational programs. To date, there is not a single exemplary educational program included in the register. Although quite a lot of their projects have already been prepared. You can get acquainted with them.

Note! There is no need to rush into preparing a new educational program. Rosobrnadzor indicated in its letter that preschool educational institutions have the right to complete the preparation of this document before 01/01/2016, that is, before the end of the transition period. It is quite advisable to wait until a register of exemplary educational programs that have passed the examination is formed.

Partial program is a program implemented as part of the main educational activity, which is aimed at implementing one or more areas of child development.

Question:Hello! Can you clarify the point in the section “Responsibilities of Parents”: “The parent undertakes to interact with the Institution in all areas of the child’s development, upbringing, and education”?Then there is the standard wording about failure to fulfill obligations and deductions. What is behind this?

The fact is that the manager and I were on the warpath. There was a conflict of her monetary interests due to the fact that I preferred correctional classes in another center to her speech center. This government service (classes with a speech therapist and psychologist) is paid for once, so I refused to have a speech therapist in kindergarten.

Can the manager expel my child based on this clause? How legitimate is this point? After all, it can be used in any situation of “disagreement to interact.” For example, I don’t vaccinate my child, don’t pay for paid entertainment events in kindergarten, and don’t go to meetings. The psychologist tormented me with his “let’s talk,” which amounted to propaganda from the manager.

Please clarify the situation for me. Do I risk getting expelled from my child’s kindergarten due to this item? And yet, it is signed, but there is no date of signature on it by the head, there is no date in the “Valid until...” column. There is only the date of signing by me, and in general this is not an agreement, but a copy of it. Does it matter? Olga Poletaeva

Vladimir Korzhov, lawyer, answers:

Good afternoon Without familiarizing yourself with the contents of your agreement, it is difficult to fully judge the violations, since Art. 54 and 61 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and the approximate form of an education agreement for educational programs of preschool education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 13, 2014 N 8, not reflects the “standard wording about non-fulfillment of obligations and deductions”.

At the same time, according to Part 2 of Art. 61 of the Law, an agreement with a preschool educational institution (educational relations) can be terminated early only in three cases:

1) at the initiative of parents (legal representatives) in case of transfer of a student to another preschool educational institution;

2) at the initiative of the preschool educational institution in the event of a violation of the procedure for admission to the preschool educational institution, resulting in illegal enrollment in the preschool educational institution;

3) due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties in the event of liquidation of the preschool educational institution.

Speaking about the negative outcome, it is important to know that, according to Part 4 of Art. 61 of the Law, the basis for termination of educational relations is the administrative act of the preschool educational institution on the expulsion of a student from this organization, which is required to be issued to you in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which can be safely appealed with the recovery of all relevant damages from the preschool educational institution.

If you have reason to believe that the rights of your child and you, as his parent, are being violated (for example, the original agreement with the preschool educational institution is not presented or the agreement is incorrectly drawn up, the agreement contains conditions that limit the rights of students or reduce the level of guarantees provided to them compared with the conditions established by the legislation on education, etc.), then I recommend that you seek support in protecting your child’s rights from the prosecutor’s office , whose employees, in accordance with Parts 1 and 4 of Art. 27 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 N 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” are obliged to take measures to prevent and suppress violations of children’s rights, bring to justice persons who have violated the law, and compensate for the damage caused, as well as file and support a claim in court in the interests of child.