Five cities in the world located on faults in the earth's crust. Living faults in the earth's crust

Today, there are two most likely hypotheses for a tectonic fault that will lead to the end of our civilization. And the fact that the earth's masses move and the Earth is constantly changing - no reasonable person will deny. Although tectonic activity has been very low recently, there is a good chance that this will change soon.

Iceland. Giant rifts are ruptures in the earth's crust that form at the boundary of slowly diverging tectonic plates - the North American and Eurasian plates. The plates are moving apart at a rate of about 7 mm per year, so that over the past 10 thousand years the valley has widened by 70 meters and settled by 40.

Tectonic fault under glaciers. This hypothesis belongs to academician N. Zharvin. According to his assumptions, the cause of the tectonic fault will be the melting of ice under Antarctica. The relationship between the transformation of a chain of tectonic faults into a huge volcano and the melting of ice is explained by the fact that the earth's crust constantly bends under the weight of any massif. Accordingly, under the weight of the huge Greenland glacier, the deflection reaches significant values, approximately 1 kilometer. It is logical to assume that as the ice melts, this value begins to decrease. At some point, this trend will lead to a significant increase in the fracturing of the earth's crust.

The rupture of tectonic plates will engulf the entire planet in a chain reaction. But this is not the worst thing. When the huge mass of ice stops pressing on the earth's crust, it will rise. Then masses of ocean water will pour underground. Since matter underground is heated to approximately 1200 degrees Celsius, this will cause the release of huge amounts of basalt dust and gas into the Earth's atmosphere. This in turn will cause an unprecedented downpour. The horror of the all-drowning rain is complemented by the consequences of tectonic faults, namely volcanic eruptions throughout the rift system and huge tsunamis. In a matter of time, everything will be washed away from the face of the Earth.

Lithospheric catastrophe of our civilization. This version is proposed by the Russian inventor E. Ubiyko. His hypothesis not only suggests the future, but also explains much of the past. He amazingly analyzes all the information about our past, finds the relationship between the cultural heritage of all ancient civilizations, and with the help of this explains all the changes that have already occurred and will continue to occur to the Earth.

Turning to the Mayan calendar, Evgeniy Ubiyko suggests that in the twilight of the last day of the era of the third Sun, the Earth looked completely different. Its radius was about 2.5 times smaller than the current one, and all the continents were connected together. The map did not include the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic and Indian oceans. There was one world ocean and one continent with many seas, lakes and rivers. If you look closely at the globe, you will notice that it resembles the development of a small ball stretched over a ball of a larger diameter.

This structure of the Earth provides answers to many questions about the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, and also explains the gigantic size of dinosaurs. The fact is that the Earth’s atmosphere was denser, and the climate was much more comfortable. It was possible to breathe freely at an altitude of up to 25 km. The air temperature on the entire planet did not drop below 8 degrees Celsius. Naturally, in such conditions, people of very tall stature - Atlanta - could freely exist. In addition, if you glue all the continents together, then the location of ancient temples and pyramids becomes more logical and explainable. So the Sphinx looked at the polar star, and the great white pyramid of Kailash was located strictly at the then North Pole of the Earth. By delving into the research in more detail, you can find clues to the Great Wall of China, Babylon, the Rig Veda and other legacies.

Of particular danger is the location of many cities in zones of potentially high planetary destruction and failure to take into account the influence of geophysical anomalies during construction.

Among these cities is Moscow, located in the place:

— cruciform intersection of two powerful deep faults:

The San Andreas Fault, which is in motion, is indicative. It is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Seismologists have noticed that ups and downs occur there.

What movements are characteristic of the San Andreas Fault? Although these movements are small enough that they will not be noticed by most people living along the fault, the researchers note that they are consistent and constant. Every 200 kilometers of the fault moves by 2 mm per year. Movements occur up or down. These changes were detected using GPS measurements.

These movements were undoubtedly caused by the chaotic, jerky movements of the Pacific and North American tectonic plates. Small surges of accumulated stress cause the ground around the fault to rise and fall. Consequently, the Los Angeles Basin is sinking while the San Bernardino portion is rising, and at the same rate.

Releasing pressure

These minor changes do not pose any immediate danger to the population. But they do demonstrate how dynamic and active the fault is. While the movement relieves pressure in San Andreas, it is not enough to reduce the next blow. Massive sections of the fault have shifted little over the past 150 years, while other sections have been accumulating pressure for more than three centuries. Once an earthquake occurs, all this energy is released. Understanding how a fault behaves each time it dips and rises, releasing pressure, helps geologists estimate how the next earthquake that might hit the area will impact the surrounding region.

Possibility of earthquake

But, unfortunately, it is impossible to say for sure when the next time this will happen. One of the most powerful earthquakes of the 20th century occurred in 1906. Its magnitude reached 7.8, killing 3,000 people in San Francisco as the northern part of the fault began to slip. However, all eyes are now on the southern section. The last time an earthquake occurred there was in 1857, when a 360-kilometer stretch was destroyed with a magnitude of 7.9. Since then, enormous pressure has accumulated along the southern section

The general rule is that the more time passes between earthquakes, the more severe and destructive the damage will be. While no one wants an earthquake along the San Andreas Fault, every year that goes by without one increases the likelihood of a bleak future for Southern California.

The comparison of the Middle East problem with such a phenomenon as a tectonic shift, made by the director of the Department of Information and Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, was very puzzling and even frightened almost all foreign television channels. Her statement was seen not only as a challenge, but also as a threat to NATO and the United States.

Apocalypse as such

For readers who have not seen the film "San Andreas Fault", this article explains in detail what a tectonic shift is and how to apply this concept to the political landscape of today. The extent to which this phenomenon threatens humanity is explained even by the enormous interest that is observed in the world towards the possibility of an imminent apocalypse.

The causes of its onset are considered to be lightly sleeping supervolcanoes, the Third World War with the subsequent nuclear winter, and, of course, a tectonic shift. Humanity is so worried about its fate that even a simple comparison with this geological area from the lips of a political figure received enormous resonance in the world media.

About tramps

Geologists easily read the chronicles of centuries and even millennia. From them we know that sandy desert soils are stored in huge deposits in the south of England, the remains of ancient giant ferns have been discovered in Antarctica, and in Africa there are clear traces of the glaciers that covered it. This suggests that geological epochs also changed climate. The shift intensified volcanic activity, ash obscured the sun, rising into the upper atmosphere for many years, and a long winter began. Ice ages killed most of all life on Earth. For example, only less than fifteen percent of bird species remained after the last glaciation, and it is difficult to imagine that their current diversity is a pitiful remnant of its former splendor.

There are many widely varying scientific explanations for the causes of global change. One of them, the most widespread and most conclusive, says that the continents do not stand still. A small example clearly shows what a tectonic shift means. If you apply the east of South America to the west of Africa, they will fit together with virtually no gaps. This means that they were not always separated by the Atlantic Ocean. There are many such examples. And the fact that America will face terrible tectonic shifts is not a threat from the lips of Maria Zakharova. This is what nature promises. And, since Hollywood has already flooded the cinema with many hundreds of films about the imminent end of the world, where they even go into action, it means that Americans fully anticipate and understand the impending danger.

Tectonic shift

The definition of this phenomenon was given long ago and precisely: it is a fracture of a single solid continental plate located under the earth’s crust. How do tectonic plate faults threaten humanity? The scenario is this: one, even a small fault will engulf the planet in a chain reaction. Melted glaciers will release the plates from the pressure of their enormous mass, the earth's crust will rise, and ocean water will pour into the depths of the faults. The magma under the crust is hot - about one thousand two hundred degrees Celsius. Steam with basalt dust and gas will be ejected from underground with enormous force and everywhere. Rainfalls will begin - unprecedented, akin to a flood. Volcanoes will wake up - all of them. After which an indescribable tsunami will sweep away everything from the face of the planet. There is enough time for the entire situation from the beginning of the fault to the volcanic eruptions; you can even run away if you find somewhere. After the tsunami begins, the earth will be empty within a matter of hours.

The continents we inhabit were formed two hundred million years ago, when Pangea, the hypercontinent, split apart. The scattered tramps have “taken root” at approximately equal distances from each other, but they are still drawn to each other. Scientists predict that in about fifty million years they will reunite. In the 70s of the last century, a model of the supposed movement of continents was created. It turns out that the Pacific plate is moving quite quickly towards the North American tectonic plate. The San Andreas tectonic shift threatens right at the junction of these two plates. There are frequent earthquakes of destructive force, which happened in San Francisco and Los Angeles just a hundred years ago. America is terribly afraid of geological disasters, which is why Maria Zakharova’s words were perceived as if Russia was threatening the United States with tectonic shifts. What exactly did the director of the department mean?

To the history of the issue

Of course, this was a warning about the threat, but “terrible tectonic shifts” were not promised from Russia (Zakharova quote). They will happen if the United States insists on replacing Syrian leader Assad, who is fighting the Islamic State. Then radical Islamists and terrorists, with whom America is already very familiar, will inevitably come to power. The events of Iraq in 2003 and Libya in 2011 (after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi) speak for themselves. The Islamic State will inevitably grow and become much stronger. This is precisely what the Russian Foreign Ministry constantly signals. Then the rampant terrorism may well exceed the dangers that tectonic shifts bring with them. Zakharova was told exactly this, but the conclusions that followed were absolutely incorrect.

The Middle East did not gain stability in 2016, negative developments continue there: bloodshed in Syria, lack of stabilization in Libya, riots of the Kurdish autonomy in Iraq, the Yemen conflict has worsened, Saudi Arabian rebels have been inflicting increasingly serious blows on the economy and financial situation of the country for many years leading military operations, got involved in Middle Eastern conflicts. It is from the Middle East that all tectonic shifts in politics are coming. The situation is a crisis in all respects, and this crisis is rapidly expanding, chaos is growing, waves of refugees are sweeping Europe, creating a security threat and huge problems there. The year has ended, and it did not bring any solutions. If the last bastion of the fight against terrorists, the “dictator” Bashar Assad, lays down his arms, the “tectonic shifts” of 2016 will sweep the whole world.

Methods of warfare

Daesh continues to build up its military potential, and, despite the beginning of the liberation of territories, the Iraqi army with its US and coalition supporters did not have an easy walk through the suburbs of Mosul. The threat of terrorism is not only not eliminated, it is growing, and therefore very special, truly serious efforts on a global scale are required by forces united in this fight for the complete victory of this evil. The level of US influence on the Middle East situation has decreased, and it has decreased quite significantly. The current administration is leaving, as if deliberately weakening the potential and capabilities of its own country in this region; it is now impossible to admit that the United States is the leading player in the Middle East. And the change of power there is taking place in an environment that itself is capable of starting tectonic shifts in America (and this is not about geological faults).

But Russia distinguished itself in the Middle East in 2016, significantly expanding the circle of partners, including Egypt, Israel and Bahrain, making progress in cooperation with Qatar, agreeing with OPEC to limit the level of oil produced (even managed to get along with Saudi Arabia), normalizing relations with Turkey . A new team has been formed to resolve the situation in Syria, ousting the United States from the region. These are Iran, Türkiye and Russia. The Russian Aerospace Forces are seriously helping the Syrian army win victories over terrorists. Aleppo liberated. All this is regarded by the world as purely Russian political victories. That is why Maria Zakharova spoke so brightly and colorfully about tectonic shifts. The loss of a partner like Bashar al-Assad will reduce these victories to zero. Moreover, until IS is completely exsanguinated, our diplomats see the current situation as quite precarious.

Crimea and the Middle East

To take a little break from pressing political problems, let’s return to the issue of geological faults and continental plates, since more and more information appears every day, and from time to time it looks like a curiosity, despite all its reliability. Scientists from different countries studying geological layers deep in the earth's crust have identified a shift in tectonic plates, as a result of which tectonic activity is observed in the Middle East and neighboring regions.

Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Ipatov announced the latest reliable research results (including applied astronomy). Sensation: the Crimean peninsula is gradually moving closer to Russia. After all, the plate did not float towards Turkey or Greece, the tectonic shift of Crimea is geologically directed home. The meeting of the peninsula with the mainland, however, will not happen so soon; it will have to wait several tens of millions of years. But the republics have met together since 2014.

World politics and tectonic shifts in it

The results of the past year can be fully summed up only when the upcoming policy of the new United States administration - both in the Middle East and in the world in general - becomes clear. However, the contradictions between the Islamic world and Western countries are unlikely to be eliminated soon, and the growth of xenophobia will most likely continue, which, of course, can poison the entire system of relations in both the Islamic and non-Islamic worlds. All year we have observed huge changes in world politics, which were quite akin to tectonic shifts in their significance.

First of all, we need to mention Brexit, which thoroughly shook the world, when Great Britain decided to leave the European Union. Then came the unexpectedly convincing victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election, which not only no one planned, but also did not allow the slightest thought about such a turn of events. If we add to this the significantly strengthened right in European countries (primarily in France and Germany), then the progress seems irreversible; it is unlikely that they will stop developing in 2017.

Center of gravity

The value spectrum of the entire Western part of the world has shifted greatly, as right-wing conservative, populist and nationalist waves have made the palette of moods of society much more diverse, adding completely unexpected new tones. Protest sentiments appear even where they have never existed, in countries for which this is completely uncharacteristic. They write about what is starting in the United States, about the abrupt change of regime in Western European countries. gradually becomes unpredictable, filled with new, never-before-happened events and phenomena that need to be comprehended.

The center of gravity of the entire world political system is clearly shifting. Asian countries are becoming stronger; the share of China and India has risen exceptionally high. Therefore, the main intrigues of this tectonic shift in politics will most likely unfold in relations between China and the United States. The economic crisis that has gripped the world is also hard for the leading countries. The people of the United States are gripped by general disappointment in the policies of the ruling party. That is why the Republicans won such a convincing victory over the Democrats, won a majority of seats in the House of Representatives and increased their representation in the Senate.

Internal and external policy

Trump's victory is important not so much for domestic policy as for foreign policy. Israel is already clearly excited, China is concerned, the rest of Asia is upset, and Russia is speculating. A much tougher position towards China is quite possible - a weakening of the yuan until it is impossible to maintain its own currency. Support for the Afghan war is very possible. Republicans are also concerned about the country's missile defense deployment.

Congress received a significant strengthening of pro-Israeli forces: Senator from Illinois - Mark Kirk, majority leader of the lower house - Eric Cantor, now Tel Aviv can hope for a special political climate that will allow the resumption of negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. At the same time, pro-Israeli forces are feeling strong pressure from forces that are still unknown (however, everyone can guess which ones): on January 19, 2017, there were reports of mining of 28 Jewish centers in 17 US states, which, fortunately, was imaginary. But this is not the first warning. And at a certain moment, mining may not be false.

How will it end?

It seems to many that America’s stable position in the world has been shaken, and its global dominance has almost been lost. Is it so? The President of Russia is also very cautious in his assessments. Indeed, remember 2010, when WikiLeaks opened and made public tens of thousands of documentary letters from the American diplomatic post. It seemed - well, that’s it, the end of the power. But nothing happened to America. The allies, even when substituted in every possible way, were not lost. The enemies also remained in place, no new ones were added. One thing is surprising: no one thought to blame Moscow for these revelations, as happened after Donald Trump won the election.

Yes, Trump is different. He is significantly different from the previous president. But who knows what awaits Russia in connection with this choice? If you look from Moscow or some Skovorodin, the Republicans are seen as people who are more pragmatic and less dangerous for us than the defeated Democrats, who constantly did minor and major mischief to the Russians. How different is Trump's team from Hillary Clinton's team? After thoughtful analysis, it becomes clear that the actions of both parties are unfolding on the same lithospheric platform. They are much more similar than seen from afar. Both teams intimidate the people with an external threat and paint a picture of various foreign intrigues. Freedom and democracy are respected by some, prestige and economics by others, but both are threatened by external forces; in any case, the nation is in danger. Hillary did not like global populism and Russia, and Trump does not like multinational corporations, Mexico, China and developing countries. A tectonic shift in politics is inevitable. This is probably why our diplomats are so cautious in their assessments and forecasts.

Published: March 15, 2011 at 09:52

The record-breaking earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit Japan early Friday is a stark reminder of the devastating natural disasters that can strike populated cities - especially those in high-risk areas such as along major fault lines. earth's crust.

Take a look at the five cities that are most at risk from such disasters due to their location.

1. Tokyo, Japan

Built precisely at the triple intersection of three major tectonic plates - the North American Plate, the Philippine Plate and the Pacific Plate - Tokyo is constantly in motion. The city's long history and familiarity with earthquakes has pushed it to create maximum levels of tectonic protection.

Tokyo is by far the city most prepared for earthquakes, which means we're probably underestimating the potential damage nature can cause.

Faced with a magnitude 8.9 earthquake, the strongest earthquake in Japanese history, Tokyo, 370 km from the epicenter, went into an automated shutdown mode: elevators stopped working, the subway stopped, people had to walk many kilometers in the cold night to get to their houses outside the city, where the greatest destruction occurred.

The 10-metre tsunami that followed the earthquake washed away hundreds of bodies on the north-east coast, leaving thousands of people missing.

2. Istanbul, Türkiye

The Eastern San Andreas strike-slip North Anatolian Fault is the world's longest fractured fault, rupturing westward along the fault line since 1939.

The city is a mix of rich and poor infrastructure, putting a huge portion of its 13 million residents at risk. In 1999 An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 hit the city of Izmit, which is only 97 km from Istanbul.

While older buildings such as mosques survived, newer 20th-century buildings, often built from concrete mixed with salty groundwater and with disregard for local building codes, turned to dust. About 18,000 people died in the region.

In 1997 seismologists predicted that with a 12% chance the same earthquake could happen again in the region before 2026. Last year, seismologists published in the journal Nature Geoscience that the next earthquake was likely to occur west of Izmit along the fault - a dangerous 19km south of Istanbul.

3. Seattle, Washington

When residents of the Pacific Northwest city think of disasters, two scenarios come to mind: a megaquake and the eruption of Mount Rainier.

In 2001 The earthquake in the Nisqually Indian Territory prompted the city to improve its earthquake preparedness plan, and several new improvements were made to building codes. However, many older buildings, bridges and roads have still not been updated to meet the new code.

The city lies on an active tectonic boundary along the North American Plate, the Pacific Plate, and the Juan de Fuca Plate. The ancient history of both earthquakes and tsunamis is recorded in the soil of the petrified flood forests, as well as in the oral histories passed down through generations of Pacific Northwest Native Americans.

Looming vaguely in the distance, and when the cloud cover is high enough, the impressive view of Mount Rainier reminds us that this is a dormant volcano and at any time it could push up Mount St. Helens as well.
While seismologists are extremely good at monitoring volcanic tremors and alerting authorities to impending eruptions, the eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajökull volcano last year showed that the extent and duration of the eruption is just anyone's guess. Most of the devastation will affect the east of the volcano.

But if an uncharacteristic northwest wind blows, the Seattle airport and the city itself will encounter large amounts of hot ash.

4. Los Angeles, California

Disasters are nothing new to the Los Angeles area—and not all of them are talked about on TV.

Over the past 700 years, powerful earthquakes have occurred in the region every 45-144 years. The last major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 occurred 153 years ago. In other words, Los Angeles is about to experience the next big earthquake.

Los Angeles, with a population of about 4 million, could experience strong tremors during the next major earthquake. According to some estimates, taking into account all of Southern California, with a population of about 37 million people, a natural disaster could kill between 2,000 and 50,000 people and cause billions of dollars in damage.

5. San Francisco, California

San Francisco, with a population of more than 800,000 people, is another large city on the West Coast of the United States that could be devastated by a powerful earthquake and/or tsunami.
San Francisco is located near, although not exactly on the northern part of the San Andreas Fault. There are also several related faults running parallel across the San Francisco region, increasing the likelihood of an extremely destructive earthquake.

There has already been one such disaster in the history of the city. April 18, 1906 San Francisco was hit by an earthquake measuring between 7.7 and 8.3. The disaster killed 3,000 people, caused half a billion dollars in damage and leveled much of the city.

In 2005 Earthquake expert David Schwartz, a resident of San Francisco, estimated that there is a 62% chance that the region will be hit by a major earthquake within the next 30 years. Although some buildings in the city are built or reinforced to withstand an earthquake, many are still at risk, according to Schwartz. Residents are also advised to keep emergency kits with them at all times.

St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Luxurious architecture, stunning landscapes and an external impression of conviviality and absolute well-being - this is how the city seems from the outside. But the question arises, why then does the image of St. Petersburg in the works of the classics who lived in this city always appear as the focus of inexplicable melancholy, boundless sadness and chilling indifference? Why does one of the most beautiful cities on earth cause such low moods and feelings?

According to environmentalists, the origins of the general depressed mood of the residents of St. Petersburg and the depressing atmosphere of the city itself lie in the specifics of its geographical location. St. Petersburg is located at the junction of four tectonic plates: the Baltic Shield and the Russian Plate along one line, and two plates on the extensive North-Western fault along the other. Geopathogenic zones (GPZ) necessarily arise on such faults.

Geopathogenic zones (from the words “Geo” - ‘Earth’ and “pathology” - ‘disease’) are places above geological faults in the earth’s crust, where various kinds of anomalies can be traced: apartment buildings, all of whose residents get cancer; constant car accidents on the same flat sections of the road; places in the fields where the annual harvest for no apparent reason is several times lower than in the rest of the territory, etc.

The emergence of geopathogenic zones

How are geopathogenic zones formed? According to scientists, GPZs appear when tectonic plates shift. These displacements occur naturally as a result of the rotation of the planet. But due to shifts in geological strata in mineral rocks, chemical bonds are broken, which leads to the formation of “deformation” high-voltage plasma. Microscopic elements of this plasma begin to actively move towards the Earth's surface. This is how geopathogenic zones arise.

Places of formation of geopathogenic zones:

  • Areas where aquifers flow (it doesn’t matter whether they are inland waters or open rivers, canals, streams). It should be noted that the stronger the flow, the more unfavorable effect it has on a person.
  • Places located above tectonic faults in the earth's crust, above karst caves and void formations.
  • Areas based on the junction of underground communications: metro, sewerage, water supply, etc.
  • Areas above accumulations of iron, copper and other ores.
  • Intersection areas of the world geoenergy grids Hartmann and Curry. Hartmann's global geoenergy grid runs through the Earth from north to south and from west to east. The Curry network traces our planet in the directions: Northeast - Southwest and Northwest - Southeast.

Geopathogenic zones of the Leningrad region

The earth's crust under the territory of the Leningrad region has many tectonic faults. Consequently, there are plenty of geopathogenic zones in the region.

After geological studies of the Leningrad region, it turned out that Oredezh, Otradnoe-on-Neva (Sosnovo village) and Chudovo are located in areas of geopathogenic zones. All these settlements are located above the intersections of geological faults. The presence of geopathogenic zones in these areas is evidenced not only by geographical, but also by medical indicators. It was in Oredezh, Otradny-on-Neva and Chudov that the highest incidence of cancer in the Leningrad region was recorded.

Geopathogenic zones of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is located at the intersection of four tectonic transcontinental faults. They go many kilometers deep into the earth's crust and determine the coastal boundaries of the Gulf of Finland and the plan of the river network in St. Petersburg. In addition to these faults, several hundred kilometers long, others were discovered in the earth’s crust under the city: from several centimeters to tens of meters.

It has been established that geopathogenic zones affect both the biosphere and humans. In places of tectonic faults, communication breaks often occur, excessively intense water flows are observed, etc. Today there is a real threat of methane explosions in St. Petersburg. Methane collects above zones of geological faults in basements, in areas of filled-in and paved swamps.

But the places of methane accumulations in St. Petersburg are not yet as terrible as geopathogenic zones at the intersections of tectonic faults. The main nodes of geological junctions are located in the Krasnoselsky district, Vasilyevsky Island, Ozerki, Grazhdanka, Kupchino and areas along the Neva River.

In many areas of St. Petersburg, from 20 to 40% of the population lives directly in geopathogenic zones. Living in “dead” places certainly has a negative impact on people’s physical and mental health. Evidence of the adverse effects of GPP on humans is, for example, the statistics of road accidents in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg and on the St. Petersburg-Murmansk road. Road accidents in these places occur 30% more often than in other areas. People living or working in geopathic zones experience increased rates of cancer and other illnesses.

Only professionals using specialized equipment can determine the location of the geopathogenic zone with 100% reliability. In the Leningrad region, for qualified support, you can contact the Regional Geological and Environmental Center of the State Federal Unitary Enterprise “Nevskgeologiya”.

With less accuracy, a geopathogenic zone can be detected independently - using folk signs.

They were able to predict the location of “lost” places in Russia back in the 18th and 19th centuries. Then special royal commissions dealt with this.

Today, the presence of ILIs is judged by their impact on the biosphere and on humans.

You can detect a geopathogenic zone by plants. Trees such as alder, oak, elm, ash, and aspen develop well above the GPZ. But conifers (spruce, pine), as well as linden and birch in “dead” places, wither, acquire ugly growths, bending and bifurcation of trunks. Fruit trees in geopathogenic zones produce little harvest, lose leaves early, and get sick. In addition, lightning often strikes trees in the GPP.

Geopathogenic zones simply attract herbal plants such as yarrow, St. John's wort, and chamomile. But you will never see plantain and cinquefoil in the gas processing plant. The potato yield in geopathogenic zones is 2-3 times lower than in normal fields.

Shrubs do not like geopathogenic zones: raspberries dry out, currants do not develop.

As for animals, ants, bees, snakes and cats feel comfortable in geopathogenic zones.

All other animals do not tolerate being in the ILI. Cows get sick with leukemia, tuberculosis and mastitis. Milk yields decrease sharply. Dogs do not sleep in the GPZ. Sheep and horses living in geopathogenic zones often suffer from infertility. The pig strives to move its offspring away from “dead” places. Even the ubiquitous mice avoid ILIs and behave hyperactively if they accidentally get into them.

The influence of geopathogenic zones on humans

People living in “dead” places develop geopathogenic burden on the body. Its signs are: excessive nervousness, weakness, unreasonable anxiety, rapid heartbeat, frequent headaches, swelling of the fingers, burning or tingling of the skin, the problem of cold feet. Children in geopathogenic zones suffer from constant unreasonable fears and their appetite decreases. In ILI, a person’s body temperature and blood pressure often change.

“Bad” places provoke the emergence and development of cancer and mental disorders. They are capable of destroying a person’s nervous system and driving him to suicide.

In addition, geopathogenic zones can cause joint damage, cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma, arthritis, etc.

If people spend two and a half years or more on Hartmann's lines, they are highly likely to acquire cancer or tuberculosis.

People sleeping in a geopathogenic zone suffer from nightmares and insomnia. If the ILI is located at the head of the bed, the person sleeping on it also increases the risk of stroke, inflammation of the joints in the legs, brain cancer, stomach cancer, cholecystitis, intestinal ulcers, and varicose veins.

Geopathogenic burden of the body can be determined using a vegetative resonance test even 10 - 15 years after a person’s stay in the anomalous zone. A characteristic feature of people with geopathogenic burdens is that they are absolutely resistant to any treatment methods other than bioresonance therapy.

The only way to cure a person from a geopathogenic burden is his urgent evacuation from the GPP.

However, according to some researchers, geopathogenic zones can have not only negative, but also positive effects on humans. According to the hypothesis of these scientists, GPZ stimulate the creative activity of the population.

Thus, the extraordinary combination of both festivity and depression in the atmosphere of St. Petersburg becomes clear. Now it is clear what the great classics wrote about and what spurred their creative inspiration.

The Russian capital, according to official geological science, stands on a crystalline foundation 40 km thick. But even in such a powerful stone “cushion”, cracks and breaks are inevitable. Representatives of alternative science never tire of talking about this, as well as about all kinds of diseases caused by geopathogenic zones. There are plenty of places with “increased fracturing” in Moscow. Many of them, joining each other, form quite large zones. Images taken from space allow us to judge what the geological structure of the metropolis looks like.

Dome and bowl
PROBABLY, the historian of the late 19th century Ivan Zabelin was right when he wrote: “Such world-historical cities as Moscow are born in their place not at the whim of some kind and wise prince Yuri Vladimirovich, not at the whim of a happy capricious chance, but by force causes and circumstances of a higher or deeper order.” The first settlers of the places where the Mother See now stands, as you know, chose Kolomenskoye. This area, although considered one of the anomalous zones of the capital, can have a beneficial effect on people.
“Our ancestors settled not on the faults themselves, but in close proximity to them,” says Olga Tkachenko, senior researcher at the Russian Physical Society. - Radon gas is released from tectonic faults and cracks. This radioactive element is harmful in large doses, but, like many poisons, it is beneficial in small doses. It is even capable of strengthening the human skeleton, which is built in accordance with the parameters of the golden ratio. But the Kremlin, contrary to popular belief, stands not at the intersection of faults, but next to them. The fault runs through Red and Manezhnaya squares, and the fortress itself was built in a safe place, on Borovitsky Hill. In pagan times, by the way, there was a temple there. It is noteworthy that Moscow churches were also built on faults. Why is not entirely clear. Apparently, the architecture of the temple is capable of transforming telluric (earthly) radiation, turning it into some kind of positive energy.”

According to research data, the entire territory of Moscow is divided into two large geological zones. The north looks like a dome (it is slightly higher), the south looks like a bowl. The north is considered a more favorable territory for living, although if another earthquake occurs in the Southern Carpathians, these areas of the city will first feel its consequences. The fact is that the northern part of Moscow lies in the zone of a global tectonic fault.

From colds to cancer
THEY SAY that many Muscovites still come to Golosov ravine, located in Kolomenskoye, to collect “living” or “dead” water there. They also say that there are areas where cancer statistics are higher than in other places in the capital. And again they blame geology.

“In Europe, the relationship between the occurrence of cancerous tumors and tectonic faults has long been recognized,” comments Doctor of Medical Sciences Yuri Sukhanov. - In such places they even put warning signs; when buying a home, realtors warn about the risk of disease. In Moscow, no one seems to know about this! But there are “cancer houses” even on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. There are quite a lot of them on the right side of Khoroshevskoye Highway.”

How can we explain the connection between oncology and tectonics? Yuri Sukhanov claims that in geopathogenic (more correctly, in geoactive) zones, the processes of oxidation and aging of the body proceed faster - due to the same radon. The immune system and protective functions weaken, and the activity of the central nervous system is disrupted. Moreover, in the first years after settling in a geoactive zone, a person may complain of seemingly insignificant diseases - acute respiratory infections, allergies, headaches, joint pains. And more serious diseases will come later. By the way, as scientists have noticed, equipment often fails in geoactive places.
“In principle, almost the entire territory of Moscow is built incorrectly,” Olga Tkachenko sums up. - If in the old days houses were built on the boundaries of faults, then in the 20th century the need to observe this rule was simply forgotten. The water park that collapsed in February, by the way, also stood in the zone of “increased fracturing.” Just like the numerous luxury housing projects that have been built in Moscow in recent years.”

On the map of modern Moscow, a number of ring and linear tectonic structures stand out. The central structure is located on the territory between the Moscow and Yauza rivers, where the city has developed since ancient times. One of the most powerful faults, running from southeast to northwest, is located under Khoroshevskoye Highway. (The map was compiled by Irina Fedonkina, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences.)

(AiF Moscow No. 49 (595) dated December 8, 2004)

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“On the territory of Moscow, a decade and a half ago, a satellite image was taken, in which strange stripes appeared, oriented from S-S-W to NE. The spectrozonal image reflected a small outbreak of tectonic activity of the earth’s interior, and in the conditions of an anticyclone. Dark stripes alternated light, their width was about 1 km. When analyzing the identified formations, it became clear that they coincide with the oldest faults in the crystalline foundation. The most powerful strip stretched from south to north, right through the historical center of the city.

The study of the relationship of such stripes with the surviving written chronicles on the territory of Moscow showed that hurricanes of unprecedented power, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires of gigantic proportions were topographically confined to the areas of the Kremlin, Varvarka, Ilyinka, Zaryadye, Zamoskvorechye, Kitai-Gorod, present-day Lubyanka, Staraya and Novaya areas. Geologically, it has been determined that from west to east the center of Moscow is cut by a powerful ancient fault, and from south-south-west to north-north-east by the same gigantic fault, also through the city center in the above-mentioned territories, forming a cross. It is through these faults that a flow of energy flows from the bowels of the planet, which forms violent atmospheric processes.

Chronicle writing in Moscow was established relatively late. It should be remembered that books and chronicles were lost in the fires, only hundredths of a percent of them were preserved.

In the Trinity Chronicle for 1280, unprecedented hurricanes and thunderstorms were noted in Moscow (“many people were beaten by thunder”). In the 13th century, an extreme era was established for 40 years. “Storms rage, during which many people and livestock die (1280, 1299, 1300). Hurricane gusts of wind lift many yards into the air and carry them away along with people and their entire household.” Fires are raging. “On May 3, 1331, the Kremlin burned down.” In 1337 in Moscow, “everything was on fire, and then the rain was heavy.” 1365: “The city of Moscow caught fire... the whole settlement, the Kremlin and Zarechye, burned from Chertoporya.” A similar thing happened on July 21, 1389, in 1396.

During periods of such tectonic manifestations, there were auroras in Moscow: “from midnight until dawn, pillars of fire appeared, and their ends at the top were like blood.” At the same time, Moscow burned to the ground again (1401). Often in the same years and in the same places earthquakes occurred: “That same autumn, 1446, October 1, at the hour of that night the city of Moscow shook, the Kremlin and the suburbs and the churches were shaken.”

On that hill where Moscow was built from time immemorial, on the cross of faults, extreme phenomena occurred very violently. “1460 On July 13 at 6 o’clock in the afternoon a very menacing and dark cloud appeared from the west and an unusually strong storm began. The storm destroyed many buildings... the earth shook from a terrible storm, gusts of wind, thunder and lightning.” The same thing happened in 1469. On August 30, there was a strong storm with hail and thunderstorms: “burning brands and birch bark were carried far away for many miles.” Moscow burned down again.

Violent activity of the subsoil was manifested by an earthquake in 1471. The next year, on July 20, “the storm was great, the fire threw more than seven yards. Roofs were blown off churches and choirs.” Fire. Tectonics simply went wild: 1474, in the spring there was “a coward in the city of Moscow... During an earthquake, the almost completed Church of the Holy Mother of God collapsed. All the temples shook, and the earth shook.” In winter and autumn, auroras appeared. Storm 1477 September 1 with a thunderstorm: “there was great thunder.” From lightning strikes, “the head of the church and the neck fell, and the earth shook from the terrible thunder.”

In 1481-1486. Moscow burned every year, in 1493 terrible fires on April 15, July 6, 16 and 28 burned down most of the city during strong winds. In 1495 and 1507 “people and bellies were burning innumerable.” The same thing happened in 1530. The fire on June 21, 1547, during a storm, turned out to be special: “there was a great storm and fire flowed like lightning.” For three years there were auroras in the city. Storms with fires 1565 - Neglinka, 1566 - a dark cloud arose and became red as fire"; 1584, 1591, 1594, 1599: “in China-town, all the courtyards and shops in all rows burned out without a trace and the roofs on the town. And in China-town nothing will be left behind by fire, not even a single house.”

The storm of 1604 was unusual, and “in Moscow in the middle of the summer there was heavy snow and there was frost...”. Aurora in February 1626, and then fires. Storms and fires of 1631, 1633, 1649: “A great fire, as a result of which not a single stake was left in the White City.” This is in a stone city! It is easy to see that it is not the part of the city to the west of the Kremlin that is exposed to misfortunes, but to the east – on the fault lines. Here, at the junction of faults, atmospheric processes rear up spasmodically, the clouds suddenly become bloody, the environment is ionized, even flashes of auroras “above, like blood.” But the fire in the Morflot, on the Sofia embankment opposite the Kremlin, in the Rossiya Hotel, the fire in the building of the Samara Department of Internal Affairs and in many other places - the process of ionization of the environment, ignition from radiation in places of faults, a sharp increase in temperature until “melting of copper” is of the same nature 170 poods of bells instantly,” and the stones and stairwells were burning; in the Kremlin, the stones in the wall were glowing red-hot. The fire spread instantly and in a spiral.

Fiery phenomena: crimson fog, pillars of flame, balls of fire, fiery tongues blazing along mountain ridges were also noted in the 20th century. During earthquakes in Tokyo, Tangshan (China), Chile, Tashkent, etc. The second important point is the sudden expansion of the strip along the faults by several kilometers, along which the shaft of a tornado and hurricane rolls.

Thus, although today the Moscow faults have quieted down, slightly “lit up” 1 km wide, but with local exacerbations of geodynamics they are capable of capturing a strip 3-4 km wide, which is confirmed by history. Moreover, storms from any direction are drawn to the city center. There is a large sublatitudinal fault along the southern edge of Moscow, and three more luminous faults have been traced to the northwest of the center of the capital. In the geocatastrophic zone there are: the Kremlin, the Rossiya Hotel, the Duma, the FSB building complex, the Board of the Central Bank of Russia, the Olympic complex, the White House, City Hall, embassies, ZIL factories, Hammer and Sickle and hundreds of others, hazardous industries, institutes, laboratories, Ostankino Television Center, Tower, hospitals, schools, residential buildings...

But the cycle is an era of cataclysms at hand. “The Earth will shake” and how will the rescue service work if the flames are thrown a mile away, and people, cars and ladders will spin in the air and fall out in the surrounding lakes and forests.”

A very important point. The subsoil is not indifferent to nuclear installations, energy and electronic systems, pipelines and much more. There is reliable testimony from people much smarter than today's humanity: “It is an established fact among us that the magnetism of the earth produces wind, storm and rain... and there is a very strong connection between the magnetism of the earth, the changes of the weather and man.” Let's add - and to the products of his hands. There are many “Chernobyls” in Moscow, but one is enough.
Science does not yet know the laws, causes, periods and cycles of such phenomena. We are seeing the consequences. They were and are coming, definitely and suddenly. What’s worse is that they are not there now, and we are not psychologically prepared for this.

book "Detection and neutralization of geopathogenic radiation of the Earth"
author's website

short article
- The capital of Russia “floats” in the water, like an iceberg in the Arctic Ocean
Moscow fault map

+ Info from here Article from the magazine “Knowledge is Power”, Nr.4"97

Moscow at the crossroads of two great faults
So, during anomalous solar cycles, a pulsating increase in the size of the Earth occurs. At the same time, planetary faults are formed in the earth’s crust, which pass through it, “without paying attention” to whether it is an ocean or land, a mountainous folded region or an ancient platform. These faults are very active, grow very quickly in depth and breadth, and it is in their zones that extraordinary natural and technical phenomena.

I will briefly describe two such faults that pass quite close to Moscow.

Sicilian-Uralic. The famous Etna, located at the southwestern end of this fault, was not particularly active until the middle of the 17th century and did not cause much trouble to local residents. But in 1669 she suddenly went crazy - the eruption of that year still remains the strongest eruption of this volcano. And in 1693, a new misfortune struck Sicily - an earthquake of unprecedented strength that destroyed the city of Catania.

I must admit that, having discovered this fault, I believed for some time that its development began precisely in Sicily and then proceeded from west to east: the fault crossed the Adriatic Sea, creating a deep-sea depression in it, passed through the Balkans, and caused the strong Pishkelt earthquakes of 1829 and 1834 years on the border of Romania and Ukraine, created huge landslides in Chernivtsi and a cluster of gypsum caves in Podolia (Figure 2), crossed the ill-fated Berdichev, where houses are constantly cracking and collapsing, passed Chernobyl, where at that time there was no nuclear power plant, caused the formation of karst caves in the north of the Chernihiv region, crossed Tula and reached Nizhny Novgorod, where he formed the huge and very active Dzerzhinsky karst region, as well as several large Oka and Volga landslides. As I believed, the fault ended its journey in the Kama region, the Urals and Trans-Urals, forming there a huge number of karst caves, craters, failures, basins, as well as a whole constellation of epicenters of quite strong earthquakes. And, looking at this constellation, I saw at the very northeastern end of the fault, just south of the city of Serov, the epicenter of the earthquake that occurred in 1693. Yes, the very same day when Catania died!

What does it mean if earthquakes occur at two opposite ends of a fault in the same year? This means that the fault formed along its entire length at once. And its development, expansion and deepening did not go from west to east, as I thought at first, but simultaneously along its entire length, “from Sicily to the Urals.”

I note that, from my point of view, the cause of the Chernobyl tragedy was electromagnetic, plasma radiation from the Sicilian-Ural fault, which caused an explosion in the underground bunker of the fourth power unit. The fact that this explosion, which occurred twenty seconds before the disaster, was precisely electromagnetic, is proven by its temperature, which was thirty to forty thousand degrees. And an explosion at such a temperature could be caused by either nuclear (which is completely excluded) or electromagnetic energy.

Therefore, I consider it necessary to emphasize that the Sicilian-Ural fault runs one hundred and ten kilometers from Obninsk and the Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports, seventy kilometers from Serpukhov, and goes through Tula, Dzerzhinsk, and Nizhny Novgorod. It must be borne in mind that any large fault has many “feathering” branches diverging in all directions. And the fact that the Sicilian-Ural fault is very young, it is only three hundred years old, and it is not yet expressed either in the geological structure or in the relief features. This is an “invisible” rael, which explains the fact that it is still not known to scientists.

Saratov-Ladoga fault. It passes Saratov, where a seven-magnitude (!) earthquake occurred in 1807, Chembar (now Belinsky), where a phenomenon reminiscent of the Tunguska was noted in 1886; Sasovo, where mysterious explosions with craters thirty meters deep occurred in 1991 and 1992; the village of Novoselovo, Vladimir region, where on March 27, 1968, a MIG-15 with Yu.A. Gagarin fell; the city of Kolchugino, located one hundred and twenty kilometers from the center of Moscow; the city of Kalyazin, seventy kilometers from Dubna, and, finally, Lake Ladoga, where in 1911-1926 a series of ten earthquakes, surprising for platforms, occurred. This fault is also very young and also has “feathering” branches

A quick examination of some areas of Moscow during my last visits to my beloved city showed that he can hardly “sleep peacefully.” The zone of deformation of buildings, stretching through the Duma, National, Mokhovaya, State Library and Volkhonka, to the Polyanka metro area, is not at all the result of the construction of the Chertanovsky metro radius, but a clear, rapidly developing “feathering” branch of the Saratov-Ladoga fault. I did not conduct any underground observations or measurements, but over three decades of research in collapsing Odessa, I acquired the experience, skill and intuition that allows me to accurately identify active tectonic faults in cities.

To the east of the Saratov-Ladoga fault there are several more of its brothers. The Onega-Orenburg fault, which crosses the Plesetsk cosmodrome and KamAZ, is especially important. The scope of the article does not allow us to consider it in more detail.
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