Mental infection and imitation. Explanatory note This course “Methods of teaching psychology

Communication mechanisms are socio-psychological phenomena and processes that arise as a result of the mutual influence of people on each other, which have a direct impact on the level of their psychological contact and mutual understanding, on the nature and effectiveness of their communicative behavior.

Mechanisms of influence on humans:

Infection – the most ancient mechanism. The transfer of a certain emotional, mental mood from one person to another is based on an appeal to the emotional-unconscious sphere of a person (infection with panic, irritation, laughter). The product of the impact on others of the powerful energy of the mental state of an individual or group, the human ability to perceive, sympathize, participate, and empathize with this state.

Infection characterizes the largely unconscious, involuntary susceptibility of an individual to certain mental states.

The effect depends on the intensity of the emotional state of the influencer and the number of listeners. The higher the emotional state of the affected person, the more powerful the effect. For a feeling of unity to arise, under the influence of an emotional trance, the number of people must be large enough.

Infection functions:

1. Even greater strengthening of group cohesion, when such cohesion already takes place.

2. A means of compensating for the lack of organizational cohesion of the group.

Suggestion - based on an appeal to the unconscious, to human emotions, but by verbal means. Moreover, the influencer must be in a rational state, and not in a state of emotional trance.

Suggestion appeals to the individual’s readiness to receive instructions for action, orders.

You can only inspire with words. The role of intonation is very important: 90% depends on intonation, which expresses the persuasiveness and significance of the word.

Suggestibility is the degree of susceptibility to suggestion, the ability to uncritically perceive incoming information. It is not the same: it is higher in persons with a weak nervous system and with sharp fluctuations in attention, extroverts, trusting, anxious, pliable, a weak desire for self-expression, reproductive thinking, the desire to work according to a model. Difficult to inspire - a strong type of nervous system, a fast pace of psychological work, an introvert, a skeptic, calm, stubborn, a strong desire for self-expression, a creative figure, independent.

Forms of suggestion:

1. Hypnotic suggestion

2. Suggestion in a state of relaxation - muscular and mental relaxation

3. Suggestion in an active state when a person is awake

Suggestion techniques are aimed at reducing a person’s criticality when receiving information, reducing criticality and increasing a person’s compliance to the information received.

1. The transfer technique assumes that when transmitting a message, a new one is associated with well-known facts, phenomena, people to whom a person has an emotionally positive attitude, so that this emotional state is transferred to new information (transfer of a negative attitude, then the information is rejected).

2. Techniques of evidence (quoting a famous person, scientist, thinker).

3. Appeal to everyone (most people believe that..)

Belief - appeals to logic and reason. Assumes a fairly high level of development of logical thinking. The content and form of persuasion must correspond to the level of personal development and thinking.

1. Persuasive speech should be constructed taking into account the individual characteristics of the listener.

2. It must be consistent, logical, as evidence-based as possible, and contain both general and specific examples.

3. It is necessary to analyze the facts known to the listeners.

4. The person who persuades must himself be deeply convinced of what he is proving.

The slightest inaccuracy or logical inconsistency will reduce the effect of persuasion.

1) The listener compares the information he receives with what he has, and as a result, an idea is created of how the speaker presents it, where he gets it from; if it seems to a person that the speaker is telling a lie, hiding facts, then trust in him drops sharply.

3) The attitudes of the speaker and the listener are compared. If the distance is large, then persuasion may be ineffective, but the persuader may first communicate elements of similarity with the views of the persuaded. Or, on the contrary, first report significant differences in attitudes, and then confidently prove and refute alien opinions (this is extremely difficult to do).

THAT persuasion is a method of influence based on logical techniques, which are mixed with social and psychological pressures of various kinds (the influence of the authority of the source of information, group influence). Persuasion is more effective when the group is persuaded rather than the individual.

Conviction is based on logical methods of evidence. The evidence consists of:

1. A thesis is a thought whose truth needs to be proven; it must be clear, precise, unambiguously defined and supported by facts.

2. An argument is a thought whose truth has already been proven, and therefore it is presented to justify the truth or falsity of the thesis.

3. Demonstration - logical reasoning, a set of logical rules used in proof.

The boomerang effect - persuasion leads to results opposite to the intentions of the persuader. It happens:

1. When the initial attitudes between the persuader and the persuaded are separated by a large distance, and from the very beginning the speaker shows this, but does not have compelling arguments and authority. The audience does not listen, rejects the information and further strengthens its position.

2. In case of an abundance of information, arguments, evidence for an insignificant reason. An emotional barrier is created that rejects all convincing arguments, although outwardly the person may agree.

Efficiency depends on the primary and secondary nature of information: Primary information is perceived easier, more trustingly, they are not influenced by previous prejudices, however, information about a long-known event or person, which was received last, can negate the previously existing attitude towards this event or person.

Imitation – reproduction of the activities, actions, qualities of another person whom you want to be like.

Conditions for imitation:

· Having a positive emotional attitude, admiration or respect for this person - the object of imitation.

· Less experience of a person compared to the object of imitation.

· Clarity, expressiveness, attractiveness of the sample.

· Availability of the sample, at least partially..

· Conscious orientation of a person’s desires and will towards an object of imitation (one wants to be like that).

Imitation is the most important factor in the development of a child’s personality, but it is also inherent in adults. Young people imitate first of all what is socially new.

Tarde divided imitation into types:

1) Logical and extra-logical

2) According to the sequence and mechanism of movement - internally and externally

3) According to the degree of stability - imitation-fashion and imitation-custom

4) By social nature - imitation within a class and imitation of one class to another.

Unconscious involuntary susceptibility of an individual to certain mental states. In this case, it is not the conscious transmission/reception of some information or pattern of behavior that occurs, but the transmission of a certain emotional state (mental state). Since all this takes place en masse, multiple mutual intensification of the emotional states of communicating people is observed.

Religious ecstasies;

Mass psychoses;

Panic (a consequence of a lack or excess of information about frightening or incomprehensible news). But if in a situation of panic there is a person who is able to offer a model of behavior that will restore the normal emotional state of the crowd, the panic can be stopped;

Emotional contagion in situations of mass spectacles. It has been established that for infection to occur, it is necessary to establish a commonality of assessments (a popular artist, a fascist leader, etc.), which is greatly facilitated by preliminary applause.

Infection is not only an asocial mechanism. A positive example can be infection by personal example in war, during rescue work in disaster zones, etc. How to run it? Unfortunately, this issue has been practically unexplored.

Purposeful, unreasoned influence of one person on another or on a group. Here, unlike infection, information is transmitted, but it is perceived uncritically.

Differences between the mechanism of suggestion and the mechanism of infection:

Contagion - empathy by the entire mass of people (including the leader) of the general mental state; during suggestion, the suggestor is not subjected to the same condition as the receiving individuals.

Suggestion is usually verbal; During infection, other means are also used (exclamations, rhythms, etc.)

The differences between the mechanism of suggestion and persuasion are as follows.

Suggestion directly causes a certain mental state, without the need for evidence and logic; here it is not agreement that is achieved, but simply the acceptance of information as a ready-made conclusion; u. occurs by a logical method, and the conclusion is made by the person being convinced. In other words, persuasion is an intellectual influence, and suggestion is an emotional-volitional influence. Hence the factors of the effectiveness of social suggestion:

In general, children are more suggestible than adults;

People who are tired, weakened physically and emotionally are more suggestible;

Thus, suggestion refers to manipulative methods of influencing the audience. Methods of resistance to suggestion and methods of removing this mental self-defense (counter-counter-suggestion) have been studied.

We find examples of suggestion in propaganda and advertising. Both formally appeal to logic and consciousness, but the method of suggestion is used very widely. In particular, a special concept has been developed here (a specific image of a perceived object, when the perspective of perception is deliberately shifted and only certain sides of the object are emphasized). The image thickens the colors of the image that the advertiser needs and, thereby, serves as a mechanism of suggestion. In addition, a well-constructed image addresses the emotional side of perception, which facilitates suggestion.

An individual’s reproduction of traits and patterns of demonstrated behavior. There are imitation-fashion and imitation-custom, imitation within one social class and imitation of one class to another. The following laws of mass imitation are formulated:

Internal models evoke imitation earlier than external ones. For example, the spirit of religion begins to be imitated earlier than rituals;

The lowest on the social ladder imitate the highest (the province - the center, the nobility - the royal court, etc.).

All the mentioned mechanisms of influence on members of a spontaneous group, of course, are not one-sided. There is always a reverse movement - from the individual to the influence exerted on him, and its intensity depends on the degree of criticality of the individuals who make up the spontaneous group.

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    Method of persuasion. This method is used in messages aimed at changing a person’s views, his relationships, and forming new ones. Persuasion is the main method of influence and is extremely widely used in practical activities.

    ^ Persuasion is understood, on the one hand, as a diverse influence on a person with the aim of developing certain qualities in him and getting rid of others, and on the other hand - motivation for a certain activity. The main components of persuasion are information (story), explanation, evidence and refutation, and conversation.

    In order to encourage a person to act, information plays an important role, which is necessary because a person, before doing something, must be convinced that it is worth doing. In order to induce the person of interest to the desired practical activity, the communicator should first of all inform him about the value of the goal and the likelihood of achieving it, that is, convince him of the advisability of the action. Information can be provided in different ways and means. One of them is the story.

    Story is a lively and imaginative presentation of information with the aim of communicating to the object the facts and conclusions necessary to motivate him to action. Being in a form free from any canons, the story allows the communicator to convince and convince the interlocutor.

    Analyzing clarification As one of the components of persuasion, its most typical types can be distinguished: schematic, narrative, reasoning and problematic.

    A schematic explanation is appropriate when instructing, when the interlocutor must assimilate, or rather, remember the information being communicated. Such an explanation is carried out in clear, clear language, in short phrases. Narrative explanation is a presentation of facts in the form of a living story that leads to appropriate conclusions with logical consistency.

    Reasoning explanation consists in the fact that we pose questions to the interlocutor, forcing him to think about them, and through a series of logical reasoning we ourselves lead him to the desired conclusion. The problem explanation differs from the previous ones in that the communicator does not provide answers to the questions posed. The interested person himself comes to the answers, but the material for clarification is presented to him in such a way that it leads him to the conclusion that we need.

    One should also take into account here the elements of evidence that are built according to the laws of logic and which indicate that the evidence will be very effective if it is based on facts that are either correct in their essence or are perceived by the interlocutor as correct. The logic of evidence is associated with the specifics of the relationship between thesis and argument: thesis- this is a position the truth or logic of which must be revealed; argument- this is a position from which the truth of the thesis being proven follows.

    The more carefully we select our arguments, the more convincing the proof will be. These include: reliable facts; definition of the basic concepts of a specific field of knowledge; provisions whose truth has been previously proven. The most important thing for practical communicative activities are facts. People are used to relying on facts. Facts create in them the appropriate mood to perceive reality and form an attitude.

    From a logical point of view refutation has the same nature as evidence. By proving one idea to the interlocutor, the communicator thereby refutes another. Refutation deals with criticism of the established views of the person of interest, with the destruction of old ones and the formation of new ones. Hence, in the process of refutation, it is necessary to use psychological methods along with logical ones. The success of a rebuttal has a lot to do with interview tactics. In fact, the entire process of persuasion depends on how the conversation is structured and how it is conducted.

    Large role in carrying out conversations questions from the communicator play. Depending on the functions performed, questions can be: leading, probing, direct, situational, clarifying and approving.

    The conversation usually begins with a leading question. This question is framed in such a way that it inspires the interlocutor to present his ideas. The question should feel that the communicator is ready to share the point of view of his interlocutor. The question can aggravate, or vice versa, weaken the vigilance of the interlocutor. Therefore, the formulation of the leading question should be treated with particular care.

    If you need to obtain any information, apply probing questions, which come in three types:

    a) specific (“What do you say about?..”);

    b) veiled (“So how?”, “So what?”);

    c) suggestive (“Maybe you’ll think about it?”, “How would you rate this?”, etc.)

    When you need to confuse your interlocutor, they use direct questions, requiring a “yes” or “no” answer (“Were you there?”). This function also uses alternative questions: “If this is not so, then what do you think?”

    The strategy for posing a question is simple: having posed a question, you need to wait for an answer. Silence is the most important stimulator of the interlocutor’s speech activity. On the one hand, silence allows the interlocutor to collect his thoughts, and on the other hand, it forces him to speak out more quickly. The interlocutor here is stimulated subconsciously.

    Also important are situational questions. Their main goal is to encourage the interlocutor to be active. These questions model a similar situation: “But suppose you were in his place?” After this, it is always appropriate to begin a phrase with questions: “What?”, “How?”, “To what extent”?” And etc.

    ^ Clarifying questions should apply to the entire conversation (“So what do you want?”). However, if you ask it in this form, the interlocutor begins to think that his partner decided everything in advance or did not listen to him attentively. Therefore, it is better to say a phrase to which the answer must be “yes”: “So you think that “A” is wrong?” - "Yes". They can go for this affirmative questions: “You and I agree on the main thing, don’t we?”

    At the end of the conversation, questions should be asked to summarize the results. The sequence of asking questions should be as follows:

    1. “Well, have we discussed the main thing?”

    2. “What did we find out?”

    3. “What conclusions have we come to?”
    In many cases, the behavior of the communicator is very important. Psychological observations lead to the need to recommend the following:

    1) do not sit on the edge of your chair, it seems that you want to force the conversation;

    1. do not spin around in your chair, this indicates uncertainty and indecision;

    2. don’t waste time, think through the plan more carefully;

    3. do not rush, haste leads to miscalculations;

    4. ask questions skillfully, a well-posed question is already half the battle;

    5. use the pronoun “I” as little as possible;

    6. do not look down on your interlocutor;

    7. do not ask unnecessary questions, they alarm the interlocutor;

    8. don’t get excited, it’s best if you feel warmth in your speech;

    1. do not pretend to be a soothsayer;

    2. do not draw conclusions for your interlocutor;

    3. Make as few promises as possible.
    The use of the method of persuasion can only be effective when it simultaneously affects all spheres of the human psyche: emotional, intellectual, volitional.

    The process of persuasion should always help the object of our interest to understand confusing, contradictory circumstances, make the right decision, identify mistakes made, and realize their guilt. In order for the method of persuasion to produce the necessary results, it is necessary to excite the mental activity of the person being persuaded, to direct it so that it leads the person being persuaded to the very conclusions of which they want to convince him. It is also necessary to predict the course of his thoughts, change the arguments, the direction of belief in connection with his identified doubts.

    ^ Persuasion in all cases is a process that includes the following basic elements:

    1. presentation of certain arguments;

    1. transmission of information confirming the correctness of the arguments presented;

    1. listening to doubts and objections;

    2. presentation of new arguments taking into account objections;

    1. repetition of individual arguments and elements of transmitted information in order to more fully influence the course of the thought processes of the person being persuaded.
    When carrying out persuasion, one should take into account all the positive features and properties of the person being convinced, and appropriately focus attention on them, also using contrast to their properties and attitudes of other objects. It is very important to identify points of hesitation and doubts of the person being persuaded. In this regard, in the process of applying the method of persuasion, you should continue to carefully study the person, observe his reactions, changes in behavior, facial expressions, gestures, etc.

    Of course, the process of persuasion presupposes the obligatory clarification of arguments and objections on the part of the person being persuaded. He may agree with the arguments, doubt them, or express a negative attitude towards them. If there are doubts or a denial is expressed during the persuasion process, it is necessary to find out the reason and, taking it into account, resume the persuasion process with new arguments, additional information, and repetition of the arguments in a different way, which can help change the attitude of the person being persuaded towards them.

    It should be noted that the belief must satisfy the following requirements:

    1. meet the level of development of the person being persuaded; be built taking into account the age, educational, professional and other individual mental characteristics of a given person;

    2. be consistent, logical, evidence-based;

    3. excite the mental activity of the person being persuaded;

    4. contain both a generalization of the situation, conclusions, and specific facts;

    5. contain an analysis of mutually known facts;

    6. the person who persuades must sincerely believe in what he is convincing;
    7) take into account the capabilities and characteristics of the person being convinced. As a rule, the effectiveness of persuasive influence depends on a number of conditions: Firstly, on the strength of the impact itself; Secondly, on the character, characteristics of the mental makeup of the person being influenced and their consideration when building a belief; Thirdly, from the intellectual and emotional state of the persuader at the time of their relationship. In each case, in a different, purely individual way, it is necessary to use methods of persuasion when influencing a specific person.

    ^ Coercion method . It is known that it is not always possible to achieve success by influencing a person with persuasion. Often we have to resort to coercion. It should be noted, however, that naked coercion, isolated from persuasion, is harmful in many cases. It is important that the target to some extent understands the inevitability of coercive measures taken against him. And this is achieved, as a rule, in the case when coercion is preceded by persuasion. This methodological position should become the basis for choosing coercion as a method of influencing a person in practical activities.

    By its nature, coercion is divided into physical and psychological. Physical coercion is based on the use of force (we do not consider it). Psychological coercion acts as an inducement of the person of interest to a certain activity contrary to his wishes. The very fact of coercion is present in persuasion. However, here the object of interest, after carrying out explanatory work with him, consciously, without emotional pressure from the communicator, fulfills what is prescribed. In the process of psychological coercion, the object fulfills the order in a state of strong internal protest. And only external circumstances force him to obey.

    Therefore, the most important condition for using the coercion method is an external prerequisite. If there is no such prerequisite, coercion becomes meaningless. In conditions of practical activity, such a prerequisite for coercion is a feeling of fear, which in its primitive form is associated with an unconditional defensive reflex and is most elementally manifested in the mechanisms of the self-preservation instinct. The social nature of fear is very complex and has not yet been studied. However, it has long been known that fear is caused and intensified when a person is aware of, and sometimes acutely experiences, his weakness. The communicator must know this pattern and clearly understand that fear has little effect on a strong person. For a person, unstable fear is the strongest motivating factor. This means that coercion is associated not only with external factors, but also, of course, with internal, psychological ones.

    It should be noted here that when assessing the possibility of using coercion against a particular person, you need to mentally take his point of view and draw conclusions about whether this person, say, after presenting him with compromising materials,

    rials feelings of fear. If the person of interest, having comprehended the situation, evaluates it for himself as dangerous, he will be to some extent gripped by fear. The use of coercion here is justified and, one might say, even prepared. If the person of interest in this situation does not perceive danger and fear does not arise, then the use of coercion will be meaningless.

    The emergence of a feeling of fear indicates that a person is directly involved in experiencing the situation. But since people experience differently, then, of course, they will treat the same materials presented differently. Of course, over-emotional, shy people, as a rule, overestimate the seriousness of the troubles that suddenly arise in them. Purposeful energetic pressure on them can intensify the excitement that has arisen in them and bring it to the level of fear. Less sensitive natures, on the contrary, underestimate this seriousness, and therefore methodical “processing” is required so that a feeling of fear arises in them.

    In practical activities, the main methods of psychological coercion are: prohibition, categorical demand, warning and threat.

    Prohibition suggests an inhibitory effect on the individual. It comes in two forms:

    a) prohibition of impulsive actions;

    b) prohibition of illegal behavior that borders on coercion and persuasion. The use of a prohibition in many cases does not affect the relationship between the communicator and the interlocutor.

    ^ Categorical requirement lies in the power of the order and can only be effective when the communicator has very great authority with the target. In other cases, this technique may be useless and sometimes even harmful. In many respects, a categorical requirement is identical to a prohibition, but among the methods of coercion it is more significant than a prohibition.

    Warning, as a rule, it replaces the beginning of a new stage in the relationship with the object of influence. If before the warning these relationships are characterized by mutual trust, then with its use they take on the color of dominance on the part of the communicator. The meaning of the warning is that the communicator causes anxiety in the target, and accordingly, on its basis, a desire to prevent negative consequences for oneself (the interlocutor). In a warning, in addition to content, tone is of great importance. It must be impressive, with an element of threat. All this proves obvious pressure on the object and causes mainly negative feelings in him; a predominant feeling of anxiety and fear for the consequences of his behavior appears. This is what prompts the interlocutor to make certain efforts on himself and obey the communicator’s instructions.

    Threat crowns the hierarchy of coercion, bringing the interlocutor to a state of intense experience, generating a feeling of fear. In order to use a threat, it must create a feeling of fear in the interlocutor.

    Psychological research, especially recently, shows that there are people who are very resistant to fear. Therefore, it is quite difficult to apply coercion to them. In order to exert psychological influence on such persons, the method of suggestion is used.

    ^ Method of suggestion. Let us note that suggestion is one of the means of mutual influence between people in the process of their communication. The peculiarity of suggestion is that it influences the behavior of the object of influence unnoticed by him. Uncontrollably penetrating the psyche, the inspired idea is realized in the form of actions. At the same time, the person himself evaluates his actions as self-evident.

    Practical activity, saturated with a wide variety of communication elements, represents a vast area for suggestion. From this it is clear that mastering at least some of the techniques of suggestion is very important for any communicator.

    The word "suggestion" has a number of meanings. We will consider suggestion as a specific effect on a person in the waking state. Such suggestion, as a rule, is not characterized by uncontrollability, but only by dulled consciousness and a decrease in criticality in the person of interest.

    It should be noted that suggestion as a method of influencing a person is a psychological influence perceived by the object without proper control of consciousness. The suggestive effect is based on a specific quality of the human psyche - suggestibility, that is, the ability to perceive suggestion. In order to use the techniques of suggestion, you must be able to identify suggestible people and determine the state of their maximum suggestibility.

    The degree of suggestibility depends mainly on the nature of the social role performed by the individual, a sharp change in which, as a rule, creates favorable conditions for increasing suggestibility. And vice versa, an increase in the significance of the social role being performed leads to an increase in the independence of the object, based on a critical attitude towards one’s actions.

    A communicator, if he carefully observes the person he is interested in, can always say with confidence whether this person’s level of suggestibility has increased or decreased.

    Practice shows that suggestibility is also influenced by the properties of the human nervous system. K.I. Platonov noted that one of the reasons for the weak suggestibility characteristic of some individuals may be the prevalence of the second signaling system over the first (mental type of nervous system) with high balance and mobility of the main cortical processes. Suggestibles, as a rule, belong to a pronounced artistic type of nervous system. Suggestibility also depends on a person’s mental state and anxiety. Suggestibility is closely related to the characteristics of the human psyche.

    This indicates the fact that the communicator, using the methods of studying personality available to him, has the opportunity to draw a conclusion about the suggestibility of the interlocutor of interest. However, in doing so, he must certainly take into account the attitude of this person to the suggested influence.

    Recently, research has proven that, despite the theoretical possibility of transferring the psyche of the person of interest to a state of reduced criticality, it is almost impossible to quickly instill in him an idea that contradicts his moral principles. This proposal is also supported by the fact that in the waking state and in light phases of hypnosis, it is almost impossible to force the subject, through suggestion, to commit actions that are unlawful to his beliefs and views. It should be noted, however, that all this in no way indicates the low applicability of the method of suggestion in the waking state. Among other methods of suggestion, it is the most effective.

    The simplest, but at the same time the most reliable way to introduce the object of influence into the background state is muscle relaxation (relaxation). Its essence lies in the fact that during relaxation, the cerebral cortex of the suggestible person is to a certain extent freed from side effects and is prepared to perceive the words of the suggestor. If a meeting with the person of interest takes place in an intimate setting, then there is every opportunity to ensure muscle relaxation of the latter. This is facilitated by soft and dim light, calm tones of the environment, monotonous sounds (muffled music, distant noise of traffic, sea waves, etc.). In such conditions, when focusing attention on the words of the communicator, the object of influence is brought to a state of increased suggestibility. For many, it can be enhanced by the optimal dose of alcohol. Solitude is not always useful, since in some cases it creates anxiety in the subject.

    A high degree of relaxation of the object of influence can be judged by a number of signs: the torso thrown back on the back of a chair or chair, a flushed face, shiny eyes, legs freely apart, arms straightened or slightly bent at the elbows. A figure bent over the table, bent legs, a wandering gaze, wrinkles on the forehead and vertical folds on the bridge of the nose indicate the subject’s tense state. At the same time, both “relaxation” and emotional tension, paralyzing thinking, enhance suggestibility. The introduced idea is presented in both cases, as a rule, by direct suggestion: in conditions of relaxation, the technique of instruction is more often used, and in conditions of tension, commands or orders. If the object of our interest is in a state of strong tense anticipation, then these techniques turn out to be little effective; In order for the suggested idea to achieve its goal, that is, to take root in the psyche of the suggestible, it is necessary to relieve this tension. If the object of influence does not show signs of either relaxation or tension, then the background state necessary for suggestion can be caused by identification, that is, identifying oneself with the object according to aspects that are significant to it. Identification with the object of influence is facilitated if the suggestor:

    1. looks at things, facts, events through the eyes of the object;

    2. treats his thoughts and desires sympathetically;

    3. evokes positive emotions in him.
    And this leads to the fact that the object of influence is more likely to accept advice or proposals from the suggestor. This can also be achieved by activating the subject's innermost feelings.

    ^ Method of setting and varying mental tasks. Influence is carried out not only by transmitting certain positive information. Information impact can take place in the form of posing a question - a mental task. Its main essence comes down to setting tasks for the purpose of developing and directing the thought processes of the persons affected.

    The impact is:

    1. techniques for posing a problem (question);

    2. the direction of thought processes as a result of posing a problem (question);

    3. providing assistance in solving a given mental problem. The formulation of a mental task in the process of communication is carried out using questions. Therefore, to achieve the goals of the method, it is necessary to carefully study the features, types of questions, and possible options for behavior when posing them.
    Awareness of conflict in communication enhances reflexive activity, and at the same time the significance of each issue. It always presupposes a certain knowledge of this or that information that is expected by posing the question. This enhances the impact of the question itself and significantly activates the mental activity of the person to whom this question is directly addressed.

    You can not only pose a question, but also express your attitude to certain facts in it. For this we use:

    1. various interrogative particles;

    2. types of speech intonation;

    3. combination of question form with facial expressions.
    Interrogative particles can express doubt, distrust, or even belief in the opposite of what is contained in the question (particles “really”, “is it”, etc.). The significance of the question is often enhanced by the intonation of the communicator. In addition to intonation, this question can be significantly enhanced by facial expressions (irony, affirmation, refutation, persuasion, etc.).

    In practical activities, using this method, the process of remembering by association is also realized. By asking a series of questions about the development of a certain event, one achieves a significant revival of temporary connections and restoration in memory of facts and events that develop in parallel to the event in relation to which questions were posed - mental tasks for recall.

    With the help of setting mental tasks, they initiate the process of analyzing their actions, which is an indispensable condition for making certain volitional decisions, changing their attitude towards their behavior and actions. This cannot be achieved by transmitting information alone or by persuasion alone. It is necessary that the active processing of all the facts, all the transmitted arguments, be carried out by the person who is directly affected. This role is played by the method of setting mental tasks.

    The above methods of influence refer to intentional, directed influence, in which a person deliberately selects the right words to achieve a certain goal, touches the corresponding aspects of the soul, and looks for suitable forms of argumentation.

    TO unintended influence include infection and imitation. It does not have specific goals, but arises for some reason. This may be natural charm that immediately attracts a person, or, on the contrary, something extremely unpleasant in appearance and manners that repels and causes fear.

    ^ Contagion is an unconscious, involuntary exposure of an individual to certain mental states. It manifests itself through the transmission of a certain emotional state. Since this emotional state occurs in a mass of people, a mechanism of multiple mutual reinforcement of the emotional effects of communicating people operates. The individual here does not experience organized, deliberate pressure, but simply unconsciously assimilates patterns of someone else's behavior, only by obeying him. The extent to which different audiences are susceptible to infection depends, of course, on the general level of development of the individuals composing the audience, and more specifically, on the level of development of their self-awareness.

    Imitation- this is a conscious or unconscious repetition, reproduction by a person of the psychological characteristics and behavior of other people, i.e. copying the behavior and speech of another person. There are two types of imitation:

    1. simple– in which there is no conflict associated with the execution of the act of imitation.

    2. imitation, in which a person initially experiences conflict or a feeling of discomfort about whether he should or should not imitate other people.

    However, if a person sees that other people behave in a similar way, then the strength of his internal resistance to imitation decreases. Imitation is one of the main mechanisms of human socialization, the acquisition of useful experience and those psychological properties that characterize him as a developed personality.

    Imitation manifests itself from childhood, as copying the behavior patterns of parents, then significant adults, social authorities, and idols.
    Questions for self-control:

    1. Describe psychological impact as a category of communication.

    2. What conditions must be taken into account for the success of psychological influence?

    3. List the main methods of psychological influence.

    4. What factors should be taken into account when influencing by the method of transmitting information?

    5. How does the method of persuasion differ from the method of coercion?

    6. How to skillfully use the method of suggestion in teaching practice?

    7. What is the peculiarity and usefulness of the method of setting and varying mental tasks?

    Topic 5.. Developing an audience-centered lecture strategy.

    1. Scheme of step-by-step preparation of a lecture.

    2. Selecting a topic and defining a target setting.

    3. Selection and primary processing of material.

    Scheme of step-by-step preparation of a lecture:

    1. Analytical stage– problem analysis of the topic; formulation of main questions; searching for answers to basic questions in theory. ^ Summary: theoretical concept of the lecture.

    2. Strategic stage– determination of the “image” of the audience; formulation of the target setting; definition of the task of the super task; formulation of the thesis and advertising headline. Result: working thesis and advertising title of the lecture.

    3. ^ Tactical stage – selection of facts, arguments, illustrations; selection of methods and techniques that activate the mental activity of listeners; selection of means that attract attention and interest at different stages; development of lecture composition. Result: general plan and composition of the lecture.

    4. Editorial stage – proofreading (correction of incorrectly and inaccurately used words and expressions); replacing expressions characteristic of written speech with forms of oral speech; clarification of complex terms and concepts, getting rid of unnecessary words, repetitions, dissonant combinations; search for the most striking, effective words and expressions; cleaning text from speech cliches. Result: edited, spoken text of the lecture.

    5. ^ Working (classroom) stage – orientation to a specific audience and adjustment of lecture tactics in accordance with the real situation; delivering a lecture, establishing contact with listeners; changing tactics in the process of self-control and as a result of “feedback” from listeners. Bottom line: lecture given.

    6. ^ Final stage – self-analysis (understanding the reasons for advantages and disadvantages, successes and failures); study and analysis of listener opinions; improving the lecture text taking into account the results of the final control. Bottom line : edited text and lecture outline.

    Every speech should have a topic, a general purpose and a specific purpose.

    1. Choose a topic that suits your knowledge and interests.

    2. Avoid copying from magazine articles or books - think for yourself.

    3. Choose a range of topics on which training can provide more knowledge than your audience possesses.

    4. Choose a relevant topic that matches the current interests and state of mind of those gathered, i.e. must match the audience.

    5. The topic should be quite important, interesting and understandable. Whether the topic is important and exciting depends on:

    • the main interests of the audience;

    • group interests;

    • topical interests;

    • specific interests;

    • novelty of the topic;

    • the beginnings of the conflict embedded in the topic (controversial issues).
    6. The topic should be beautifully designed, like an advertising headline, attracting attention with its content.

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    The Encyclopedia of Sociology gives the following definition of mental infection. Mental contagion is a collective name for a number of events and phenomena of an individual mental and socio-psychological order in the behavior of people, the prerequisites for which are the mechanisms of suggestion and imitation. The determining factor for mental infection is the clear dominance of the emotional component of its implementation and manifestation. Mental contamination is closely connected with such a phenomenon as “fashion”, as well as with precedents for such phenomena as collective phobias (fears) of various types. The first attempt at a strictly sociological explanation of the phenomena of mental infection was carried out by G. Le Bon in his project for reconstructing the behavior of human “crowds”.

    According to Andreeva, infection has long been studied as a special method of influence that in a certain way integrates large masses of people, especially in connection with the emergence of such phenomena as religious ecstasies, mass psychoses, etc. The phenomenon of infection was known, apparently, at the earliest stages of human history and had diverse manifestations: massive outbreaks of various mental states that arise during ritual dances, sports excitement, situations of panic, etc.

    Contagion can be defined as the unconscious, involuntary exposure of an individual to certain mental states. It manifests itself not through more or less conscious acceptance of some information or patterns of behavior, but through the transmission of a certain emotional state, or “mental mood.” Since this emotional state occurs in the mass, a mechanism of multiple mutual reinforcement of the emotional effects of communicating people operates. The individual here does not experience organized deliberate pressure, but simply unconsciously assimilates patterns of someone’s behavior, only by obeying him. Many researchers have noted the presence of a special “contagion reaction” that occurs especially in large open audiences, when the emotional state is intensified through repeated reflection according to the usual chain reaction models. The effect takes place primarily in a disorganized community, most often in a crowd, which acts as a kind of accelerator that “accelerates” a certain emotional state.

    I found the following psychological interpretation of mental infection. Contagion is the unconscious involuntary exposure of an individual to certain mental states. In this case, it is not the conscious transmission/reception of some information or pattern of behavior that occurs, but the transmission of a certain emotional state (mental state). Since all this takes place en masse, there is a multiple mutual strengthening of the emotional states of communicating people.

    Religious ecstasies;

    Mass psychoses;

    Panic (a consequence of a lack or excess of information about frightening or incomprehensible news). But if in a situation of panic there is a person who is able to offer a model of behavior that will restore the normal emotional state of the crowd, the panic can be stopped;

    Emotional contagion in situations of mass spectacles. It has been established that for infection to occur, it is necessary to establish a commonality of assessments (a popular artist, a fascist leader, etc.), which is greatly facilitated by preliminary applause.

    Contagion plays an important role in various socio-psychological phenomena. The role of infection in the emergence of “mental epidemics” among large groups of the population is especially great. These include cliques, dances of St. Vitus, the excesses of a fanatical crowd, a craze for fashion, various trends in art, literature, medicine, etc. The content of these dominant emotions determines the content of mental infection. It plays an important role in social life. Skillful use of mental contagion is an essential component of the work of a teacher, leader, and any educator in general.

    Infection is not only an asocial mechanism. A positive example can be infection by personal example in war, during rescue work in disaster zones, etc. The example of a commander raising his unit to attack, the call of a party leader directing the actions of large masses of people, a teacher captivating his students is contagious. .

    A special situation, according to Andreeva, where the impact through infection increases, is a situation of panic. Panic occurs among a lot of people as a certain emotional state, resulting either from a lack of information about some frightening or incomprehensible news, or from an excess of this information. The term itself comes from the name of the Greek god Pan, the patron saint of shepherds, pastures and herds, who with his anger caused the madness of the herd, rushing into the fire or abyss for a minor reason. The immediate cause of panic is the appearance of some news that can cause a kind of shock. Subsequently, panic increases in strength when the considered mechanism of mutual multiple reflection comes into play. The contagion that occurs during panic cannot be underestimated, even in modern societies. A widely known example is the emergence of mass panic in the United States on October 30, 1938, after a broadcast organized by the NBC radio company based on the book by H. Wells “The War of the Worlds.” Masses of radio listeners of various age and educational backgrounds (according to official data, about 1,200,000 people) experienced a state close to mass psychosis, believing in the invasion of Martians on Earth. Although many of them knew for sure that a dramatization of a literary work was being broadcast on the radio (this was explained three times by the announcer), approximately 400 thousand people “personally” witnessed the “appearance of the Martians.” This phenomenon was specially analyzed by American psychologists.

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