Producing and derivative words examples. Generative and derived word

Words in the Russian language differ in the structure of the stem, or morphological composition.

The stems of all significant words, according to their morphological composition, are divided into two groups: non-derivative stems and derived stems. The words water and mountain have a non-derivative basis, and flood, hillock- derivative ( water-a, mountain-a, pa-water-ok, pri-gor-ok).

Non-derivative basis(unmotivated) is a single whole, indecomposable into individual morphemes (meaningful parts); derived base(motivated) - a composite unity divided into individual morphemes.

The division of a derived stem into meaningful parts is a morphological feature of this stem and distinguishes it from a non-derivative one. This property of a derivative base is present in it only if and as long as there is a non-derivative base corresponding to a given derivative in the language. Word Basics Highlander, chicken, stick are derivatives; they are divided into separate morphemes because in the modern language there are non-derivative stems corresponding to them: mountains, chickens, sticks.

A derived stem loses the ability to be divided into morphemes and becomes non-derivative if the corresponding non-derivative stem disappears from the language or ceases to correlate with it. So, the basics of words stick, bench, bowl, hummock lost their division into individual morphemes, became non-derivative in the modern language because the non-derivative stems that correlated with them in the Old Russian language ( fell, lava, misa, kocha) dropped out of the dictionary of the modern Russian literary language. Word Basics bag, capital, hoop, churchyard, belly, beauty also moved into the category of non-derivatives, since they ceased to correlate with the non-derivative stems available in the modern Russian literary language ( fur, table, hand, guest, live, flattery).

A non-derivative stem, correlated with a derivative, can be present in a language in two varieties: as a separate word (in its pure form) and as a separate morpheme (in a bound form), combined with affixes or another stem. Word Basics ponytail, bell ringer, forest are derivatives, since they correlate with the non-derivative stems tail, ringing, forest, which act in the modern Russian language as separate, independent words. Word Basics rush, delay, wash are derivatives, but the non-derivative bases associated with them ( hurry-, hold-, wash-) are not independent words, but act exclusively as related stems, as morphemes-roots ( hurry up, hold up, wash).

To classify a stem as a derived stem, it is sufficient that there is at least one related word in the modern language that has a correlated stem in pure or associated form (cf.: peacock - peahen, finger - six-toed, branch - branch). A stem is considered derivative even if the suffix that stands out when correlating stems is unproductive and is not found in other stems (cf.: young - youth, decay - decay).

The difference between the bases of non-derivative and derivative is not limited to their morphological properties. This difference extends to the lexical meaning of stems.

Non-derivative stem of words shaft, glass, city, sea does not make it possible to answer the question of why these objects are actually called that way. The meaning of the non-derivative basis is, as it were, inherent in itself and is unmotivated. Meanings of derived word stems cushion, glass holder, ancient settlement, seaside somewhat meaningful and motivated. The meanings of such stems are composed of the meanings of individual morphemes included in the stem: we conceptualize a roller as a “small shaft”, a glass holder as “a stand into which a glass is inserted”, a fortified settlement as a “huge city”, a coastal one as “located on the seashore” "

Thus, a derivative basis designates an object of reality by establishing a connection between this object and other objects indirectly, and a non-derivative basis - directly, purely conditionally. The indicated difference in the meaning of a non-derivative and a derivative stem is not universal; compare: knife - knife, umbrella - umbrella.

The contrast between derived and non-derivative stems is expressed in the fact that the derived stem: 1) is divided into separate morphemes, 2) exists as a derivative as long as there is a corresponding non-derivative, 3) denotes objects of reality indirectly; non-derivative basis: 1) is not morphologically divided, 2) designates objects of reality conditionally and unmotivated.

Derivative and non-derivative bases

Words in the Russian language differ in the structure of the stem, or morphological composition.

The stems of all significant words, according to their morphological composition, are divided into two main groups: non-derivative stems and derived stems. The words water, mountain have a non-derivative base, and, for example, flood, hillock - a derivative (water-a, mountain-a, pa-vod-ok, pri-gor-ok).

A non-derivative base (unmotivated) is a single whole that cannot be decomposable into individual morphemes (meaningful parts); a derivative stem (motivated) is a composite unity divided into individual morphemes.

The division of a derived stem into meaningful parts is a morphological feature of this stem and distinguishes it from a non-derivative one. This property of a derivative base is present in it only if and as long as there is a non-derivative base corresponding to a given derivative in the language. The stems of the words highlander, chicken, stick are derivatives; they are divided into separate morphemes because in the modern language there are corresponding non-derivative stems: gora-a, kur-y, palk-a.

A derived stem loses the ability to be divided into morphemes and becomes non-derivative if the corresponding non-derivative stem disappears from the language or ceases to correlate with it. Thus, the stems of the words stick, bench, bowl, hummock have lost their division into individual morphemes and have become non-derivative in the modern language because the non-derivative stems that correlated with them in the Old Russian language (pal, lava, misa, kocha) have dropped out of the dictionary of the modern Russian literary language. The stems of the words bag, capital, hoop, graveyard, belly, charm also moved into the category of non-derivatives, since they ceased to correlate with the non-derivative stems available in the modern Russian literary language (fur, table, hand, guest, live, flattery).

A non-derivative stem, correlated with a derivative, can be present in a language in two varieties: as a separate word (in its pure form) and as a separate morpheme (in a bound form), combined with affixes or another stem. The bases of the words zvonar, lesok, tail are derivatives, since they correlate with the non-derivative bases zvon, lesok, tail, which act in the modern Russian language as separate, independent words. The stems of the words speshk-a, vyderzhka-a, wash-a are derivatives, but the non-derivative stems associated with them (spesh-, der-, stir-) are not independent words, but act exclusively as associated stems, like morpheme roots ( hurry up, hold up, wash).

To classify a stem as a derived stem, it is sufficient to have at least one related word in the modern language that has a correlated stem in a pure or associated form (cf.: peacock - peacock, finger - six-fingered, branch - branch). A stem is considered derivative even if the suffix that stands out when correlating stems is unproductive and is not found in other stems (cf.: young - youth, decay - decay).

The difference between the bases of non-derivative and derivative is not limited to their morphological properties. This difference extends to the lexical meaning of stems.

The non-derivative basis of the words shaft, glass, city, sea does not make it possible to answer the question of why these objects are actually called that way. The meaning of the non-derivative basis is, as it were, inherent in itself and is unmotivated. The meanings of the derived stems of the words roller, glass holder, settlement, seaside are to some extent meaningful and motivated. The meanings of such stems are composed of the meanings of individual morphemes included in the stem: we conceptualize a roller as a “small shaft”, a glass holder as “a stand into which a glass is inserted”, a fortified settlement as a “huge city”, a coastal one as “located on the seashore” "

Thus, a derivative basis designates an object of reality by establishing a connection between this object and other objects indirectly, and a non-derivative basis - directly, purely conditionally. The indicated difference in the meaning of a non-derivative and a derivative stem is not universal; Wed: knife - knife, umbrella - umbrella.

The contrast between derived and non-derivative stems is expressed in the fact that the derived stem: 1) is divided into separate morphemes, 2) exists as a derivative as long as there is a corresponding non-derivative, 3) denotes objects of reality indirectly; non-derivative basis: 1) is not morphologically divided, 2) designates objects of reality conditionally and unmotivated.

1. In a language, new words are constantly formed on the basis of existing ones. All words of a language can be divided into derivatives and non-derivatives.

Non-derivative words- these are those that are not formed from any other cognate word existing in the language. The basis of such words is non-derivative.

For example, table□ is a non-derivative word, that is, in modern Russian there is no word from which this noun would be formed. The stem of the word stol- is also non-derivative (it includes only the root stol-).

2. Non-derivative basis usually includes only the root, although sometimes a non-derived stem may include, in addition to the root, a suffix, or less often a prefix.

Brother□, night□, wall-a, window-o.

Note! 1) When we talk about non-derivative or derived stems, only the stems of words are considered, that is, the stems of the initial form of the word. Formative suffixes and prefixes are not taken into account.

For example, the form read includes the formative suffix of the past tense -l, but in word formation we do not take this suffix into account. We determine the stem of a word by the infinitive read.

2) Most prefixless non-derivative verbs have stems that include, in addition to the root, special verbal suffixes (-a-, -e-, -i-, etc.). It is by these suffixes that we determine the conjugation of the verb.

Wed: write, run, lead, decide.

There are very few prefixless verbs without special verbal suffixes (when the root is directly related to the ending of the infinitive -т) in the Russian language.

To be, to be, to be, to be, to be.

In order to determine whether the final vowel of the verb stem is part of the root or is a suffix, you can put the word in the present tense form. Part of the root is preserved (although alternations may occur).

Compare: pi-th - pj-yu (alternations at the root pi-/пj-), we-th - moj-yu (alternations at the root we-/moj-).

The verb suffix of underived verbs in the present tense is often (but not always!) lost.

Wed: write - write - run, run - run.

3) Do not forget that the postfix -sya (study, wash) is not formative, therefore it is necessarily included in the word-formation base of the word (teach and study are different words, and not different forms of the same word!).

3. Derived words– these are words that are formed from other words of the same root (or combinations of words).

For example: the adjective night is formed from the noun night; the noun reader is formed from the verb to read; The adjective broad-shouldered is formed from the adjective broad and the noun shoulder.

4. The word from which the derivative word is formed is called producing(or motivating).

For example, the noun night is a generating (motivating) word for the adjective night, the verb to read is a generating word for the noun reader.

The group of a derived word and a generating word(s) forms word pair.For example: night → night; read → reader.

5. The stem of the derived word is called derivative base, the basis of the producing (motivating) word is called productive (motivating) basis.

For example: noch□ (producing base noch-) → nochn-oh (derived base nochn-); read-th (producing base read-) → reader□ (derived base read-).

Compound words have two or more generating stems. For example: seven years → seven-year-n-y; nose□, horn□ → nose-o-horn

The morphologically unchangeable part of the word that carries the lexical meaning is the base; it is depending on it that non-derivative and derived words are distinguished. Each basis is characterized in two ways: structurally and semantically.


The non-derivative stem is not semantically motivated, since it cannot be explained with the help of related words, and morphologically it is indivisible. In its structure it is equivalent. For example: forest-A; brave-th; kind-O; rivers-and so on.

These bases are non-derivative. And derived words can be distinguished precisely by these characteristics: semantically motivated, explained by the selection of a related basis. Its structure is easily divided into two blocks of equal importance, that is, the base itself, which forms derivative words, and the word-forming affix. The examples will be the same: forest-Noah; brave-ost; kind-from-a;

The first block is the base

Non-derivative and derived words belong to the area of ​​word formation, where the central concept is the basis - basic or productive. From the basic one in form and meaning, that is, bilaterally, a derivative is derived, which is why it is considered motivating for the derivative basis. This means that the base of the derivative word is the base of the motivating one. For example, in the word forest-east- y basic foundation - forest, and here woodsman- is the basis of the adjective motivating. This is how non-derivative and derived words are distinguished.

The first block of this word-formation structure is the stem forest, it is basic, as in any other derivative word. It, in turn, can become non-derivative, because everything depends on the ability to be broken down into individual terms. For example, the word arborist-ost. In all cases, everything is decided by the stage of production. That is, the first stage is a derivative word derived from the root morpheme, here the base is non-derivative, and all subsequent stages make the word derivative.


Derivative and non-derivative in their word-formation structure can be represented by the following schemes:

1. Basic basis (I) + (II) + inflection. Examples: proud-ost; speech-k-a; books-n-y.

2. Derivative prefix (II) + basic stem (I) + inflection. Examples: on- always-Yes; great- vnu-To.

3. Derivational prefix (II) + basic stem (I) + derivational suffix (II) + inflection. Examples: co- conversations-Nick; at- pestilence-sk-y.

In this way, it is possible to formulate the basic patterns from the above diagrams. The derived and non-derivative basis of the word are quite easily distinguished.

Basic Basics

The first rule: a word is always formed from a basic basis that exists in the language, and word-forming affixes help in this process. In general, the basic basis is a functional concept, since it can be the same for a whole range of words, because from one root we form several, and sometimes many others. For example, all sorts of adjectives come from a noun, which differ only in word-forming affixes: goals-A - goals-n-oh- goals-ast-y; eye - eye-n-oh- eye-ast-y and so on.

All words have the property of derivative and non-derivative, the meaning of the word mainly depends on this. But all derivatives have a basic basis. If the base itself is segmented, then difficulties and even errors arise in determining word-forming affixes. For example: a noun like talent, comes from the adjective talented, and not vice versa, as always happens. Noun talent first had to form talent-liv-yy, and from here a new noun appeared with the help of the affix - awn. Otherwise it would have happened" talent-ost", somehow ugly.


Second rule: all words in the same meaning of the basic stems are obtained using the same affix or the same type of affix. The principle of semantic inference operates here, serving as the foundation of motivational relations between basic words and their derivatives. Of course, the phenomenon that adds complexity to this principle is that in the Russian language, most of them are polysemic, and this is reflected in word formation.

The semantic structure of a derivative and a polysemantic original word is quite often radically different from each other. A derived word usually has one, isolated meaning, which is what makes it different from the base word. Here the main role is played by the derivative and non-derivative basis of the word. Examples can be found everywhere. Let's take an adjective old. It has several meanings: a person, animal or object that has reached old age; something ancient, existing since ancient times; long-used, dilapidated, deteriorated by time; old; worthless, invalid; old, outdated, outdated and much, much more. The group of derivatives from this word is numerous and is associated with the first, original meaning of the basic stem: senile, old man, grow old, old man, old woman, old age, growing old and so on. From here derivatives appear that change the original meaning.

Non-derivative words

It is known that the boundary between classes that would represent an exact opposition, which words are derived and which are non-derivative, is not strict enough. Accentological analysis makes this distinction so that the category of non-derivatives includes words that do not have any semantic connection with any really existing word in the Russian language. A lot of them: luggage, author, alive, water, strong, take and so on. In addition, words with a monomorphic stem must be non-derivative - barking, running and so on. Also among the non-derivatives there will be words, so to speak, “simplified”.

What “derived and non-derived words” means becomes clearer when the principle of adding morphemes becomes clearer. The connection may or may not be tight. How are two word forms combined into one word? Its main part is an independently existing word form. Recycling And oil refining, red And beautiful entrance And exit- a million examples. The last one is tightly connected, and the first one is loose.

Working words

One should never confuse a derivative and a producing word. What produces - works, directly from it a derivative appears, with its material backbone repeating the parental traits, but not completely, but in the same way that a son resembles both his mother and his father, or even his great-aunt: there the ending is truncated, and sometimes and the suffix disappears. Worker - work; trailer-trailer - trailer-it and so on. Here, the producing word here is unchanged, and the derivative is obtained with the help of affixes and is often not identical to the usual base of the word.

This topic - “Derived and non-derivative words” - would be interesting, since word formation is very strongly connected with all manifestations of human existence. The teacher simply has freedom in the selection of examples, comparisons, illustrations.


In the analysis, it is impossible to compare a derived word with words related to it, that is, close in meaning and sound, and this is done very often. It is very difficult to give an exhaustive answer to the question of which words are called non-derivatives. It is easier to operate with derivatives. This term in itself is too broad, since it covers a huge word-formation nest, where there are derivatives not only with the generating base that interests us, but also a lot of words that are not directly related to it, a lot of related formations.

For example, adjective talkative. Here are related words: talking, talking, talking, talking, talking. And here only one, the second, will be productive, it is from it that this adjective is directly formed. The last two are completely unnecessary; they do not contribute to the direction of analysis we have chosen, because the adjective talkative formed not from a verb, but from a noun talk, that is, from its substantive productive base, and the past tense (form) - from the infinitive, which included, among other things, suffixes as additional elements. From here you can observe what the derived and non-derivative basis of a word means in word formation.

And yet - the definition

Non-derivative words can be considered those that are not formed or derived from any other word of the same root existing in the language. Regarding derivative words, the opposite is true. These are formations from words that already exist in the language, using various models of word formation. It is motivated by the relationship between two words with the same root. The value of one of them is determined either through the value of the other ( crab - crab-ik, that is, small, but still a crab), or through identity in all components, excluding the grammatical meaning of the part of speech ( white - white-from-a, beg-a-t - run and so on).

Name a series of words with a single root that are consistently motivated. The initial, initial link is an unmotivated word, then with each newly formed word, motivation grows. Both derived and non-derivative words are defined in this way. Examples: old - old - old - old - old - old - old - old. There are four degrees of motivation here, and all together they make up a word-forming nest in which there are many more chicks. The original word is like a mother bird, a kind of peak - it is unmotivated. From it come word-forming chains that have the same initial word.


First, you need to define each element of the structure. The part of the word where its lexical meaning is expressed is called the stem. Inflection is an ending that always indicates the relationship of this word to others. A root is a part of a word that is common to all related ones. Affixes (or formants) are morphemes that are attached to the root and serve to form new words.

Modern Russian word formation occurs in different ways - both morphological and non-morphological. First of all, there is a pattern in the combination of morphemes in the process of word formation.

Methods of word formation

Morphological methods of word formation are quite numerous.

1. Addition of basics, that is, the formation of complex and compound words (earth-quake, sky-vault, steam-stroke And rai-com, lik-bez, sber-bank).

2. A rarely used affix-free method, it works only for nouns, where the consonant sound at the end and the stress change, but the base remains unchanged.

3. Affix - one of the most productive, when morphemes are attached to the root, creating both lexical and grammatical forms.

4. Suffixal - a suffix is ​​added to the base.

5. Prefixal - a prefix is ​​added.

6. Suffix-prefix - both are added accordingly.

7. Postfixal - an affix is ​​added after the ending.

There are only three non-morphological ways of word formation: lexical-semantic (a word with a new meaning), lexical-syntactic (former phrases like crazy) and morphological-syntactic, when words become other parts of speech. Having mastered these rules of word formation, a person will be able to answer which words are derivative and which words are never non-derivative.