Profession: physical education teacher. Entrance exam program for the Faculty of Physical Education Where you can study to become a physical education teacher

A significant part of the capital's secondary vocational educational sector is represented by. Graduates of institutions devote their lives to work in preschool institutions, schools, sports clubs, sections and other institutions whose activities intersect with the content of education at pedagogical secondary educational institutions.

On the prospects of teacher education in Russia

The development of preschool and additional education systems is named as a priority area of ​​activity for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as defined in the state program designed for the period from 2013 to 2020. The main goal of the program is to restore the prestige of the teaching profession. The government has outlined specific steps designed to ensure a high standard of living and respect for teachers of schools, universities, secondary educational institutions, and kindergarten teachers.

At the initial stage, it is planned to increase teachers' salaries, after which government officials intend to consider increasing the income of employees of preschool institutions, secondary vocational educational institutions and employees of the field of additional education. The implementation of these prospects will certainly cause an increase in the number of people wishing to enroll in one of the state pedagogical colleges of Moscow.

The Russian education system is in great need of qualified teaching staff. Today it covers about 700 educational institutions, including:

  • approximately 350 teacher training colleges and schools;
  • 55 industrial-pedagogical and vocational-pedagogical secondary educational institutions;
  • 160 public universities;
  • about 100 professional retraining institutions and advanced training institutions.

(Secondary Vocational Education): section “Education”

After graduating from one of the capital's colleges, graduates have a real chance to continue their studies at one of the pedagogical universities in Moscow. As part of secondary vocational education, Makarenko’s followers receive the following specialties and professions:

Specialty in secondary education Number Teaching profession
Adaptive physical education 050721 Physical education teacher
Geography 050103 Geography teacher at school
Preschool education 050704 Teacher of psychology, preschool pedagogy
Fine arts, drawing 050603 Fine arts (drawing) teacher
Foreign languages 050303 Foreign language teacher
Story 050401 A history teacher
Corrective pedagogy in primary education 050719 Organizer and methodologist in preschool education
Mathematics 050201 Mathematics teacher (work in a basic education school)
Musical education 050601 Music teacher
Organization of educational activities 050702

Profession of teacher-organizer plus additional qualifications in the following areas:

  • folk art;
  • youth policy;
  • psychology; choreography;
  • home education;
  • theatrical performance;
  • management in education;
  • decoration.
Pedagogy of additional education 050710 Teachers in the field of additional education
Primary school teaching 050709 Primary school teachers
Professional education 050501 Technician, designer, technologist, fashion designer, etc.
Native language, literature 050302 Teacher of native language and literature with the possibility of teaching at a basic educational school
Russian language, literature 050301 Teacher of Russian language and literature with the possibility of teaching at a basic educational school
Social pedagogy 050711 Social teacher plus additional qualifications, for example, counselor, teacher, etc.
Special pedagogy in special or correctional educational institutions 050718 Teacher of school-age children with preserved development or developmental disabilities
Special preschool education 050705 Teacher of children with developmental disabilities or developmental disabilities
Technology 050503 Technology teacher
Physical Culture 050720
  • Physical education teacher;
  • educator;
  • organizer of a tourist club at school;
  • physical education instructor at a preschool institution.

Separately, it should be noted the special status of some pedagogical secondary educational institutions, for example, socio-pedagogical colleges of Moscow. Along with the general admission rules and specialties indicated above, in these educational institutions you can get something more than a teaching profession. Take, for example, the socio-pedagogical college of MSPU (Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University). The institution organized admission of students among children with certain medical pathologies. Within the walls of the college, students can obtain a profession in the following specialties:

  • publishing;
  • programming.

Attention: students of Moscow pedagogical colleges who entered after 9th grade are entitled to a deferment from the army until they reach the age of 20.

Moscow pedagogical colleges: general admission rules

Anyone can become a student at the pedagogical college, provided:

  • availability of basic general education and relevant document;
  • availability of secondary education and the relevant document;
  • having primary vocational, secondary vocational or higher education.

Citizens of foreign countries, as well as Russian citizens living abroad, have the right to enter the Moscow Pedagogical College. The educational process involves full-time, evening, part-time or part-time training, including distance learning. The basis for citizens to enter the best pedagogical colleges in Moscow is the application of the applicant.

Documents for admission to Moscow Pedagogical College

The list of documents to be submitted to the admissions committee of the secondary school includes:

  • Passport (when sending documents by mail, you must provide a copy).
  • State-issued education document (copy or original).
  • Photos, 4 pcs., black and white, size 3 x 4.
  • Medical certificate.

When applying for part-time or part-time study, some secondary educational institutions, for example, University College No. 5, require additional documents, including a copy of the registration certificate, work book (copy), certificate of employment, etc. It is better to find out about the documents required for admission at your college's admissions office.

All documents must be sent by mail to the address of the institution or brought to the admissions office in person.

Exams for admission to pedagogical colleges

The main disciplines, the level of knowledge in which is of particular interest, are:

  • Russian language;
  • biology;
  • mathematics;
  • foreign language.

Not all pedagogical colleges in Moscow accept the results of the State Examination or the Unified State Exam as a basis. It is necessary to find out in advance about exams in pedagogical colleges based on grades 9 or 11.

Average score according to the results of the Unified State Examination (GIA) upon admission to a pedagogical college

The website portal is launching a series of articles for those who are planning to enter universities, but have not yet decided where and what specialty. We have prepared materials on universities of various specifications, but we may have overlooked some. In this regard, we appeal to you, dear readers, with a request to write in the comments the areas of universities that interest you - medical, military, theater and many, many others, and we will definitely take into account your wishes and find the most necessary information for you!

So, let's start with sports universities. They are always popular among young people. However, in order to study at such an institution, you must be in good health; in addition, some institutions require a sports category - second or third - depending on the form of study.


Sports educational institutions train personnel in two directions - sports and sports-humanitarian: they produce coaches, instructors, psychologists, social educators, managers, etc. The specialty of a physical education teacher can be obtained at a pedagogical institute, and it is easier to enter there: the competition is lower and physical training requirements.

The following specialties are in greatest demand among young people:

  • - coaches of various sports (the most popular are tennis, football, hockey);
  • - managers of professional sports;
  • - sports tourism managers;
  • - specialists in the field of rehabilitation.

Admission conditions

The applicant must have good physical and theoretical preparation. Before enrolling, a future student needs to decide on a specialty, pass a medical examination and submit documents. It is a little easier to enroll by choosing a specialty at the department of sports and humanities; usually the requirements there are lower, since you are deliberately not going into big-time sports, but into more simplified forms of sports activities.

What is needed for admission?

  1. Passport and photo 3x4.
  2. Medical certificate.
  3. Certificate of secondary education (diploma of secondary vocational education).
  4. Unified State Examination certificate.
  5. Certificate of registration (for men).

If the applicant has sporting achievements, then he will need a master of sports certificate and an athlete’s classification book.

The key to success will be good results in the following indicators:

  1. Passing physical education standards.
  2. Russian language (Unified State Examination certificate).
  3. Biology (Unified State Examination certificate).
  4. Theoretical exam on specialization (for certain specialties - physiology, physical therapy, etc.)

The minimum passing score for physical training is 60, Unified State Exam results are taken into account on a pass/fail basis. The entry procedure is significantly simplified by the presence of sports achievements in the applicant: masters of sports automatically receive highest score in physical education .

The best sports universities

The most

The physical education teacher and his lessons are different from other school subjects. After all, physical education should contain both benefits and entertainment at the same time.

The teaching profession in Russia is not rare. It is chosen by both women and men. Despite this, in the labor market the demand for specialists in this field does not decrease; according to surveys, physical education teachers are quite in demand.

To work in the profession of “physical education teacher”, a school graduate who has completed 9 or 11 grades should enroll in a pedagogical college or pedagogical university in the appropriate specialty, for example, “pedagogical education in the profile “Physical Education”, “pedagogical education in the profile “Life Safety and physical education”, etc. Although, if you graduate from a pedagogical college, receive secondary vocational education and decide to connect your life with school, then you will be entrusted only with primary school students and, at most, with middle management. Therefore, most likely, you will still have to graduate from an additional university to obtain higher education in the same specialty.

Who will be accepted as a physical teacher?

The profession of a physical education teacher should be chosen by physically healthy and strong young men or women, since the teacher must have physical training at the highest level. Often boys and girls who have been interested in and involved in sports since childhood become physical education teachers.

The responsibilities of a physical education teacher include conducting lessons, maintaining documentation (filling out a class register, paper and electronic), participating in the final certification, advanced training in relevant courses at least once every 5 years, replacing temporarily absent physical education teachers, etc.

This profession has opportunities for career growth. A physical education teacher can always conduct classes in paid clubs and sections. There is an opportunity to even go and work at a children’s and youth sports school.

A physical education teacher must have team-building skills, because his class must turn into a team or two. In addition, an increased sense of responsibility, because his subject has a high level of injuries, therefore compliance with safety precautions in physical education is a paramount task.

Soviet students passed the GTO standards and then proudly wore the coveted badge on the lapels of their jackets. What physical education standards are taken in universities today? To find out, we went to the Belarusian State Technological University in pairs.

It's more expensive to grab yourself

There are several gyms here: in one, boys play volleyball, in another, girls have aerobics, in a third, a group of physical therapists do exercise classes. It is clear that students do not take classes in physics classes. At least on the eve of the session. After all, absenteeism, if there is a lot of it and without a good reason, must be worked off. Without passing the standards, you will not be given a test, and therefore will not be allowed to take the exams.

Students engage in physical education for four courses, says the head of the department of physical education and sports, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Filippov:

– At the beginning of the school year - athletics, with the onset of cold weather - team sports and aerobics in the hall, from the second semester - ski training. Then back to the gym - for basketball and aerobics, and from April - to the stadium. The standards must also be met within a year. Students took long and short distance running at the stadium in the fall. In December, guys do pull-ups on the bar, and girls do body lifts from a lying position.

Girls are not afraid of the press

Future economist Olga Pekar is helped by classmate Yulia Tymchuk to pass the standard for lifting her torso from a supine position: she fixes her legs bent at the knees on the floor. For ten you need to do 65 times.

“There is no time limit,” Olya notes, having caught her breath a little. – It’s not hard for me, I’ve trained for three years. And I loved physical education at school. For a girl at any age, it is important to keep herself in shape. And for a student, this is a good way to take a break from stress: our studies are hard, and sports give the brain a rest.

Diana Savelyeva pumps up her abs together with Maria Matylevich. The girls are confident that they will do an excellent job. However, assessments do not bother them:

– How many points you get for the standard is not so important, because they don’t give grades in physical education. And this does not affect the scholarship in any way, the main thing is to get the test. Those who constantly train and go to classes do not face any problems in physical training.

Diana and Maria had not heard about the GTO standards that Soviet students once took. But Olga Pekar saw gold badges from her parents:

“They often recalled how cool and honorable it was to receive them, and showed them to everyone with pride. I think I would also be able to pass the previous standards. I would at least try it with pleasure.

The army is ahead, so you have to be strong

On a high bar, Alexey Myakinko can easily do 20 pull-ups. To pass the standard, 17 is enough, but the future industrial engineer has a passion for sports - to do as much as possible:

- In a healthy body healthy mind. If you study from childhood and don’t miss classes, the standards are not scary. Pull-ups are my strength, my weakness is long-distance running. But I can be better at this too: in the spring I’ll start running along the embankment. Moreover, from the second semester there is no physical education in the fourth year.

4th year student of the Faculty of Forestry Stas Golubenko hangs on the crossbar and immediately admits that he is not doing pull-ups very well. But nine times is enough for the test:

– Pull-ups are definitely not my thing. I prefer volleyball, football, basketball. I play for the faculty team. I think that physical science standards should be approached philosophically; if it works out, it’s good; if it doesn’t work out, that’s okay. Technical skills in team sports are important for a student. The ability to play in a team will be useful in life and work. But the fact that physical education is needed at a university is indisputable. There is still an army ahead, so any of us needs to be strong.

Physical education teacher Joseph Khadasevich has been teaching students for more than 30 years. He notes that earlier the guys were stronger and passed the standards better:

“Everyone was definitely catching up.” Now 60 percent fulfill the standard well and perfectly. I don’t know what this is connected with. Perhaps the nutrition and ecology were different.

Professor Nikolai Filippov disagrees:

– I don’t think that current students are weaker than their predecessors. It’s harder to get a ten now than it was back in the day to get a gold badge. In the Soviet Union, in order to develop GTO standards, they conducted large-scale scientific research, tested young people, watched how they performed certain exercises, and only then set the bar. Modern control standards for the physical training of students are stricter compared to the standards that were in force in Soviet times, and are not justified in any way. For example, today a girl needs to lift her torso 65 times to get a ten, but for the golden GTO badge 50 lifts were enough. A young man needs to do 17 pull-ups perfectly. This is a lot, which is why no more than ten percent of students fulfill this standard. The Soviet GTO norm was limited to 13 pull-ups for those who wanted to receive a gold badge. For the silver guy, it was enough to do nine pull-ups. It’s the same with running and jumping. No one is saying that everyone should be an excellent student, but the standards must be made adequate to the capabilities of young people.







Moscow 2013


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ph.D. assistant professor

Moscow State Regional

university, 2013

Publishing house MGOU, 2013


For admission to the Faculty of Physical Education, a motor training exam is required.

The motor training exam includes a set of six control tests to identify the level of development of basic physical qualities and motor skills. Attendance at all types of tests is required.

By decision of the examination committee, the applicant may be given an additional attempt in each test (if there is an objective reason that prevented the completion of the main attempt).

Applicants with specialized secondary and higher education upon admission to the correspondence department undergo the following tests:

Russian language test;

Biology - testing;

Motor preparation – testing.

The motor training exam is scored on a 100-point scale.



The exam (testing) has the goal of identifying basic practical preparedness, the level and potential of physical conditions necessary for a future specialist to successfully master and perform professional teaching activities in the field of physical education and sports.

Test 1. Swimming fitness.

I.P.- start from the water. Cover a distance of 100 meters using one of the known methods of swimming on water, according to the competition rules. One attempt. In the event that an applicant does not swim the entire distance, the attempt is not counted and is not evaluated.

Test 2. 100 meter run.

Start of running from behind the starting line upon command (“To the start”, “Attention”, “March”). You can use high and low starts, with or without pads. An attempt is considered completed when the distance is covered without any violation of the competition rules.

Test 3. Running a distance of 1000 meters.

This test is carried out in a stadium or on the ground.

I.P. – high start. Cover the distance according to the competition rules. One attempt.

Test 4. Medicine ball throw.

(Men – 3 kg, women – 1 kg.). The ball is thrown with both hands from behind the head.

IP - legs on the same line (parallel) or one in front, the other behind.

You cannot lift your feet from the support before the throw is completed, step on or cross the starting line of throwing, or touch the surface behind the starting line after throwing with any part of the body.

One attempt: three throws in a row. The best result is evaluated.

Test 5. Acrobatics. Contents of the exercises and their assessment.

The applicant performs an acrobatic complex of his choice.


Complex 1.

I.P.: half squat, arms back (swimmer’s start);

1. Somersault forward; - 1.0

2. Somersault forward while crouching; - 0.5

3. Headstand and handstand – hold; - 3.5

4. Lowering into a crouching position; - 0.5

5. Stand on one leg, the other forward, arms up; - o.5

6. Turn to the side into a standing position with legs apart, arms to the sides; - 3.5

7. Put your foot down, arms down - basic stance

Complex 2.

I.P.: main stand.

1. Left foot forward,

hands up - flip to the left with a turn to the left into a stance on the right,

left forward on the toe, arms up

2. With a push with the left and a stroke with the right handstand – mark - 3.5

3. Somersault forward while crouching - 1.0

4. Half squat, arms back (“swimmer’s start”),

long forward somersault - 1.5

5. Jump, bending, arms to the side - somersault - 0.5

(the exercise can be performed in the other direction completely)


Complex 1.

I.P. main rack

1. Crouching emphasis - forward somersault - 1.0

2. Forward somersault – lie on your back, arms up - 1.0

3. “Bridge” - 3.5

4. Turn left (right) point blank while crouching - 2.0

5. Back somersault - 1.5

6. Jump, bending, arms to the side - up - 1.0

Complex 2.

I.P. main rack

1. Crouching emphasis – crouching somersault - 1.0

2. Backward roll stand on the shoulder blades - 2.5

3. Somersault back over the shoulder at close range, standing on one knee,

other leg back - 2.5

4. With one swing, crouching - stand up, arms up - 0.5

5. Turn to the side - main stance - 3.5

The test is scored according to the rules of artistic gymnastics competitions on a ten-point scale. The resulting grade is converted into credit points (see table).

Test 6. Strength test:


I.P. – hanging on a high crossbar. By force, bending your arms, perform an inversion lift and lower forward into a hanging position. The position of the stop and the hang is fixed. The result is evaluated by the number of times. One attempt.

Women .

Climbing a rope using your feet.

Standards and assessments

physical fitness for applicants

Faculty of Physical Culture

1. Swimming 100m.





2. 100m run


2. Run 1000 m


3. Medicine ball throw


4. Acrobatics


5. Strength test


The final grade is based on the results of all five tests.

Score in points

An applicant who scores less than 40 points is considered to have failed the exam.

Rules for conducting entrance tests.

During the entrance examinations, a calm and friendly environment should be ensured, and applicants should be given the opportunity to fully demonstrate the level of their knowledge and skills.

During the entrance examinations, participants in these events and persons involved in their conduct are prohibited from carrying and using communications and electronic computing equipment (including calculators), except in cases established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

It is prohibited to count final exams at preparatory departments, courses (schools) at universities as entrance examinations, additional entrance examinations.

Applicants take entrance and certification tests in Russian.

If the procedure for conducting admissions tests conducted by the university independently is not followed, the members of the admissions committee conducting the admissions test have the right to remove the applicant from the place where the admissions test is held and draw up an act of removal. If an applicant is removed from the entrance test, the university returns the accepted documents to the applicant.