The project is my ideal teacher. Competitive essay on the topic: “The ideal teacher

State educational institution

Secondary school No. 000

Competitive essay on the topic:

“The ideal teacher. What is he like?

Students of grade 8 "B"

Luarsabova Ilona Davidovna

e-mail: *****@***ru)

e-mail: *****@***ru)

Moscow 2010

It is unlikely that I would ever have to think about this apparently quite understandable and simple question: what is he like, an ideal teacher? In fact, in everyday life we ​​tend to refer to teachers as teachers. It's familiar, understandable and convenient. But can I call every teacher a teacher, thereby equating these words in their lexical meaning?

Probably, the ideal teacher is one who is really able to teach something and leave a memory of his subject for many years. The lessons of such a teacher will be small holidays, and not something difficult, painful, where, in the words of one of my teacher friends, they “serve time.” Becoming interesting, however, is quite difficult, and not possible for all areas. For example, not all children have a mathematical mind, and it is difficult for such students to instill a love for solving problems, extracting roots, and finding x's. But you can always try.

I assume that a Teacher is a calling from above, and a teacher is a profession, it is a kind of bundle of skills that is born thanks to theoretical knowledge and practical experience in one’s own lessons. The teacher's time is limited - 45 minutes of the lesson. What will he accomplish in these 45 minutes? - this tests the skill of the teacher.

This means, first of all, you need to achieve perfect discipline. And here it is not at all necessary to act with shouting, noise, commanding tone and other aggressive methods of influence - other than aggression in response, they will not have any effect. You can, of course, try to compromise and agree on something, however, if the teacher’s story is interesting, problems with the audience should not arise at all.

And here we, having already noticed that all qualities in this case depend on each other, come to the next point. Narration in the lesson.

The teacher must know the material well in his subject, not only within the program, but also outside it. It’s never too late to expand your horizons, and here, one might say, there are practical benefits. In addition, you must have good, well-delivered speech - after all, the teacher will be listened to by children, people of that age in which all the information is still well “absorbed”, and if you constantly tell them “no coat”, then they themselves will begin to say the word “coat” incline. In addition to such gross grammatical errors, speech errors should also be excluded - you need to practice constructing sentences and linking them in the text (for example, try to write some essays yourself). To make the story sound interesting, it seems to me that you first need to introduce terminology into the students’ “internal dictionary” so that the children use it as freely as they freely use ordinary, everyday words. You may have to associate some associations and unusual stories with the terms. It will not be easy, but the result is worth it - when the student knows all the words necessary for the program, explaining the topic to him with the help of them will be easier and more accessible - easier for the teacher, more accessible for the student.

The teacher should not forget about humor - light, elegant - one that will not generate a wave of vulgar laughter among students, but will only give a reason to relax a little. The teacher must be able to answer – with a bit of humor – questions that are stupid or provocative; honestly, without adding “water” - the questions are “normal”. In no case should he impose his opinion on his students - on the contrary, he should teach them to think and draw conclusions on their own, so that they thereby acquire a skill that will be very useful in later life.

A teacher should not forget that they come to school to learn without a wealth of knowledge, that they are only mastering topics - which means they may still make mistakes. Under no circumstances should he refuse to help a student who does not understand something. Many teachers believe that good and excellent students, a priori, understand everything the first time, and perhaps even know in advance. On the contrary, he should encourage those who do poorly - perhaps even inflate grades in some cases in order to cultivate an incentive to catch up with others.

If we talk about the main human quality of a teacher, then I am inclined to use the capacious word “decency”. In the modern world, unfortunately, it is too rare that we can characterize this or that person this way, but the meaning of this word is still not forgotten, which is what I sincerely hope for.

Speaking about decency, I remembered one more point that, in my opinion, a teacher should not forget... he must not only demand attention from students to his subject, but also, for his part, provide attention to the students. The teacher himself should enjoy the lesson, in no case should he directly tell the students that he does not want to see them/teach the lesson today (yes, yes, this happens), because even if this is so, you have to step over yourself, put a smile on your face again and pretend that everything is fine as always...

After all, a teacher is a man of science, a competent teacher, and a teacher is a person. Errors are allowed if the final result is achieved. But he must also be a psychologist - to see what problems each student has, to help him, to talk to him as an individual, and not a unit of the human “herd”.

And that is why every subject at school should be taught by a teacher, but I would like to see the Teacher as the class teacher, because the school becomes a second family during the training.

Essay “My ideal teacher-master”

There is very little time left until I graduate from college and become a ready-made specialist. I have already been in practice several times and seen different examples of primary school teachers. Now I want to figure it out: what is my ideal teacher-master?

I find it difficult to give a precise definition to this expression. Each person will think about his own, each has his own ideals and values. But for me, a master teacher is not someone who receives a large salary, has the highest qualification category, or has been working at school for many years and has extensive experience. A master teacher is someone who is recognized as a master by everyone around him: children, their parents, colleagues; he is a person whose heart is open and his eyes are shining. You can immediately see such a person is drawn to him.

The teacher is a master! Only a true master who loves his work can ensure that every student understands and loves his subject. His lessons are not alike, each time he looks for new approaches and techniques, uses different techniques, tries to conduct each lesson in such a way that it is memorable, and the students look forward to the next one, which will be even more interesting.

A true master does not treat work as a way to live from paycheck to paycheck, he lives by his work! It is impossible to teach someone to love if you do not love yourself; It is impossible to teach someone to learn if you yourself do not learn and improve your skills; It is impossible to teach someone to discover their talents if they have never looked for them in themselves!A master teacher must constantly develop, not sit still, and strive for self-improvement.

A master teacher must be able to competently structure the educational process, but at the same time be able to improvise, take into account the opinions of his students, and not be afraiddeviate from the intended plan. The teacher should easily establish contact with children, make sure thatthe journey for knowledge has become an exciting process; being close to a little seeker, supporting him in this search means opening new perspectives and meanings both for him and for yourself. This joint “hike” makes the teacher and students like-minded people, equal members of the team.

Of course, in pedagogical activity there is a place for mistakes, but “only those who do nothing make no mistakes.” The path to mastery is directly related to the ability to admit your mistakes, analyze their causes and take responsibility for them.

In my essay, I did not describe a fictional character, but a real teacher who is sincerely devoted to his work. I really want to be like him, to be as open, good-natured, and to charge everyone with positivity and energy. I will try very hard someday in the future to become like him, to become a master teacher.

Essay “My ideal teacher-master”

The question of the image of an ideal teacher has been relevant for many years; naturally, the state and society change over time, which means that the requirements placed on the teacher by the state and society change. The ideal image of a teacher for a modern student is being formed today. Today's schoolchildren are future parents who will shape the next generation's idea of ​​a teacher. Therefore, I believe that an ideal teacher should be understanding, i.e. have a good understanding of the child’s psychology and be able to find an individual approach to each student. Respect your students. See each of them as a personality. Be attentive, ready to help, support in difficult times. Fair in demands, i.e. objectively assess the student’s abilities. Able to present material in an accessible and interesting manner. Be restrained and tactful. Be an authority, an example for schoolchildren, i.e. to be a comprehensively developed personality, a literate and intelligent person, to treat people around him kindly. Have a sense of humor. Any teacher must develop will, have will. Force yourself to overcome difficulties. Also, he must work not for earnings, not for survival or food, but to fulfill his mission on earth. Therefore, the ideal teacher is one for whom teaching is the meaning of life. His highest self-interest is to be in demand, to desire and be able to surrender to the process, without expecting anything in return. The teacher’s job is to teach, and the society’s job is to provide the teacher with a decent livelihood. The ideal teacher is never the brightest. It should not be bright at all, it only conveys a message to the student through itself. And this message is not only a sum of knowledge, but first of all an attitude towards the world, towards people, towards the country, towards life in a team. An ideal teacher is interested in the process. He is not concerned with intermediate results. The child trusts that the teacher is truly interested in him. The activity of a teacher should be not only creative, but also research-based. He must not only know and be able to apply basic pedagogical theories in practice, but also use them creatively, and also strive to implement his own pedagogical ideas. An ideal teacher should always ask the questions: “How do colleagues, students, parents see me? Why do they trust me? Why are they following me? An ideal teacher must keep up with the times and boldly introduce new technologies into working with students. Adequately assess your strengths and capabilities.

Of course, we can talk about the image of an ideal teacher for quite a long time, but we all understand perfectly well that there are no ideal people, and you will never find an ideal teacher, but I will try to implement all the criteria that I described in my essay in my future profession .


My ideal teacher

The ideal image of a teacher for a modern student is formed as soon as the child starts school. Now, students who have entered school are future parents who will form the next generation’s idea of ​​a teacher. I think that a teacher is a calling, teaching is a ministry, not a job. Therefore, a teacher must work not for earnings, not for survival or food, but to fulfill his mission on earth.

A teacher is a person who, at the right moment, gives an impetus to development; this is what awakens the sleeping person to wakefulness, who forces him to be attentive, active, and alive. Every student now has their own ideal teacher, I have mine.

I believe that an ideal teacher understands and will help the student become independent, responsible, resistant to life’s challenges, and be ready for anything. It is this, and not the sum of knowledge, that is the quality of a real teacher. The ability to convey to the student the amount of knowledge that he needs.

An ideal teacher awakens a student in a student, and then develops him into an interlocutor. In elementary school, the ideal teacher for me was Svetlana Innokentievna - she was my favorite teacher in elementary school. Especially when I first came to school. For me, she was a kind person who adored our children's fuss and noise, she liked to tinker with us, she also knew how and what to do, what we needed in order to want to learn.

I think that my teacher’s goal was to create in the child a desire to learn (and not discourage him from this desire) and give him the necessary equipment for this (the ability to read, count, write).

However, the ideal teacher will do something else. He will make students fall in love with his class. It will show the value of every child. He will show his interest and need, which means he will develop the student’s individual qualities.

The ideal teacher is interested in the process. He doesn't think in intermediate results. He is interested in the child’s changes, and the teacher is surprised and happy about these changes. The child trusts that the teacher is truly interested in him.

According to everything I said above, the ideal teacher for me looks exactly like this.


The ideal image of the teacher of the future for a modern student is being formed today. Today's schoolchildren are future parents who will shape the next generation's idea of ​​a teacher. Thus, society seems to be constantly behind schedule. What is the way out? Maybe it is necessary to start changing the existing stereotype in society today? How? Firstly, there must be qualitative changes in teacher education. The emphasis in the education of the future teacher should shift towards psychological and pedagogical disciplines; perhaps, it is necessary to introduce such disciplines that would contribute to the development of the future teacher’s creative foundation.

F.N. speaks about this quality of a teacher as one of the most important. Gonoblin in his book “Essays on the Psychology of a Soviet Teacher”: “the subject of a teacher’s activity is living people with their most complex, diverse and changeable psychological world.” A teacher is a calling, teaching is a service, not a job. Therefore, a teacher must work not for earnings, not for survival or food, but to fulfill his mission on earth.

* an ideal teacher is one for whom teaching is the meaning of life.
* His highest self-interest is to be in demand, to desire and be able to surrender to the process without expecting anything in return.
* This is altruism in its absolute meaning...

Therefore, in our discussions we will omit the need for a material base, which must be taken care of by the state, and therefore by the Ministry of Education, its lower divisions, including the department and director, as well as civil society, including sponsors and philanthropists. The teacher’s job is to teach, and the society’s job is to provide the teacher with a decent livelihood.

* And we won’t return to this again.
* The ideal teacher is never the brightest.

It should not be bright at all, because it only conveys a message to the student through itself.

And this message is not only a sum of knowledge, but first of all an attitude towards the world, towards people, towards the country, towards life in a team. How can one not recall the image of the Teacher depicted in the novel by the Strugatsky brothers “Burdened with Evil”: “I remember how scared I was. The tooth did not touch the tooth. This is probably how they feel before execution. Not a single vein was calm in my body. G.A. put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. He was hot, reliable, solid and at the same time so small, so frail, so unprotected, and for the first time I discovered that I was a whole head longer than him and twice as wide at the shoulders.”

For the school system, the ideal teacher is a person who can join the teaching staff, will not conflict within it, will humbly fill out all documents, participate in the necessary meetings, take - again humbly - all advanced training courses, and other events of higher authorities ... Who will have no loud incidents in the classroom, and children will be happy to go to his lesson and leave without stress ... Ideally, this ideal teacher notices a few students who can deeply master the subject and coaches them to participate and perform well in subject Olympiads. After a certain number of years, this ideal teacher will receive the highest category, and will have the right to talk about his “unique method”, about his achievements... But it is better not to enter into conflicts and stick his neck out again. It’s better to choose him than to prove it. In this situation, it would be better to tell the truth: this is not an ideal, but a convenient teacher.

But being conflict-free and problem-free is not the most important criterion for social usefulness. Convenience - yes. There cannot be an ideal teacher in general, he can be for a specific person.

A teacher is a being who, at the right moment, gives an impetus to development, who awakens the sleeping person to wakefulness, who forces him to be attentive, active, and alive. Why does the definition say “creature”? Because a warrior can learn from a crane and a pine tree, from a snake and from a cat... And, penetrating into the essence, comprehending his “teacher,” the warrior, i.e. a living person, not sleeping, but awake, comprehending, acquires the property necessary for life. The ideal teacher understands that he will not give his student his brains and will not live his life for the student, and therefore the valor of the teacher is to make the student independent, responsible, resistant to life trials (and adversity, and glory, luck). It is this, and not the sum of knowledge, that is the quintessence of a real teacher. The ability to convey a sum of knowledge is a necessary but not sufficient condition to be considered an ideal teacher.

An ideal teacher awakens a student in a child, and then turns him into an interlocutor. Therefore, if the parent and teacher do not have the same coordinates, the teacher unwittingly alienates the child from family ideals. This is a tragedy for both teachers and parents. In elementary school, the ideal teacher is the favorite teacher. In primary school - especially when we started accepting children at the age of six - the ideal teacher is a kind person who loves children's fuss and noise, who likes to fuss with these children, and who will test within himself what each child needs in order to love school and master the knowledge to want to learn. After all, it is precisely such developed children who grasp information and want to master the world that are needed in middle school.

The goal of a primary school teacher is to create in a child a desire to learn (and not discourage him from this desire) and give him the necessary equipment for this (the ability to read, count, write).

Please note that an ideal teacher’s priorities in the formation of a child are in exactly this order – first – motivation, then – means, the technical part. At the same time, the ideal teacher will always track when one or another level of motivation has already been formed, and it is necessary to open up new horizons for the child. However, the ideal teacher will do something else. He will make students fall in love with his class. It will show the value of every child. He will show his interest and need, which means he will develop the student’s individual qualities. What should a teacher be interested in?

The ideal teacher is interested in the process. He is not concerned with intermediate results. He is interested in the child’s changes, and the teacher is surprised and happy about these changes. The child trusts that the teacher is truly interested in him.