The problem has been raised and Ilyin is in a bad mood. An example of an essay on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language based on the text by Ilyin

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Weekdays. They are complete nonsense. Eternal concern. Boredom. Incessant noise, interrupted from time to time by another failure. Oh, bad mood! And Monday is a prototype of everyday life.

Yes, then life will be bad! But you can’t shift the blame for this onto “life.” You lack the art of living; It would be foolish to expect life to give you a grand reception. So create yourself and transform yourself, otherwise everyday life will overcome you. And in life there is no greater shame than being defeated - and not by a giant, not by powerful enemies, not by illness, but by the gray everyday life of existence. So - the art of living! First of all: calmly and courageously look into the eyes of the enemy! We can never get rid of everyday life. They will always be there. They make up the matter of our life. And if a holiday serves only to, like lightning, illuminate the dullness of everyday life and expose everyday life, then it is harmful to us and we are unworthy of it. Only he deserves the joy of the holiday who loves his everyday life. How to achieve this?

This can be achieved by finding sacred meaning in your everyday work, plunging it into the depths of your heart and illuminating and igniting everyday life with a ray of its light. This is the first requirement, even the fundamental principle of the art of living. What are you in the Universe? What are your deeds before the Fatherland?

Haven't you figured this out yet? Don't you know this yet? How do you live? Senseless, blind, stupid and wordless? Then it is easy to comprehend the “sheer endlessness” of your everyday life. And boredom, and bad mood, and everything that goes with them.

You cannot blindly perceive daily work as meaningless forced work, as galley torture, as torment from paycheck to paycheck. We need to come to our senses. You need to understand the serious meaning of your profession and take care of it in the name of its high meaning. You need to take yourself seriously, and therefore your own profession and your own everyday life. Everyday life remains, but it needs to be transformed from the inside. They must be filled with meaning, come to life, become multi-colored; and not remain “a complete blankness.”

It's pointless - it's joyless. Man is created in such a way that he cannot live joylessly. Anyone who seems to live without joy has certainly invented a substitute for joy. Joy must, however, grow from everyday work, even if only in the sense that you work better and better, improving the quality of your work, thereby moving up the stages of improvement.

If you have found the high meaning of your work and joy in its quality, will you still be able to talk about “complete serenity”? Life will then become a luminous thread for you. And the takeoff in your life is guaranteed. After all, joy releases creative forces; creative forces create quality; and the quality of work causes joy from work.

Look: this is how your everyday life falls into the good circle of spiritual health. And now there are no more boring everyday life for you.

(according to I.A. Ilyin*)

Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin (1883-1954) - Russian philosopher, writer and publicist.

The joy of life. How can you achieve it? It is this problem that I.A. raises. Ilyin in the text proposed for analysis.

Reflecting on the question posed, the writer notes that our lives are made up of everyday life and holidays, and often a person hates everyday life, and waits for a holiday only in order to “expose everyday life.” The author of the text confidently says that only those who love everyday life deserve a holiday, as stated in the following sentence: “Only he deserves the joy of the holiday who loves his everyday life.” The publicist concludes his reasoning with the fair conclusion that joy increases creative abilities, due to which the quality of work improves, from which a person again experiences joy. Then everyday life becomes a holiday.

The position of the author of the text on the issue raised is expressed clearly and unambiguously. I.A. Ilyin is convinced: a person can achieve the joy of life only if he loves his everyday life, his work, and understands the high meaning of his profession.

Russian classical writers spoke about this repeatedly in their works. Let us remember the story of A.P. Platonov “The Sandy Teacher”. In this work, a young girl Naryshkina Maria Nikiforovna was appointed as a teacher in the Central Asian village of Khoshutovo. However, she quickly experienced disappointment, since everyone had no time for school: the peasants worked every day, clearing the estates of drifts, the village was starving from a lack of fertile soil, and the children did not go to school properly. Maria Nikiforovna’s strong nature had already begun to fade, but one day she realized: at school it was necessary to introduce a new subject in which they would teach sand fighting. The department of public education did not give her a teacher, but provided her with suitable literature. And Maria Nikiforovna herself began to teach the peasants this matter, and they managed to cope with the problem. The whole village thanked Maria Nikiforovna, and the teacher herself was happy. Thus, understanding the high meaning of a profession can help a person achieve joy in life.

I will give another literary example that shows: only those who love their everyday life, their profession and have learned its high meaning can comprehend happiness. Let us recall the fantastic story of the Strugatsky brothers “Monday begins on Saturday.” In this work, an important place is occupied by NIICHAVO - Research Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Mages worked there, and their motto was: “Monday begins on Saturday.” The thing is that they hated weekends, they loved their work too much. And above all, they dealt with the problem of human happiness and the meaning of life. The magicians were convinced: happiness and the meaning of life lie in knowing the unknown, which is what they, in fact, did. Therefore, we can safely say that these people were happy. Consequently, love for everyday life, for one’s work and comprehension of its meaning gives a person the joy of life.

In conclusion, it is important to note: it is impossible to experience the true joy of life if you hate everyday life. After all, hatred is a negative feeling that can destroy all the good things in a person, including the joy of life. Therefore, if a person wants to be happy, he must love his everyday life and his work, for which he must comprehend its high meaning.

Bad mood. I wish I knew where it comes from! If only it were possible to drive him away sooner. But it is like the weather: no one knows where, when, why... Unlike the weather, there are not even predictors for our changing mood. You just need to submit.
No way! There can be no question of submission!

Bad moods must listen to us!
A bad mood is not what I am, not what happens in the depths of my soul, it only represents how I feel about it, and then how I make other people feel. The last two circumstances are in our power: we control them, and they must obey. Those who have not yet understood this should learn to understand as soon as possible; because it relates to the basics of self-control.

A bad mood arises from internal discord, the main knot of which remains in the subconscious and is not easy to untangle. This discord or, as doctors who treat the soul say, this “conflict” did not arise suddenly; Most likely, it has persisted since childhood and may suddenly revive or become slightly aggravated. Perhaps I'll get rid of it; however, it is also possible that I will carry it with me until my death. Yes, I will carry it within me and endure it, I will come to terms with its existence, I will be forced to put it at the service of the cause, in a word - I will cope with it creatively. Heavenly God, this is not a reason for a “bad mood”!

There is hardly a person in the world who has not had to deal with mental conflict. Everyone has their own, and everyone would like to get rid of it. Is this why everyone has the right to be in a bad mood? Should everyone become sullen, walk around with angry faces, or even yell at each other for this reason?

Internal discord must be taken seriously, completely seriously. It belongs to what I am. It denotes one of my internal life tasks. It can worsen, create mental stagnation, and cause a bad mood. This bad mood remains unclear and impenetrable to me; it enters my conscious life and my general well-being as an inexplicable fact. I feel depressed, helpless, sad. Because of this, I get irritated, and I give vent to this irritation in the form of a “bad mood” in society. This is what it really looks like. But this cannot continue to happen.

It is clear that behind the bad mood there is a conflict. This conflict must be seen as a kind of creative charge and treated as such. It’s good that this charge is there; After all, you can’t fire from an unloaded gun. It’s not at all scary that you haven’t yet managed to subjugate this charge: it means there is a problem and it needs to be solved. Mental stagnation is unpleasant. But trouble is just the shell of new strength and new life. Crack a nut and you will get a sweet kernel. There is no reason to be in a bad mood! However, there is a bad mood. Bear it calmly and confidently! You can already see right through him. Look, conflict is a promise, and soon you will be a winner.

You are not helpless at all. You have gained courage and depression has disappeared. The bad mood dissipated.
Or not yet? So you understand his creative and intimate nature and you will be careful not to make the secret property of society.

It’s your own business how you feel about your internal conflict, about this anticipated charge of new strength. If you do not know how to establish yourself as a winner within yourself, if you are so ungrateful that, facing the main task of your life, you see only “difficulties” and “troubles” and become “gloomy,” then at least do not expose your cowardice to people! A strong character rejoices in difficulties and smiles at troubles. The more difficult the test, the happier the victory. If you have not yet found these strengths in yourself, be nevertheless confident that you will find them. If you can’t be alone, look for help, but most importantly, pray: a sincere prayer will always be heard. But just don’t reveal your temporary weakness in front of strangers!

It is indecent to blurt out secrets; and a bad mood does this. How childish it is to cry in pain; and a bad mood is a crybaby. How criminal it is to infect others with your disease; and bad mood is contagious.

Don't you know how calmly and sweetly someone superior to you can smile? This smile is unbearable for a bad mood.

Professor Ivan Ilyin, from the book “I Peer into Life”

6. Bad mood

I wish I knew where it comes from! If only it were possible to drive him away sooner. But it is like the weather: no one knows where, when, why... Unlike the weather, there are not even predictors for our changing mood. You just need to submit.

No way! There can be no question of submission!

Bad moods must listen to us!

A bad mood is not what I am, not what happens in the depths of my soul, it only represents how I feel about it, and then how I make other people feel. The last two circumstances are in our power: we control them, and they must obey. Those who have not yet understood this should learn to understand as soon as possible; because it relates to the basics of self-control.

A bad mood arises from internal discord, the main knot of which remains in the subconscious and is not easy to untangle. This discord or, as doctors who treat the soul say, this “conflict” did not arise suddenly; Most likely, it has persisted since childhood and may suddenly revive or become slightly aggravated. Perhaps I'll get rid of it; however, it is also possible that I will carry it with me until my death. Yes, I will carry it within me and endure it, I will come to terms with its existence, I will be forced to put it at the service of the cause, in a word - I will cope with it creatively. Heavenly God, this is not a reason for a “bad mood”!

There is hardly a person in the world who has not had to deal with mental conflict. Everyone has their own, and everyone would like to get rid of it. Is this why everyone has the right to be in a bad mood? Should everyone become sullen, walk around with angry faces, or even yell at each other for this reason?

Internal discord must be taken seriously, completely seriously. It belongs to what I am. It denotes one of my internal life tasks. It can worsen, create mental stagnation, and cause a bad mood. This bad mood remains unclear and impenetrable to me; it enters my conscious life and my general well-being as an inexplicable fact. I feel depressed, helpless, sad. Because of this, I get irritated, and I give vent to this irritation in the form of a “bad mood” in society. This is what it really looks like. But this cannot continue to happen.

It is clear that behind the bad mood there is a conflict. This conflict must be seen as a kind of creative charge and treated as such. It’s good that this charge is there; After all, you can’t fire from an unloaded gun. It’s not at all scary that you haven’t yet managed to subjugate this charge: it means there is a problem and it needs to be solved. Mental stagnation is unpleasant. But trouble is just the shell of new strength and new life. Crack a nut and you will get a sweet kernel. There is no reason to be in a bad mood! However, there is a bad mood. Bear it calmly and confidently! You can already see right through him. Look, conflict is a promise, and soon you are already a winner.

You are not helpless at all. You have gained courage and depression has disappeared. The bad mood dissipated.

Or not yet? So you understand his creative and intimate nature and you will be careful not to make the secret property of society.

It’s your own business how you feel about your internal conflict, about this anticipated charge of new strength. If you do not know how to establish yourself as a winner within yourself, if you are so ungrateful that, facing the main task of your life, you see only “difficulties” and “troubles” and become “gloomy,” then at least do not expose your cowardice to people! A strong character rejoices in difficulties and smiles at troubles. The more difficult the test, the happier the victory. If you have not yet found these strengths in yourself, be nevertheless confident that you will find them. If you can’t be alone, look for help, but most importantly, pray: a sincere prayer will always be heard. But just don’t reveal your temporary weakness in front of strangers!

It is indecent to blurt out secrets; and a bad mood does this. How childish it is to cry in pain; and a bad mood is a crybaby. How criminal it is to infect others with your disease; and bad mood is contagious.

Don't you know how calmly and sweetly someone superior to you can smile? This smile is unbearable for a bad mood.

The text by Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin raises the problem of a person’s attitude to a bad mood.

The author based his story on reflections on the influence of a bad mood on others and himself. He says that a bad mood arises from a person’s discord and that a person should hide it from others so as not to infect them with it.

Let's give an example from A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin".

Lensky, who persuaded Onegin to go to Tatyana’s name day, becomes a victim of Evgeny’s bad mood, who, having found himself in a hated environment of guest neighbors, takes revenge on his friend by courting Olga, which leads to a duel and Lensky’s death.

You can also give an example from M. Yulermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.” In it, Pechorin and Grushnitsky did not forgive each other’s insults; they both tried to respond to anger with anger, which led to a duel. If they had shown at least a little understanding, the tragic consequences could have been avoided.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that if each of us fights hatred, at least within himself, then the world will become a little kinder.

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Updated: 2017-05-30

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Essay-discussion on the topic “Bad mood” based on the text by Ilyin

All people know that the world we live in is far from ideal. There is a lot of hatred and anger in it, so we are not comfortable with each other: we walk with caution and often expect a trip from our neighbor, not help. This happened because we do not know how to pacify hatred either in ourselves or in the people around us. The philosopher I. Ilyin writes about this problem.

He compares sympathy and antipathy to rays that penetrate the human soul and carry a certain emotional charge. When the sun of goodness gently shines on us, we feel good and calm. When the black rays of mistrust and misunderstanding gather around us, we feel bad, even if we move away from the conflict and the person creating it. This negative emotion remains with us as a weight on our hearts, which is not so easy to throw off.

The author offers a rather difficult, but the only possible way to solve this problem: one must respond to anger with goodness. Often we ourselves are to blame for the fact that a person has become our enemy. Perhaps we accidentally touched him, perhaps he is so persecuted by the circumstances of his difficult life that he hates the whole world. In any case, in any enmity there may be a share of our fault. Therefore, in response to unmotivated aggression, we must say a kind word, because people become bitter because they do not hear it. Love disarms them, who are not accustomed to mercy and compassion. In addition, this approach to conflicts will not leave an unpleasant burden and sediment on the soul, we will not stain it with hatred. I completely agree with the author, since I have read more than once about friendship and enmity in books and I know what the power of good and the poison of evil are.

As an example, I can cite A. S. Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter.” The main character meets with Pugachev, a dangerous rebel who spares no one and has no mercy on anyone. He has dozens of deaths to his name; Grinev would have suffered the same fate, but he was able to evaluate Pugachev’s actions as a human being, without class prejudices. Peter could not help Pugachev because of the oath, but he understood the revolutionary’s motives, sympathized with him, but did not betray his idea. For this decent attitude, the rebel did not kill the nobleman: thanks to Petrusha’s kindness, he was able to defeat the fierce beast within himself.

As a second argument, I would like to cite Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.” In it, the heroes did not forgive each other for their insults, and as a result, the enmity ended in a duel. Pechorin deliberately provoked his friend to meanness, and Grushnitsky went mad with jealousy and committed this meanness. They both tried to fight back and respond to anger with anger. All this led to a shameful outcome, but if only a little understanding had been shown, the fatal consequences of hostility could have been avoided.

Perhaps we are not given the opportunity to change the world for the better and eradicate its vices. However, each of us has the power not to make it worse, at least. If we fight hatred, at least within ourselves, we will not make the world an evil place, and this is already a lot.

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