Principles of enrollment in the first and second waves. Reception day

In October, universities must announce admission rules. Which is what they did. When can I submit my application to the admissions committee? Will universities check essays? How many points will be given for a certificate with honors?

Acceptance of documents in 2018 will begin no later than June 20 and end on July 26. If the university has its own exams or creative tests, then earlier - until July 10. Applications, as before, are allowed to be submitted for three specialties at five universities. You can do it by email. The minimum scores that need to be obtained on the Unified State Exam in order to be eligible to enter universities have already been determined by Rosobrnadzor. In the Russian language you need to score at least 36 points on the Unified State Exam, and in mathematics - 27. Leading universities are raising this threshold. For example, at MGIMO for many specialties the minimum in Russian and foreign languages ​​is 70 points; in mathematics for “economics” and “international economic relations” you need to bring 55 points. If you pass the language exam at MGIMO with less than 60 points, you drop out of the competition.

At HSE there are specialties where the minimum threshold is almost three times higher than what Rosobrnadzor approved. To apply for "mathematics" you must bring 75 Unified State Examination points in this subject. In the “world economy”, the minimum foreign language score is 70 points. And for one of the most prestigious double degree programs, which by the way is paid, the minimum in language is 75.

Moscow State University and Higher School of Economics will recheck them and take the essays into account. There is no need to provide a medical certificate to universities. But there are exceptions. At Moscow State University, they will be asked to undergo a medical examination of those who are going to study “medicine”, “pharmacy”, “pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior”.

Starting this year, graduates have the opportunity to simultaneously receive a diploma from Moscow State University and the joint university of Moscow State University and the Beijing Polytechnic Institute in Shenzhen. Admission is currently open to three undergraduate programs - “applied mathematics and computer science”, “chemistry, physics and mechanics of materials” and “economics”.

To apply for “mathematics” at the Higher School of Economics, you must bring 75 points in this subject

Education at a joint university is paid, but students will be paid scholarships and compensation for housing.

More and more universities are offering double degree programs and the opportunity to study abroad at a partner university. Such programs are available at ITMO, Far Eastern Federal University, Novosibirsk State University, Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Peter the Great.

In 2018, the number of budget places in economics and legal specialties will be reduced, since, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, no more than half of graduates find work in their profession. But the number of places in engineering areas will be increased (up to 45 percent will be given to them), 12 percent of places will go to pedagogical faculties and pedagogical universities, and 5 percent to medical universities.

As a result, bachelor's degrees will receive 315 thousand budget places (including correspondence), specialty - 74 thousand places (with correspondence), master's degree - 207 thousand places.

15 thousand budget places will be given to graduate students, 12 thousand to residents.

Infographics "RG": Leonid Kuleshov/Irina Ivoilova

Applicant's calendar

Which year's Unified State Exam results can be brought to universities?

2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Who will be allowed to take university entrance exams?

For disabled people

For foreign citizens

For those who studied in Russian schools abroad and did not have the opportunity to pass the Unified State Exam

Direct speech

Victor Sadovnichy, Rector of Moscow State University:

We went out to receive 10 thousand people. The average score at MSU this year was 85, the competition was more than 7 people per place. There are faculties where the competition was 50 people per place. We accepted 900 people into our foreign branches. These are branches in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan. We have opened a branch in Slovenia, there is only one economic program there, but starting next year it will be a full-fledged branch with admission to other programs. We have opened a joint university between Moscow State University and Beijing Polytechnic Institute in Shenzhen and invite applicants there. The Faculty of Space Research began operating at Moscow State University. There was admission to master's programs. Including “Methods and technologies for remote sensing of the Earth”, “Public administration of the space industry”, “Intelligent technologies of mixed reality for space systems”, “Physical conditions of outer space and planning of space missions”. New master's and specialty programs are currently being developed. It is planned to begin enrolling students for the first courses in 2018.

After passing the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, every high school student knows: after finishing school, the most interesting thing begins - entering a university or college.

On the websites of educational institutions you can preview the information:
✔ about the number of budget and paid places,
✔ about the number of places for targeted reception,
✔ about available benefits for winners and prize-winners of Olympiads at various levels,
✔ about dormitories,
✔ schedule of entrance examinations (indicating the locations of entrance examinations).

We bring to your attention the schedule of the 2018 admissions campaign.


Not earlier than July 7
Completion of acceptance of documents from persons applying as a result of additional entrance tests of creative and (or) professional orientation.

Not earlier than July 10
Completion of acceptance of documents from persons applying based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently.

26 July
Completion of accepting documents from persons arriving only based on the results of the Unified State Exam.
Completion of entrance tests conducted by the university itself.


July 28-29
The stage of priority admission of applicants entering out of competition and in targeted areas.

July 29
The university publishes competitive lists (lists recommended for admission) of applicants for 80% of the budget places remaining after priority admission.

No later than August 15
The university posts information about additional admissions (if there are still vacancies).

The university sets its own deadlines for enrollment in correspondence courses and paid places.


No later than June 20
Start of accepting documents for colleges and technical schools.

Until August 10
Acceptance of applications for admission to specialties (professions) with creative or specialized tests.

Until August 15
Acceptance of applications for admission to full-time study in a specialty without entrance examinations.

Until November 25
Extension of acceptance of documents from applicants if there are free places.

Deadlines for accepting applications to colleges and technical schools for full-time, part-time and part-time forms of study are established by the admission rules.


The end date of the entrance examinations is the announcement on the official website and information stand of the admission committee of the college (technical school) of the surname list of persons recommended for enrollment.

Within 5 days after this date, original documents are brought by applicants who are enrolled without entrance examinations.

Within 7 days, applicants admitted based on the results of entrance examinations must submit the originals.

Enrollment in full-time studies ends 10 days before the start of classes.


The start of accepting documents for admission to master's programs is determined by universities independently. Usually coincides with the start of accepting documents for admission to bachelor's and specialty programs (no later than June 20).

Usually, the acceptance of documents for admission to the master's program ends in August. In this case, the deadline for applicants to the correspondence department is set 2 weeks later.

The university determines the timing of entrance examinations and enrollment in master's programs independently. As a rule, exams take place in July-August.

Universities can admit students to certain master's programs even in December-January.

This year’s admissions campaign started two weeks ago, but applicants still have questions. What is the best way to deal with original certificates? Do they affect the priority of enrollment? Should we be afraid that all the budget places will be taken by Olympic athletes? Who are “invited applicants”? These and many other questions are repeatedly asked by the admissions committee. The HSE Vice-Rector answered the questions that most concerned applicants.

This year, the role of original documents when applying to universities has increased significantly. How to properly manage your originals to increase your chances of getting into HSE?

This year's innovation is that enrollment will now take place in two stages. I will demonstrate with a simple example. Let’s take an educational program where the number of budget places at the Higher School of Economics is 160 people. First, all applicants submit documents by July 24. There is a category of applicants who enter without entrance examinations, for example. If they want to take advantage of their benefit, it is important that they bring the original of their certificate before July 29th. Another category of applicants, whose originals must also reach us before July 29, are those on social benefits, that is, children without parental care and so on. The same applies to target students entering the target recruitment quota. All these three categories must provide original documents by July 29, and we will enroll them on July 30.

- If “beneficiaries” bring the originals after July 29, will they be enrolled on a general basis?

Yes, in this case they will already lose the benefit.

We took the Economics program as an example, where there are 160 budget places. Let’s assume that 50 Olympiad students, 5 orphans and 5 more targeted students wanted to come to our program. That is, out of 160 budget places, 60 places have already been taken (provided that all of them brought original documents by July 29). This means that we have 100 places left for a free competition based on the results of entrance examinations. For these 100 places, enrollment takes place in two stages. At the first stage, 80% of the places up for competition are filled. In our example, 80 people should be enrolled in the first stage.

- So these are only those who brought original documents, and they have the highest scores?

That's right, anyone who wants to get into the first wave must bring original documents before August 3. We have one ranked list of applicants based on the number of points scored, but some of them have original documents, and some do not. We simply do not take into account those who do not have originals in the 80% that will be enrolled in the first stage.

- Are they not taken into account, even if they have more points than those who bring the originals before August 3?

Yes, we only count those who have originals. If the second one has more points than the fourth one, but did not bring the original documents, he will not be included in the first wave. And here we need to make the first emphasis. If you are determined to enroll in this program, then you need to bring original documents before August 3. On August 4, 80 applicants with the highest amount of competitive points will be enrolled, but only from those who provided original certificates.

- What happens in the second wave, in which the importance of the originals is just as great?

Yes, a short period of time is allotted for the second wave. Those who for some reason did not get into the first wave, but want to get into the second, must bring the originals before August 6. This is how the places left after the first wave are filled.

- And if those who brought originals are less than 80%, in our example - less than 80 people?

At the first stage we fill 80% of the places, at the second stage we fill 20%. But this is provided that those who were enrolled in the first stage did not pick up their documents for some reason. If they took it, or initially the number of submitted originals was less than 80, say 75, then the number of competitive places in the second stage increases by this delta - that is, in our case there will be not 20, but 25 places in the second stage.

- What if the number of applicants on the basis of benefits is greater than the number of budget places?

This is the second most pressing question that worries many applicants. On July 30, the enrollment of persons with special rights upon admission is carried out - these are Olympiad participants who enter without entrance examinations; applicants with social benefits and targeted admission. And, if social benefits are quota-based and cannot exceed the announced quota, then the number of Olympiad participants who can choose one or another program cannot be predicted. All Olympiad students whose original documents will be in the admissions office on July 29 (let me remind you that they are enrolled before the start of the first wave) will be enrolled. Even if their number is equal to or exceeds the number of budget places. At the same time, the university decided that the university adds 25% of the places from the initial admission target for free competition - admission based on the results of the Unified State Exam. In other words, if there were 100 places in the program, and all of them are occupied by Olympiad participants, then 25 more places are put up for free competition.

There is currently no requirement to publish recommended lists. Therefore, the HSE has developed appropriate enrollment regulations and we will publish lists of those invited to enroll. We annually conduct surveys of applicants and make a predictive assessment, highlighting the green wave. This wave includes all those who, according to our estimates, will enter HSE if they provide the original certificates. This removes uncertainty; the applicant will not have to rush between universities, not understanding his chances of admission. He will see that HSE is inviting him.

- At what stage does the applicant learn that he has been invited to enroll?

The list of invitees will be determined on July 30, when it becomes clear how many Olympiad participants and other preferential categories have already been enrolled. This does not cancel the operation of the system 80% - 20%. As I already said, at the first stage we enroll no more than 80%. But even if the “invited” applicant does not make it in the first wave, but he is on our list, he will be enrolled in the second stage.

- How does an applicant know that he has received “invited” status?

All “invitees” will be highlighted in the lists on the admissions committee website.

What about those who were a little less fortunate and still did not have enough points to enter the first and second waves?

There is no need to despair. We have a sufficient number of paid places and are large and flexible. Since the first of July, contracts for paid places have been concluded. We already have points corridors that correspond to a certain discount. It’s quite funny - we don’t yet know the passing score for the program, but we already know what discount an applicant has with his number of points based on the Unified State Exam results - he falls into the corridor of points that give him a 25%, 50% or 70% discount.

Can a student play it safe and submit documents for a paid place, and if they are admitted to a government-funded place, take them back?

Yes. If for some reason an applicant is worried that his points will not be enough for admission to the budget, he can immediately submit documents for both the budget and the paid one. And before summing up the results of admission to the budget, be sure that you have entered the university. In this case, the applicant enters into a paid training agreement and pays for it. If this applicant ultimately enrolls in the budget, the contract is terminated and the money is returned in full.

- Were there such cases in previous years?

Last year, about 100 people who entered into and paid for the contract ended up going to the budget.

Another important thing is that for all those applicants who fall under one or another discount, we guarantee that they will be accepted regardless of the availability of vacant paid places. The point is that admission figures have been announced for paid places, as well as for budget ones. And if, for example, we recruited 50 students for 50 paid places, and then an applicant comes to us who has the opportunity to study with us at a discount, then we take him because these are strong applicants with high Unified State Examination results.

And if he comes not after concluding agreements with those 50, but together with them, then those with fewer points will simply be cut off?

Yes, that's absolutely right.

- At the same time, you can take out a special educational loan to study in a paid department, right?

Yes, those who understand that they will be applying for a paid place should remember about the educational loan system. At the moment, this is a unique chance to take money from the state at a very low interest rate and start paying it back after you graduate from university, get an education and go to work. We describe in some detail the advantages of an educational loan and the conditions for its provision; you can study all this and make a decision.

Can I take the Unified State Exam at Vyatka State University?

The Unified State Exam is not held at Vyatka State University. Registration for the Unified State Exam is carried out at the place of registration (at the administration of the city (village) or at the school from which you graduated). Applicants to the city of Kirov and the region can also register at the Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education (TsOKO, Kirov, Spasskaya St., 67). Registration for the Unified State Exam is carried out similarly for applicants from other regions.

How to enter Vyatka State University without the Unified State Exam?

Applicants with a professional education (primary vocational, secondary vocational or higher), as well as disabled people, foreign citizens and applicants who have passed the State Examination not in the form of the Unified State Exam, can apply without the Unified State Examination (according to the entrance examination of Vyatka State University), if less than one year has passed before the deadline for accepting documents .

What will be the form of entrance examinations if I want to enroll in paid education?

If you belong to the category of citizens who need to take the Unified State Exam, then even if you enroll in a paid place, you must take it. Based on the results of the Unified State Examination, applicants with secondary general education (11 grades of school) are admitted.

If I have a Unified State Examination in social studies, what are my chances of getting into a government-funded place?

Social studies is required for admission to economic, humanitarian and legal majors. The number of budget places in these areas is significantly lower than in technical and natural sciences, and the number of school graduates taking social studies reaches 60%. Therefore, in these areas there is a lot of competition and a high passing score.

At what level is it necessary to take Mathematics in the form of the Unified State Exam?

For areas in which mathematics is included in the list of entrance tests, it must be taken at the profile level (for example, in the “Economics” area the following subjects are taken: mathematics, social studies, Russian language). If mathematics is not required in the major, then it can be taken at a basic level (for example, the “Jurisprudence” major requires entrance tests: Russian language, history, social studies).

What benefits are available and who do they apply to?

The “admission without entrance examination” benefit is provided to the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad, as well as the winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren at various levels.
Starting from 2014, the possibility of admission within the quota (at least 10% of the number of budget places in the direction) allocated for admission to persons with benefits is provided to disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II. If the number of applications for these places is greater than the number of places, then a competition is held among these persons and applicants with the highest scores are admitted.

When will it be known whether I am enrolled or not?

Full-time enrollment for budget-funded places takes place on August 3 and 8. Enrollment for paid places is August 13. Lists of those enrolled will be posted on the official website of Vyatka State University.

What is the first and second wave of enrollment? If I didn't get into the first wave, do I have a chance to get into a budget place?

On August 3, the first wave of enrollment for budget places according to the general competition will take place. On this day, applicants from the ranked list who have provided the original document of education and submitted an application for consent to enrollment will be enrolled in the amount of 80% of the total number of budget places in the field of study.
The remaining applicants participate in the competition for the remaining vacant budget places in the second wave of enrollment, and are required to submit the original education document to the admissions committee and write a statement of consent to enrollment by August 6.
On August 8, the second wave of enrollment for budget places will take place. On this day, the remaining 20% ​​of budget places are filled. The competition is open to applicants who have submitted the original education document and provided a statement of consent to enrollment. Enrollment is made in descending order of the amount of points.

Are dormitories available for non-resident undergraduate students and specialists?

The dormitory is provided to non-resident students admitted to budget places of all faculties.
University students have the right to be provided with living quarters in the manner provided for by these regulations in the following cases:
1) if the student’s place of residence is more than 50 km away from the city of Kirov;
2) if the student’s place of residence is more than 30 km away from the city of Kirov, provided there is no direct regular communication (without transfers) between the city of Kirov and the populated area.
Nonresident students admitted to places with payment of fees are provided with a dormitory only for the period of study in the first year, subject to availability.

How can bachelors and specialists get a place in a dormitory?

To obtain a place in a dormitory, a student enrolled in the first year, before August 12 of the current year (for tuition contracts on a paid basis - until August 18 of the current year), submits an application to the admissions committee of Vyatka State University with a request for a place in the dormitory. Applications from students received after August 12 (for tuition contracts on a paid basis - after August 18) are considered in the general manner after September 1.
Students who have not checked in for any reason before August 31st submit an application to the dean's office of their faculty with a request for check-in according to the general procedure.

Are dormitories provided for nonresident master's students?

The dormitory is provided to nonresident master's students enrolled in budget places after the check-in of undergraduate students and specialists of all courses. The dormitory is provided to nonresident master's students enrolled in places with tuition fees paid after the check-in of bachelor's and specialist students of all courses, master's students admitted to government-funded places.
Mandatory conditions - the student’s place of residence must be more than 50 km away from the city of Kirov, there must be no violations of internal regulations and no debts for living in the hostel.

How can undergraduates get a place in a dormitory?

To obtain a place in a dormitory, a master's student enrolled in the first year, before August 20 of the current year, submits an application to the admissions committee of Vyatka State University with a request for a place in the dormitory.
Check-in into the dormitory of master's students enrolled in the first year of the university is carried out during the academic year, subject to the availability of places in the dormitories, after the provision of places to bachelor's students and specialists.

Orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care,
- disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood,
- students exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site,
- students who are disabled due to a military injury or illness received during military service, and combat veterans or eligible to receive state social assistance, as well as students from among citizens who have served for at least three years under contract in military service Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in engineering, technical, road construction military formations under federal executive authorities and in rescue military formations of the federal executive authority authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, the Foreign Service intelligence of the Russian Federation, federal security service bodies, state security bodies and the federal body for ensuring mobilization training of government bodies of the Russian Federation in military positions subject to replacement by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, and those dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "b" - “d” of paragraph 1, subparagraph “a” of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs “a” - “c” of paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

What documents are required to check into the hostel?

1. Passport and two copies of double pages of the passport with photo and permanent registration.
2. Medical certificate form 086-u and two copies of it;
3. Certificate of fluorography, issued no earlier than one year before the date of conclusion of the residential lease agreement (if there is no mark in certificate 086).
4. For minor students:
- student’s birth certificate;
- personal presence of a legal representative (parent, guardian);
- a parent’s passport, presented in person, or a notarized consent to sign a rental agreement for residential premises in a student dormitory and an application for registration at the place of stay (if it is impossible for a legal representative to be present upon check-in);
- a copy of the parent’s passport (to be presented by the parent entering into the contract).
5. Photos for documents size 3x4 on matte paper (3 copies).
6. For young men: military ID or registration certificate; should not be removed from military registration at the place of residence.
7. For foreign citizens: documents specified in clauses 1,3,4,5, migration card, visa (for countries with a visa regime), certificates of absence of HIV, tuberculosis, syphilis, medical insurance.

Every year, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation reviews the conditions for admission to universities, develops new requirements and terminates outdated admission rules. Graduates, as well as everyone wishing to enroll in Russian universities, need to carefully study the changes made by authorized persons of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which directly affect the likelihood of enrollment in the desired university.

Of course, at the moment, new rules in the education system aimed at enrolling applicants in the 2018-2019 academic year have not yet appeared, but, based on the experience of past years, some preliminary conclusions can be drawn. And to the main question from graduates and everyone who wants to become students - when to apply to university in 2018– you can find out the answer now.

Below is important information, after reading which, many burning questions will disappear by themselves.

Every higher educational institution wants not random students to study with them, who were unable to enroll in other coveted places and came to them for lack of choice. No, any university wants to get those people who are trying with all their might to get into their university or institute.

Therefore, a secret screening of applicants is carried out: preference is given to those applicants who personally appeared at the admissions committee and brought the originals of the documents required for admission, and did not send them by e-mail.

Most out-of-town students send copies of documents within the first week after graduation. Taking into account the fact that you are allowed to submit documents to only five universities, you need to decide in advance which one you should bring the originals to. The remaining four higher education institutions can send copies of documents by mail and register online.

So, as soon as the graduation ceremony ends, the next day you can go to the admissions office of the university or institute that is your priority.

Some universities do not consider copies of documents. Well, that's their right. We will share with you the secret of how to get around this nuance. To do this, you just need to notarize copies of the original documents required for admission and, if required by the procedure of the chosen university, you can personally present notarized copies.

If at a university you need to take additional exams introduced by the university, then the documents must be submitted within the deadlines prescribed by the university itself. As a rule, this date “floats” in the early days of July.

If the university does not require entrance exams, then you can submit documents to the admissions committee immediately after school graduation.

How to enter a university

To begin with, it is worth preparing the documents that need to be submitted to the admissions committee.

  1. An application addressed to the rector, indicating information about the successful passing of the Unified State Exam (both selected by the applicant himself) and indicating the exam results. In addition, the application must provide consent to the processing of personal data. Don't be alarmed, this is a normal procedure. You can ask for a sample application from the admissions office.
  2. Identification document and citizenship of the applicant.
  3. High School Certificate. If an applicant enters a university after receiving an education, then you need to submit a document on vocational education or a diploma from a university confirming higher education.
  4. Photos in the amount of two pieces.

In some cases, the following documents should be attached to the main documentation:

  1. Document on recognition of foreign education. Required if education was received abroad and the relevant documentation of the education received was issued by another state.
  2. A document that confirms disability. Necessary for using benefits if the applicant is disabled or for creating special conditions during entrance examinations, if there is such a need.
  3. Conclusion about the absence of restrictions for studying at a university. A similar document is issued by the medical and social examination institution of the Russian Federation. Required when entering a university for disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children, disabled people since childhood, as well as those who received a disability during military service. This also includes receiving disability from an injury or illness that was received during military service.
  4. A document that confirms the priority right of enrollment. Required for the preferential category of applicants to the university.
  5. Other documents, depending on the category of the applicant.

What benefits can you use upon admission?

School graduates who received honors or medals are enrolled in a university without a competition. Such applicants are interviewed. Some specialized universities, however, adhere to the practice of enrolling such applicants on a general basis.

  • winners and medalists of Olympiads (main educational subjects are taken into account);
  • prize-winners of sports competitions (all types of Olympics or European Championships and World Championships are counted);
  • members of international teams of the Russian Federation.

Applicants who have advantages when entering universities:

  • National Guard military;
  • children of National Guard employees;
  • liquidators of accidents at nuclear and radiation facilities.

The following points can be automatically counted as exams for admission to a university:

  • Unified State Examination results;
  • exam results at another university;
  • results of tests conducted by the Ministry of Education;
  • results of all types of Olympiads;
  • test results of state-funded preparatory departments.