Adjectives distinguishing suffixes k and sk. Distinguishing in writing the suffixes of adjectives k- and -sk

Topic: Distinguishing in writing the suffixes of adjectives - to - and - sk-

Goals: 1) Know: about the formation using suffixes - to - and -sk - names

adjectives; conditions for writing these suffixes in words;

be able to: distinguish the suffixes - k - and - sk- in writing, see the conditions

correct spelling of words with given suffixes, graphically

indicate spellings;

2) Develop memory, attention, competent monologue and

linguistic speech, thinking, spelling vigilance;

3) Cultivate hard work, correctness in communication, and love of nature.

Equipment:- cards with multi-level tasks;

Cards with a reasoning algorithm;

Signal cards;

I. Organizational moment.

(Checking students' readiness for the lesson)

II. Repetition and consolidation of learned material.

1) Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will continue to learn from a new side our old friend, whose name is “Adjective”. He has already revealed to us quite a few secrets about himself, and today another secret will be revealed to us.

But what kind of spelling will be discussed, you can now say for yourself, carefully looking at the words written on the board, not paying attention to the words in brackets.

What unites these words from the point of view of the Russian language?

Why did I write the words of the same part of speech in two columns?

In what part of the word can the spelling be found that we will work on today?

Let's now try to determine under what conditions the suffix - k- is written in adjectives?

What part of speech do the words given in brackets belong to?

For what purpose is the stem highlighted and the final consonant emphasized?

Viscous (knitted) French

Weaver (weaver) sailor

Fisherman (fisherman)

German (German)

So, today we are learning to distinguish the suffixes of adjectives -k - and -sk- in writing. Under what conditions is the suffix -k- written in adjectives? - sk-?

2) Reading the theoretical material of the textbook.

Let's see if we made the right conclusion.

Reading the rules p. 136 (textbook)

3) Practicing the ability to explain spelling using support with loud pronunciation.

Task No. 1. Explain the spelling of adjective suffixes - to - their --sk - using an algorithm. (Mark the spelling directly on the card)




Algorithm “Spelling of adjective suffixes - to - and - sk -”

4) Warning dictation

(1 student works on the board, writing down words with the spelling they are studying with an explanation)

No. 000 (p. 136 in the textbook)

5) Individual work of students on cards.

Group No. 1.

1) Parental kindness is immeasurable, like the sea.

2) Brotherly love is stronger than stone walls.

3) The wind hit the drivers’ faces….

4) After rain, the grass is always slippery.

5) In the wild acceleration of the steppe, the bell laughs to the point of tears.

6) The October cold kisses my frozen fingers.

7) There was a pungent smell of lilies of the valley in the room.

Group No. 2.

Assignment: form phrases adjective + noun. from these phrases noun + noun. We do not write this phrase.

Kalmyk language, miner's work, Circassian saber, sailor's costume, knight's armor, Cossack clothing, barge hauler song, Kazakh dance, toys for children, fisherman's net.

Group No. 3.

Using these phrases, come up with and write a story.

Russian winter, village hut, Tula samovar, Ceylon tea, close friends, hiking, July heat, sharp wind, slippery ice, January song.

6) Testing.

Write down the numbers after which the misspelled words are written.

1-Kazan 6-giant

2-Russian 7-Nizsky

3-Tibetan 8-Kuznetsk

4- daring 9- gorotsky

5-carpenter 10-brutal

Under what conditions is the suffix -k- written in adjectives? - sk-?

IV. Homework.

Group1. Write down the phrases and indicate the spelling.

Daring... answer, slippery road, heroic scope, fish... boat, January... frosts, Siberian open spaces, strong evidence, knightly behavior, sailor... friendship, elm... oh swamp, blacksmith... oh workshop.

Group 2 §57 No. 000

Group 3. Write a story using as many words as possible with the suffix - k-,

Lesson Objectives

Cognitive: Together with students, discover the conditions for choosing the spelling of the suffixes -K- and -SK- in adjectives.


  • develop a reference scheme-rule for writing the suffixes -K- and -SK- in adjectives,
  • to develop spelling skills in distinguishing the suffixes -K- and -SK- in writing,
  • begin to develop the ability to graphically designate the studied spelling.

During the classes

1. Language warm-up.

The adjective suffixes are written on the board: -liv-, -iv-, -ov-, -ev-, -onn-, -enn-, -an-, -yan-, -in-.

- Guys, parts of the word are written on the board. These parts of the word decided to come to our lesson. What are their names? (Suffixes) Yes, suffixes. They decided to take part in the work. What do suffixes do? What kind of work is being done? (Serve for the formation of new words) That's right, they do the very important job of forming new words. Let us work together with suffixes and form new words (group work: students are offered cards with nouns written on them: orphan, flatterer, palace, plush, lecture, straw, leather, goose, ice). Frontal check.

What part of speech are words formed using suffixes? What is this method of forming words called?

2. Formulating the topic of the lesson.

1) Creating a problematic situation through stimulating dialogue.


Write down the phrases, replacing one of the nouns with an adjective: an amateur's collection, a fishing vessel, a weaving loom, a neighbor's dacha, the language of the Germans.

Highlight the suffixes.

The work is carried out in groups. The results of the work are recorded on A3 sheets and posted on the board for checking.

2) Access to the educational problem.

So what happened? I gave everyone the same task, but how did you complete it?


Why did this happen? What don't we know? (Encouraging awareness of the contradiction.)

We don’t know when and what suffixes should be written.

Based on the recorded examples, formulate the topic of today's lesson. (Educational problem as the topic of the lesson)

Adjective suffixes.

So. Who can express it more precisely? Who thinks differently?

Choice of suffixes -K- and -SK- in adjectives.
- Spelling of adjective suffixes -K- and -SK-.

Let's write down the topic of the lesson. What do you think is the purpose of our lesson? What should we know and learn?

Find out the conditions for choosing the suffixes -K- and -SK-.
- Learn to correctly write adjectives with the suffixes -K- and -SK-.

3. Introduction of new material.

(Solving an educational problem - finding a solution.)

Students are given observation material:

  1. poor man - poor man
  2. French – French
  3. well done - well done
  4. weaver - weaver
  5. sea ​​- sea
  6. blacksmith - blacksmith
  7. fisherman - fisherman
  8. children - children's

(Knowledge is revealed through stimulating dialogue.)

Look at the 2 columns of words. In the first there are words with the suffix -K-, in the second - -sk-. They will help you discover the rule yourself.

There is work in groups. Hypotheses are put forward and their truth is tested.

So, what did you notice? Any ideas about spelling suff. -K- and -SK-?

So. What other ideas do you have?

Group 1: - In adjectives formed from animate nouns, it is written -K-.
Group 2: - Maybe you need to look at which letter the stem of the noun ends with.
Group 3: - The suffix -K- is written after K, Ts, Ch, and after other letters it is written -SK-.

Does everyone agree with this? How can I check this? (encouragement to check)

The version of the 1st group is not suitable, since the noun French is animate, and the adjective is written -SK-.

Formulate a conclusion about the writing of suff. -K- and -SK-.

The suffix -K- is written after the letters K, Ts, and Ch, and the suffix -SK- in other cases.

(Summary dialogue in case the children fail:

- What consonants (material in the left column under numbers 1-3) end in the stems of nouns, from which adjectives with suffix are formed. -TO-?
- What happens to the final consonant of the stems of nouns during this formation?

- Make a conclusion when the suff is written. -TO-.

- What can you say about writing suff. -K- in the material numbered 4? What is the morphological condition?

- Under what conditions is the suff used? -SK-?

- Formulate a conclusion about the writing of suff. -K- and -SK-.)

4. Playback.

5. Productive tasks.

Graphically display the new rule. Make a diagram to support the distinction between the suffixes of adjectives -K- and -SK-. ( Each group offers its own support diagram for memorization, which is posted on the board.)

All agree? Any extras? Changes?

Let's talk about the rule according to the reference diagram.

And now, so that you can better remember the spelling of adjectives, I will read you a poem. Did you like the poem?

In the word K, Ts, Ch, look.
If these letters are three
They look at you from the sheet,
You put the suffix K on them.

And don't forget,
Check it out in short form!
Know that here for sure
There will also be a suffix K.

And I also give advice:
If there is no short form,
K, Ts, H cannot be found,

Using the supporting rule diagram and the poem, correct the mistakes in the adjectives on the board.

6. Development of spelling skills.

1. Exercises “to recognize spelling by sight.”

A) Exercise No. 261. (According to the instructions in the textbook by R. N. Buneev, E. V. Buneeva, performed orally)

B) From these nouns form adjectives with the suffixes -K- and -SK-. Graphically indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling. A sample is given. (Do it in writing in a notebook, then self-test)

2. Working with signal cards.

I name the adjective, and you must show a card with the suffixes -k - or -SK-.
Close, sharp, September, German, daring, tourist, Siberian, viscous, childish, Caucasian, etc.

3. During the 2nd task, creative work is carried out (individually for strong students).

Sentences are given in which adjectives are missing. It is necessary to insert them, but select adjectives that contain the suffixes -K- and -SK-. Check: students read the texts.

4. Work with punched cards followed by mutual verification (answers that should be written on the punched card are revealed on the board).

7. Homework: compose a similar text of 4-5 sentences, where adjectives with the suffixes -K- and -SK- will appear or complete exercise 262.

8. Summing up the lesson.

What spelling did you learn in class?

Ask each other one question about the topic.

Now ask me one question from the group.

Selective dictation

One day I was walking along an empty road. I look: a wooden windmill. I’ve never seen anything like this, I’m used to living in stone houses with glass windows, having lunch at the station buffet, feeling kindred feelings for people and not being afraid of temporary difficulties. I come closer. I look: something snake-like is crawling out: shiny silver skin, a long cord-like body. I don’t have enough life experience, and I decided: “I’ll go home, there’s chicken broth, rosy pies and cranberry juice waiting for me.”

Distinguishing adjective suffixes in writing -To- And -sk-


Determining the problem of the lesson

Form adjectives from the names of nationalities living in Russia.



Kalmyk k y


Kalmyks -

Nenets K




  • What sounds are heard on

junction of root and suffix of names


  • Highlight the suffixes.
  • With what spelling

encountered a problem?

check yourself

Formulate the lesson problem

When a suffix is ​​written in adjectives -To- , and when - -sk- ?

Solving a problem, discovering new knowledge

Work with the table in exercise. 376.

  • Analyze the material in the left column of the table.
  • What consonant sounds end in the stems of nouns, from which adjectives with a suffix are formed? - To- ?

Bases end in consonants k, ts, h .

  • What happens to the final consonants of noun stems during this formation?

To And h change when forming adjectives into ts .

  • Pay attention to the morphological condition of writing the suffix -To-

These adjectives have a short form.

  • Under what conditions is the suffix used? - sk- ?

If the base does not end with k, h, ts , if the adjective does not have a short form.

Read the rule about distinguishing adjective suffixes in writing - To - And - sk - . Answer the questions.

“Differentiating in writing the suffixes of adjectives -k- and -sk-”

From the nature of the final consonant of the base of the noun from which the adjective is formed

Identification feature - a confluence of consonants

Sounds k, ts, h

  • What is the name of the new spelling in adjectives?
  • What is its identifying feature?
  • What determines the choice of suffix? - To - or - sk - in adjectives?
  • What sounds are key to choosing the correct spelling?

Present the rule as a diagram.

-K- -SK-

[ TO ] , [ C ] , [ H ]

short form

Not [ TO ] , [ C ] , [ H ]

check yourself

Developing skills

check yourself

soldier (soldier T , not on To , ts , h , no cr.f.) – fishing (fish To , To changes to ts )

bold ( impudent , there is a cr.f.) – sailor (sailor With , not on To , ts , h , no credit card)

Viscous ( mating , there is a cr.f.) – naval (flo T , not on To , ts , h , no credit card)

sh Swedish (Swe d , not on To , ts , h , no cr.f.) – French (French h , not on To , ts , h , no credit card)

sharp ( harsh , there is a cr.f.) – Hindu (Hindu With , not on To , ts , h , no credit card)

German (German ts , on ts ) – Belarusian (Belarus With , not on To , ts , h , no credit card)

Kazakh (kaza X , not on To , ts , h , no cr.f.) – Cossack (Kaz To , To changes to ts )


Before - sk- the soft sign is written:

  • Only after L: general, rural.
  • In adjectives formed from the names of months starting with –l, -n,

Ry, except for January,



Answer the test questions

1. What is the condition for writing a suffix -To- is morphological ?

A. from a noun with a stem on TO

B. the presence of a short adjective

V. from a noun with a base on H

G. from a noun with a base on C

check yourself

Answer the test questions

2. From which noun is an adjective with a suffix formed? - sk - ?

B. Sagittarius

V. Kyrgyz

check yourself

Answer the test questions

  • Why in the word Cossack is written

suffix - To - , but not -sk- ?

A. the word has a short form

B. derived from a noun

based on C

V. formed from a noun

based on TO

G. is not formed from a noun with a stem in K, C, Ch, has no short form.

check yourself

Lesson in 6th grade.

Subject Distinguishing in writing the suffixes of adjectives –k- and –sk-

Lesson type: lesson of “discovery” of new knowledge.

Target: developing students’ knowledge about the suffixes of adjectives –k and –sk

Planned achievements:

Personal: developing a positive attitude towards learning and cognitive activity in students.

Subject e: the student will learn to distinguish adjective suffixes –k in writing

and -sk.


Cognitive: the student will learn to conduct observations under the guidance of a teacher; establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Communicative: the student will learn to work in a group; exercise mutual control and provide the necessary mutual assistance in cooperation.

Regulatory: the student will learn to plan ways to achieve goals; will have the opportunity to learn how to independently set educational goals and objectives.

Handout: self-assessment sheet, task cards.

Necessary equipment: textbook, interactive whiteboard.

During the classes:

I . Motivation for learning activities.

Good afternoon guys. I would like to start our lesson with a poem

Smile! Even if my heart is dark

And mistakes get in the way along the way,

Look, a warm day peeked through our window,

Isn't it worth a smile?

Let's smile at the beginning of a new day and at each other. Now take your seats. I hope for your active work in class.

Each of you has a self-assessment sheet on your desk. During the lesson, you need to evaluate your cognitive activity by ticking the appropriate column:


Executed without error

Completed with a small amount


Had a lot of trouble


Homework exercise 374

Drawing up an algorithm.

Doing exercise 376 orally.

Oral work using cards.

Graphic dictation

Written work using cards

II .Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial action.

Now let’s check the homework by checking it against the standard.

Standard exercise 374

Who completed the exercise without errors? What mistakes did you make? Why?

Don't forget to evaluate your knowledge on the self-assessment sheet.

III . Identifying the location and cause of the problem.

Exercise 1 . The adjective suffixes are written on the board: -liv-, -iv-, -ov-, -ev-, -onn-, -enn-, -an-, -yan-, -in-.

Guys, it’s written on the boardparts of words .

What are their names?(Suffixes) Yes, suffixes.

What do suffixes do? What kind of work is being done?(Serve for the formation of new words) That's right, they serve to form new words. Frontal check.

Task 2. From the nouns written on the cards, use suffixes to form new (single-root) words. Write down the resulting words.

Coward - cowardly straw - straw

Flatterer – flatterer leather – leather

Lead – lead ice – ice

Plush – plush goose – goose

lecture - lecture

What part of speech are words formed using suffixes?

What is this method of forming words called?

Task 3. Write down phrases, replacing one of the nouns with an adjective:

an amateur's collection, a fishing boat, a neighbor's dacha, the language of the Germans, tourist equipment.

Highlight the suffixes.What suffixes were used to form adjectives?

Let's see how you completed the task.

What suffixes were used to form adjectives?

So what happened? I gave everyone the same task, but how did you complete it?

Why did this happen? What don't we know? (Encouraging awareness of the contradiction.)

Formulate, based on the recorded examples,topic of today's lesson.-So. Who can express it more precisely? Who thinks differently?

I V. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty

- Write down the date and topic of the lesson. What do you thinkthe purpose of our lesson?What should we know and learn?

(- Find out the conditions for choosing the suffixes -K- and -SK-.

Learn to correctly write adjectives with the suffixes -K- and -SK-).

- How can we formulate the topic of our lesson?

V. Implementation of project construction.

Students are given observation material:

poor man - poor Frenchman - French

well done - well done sea - sea

weaver - weaver children - children's

German – German city – urban

Look at the 2 columns of words. In the first there are words with the suffix -K-, in the second - -sk-. They will help you discover the rule yourself.

Compare your conclusion with the rule in the textbook.

Is everything right? (discovery of new knowledge.)

What haven't we said? (discovery of new knowledge.)

What should we add to our conclusion? (In adjectives,having a short form , written suffix -K). Create an algorithm by joining groups.

Algorithm “Spelling of adjective suffixes - k- and -sk-”

And nowlook how poetic this rule sounds.

In the word K, Ts, Ch, look.
If these letters are three
They look at you from the sheet,
You put the suffix K on them.

And don't forget,
Check it out in short form!
Know that here for sure
There will also be a suffix K.

And I also give advice:
If there is no short form,
K, Ts, H cannot be found,

So write SK here!

Using the supporting rule diagram and the poem, correct the mistakes in the adjectives on the board.

Have we achieved our goal?

V I . Primary consolidation in external speech.

Teacher. What is the next step in our cognitive activity?

Student. Consolidate our knowledge and apply it in practice.

Teacher. Right. Now let's work frontally with exercise 376 orally. Read the purpose of the exercise. We answer “chain by chain”, using the algorithm that you compiled.

Insert the missing letters into the words written on the card, explain the spelling (orally in pairs).

Novosheshmin district, Sloboda Volchinaya, st. October aya, house 12.

Come up with a proposal including the specified address.

What letters were inserted in place of the gaps? Is everyone like this?

Which word caused difficulty? (October) Why? (whether b is needed or not). Needed.


Spelling of the letter b before the suffix -SK-

On the screen is a table-graphic diagram of the rule. Let's try itread.

- After which consonant in adjectives with suffixes -SK- is the letter b written?

- When is the letter b not written?

- Which word makes an exception?

How do we write Oktyabrsky?

Choose one example in each column.

VII. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

Replace phrases noun+noun phrase adj. + noun and write it down, highlighting the suffixes of the adjectives.

sea ​​landscape

fishermen's village

man's caftan

woman's look

English language

sailors' song

residents of Odessa

Caucasus mountains

representative of Ukraine



fishing village

peasant caftan

female gaze

English language

sailor song

Odessa residents

Caucasus mountains

Ukrainian representative

Graphic dictation. SLIDE 6

Write down the numbers of adjectives with suffix in your notebook-TO- .

1. village street

2. daring act

3. Kazan_y station

4. Russian language

5. Kazakh steppes

7. villager

8. heavy labor

9. wild appetite

10. pungent smell



1. village street -SK-

2. daring act -K-

3. Kazansky railway station -SK-

4. RUSSIAN language -SK-



8. burlatsky labor -K-

9. Beastly appetite -SK-

10. Pungent odor -K-

Peer review. Evaluate your work. Answer: 2, 8, 10

V III . Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Individual work of students on cards.


1) Parental kindness is immeasurable, like the sea.

2) Brotherly love is stronger than stone walls.

3) The wind hit the drivers’ faces….

4) After rain, the grass is always slippery.

5) In the wild acceleration of the steppe, the bell laughs to the point of tears.

6) The October cold kisses my frozen fingers.

7) There was a pungent smell of lilies of the valley in the room.


Assignment: form phrases adjective + noun. from these phrases noun + noun. We do not write this phrase.

Kalmyk language, miner's work, Circassian saber, sailor's costume, knight's armor, Cossack clothing, barge hauler song, Kazakh dance, toys for children, fisherman's net.


Write down the adjectives that are formed from these nouns. Which ones will you write in?ь before the suffix -sk-? What is the name of the method by which written adjectives are formed? Make a sentence with any adjective.

Village, April, July, February. Kazan, Kuban, Siberia, beast, January, hero, secretary.

June, September, October, November, December

4. Write down the phrases, indicate the spelling.

Daring... answer, slippery road, heroic scope, fish... boat, January... frosts, Siberian open spaces, strong evidence, knightly behavior, sailor... friendship, elm... oh swamp, blacksmith... oh workshop

I X. Reflection of educational activities.

Teacher. Guys! You worked very fruitfully in class today. Let's answer the questions in the questionnaire you see on the board.

  • today I found out...

    it was interesting…

    it was difficult…

    I realized that...

    Now I can…

    I learned…

    I managed …

    I was able...

    I can mark myself...

X . Homework.

& 65 , repeat the rule,

execute in writingexercise 377 .

Write a story using as many words as possible with the suffix -k-, -sk-.

Development of a Russian language lesson in the 6th grade by Rezeda Ildusovna Badertdinova, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU “Ilyaksazskaya OOSH”. TOPIC: Distinguishing in writing the suffixes of adjectives -k- and -sk-
Objectives: to introduce the conditions for distinguishing suffixes -k- and -sk- in adjectives and the formation of words with these suffixes; develop skills in morphemic word parsing, independent work, and spelling vigilance; cultivate interest in learning the language; ability for self-esteem.
Planned results: knowledge of the conditions for writing suffixes -k- and -sk- in adjectives; correct formation of words with these suffixes; mastery of morphemic word parsing skills; the ability to explain linguistic phenomena; development of motivation for analytical activity.
Equipment: laptop, projector, cards.
During the classes
1. Motivational stage.
- Hello guys! Good afternoon
Guys, imagine that we are snowflakes.
It started snowing heavily, snowflakes are merrily circling in the air, gradually falling to the ground.
First, small, fragile snowflakes fell (the girls sat down), then larger snowflakes (the boys sat down).
All the snowflakes ended up on the ground. Everything is quiet, the starry night has arrived.
But with the rising of the winter sun, the snowflakes began to wake up, they were happy about the frosty morning, smiled at the sun and said to each other “Good morning!”
I am glad to see your faces, your smiles again, and I think that today will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other.
Good luck to you!
I am glad that you are in a good mood, and I hope that we will work actively with you today. We opened our notebooks, write today's date, great job. (1 SLIDE)
2. Updating knowledge.
Teacher: - Which section did we study in previous lessons? (adj.)
- To which branch of linguistics do adjectives belong? (morphology)
- Guys, let's play the game: “Yes or no” (students know the order of the game in advance)
Game: 1. Adjectives answer the questions Who? What? (No)
2. An adjective denotes a characteristic of an object. (yes)
3. The adjective has 4 categories. (No)
4. The adjective changes according to gender and number. (yes)
5. The words “spring”, “rural”, “brick” are relative adjectives. (yes)
6. Can you select antonyms and synonyms for possessive adjectives? (no)
7. Are the suffixes –an-, -yan- written with nn? (No)

3. Work on the topic of the lesson. Identifying the problem.
Working with cards. (cards are distributed to students)
The task is to divide these words into 2 columns. (2 SLIDE)
Spring, brittle, emergency, antenna, Kyrgyz, written, goose, silver, sharp, viscous, French, vital, hawk, weaving, tin, Cossack, German, Dutch.
Peer review.
- On what basis did you divide these words? (Words with suffixes -n- and- inn- - 1st column; 2nd column - other adjectives.) (SLIDE 3)
4. Developing a plan to resolve their existing difficulties, searching for an optimal solution.
- Let's highlight stems and suffixes in these adjectives. Which of them are we already familiar with? (n,nn). So, what is the task facing us? (determine how these adjectives are formed
Pupils work at the blackboard. Explain:
brittle crowbar is the root, k is the suffix, th is the ending, brittle is the base of the word.
Kyrgyz root [kyrgyz] + suffix [sk] + ending [ii]
viscous elm - root, k - suffix, i - ending, viscous - base of the word.
sharp - cut-root, k-suffix, th- ending
French - French-root, sk-suffix, ii-ending
weaving root - TKATS; suffix - K; ending - IY; Base word: TKATSK
Cossack root - COSSACK; suffix - K; ending - IY; Base word: COSSACK
German German - root, ec, k - suffixes, й - ending, German - base of the word
Dutch-holland-root, sk-suffix
Teacher: - What suffixes have we highlighted here? (K,SK). What's the problem? What don't we know? What is there to find out? (Distinguish in writing the suffixes of adjectives -k- and -sk-)
- Formulate the topic of the lesson: Distinguishing in writing the suffixes of adjectives -k- and -sk-
5. "Discovery" of new knowledge.
- How can you tell them apart? Today our new topic will concern two categories of adjectives: qualitative and relative. How to determine the rank?
- What adjectives can be of greater or lesser degree and have a short form? (qualitative) - What adjectives cannot be more or less and not have a short form? (relative) -Try to form short forms of adjectives.
(Viscous - viscous, sharp - sharp, brittle - brittle) (SLIDE 5)
-All adjectives can be formed into a short form
Teacher: This is the first part of the rule. Draw a conclusion:
(The suffix -k- is written in adjectives (qualitative),
having a short form).
- Let's look at the rest of the words. What kind of adjectives are these?
- What nouns are they derived from? (SLIDE 6)
(Cossack, weaver and German. Kyrgyz, French, Holland) Teacher:
- Why do 3 of these words have the ending K, and the others - SK? To make it easier for you to figure this out, I suggest you refer to the textbook (read the rules)
- Who will draw the conclusion? (Second part of the rule: “The suffix -k- is written in relative adjectives formed from nouns with a stem in -k, -ch, -ts.”)
- And what is the rank of adjectives that are written in black?
-Are there letters k, ch, c at the base of the words?
Teacher: Let’s draw a conclusion: (In other relative adjectives the suffix -sk- is written.) (SLIDE 7)
– How many conditions for choosing the spelling of the suffix -k- and -sk- are in the rule? (Two)
- What can you say about writing suff. -TO-? Formulate a conclusion when the suff is written. -TO-. Under what conditions is the suff used? - SK-?Suffix -k- is written:
1) in adjectives that have a short form; (i.e. at qualities.)
2) in adjectives (relative), formed from some nouns with a stem in -k, -ch, -ts.”
In other adjectives (relative) the suffix -sk- is written.
-There are tables in front of you, you must fill in the missing places.
-Let’s draw a conclusion in order to correctly write the word with suffixes - K-, -SK-Student:
1. highlight morphemes in a word;
2. determine the category of the adjective;
3. if relative, then we look at which consonant ends the base of the word from which the adjective is formed.
4 remember the spelling
6. Consolidation of the studied material
1. Work according to the textbook
Ex. 376 - commented completion of the table, independent construction of complex sentences.
-What difficulties did you experience when doing this exercise? 7Ex. 377 - discussion of questions and tasks, formulation by students of the rule: if the stem of a noun ends in -н and -рь, then before the suffix -sk- the letter ь is not written, for example: kon - horse, January - January, Ryazan - Ryazan, Siberia - Siberian; exceptions are adjectives formed from the names of months: June, September, October, November, December (but: January), as well as the expression day-day.
2. Vocabulary work: orthoepic work
Write the word Ukrainian in the spelling dictionary, put the emphasis.
Write the word January in the spelling dictionary, underline the spelling.
Make up sentences with these words.
7. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.
- What topic did we cover?
- What was the learning task?
- In what ways did we achieve the goal7 (reasoned, completed tasks, exercises)
- At the beginning of the lesson, we set a goal: to find out the conditions for choosing the spelling of the suffixes -K- and -SK- in adjectives and be able to distinguish between them
- At the end of the lesson, we learned how to choose correctly when to write the suffixes K and SK in adjectives?
- Fill out the self-assessment notebooks
Homework: 1) Textbook: § 65; 2) exercise 378 (prepare for the dictation).
3) Complete tasks:
The one who understands, but doubts (tasks 1,3)
Understood, but cannot explain to others (tasks 4,5)
Got it, can explain it to others (task 2)
For smart people and smart girls (come up with a fairy tale or story on this topic)
Application. Homework assignments.
Task No. 1: form adjectives from nouns with the suffixes -sk-, -k-; Highlight the suffixes. What category are all these adjectives?
Example: passenger - passenger.
(1) Uzbek, (2) well done, (3) German, (4) barge hauler, (5) Mongol, (6) hero, (7) fisherman, (8) sea, (9) French, (10) Rus', (11) March, (12) teacher, (13) Kyrgyz.Task No. 2: write down the adjectives, inserting the suffixes -sk- or -k-; explain the way adjectives are formed:
Sample: Ukrainian - Ukraine.
(1) Siberia...y, (2) January...yy, (3) weaving...yy, (4) kuban...yy, (5) fishing...yy, (6) German...yy, (7) city...yy, ( 8) odes...y, (9) sea...oh.
Task No. 3: insert the missing letters; highlight the suffixes; Use a wavy line to underline the relative adjectives:
(1) Low...y, (2) September...yy, (3) near...yy, (4) res...yy, (5) German...yy, (6) giant...yy, (7) daring...yy, ( 8) October, (9) tourist, (10) sailor, (11) Cossack, (12) Siberian, (13) January, (14) Kazan, (15 ) December...y, (16) lower...yy, (17) elm...yy, (18) children...yy, (19) weaving...yy, (20) Caucasian...yy, Swedish...yy, (21) Belarusian...yy , (22) commandant...y.
Task No. 4: distribute the adjectives into two columns: 1) suffix -sk-; 2) suffix -k-:
(1) Fisherman, (2) lieutenant, (3) blacksmith, (4) giant, (5) Kalmyk, (6) Kyrgyz, (7) miner, ( 8) Eskimo...y, (9) Sagittarius...yy, (10) Hindu...yy.
Task No. 5: highlight the suffixes of adjectives, determine their category:
(1) persistent, (2) responsive, (3) sympathetic, (4) calculating, (5) log, (6) ledge, (7) playful, (8) rainy, (9) field, (10) lilac, (11) light, (12) gray, (13) small, (14) brocade, (15) fox, (16) calico, (17) pear, (18) whitish, (19) yellowish, (20) bluish, (21) close, (22) low, (23) fishing, (24) weaving, (25) Kyrgyz, (26) December. He who understands, but doubts (1,3)
Understood, but cannot explain to others (4.5)
Got it, can explain to others(2)
For smart people and smart girls: come up with a fairy tale on this topic about the suffixes -K-, -SK
I found out)
I managed to learn. I rate my work in class as “_____”