Workshop for teachers on holding children's parties. Seminar-workshop for preschool teachers

Target: Improving the speech culture of preschool teachers.


  • Clarification and consolidation of knowledge about the components of a teacher’s speech.
  • Improving the quality of linguistic speech.
  • Creating a comfortable environment to improve the perception of this information.

Attributes: booklets-memos “The Art of Speaking with Children”, a selection of sayings of great people about speech (for each teacher), the game “Mysterious Bouquet” (blanks with questions), forms for evaluating a workshop seminar, a poem - a cheat sheet of your own composition for quickly memorizing the components of speech , components of the “Rainbow” speech (the names of each component, painted in the colors of the rainbow), a verse for a picture about the speech, blanks for the application.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Today we will talk about the culture of speech, the art of speaking with children.

When I was preparing for the consultation, I re-read many interesting, meaningful aphorisms, quotes about the Russian language, about the culture of speech, and settled on the aphorism I liked, from the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle:

“The virtue of speech is to be clear and not low!”

That is, the speech must be correctly formatted, understandable, and without all sorts of errors.

Would you agree with me that we all, without exception, make mistakes?

And children are our reflection. They, not knowing how to think critically, imitate us, adopting our speech with all the errors, considering it the norm.

Let's remember what SPEECH CULTURE is? (Answers from teachers).

Speech culture is knowledge of language norms (in the field of pronunciation, stress, word usage and grammar), as well as the ability to use all expressive means of language in different conditions of communication (communication) in accordance with the intended purpose and content.

Speech culture as a science is a special linguistic discipline aimed at studying and improving the literary language as an instrument of national culture, the guardian of the spiritual wealth of the people.

Cultural speech is a mandatory component for a teacher.

What do you think the teacher’s speech should be like? (teachers' answers).

Children are the flowers of life, and we are gardeners who nurture these beautiful creatures every day, watering them with a smile, fertilizing them with intelligence and beautiful, clear speech, so as not to regret later!

I suggest playing the game “Mysterious Bouquet” and remembering the definitions of the seven components of speech.

Methodological requirements for teacher speech. Game "Mysterious bouquet"

Teachers take one definition from the middle of the rose, read it and determine which component of the speech they are talking about.

For example: 1.…………..-.compliance of speech with language norms. The teacher needs to know and follow the basic norms of the Russian language when communicating with children: orthoepic norms (rules of literary pronunciation), as well as norms for the formation and modification of words. And so you need to remember all the components of speech.

1. Correctness - compliance of speech with language norms. The teacher needs to know and follow the basic norms of the Russian language when communicating with children: orthoepic norms (rules of literary pronunciation), as well as norms for the formation and modification of words.

2.Accuracy- correspondence between the semantic content of speech and the information that underlies it. The teacher should pay special attention to the semantic (notional) side of speech, which contributes to the development of children's skills of accurate word use.

3.Logicality - expression in semantic connections of speech components and relationships between parts and components of thought. The teacher should take into account that it is in preschool age that ideas about the structural components of a coherent utterance are laid down, and the skills of using various methods of intratextual communication are formed.

5. Expressiveness - a feature of speech that captures attention and creates an atmosphere of emotional empathy. The expressiveness of a teacher’s speech is a powerful tool for influencing a child. The teacher’s mastery of various means of expressive speech (intonation, tempo of speech, strength, pitch of voice, etc.) contributes not only to the formation of the arbitrary expressiveness of a child’s speech, but also to a more complete awareness of the content of an adult’s speech, and the formation of the ability to express his attitude to the subject of conversation.

6.Wealth- ability to use all language units in order to optimally express information. The teacher should take into account that in preschool age the foundations of the child’s vocabulary are formed, therefore the rich vocabulary of the teacher himself not only helps to expand the child’s vocabulary, but also helps to develop his skills in the accuracy of word use, expressiveness and figurative speech.

7.Relevance - the use in speech of units that correspond to the situation and conditions of communication. The appropriateness of a teacher’s speech presupposes, first of all, having a sense of style. Taking into account the specifics of preschool age aims the teacher at developing a culture of speech behavior in children (communication skills, the ability to use various formulas of speech etiquette, focus on the communication situation, the interlocutor, etc.). The above requirements include the correct use of non-verbal means of communication by the teacher, his ability not only to speak with the child, but also to hear him.

Of course, the teacher of a preschool educational institution’s knowledge of the above requirements, their compliance and constant improvement of speech quality is the key to successful work on the high-quality speech development of children in preschool educational institutions.

In order to make it easier to remember all 7 components of speech, I composed a poem, associating it with a rainbow. The rainbow also has 7 colors. She is amazing, beautiful and multifaceted, just like her speech.

Appendix No. 1 - poem

Verse is a cheat sheet for quickly memorizing the components of speech.

Seven components of our speech

Simple and easy to remember!

Just remember the rainbow in the sky,

And your soul will become light!

After all, the rainbow, like speech, is playful,

Spontaneous, sonorous and simple,

And amazingly beautiful

In all the old times!

It contains correctness, logic, accuracy,

Richness of colors, purity,

What kind of expressiveness?

After all, the soul sings from her!

My poem will become famous

And this has its own sense, relevance!

Thank you everyone for our meeting,

For the seminar “Culture of Speech!”

One of the important tasks of our seminar is to test your literacy.

Workshop “Test yourself” (Oral)

Task No. 1. Place the correct stress in the words:

agreement, nap, blinds, hangnail, quarter, catalogue, guardianship, shell, beets, funds, plum, dancer, cottage cheese, shoe, notify, notification, phenomenon, ringing, fingers, scissors, newborn, petition, cakes, provision, bows, will turn on (1 - words in the text, 2 - light), horns (animal), horns (pasta).

Task No. 2. Determine the gender of the nouns.

Shampoo (m.r.), callus (f.r.), coffee (undeclined, m.r.), tulle (m.r.), veil (f.r.), cocoa (undeclined, m.r.) , coat (undeclined sr.r.), gel (m.r.), vermicelli (f.r.).

Task No. 3. Correct the mistake in the sentence.

He is a complete ignoramus in matters of art.

The boy put on his coat and hat and went for a walk.

Kolya is the leading leader of our group.

When I returned back to my friends, everyone was very happy.

The conversation with the children came to its final end.

Task No. 4. Say the right words.

Of course, of course, boring-boring, sad-sad, age-age, powerful-powerful, index-index, project-project.

Before preparing for the seminar, a survey “What are the most common mistakes we make?”

Our mistakes!

What - what (what), theirs - theirs, no - no, dressed - dressed, painkiller - painkiller, compact - pay, pay, pay, fingers - fingers, scissors - scissors, tomato - tomato salad, dressing someone, put something on, put it down, put it down, run, run, call, call, horns, horns,

Do not forget that the words: gel, shampoo, tulle are masculine.

The main task is to correct these errors!

Of course, knowledge of the above requirements for teachers, and I believe for junior staff too, compliance with and constant improvement of the quality of one’s speech is the key to successful work on the speech and moral development of children in preschool educational institutions.

And now we will once again summarize all the knowledge that we received at the seminar in the form of a colorful masterpiece. We will create a picture. I distribute supplies. They are made on self-adhesive photo paper.

The result is an unusual picture, from which it is clear how important it is to know all aspects of speech culture and use them correctly. Only then will our speech and the speech of our students be literate.

A culture of speech!

The sun is a teacher! (Sun)

He is the creator of beautiful speech,

Lighting the way for children (photo of children)

The rays are running towards.

Clouds are communication for us. (Clouds)

They have their own intricacies.

This is a pose, gestures, look, (Droplets)

Word, facial expressions, contact

And touches

Faith, respect!

Speech that is literate, pure,

Expressive, simple!

The sun touched the droplets.

What kind of miracle beauty is this?

The speech shone playfully.

A rainbow appeared. (Rainbow)

Dark clouds - errors. (Dark clouds)

They exist and they are few.

Let's fix everything together

And the road will be bright!

To be proud of Russian speech

From power and strength.

But, and knowledge about speech

They only brought joy!

Much has been said about speech. I would like to wish you to look into the world of words as often as possible. It contains a storehouse of age-old wisdom.

In memory of our seminar, I give you leaflets with sayings of great people about speech.

Appendix No. 2 “Statements of great people about speech.”

Sayings of great people about speech.

(A gift for each teacher)

“The word is one of man’s greatest weapons. Powerless in itself, it becomes powerful and irresistible when said skillfully, sincerely and on time.” A.F. Horses.

“Eloquence is the art of speaking in such a way that those to whom we are addressing listen not only without difficulty, but also with pleasure, so that, captured by the topic and incited by pride, they want to delve deeper into it.” Pascal Blaise.

“Eloquence is the painting of thought” Pascal Blaise.

“Everyone can speak confusedly, few can speak clearly” Galileo Galilei.

“Otherwise words arranged take on a different meaning, otherwise thoughts arranged make a different impression.” Pascal Blaise.

“The word that comes from the heart penetrates the heart” Nizami.

“Take care that all your words are understood, decently and correctly arranged, so that each sentence and each of your periods, intricate and full-voiced, conveys what you want to say with the greatest possible simplicity and vividness; express yourself more clearly without confusing or obscuring the meaning. Also make sure that, listening to your speech, the melancholic person laughs, the merry person becomes even more cheerful, the simpleton does not get bored, the reasonable person is delighted with your invention, the sedate person does not condemn it, the wise person cannot help but praise it.” M. Cervantes.

Appendix No. 3 - Questionnaire

Seminar evaluation

Full name of the teacher ___________________________________

What I learned from today’s seminar was……_______________

During the seminar I liked...____________________


What topic would you like to discuss?_____________________


I rate the seminar …_______________________________________


Thanks everyone for participating!!!

Appendix No. 4

Appendix No. 5. (Blanks for the painting).

Target: formation in teachers of skills that are basic in the implementation of pedagogical competence.


  1. Identify the level of professional preparedness and general culture of teachers.
  2. Summarize methodological and practical material on the problem for the implementation of pedagogical activities.
  3. Provide an opportunity for teachers to self-assess their abilities.
  4. Motivate teachers to develop and improve their practical skills.
  5. To help teachers increase their level of pedagogical competence through practical exercises.
  6. Create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere, activate the group’s potential.
  7. Apply different types of group work to achieve the objectives of the workshop.




Seminar-workshop for educators “The educator is a master of his craft”

Developed and conducted by L.V. Yanpolskaya, senior teacher

1st round A game "Question answer".

2 round “Create mine image".

“Image of a teacher.”

3rd round A game “Five five.”

4th round Solution pedagogical situations. Educational positions.

Target: formation in teachers of skills that are basic in the implementation of pedagogical competence.


  1. Identify the level of professional preparedness and general culture of teachers.
  2. Summarize methodological and practical material on the problem for the implementation of pedagogical activities.
  3. Provide an opportunity for teachers to self-assess their abilities.
  4. Motivate teachers to develop and improve their practical skills.
  5. To help teachers increase their level of pedagogical competence through practical exercises.
  6. Create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere, activate the group’s potential.
  7. Apply different types of group work to achieve the objectives of the workshop.

Facilities: practical exercises, game situations, conversation.

Form of work: subgroup.

Event duration: up to 2-2.5 hours.

Materials and equipment:large chairs according to the number of participants, tables (each with a yellow, blue, red flag), tape recorder, CDs with music.


Stand 1 – “Five five.”

Stand 2 – “Teacher Positions”.

Stand 3 – “Crossword”.

Handout:task cards,pens, magnetic board with colored magnets, paper.

Preparing for the event.

I developed a script for the workshop, thought through questions, pedagogical situations, types of encouragement, conditions, arrangement of furniture (3 tables with flags of different colors), and prepared cards for each team.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with literature on the topic of the workshop.

Jury selected from the administration of the preschool educational institution.

Round 1 is assessed:

5 points - complete, detailed correct answer to the question;

3 points - the answer is partially correct, but incomplete;

Round 2 is assessed:

5 points - for each person from the group.

Round 3 is assessed:

5 points - for the correct answer;

3 points - for the answer given after the hint;

0 points - no answer to the question.

Round 4 is assessed:

5 points - correct solution to the pedagogical situation;

3 points - solving the pedagogical situation of another group;

0 points - no answer to the question.

Progress of the event

(Music sounds)


We welcome today
Smart, affectionate friends.
Those who are full of strength and knowledge,
Fresh thoughts and ideas.
You all chose the best
Among the many roads,
You were once at preschool
She brought the threshold.

My first lessons
You have successfully completed
And they taught me something
And they were able to captivate the children.
You are now worthy of honor
Called “Teacher”.
And today we will spend
All efforts are our result.

Each teacher chooses a card of any color and takes a place in a group with a flag of the corresponding color. The abbreviation words are written on the back of the cards; teachers must decipher them. Divided into teams, participants make up their own word for an abbreviation related to education. The task is given 5-6 minutes.

This task helps teachers not only get ready for work, but also exercises their imagination in a game situation, demonstrates their knowledge of the surrounding reality and their intellectual development.


  1. Not only the largest monetary unit of Ancient Greece, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, but also the outstanding abilities of an artist. (Talent)
  2. Not only a layer of soil, but also the first layer of paint on the canvas. (Priming)
  3. Not only a unit of sound volume level, but also the background of the picture. (Background)
  4. Not only part of the act in the drama, but also a work of painting. (Painting)
  5. Not only an eccentric person, but also an original work of art. (Original)


  1. Long distance running? (Cross)

The starting point of any competition1st round Question and answer game

One group of team members selects a card with tasks that they need to discuss and write down the correct answers. The answers are submitted to the jury (administration of the preschool educational institution).

Target: testing knowledge of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of a preschool educational institution, knowledge of the content of the work of a preschool educational institution during the year.

1 card

  1. List the tasks of the preschool educational institution’s annual plan that the team is working on.
  2. What is the daily duration of children's walks in preschool educational institutions? (At least 4-4.5 hours)
  3. How long are classes for 5 year olds? (No more than 20 minutes)

2 card

  1. Who is responsible for the compliance of training and education programs and technologies, methods and organizations of the educational process with the age and psychophysiological capabilities of children: educator, Education Administration, preschool educational institution administration? (Administration of the preschool educational institution)
  2. What is the maximum permissible weekly educational load for children of the 4th year of life? (11 lessons)
  3. Write down all the institutions with which our preschool cooperates.

3 card

  1. How long are classes for 4 year olds? (No more than 15 minutes)
  2. How much time in the daily routine of children aged 3-7 years is independent activity (games, preparation for classes, personal hygiene)? (At least 3-4 hours)
  3. Write the names and patronymics of the technical staff of our kindergarten?

2 round “Create your image”

Target: the ability to behave correctly in force majeure circumstances, to give a full assessment of your choice.

A telephone message is read out to the teachers: “Urgently in 15 minutes, the kindergarten needs to invite at least 3 people to the conference.” It's a working day, teachers don't have time to change clothes, do makeup, or do their hair. After 1 minute, each microgroup must send 1 person to the conference and explain their choice.

Report “Image of a teacher”. (Annex 1 )

3rd round “Five five”

Target: check the erudition of the team.

On the magnetic board there is a table with five topics for discussion. Each topic consists of 5 questions.

Team members take turns choosing a topic. The presenter asks a question from this topic. Time to think about the question is 15 seconds. One group member gives the answer. If there is no correct answer, then the question goes to another group. Each team can select each sector no more than 1 time.


  1. Not only the result of multiplication, but also the fruit of the labor of a writer or poet. (Work)
  2. What fairy tale do we owe to K.I.’s little daughter? Chukovsky, who did not want to wash her face? (“Moidodyr”)
  3. The Poles call her Edzina, the Czechs - Ezinka, the Slovaks - Jerzy Baba, but what do we call her? (Baba Yaga)
  4. Name the formidable weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (Whistling)
  5. What was the name of the fairy-tale hypnotist cat? (Bayun)
  6. Which fairy tale tells about the limited admission of shareholders to a housing cooperative? (Teremok)
  1. at speed? (Start)
  2. Reward for the winner. (Cup)
  3. A tool of ancient man and an athletics projectile for throwing? (A spear)
  4. A big frozen puddle for dancing? (Ice rink)


  1. Which city in the Perm region stings? (Osa City)
  2. Which regional center of Russia flies? (Orel city)
  3. In which river in the Tyumen region can you rinse clothes? (In the Taz River)
  4. Which Russian peninsula complains about its size? (Yamal Peninsula)
  5. A tributary of the Dnieper, which can be found in our mouth. (Desna River)


  1. Holiday flowers in heaven? (Firework)
  2. One of the ancient weapons of ancient man? (Axe)
  3. Vanya, who became king? (John)
  4. A religious group, a community that has broken away from the mainstream church? (Sect)
  5. Government paper warehouse? (Archive)

Dynamic pause. Game “Methodrepka”.

A methodologist (from the jury) is selected and sits on a chair on the opposite side of the hall. Participants in the workshop distribute roles among themselves (the goal is the ability to agree among themselves). It is necessary to “pull out” the method. First, the grandfather runs to the method-repka, returns to the participants, takes the grandmother, runs to the method-repka, stays at the method-repka. Grandmother runs after her granddaughter, etc.

4th round Solving pedagogical situations

(Appendix 2 )

Each microgroup is given envelopes with assignments. It is necessary to discuss the pedagogical situation and find the right solution.

Target : to update the practical experience of teachers and direct it to the search for methods and techniques for educating and teaching boys and girls of preschool age, taking into account their psychophysiological characteristics.

Report “Position of a teacher”. (Appendix 3 )

The jury has time to sum up the results and name the winners of our meeting. And we will solve the crossword puzzle (Appendix 4 ).

The key word is "well done." The teams are given a task - say the word:

Team 1 - loud, quiet

Team 2 - fast, slow

Team 3 - sad, happy

jury - questioning

all participants affirmatively.

Summing up the results of the workshop.


  1. Volkov B.S., Volkova N.V. Child psychology in questions and answers. M. Sphere. 2001.
  2. Kazansky O. games in ourselves., M., 1995.
  3. Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten "Childhood". S. Ptb. Accident. 1997.
  4. Strelchenko G. On non-traditional forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions. // Preschool education. 2003. N11. pp. 66-68.
  5. Uruntaeva G.A. Preschool psychology. Tutorial. M. Academia. 1996.
  6. Shuleshko E.E., Ershova A.P., Bukatov V.M. Socio-game approaches to pedagogy. Krasnoyarsk 1990.

Gogol wrote: “In it (in the Russian language) all the tones and shades, all the transitions of sounds from the hardest to the most tender and soft, it is limitless and can, living like life, be enriched every minute.”

How to master a language, how to make sure that our native speech is our element, in which we can navigate quickly and accurately? Many people underestimate oral speech and treat it carelessly. This lack of attention to the culture of oral speech, the rules of pronunciation and stress has led to the fact that most of our society does not know how to speak correctly and beautifully. Nowadays you rarely hear beautiful speech even on radio and television. On the street, in transport, in a store, we often hear rude speech with vulgar intonation, sloppy pronunciation, a lot of incorrect accents and speech errors. It is no coincidence that scientists and public figures talk about the crisis of the literary language, especially in the sphere of oral communication.

Therefore, the responsibility of educators and parents for the culture of their own speech is so great. The living word of an adult remains the main means of teaching a child . That is why teachers have the right to demonstrate examples of correct pronunciation in front of children. Constantly having in front of him a model of correct speech, the child involuntarily begins to imitate it, thereby spontaneously mastering the norm of literary pronunciation.

Competent oral speech promotes ease of communication between people and gives speech communicative perfection.

The aesthetic value of literate speech is also great, since it is a kind of mirror that most clearly reflects the degree of a person’s general intellectual development. Who among us does not hear the words “document”, “congratulate”, “kazhny”, “kanpot”, “kolidor”, which are found both in the speech of children and in the speech of adults. This is the so-called vernacular style with the prevention and elimination of the features of which we must work. The pronunciation system of the Russian language is based on a neutral style, the main purpose of which is communicative. This style is used in everyday speech communication; it is the main style of literary pronunciation. An example of a neutral style is the speech of television announcers and the performances of stage masters.

Conversational style is associated with ordinary speech situations. Its implementation takes place in an informal, relaxed, non-prepared message. The conversational style is characterized by a faster rate of pronunciation and less tension in articulation, which leads to unclear pronunciation. Features of the conversational style give the statement a somewhat reduced, everyday character. Preschool children have a conversational style of pronunciation. Conversational style is often observed in the speech of parents and educators:

“How long is it to repeat the same thing”

“You worked well today”

"You don't need to touch anything"

“You’ll be studying right now”

"Lie on your right side"

"Don't take off your coat"

“I have pictures here”

“One can conclude from Otsedov”

"Put your clothes here"

Adults who use conversational style are not aware of their phonetic carelessness. Meanwhile, they must take care of the correct speech environment from which the child absorbs pronunciation patterns, therefore a neutral style should occupy a predominant place in the speech of adults, style of literary pronunciation.

Stress occupies a special place in the Russian language. It is like a heartbeat. We don’t remember about it until someone distorts the word with an incorrect emphasis - it immediately loses its rhythmic pulse, and sometimes its meaning and grammatical form. Its originality lies in the fact that it is free, that is, it is not attached to a specific syllable in a word; it can fall on the first, second, or third syllable. A feature of the stress is its mobility, the ability to change its place depending on the form of the word:

Understand - understood - understood

And the third feature of stress is variability; over time, stress changes its place in the word. They used to say: Cemetery, library, music.

Now this pronunciation is considered incorrect. But it has been preserved in works of art:

"Regimental music thunders." (A.S. Pushkin)

Very often doubts arise about the placement of stress. In this case, a dictionary provides invaluable help. Game - training “Stress” - copy words, place emphasis.

(Catalog, more beautiful, loop, beets, orphans, cement, will call, beginning, began, sheet, calling, alphabet, argument, contract, leisure, ringing, catalog, quarter, begin, loop, percentage, dancer, belt, spoil).

First of all Every adult and his speech behavior is a role model. Don’t forget, there are children next to us, watch your speech and help your child master the culture of their native language. We must not allow children to hear from you and me, and then they themselves say, “my name, ten chickens, I’ll strip off my boots, go ahead of me.” Game – competition “Correct the mistakes”

“The children are running to kindergarten. You run after them. Get out of the house. Ride a fox bike. You see how I drive. Watch for me. Let's play together. You need to put the spatula here, put it there. I'm cleaning my coat. How many times do I tell you, wait for me.”

Today, each of us is surrounded by many speech errors. It is no secret that educators and parents often confuse the purpose of the verbs “put on and dress.” Blitz quiz “Feel the difference” “I woke up early in the morning and started getting ready for work. First she began to (put on or put on) a dress, began to wear a jacket.....began to wear a hat....And then she began to (put on or put on) her son. What can you wear? What about dressing? (someone: child, brother, doll).

Let's talk about intonation expressiveness.

Once upon a time, a man was brought to the ancient Greek philosopher and sage Socrates, about whom he had to express his opinion. But the newcomer was silent all the time. Socrates exclaimed: “Speak so that I can see you!” After all, very often our first impressions of a person are formed under the influence of his voice. The voice is a mirror of a person, a powerful means of influence. Tone of voice plays an exceptional role in oral speech, especially when working with children.

Exercises for intonation expressiveness: - say the phrases (cheerfully, affectionately, calmly, angrily) “Come to me”, “Close the door”, “Sit down”.

Workshop on intonation expressiveness. Poem by M. Tsvetaeva.

- “Everything will grind, it will be flour!

People are comforted by this science.

Will it become torment, what was melancholy?

No, better with flour!

People, believe me: we are alive with longing!

Only in melancholy are we victorious over boredom.

Will everything be crushed? Will it be flour?

No, better with flour!

So, from all that has been said, you can draw the following conclusions:

— it is necessary to constantly improve the culture of speech;

- develop expressive skills in oral speech;

- critically evaluate your own and other people’s speech from the point of view

pronunciation standards.

And at the end of the seminar, we will practice fine literature, say affectionate words to each other (dear, respected, sweetest, charming, beautiful, incomparable, trembling, charming, captivating, wonderful, smartest, most beautiful, most precious), and give (gifts) without naming them, and describing them in such a way that the one to whom you are giving can guess what kind of gift it is, choose the exact words “flower, doll, perfume, umbrella, mirror, handkerchief, ring, cup, book).


1. K.I. Chukovsky “Alive as life.”

teacher speech therapist

MDOBU "CRR - kindergarten "Nadezhda"

Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russian Federation.

Workshop for kindergarten teachers

Target: Systematization and deepening of teachers’ knowledge on the topic “Didactic games on speech development for preschool children.”
1. Assessment of speech development in preschool children.
2. Conditions for successful speech development.
3. Didactic games for speech development:
- main types of didactic games;
- preparation for conducting a didactic game;
- conducting a didactic game
4. Games for speech development during the day (workshop).

Progress of the workshop.

Everyone can speak, but only a few of us can speak correctly. When talking with others, we use speech as a means of conveying our thoughts. Speech for us is one of the main needs and functions of a person. It is speech that distinguishes a person from other representatives of the living world. It is through communication with other people that a person realizes himself as an individual.

It is impossible to judge the beginning of the personality development of a preschool child without assessing his speech development. In the mental development of a child, speech is of exceptional importance. The development of speech is associated with the formation of both the personality as a whole and all basic mental processes. Therefore, determining the directions and conditions for the development of speech in children is one of the most important pedagogical tasks. The problem of speech development is one of the most pressing.

A high level of speech development in children of the preparatory group for school is considered if the children:
- master the literary norms and rules of their native language, freely use vocabulary and grammar when expressing their thoughts and composing any type of statement;
- know how to interact with adults and peers: listen, ask, answer, express, explain;
- know the norms and rules of speech etiquette, know how to use them depending on the situation;

The diagnostic results show us that the level of speech development in our preschoolers is not high enough, and the lexical structure of speech is especially low.
What do you think is the reason for the low level of speech development in children? (teachers speaking)

Conditions for successful speech development.
1. In a preschool institution, conditions must be created for the development of children’s speech in communication with adults and peers:
- employees encourage children to turn to adults with questions, judgments, and statements;
- staff encourage children to communicate verbally with each other.
2. Staff give children examples of correct literary speech:
- employees’ speech is clear, clear, colorful, complete, and grammatically correct;
- speech includes various examples of speech etiquette.
3. Employees ensure the development of sound culture of speech on the part of children in accordance with their age characteristics:
- monitor correct pronunciation, correct and exercise children if necessary (organize onomatopoeic games, conduct classes on sound analysis of words, use tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, poems);
- observe the pace and volume of children’s speech and, if necessary, gently correct them.
4. Employees provide children with conditions to enrich their vocabulary, taking into account age-related characteristics:
- employees provide children with conditions for children to include the named objects and phenomena in play and object-based activities;
- help the child master the names of objects and phenomena, their properties, talk about them;
- ensure the development of the figurative side of speech (figurative meaning of words);
- introduce children to synonyms, antonyms, homonyms.
5. Employees create conditions for children to master the grammatical structure of speech:
- learn to correctly connect words in case, number, tense, gender, and use suffixes;
- learn to formulate questions and answer them, build sentences.
6. Employees develop coherent speech in children, taking into account their age characteristics:
- encourage children to tell a story, present a detailed presentation of certain content;
- organize dialogues between children and with adults.
7. They pay special attention to the development of children’s understanding of speech, training children in following verbal instructions.
8. Employees create conditions for the development of the planning and regulating functions of children’s speech in accordance with their age characteristics:
- encourage children to comment on their speech;
- exercise the ability to plan their activities.
9. Introduce children to the culture of reading fiction.
10. Employees encourage children's word creativity.
11. Employees create speech centers in the group.
12. Employees conduct regular educational work with parents on the issues of speech development of group pupils.

Considering that play is the most beloved and desired type of children's activity and has great developmental significance, it is not difficult to understand where its magical power lies.
1. Play for a child is joy and pleasure.
2. The game makes the adaptation period easier.
3. The game helps to establish a trusting relationship with the child.
4. The game contributes to the development of purposeful activity.
5. The game is a window into the world of adult life.
6. The game promotes speech development.
7. Play is important for mental development.

Didactic games for speech development.
We know that the teacher must create conditions for the development of the child’s speech. And since the leading activity in preschool childhood is play, one of the conditions for successful work on speech development will be the use of didactic games.

A didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of education, an independent gaming activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child’s personality.

Main types of didactic games:
- playing with objects (toys, natural materials, etc.);
- printed board games;
- word games.

Preparation for conducting a didactic game includes:
- selection of games in accordance with the objectives of education and training: deepening and generalizing knowledge, developing sensory abilities, activating mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech, etc.);
- establishing compliance of the selected game with the program requirements for the education and training of children of a certain age group;
- determining the most convenient time for conducting a didactic game (in the process of organized learning in the classroom or during free time from classes and other routine processes);
- choosing a place to play where children can play quietly without disturbing others;
- determining the number of players (the whole group, small subgroups, individually);
- preparation of the necessary didactic material for the selected game (toys, various objects, pictures...);
- preparation of the teacher himself for the game: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game, his place in the game, methods of managing the game;
- preparing children for play: enriching them with knowledge, ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life necessary to solve the game problem.

Conducting didactic games includes:
- familiarizing children with the content of the game, with the didactic material that will be used in the game (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the children’s knowledge and ideas about them are clarified);
- explanation of the course and rules of the game. At the same time, the teacher pays attention to the children’s behavior in accordance with the rules of the game, to the strict implementation of the rules;
- demonstration of game actions, during which the teacher teaches children to perform the action correctly, proving that otherwise the game will not lead to the desired result (for example, if one of the children is spying when you need to close your eyes);
- determining the role of the teacher in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee. The degree of direct participation of the teacher in the game is determined by the age of the children, their level of training, the complexity of the didactic task, and the game rules. While participating in the game, the teacher directs the actions of the players (with advice, questions, reminders);
- summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment in its management, because Based on the results that children achieve in the game, one can judge its effectiveness and whether it will be used with interest in the children’s independent play activities. When summing up the results, the teacher emphasizes that the path to victory is possible only through overcoming difficulties, attention and discipline.
Didactic games are used to solve all problems of speech development. They consolidate and clarify vocabulary, changes and formation of words, practice composing coherent statements, and develop explanatory speech. Vocabulary didactic games help the development of both specific and generic concepts, the development of words in their generalized meanings. In these games, the child finds himself in situations where he is forced to use acquired speech knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions. They manifest themselves in the words and actions of the players. Didactic games are an effective means of consolidating grammatical skills, since due to the dialectic, emotional nature of the game and the interest of children, they make it possible to practice the child many times in repeating the necessary word forms.

Practical part
Games with teachers
Senior teacher: I am pleased to note that the goal of the workshop has been achieved. Having learned to carry out diagnostics and plan correctional work, you have solved an important task: to proceed from the interests of the child and the prospects for his development. Whatever games your students play, be not close to them, but with them. Only partnership and cooperation between the teacher and children in play creates a zone of proximal development for children’s independent play.


Lesson 1. “Looking at paintings”

Target: stimulate the creative activity of teachers when viewing artistic paintings; develop a creative approach when composing literary works based on the picture; consolidate knowledge about literary genres, the ability to master a given literary genre in practice. Transform and apply, when working with children, the methods and techniques of viewing paintings (works of art) that were used during the seminar lesson.

  1. Divide teachers into teams of 5-7 people.
  2. Selecting team captains.
  3. Selection of reproductions of works of art for viewing.
  4. Getting to know the painting.
  5. Finding oddities in an image.
  6. Selecting a literary genre by teams.
  7. Exploring genre mastery.
  8. Compilation of a literary work by teams in the chosen genre.
  9. Evaluation of a literary work by comrades, self-esteem.

Materials: reproductions of art paintings, cut postcards, tables, pointers (material is provided according to the number of teams), small objects to indicate the accepted answers of the teams.

Progress of the lesson

There are tables in the hall, on one of them there are cut parts of two postcards. Teachers are invited to take each part of the postcard and make whole postcards from the parts. When compiling, two teams are formed. Teams choose captains. The presenter invites the captains to approach him. (Separately there are reproductions of paintings by artists). Together they choose one of the reproductions.

From this moment the acquaintance with the picture begins. The presenter suggests finding in the picture what is in the room where the seminar is being held. (Teams take turns calling. Correct answers are marked with small objects). Next, the presenter offers to find and name white objects in the picture, solid objects, objects whose names contain the sound “r”; objects that begin with the sound “r”. After this, the presenter offers to find oddities in the picture and justify them. (Teams complete the task.)

After a detailed examination of the picture, the presenter asks what literary genres the teams know (the teams are named). Each team is asked to choose a literary genre. (The teams confer, and the captain tells the presenter the chosen literary genre.) To study the command of the teams in the chosen literary genre, the presenter calls three words, for example, puppy, walk, evening. Using these words in the chosen literary genre, it is proposed to compose a short literary work. (Teams complete the task. The captain reads out a literary work). If the teams are proficient in the selected genres, then they are given the task of composing works based on the painting. (Teams compose literary works. Team captains read out the works, and team members evaluate their own work, then evaluate the work of their opponents.)

The results of working with the picture for each team are summed up. The best is awarded.

At the end of the seminar session, each team is given a task for the next seminar: to come up with and demonstrate costumes: “Educator in the present”, “Educator in the future”.

Lesson 2. “Fantasy Workshop”

Target: stimulate the creative activity of teachers; develop the ability to work together in extreme conditions and interact effectively during communication.

  1. Display and presentation of homework.
  2. Analysis of homework completion. Peer assessment and self-esteem.
  3. The task with a time limit for each team is to make attributes for dramatizing the proposed fairy tale. Show a dramatization of the proposed fairy tale in a new interpretation.
  4. Discussion of what was seen. Evaluation of comrades, self-esteem.

Materials: colored paper (for each team), glue, scissors, scraps of colored fabric, threads, needles, felt-tip pens, pencils, makeup, watercolor paints, white sheets of paper, Whatman paper, rubber bands, laces, etc. Tables according to the number of teams. Envelopes (the number is one or two more than the number of teams), which contain the names of the most famous fairy tales in the program (“Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Zaykina’s Hut”, etc.).

Progress of the lesson

Display and presentation of homework for each team (costumes “Teacher in the present” and “Teacher in the future”). After presenting their costumes, the teams analyze and evaluate each other.

The presenter lays out envelopes with the names of fairy tales, and the team captains pull out the envelope and read the name of the fairy tale out loud.

The presenter gives the task: “Within 20 minutes, the teams will make attributes for staging the proposed fairy tale and stage it in a new interpretation. (On a separate table there are various materials for making attributes. Team members come up and select what they need.)

Teams perform dramatizations of selected fairy tales. Next, the presenter and the teams discuss what they saw and evaluate the result.

At the end of the seminar lesson, the presenter proposes changing the composition of the teams for conducting the pedagogical KVN “Creativity plus Fine Arts”. (If the teams agree, a new division into teams occurs.)

Preparing for the next lesson:

  1. Homework for teams: come up with a team name, come up with an advertisement for your team.
  2. Choose team captains.

Lesson 3. KVN “creativity plus fine art”

Target: stimulate the creative activity of teachers when conducting KVN; develop a creative approach when solving pedagogical situations; develop the ability to act together, skillfully and accurately distribute the functions of participants to achieve the desired result. Consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in previous seminars.

  1. Jury presentation.
  2. Greetings from the teams.
  3. Presentation of teams.
  4. Jury assessment.
  5. Warm-up “What would that mean?”
  6. Jury assessment.
  7. Captains' competition "Creative story based on a picture."
  8. Jury assessment.
  9. Team competition. Creative drawing on a given topic.
  10. Jury assessment.
  11. Summing up the jury's results.
  12. Winner's reward ceremony.

Materials: sketches (illustrations) for the competition “What would this mean?”, reproduction of an artistic painting for the captains’ competition, whatman paper (according to the number of teams) for the competition, tablets with numbers up to 6 for each jury member.

Preparatory work: team draw.

Progress of the lesson

The presenter introduces the jury and invites them to take places of honor. The “Welcoming Teams” competition and the maximum score for this competition are announced. Presentation of teams. After the end of the competition, the presenter gives the floor to the jury. Each team is evaluated.

The presenter announces the next competition - warm-up “What would this mean?” The teams are shown compositions of toys, drawn strange objects, symbols, half-drawn objects - after ten seconds, each team answers the question: “What does this mean?” After the warm-up is over, the jury gives marks and names the overall score.

The presenter announces a captain competition. The captains are shown a picture from the “We Play” series and are asked to write a creative story based on it. The time given is 10 minutes. The captains leave the room. At this time, the teams play the “Desert Island” game.

(Imagine that you are sailing on a ship. The ship is in distress, near the crash site there are two small uninhabited islands (two unfolded newspapers). Dangerous sharks are swimming around in the sea (on the floor). You can swim around the island, but as soon as you hear the command “dangerous”, then the whole team must gather on the island so that their feet do not touch the water. The one who touches the floor after the command is considered to be eaten by a shark and leaves the game. But there is another warning that the island is always reduced by half. the team that retains the maximum number of crew members is awarded 1 point.

After the game “Desert Island” and the captain competition, the jury evaluates and tallies the overall score.

Next, the presenter announces a team competition - creative drawing on a given topic. Teams are given sheets of whatman paper, paints, pencils, and felt-tip pens. The presenter offers to draw a picture in 3 minutes and defend your work in front of the jury. After the end of the competition, the jury evaluates the teams' work and assigns marks.

The overall result is summed up. The winning team is awarded.