The concept of nation ethnicity refers. Factors in the development of nations

The essence of the concept people lies in spontaneous ethnic processes that do not always depend on the consciousness and will of people. Nation It is closely connected with national movements that have a specific program, with the activities of a group of individuals aimed at achieving certain goals (most often political). The nation in this case acts as a social (political) force that must be taken into account.

A people is a collection of people whose community is based on a single blood origin, special traditions and customs, and way of life. The nation is based on common market and economic ties and follows the same civil laws. Common language, common culture – heritage people, and the common territory and unity of economic life are closer to the concept nation. A nation manifests itself through a system of public institutions, in particular through the state.

What are the similarities and differences between a nation and a nationality?

Nation and nationality have similarities in only one thing - both of these categories denote large (great in number) communities of people who, as a rule, live in the same territory. They seem to denote many people who have a lot in common - language, culture, history, name (self-name). “People” also refers to these concepts. All of these are “related”, “similar” people, and this is the similarity of these concepts.

As a rule, peoples and nationalities were formed a long time ago. It is believed that at first there were tribes (nationalities), which later grew into larger social formations - peoples. It turns out that the people unite several nationalities and integrate them into a new human community.

What is the difference between nation, nationality and ethnicity

In Western terminology, “nationality” is citizenship. If they say “French nation”, this means belonging to France as a state. In the West, ethnicity is distinguished from nationality. There are also Arabs within the French nation; they will be French by citizenship.

And in Russia there is a previous tradition where nationality meant ethnicity and citizenship, and even in census materials there was a question about nationality. Now there is an attempt to move to Western terminology, and when the concept of “Russian nation” is introduced, this means belonging to the country and Russian citizenship.

Difference between people and nation

Combating stereotypes with prohibitive measures can be dangerous. For example, the former dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at St. Petersburg State University, scientist Yuri Solonin, translated a lot and commented on the works of the German nationalist Ernst Junger, who had a difficult and complex relationship with Hitlerism. He and many outstanding minds of the German people subsequently made a sharp break with Nazism because they did not accept anti-Semitism. Ernst Jünger fought against stereotypes, and he was their source. The Germans had a stereotype that Jews were robbing their nation, hindering the development of the German people.

– I’m just talking about the Russian nation, without using the word “people”. In my opinion, the term “people” is somewhat ambiguous in political terms. In general, in the Constitution I would replace the phrase “we are a multinational people” with “we are the Russian nation.” This would introduce specificity and remove ambiguity. I would call the Day of National Unity the Day of the Russian Nation, which would also give it a clear political meaning.

How a nation differs from a people: features and differences of concepts

Let us consider the concepts of “nation” and “people” more specifically. Today there is no single understanding of the term “nation”.
But in the sciences that deal with the development of human society, two main formulations of the word “nation” are accepted.
The first says that this is a community of people who it worked out historically based on the unity of land, economy, politics, language, culture and mentality. All this together is expressed in a single civic identity.

It should be noted that the Constitution of the Russian Federation begins with words that reflect the essence of the life principles of Russians: “We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation...”. And in Chapter 1 of the “Fundamentals of the Constitutional System,” Article 3 explains that “the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people».

Fundamental differences between people and nations

Imagine a world where writing does not exist. If there is no writing, then there are no countries that rely on writing. And if there are no such countries, then there are no nations. A nation can only exist in conditions if there is a country based on writing (and with this - passports and other documents that determine a person’s nationality). But the nationality not only exists in the absence of writing, but it is precisely in such conditions that it is reborn. After all, there is always a need to establish a person’s membership in one group or another. And nationality is established by external signs - language, appearance, belonging to a particular family, etc.

It might seem that in modern circumstances, when writing dominates, the role of the people is diminishing. But this is far from true. There are many examples when countries cease to exist, and with this, nations. For example, there is no longer such a nation as the Yugoslavs. Or there is no such nation as the Czechoslovakians. In the Soviet Union, Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians ceased to be nations, they became, as before, nationalities. This can still be felt in the Baltic states. Latvians or Estonians are precisely a nationality, not a nation. This is a big difference from Finland, where Finns are not strictly a people, but there is also a nation, which also refers to Swedish-speaking local people, etc.

What is the difference between nationality and nationality

People in a nation should, ideally, feel “unified.” This unity consists of a common history, race, language, culture and religion. People must also “feel” like a nation, otherwise they are “just” people and not a nation. People who become a nation experience a national awakening.

can define “the state as a unique political community with its own set of rules and practices, more or less separated from other communities. For specific IR [International Relations] purposes, "state" refers to a modern sovereign state that has "legal personality" and is recognized as having certain rights and responsibilities. [. ]

Lesson plan for social studies (8th grade) on the topic: Lesson outline for social studies 8th grade - Ethnicity: nations and nationalities

  1. Know what “ethnicity” is and what characterizes various stable intergenerational communities of people;
  2. Be able to analyze various ethnic-forming factors, illustrating your positions with specific historical facts;
  3. Determine the similarities and differences between nations and nationalities;
  4. Be able to competently analyze the traditions and customs of different peoples and respect their culture and life.
  1. Motivation for activity. Ensuring students' interest in studying this topic by involving them in active activities in the lesson.
  2. What are "Ethnicities"? Let's get acquainted with the concept.
  3. Factors influencing the formation of ethnic groups and their role in the development of societies.
  4. Nationalities and nations.

Populists and nationalists

Remaining only a people, it is difficult to see in another people something close to you in spirit and mentality. Therefore, the expression “friendship of peoples” is not entirely correct. It is not nations that are friends, but people representing different nations who identify themselves not only by blood and biological kinship. Ethnic groups in which the individual has not yet separated from the collective, having structural similarities, as a rule, lack the gift of communication, are more likely to see in other ethnic groups, if not an enemy, then a stranger (this, it seems to us, is the source of all interethnic conflicts). And only nations formed by the free individual choice of its members acquire the ability to communicate with other nations and exchange their discoveries and inventions with each other. Peoples, when their interests collide, prefer to solve their problems by force, while nations prefer to negotiate and conclude agreements.

A thin line separates the concept “ nation" (a word of Latin origin that does not have a Russian translation) from the concept " people" It is recorded in all European dictionaries, but is often not taken into account in Russian word usage. Both concepts come extremely close in our speech and consciousness, indicating that, while undoubtedly being a people (and even a great people), Russians do not always and not in their entire mass recognize themselves as one nation. Until now, in our calls and appeals we appeal not so much to the nation as to the people (the authorities and the people, the intelligentsia and the people), apparently believing that it is enough to be a people to consider ourselves a nation. We oppose ourselves to the established European nations as not a nation, but a people, thereby blocking the path to any kind of mutual understanding and communication.

To the concepts of “ethnicity” and “nation”

The human desire for social integration requires a certain mechanism of consistency in the form of certain cultural institutions shared by representatives of all structural segments of society. It is a single culture that, as a result, determines the boundaries of a social community, while simultaneously forming among its individuals ideas about unity on the basis of common cultural characteristics. Such integrative mechanisms are characteristic of all known types of ethnocultural formations: tribe, ethnic group and nation.

Thus, the emergence of nations is due to a fairly high industrial and cultural level of development of society, education of the people, the development of the media and communications, the training of qualified personnel, and the pace of formation of the national elite. Only under such circumstances does the maturation of an ethnic community into a nation become a necessary condition for the further progress of society.

05 Jul 2018 942


There are several main approaches to defining ethnicity: primordialist, constructivist, instrumentalist and essentialist. What approach do you take? How is it practically more useful than others, especially for the Russian state?

These are purely scientific definitions that are conditional in nature and do not have fundamental significance for real social practice and politics. The same explanatory model contains elements of all these approaches, just as the phenomenon of ethnicity itself contains different factors or components. The primordial approach gives the ethnic substance or feeling an initial meaning in comparison with other aspects of human existence, and the ethnic community itself and belonging to it have an innate character and even a biological (ethnogenetic) basis.

According to primordialists, there have always been ethnic groups, and it is they who constitute the basic units into which all of humanity is divided. They are the creators of culture, statehood, and determine social and political relations, including conflicts. This is the essence of this approach, which became widespread in late Soviet times, especially in the works of Yu. V. Bromley and L. N. Gumilev. In world science, this approach has not received recognition and dissemination, as well as the term “ethnos” itself, which is almost unknown to scientists and politicians and is very rarely used by anyone.

Another approach draws attention to the importance of the purposeful activities of people, primarily politicians and intellectuals, in the creation of both the cultural complexes and traditions of ethnic groups (peoples), and in the formation of a sense of belonging to a particular community and group solidarity. The theory of the social construction of reality has dominated world social science for the last 30-40 years. Its supporters pay more attention to the phenomenon of ethnic identity as one of the forms of collective self-awareness, which is fluid and complex.

The very concept of construction does not mean voluntaristic improvisation, and for the formation and support of one or another identity, that is, ethnic self-awareness, cultural realities are needed, including those with deep historical, socio-psychological and other roots. Constructivism is associated with an explanation of ethnicity from the point of view of its use as a tool for human mobilizations, to ensure the solidarity of people, to achieve power and access to resources.

In my research I use an integrative approach that combines different approaches, but does not absolutize any of them. To explain Russian and more broadly post-Soviet reality, this view is the most optimal. We have everything: the deep historical roots of virtually all Russian nationalities, and giving the ethnic factor fundamental importance right down to the state administrative structure, and the popularity in the broad consciousness of the very categories of “friendship of peoples”, their “centuries-old union”, as well as the innate nature of the nationality, which is determined by one of the parents. But at the same time, we have the most obvious manipulations and large political projects with the construction of an ethnic nomenclature, the formation of socialist nations from the once existing tribal diversity, experiments with the suppression and sponsorship of ethnicity.

In our time, other forms of identity come to the fore (civil in the homeland, professional and others), and modern man is the bearer of several cultural traditions, including knowledge of languages. The number of descendants of mixed marriages who themselves choose and instrumentally use one or another ethnic (national) affiliation is increasing. Political, intellectual and media prescriptions regarding who these or those human communities are and what they should be called are of great importance.

- What is the difference between a nation and an ethnic group?

In Russian science and politics, an ethnos refers to communities of people that exist on the basis of cultural similarity, common history, language, group self-designation and other characteristics. In world science and politics there are similar terms “ethnic groups”, “minorities”, “aboriginal peoples”, but they are not used in relation to the main population of countries. There are similar terms "peoples" and "nationalities", but they are also used to designate communities within the state. The term “ethnos” is not used in Russian legal and everyday language, and now it is used less and less by scientists, although Gumilyov’s works retain their popularity among the general public.

As for the nation, this fundamental and long-standing concept has changed its meaning and today is used in two ways. The most common and legitimate understanding is co-citizenship under one sovereign authority, which is united by people's loyalty to their country (state), common history, culture and identity. Almost all nations have a complex ethnic and religious composition and varying degrees of consolidation and maturity of national institutions.

The Spaniards include both Castilians and Catalans, Basques, Galicians and other historical-regional communities. The British nation includes both the English and the Scots, the Northern Irish and others. Together with Russians, the Russians include representatives of more than a hundred nationalities. There are over 300 different ethnic groups within the Indian and Indonesian nations. There are 56 officially recognized nationalities within the Chinese nation. In the Russian Federation, relatively recently, the Russian people (Russians) began to be called a civil nation, although the term “national” itself has been used in the general civil sense for a long time and widely (health of the nation, national legislation, budget, GDP, sports teams, etc.).

The second meaning of the concept - “nation” has also been used for quite a long time (especially in Eastern Europe) in relation to ethnic communities (ethnic groups), and in the USSR, nation and national generally meant only an ethnic, and not a national, meaning. The use of the term “nation” in the ethnic sense continues today (Russian, Tatar, Chechen, Chuvash and other nations). Some historical regional communities fighting for separate status or statehood, as well as aboriginal peoples of the world as part of multi-ethnic states, put the same meaning into their self-designation as nations.

Some countries do not allow the dual use of the term "nation" (for example, China and Spain), but in most countries of the world, nations are understood as both civil communities and ethnic ones. The latest version of the double use of the word is spreading in the Russian Federation.

- In your opinion, what is the future of the North Caucasus?

The future of the North Caucasus is the future of all of Russia, which is very difficult to predict, although the general trend in recent years is rather positive, especially in terms of the social prosperity of the population and ethnocultural development. Ethno-territorial autonomies for the North Caucasian peoples must be preserved, just as the borders between the subjects of the federation must be preserved. There are great political and emotional meanings embedded in the current republican statuses and territories, and it is impossible to take all this back.

The future lies in improving governance through economic development, reducing corruption, and ensuring legal equality for citizens regardless of nationality. The division into titular and non-titular should lose its meaning in civil life and in government. The North Caucasian peoples will preserve some distinctive traditions, languages, religions, and this side of their life requires recognition and support from the state.

There is still no clarity with the so-called non-titular, primarily Russian, population of the region, which is declining in number and is experiencing inconvenience in the face of the growing influence and demographic weight of the North Caucasians. The presence of Russians is a condition for modernization, civil and interethnic stability. If this presence and influence continues to decline, then inter-ethnic and inter-republican tensions between the North Caucasian peoples themselves will worsen. If, through special measures of the state and a change in position on the part of the North Caucasians themselves, it is possible to maintain and even increase the share of Russians and other “non-titular” people in the population of the republics and the region as a whole, then it has a good future.

The North Caucasus has many sufficient resources, both natural and human, but the political situation and local nationalisms have so far prevented the accelerated development and prosperity of this part of Russia. The external influence on the region from Russia’s geopolitical rivals and foreign diasporas also has a negative impact. This influence must be limited or turned in a positive direction.

- And one more question about the future: how long will it take for Russian citizens to begin to understand themselves as a civil nation?

There is not a single large nation in the world that does not include dissidents, separatists and other radicals who reject the common socio-political space of a single country. It is important that the majority of the population recognize their Russian citizenship through obtaining passports and fulfilling civic duties. It is important that the majority of the population can delegate their original sovereignty to the legitimate government through democratic procedures. It is important that the majority recognize Russia as their homeland and have and demonstrate a sense of belonging to their country. It is desirable that this involvement be expressed in a feeling of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Finally, the most important thing is that the majority of citizens answer the question “Who are we?” answered: “First of all, I am Russian.” Sociological surveys in recent years show that Russian identity has come to the forefront compared to other forms of collective identity - on average in Russia it is more than 60 percent. All this means that Russian identity is a reality, and therefore the Russian nation itself is a reality. If someone is uncomfortable calling the Russian people a nation, there is nothing wrong with that - let them continue to use an adjective without a noun (as if there is a nationality, but without a nation). The main thing is the recognition of the Russian people (Russians) themselves as a historical, cultural and state-political integrity.

Text: Arthur Vafin

Often, when talking about a people, we use the word “nation”. Along with it, there is a similar concept of “ethnicity”, which rather belongs to the category of special terms. Let's try to identify the main differences between them.

What is a nation and ethnicity

Nation– spiritual, cultural-political and socio-economic community of the industrial era.
Ethnicity – a group of people with common objective or subjective characteristics.

Difference between nation and ethnicity

There are two main approaches to understanding the nation. In the first case, it represents a political community of citizens of a state, in the second, an ethnic community with a common identity and language. Ethnicity is a group of people with common characteristics, which include origin, culture, language, identity, territory of residence, etc.
A nation, in contrast to an ethnos, has a broader concept and is also considered a more complex and later formation. This is the highest form of ethnic group, which replaced the nationality. If the existence of ethnic groups can be traced throughout world history, then the period of formation of nations was the New and even Contemporary time. A nation, as a rule, includes several ethnic groups brought together by historical fate. For example, the Russian, French, and Swiss nations are multi-ethnic, while Americans do not have a clearly defined ethnicity at all.
According to numerous researchers, the origin of the concepts “nation” and “ethnicity” has a different nature. If an ethnos is characterized by stability and repeatability of cultural patterns, then the process of self-awareness through the combination of new and traditional elements is important for a nation. Thus, the main value of an ethnos is belonging to a stable group, while the nation strives to reach a new level of development. determined that the difference between a nation and an ethnic group is as follows:

A nation is the highest form of ethnos, replacing a nationality.
If the existence of ethnic groups can be traced throughout world history, then the period of formation of nations was the New and even Contemporary time.
A nation, as a rule, includes several ethnic groups brought together by historical fate.
The main value of an ethnic group is belonging to a stable group, while the nation strives to reach a new level of development.

Family is what surrounds every person from the moment of birth. Having matured a little, the child learns about such concepts as nationality, nation. Over time, he begins to understand what clan and nation he belongs to, and gets acquainted with their culture. However, often both children and adults experience confusion between such similar terms as nationality, nation, ethnic group, tribe, clan. Although they are often considered synonymous, they have different meanings.

The meaning of the concept "ethnicity"

The word “ethnos” itself translated from Greek means “people”. Previously, this term meant a community of people united by blood.

Today the concept of ethnicity has become much broader.

Now ethnic groups are distinguished not only by kinship, but also by common territory of residence, language, culture and other factors.

Main types of ethnic groups

Clans, families, tribes, nationalities, nations are types of ethnic groups. At the same time, they are also stages in the historical evolution of an ethnos.

According to the hierarchy of ethnic groups, there are six types:

  • family;
  • clan;
  • tribe;
  • nationality;
  • nation.

All of them existed in a certain historical period, but later changed under the influence of external and internal factors. At the same time, such types as clan, clan and tribe in a civilized society have long disappeared or remained as a tradition. In some places on the planet they still exist.

Most scientists believe that the most important stages in the development of an ethnic group are the tribe, nationality, and nation. This is due to the fact that these ethnic groups no longer depended on consanguinity; their commonality was based on cultural and economic grounds.

It is worth noting that sometimes modern scientists identify a seventh type of ethnos - an interethnic nation of citizens. It is believed that modern society is gradually moving towards this stage.

Family, clan and clan

The smallest ethnic community is the family (an association of people connected by blood ties). It is noteworthy that before the formation of such a social institution as the family, group marriage was common. In it, the relationship was traced from the mother, since it was almost impossible to establish who the father of a particular child was. did not last long, as incest and, as a consequence, degeneration became frequent.

To avoid this, over time, an ethnic community - a clan - was formed. The clans were formed on the basis of several families entering into a kinship union with each other. For a long time, the tribal way of life was the most common. However, with the increase in the number of representatives of the clan, the danger of incest arose again, and “fresh” blood was required.

Clans began to form on the basis of clans. As a rule, they bore the name of either a famous founding ancestor or one revered as a patron and protector. Clans, as a rule, owned land, passed on by inheritance. Today, the clan system has been preserved as a tradition in Japan, Scotland and among some Indian tribes in South and North America.

By the way, the concept of “blood feud” became widespread precisely during the existence of this


The above types of ethnic groups are quite small in the number of their representatives and were based on family ties. At the same time, a tribe, a nationality, a nation are larger and more developed ethnic groups.

Over time, ethnic groups based on blood kinship began to evolve into tribes. The tribe already included several clans and clans, so not all its members were relatives. In addition, with the development of tribes, society began to gradually divide into classes. Compared to clans and clans, tribes were very numerous.

Most often, tribes were united by the need to protect their territories from strangers, although over time they began to develop their own beliefs, traditions, and language.

In civilized society, tribes have long ceased to exist, but in many less developed cultures today they play a major role (in Africa, Australia and Polynesia, on some tropical islands).


At the next stage of evolution, which the ethnos (tribe, nationality, nation) underwent, states appeared. This was due to the fact that the number of members of the tribe was growing, in addition, the arrangement of this type of ethnic group was improving over the years. Closer to the period of the slave system, such a concept as nationality appeared.

Nationalities arose primarily not because of family ties or the need to protect their lands, but on the basis of an established culture, laws (appeared instead of tribal customs), and economic communities. In other words, a nationality differed from tribes in that it not only existed permanently on any territory, but could also create its own state.

Nation and nationality

The formation of a nation has become the next and most advanced stage in the evolution of an ethnos (tribe, nationality).

A nation is not just a grouping of people according to a common territory of residence, language of communication and culture, but also according to similar psychological characteristics and historical memory. A nation differs from a nationality in that its representatives were able to create a society with a developed economy, a system of trade relations, private property, law,

The concept of “nation” is associated with the emergence of nationality - belonging to or a state.

Throughout history, most nations have gone through all stages of the evolution of an ethnic group: family, clan, clan, tribe, nationality, nation. This contributed to the emergence of nations and countries known to everyone today.

It is noteworthy that, according to the ideology of fascism, there was a chosen nation, called upon to destroy all others over time. But, as practice has shown throughout history, any ethnic group degenerated without interaction with others. Therefore, if only purebred Aryans remained, then after a few generations the majority of representatives of this nation would suffer from numerous hereditary diseases.

There are ethnic groups that do not develop according to the general pattern (family, clan, tribe, nationality, nation) - the people of Israel, for example. So, despite the fact that the Jews called themselves a people, according to their structure they were a typical clan (common ancestor Abraham, blood relationship between all members). But at the same time, in just a few generations they managed to acquire the signs of a nation with a clear system of legal and economic relationships, and a little later they formed a state. However, at the same time, they retained a clear clan system, which in rare cases allowed family ties with other nationalities. It is interesting that if Christianity had not arisen, dividing the Jews into two opposing camps, and also if their state had been destroyed and the people themselves had scattered, the Jews would have faced degeneration.

Today people live in a society made up of nations. Belonging to one of them determines not only a person’s thinking and consciousness, but also his standard of living. It is interesting that the most developed countries today are multinational, so the likelihood of an interethnic nation of citizens emerging is very high.

Often, when talking about a people, we use the word “nation”. Along with it, there is a similar concept of “ethnicity”, which rather belongs to the category of special terms. Let's try to identify the main differences between them.


Nation– spiritual, cultural-political and socio-economic community of the industrial era.

Ethnos– a group of people with common objective or subjective characteristics.


There are two main approaches to understanding the nation. In the first case, it represents a political community of citizens of a state, in the second, an ethnic community with a common identity and language. Ethnicity is a group of people with common characteristics, which include origin, culture, language, identity, territory of residence, etc.

A nation, in contrast to an ethnos, has a broader concept and is also considered a more complex and later formation. This is the highest form of ethnic group, which replaced the nationality. If the existence of ethnic groups can be traced throughout world history, then the period of formation of nations was the New and even Contemporary time. A nation, as a rule, includes several ethnic groups brought together by historical fate. For example, the Russian, French, and Swiss nations are multi-ethnic, while Americans do not have a clearly defined ethnicity at all.

According to numerous researchers, the origin of the concepts “nation” and “ethnicity” has a different nature. If an ethnos is characterized by stability and repeatability of cultural patterns, then the process of self-awareness through the combination of new and traditional elements is important for a nation. Thus, the main value of an ethnos is belonging to a stable group, while the nation strives to reach a new level of development.

Conclusions website

  1. A nation is the highest form of ethnos, replacing a nationality.
  2. If the existence of ethnic groups can be traced throughout world history, then the period of formation of nations was the New and even Contemporary time.
  3. A nation, as a rule, includes several ethnic groups brought together by historical fate.
  4. The main value of an ethnic group is belonging to a stable group, while the nation strives to reach a new level of development.